Date A Live

Chapter 45

Epilogue - After the Festival

"Itsuka s.h.i.+dou-sama

On the third day of the Tenou Festival, 2:50 in the afternoon, please come to the lounge at the backstage of the central stage.

There"s something I want to talk to you about in private. If you don"t come I"ll get angry!

Yours sincerely, Miku"

… And so, this letter which was clearly in a tone completely different from before (and with a kiss print to boot) was sent to s.h.i.+dou, the evening after the incident with DEM Industries.

"Doing all that… just what"

s.h.i.+dou read the note in his hand once more, scratching the back of his head.

September 25, Monday. Tenou Festival Day 3 — the third day after the battle with DEM Industries" j.a.panese branch.

After receiving a whole day of thorough examinations on the , s.h.i.+dou arrived at the Tenguu Square in the Tenou Festival grounds.

Compared to the first day, there were noticeably much fewer people. Of course, Tenou Festival Day 3, supposedly only for the students of the ten schools to partic.i.p.ate in, was also the so-called after-night festival.

—In the end, the mysterious huge riot that occurred in Tenguu Square, was determined to be caused by special hallucinogens spread in a terrorist attack.

Although s.h.i.+dou felt that this was too reckless, Miku"s followers who had suddenly awakened yesterday morning, could not remember a thing about being manipulated, and didn"t go and investigate the truth either. However illogical the matter was they had to accept it as truth. That no one died in the commotion was already a fortune out of a misfortune.

The damage done to DEM Industries" j.a.pan branch, was also changed to be due to a particular s.p.a.cequake. Although surveillance cameras still preserved images of some sort, they wouldn"t deliberately showcase the battles between Spirits and Wizards in front of the public.

Kurumi who had helped s.h.i.+dou, had left before he knew it. He thought she would come to ask him for a request… but since then, she didn"t appear in front of s.h.i.+dou again.

He moved around the festival area, walking slowly.

Due to the disturbance, the second day of the Tenou Festival had to be abruptly stopped, and whether the third day could go on was also lurched in precariousness… in the end because of the students" enthusiasm and covert a.s.sistance, it was finally able to safely proceed.

And from the looks of it, the programs on the second day that were halted would be held again tomorrow… that being the case the schedule changed to having the after-night festival being followed by the cultural festival, but the students didn"t seem to mind.

"Kuku… s.h.i.+dou. You"ve already fully recovered? Fuu — as expected of the man I fancy"

"Question. Tohka still can"t come?"

Pa.s.sing by the maid café, Kaguya and Yuzuru wearing maid costumes asked s.h.i.+dou.

"Yeah, looks like the examinations are still incomplete. I"ll have to buy her a gift"

"Hmm… I see — then, s.h.i.+dou, why are you dressed like a boy today?"

"Coherence. Yuzuru is also curious. What happened to s.h.i.+ori?"

"Dressed like a boy… I"m a guy to begin with!"

s.h.i.+dou scowled as he cried out loud, while the Yamai sisters happily laughed.

I"ll come back he said, and waving back, s.h.i.+dou left the maid café.

That"s right. Today s.h.i.+dou, has something that he must do.

Pa.s.sing through the booth, he walked towards the central stage. When he opened the door, he heard cheerful tunes and deafening cheers.

Standing on the stage was Miku. Wearing her Astral Dress, singing with her captivating "voice". That everyone was going wild as a result was only natural.

After her performance ended, Miku"s shoulders slightly undulated, as she thanked the audience. At that the hall burst into thunderous applause.

"Thank you very much, everyone! Really—"

After that, Miku left the stage. The audience clapped again, shouting Miku"s name.

Pa.s.sing through so many people to get to the lounge would be difficult. s.h.i.+dou left the stage, and entered by the staff-only pa.s.sageway.

Then standing in front of the door to the lounge, he knocked on the door.

"Yes, come in–"

From inside came this reply. s.h.i.+dou steadied his breathing and opened the door.

In the lounge, Miku was alone sitting on a chair. A bottle of sports drink was placed next to her, and around her neck hung a towel.

After the DEM incident, even when Miku regained her "voice", she never put up any form of resistance, and obediently followed the instructions of the personnel who came to deal with the aftermath of the situation.

As s.h.i.+dou was not present and thus unable to seal Miku"s powers, couldn"t do anything aside from monitoring her… but during this time, they didn"t find any unstable behavior from Miku. Not only that, she even wrote a letter and asked them to deliver it to s.h.i.+dou. Just what change did Miku"s mind undergo. It was as if a demon possessing her had been exorcised and she became a completely different person.


"! You came, dar–ling–!"

Miku said with an energetic voice, as she jumped out of the chair, and suddenly hugged s.h.i.+dou.

"D, darling…!?"

This sudden behaviour took s.h.i.+dou aback. He couldn"t help but look at Miku"s childlike carefree smile.

"You… what"s going on. I thought you hated men…"

"Ufufu, darling is special. You"re even my saviour"

As she said that, she brought her body even closer. Miku"s buxom chest pressed against him.


s.h.i.+dou"s shoulder shuddered. Then he understood. From Miku"s face came an amused smile. …As if, it was like her response to his s.h.i.+ori-chan persona.

Indeed, after the time with DEM Miku"s mental state was extremely stable — In addition, it was even said that her affection level towards s.h.i.+dou had risen sharply… who would have thought that it would be this extreme.

Although he already had this feeling before, sure enough, her character, or rather, her values were like a child"s. A thing that she originally really hated, due to a trigger she would become very fond of it. To her, that switch would be the DEM incident.

s.h.i.+dou gave a wry smile. Thinking of the letter, he asked.

"Then… Miku. You said you wanted to talk, what did you want to talk about?"

"Aaah, right"

Miku nodded her head as if thinking of something.

Without any unnecessary actions, facing s.h.i.+dou—

She tiptoed, and kissed s.h.i.+dou.


It was so sudden, that s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide and was at a loss. However, Miku silently hugged s.h.i.+dou"s body, with no intention of parting lips.



As the two kissed, s.h.i.+dou felt something warm flow into his body—

At the same time, the Astral Dress Miku was wearing, also disintegrated into light particles and melted into the air.

"Wah… ah!"

She must have noticed this point, because Miku finally let go of s.h.i.+dou"s lips.

"How come you"re so impatient… d, darling is really perverted…"

"N, no! I"m not…"

"Ufufu, just kidding — from Yos.h.i.+no and the others, I, know everything"

As she said that, Miku tightly clung to s.h.i.+dou"s body, as she smiled.


s.h.i.+dou frowned. What she heard from Yos.h.i.+no and the others — yes, it must be, the method to seal a Spirit"s power.

In other words Miku, knowing that her own power would be sealed, still kissed s.h.i.+dou.

"Miku, you…"

Miku who was afraid of losing her "voice", why would she do that.

Listening to s.h.i.+dou speaking with a nerd-like tone, Miku lightly opened her mouth.

"Because that time… you and I made a promise"

"That time?"

"Yes– ...if I lost my "voice", even if others didn"t want me anymore, s.h.i.+dou-san would still be my fan. That — it wasn"t a lie was it?" (TL note: Yes, no "darling" here. I was surprised too)


In the DEM j.a.pan branch building, s.h.i.+dou did say such a thing. He nodded.

"Of course"

Staring into Miku"s eyes, s.h.i.+dou replied firmly.

This was neither a joke nor a scripted response. Even for s.h.i.+dou who normally had no interest in idol singers or whatnot, he would still be touched by Miku"s singing.

Then Miku looked at s.h.i.+dou, revealing a carefree smile.

"… You, kept our promise. If it"s you, there"s no problem. Only you… I can trust"

Her hands hugging s.h.i.+dou with even more force, Miku continued.

"Even if I lose my "voice". Even if everyone else doesn"t turn up to hear me sing — as long as you"re there, then, that"s enough. If it comes to that… I will sing, just for you"


s.h.i.+dou pursed his lips and opened his hands intending to return Miku"s hug.

However, just before he was about to hug Miku.

The lounge door opened, and a girl wearing the Rindouji school uniform walked in.

"Miku-san, the audience is strongly demanding for another song, there"s no way we can carry on with the next event! Sing another song — eh, eh…!?"

The girl held still her door opening action there and then.

And no wonder. A popular idol with her clothes stripped off, (looking as if she"s) about to be violated by an unknown man.

"S, someone help! Someone h.e.l.llllppppp!"

"Hey…! Wait! This is a misunderstanding!"

s.h.i.+dou hurriedly turned towards the girl, who in her confused state turned her gaze, and then ran away.

Miku looking at s.h.i.+dou rooted to his spot, finally couldn"t help but laugh.

"Ahaha, isn"t it better for you to run away quickly? Won"t you get caught at this rate?"

"You, it"s not funny is it…"

Hearing s.h.i.+dou"s words, Miku laughed again, before lifting her face.

"… But, that child, just now requested for another song"

"Eh? Ah… yes"

"Then, I can"t not go. As for the clothes… right, I"ll borrow some from the maid café — will you come and watch? Darling"

Miku asked. Her eyes were filled with anxiety — as well as that which surpa.s.sed said anxiety, a radiance filled with a strong will.


s.h.i.+dou nodded firmly.

—On the stage, shone the light from the spotlight.

Right now, the venue which was filled with voices that kept demanding for another song was rendered silent by a shout…

"W–ell, everyone. We meet again–"

Wearing a maid costume Miku again took the stage, and the hall once again rang with cheers.

s.h.i.+dou was among the audience watching Miku.

Having fled from the lounge before anyone showed up, s.h.i.+dou went by the entrance of the stage to get to the hall, where he waited for Miku to make her appearance.

"Thank you for requesting for another song — however you can"t do that, you"re going to trouble the operating staff"

Miku said while pretending to be slightly angry, and the venue filled with replies of "Sor–ry".

"However, I"m also very happy–. —And so, today, I"ll specially sing a song that I feel is the most important to me"

After that, Miku started drumming her fingers.

And then, from the stage played a cheerful tune.

Needless to say, the venue was drowned by the cheers, but at the same time, the loud music also clearly flowed into their ears.

"This is…"

s.h.i.+dou said, watching Miku.

The song that Miku, who had suffered from aphonia, had been about to sing on the stage.

"————! "

Miku quickly started singing, that song that she had not sung for a long time.

In that song, there was no longer any captivating power. The audience also felt that there was a difference between Miku"s usual "voice" and this, and they started having doubts.

However — as the song played, the audience also started getting as wild as they were at the concert two days ago.

Moreover, it was in no way inferior to the frenzy they had when they kept requesting for another song.

—Finally, the song ended, and the stage was surrounded by applause and cheers.


Watching the venue filled with cheers, Miku clenched the microphone, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Everyone… thank you, very much…"

You could hear the constant noise from the audience in the gallery, as well as Miku"s voice which was full of energy. However––

"Thank you… very much, darling… I love you!"

Hearing their idol suddenly saying words with such a deep meaning, the venue suddenly filled with commotion… s.h.i.+dou with sweat forming on his face, quickly left.

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