Date A Live

Chapter 4:High riskSuspect DesignationPart 1

Chapter 4:High riskSuspect DesignationPart 1



While sitting beside each other on the park bench, s.h.i.+dou and Kotori were silently gazing at the fountain.

No, in correct words, it’s not like they were gazing. The fountain was just in front of them that’s all. s.h.i.+dou was pressing his elbow on his knees and bending his back while, Kotori was folding her legs together and leaning her body on the back of the chair while, quietly immersed in thoughts.

The time was 11:30am. Maybe it was a weekday; there were only housewives with their children and an old man taking a stroll in the park. Inside them, there was a young man and girl sitting on the bench quietly that stands out, occasionally there would be some wives sending their sights over to them.

But right now, s.h.i.+dou and Kotori have no leisure to bother about such sights.

Although that is something only normal. That’s because------this morning, Yamai Yuzuru has suddenly disappeared.

And, after some time pa.s.sed, Kotori suddenly let out her voice.

“………….hey. Say something………..This is still a date tentatively”

“Ah-aah…………that"s right”

Being told that by Kotori, s.h.i.+dou made a short sigh and pulled his cheeks to pull himself together.

Yes. Right now, although the time was a little late, s.h.i.+dou and Kotori attended the date that was planned originally.--------right now, that was the only thing he could do.


But, even if he tried to say something clever, no words came out immediately.

When he did that, Kotori made a sigh as if she was irritated.

“Feels absent-minded…………well, that isn’t shocking”


After s.h.i.+dou scratched his head, he blew out the irritation and powerlessness lurking in his lungs as a long sigh……………naturally, even if he blew it out, It’s not like any of them cleared out.

s.h.i.+dou made a sullen face while recalling back the image he saw in just now.

Going back in time to 10am. Reine visited the Itsuka house with s.h.i.+dou and Kotori in it.

From what he knew, it seems she knew about the case regarding Yuzuru’s disappearance. But, since it was better not to let Kaguya know about it, Kaguya, and also, Tohka, Yos.h.i.+no will be made to stand-by in one room in the next door mansion.

“So……. Reine-san, where on earth did Yuzuru disappear to?”

When s.h.i.+dou asked, Reine made a small nod before moving her lips.

“……………Lets start talking from the beginning. First from Kaguya’s talk, Yuzuru returning back the mansion room last night was confirmed. There is no mistake there right?”

“Yes. It’s true she said that”

He recalled back the talk he heard from Kaguya just now while agreeing.

It’s true that, Kaguya saw Yuzuru coming back from outside last night. Since she said she was tired, it looks like they did not talk with each other but, she saw her taking her bath and entering her bed.

Which means-------Yuzuru disappeared between the few hours from night to morning.

“……………..Look at this”

After saying that, Reine deployed the terminal on top of the table. When she did that, the image of a room that is thought to be a room in the mansion was displayed.

It was familiar scenery. It was Kaguya and Yuzuru’s bedroom they are living in. There are two beds placed side by side in the back of the room and two-similar looking girls were sleeping.

“Is it okay to take something like this?”

“………….Aah. The Yamai sister’s room isn’t the only one. Inside the room of all the suspects Natsumi might possibly disguise as, has an automated camera launched in it. I thought maybe, she would expose herself in a place where no one was looking”

After Reine said that, she once again operated the terminal. When she did that, the image of the Yamai sister being shown on the screen, started replaying in fast-forward. The clock in the room was spinning round and round and consequently both of their sleeping posture became hectic.

“……………’s almost time”

After saying that, Reine pressed the key near her hands and the fast-forward replay turned back to normal.

Not long later, the needle of the clock pointed at 12am. When that happened---------


“What is it…………”

s.h.i.+dou and Kotori voice piled on top of each other.

The main monitor was showing the Yamai sister’s bedroom. When the center of the room distorted, a broom appeared from the empty s.p.a.ce.


Yes. That’s Natsumi angel he saw a few days ago.

slowly opened its tip and exposed a mirror surfaced interior.

And then, after the mirror s.h.i.+ned.

Sleeping on the bed, Yuzuru’s body made a pale glow and was sucked into the gla.s.s.

“…………….! Yuzuru!?”

Naturally, this happened inside the video. s.h.i.+dou’s shout was useless and Yuzuru’s shadow and shape disappeared.

And like that, which sucked Yuzuru into it slowly closed its tip and dissolved into the empty s.p.a.ce.

“…………….just like what you see”

Reine turned her chair around and faced s.h.i.+dou.

“…………Yuzuru was kidnapped by Natsumi through . Most likely, the real [Someone] Natsumi is disguised as, disappeared the same way”

“I-is Yuzuru alright………!? And the [Someone] Natsumi is disguising as too…………!”

When s.h.i.+dou asked, Reine made a difficult face and looked downwards.

“………………….I want to think they are safe but, I can’t say anything in the current situation”

Reine said in a soft voice. s.h.i.+dou has no idea where to let out his anger and irritation swirling inside his head, and scratched his head violently.

“I, what should I……………!”

“…………..there is only one thing you can do. It is to find Natsumi from the suspects as fast as possible”

“That’s the case”

As if to match up with Reine’s words, Kotori took out the chupa chups she was licking out of her mouth, and looked towards s.h.i.+dou.

“We have no time-------let’s start with my Wardate”

And, while making a sharp look, she said that.

Turning back time in the Tenguu eastern park.

When s.h.i.+dou was recalling back the event that happened in , Kotori sitting beside him stood up on the spot and after walking a few steps, she made an imposing pose as if to separate the fountain with s.h.i.+dou’s sights.



When s.h.i.+dou lifted his face, Kotori launched a sharp chop on the crown of his head.

“Ouch! Wha-what was that for Kotori!”

“Don’t make such a gloomy face. Did you think Yuzuru would come back if you worry?”

“Tha-that kind of………….!”

s.h.i.+dou raised his voice and--------swung his head as if he thought back again.

“…………, it’s just like what you say, Kotori. Now is not the time to be doing this”

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Kotori *Fuun* exhaled while making the rod of the chupa chups she put in her mouth stand up.

“It’s good you understand. Nothing will be concluded if all you do is worry.-------all the more now, since she added her own rule without notifying us. No………….rather than calling it added, the details were revealed, putting that way is more natural I wonder?”

Kotori distorted her eyebrows in detest.

The rule that was revealed. There is no mistake; it is about the phenomenon that happened to Yuzuru last night.

“[Before everyone disappears]……………that last part written on the card, was probably referring to this as expected”

“Should be.------this will be my speculation from now on though……………most likely, one person from the suspects will disappear through each time a day progresses. And, once all 12 suspects disappears except the [Someone] Natsumi is disguised as, Natsumi wins. If s.h.i.+dou finds Natsumi before then, then s.h.i.+dou wins”

Kotori made one finger stand while lining up her thoughts. It’s true that, if the literature on Natsumi’s sent letter was treated the way as it is then, it would be the case.

“……………I wonder if I really can find Natsumi”

“I don’t want to hear your complaints. Now that Yuzuru disappeared, there are 11 suspects left including me. There is only around 10 days left”

“Aah……….that’s true”

s.h.i.+dou made a big nod from Kotori’s words.

After that, for a while------ they became silent again.

When that happened, Kotori let out her voice as if she was irritated.

“………, s.h.i.+dou”

“Hnn? What’s wrong?”

“There is around 30 minutes left until the next schedule though”

“Eh? A-ah………”

When s.h.i.+dou made a vague reply, Kotori distorted her mouth to the shape of a へ character.

“That’s why I am saying if it is okay not to investigate me or not”


When she said that, s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide.

That’s right. He has forgotten about it until now but, the Kotori in front of him right now, might be the fake disguised from Natsumi.

Naturally, s.h.i.+dou does not want to doubt his cute sister who just encouraged him just now. But, by any chance the commander of Kotori was a fake then; the damage would be much more serious compared to anyone else has. For the future, he has to prove Kotori’s innocence right now.

“Let’s see, then, I’ll ask a few questions…………”

“…………over here?”


“………..although it has the t.i.tle of an investigation but, this is still a date, tentatively”

s.h.i.+dou [Ah……..] scratched his cheeks from Kotori’s words.

He remembered the conversation he had with Reine and Kotori last night.

That’s right. He was at wit’s end because of the strange situation of Yuzuru disappearing but, this was a date. Just because Kotori understands the situation, there is no way he can end it with just practical questions.

After s.h.i.+dou made a small sigh, he stood up from the bench and extended his hand to Kotori.

“--------------That’s right. Let’s walk a little I guess”


In a disappointed way, however with a little blush on her face, Kotori took s.h.i.+dou’s hand, and stood up from the bench.

And, while having their hands linked, they slowly walked to the outer edge of the park.

“Somehow…………’s been a long time since we walked together like this”

“Hnn………that’s true”

“I’ll ask just in case, do you remember the place of the date on June?”

“Of course. Ocean park”


When Kotori said that, Kotori *fuun* exhaled.

“But, if by any chance I am Natsumi, these types of question might be meaningless”

“Eh? What do you mean”

“Try thinking about it. Although I am prohibited from boarding the , I have a rough idea of the investigation’s objectives. I think it is only natural to investigate about the past”

After saying that, Kotori raised the side of her lips. Sweat flowed down s.h.i.+dou’s cheeks.

“O-oioi, give me a break from the jokes”

“It would be nice if it was a joke.------well just in case, about that, you know…………..with a method that is not influenced with things like that, isn’t there something we should check out?”

Kotori said that while averting her sights for some reason.

“? What method is it”

“For example, something like trying it …………in order to see my reaction”

“Try it? Try what?”

“Tha-that’s…….well you know, errr, that…………….Ki,………….ki------“


s.h.i.+dou had something that comes to mind, and his eyebrows jumped up.

Luckily-------------s.h.i.+dou had an idea what that method was.

“------------Kotori, can you close your eyes for a while?”

“! Ah…………..u-un…………..”

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Kotori closed her eyes with her cheeks slightly blus.h.i.+ng.


Taking the chance, s.h.i.+dou brought both his hands closer to Kotori’s head and---------------stole the black ribbon tying her hair.


Maybe she noticed the strange feeling of her tied hair touching her shoulders, Kotori raised a hysteric voice.

She then *peta*peta* touched her head in panic and when she found out her ribbon was not there-----


And, while having teary eyes, she jumped towards s.h.i.+dou who stolen her ribbon.

“O-Onii-chan! What are you doing! Give it back! Give it back!”

Kotori shouted with a tearful voice while *pyon**pyon* hopping to get back the ribbon s.h.i.+dou was holding. Completely from the oppressive Miss Commander from just now, she had aspects which were similar and yet not similar.

Kotori usually put her mindset into strong. When she puts on the black ribbon, she can maintain her [Strong-self]. In the opposite, if she takes off that ribbon, and put on the white ribbon, she will transform into an innocent and cute sister mode.

---which means, like this.

“Onii-chan! Onii-chan!”


He has finished confirming but, since he did not see white mode Kotori recently, Kotori hopping up like a rabbit was unbearably cute. He lowered the ribbon in front of Kotori and when Kotori jumps up, he calculated that timing and lifts his hands, he repeated this several time.


At first Kotori was desperate to take back the ribbon but, not long later her face started getting mushy while, *Zuu**zuu* slurping her nose.

“So-sorry sorry. Here you go, Kotori”

It might have been too much as expected. After thinking like that, s.h.i.+dou handed over the ribbon and with amazing speed, Kotori s.n.a.t.c.hed it away and tied her hair into two.

And then, *Yurari*…………, she lifts her face, and directs a sharp glint towards s.h.i.+dou.

“s.h.i.+dou………why you…………..”

“N-no! That’s great that’s great. It looks like Kotori is the real one!”

Just now was a method he used to confirm if she was real or not to the end, he raised his voice as if to emphasis that.------but, Kotori looks like she could not hear any of it.

“Ko-Kotori? Calm down------“

“No excusessssss!”

Added with a superb twist, Kotori’s straight right pierced towards s.h.i.+dou’s face.

Part 2

“……….s.h.i.+dou, what is with your face……….”

The date with Kotori ended and after he reached to the next spot, Kaguya waiting over there was looking at s.h.i.+dou’s face doubtfully while raising her eyebrows.

Nonetheless, it might be something normal. Receiving Kotori’s merciless retributions, s.h.i.+dou’s cheeks were swelling red and a rolled up tissue was thrust into his nose to stop his nose bleeding………….at least, it was not a face for attending a date.

“No………..I kind of was attacked by a boxer in the street corner when I was on the way here”

“I-I see………..”

Kaguya was clearly making an unbelieving face but, maybe she guessed the situation somehow, she did not pursue any more than that.

Incidentally, Kaguya was right now wearing, a s.h.i.+rt with alphabets, crosses and a skull design on it, a bottom with many chains and belts attached; it was the so called gothic style. From what he heard, during that time when Reine brought her to buy clothes and daily necessities, she fell in love with it in first sight and bought it immediately.

“Fuun………but even so, I was shocked on that matter during the morning. You should have informed me beforehand that it was an inspection, that’s common sense”

And, while making an unneeded cool pose, *Fuu* she brushed her bangs upwards. That face right now has no traces of the panicked and even tearful Kaguya from this morning.

That’s because, she was explained by Reine that Yuzuru will be sent to the headquarters temporarily for inspection.

It was somehow a lame excuse but………… looks like she believed it.

“Somehow…..she looked more lively than I thought, that Kaguya”

“…………..It would be nice if that is the case”

After s.h.i.+dou made a sigh while saying that in a soft voice, Reine replied back with a difficult voice.


Even though he tried asking back-------s.h.i.+dou’s words, were cut off by Kaguya’s unsatisfied voice.

“Oi, are you listening s.h.i.+dou. It is blasphemy failing to listen to my words. Know that imprudent fellows like that will be burned in h.e.l.l fire, and dropped into the depths”

“Aah…….sorry sorry. I’ll tell you that I will be careful from now on”

“Okay. Do that and it’s good.--------so, how long does Yuzuru’s inspection or whatever is it called takes?”

“Eh? A-ah…….since we are talking about the headquarters so, it should be about 10 days……..”

s.h.i.+dou thought about it for a while, and then replied.

10 days. That’s the time limit of Natsumi’s game he was able to think of in the current situation.

Now that he thinks about it, finding Natsumi no matter what before the time limit ends and save Yuzuru, that might be an expression of his determination he made unconsciously.


After Kaguya distorted her face in boredom from s.h.i.+dou’s answer, she said that with a soft voice.

But, after immediately making a cough, she once again sends her sights to s.h.i.+dou in a posed angle.

“Kuku, that is quite slow. Pray as much as possible that I won’t get tired”

“Ou……..that’s true. I will ask them to finish it as fast as possible.

“Umu, excellent.---------so, s.h.i.+dou”

After s.h.i.+dou nodded, she made a beautiful turn and then*piin*! She pointed towards the building behind her. On the roof of the big white building, there was a giant bowling pin soaring on it.

Yes. The place designated for the date with Kaguya was a bowling alley which is a 15 minutes’ walk from the Tenguu station.

“When I thought it was sudden, it looks like you want to have a match with me”

“No, It’s not like I want to have a match………….”

“Kuku, I’ll buy that courage but don’t you think you are too reckless? I am the child of the hurricane, Yamai Kaguya! There is no chance you would win!”

Even when s.h.i.+dou scratched his cheeks and said that, it looks like Kaguya did not hear it. She took an oddly cool pose while saying that. Even without Yuzuru, her love for matches is still going strong.

Well, he doesn’t mind if that would help her loneliness with Yuzuru even if it was a little. After s.h.i.+dou made a sigh, he entered the bowling alley with Kaguya.

They then borrowed the shoes and ball from the counter, and walked to the lane they were registered to.

And at that moment, Kaguya pulled at s.h.i.+dou’s sleeves.

“Wai-wait s.h.i.+dou. Look at that”

While her eyes were oddly sparkling, Kaguya pointed towards the back of the counter. s.h.i.+dou twisted his head while sending his sight to the direction she was pointing to.

It was the shop corner with various bowling products lined up. The shoes, ball that s.h.i.+dou and Kaguya borrowed and the bag for storing all those were being displayed inside the showcase.

For an instant, he was about to say the rental goods were enough but-------he immediately understood the reason why Kaguya pointed there.

Beside the ball, there were excessively cool protectors used by pro bowlers in their dominant hands lined up there……………..what’s more, it seems it was not for rental.

“…………I have no choice”

After s.h.i.+dou made a soft sigh, he brought his legs to the shop counter; he then purchased a protector for females and handed it to Kaguya.

“Here, try it on”


After Kaguya’s cheeks were blushed from excitement, she quickly put on the protector on her dominant hand.

“This is the legendary, Fegefeuer gauntletArmguard of purgatory………..!”

“Is it legendary……….?”

“Kuku, is this okay s.h.i.+dou? Giving me a divine weapon like this. It was a match with obvious results but, you just made an even bigger overwhelming gap you know?”

After Kaguya said that, she made a stance with the arm wearing the protector before, changing her shoes in a good mood and walked towards the lane. He shrugged his shoulders as if he had given up and followed her.

“Well, let us begin. I’ll specially allow you to have the first move. Kuku, good luck struggling!”

“Yeah yeah……..and here goes”

After saying that, s.h.i.+dou took the ball in his hand and walked towards the lane with the pin set up, Kaguya then raised her voice as if to stop him from advancing.

“Wait! I know, I thought of something good”

“Hnn….? What is it?”

“A normal match is too boring. Why don’t we make one bet.-------the one who loses the match will have to obey the winner for one request, how about that?”

“Eeehh….what is that condition”

When s.h.i.+dou made an unpleasant face, Kaguya made a fearless smile while covering half her face with the hand wearing the protector in a cool manner. “Kuku, what is it? Did you suddenly get scared of defeat after all this time?”

“No, rather than defeat, i just don’t want to be made to………”

And, when s.h.i.+dou was about to talk back while having sweat flowing down his cheeks, he could hear Reine’s voice coming from his right ear.

“…………..well, It should be alright. If it is an aberrant request then, we will stop her”


Haa, he made a sigh and looked back at Kaguya.

“I get it. ------in exchange, if you add such a condition then, even I will get serious then”

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Kaguya *nii* lifted the side of her lips in a happy manner.

“Kakaka! This turned interesting! Alright, show me that so-called seriousness of yours! I will take it down easily!”

“You said it…….look closely”

After s.h.i.+dou made his sights sharp, he threw the ball with a beautiful form.

The 13 point purple ball rolled straight down the lane-------and hit the center of the pins lined up into a V shaped. The pins made a nice sound and continuously fall down; the crystal screen installed above the lane then displayed a mark signifying a strike.

“Alright! How about that!”

“Hohou, not bad! it won’t be interesting if that weren’t the case!”

“Fufu, that’s because I occasionally come bowling with Tonomachi. I won’t lose that easily”

After saying that, he folded his arms together proudly.

However, Kaguya didn’t looked a little disarrayed at all, she then took the orange ball and slowly walked to the front of the lane.

“Kuku, look at this carefully. The hurricane child’s hurricane. And then, understand it. The fact on how powerless you are……….!”

Kaguya said that and swung the hand holding the ball,

“Special move! Dunkelheit Windhose-------!!”

When she shouted a mysterious skill name, the ball slammed on the lane filled with energy. *Goo*! Such a heavy sound was produced and caused a slight tremor to the surroundings.

“Oi oi Kaguya, do you know how to bowl----------“

And, when he was telling that to her while making a tired sigh, s.h.i.+dou stopped his words there.

The ball slammed on the floor by Kaguya was *gyagyagyagyagya*! Started advancing forward with tremendous energy after making a sound that is produced by car tires when it suddenly takeoffs. He has no idea how she did it but, a proper revolution was added to it.

While making smoke and rampaging on the lane, the ball easily blew off the pin lined up ahead.

On the crystal screen of 3 lanes, the strike mark appeared at the same time.

“Did you see that! My definite kill, the Dunkelheit Windhose!”

“You’re joking oi!?”

“Kaka, a game like this, I have already finished it with Yuzuru last time! This special move I polished to the extreme, I’ll show this to you nicely!”

After Kaguya made a turn and send her sights to s.h.i.+dou, she made a confident smile.

---After around 1 hour. s.h.i.+dou was completely defeated.

Although he succeeded in stopping Kaguya in counting the strikes made in the neighboring lanes, it was just a temporary peace of mind. s.h.i.+dou’s score is by any chance not bad but, from the continuous special moves Kaguya made, an uncrossable difference was made when the game is only half-way done.

“Kuku, it looks like it’s my win! Well, I’ll praise you for fighting well!”

“………….I’m flattered”

When s.h.i.+dou raised both his hands to show he given up, Kaguya made a satisfied nod and made a fearless smile before folding her arms together.

“Well then, you probably did not forget this. The contract we exchanged before our sacred battle”

“I remember it clearly………….so? What do you want me to do?”

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Kaguya suddenly looked serious and started examining the surroundings nearby.

“Hn? What’s wrong?”

“……………..the [Ki] flowing here is bad, because of the ley line. We are changing the place”

After saying that, Kaguya took s.h.i.+dou’s hands, and walked heavily deeper into the building like that.

“O-oi, where are we going”

“It’s okay so keep quiet and follow me.-------oh, just nice. I’ll choose there I guess”

The place Kaguya pointed was a resting spot with vending machines lined up there. She pointed deeper in, at the bench hidden under the shadows of the vending machines.

“Sit over there”


He was anxious and what was Kaguya thinking about but, s.h.i.+dou has no right to refuse right now. He quietly sat on the bench like he was told.

After that, Kaguya silently sat beside s.h.i.+dou before, changing her face completely into a serious one like just now and quietly moved her lips.

“………….alright then, I will command you. Listen carefully”

“Wha-what is it……..?

He raised his eyebrows while sweat was oozing down his forehead, from the weird situation. When he did that, Kaguya stared at s.h.i.+dou while continuing on.

“--------right now for 10 minutes, vow that you will not be surprised in what I do no matter what, won’t be disarrayed, and also will not refuse at all. And also, swear that you will never tell anyone on what happens during that time”



Kaguya said that in a stronger tone. s.h.i.+dou reflexively nodded from that bloodcurdling intensity.

“I-I get it…………”


After Kaguya made a small nod, she did not say anything for a while------

When he thought her upper body dropped from the side, she placed her head on top of s.h.i.+dou’s thighs.


He let out his voice by groaning from that sudden action but, he withstood it at the very end. Right now, he promised he won’t be surprised, disarrayed----and also won’t refuse.

“Kuku, well isn’t this comfortable to sleep on. I don’t mind hiring you as a full-time pillow if you cry and beg you know?”


“Houu? Is a loser going to disobey me?”


When s.h.i.+dou raised his eyebrows regretfully, Kaguya *kara**kara* laughed in a good mood.

“Kaka, pleasant pleasant. Slave, pat my head while you are at it”

“…………as you wish”

s.h.i.+dou made a sigh as if he given up before, nodding Kaguya’s head and combing Kaguya’s hair with his fingers as a comb. Kaguya relaxed her cheeks from being ticklish, and twisted her body.


And maybe she thought of something, after Kaguya turned the direction of her body was facing, she wraped her arms around s.h.i.+dou and *gyuu* inserted strength in it.


“……………I told you not to get disarrayed”


It is true, now that he thinks about it. When the inside of s.h.i.+dou’s mind was quietly being in disarray, Kaguya did not move from that posture for a while.


And, after some time has pa.s.sed, s.h.i.+dou tried calling out to her in fear.


Kaguya started leaking soft sobs.


“…………Kuh, u,u…………..u,………….Yuzuru…………..Yuzuru……….uh”

And then. s.h.i.+dou suddenly gasped, from the soft name he heard mixed inside Kaguya’s sobbing.

“Kaguya, You, Yuzuru’s-----------“

After s.h.i.+dou said that unintentionally, Kaguya slurped her nose before, letting out a shaking voice.

“………….You, can’t find Yuzuru right…………..I know that much. Don’t take me as an idiot”


But, Kaguya continued.

“……………it’s better if I don’t know right………then, I’ll believe you. That’s because, s.h.i.+dou was the one who gave me and Yuzuru the 3rd choice at that time…………….”


“That’s why……….please. Yuzuru…………Yuzuru--------------“


s.h.i.+dou clenched his teeth tightly, and gently placed his hand on Kaguya’s head.

---10 minutes after that.

Just like what she proclaimed at first, Kaguya stopped crying exactly at that time and during the time they got out from the shadow of the vending machine, the situation completely turned back to what it was from just now.

It was a self-restraint worthy to be shocked at. When s.h.i.+dou patted her head and [You did great] said that, Kaguya blushed while answering [………..shut up].

Part 3

After finis.h.i.+ng bowling and sending Kaguya back to the mansion, a transmission was sent in by as if it was estimated.

“……………, good work, s.h.i.+n”

“No………….more importantly, Reine-san”

When s.h.i.+dou tried to talk about just now, Reine [………..Aah] and continued.

“…..I am sorry for it being immediate but, we have no time. We will have you set off to the next date”

“I understand. I will………..definitely find Natsumi. And then, I will send Yuzuru back to Kaguya”

s.h.i.+dou clenched his fist as if he made a new resolution.

It’s not like he was relaxed until now. But, it was reality that his feelings gotten stronger from the date with Kaguya. As expected, the 2 Yamai sisters have to be together. No matter who it is, he won’t forgive them for separating those 2.

“……………good. Okay, now head to the next target area. It’s the coffee shop in front of the Tenguu station’s eastern gate. Like usual, we used your name to invite the target to a date. She should be there in around 30 minutes”

“Yes. Who is next?”

“………….aah, your cla.s.smate Yamabuki Ai”

s.h.i.+dou twitched his eyebrows from Reine’s words.

Yamabuki Ai. She is one of the famous female trios in s.h.i.+dou’s cla.s.s. Now that he thinks about it, she is also one of the suspects.

But, the one they are close with was Tohka and not s.h.i.+dou, so he has never talked to her on his own before.

Incidentally, during the time Natsumi was disguised as s.h.i.+dou, it seems she laid her fingers on the trios in some ways and they are very wary of s.h.i.+dou. Honestly, she is an annoying opponent in a different direction from Tonomachi’s.

“…………..I might be asking an awkward question but, how did you invite her?”

“………….hnn? Well, unlike Tohka, Yos.h.i.+no and the rest, I didn’t use the method of inviting her in subst.i.tute for you. During the day time today, I left a letter inside her shoe rack in school”

“Le-letter………….? What is the content?”

“………….[Yamabuki Ai-sama. There is something I want to tell when we are alone. After school, on 6pm I will be waiting in the coffee shop in front of the station. Itsuka s.h.i.+dou]”


s.h.i.+dou raised a groan while pressing his forehead, from the sentence Reine was mentioning plainly.

Somehow……………………it was a content that would completely bring in misunderstandings……………no, as long as he takes it as a form of a date, he cannot not call it a misunderstanding.

“…………what’s wrong?”


After s.h.i.+dou replied like that, he swung his head to regain composure.

That’s right. He has no leisure to weaken his mind from that. Right now, what s.h.i.+dou should do, is to investigate all of the remaining suspects as fast as possible and find Natsumi. He pulled his cheeks lightly and headed towards the front of the station.

………………but, s.h.i.+dou scratched his cheeks.

The relations.h.i.+p between s.h.i.+dou and Ai. The strife caused by Natsumi when she was disguised as s.h.i.+dou a few days ago. An invitation letter sent using s.h.i.+dou’s name at this timing……… and also the nature of a female.

The answer derived from all these factors. That was-------

“……………like I expected”

After 30 minutes. In the coffee shop in front of the station.

Sweat was flowing down on s.h.i.+dou’s cheeks from the predicted scenery being expanded in front of him.

“What is with that like I expected—“

“Got a problem---“

“What is it you b.a.s.t.a.r.d---”

In the opposite side of s.h.i.+dou’s seat, starting from the right in order, Ai, Mai, Mii, these 3 were sitting there……………to think, it was just as he predicted.

Half-way when he was heading here, he somehow felt a bad premonition. Inside that situation, if she was invited by s.h.i.+dou with those contents, it would be obvious the girl would be wary of him. There is no way she would purposely come to the meeting spot honestly. At least he was lucky not to be stood up though.

“…………..fumu, 3 of suspects gathered. We have no choice. The difficulty is a little high but, let’s investigate all of them”


After saying that with a soft voice, s.h.i.+dou looked back at the female trio.

Tentatively, since they requested their preferred cakes from s.h.i.+dou’s treat, he felt their att.i.tude was several times softer but, it didn’t change the fact that they were in a bad mood. s.h.i.+dou swam in his thoughts to think of something to say.

When he did that, the female trio let out their irritated voice, faster before s.h.i.+dou could bring something up.

“………so, what do you want? Calling me with this letter”

“Is this that? A love letter? What, Itsuka-kun, are you aiming for Ai?”

“Now that you mention it, Ho-ra, the matter from before, you flipped me and Mai’s skirt but, Ai was the only one having her ears blown at”

“N-no, that’s not what I…………..”

He felt the conversation is starting to roll into a weird direction. s.h.i.+dou hurried and denied but, the female trio weren’t really listening.

“Eh, seriously? Itsuka-kun, towards me? E-eeeeh----……, well that’s, I am thankful but, I, you know………..”

“That’s right. Ai has a person her heart decided on called Kas.h.i.+wada-kun! So Itsuka-kun has no chance to enter!”

“Yeah Yeah! Right now Ai is in an admirable one-sided love to the, super herbivore, cultural, gla.s.s guy, he would refuse naturally even if we invite him, that Kas.h.i.+wada-kun!”

“Wait, both of you! Why are you blabbering so normally!?”

Ai shouted while her face was red………….well, it’s not like s.h.i.+dou was planning to tell someone else when he heard that.

“A-anyway! I don’t know what you are planning but, although you have Tohka-chan, I won’t forgive you sending such a letter to another girl!”

“That’s right! What, are you saying you are not satisfied even though you are being liked by a super beauty like Tohka-chan!? Are you aiming for a polygamy!?”

“Ah, now that I think about it, Itsuka-kun laid his fingers on Tob.i.+.c.hi-san. Eh, don’t tell me he has sumptuous feasts every night? Uwaah! How impure!”

After 3 of them [Kya!] drew back chairs, they continued talking secretly while ignoring s.h.i.+dou.

“Now that I think about it, the transfer student Tokisaki-san was it? Itsuka-kun also laid his fingers on her too”

“Ah--, that happened! He really is indiscriminate--”

“And there is that, Ho-ra, last time during that one time, did that mysterious Loli child came over to send Itsuka-kun his bento?”

“Uwah, that happened. As expected, there is no mistake he is someone coming out as a lolicon, mothercon, and siscon”

“Eh? A mothercon, siscon, on top of being a lolicon?”

“Un Un, I heard this before. Incidentally Ho-ra, isn’t that time Itsuka-kun too? The guy that made a high school girl put on a collar and brought her walking around the park with dog ears and tails, swimsuit”

“Seriously? From what I heard, it is a case where he removed a girl’s skirt”

“Kyaa! I can’t believe this! Why is Tohka-chan okay with a guy like this!”

“Ah, yeah yeah, I asked a girl next door-------“


Even though s.h.i.+dou raised his voice, the trio’s conversation doesn’t look like it will end any time soon.

Part 4

“………….I’m tired…….”

At night. Having all his dates done, s.h.i.+dou was lying down on the sofa in his living room while releasing a low tone voice.

Ai, Mai, Mii’s long-talk continued endlessly after then, and it was completely dark when he was released. Tentatively, although he managed to do some investigation in the intervals but, by that time, s.h.i.+dou’s mental state and body was very exhausted.

After returning home, he ate (s.h.i.+dou was about to cry in happiness from Kotori’s feelings, and the fact food was already prepared when he got home, although Supermarket side-dishes was the main though) the food prepared by Kotori, even though he was slowly submerged inside the bath, the exhaustion from his body did not leave his body.

“Seriously, how miserable………….I won’t be saying that. For today that is”

And, when he thought Kotori walked over slowly from the kitchen, a chilly object suddenly touched s.h.i.+dou’s cheeks.

He was shocked for an instant but, he immediately found out it was a cold carbonated can drink chilled inside the refrigerator.

“Ou, thanks”

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Kotori [Yes] replied that and sat on the sofa. She then opened the juice can she was holding in her other hand and gulped down.

After s.h.i.+dou raised his body, he imitated her and opened his mouth, before pouring in the carbonated drink into his throat. The feeling of the cold stimulating fluid spread out and expanded in his body.

“So, how was it, yesterday and Today’s investigation”

After saying that, Kotori send her sights to him. s.h.i.+dou slightly lowered his head forward.

“………..hnn, that’s right. There are some fellows that I doubt If I wanted to but………..anyway, I can’t say anything unless I check out everyone”

“Fuun………I see”

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Kotori replied back easily like it was in her expectations.

It seems Kotori has checked every one of s.h.i.+dou and the suspect’s conversation. Maybe, Kotori might have felt the odd feeling like what s.h.i.+dou has felt too.

“Tomorrow tentatively, every one of the suspects shown on the photos will be investigated. Sleep as fast as possible and take as much fatigue off you”

“Aah, that’s right. I’ll do that. but-------“

While saying that, s.h.i.+dou brought his eyes towards the clock hanged on the wall.

“Even if I dive in my bed……… looks like I won’t sleep any time soon”

“………….I thought so”

Kotori shrug her shoulders as if she sympathized with s.h.i.+dou’s words.

The reason was very simple.

The clock hanged in the living room of the Itsuka house. The needles were, almost close in showing the time 12am.

Yes. Last night, it was the appearing time of the Angel that sucked in Yuzuru.

Originally, he planned to have a guard man placed at the house of everyone who was in the photos but, it was clear that it was meaningless since the opponent was an angel……………..and more importantly, injuring Natsumi’s mood can’t be called a good plan when she has hostages in the current stage.

Most likely today too-------someone will disappear.


In silence, s.h.i.+dou recalled back the video he saw in and also the warm feeling of Kaguya’s tears on s.h.i.+dou’s lap. Powerlessness. While thinking he can’t let Natsumi do as she please anymore, the irritated feeling of being unable to stop from sucking in someone else was, running about inside his chest.

And----at that moment.

The instant the long needle and short needle pointed at 12am, the s.p.a.ce in the center of the Itsuka house living room was *Guwann*distorted. And coming from there, the figure of the broom shaped Angel appeared.


s.h.i.+dou raised his eyebrows and stiffened his body. That’s because, the Angel is over here………!?

However, he immediately thought of the possibility. That’s right. Right here there is Kotori---------one of the suspects was here.


After s.h.i.+dou shouted, he threw the partially drunk carbonated drink away and stood in front of while spreading his arms to protect Kotori. As if to match up with that, the tip of slowly opened and exposed a mirror interior.

“! s.h.i.+dou!? It’s dangerous! Go away!”

But------no matter how long it took, did not suck Kotori in.

In exchange.


Such a laugh could be heard coming from .

When he looked over since it was strange, he found out Natsumi’s face was being shown on the gla.s.s part of .


“Hii. Long time no see, s.h.i.+dou-kun”

After Natsumi swung her hand in a friendly manner, she raised the side of her lips.

“It is the end of the 2nd day of the game. Did you have fun?”

Inside the gla.s.s, Natsumi asked while tilting her head. s.h.i.+dou gritted his teeth.

“…………….what are you planning”

“What do you mean by what am I planning?”

“Yuzuru-----where did you hide her”

When s.h.i.+dou asked, Natsumi *fufu* smiled and shrug her shoulders.

“That is a I will give her back properly if you guess who I am. But, if you can’t guess who I am by the end then------at that time, her [Existence] is mine”


When he asked while making a frown with his eyebrows, Natsumi agreed calmly.

“Yes. If I gain victory in this game, the disappeared victims will not come back. Instead, I will use their face, voice, figure, to play around at that side of the world”


s.h.i.+dou gasped from Natsumi’s words.

In the world with the original isn’t around, a fake exceedingly closer to the real would be striding around.

The thing is, Natsumi is able to completely replace Yuzuru and the people that will be disappearing from now on.

“……………..Don’t screw with me. I won’t let that happen……………!”

When s.h.i.+dou said that with sharp sights, Natsumi *kara**kara* laughed in amus.e.m.e.nt.

“Then the method is simple. Try and guess who I am.----well, who do you think I am? The answer time would be………….let’s see, I guess 1 minute is enough then”

s.h.i.+dou and Kotori immediately looked at each other from Natsumi’s words.

“Answer………!? Right now!?”

“Seems like the case…………..”

Kotori glared at Natsumi with detest while saying that. When she did that, Natsumi shrugged her shoulder while smiling.

“Fufu, that’s because, s.h.i.+dou-kun was getting impatient. In the end, he didn’t pinpoint anyone at all during the first day. That’s why, I thought of………….giving him some navigation”

“…………fuun, you sure said it”

After saying that, *Fuun* Kotori exhaled. But immediately, send her sights towards s.h.i.+dou realizing that now wasn’t the time to be doing that.

“So how is it, s.h.i.+dou. Just now, didn’t you say there was someone you thought of doubting when you felt like doing so”

“Aah…………..well that’s right but, I am still not sure------“

“Someone will still disappear and it will be the end for today if you keep quiet right. We will lose nothing even if we try so go ahead and say it”

Kotori urged him by saying that. s.h.i.+dou immerse himself in thoughts for an instant before slightly lowering his head forward.

“……..You’re right”

And then, he looked back at ’s gla.s.s showing Natsumi and opened his mouth.

“-----Natsumi. The one you were disguised as was……..Yos.h.i.+no”


The one who replied back was Kotori. s.h.i.+dou was sending his sight towards Natsumi while continuing as if he was supplementing.

“…………….aah, Yos.h.i.+no is the one with the oddest feeling to her, if were to say within the limits of Yesterday and Today’s investigation”

“I’ll ask just in case, the reason is?”

“…………inside the people I investigated, her actions was the most out of place”

And of course, it was a definite proof. She only had the oddest feeling compared to others, that’s all. He felt sorry to treat her as a criminal for something like this. But, it was also fact, that there were no other suspicious suspects at his current point.


After Natsumi heard s.h.i.+dou’s answer, she only said that and clicked her finger.

When she did that, ’s tip closed and returned back into a broom before, disappearing into the empty s.p.a.ce.

“…………….disappeared!? What does this mean? Is s.h.i.+dou’s answer correct? Is it out………..?”

Kotori raised her eyebrows in doubt while saying that.

However, there was no one who could answer that.

---And, on that night. 2 girls unexpectedly disappeared from their household beds.

Part 5

Next day, 24th October.

Opposite to the nice weather, s.h.i.+dou’s mood was bad.

But that was only normal. Last night, 2 girls were erased by , such a message was sent from .

---Yos.h.i.+no and Yamabuki. These 2.

“Yos.h.i.+no…………Yamabuki……, because of me they-------“

“…………that’s wrong”

After s.h.i.+dou made a groan as if he was saying that to himself, he could hear Reine’s voice coming from the Incam in his right ear.

“…………….you did great in that limited amount of information. It was by any means not your fault”

“But………..didn’t Yos.h.i.+no……….disappear because……..I named her?”

Yes. Coming from , when they were informed 2 more suspects disappeared compared to the night before last night, the explanation that reached s.h.i.+dou and Kotori was that.

Which means, the number of people will increase each night, and whenever s.h.i.+dou makes a mistake in designating the criminal then would another person will disappear? like that.

“……………that possibility is high. But, s.h.i.+n. That’s-------“

“…………it is okay. I understand. That and this is different. Even if I am hesitant, it’s not like Natsumi will reveal herself. Also…………if I keep on making a dejected face, I’ll feel bad for the busy idol who has opened her time for me”

After saying that and pulling his cheeks, he made a smile.

Yes. The partner for the first date of today was the popular idol, Izayoi Miku.

“…………….hn, that’s true………….sorry, s.h.i.+n”

“? Why is Reine-san apologizing?”

“………………..that’s because although I understand about your strength and growth, I once again was about to make some unneeded ideas for you”

After saying that, Reine mocked for herself and made a small smile.

He was somewhat embarra.s.sed from Reine’s rare response; s.h.i.+dou then scratched his cheeks and looked around his surroundings.

“No-now that I think about it…………there are a lot of customers with weird appearance, here”

The place s.h.i.+dou was waiting for Miku at was the at the central plaza of the amus.e.m.e.nt park---Ocean park amus.e.m.e.nt area where he had his date with Kotori last time but, for some reason today, customers with unique odd costumes were noticeable. It wasn’t like this last time though.

What’s more, it was not just a simple type of unique. Everyone was wearing clothes from anime or games from what he can see. Yes……………..commonly known as the costume play.

“……………aah, that’s because------“


And, interrupting Reine’s words, he heard a familiar voice coming from the entrance of the amus.e.m.e.nt area.-------it was Miku.

After s.h.i.+dou looked over that side, he slightly raised his hand and was about to call her------

“Ou……Wait, eh?”

He made a blank face, after looking at the girl running towards him.

That’s because, A girl that is thought to be Miku was……………..wearing a frilly costume with white and purple as its basic tone.

The reason why he can’t pinpoint her was simple. That’s because she was wearing a mask covering her eye area on her face. It was a face as if she was about to head to a masquerade ball now.

“Miku…..right? What is with that appearance”

When s.h.i.+dou asked her, Miku made a triumph *fufun* exhale and *baa*! Made a cute pose to show him.

“How is it? It fits me right. It’s the 4th war maiden of [Valkyrie Misty], Tsukis.h.i.+ma Kanon-chan. And this is the rare mask version when she appeared saving Misty and the group in chapter 6!”

“……………eh? No, eh?”

When s.h.i.+dou brought his eyebrows in suspicion, Miku [Mouu!] puffed up her cheeks.

“You don’t know, [Valkyrie Misty]? It is an anime targeted towards girls on Sunday morning”

s.h.i.+dou [ah] rock his eyebrows, from Miku’s words.

“Now that I think about it, I feel that Yos.h.i.+no watched that before…………..”

“Eh, Yos.h.i.+no-chan likes [Misty] too? Ufufu, I heard something good---. I’ll invite her to my house next time---!”

Saying that happily, Miku *nico**nico* smiled.

s.h.i.+dou scratched the back of his head while pointing at Miku’s appearance.

“So…………..why is Miku’s appearance like that Kanon-chan?”

“Eh? Didn’t you hear from Reine-san? In the amus.e.m.e.nt area of ocean park, there is a Halloween event this week so cosplay is allowed inside the park---“

“Eh……..uh, is that so?”

s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide in surprise but………….now that she said it, he agreed. No wonder there were only cosplayers walking around from just now.

“I see, that seems to be the case. But even so, I didn’t know Miku loves cosplay”

“Well, there is that but, you know, I am a celebrity”

“Ah………….I see”

Being told that, s.h.i.+dou was convinced. Not only there were people wearing masks, there were also robot costumes. It’s true that if this was the place, then even if Miku covers her face like she is doing now, it probably won’t feel weird.

“Well, I don’t mind being exposed but, it seems darling is worried about that so--……….also, I don’t want to be disturbed on our date”

“Haha……………, well, unn, thanks for your consideration”

And thus. When s.h.i.+dou made a wry smile, Miku *pon* hit her hand as if she recalled something.

“Oh yeah! I prepared a male costume for darling in the locker room. It’s the mask and mantle of Jack-sama, the mysterious hero who saves Misty and the heroines! Alright, I will go and take it so please change into it---!”

“Eh? N-no thanks, I am okay”

“……………then, the spare 2nd battle maiden Narusaki Mei-chan I brought……..”

“I think Jack is super cool! I would be glad to wear it!”

He can’t stand it if he were to wear something that frilly. When s.h.i.+dou raised a shriek, Miku made a satisfied face as if she was very happy.


When he came out from the locker room after changing, Miku wriggled her body while raising an ecstatic voice.

“Amazing! It looks great on you! You are so cool darling!”


s.h.i.+dou said that while sweat was flowing down his head.

That’s because, right now, s.h.i.+dou’s appearance was a mantle covering his whole body, and a mask covering his face, there was also a long hair wig on his head. The only gap touching open air was his ear.

“………….this, if not for my different extreme figure, wouldn’t the appearance look like everyone else?”

“No! That is not true! The oozing aura coming out is different!”


“Yes! Actually, Jack-sama has that kind of appearance but, his real ident.i.ty was the 6th war maiden, Kanou Emily-chan”

“Oi wait for a second, I didn’t hear that”

“Ahaha, was that so?”

Miku tilted her head adorably while *pero* bringing her tongue out…………..somehow after looking at that, he stopped feeling angry. Well, it is better than being forced to wear a skirt.

More importantly, the date can finally begin. s.h.i.+dou muttered [Okay] with his face covered with a mask.

“Alright then, Miku. It’s sort of weird to keep remaining in front of the locker room so, let’s move.-------since it is a date, so let’s talk a lot”

“Yes! I’ll be glad to”

After Miku said that happily, *Has.h.i.+* she entangled her arm with s.h.i.+dou’s. And just like that, with their bodies touching, they started walking.

…………….wearing a costume and mask might be a good thing. His cheeks were probably blus.h.i.+ng red, so s.h.i.+dou somewhat thought about that while starting his questions at her.

“Hey, Miku.-------do you remember how we first met? You know, when Miku was singing in the Tenguu arena alone…………..”

“Yes--. Of course”

Miku smiled and nodded. s.h.i.+dou narrowed his eyes inside the mask and continued his words.

“During the first time we met, Miku was already like this. I was surprised when you suddenly hugged me”


Miku opened her eyes wide from s.h.i.+dou’s words.

“Did something like that happen? During that time, I think I was in a period where I hate males to the extend I can’t stand it though…………”

“……………she didn’t get tricked huh”

“? Did you say something, darling”

“No, nothing at

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