Date A Live

Chapter 57

Epilogue: Friend Or EnemyDEM"s WizardPart 1

---It has been around 30 minutes since they finished shooting down the artificial satellite safely.

After having a battle with a DEM airs.h.i.+p in the Tenguu city skies, Kotori contacted them and although the enemy s.h.i.+p has ran away, she told that the only received some damage.

But, it seems they temporarily can’t use the teleporter so, s.h.i.+dou and the girls were walking to the foresaid underground facility before the residents that evacuated are released outside.

Having received damage to his body because of using an angel, s.h.i.+dou took some rest until he recovered enough to walk. Well, Tohka who was still worried about s.h.i.+dou suggested [I will carry you!] to him and although there was no one to see them, it was still embarra.s.sing so he refused politely.

In the end, Natsumi------decided to go to with s.h.i.+dou and the rest.

Of course, her Reiryoku was still not sealed and she has not received the explanation about it. It was easy to imagine Natsumi not liking the fact of losing her transformation ability which she can use like it’s natural.

But-------if he took the time to explain to her, Natsumi would probably understand. s.h.i.+dou looked over to Natsumi who was walking beside him.



Natsumi said that in bewilderment. But in that expression, he could not see the harsh look that he saw before last time. s.h.i.+dou made a smile while swinging his head.

“No, nothing”

“………….ah, I see”

After Natsumi said that absentmindedly, she *pui* averted her sights.

But, after a while. This time from Natsumi, she talked to s.h.i.+dou using a voice soft enough to avoid Tohka and the girls in front of them from hearing her.

“………Ahno, err”

“Hnn, what’s wrong Natsumi”

“I just……………want to ask a little something, can I?”

“Aah, what is it?”

When s.h.i.+dou replied, Natsumi silently pulled s.h.i.+dou’s sleeves.

“Wai-wait a second, what happened all of a sudden”

“It’s okay, come here a bit”

After Natsumi pulled s.h.i.+dou, she then pulled him and entered a corner. She then looked at s.h.i.+dou’s face while asking with a meek expression.

“…………….hey, s.h.i.+dou”


After s.h.i.+dou got nervous at the strange situation, Natsumi gulped down her saliva while continuing on.

“Am I………….really, cute?”


s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide at the unexpected question.

But, thinking back carefully, it was almost the same question she asked during the first time s.h.i.+dou met Natsumi. Well of course, Natsumi was in an adult onee-san appearance at that time.

s.h.i.+dou immediately smiled broadly and made a big nod.

“Aah……….of course. ----you’re cute, Natsumi”


Natsumi’s face turned red and she opened her eyes wide before, mumbling something and continuing the rest.

“…………next time”

“Next time?”

“Ahno………….make-up………….will you teach me………?”

Natsumi casted her face downwards in embarra.s.sment while saying awkwardly. s.h.i.+dou also made an exaggerated nod.

“Aah, okay. If it’s you, you’ll probably remember it immediately”

“………I see”

When s.h.i.+dou answered her, Natsumi made a small nod as if she was satisfied with something.

And then-----


s.h.i.+dou let out a hysteric voice. But that was only something normal. That’s because, Natsumi suddenly extended out her hand and pulled s.h.i.+dou’s neck just like that and-----

*Chuu* their lips touched each other.

“…………!? …………..!?”

It’s true that, he was going to explain the situation to Natsumi sooner or later and tell her that they have to kiss to seal her Reiryoku. But, since it was too sudden, he could not make any preparations in his heart. His eyes were about to dart out.

In an instant, a warm feeling flowing into his body was born and----at the same time with that, the witch astral dress Natsumi was wearing disappear together with the light.

“Wah……….!? Wha-what is this……….”

Natsumi’s face was covered with bewilderment and she covered her chest with her arms while crouching down on the spot.

“I-I didn’t know this. The Astral dress would disappear after the Reiryoku is sealed…….”

Natsumi’s face was beet red while she mumbled that. s.h.i.+dou hastily moved his hands while opening his mouth in panic.

“A-aah, it seems the astral dress is something made out of Reiryoku so………wait, Natsumi? Why do you know about sealing the Reiryoku-----“


Around the time s.h.i.+dou was saying that, he could hear Tohka’s voice coming from behind. It seems they retraced their steps, since they could not see s.h.i.+dou and Natsumi walking behind them. Of course Tohka wasn’t the only one, Yos.h.i.+no, the Yamai sisters and Miku were also there.

“s.h.i.+dou! What are you doing in a place like this!”

“……………! A-ahno…..I, am not looking so………….”

“Kuku, to perform the seal in the middle of the city like this, what an admirable fetish”

“Consent. Your greed to use the unusual s.p.a.ce of an empty city for your play is as one would expect”

“Kyaaa--! Darling is so daring!”

Etc etc, they started making a commotion.

“Wai-wait a second! I wasn’t the one-----“

Although s.h.i.+dou tried to make an excuse, Tohka and the girls did not have the ears to hear.

Part 2

“We failed………you say!?”

Inside the meeting room of the DEM industry British HQ, Murdoch raised a voice like a scream at the news that he just received.

At the same time, the faces of every board directors lined up there turned pale.

But that was normal. ------Isaac Westcott’s was a failure. This would mean that, the hostility and malice directed to him will be repaid accordingly-----no, several times more than what was dealt to their bodies.

“Wha-what do you mean by this, Murdoch! I joined in this plan because y-you said this is for certain!?”

“That’s right! What are you going to do about this!?”

“I-I don’t know about this! This is all Murdoch’s rampage!”

The males in their primes all raised shouts pathetically while slamming the table. It was a very funny state but, the current Murdoch doesn"t have pleasure to laugh at that.

The mastermind of this plan was Murdoch. That is a fact that cannot be overturned. If this enters Westcott’s ears then, it would expose Westcott’s malice towards Murdoch-----no, to everyone related to him.


But, it’s not like everything is over. Murdoch pulled the mike placed on the table and let out his voice towards the bridge of the giant airs.h.i.+p that was dispatched to Tenguu city.

“Not yet……….things are not done yet. Captain, is safe!?”

“Yes……….! We had a battle with ’s s.h.i.+p but, our s.h.i.+p only suffered less than 10% of damage”

“Then------The last is still there right!?”

The board directors lined up in the room twitched their eyebrows at Murdoch’s words.

Yes. For this operation, the cautious Murdoch prepared 3 .

First was a bait to bring out airs.h.i.+p out, the [First Egg].

The other one is the real one that is going to accurately stop Westcott’s life, the [Second Egg].

And-----the last one.

By any chance the first two ended with misfires, the last unit------[Third Egg] was prepared but it was equipped onto the . Of course, unless it is equipped onto the artificial satellite, it will not fall down from the satellite orbit. The power compared to the [First] and [Second] is very far apart.

But even so, if it is able to accurately explode right on top of Westcott then, the shelter should get blown to bits together with him using only the explosion arts installed on it.

“Where is Westcott MD’s current position!?”

“Right now……….., uh, it seems he is still inside his hotel room”

“What did you say……….!?”

Murdoch distorted his face-------are you saying you’re not going to run to the underground shelter in this situation.

An extraordinary amount of frustration ran through his body. Murdoch felt that that man was making a scornful laugh at the plan, he poured in his soul and blood for.

But, it doesn’t change the fact that this was favorable. If he did not evacuate to the shelter then it would mean that it is possible for the power of the [Third Egg] to be more than enough to take him down. Murdoch made an order towards the mike.

“-----Do it. I don’t care how much of the city you destroy. Get Westcott’s head!”

Part 3


Having lent his jacket to Natsumi who was half-naked because of the seal and once again headed towards the underground facility, s.h.i.+dou suddenly pressed his ears and raised his eyebrows.

The reason is simple. A very loud alarm rang and echoed from the Incam he was wearing on his ear.

“Wha-what’s wrong, Kotori”

When s.h.i.+dou asked, he could hear Kotori’s panicked voice coming from the Incam immeadiately.

“Maryoku readings are being picked up in the sky……….! This is-------an explosion art reading coming from the airs.h.i.+p that ran away just now……..!?”

“What did you say………….!?”

s.h.i.+dou gasped and looked up the sky.

“Mu…………? What’s happened, s.h.i.+dou”

Maybe they felt something strange at that weird state, Tohka and the girls tilted their head. s.h.i.+dou opened his mouth without releasing his sights from the sky.

“Aah…………it seems, it’s still not over yet. She said there is another bomb like the one from just now is going to fall again”


When s.h.i.+dou said that, everyone’s face was filled with nervousness all at once. And just like s.h.i.+dou, they looked up to the sky to once again shoot down the incarnation of hostility that was falling down.

But Natsumi, who just had her Main Transformation Reiryoku Sealed, and with everyone else having used up all their powers, Intercepting the falling target like just now is going to be hard with the current condition at the very least.

However…… he has to do it. s.h.i.+dou calmed his heart down like just now and concentrate his mentality onto his right hand.

But-------before he could manifest , a tremendous pain ran through his whole body and he fell onto his knees on the spot by reflex.



Tohka ran over to him, worried. But, there was no way the enemy would consider carefully s.h.i.+dou’s condition. Another alarm could be heard again from the Incam immediately.

“Commander! An explosion arts equipped type was thrown off from the airs.h.i.+p!”

“What about an intercept from !?”

“It is impossible in the current position!”

“Kuh-----Maximum speed! No matter what, before it falls to the ground we have to-----“


In the middle of Kotori’s command reaching s.h.i.+dou’s eardrums.

In an instant, he saw a line of light in the sky before a huge explosion occurred in the skies of Tenguu city-----the surrounding atmosphere trembled.


After s.h.i.+dou and the Spirits opened their eyes wide, he could hear the crew’s voice from the Incam.

“The readings-----disappeared!”

“What did you say? Did it self-destruct?”

“I-I don’t know, but before the explosion, there is heat source-----“

Heat source. That word caused s.h.i.+dou to recall back the line of light that he saw just now. Impossible, did someone just sniped the thrown off bomb.

It’s true that he can comprehend it, if he thought like that. But, something like making the same type of bomb that took s.h.i.+dou and the others to join their powers to explode with just one hit is------


At that moment, s.h.i.+dou moved his sights left and right.

Towards the line of light he got attracted to before the explosion occurred. Towards the direction of that origin, he saw a small shadow there.


That shadow slowly looked over to s.h.i.+dou and the girls before stopping in the sky.

It was a wizard wearing a CR-unit. It was something not from AST. She was wearing a wiring suit with the same design as Ellen’s, thrusters with a special shape, and also, the Giant Maryoku Cannon she was holding was very impressive.


Looking at that appearance, s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes in shock.

It’s not like he was not surprised by the fact that a DEM wizard attacked a DEM bomb. The power that took one hit to destroy the bomb deserved to be shocked when it took several spirits to destroy it even though they were in sealed condition.

But-------the one that stole s.h.i.+dou’s eyes was a much simple matter.

He was familiar with that Wizard’s face.


When s.h.i.+dou called that name, the Wizard------Origami silently send her sights towards s.h.i.+dou and the girls.

With her normal----no,

Even more than normal; with her eyes which he could not read any emotions from.

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