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Chapter 4: TruthPart 1

Chapter 4: TruthPart 1

A few minutes after the residential area was turned into ruins. After reaching an unpopulated high-ground area, Origami finally loosens her speed.


When she took a glance backwards, it seems no one was chasing after her. After Origami silently raised one of her hands, she disa.s.sembled the Angel- fixed from its wing-form and landed on the ground.

Origami slightly frowned her eyebrows while watching turn to separate parts and into light particles before disappearing into thin air after she released its bindings.

It was a weird feeling. Origami was naturally using an unnatural existence which she had no clue existed a few minutes ago, like a weapon she had been using for years.

She felt disgusted too. Ever since the crystal that [Something] gave her was sucked into her body, she gained the ability to control the Angel based only by her instinct.

That was not all. The moment she was about to dodge Tohka’s attack, Origami felt her body turning into light for an instant. She turned into something that could no longer be called human anymore.

“……..This power”

After Origami mumbled with a volume inaudible to others, she lowered her sights to the pure white clothes she was wearing.

It was the strongest and absolute armor a Spirit owns.

Yes. What Origami was wearing was a genuine Astral Dress.

“I am-----a Spirit………”

After Origami spilled those words, she clenched her teeth to hold back the vomit gradually rising from her stomach.

A tremendous disgust a.s.saulted her after she realized she turned into the existence she detested, and hated the most.

That was the reason why she ran away from the spot, even though she was in a conclusive battle with Yatogami Tohka. The moment s.h.i.+dou appeared at that place, the disgust she had towards herself started to rise again even after she numbed it in the fight with Tohka.

---s.h.i.+dou was the only one she did not want to see her like that. Desiring power no matter what sacrifice it may be, to that Origami, this was her last spoiled wish and-----selfishness.

However. She had something she was more concern about than that now.

She didn’t need to say it. It was that noise-like [Something] that made Origami into a Spirit.

“Don’t tell me, that was………..”

The power to turn humans to Spirits. Even though it was an unbelievable ability, Origami has heard it before.

It was the mysterious existence s.h.i.+dou told Origami before.-----A [Something] turned the originally human Itsuka Kotori into a Spirit.

Yes. [One other Spirit] was in the burning city 5 years ago on that day.

That noise-like [Something] had the same ability.

“…………That’s …………..?”

. That was what s.h.i.+dou told Origami after that, it was the code name of that unidentified Spirit.

There was no guarantee that the [Something] that appeared in front of Origami was that appeared in front of s.h.i.+dou and Kotori. In the first place, humanity has too little information about the Spirits. Something like a Spirit with the powers to turn humans into Spirits; she had no idea if that Spirit was the only one existing.

But-----if that [Something] was the Spirit that appeared at the Tenguu Nankou town then,

“That was the one………who killed mom and dad…….?”

---Then that unidentified [Something] must be Origami’s target for her parents revenge.

The moment Origami noticed that possibility, the [Something] had already disappeared and because of that, she could not ask any question to that [Something]. What Origami should do now was to look for that [Something] to confirm its goal, ident.i.ty and also……..where was it during that day 5 years ago.


Just when she thought to that point, the urge to vomit a.s.saulted Origami again and she frowned her face.

It was not only because she turned into a Spirit. The fact that she was turned into a Spirit by the existence that might be her parent’s killer became filth wrapping around Origami’s heart.

However. Origami managed to prevent herself from falling to her knees and brought her face forward.

Origami did not know why that [Something] gave her Spirit powers. What kind of goal does it have for doing so and why it had to be Origami of all people. Was it just going around increasing Spirits, following its whim?

But-----there was one thing she was sure about.

Yes. Right now, Origami was a Spirit………and she has the power to defeat Spirits.

AST official equipment. Annihilation weapon . Personal CR-unit . Origami was currently in a realm that she could not achieve even though she used all types of equipment.

She had the absolute power strong enough to fight Tohka- in her full power in equal grounds.

Origami has gained the [Power] she wished from deep down her heart, even though it may have been gained by the worst form.

“If it’s me…….now”

---She is able to kill them. The Spirits.

Not only . Yatogami Tohka. Yos.h.i.+no. Yamai Kaguya. Yamai Yuzuru. Izayoi Miku. Natsumi and even that Tokisaki Kurumi-----


She thought to that point.

Origami suddenly opened her eyes wide.

A certain thought grazed Origami’s mind.

That was one possibility. It was just a dream Origami imagined by whim. There was no guarantee it would happen. Forget that, the success rate was extremely low.

But-----She clenched her teeth. By gaining the gear of obtaining the Spirits powers, it has buried the part of that possibility it was missing.

“If…………that is possible then…….”

Origami felt gooseb.u.mps all around her body. It was different from the disgust just now. She felt a feeling similar to excitement as if she was a victim wandering in a dark cave and found a ray of light s.h.i.+ning in between the rocks.


Origami gulped down before taking a step forward.

---To find a certain person.

Part 2

“A-are you okay, Tohka……”

“Umu, it"s nothing”

When s.h.i.+dou asked, Tohka with her body covered with fomentation and bandages nodded. But, that movement might had caused her stomach to hurt because she brought her eye brows closer and made a small groan.


“Look, don’t force yourself. Rest a bit”

“…….umu, I’ll do that”

After saying that, Tohka obediently lied down on the bed.

Right now the group was in the infirmary located on the first floor of Raizen high school. At first, s.h.i.+dou wanted to bring Tohka to his house or the Spirit mansion to treat Tohka’s wounds but, since the area was messed up badly by Origami and Tohka’s fight, he had no choice but to come here.

After Origami left, they met up with Kaguya, Yuzuru, and Miku; including Tohka, they were lying on the beds lined up in the room. It seems they fought with Origami together with Tohka.

Natsumi’s abilities were used to cover the wounds causing especially bad bleeding but, they had to rely on their own stamina in regards to their own body’s regenerative abilities. Everyone was covered with bandages like Tohka and they looked like mummies. The infirmary right now looks exactly like the kings grave sealed during ancient times.

Bandages, fomentation and antiseptics were the only medications there. The nurse teacher was not there so s.h.i.+dou, Yos.h.i.+no and Natsumi’s were the ones performing emergency treatment on them. But…….they could not ask for any luxury now.

After Origami left, he tried contacting to have them heal Tohka who was covered in wounds but, the line wouldn’t connect as expected.

“Err………are you okay?”

“Uhah, you got beat up badly huh”

Yos.h.i.+no was making a worried face while gently wiping Kaguya’s dirty face with a wet cloth. Kaguya made a painful face for an instant but, she immediately [Fu-fuun……..] made a face as if nothing was wrong and acted cool. Well, there were small tears formed on the side of her eyes though.

“Sigh. Kaguya is acting tough”

“S-shut up! I am completely okay!”

When she was told that by Yuzuru, Kaguya replied back in reflex. It was painful as expected. She exaggeratedly distorted her face before lying back down on the bed.


Well, it was a relief knowing that she had the energy to act stubborn. s.h.i.+dou made a wry smile.

……….Incidentally, just now in order to cover everyone’s wounds, Natsumi who squeezed out her spirit powers half-forcefully was currently hugging her knees at the corner of the infirmary mumbling something. Somehow, he felt the atmosphere there had gone darker. It seems she had to feel extremely bad to perform emergency treatment on everyone.

“Ouch ouch……..”

Miku who was sleeping on the bed beside the wall made a soft voice while raising her upper body.

“What’s wrong Miku. Don’t force yourself”

After s.h.i.+dou walked closer, Miku swung her hands to stop s.h.i.+dou.

“It"s okay-. ---More importantly, I have to get to work while I still have my Reiryoku……”


When s.h.i.+dou tilted his head, Miku made an exaggerated nod and clapped her hands twice as if she was using castanets.


And as if to respond to that, several silver pipes appeared around Miku. It was a part of Miku’s angel .

After everyone opened their eyes wide in surprise, Miku made a smile and took a bow.

“Ladies and gentleman. Welcome to the live limited to only to this evening. Izayoi Miku on stage!”

After Miku said that, she took a deep breath and her beautiful voice echoed in the room. As if to resonance with that, squirmed and increased its volume.

When she did that.

“Mu…this is”


“Wonder. The pain got lighter”

Tohka and the Yamai sisters opened their eyes wide in surprise and looked down at their body. Looking at that state, Miku made a small smile.

“Ahaha………’s a pain-killer [Song]. It has no healing effects so it’s just for relaxation.”

“No, it’s a great help. It’s much……better now”

Tohka *Fuu* exhaled and relaxed her body. s.h.i.+dou made a relieved sigh for now.

But, they were currently in a situation where they can"t be optimistic. still cannot be contacted and, DEM’s secret movements. Also-----

“………..Hey, tell me please everyone. What happened to her----Origami?”

s.h.i.+dou somehow managed to control his nervous trembling voice while asking Tohka, the Yamai sisters and Miku.

Yes. When s.h.i.+dou ran to the battle field, it was not a Wizard in DEM’s CR-unit but rather----it was a Spirit wearing a pure white Astral dress with an Angel in its hands, opposing Tohka preparing the giant [Halvanhelev].

He was shocked when he saw Tohka swinging powers which should be sealed. But, s.h.i.+dou’s head was in extreme chaos ever since he saw the unexpected girl floating in the sky.

Origami was originally human. Which means------today, what’s more during the battle with Tohka, Origami [Turned] into a Spirit. That was the only conclusion he could come up with.

It was really ridiculous and unbelievable. But, s.h.i.+dou could not take it as a joke and laugh it off. That’s because he actually saw Origami turned into Spirit.

No……..more precisely, that was not all.

s.h.i.+dou had an idea on the Spirit that can [Turn humans into Spirits].


5 years ago, it appeared in front of s.h.i.+dou and Kotori to turn Kotori into the Spirit-.

Having no idea what goal it has, it was the existence that hidden s.h.i.+dou and Kotori’s memories of itself from them.

And also-----it might be the existence that killed Origami’s parents.

Then, the girls might have seen its appearance since they were fighting Origami. s.h.i.+dou gulped down while looking at the 4 of them in order.


“No…………….I don’t know the details. I sent her flying once but………she became like that when she came back”

Tohka said it with a difficult face. Kaguya and Yuzuru nodded with the same expression.

“Fuun, even I was surprised. Kuh………..That flashy entrance. I wonder if I can use it as reference……, but white don’t match me at all”

“Consent. She was very overwhelming. If Tohka didn’t have her full Reiryoku then, all of us might have died there”

She said that before groaning.

However, Miku was the only within them that placed her fingers on her chin as if she had something in mind.

“………..uuun, I did not see it but…………maybe, Origami-san met up with G.o.d too”

Now that he thinks back, Miku who was human, also had a history of being turned into a Spirit just like Kotori by the Spirit thought to be . It was only natural to think of its existence after seeing Origami’s sudden transformation.


After s.h.i.+dou replied that with a soft voice, he started thinking in silence.

He had no idea what happened to Origami. But……………it was a fact that Origami turned into the Spirit she detested so much.

s.h.i.+dou recalled Origami’s expression when she ran off to the sky after seeing him. The face of the girl who hates the Spirits more than anyone else.

Just what kind of emotion was swirling in Origami’s heart now that she has that self-contradiction. At the very least------there was no doubt that she was feeling tremendous agony and torment that s.h.i.+dou can’t even begin to imagine. s.h.i.+dou was feeling shaken in his heart.

“Origami………what is she going to do from now on”

s.h.i.+dou mumbled that to himself, and Tohka raised her voice when she recalled something.

“Now that I think about it………….She said this. She would use the powers of the Spirit to kill the Spirits. And for last……….She would kill even herself too”


s.h.i.+dou was terrified when he heard those words.

No, more specifically, that was within his expectations.-----it was thinkable, as the worst ending.


s.h.i.+dou had to find Origami’s whereabouts as fast as possible. Impatience was making his heart pump hard.

But forget chasing after Origami, s.h.i.+dou currently had no means to even find her whereabouts.

If it’s they will be able to chase after Origami with the automated camera or observation device but…………..there was no way to confirm that since he can’t contact them in the first place.


s.h.i.+dou clenched his teeth in regret. He could not take action just because he was unable to contact .

He realizes again on how much reliant he was to Kotori and Riene. But, he can’t afford to do nothing. s.h.i.+dou made a thick sigh after he summarized in his mind the things that needed to be done.

“……….Anyway, we have to do something about everyone’s injuries first. The alarm will stop soon so let’s head to the hospital after that. It’s better to have you all examined than this emergency treatment”

He had to do something about Origami but, that was his first priority.

But at that moment, s.h.i.+dou noticed a certain problem.


While letting off a soft voice, he looked over to Tohka.

Now that he thinks about it, Tohka has completely manifested her Astral Dress when s.h.i.+dou got there. Which means-----different from the 3 of them in limit Astral dress, the Reiryoku s.h.i.+dou sealed has completely returned to Tohka.

s.h.i.+dou recalled the memories when Kotori had her Reiryoku completely back flowed into her from s.h.i.+dou.

Yes. Kotori said this during that time. The Reiryoku back flowed in a limit form will return back to s.h.i.+dou as time but------the Reiryoku completely back flowed will stabilize and will need to be re-sealed again.

Which means, Tohka currently possess her full power as a Spirit.

If this goes on, Tohka’s Reiha will be picked up by AST and the alarm might ring again. In order to avoid that he had to re-seal her as fast as possible.


However. Sweat was flowing down s.h.i.+dou’s cheek.

Re-seal. The meaning of that was of course-----to kiss the target.

What’s more, everyone was injured now. It’s a problem to bring Tohka out or get everyone out from the infirmary.

“Mu? What’s wrong, s.h.i.+dou”

Tohka tilted her head in wonder. Even though s.h.i.+dou’s heart skip a beat but, he swung his hands to play it off.

“Ah, no……….”

At that moment, a certain something flew into s.h.i.+dou’s view.

On the room’s ceiling there were rails surrounding the bed and white curtains were dangling downwards.

Yes. This was the school infirmary. It was normal to have a curtain separating the beds.

“C-can I have a moment, everyone. I need to talk to Tohka for a while”


Everyone opened their eyes wide in wonder when they heard s.h.i.+dou’s words but, they immediately nodded.

After s.h.i.+dou confirmed that, he released the curtain collected at the wall and surrounded it around Tohka’s bed.

“s.h.i.+dou? What are you going to do?”


s.h.i.+dou brought his face closer to Tohka’s ears and briefly explained about the re-seal with a soft voice.

Fumu fumu………….After hearing that, Tohka’s face turned red.

She then looked around to confirm that everyone did not hear that before looking back to s.h.i.+dou.

“Mu……….So that means, err, ermmm, we are going……to do it here?”

“Errr………Well, that’s the case”

“I-I see……….”

Tohka’s eyes were swimming around in hesitation but, she nodded as if she made up her mind and joined her hands in front of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s before closing her eyes.


It was something he brought up but, after looking at Tohka like that, s.h.i.+dou instantly froze on the spot.

That was exactly like sleeping beauty. Her beautiful sleeping figure made the normal pipe bed and white curtain look like a forest of roses.

But, he could not keep this up forever. s.h.i.+dou took a deep breath before calming his heart and brought his lips closer to Tohka’s lips while she was lying on the bed.



Just when his face reached a distance where he could feel Tohka’s breath. s.h.i.+dou suddenly raised his sights. Somehow, he felt as if someone was looking at them.


He then raised his voice in reflex. s.h.i.+dou’s feelings were correct. The curtain he closed without leaving any gaps slightly opened and coming from that gap, Yos.h.i.+no, [Yos.h.i.+non], Kaguya, Yuzuru, Miku and Natsumi were vertically lined up while staring at s.h.i.+dou and Tohka’s directions.

“s.h.i.+-s.h.i.+dou-san, what are you…….”

“Uhah, to do that in a place like this, how daring”

“Houu…………s.h.i.+dou has a fetish on doing whatever he wants to a sleeping girl”

“Fed up. You necrophilia”

“Ahh, no fair it’s always Tohka-san! Darling, me too! Me too!”

“…………D-don’t show off you normal f.a.g”

Each of them said that before 5 people + 1 object entered the curtain.


“Nu…….?Wha-what is this!”

s.h.i.+dou and Tohka were getting crushed by everyone and they were pushed to the bed.

Even though Miku’s [Requiem] was in effect, the girl’s wounds are serious. Everyone’s painful shout echoed in the school’s infirmary.

Part 3

Instead of looking up at the city’s stars, she was looking down at them.

City lights. Window lights. Car head lights. Colorful illuminations in the city. ------on the roof of a tall building glaring down at the city, Tokisaki Kurumi narrowed her eyes while staring at the several lights glittering in the darkness like stars.

She was a beauty wearing a blood red and shadow black dress. She had black hair tied up left and right unequally. Her skin was as white as white porcelain.

Each of those features was more than enough to burn her existence into a person’s mind. However, the part that would most definitely be carved into the mind of the person that sees her would definitely be her special eye.

---She had different eye colors. What’s more, it was not a mismatch in eye colors. There were small numbers drawn in her glowing gold left eye and clock needles were *Kachi**kachi* ticking.

Of course, there was no way a girl with that special body features would be human.

Spirit. The disaster killing this world.

She was also one of the existences called by that general term by humans.


Thus. Kurumi made a small sigh.

It was not like she did not feel moved by the scenery spread out under her eyes, and it’s not like she was submerged into a sweet sentimentalism. She had already thrown away those sentimental feelings a long time ago. Kurumi did not come up to this tall building because she wanted to enjoy the night scenery; it was because this location had the view of the whole place and that made it easy to grasp the positions of the [Group of Kurumi] she released into the city, nothing more.

Yes. She simply realized a certain matter through her clones.

“……Oh my oh my”

After Kurumi made a small shrug with her shoulders, she leaked a sigh again.

Not even after a few minutes pa.s.sed, she noticed someone’s presence on the building’s roof which was supposed to be empty with no one. Kurumi spun behind.

“-----Well this is a strange visitor”

After saying that, she looked at the visitor.

Over there was a girl wearing pure white clothes. The reason why her appearance could be seen clearly even though it was in the night was because the clothes were glowing.----Astral Dress. What she was wearing was definitely the same type of clothes as the ones Kurumi were wearing.

However. Kurumi raised her lips at the sudden Spirit visitor.

“Long time no see, Origami-san”

Yes. The face of the Spirit belonged to Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami who used to be Kurumi’s cla.s.smate and a member of AST.

“Ufufu, looks like I was correct to not have you during that time.-----I never would have thought you would turn out this delicious. This is beyond my expectations”


Even though Kurumi licked her lips, Origami’s expression did not change. Cautiousness, confusion, even disgust could not be felt from her face.

Kurumi thought she was implying that she didn’t need to be cautious to her but-----most likely it was different. Kurumi had no guarantee for this but for some reason; she felt that there was a strong motive hidden inside Origami’s eyes. ----It was so big that it was enough to ignore the other emotions she had.

But, Kurumi could not grasp what Origami’s motives were. After a moment of silence, she exchanged sights with Origami and *fuuu* sigh.

“But even so, it’s amazing you know I was here”


When Kurumi said that, Origami slowly moved her right hand forward. ----The right hand which was grabbing the neck of a lifeless [Kurumi].


A girl that looks like Kurumi was giving off a painful groan. When Kurumi looked at her, she found painful wounds around her body in Astral Dress. It seems she was beaten badly before she was brought here.

“-----It might be hard to find the real one but, it was easy for the current me to capture one of your several clones mixed inside the city”

After saying that, Origami let go of the clone’s neck.


The clone fell down prostrate on the roof and after coughing a few times, she ran into the shadows while glaring hatefully at Origami.

“Oh my oh my, you were quite rough I see”

“I held myself back from killing her”

“Fuun…I see”

Kurumi slid her lips with her finger while raising her eyebrows.

“So, what do you want with me? Don’t tell me you think you can beat me now that you became a Spirit? You’ll experience pain if you measured my strength by comparing it with my clone”

After saying that, she bends her fingers as if she was taunting Origami.

But even so, Origami did nothing. She continued staring silently at Kurumi’s eyes and talked.

“………….I did not come here to fight”

Is it okay to believe those words? If Origami really had the intentions to fight Kurumi then, she would not let go off the clone and just killed her.

However, Kurumi distorted her mouth with intentions of taunting.

“Oh my, those are words I never would have thought to come out from the Spirit-hating Origami. Even though you are currently confronting a Spirit that has killed many people, is it okay to not shoot?”


At that moment, Origami twitched her eyebrows for the first time. But even so, Origami did not even try to attack Kurumi.

She had no completely no clues on what Origami’s intentions were. Kurumi shrugged her shoulders exaggeratedly.

“Then what is it? It’s not an invitation for tea right?”

After Kurumi said that, Origami made a serious expression and tilted her head forward.

“I want to ask 1 question”

“Question………..huh. Ufufu, my answer will depend on the contents”

She joked around. Origami might have taken that as a symbol of acknowledgment. She continued staring straight at Kurumi and continued her words.

“That Angel- is an Angel that can control time. And each of the 12 numbers has different powers in them”


Kurumi silently stroke her chin.

What Origami said was roughly correct……….But, it was not enough to make Kurumi alert. She doesn’t remember giving a detailed explanation but, Origami has seen Kurumi’s Angel- before.

However. Kurumi brought her eyebrows closer in reflex when she heard Origami’s next words.

That’s because,

“-----Is there a bullet that can send its target to the past within those 12?”

It was because Origami had accurately said the ability of the [Yud BetTwelve bullet]------The last bullet Kurumi has not shown her before.

Nonetheless, for a smart girl like her, it was probably easy to a.n.a.logize the remaining abilities from the abilities she saw from . The power to control time------which means, it was only natural to think of time traveling.

“………..So what if it there is such a thing?”

Kurumi replied back while making a suspicious face.

It was easy to lie or act dumb. But, Kurumi did not do so. It might be because she got taken back by surprise and…more importantly, the moment she says [No], she felt as if she was denying her own wish.

Origami might have taken the answer as a yes and continued talking.

“----Tokisaki Kurumi. I want to borrow your power”


Kurumi opened her eyes wide in surprise when she heard the unexpected words coming from Origami. “What did you just say?”

“I said I want to borrow your power.----The power of your angel”

“……….Oh my, oh my”

Kurumi was stroking her chin while crawling her sights on Origami as if to probe for her intentions.

“Are you saying I should use the [Yud BetTwelve bullet] for you?”



After Kurumi silently made a peaceful smile, she opened her right hand.

An olden-style infantry gun then popped out from the shadow and settled in her hands. At the same time, Kurumi pointed that gun towards Origami and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

The shadow bullet loaded in the gun was shot towards Origami.

But, the moment Origami’s soft skin was about to take the bullet, her body turned to light and disappeared; the shadow bullet lost its target and sliced straight into the night sky.

After a moment, Kurumi immediately turned behind after she noticed a presence behind her.-----Origami who disappeared just now, was standing there.

“Your power is very strong. However, it won’t mean anything unless it hits”

“……….Oh my my, you have gained a magnificent magic trick I see”

Kurumi made a friendly smile to avoid having the discomfort in her to be perceived before continuing her words.

“And, that is my answer. Sorry but I can’t meet your expectations. [Yud BetTwelve bullet] is a special shot within the bullets I have. There is no reason to give that shot to you”

Yes. [Yud BetTwelve bullet] was Kurumi’s last bullet. It was the only method to achieve Kurumi’s dearest wish.

She had no obligation to use it on Origami who suddenly appeared from the sidelines.


Even though Kurumi said that, Origami continued standing still while staring at Kurumi.

After some time pa.s.s, Kruumi *Fuu* sighed after losing her patience.

“I’ll………ask you this just in case. What are you going to do using [Yud BetTwelve bullet]? Don’t tell me, you want to see a young and innocent s.h.i.+dou-san………..It’s not such a stupid reason right?”

It’s not like she had a change of heart. But she was very interested on what would the Origami who obtained Spirit powers use [Yud BetTwelve bullet] for.


After Origami pondered for a while, she nodded and moved her mouth.

“I want you to shoot me with that bullet.-----I want you to send me back 5 years on the 3rd of August”

“…………5 years back?”

Kurumi brought her eyebrows closer suspiciously.

“What are you going to do at that period?”

When she asked, Origami instantly sharpened her sights and continued.

“I will go back 5 years and kill the Spirit that killed my parents. I will void the death of my father and mother.-----I will change History with my power"

Origami said that and clenched her fist to show her determination.

After hearing that, Kurumi gasped.

“……….Is that, so”

It was not like she got pressured by Origami’s determination. It’s just that-----she saw herself in Origami for an instant because of that goal.

“If I refuse then what are you going to do?”

“I will use any method to make you agree”

“…………..Fuun, now you’ve said it”

After Kurumi distorted her face, she pointed the gun at Origami again.

Use any method, it was easy to know that violence was included in that word. Kurumi could feel the intentions, of forcefully making her shoot [Yud BetTwelve bullet] if she felt like doing so. Maybe she was underestimating Kurumi or maybe she was high from the Spirit powers she suddenly gained…….

No, it’s unthinkable for Origami to misread her strength just because of such reasons. If that’s the case then, the reason why Origami said those words close to taunting was because she seriously thinks she can make Kurumi surrender or------ she stood in front of Kurumi without calculating anything, either one of those choices.

It was hard to think that the smart Origami would perform such a reckless move. But, Kurumi could only think Origami’s actions were the latter.

The reason why the calm and composed Origami would move forward without thinking. The reason why she stood in front of the enemy even though she was relying on a possibility that she had no confirmation of whether or not it was possible or not.

The possibility of fixing a broken past.

The possibility of reliving an event that has pa.s.sed.

Those sweet temptations easily slip into a person’s heart and corrode the person like drugs. They would not mind even if they were aware of the facts and desire it as if they yearn for it.

---Kurumi understood that until it hurts.


She silently lowered the gun.

“……..Well, okay. Even I feel scared to enter the [Real thing] without using [Yud BetTwelve bullet] even once. I guess I will use you as an experiment.”

“………..! Really?”

Origami opened her eyes and said that. Her expression was so pure that it was unthinkable for the usual Origami and-----she looked exactly like an innocent child.

“…………..This is breaking my vibe”

After Kurumi scratched her cheeks, she coughed to regain her composure.

“But even so, an enormous amount of Reiryoku is needed to use [Yud BetTwelve bullet]. Of course, I don’t even have the slightest intentions to use my Reiryoku. Can you pay for it?”

“I don’t mind. How much is needed”

Origami asked with sincere eyes. After Kurumi erected her index finger, she touched her lips to ponder.

“It defers on how far the date and time for the time travel. If it is the past then, the amount of Reiryoku consumed will increase exponentially. If it’s-----climbing up to 30 years back then, it would be enough to use up a Spirit’s life”

“……….30 years?”

Origami made a suspicious face. Kurumi simply swung her hands to play it off and looked back at Origami.

“What’s next-----let’s see. The amount of Reiryoku used will change depending on how long you stay at the time you traveled but………..for this, since I never tried this before so I have no grasp of the feeling. Of course, I don’t think you will be forced back to the present as soon as you return to the past but, you have to deal with the slight time difference”

“I don’t mind.------There is no problem if it can be managed”

Origami answered immediately after Kurumi said that.

She might be feeling confident because no doubt or hesitation could be felt from her eyes.

Actually, for the current Origami, even if the Reiryoku used for time travelling 5 years to the past was consumed, she would probably have enough remaining power to put up a fight. The thick Reiryoku covering Origami could be strongly felt just by standing in front of her.

“Is that so.----Then”

After Kurumi spun around in that spot, she pinched her skirt with her free left hand and took an exaggerated bow.

“Let’s begin. ----okay, come here,

And as if to match with her voice, a giant clock appeared from the shadows lurking under Kurumi’s feet.

. The time controlling Angel Kurumi owns.

Kurumi was already holding the infantry gun upwards while *Tan*, *Tan*making that sound by stepping on the ground.

At that moment, Kurumi’s shadows expanded in size and crawled on the building roof until it reached Origami’s feet.

“----This is”

She immediately noticed an abnormality. Origami slightly brought her eyebrows closer.

“Ufufu, do you remember?”

Kurumi raised the side of her lips and smiled. Origami stepped on this shadow at school last time.

“This is the last chance if you want to quit. I am insincere. Maybe, I might only steal your Reiryoku and sc.r.a.p the promise away you know?”

After saying that, she made a disgusting smile.

But, Origami looked straight at Kurumi and did not look away.

“………..But even so. I have no choice but to rely on you”

“Is that so”

It was words unthinkable from the calculative Origami. After Kurumi tiredly sighed, she waited until she secure enough Reiryoku from Origami before holding the gun in her right hand and poured in strength.

Just like what she said just now, she had the choice to suck all of Origami’s Reiryoku. Even if she did not do that, she could suck more Reiryoku than the amount needed for [Yud BetTwelve bullet].

But Kurumi did not do so. The reason……she does not know it too.

Maybe, she just wanted to see it.

The girl that reached that method other than her------just what kind of path would be opened by the girl that reached it.

---or maybe, how she would reach her end.

-----[Yud BetTwelve bullet]!!”

She then shouted. The name of the last bullet she never shot before while grasping its ability.

made a creak she have never heard before until now and started giving off a black glow. The excess Reiryoku flicked around like thunder, sending sparks around.

It then concentrated on one point----the number XII and thick shadows started splas.h.i.+ng out from it before getting sucked into the gun Kurumi was preparing through the nozzle.

The gun loaded with the bullet felt like it was shaking in her hands. The super condensed Reiryoku was rampaging inside the gun.

It felt like an invisible being was preventing Kurumi from shooting that bullet. It was like holding a power that would disobey reason and G.o.d--the existence that transcends an irreversible and inviolable phenomenon known as time.

After Kurumi *nii* distorted her lips, she pointed her gun at Origami---and pulled the trigger.

“Okay, have fun, Origami-san.-----so that you would achieve your dearest wish”

The black bullet shot out from the gun flew at a straight line while leaving a black path in the s.p.a.ce-----


The moment Origami touched her chest; her body was getting warped into the bullet’s rotation.

The warp turned bigger and not long later, Origami’s body distorted into the bullet’s trajectory and disappeared into s.p.a.ce.


After a moment. Kurumi looked at the s.p.a.ce Origami was standing just now while getting blown by the night wind while lowering her gun.

“---Show it to me. The foolish and reckless act of rewriting the world; and how much of it would be forgiven by G.o.d”

Kurumi mumbled that to herself before relaxing her hands and dropped the gun into the shadow.

Part 4


Origami slightly frowned her eyebrows. The moment the bullet Kurumi shot touched her chest, she was a.s.saulted by a feeling of her existence getting twisted and her consciousness getting torn to pieces.

There was no pain. Instead, a feeling of drunkenness and vomiting was lurking in Origami’s chest as if she was grabbed by the leg and was swung around violently.


After a while, Origami gasped in reflex.

The same time her conscious turned clear, a strong pull of gravity and the feeling of floating in the sky a.s.saulted her this time.

Yes. Right now, Origami was upside down and falling down from the sky.


Origami poured some strength into her body and stopped mid-air before fixing her posture.

The method was not that different from manipulating the Territory when she uses the CR-unit. She would make an order in her mind and twist the s.p.a.ce wrapping around her after matching up with it.

Either the power of the Spirits and Wizards are fundamentally the same or Origami’s feelings of controlling a CR-unit was linked to match the method of using the Spirit’s power inside her memories.

If the feeling of [Flying in the sky] was not provided to her as common sense then, she would definitely slam to the ground after she was unable to make immediate decisions.-----in the first place, the current Origami won’t die even if she fell from a tall place.

“This is………..”

Origami was bringing her eyebrows closer from the dull pain left in her head while looking around the sky.

It was a weird feeling. The sky that was completely dark just now, turned bright like a re-winded scene. She was not clear on what exact time it was but, it was around evening. It was the time where the sun was starting to set and the shadows of the buildings were extending.

After looking around the city from the sky, she found out the scenery of the ground was a little different from what she saw when she was on the building.

More specifically, the shapes of the large roads and blocks were not that different. The buildings lined up and patterns of signboards hung up were different from Origami’s memories.

If she were to state another difference then, the trees growing beside the roadside and the trees in the park was different from just now. Inside Origami’s memories, the trees were covered with red leaves but the trees she was seeing now was full with green leaves as if it was in mid-summer.

Origami then looked straight down. She found out she was right in the center of the foundation for a tall building and several heavy equipment were lined up there.

---Now that Origami thinks about it, the building Kurumi and Origami was talking on top just now was not still completed 5 years ago.

She then recognized it and raised her face again.

“----Tenguu city from 5 years ago”

Origami felt gooseb.u.mps all around her body when she said those words. Her heartbeat turned wilder from excitement and she could not say anything for a while.

But it was only natural. Who would blame her to be like that when she was being absentminded from touching her dearest wish that was thought to never be granted. 5 years. Just who would laugh to the girl’s emotion when she devoted her life for revenge for a quarter of a human’s lifetime.

She became a Spirit and returned back to the past to kill the Spirit who killed her parents with the strength of the Spirits. It was an unbelievably weird situation. Most likely, if this was told to Origami from a day back, she would only take it as a bad joke and take it as a ridiculous event.

However, she knew that this was all reality by feeling this world with her 5 senses. She didn’t need to pinch her cheeks to be convinced that this was the truth.

Right now----Origami was back.

To the 3rd of August, 5 years ago.

The day her parents was killed by a Spirit.

She wished, desired and yearn---She has returned back to the day that was out from her reach.


Origami let out her admiration with a volume that no one could hear before making a thin sigh.

She then clenched her fist and sharpened her sights as if she was renewing her determination.

---That was enough for now.

More words will be left to after achieving her goal.

Yes. Origami was finally on the stage. The important part starts now.----Origami recalled back the scenery she saw on that day.

The burning city. Her parents that got eradicated by the light poured down from the sky.-----The silhouette of her hated Spirit floating in the sky.

She will kill the Spirit before it kills her father and mother. She will make her parents death event into something that has never happened. She will recreate the world into the world that [Should] happen.

Origami would not forgive any tears until that is finished.

The enemy is the Spirit and the world. However, there exist not a fragment of flatter and hesitation in Origami’s heart.

The only thing in her heart was burning revenge and radiant hope.

After Origami scratched the corner of her eyes with her thumb as if to wipe off the oozing tears, she changed her body direction and raised her voice.

“-----[Heavenly WingsMalakh]”

At the same time, light particles sparkled around Origami and all of it gathered behind Origami before in wing-form was manifested.

Origami moved by flapping [Malakh] wings, and flew in the sky at high speed.

Of course, the direction----was south.

She was heading towards the Tenguu Nankou town she used to live ub until 5 years ago.

Although she succeeded in time traveling, she had no idea how long she could stay in this time. She had to take action quick. If she came all this way and did not find the Spirit for her revenge then-----no, even if she found the Spirit but reached the time limit before defeating it then it would really be a miserable sight to behold.

Origami sharpened the hostility she kept harboring in her heart for many years while rus.h.i.+ng towards the residential area of her goal.

Not long later, a loud noise echoed into her ears.

She thought it was a s.p.a.ce quake alarm for a moment but-----it was wrong. This was a fire alarm, and also the sound of sirens from the ambulance and fire trucks.


At the same time, Origami could feel a heat haze coming from the front.

The city in front----was burning.

It was not a metaphor or joke. The residential area spread out in her view was burning in red flames as if the city was air-raided. The sound of the alarm and siren mixing, the sound of buildings collapsing, loud scorching sounds, the screams of people running in chaos; all of it was exhibiting a scene suitable to be called h.e.l.l.

This was in Origami’s memories too. The great fire that occurred in Nankou town 5 years ago.

That event was happening right in front of her.


The memories of the past resurfaced and caused Origami to be absentminded for a moment but, she regained her composure immediately.

This fire was caused by Itsuka Kotori----the Fire Spirit . She could not control her Spirit powers and the side-effects of that enormous Reiryoku caused her surroundings to turn into a sea of flames.

Then it should be there.

---The other Spirit that made Itsuka Kotori into Spirit.


The same time Origami recognized that, she lowered her alt.i.tude and flew over the city.

Sparks were scattering, smokes were fuming, and the view was extremely bad. But, Origami did not bother about and crawled her sights at the city.

She then-----found them.

She saw an elementary school boy and a young girl in a glowing Astral dress.

“…………., s.h.i.+dou……..!”

Origami let out her voice in reflex.

Yes. There was no mistake; it was Origami’s lover-Itsuka s.h.i.+dou and his sister----Itsuka Kotori from 5 years ago.

Which means-----


Origami gulped while slightly turning her sights away from s.h.i.+dou.

Right beside Kotori and s.h.i.+dou who was lying on the ground.

Over there.

[That] was there.

Age, gender, height, nothing could be understood but, [Something] was definitely there.

The Spirit with noise blocking its existence was standing there.

As she thought, it resembles the existence that gave Origami her Spirit powers.-----was it the same existence? Or maybe it was a different existence that was concealing its ident.i.ty with the same method.

But, those were trivial worthless things to Origami now.

“-----Found you”

Origami mumbled.

At the same time, she felt her body temperature drop rapidly.

“Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you. Found you.”

Her consciousness turned clear and her view-----only had the Spirit- in it.

Even though she finally found the target she was yearning for like a maiden in love, Origami’s mind was very cool.---- it was so cool that she might even get frostbites.

She felt her whole existence was calibrating itself to kill [That]. Right now, Origami was pure hostility and also blade.


She raised her right hand and called its name.

When she did that, the wings manifested behind her flew in the sky independently in a group and pointed its tip downwards.

Next, a beam gushed out from ’s tip and attacked who was standing on the ground.

But, the moment the light was about to reach it, disappeared from the spot just when she thought vibrated.


However, Origami did not get fl.u.s.tered.----She slowly raised her face forward.

When she did that-----she found , who was on the ground just now, at the same height as Origami. It seems it dodged Origami’s attack in an instant and flew over there.


talked to her in a hard to hear voice.

“Just when I thought who attacked me all of a sudden…..are you a Spirit?”

Since there was a noise covering its body, she could not see its expression in detail but, she could somewhat know that was taking a surprised posture. It looked at Origami in an interested manner and continued her words.

“What’s more, that Angel----………..? What’s going on? I still have that Sephira crystal with me”

tilted her head and said that.

Judging by its words, Origami speculated that the Spirit in front of her now was the same existence as the [Something] that gave her Reiryoku.

However, Origami no longer had the disgust that she got when she got the power from her target. Instead, Origami felt an uplifting feeling which was close to a kind of predominance when she thought of killing it with the power given to her by no other than itself, as ’s mistake.

“Hey, who are you? Where did you come from? Why are you attacking me?”


Origami did not answer and shouted before directing her right hand forward.

As if to match with that, ’s tip pointed forward and shot a beam towards .

’s body vibrated like just now and dodged it with a paper thin difference.

“………That is definitely -----huh. Then the only thinkable way would be……….Did you time travel using ’s power? If that is the case then………this is a little unexpected. I never would have thought that girl would lend her power to someone else”

mumbled to itself. But, it did not matter to Origami now.


---Origami spread out both her hands. As if to match with that action, the wing-form was completely separated into bits and was deployed into the air before pointing its tip to .


The same time Origami shouted, beams were fired towards from all of the tips.


gasped and barely dodged the beam that was sliding in the sky.

However, ’s continued attacking from all direction without pause. This was at full power and was different from the first shot because she held back on the power to avoid dragging s.h.i.+dou into the blast.

probably decided that it would get hit eventually if it stayed there. It escaped backwards to slip past ’s range and flew in the sky to run away from Origami.

“I won’t let you run…..!”

After Origami sharpened her sights, she kicked the ground to pursue while still deploying into the surroundings.

She fired several beams while chasing who was flying in the sky and making complex maneuvers. Even though dodged all of it, its travelling distance gradually turned shorter.

“Haaa…………it seems my future self has quite a grudge from you”

Just how long did the chase continued, said it with a fed-up voice while flying freely in the sky and dodging the beams.

“……..Fut, sorry, I can’t have you killing me here.----Even I have a wish I have to realize no matter what”


Origami’s eyebrows got closer when she heard those words.


As if to respond to Origami’s words, flew in the sky like a falcon and made a line of light in the sky.

“You killed my…father and mother, and you still want a wish…….? Don’t screw with me. Don’t screw with me. Don’t screw with me…………! I won’t give you time to hope. I won’t give you time to wish. You will die without achieving anything. You will disappear without leaving anything at all. Get lost from this world with regret in that empty heart----!”

However. tilted its head in wonder after hearing Origami’s words.

“Father and mother……? What are you saying? I don’t remember. Sorry, but did you mistake me with someone else?”


Origami gasped when she heard ’s words.

Nonetheless, ’s reply was normal. That’s because at the current stage, has not kill Origami’s parents yet. It was probably fact that it could not answer anything even if it was pressed with a crime it has not done.

But. ’s answer showed one absolute truth.

said this. [I don’t remember].

Which means, unless was playing a fool, in this situation where was originally going to kill Origami’s parents in just another few minutes, does not even know of their existence and name.

Those actions were not calculated, thought out-----and had no reason in it.

To this Spirit, the fact of killing Origami’s parents was not for any principles or goal, it either done it by whim-----like stomping on ants on the roadside; it was just a useless event for it.

Inside her head mad in anger, Origami felt her head turn even more messed up.

Anger filled her body and it felt like it was about to breakthrough her skin.

Even Origami no longer had the words to describe this feeling. Anger. Hostility. Detest. Those words could not even show 10% of the insanity filling Origami’s heart.

But what’s certain was-----she will not allow to exist in this world.


Together with a shout, which was spread out it the sky all fired beams at once and attacked . However, dodged all of it with perfect movements.

But----That was within her calculations. Origami saw through ’s evasion habits during the few minutes of battle and purposely shot the beam in an easy way so it could dodge it.

Yes. She made it so ’s could only slip into the safe zones. All the beams were made so it could barely dodge them all. However in another hand, the beams formed a cage of light around .

It only last a moment to maintain that shape. However, it was more than enough for her.


Right while the beams of light was still in the sky, she gathered and made it into crown-form on top of before directing an enormous beam from the tip down from the sky as if it was meant to slam down.


It was the first time was in dismay.

However, its judgment was fast. It probably thought that it was impossible to dodge this attack without getting hurt. rammed at the cage of light surrounding it and dodged the pouring beam of light from above in a paper thin difference. With her Reiryoku gathered into that one ultimate attack, Origami’s attack pierced into the ground like that after losing its target.

At the same time, the wall of Reiryoku covering touched the ’s beams formed into a cage and caused sparks of Reiryoku around like fireworks. An intense light spread out nearby and blinded Origami for an instant.

But, did not take that chance to attack Origami.

It stopped on the spot and talked in a quiet voice.

“………..That was magnificent. Even I can’t dodge that. To think that you could use this good”


Thus. Origami raised her eyebrows in reflex.

She could not distinguish whether it was female or male just now and voice she could not hear just now turned really clear and shook Origami’s eardrum.

It was the voice----of a young girl.

“………However, this is a problem. I want to avoid trouble if possible but, it’s unthinkable for me to not give a Sephira crystal to a girl that can use power this skillfully…….. While knowing you will go against me, this would mean I will be making a rebellious Spirit………..huh”

After saying this, turned around and faced her back to Origami.

Its appearance was not an identified existence completely covered in noise anymore-----it was a girl with her long hair fluttering in the wind.

Most likely, the noise film covering her temporarily disappeared when she forcefully broke through the cage of light. The ident.i.ty of that she could not recognize until now, was being exposed under the daylight.

But, that was not the only reason why Origami stopped attacking even though it was for a moment.

---She felt that she had heard that girl’s voice before.

“You are----“

The girl ignored Origami’s voice and continued her words.

“…..Well, I have no choice then. I should be welcoming the birth of a powerful Spirit. I will quietly receive this attack. All of this----is for my wish”

After saying that, the girl did not show her face to Origami and made a small wave with her hands.

“----okay see you. I will be leaving now. I achieved my goal today anyway. Actually, I want to see more of your powers but…………if I stay here any longer, nothing good will happen”

In an instant, the girl slowly disappeared into thin air.

“……….! Wait!”

Origami separated into bits again shot several beams to shoot through the girl’s back.

But---it was too late.

beams pa.s.sed through the girls shadow and extended into the sky.


After Origami glared at the s.p.a.ce the girl disappeared into, she clenched her teeth in pain.

The regret of letting her parent’s killer run away in front of her was filling her body.


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