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Chapter 2: King"s MarchPart 1

Chapter 2: King"s MarchPart 1

In the underground meeting room owned by .

Kotori was facing the dolls placed on a round table.

And of course, it’s not like she was talking to the dolls. Speakers were placed under each doll and each of them were connected to the highest leaders of in the world.

“----Commander Itsuka. What is the meaning of this?”

The speaker placed under the crying mouse, was giving a perfectly pathetic voice just like the doll’s face.

“Wasn’t Itsuka s.h.i.+dou’s going out of control a very low possibility?”

“…………….the data is correct. This case should not have happened. Every responsibility goes to me”

“This isn’t something we can settle with you taking responsibility”

The drooling bulldog raised his voice angrily.

“He has the Reiryoku of 8 spirits stored in his body right now. If control is lost then………..just how much damage do you think would happen!”

The ugly cat doll talked to suppress him.

“Calm down.-----we prepared the for this right?”


Kotori frowned her eyebrows and made a hateful expression when she heard those words.

Now that she thinks about it, it was this ugly cat that placed a [Condition] when the plan to use s.h.i.+dou’s ability to seal the Spirits was acknowledged.

“…….however, the Spirits hold Itsuka s.h.i.+dou as a dear existence to them. If we kill him now, the Spirits will all go berserk and might end up inversing in the worst scenario, am I right?”

“Aah, that might be so in normal circ.u.mstances. But, it’s a different story now right?”

“That’s………….but no matter which it may be, we will be losing all the Spirit powers we gathered if that happens, am I right?”

“I know. But, it’s much better than the worst scenario right?”

The stupid dog shut up after hearing the ugly cat’s words. In this situation, that definitely shows the action of agreement.


Kotori gritted her teeth. -------all of them were p.i.s.sing Kotori off.

It’s doesn’t sound like Kotori’s emotion was found out but, the ugly cat continued its words to Kotori.

“With that said, Commander Itsuka. I will be counting on you for his disposal, if anything happens. That is your role”


Kotori tried responding while suppressing the urge to barge in over at the other side of the speaker to punch the person voicing the ugly cat.

But, faster than Kotori’s reply, the squirrel doll sitting at the back of the circle table------the chairman of this board meeting- Eliot Woodman voiced himself.

“------Don’t misunderstand this, Commander Itsuka”


“Your most important task is not to give judgement when the time comes. It is diligently work to prevent the [When the time comes] to happen”


“I am counting on you, Commander Itsuka”


Kotori fixed her posture and saluted.

Part 2

After a few hours s.h.i.+dou collapsed. The girls were in a large resting room-like area while they were in their uniforms.

It was a part of the underground facility owns. There are several vending machines, monitors, and decorative plants beside the wall, while table and chairs were placed at random s.p.a.ces.

Normally, this place is where organization members have friendly conversation during breaks but------the room right now was flowing with a gloomy atmosphere as if this was the waiting room of a surgery room.

After the event, the girls carried s.h.i.+dou outside and after meeting up with the person sent by , they accompanied s.h.i.+dou to this facility.

Since treatment and a.n.a.lysis take some time, they were told to go home first but, Tohka, Origami and the Yamai sisters did not budge. If anything happened to s.h.i.+dou after they left……………just the thought of it, made them reluctant to go home.

“Is s.h.i.+dou going to be okay……….”

Who knows how many times Tohka mumbled that sentence in the silent room.

However, no one was blaming her. That’s only normal. Everyone in here was feeling the same anxiety.

“He will…………..definitely”

“Yes yes, he will be up and daisy if we look after him. Ah, we might increase his fever instead?”

The one who replied to Tohka were the small girl sitting opposite Tohka and the rabbit puppet worn on the girl’s left hand.

Yos.h.i.+no and her friend [Yos.h.i.+non]. Just like the girls, she is a Spirit living in the mansion beside the Itsuka House. She also heard the news of s.h.i.+dou collapsing and ran over here.

“T-that’s right…………..Kotori and Reine are around. It will be okay……………”

However, after Tohka made a nod, the girl with a bad expression sitting beside Yos.h.i.+no, opened her mouth with a dark face.

“………, I wonder about that. There’s always that unlikely event. I think it’s better to be prepared just in case…………….”

Etc etc, she said it in a way that made the originally gloomy atmosphere even gloomier. Tohka looked shocked after hearing those helpless words.

“N-no way……………”

“Hey! Don’t say such ominous things!”

“Scold. That’s right Natsumi. Tohka will believe it”

The Yamai Sisters raised their voices. When they did that, Natsumi twitched her shoulders and shrunk her hunched back even more.

“………..but based on my experience, comparing getting slammed down after clinging to hope and having some preparations for the worst case scenario before failing; the latter choice is much better right………..?”

“No, like we said, can you stop talking with failing set in mind!?”


After Kaguya said that with a screechy voice, Natsumi looked away apologetically.

After a while from that event, silence flowed. The sound of the a.n.a.log clock placed on the room wall sound oddly loud.

“-----But even so”

Origami talked as if to break the silence.

“No matter how sick he was, s.h.i.+dou’s condition was off normality today. It’s like-----a Spirit who is unable to control its power”


Hearing Origami’s words, Tohka, the Yamai sisters, everyone who actually saw s.h.i.+dou’s actions, *Muu* moved their throat.

It’s true that s.h.i.+dou has fallen sick many times before. Especially, he looked quite in pain when he was bedridden after catching the mumps.

But, just like what Origami said, today’s s.h.i.+dou was clearly different from that time.

“You mean…………s.h.i.+dou was also a Spirit?”

“I don’t know”

Origami swung her head without changing her expression. But after a while, she continued with a [But].

“I can’t imagine s.h.i.+dou being a normal human. Leaving aside the first problem, even the reason why s.h.i.+dou can seal the Spirits power wasn’t explained to us either”

“……………….does that mean, either s.h.i.+dou or is hiding something from us?”

The person who said it was Natsumi who was hiding under Yos.h.i.+no’s shadow.

“I did not go that far. There is a possibility that and s.h.i.+dou has not fully grasped the reason why the person in question has this ability and his real ident.i.ty.------but, in a another case, the organization has too many mysteries.”

Origami continued fluently.

“I am thankful that they saved me. I am so grateful that I can’t put it into words. But, why would protect the Spirits in the first place? Don’t you think that this dangerous action without any sort of payment is just a waste of resources?”


Tohka pulled back her lips.

No, Tohka wasn’t alone in this. Kaguya, Yuzuru, Yos.h.i.+no and Natsumi were looking at Origami while keeping quiet.

It might be just as what Origami said. At first Tohka, who was clueless of this world did not questioned this before but, after living a human lifestyle, she could somehow understand how much crazy authority the organization had.

Such an organization was doing everything they can for the girls. And naturally, they were not conscious of this since they were the ones being blessed but, without the girls would not even be able to go to school.

Why would they go so far as to provide such hospitality to the girls-----now that they were asked that again, it was a fact that they could not immediately come up with an answer.


The same time Tohka groaned painfully, the room door opened and Kotori and Reine came inside.


“Hi Tohka. Sorry that my brother caused you trouble”

After Tohka shouted, Kotori shrugged her shoulders while looking around the room.

“………..? What’s wrong?”

Kotori tilted her head as if she felt the weird atmosphere filling the room. Origami then changed the topic by swinging her head.

“Nothing. More importantly, how is s.h.i.+dou’s condition?”


Kotori looked at everyone faces one more time in wonder but, she immediately nodded.

“Then I’ll explain…………..Miku isn’t here yet I see”

After Kotori said that, Reine standing beside her quietly echoed her voice.

“………….I already called her but; apparently she’s in Kansai because of her job”

“Uuuun, then I have no choice. Well, things will work out if she gets here within today. I’ll tell everyone first-----“

Right when Kotori reached there, loud footsteps could be heard echoing over from the corridor.



After Kotori opened her eyes wide, a shadow came jumping over from the opened door and hugged Kotori who was standing there, tightly.

It was a tall girl with bluish purple hair. She was in make-up, and wearing a gorgeous outfit which seems to be her stage costume; a coat was being placed on top of her outfit.


Kotori shouted but, Miku strengthened both her arms as if she did not notice and hugged Kotori tightly while rubbing her cheeks.

“Are you okay darling!? I could not stand still when I heard you collapsed, it’s your Miku who chartered a helicopter and came backkkkk!”

“Hey……..calm down-------“

“Aaah, how pitiful you are darling! You turned this small…………! Aren’t your arms, legs and other parts so squishy!? Now that I think about it, your skin is so smooth that it’s like you are Kotori-san!”

“It’s not “Like” It is really me!”

After Kotori shouted, Miku finally opened her eyes wide.

“Oh my, Kotori-san. What are you doing here? You appeared into my arms before I knew it, Kufufu, Kotori really likes getting pampered huh”

“You’re doing this on purpose right!? Rather, will you stop squirming your hands around!?”

“Aahhn, meanie”

After Kotori pushed Miku away to escape from her constraints, Miku puckered her lips in reluctance.

“Seriously………………go sit where you want. I will explain s.h.i.+dou’s condition.”


Miku raised her hand obediently and sat on a nearby chair. Natsumi twitched her body and moved to a position where Miku could not see her.

Kotori let out a soft sigh after seeing that, before looking towards Reine.

“Then, Reine, I am counting on you”


After Reine said that, she spread her terminal on the table and started operating something.

When she did that, the big monitor installed in the room’s wall, showed the same screen as Reine’s terminal.


Tohka mumbled softly while looking up at the monitor.

There are several numbers around s.h.i.+dou’s body diagram and a graph was shown on it.

“This is a graph made after a.n.a.lyzing s.h.i.+dou’s condition. ------things would have gone faster if it was done in the but a certain someone gave it a good breaking last time”

“There are some evil people out there”

After Kotori said something ironic, Origami immediately replied back nonchalantly. Kotori made a wry smile while shrugging her shoulders.

“-----Well leaving that aside, this is s.h.i.+dou’s current state. Look at the red line on the graph. That signifies s.h.i.+dou’s Reiha readings. In a nutsh.e.l.l, those are crazy values…………but well, the fact that we are able to observe Reiha in a human by itself is weird though”

“Muu…………I don’t fully understand but, why is this happening?”

After Tohka asked, Kotori talked to [Reine]. Reine then responded and changed the graph displayed into something else.

On the screen, the Spirits were placed around s.h.i.+dou who was placed in the middle. There were dim glowing lines between s.h.i.+dou and each Spirits; a light was moving forth and back on each line.

“………….Think of this as his normal condition. s.h.i.+n has the ability to seal the Spirits Reiryoku but, that it’s not like he fully taken the power or isolate it somewhere from the Spirits; an invisible pa.s.s is formed between him and the Spirits, and while he maintains most of the Reiryoku inside him, I want you all to think that the power is cycled around little by little”

Riene pressed the key while saying that. When she did that, the light coming from s.h.i.+dou was distributed towards the Spirits through a pa.s.s.

“………..This picture shows what happen when you Spirits have an unstable mental state. The Reiryoku ratio inside you girls and s.h.i.+n would change, giving you all the ability to manifest your Angel and Limit Astral dress”

“Fumu……I see”

“Pointing out. Kaguya is pretending to understand”

“I-I am not pretending! I actually understand!”

Kaguya and Yuzuru started having a small quarrel. *Kohon* Reine then made a small cough.

“…………Can I continue?”


“Apology. Please go on”

After both of them dropped their shoulders, Reine manipulated the Terminal again and returned to the previous screen.

“………..And, this is what is happening with s.h.i.+dou’s body”

The same time Reine said that, the pa.s.s between s.h.i.+dou and the Spirits shrunk this time and the moving light turned slower.


“………….after seeing the result of the a.n.a.lysis we found out the pa.s.s connected between you all and s.h.i.+n suddenly shrunk and is obstructing the Reiryoku cycle”

“What……does that mean?”

While making her eyebrows look like a 八shape because of the anxiety, Yos.h.i.+no asked her; Reine then nodded with a wobbling action.

“………………aah, the Reiryoku which normally should be cycling around, stopped in s.h.i.+n-----and caused a overheat situation. That’s the reason for s.h.i.+n’s symptoms. Since the Reiryoku had no way to go, it appeared through s.h.i.+n’s body and probably displayed itself as tremendous physical abilities”

After Reine pressed a key, s.h.i.+dou in the screen turned red.

“Oh my G.o.d…………isn’t that a disaster!?”

After Tohka stood up while slamming the table, Kotori erected the Chupa chups in her mouth while folding her arms.

“Yes. This is not a jolly situation. If this condition continues, there is a possibility that the Reiryoku trapped inside s.h.i.+dou would go rampant. It’s an explosion worth 8 Spirit’s Reiryoku. Just thinking about this gives me the chills”

“I-Is there a way to save s.h.i.+dou!?”

Tohka approached Kotori as if to count on her. Kotori then, *Pon**Pon* patted Tohka’s head to calm her down.

“Of course, there is.------------that’s the reason why I called you all”


After Tohka opened her eyes wide, Kotori stood up from her chair and continued.

“Basically, we just have to return the pa.s.s between s.h.i.+dou and us, into its normal state. Once we do that, the Reiryoku will cycle around, and s.h.i.+dou’s condition will improve”

“I-I see!”

“But, what should we do to widen the Pa.s.s?”

Miku placed her finger on her chin and tilted her head.

And for some reason, Kotori fumbled her mouth in a hesitant manner.

“Errr, well that’s…………..”

“…………eh, don’t tell me, we are going to do it without knowing the method?”

Natsumi said it with half her eyes opened.

“Y-you’re wrong. We know the method”

“…………….errr, then is the method something really hard or something ……… that it?”

“No………’s not like that”

“Then tell it already. Just what should we do to save darling?”


After Kotori was at lost with words while her cheeks were blus.h.i.+ng, Reine could no longer watch her and opened her lips.

“………….By kissing”


“What did you say…………?”

Reine nodded to answer everyone’s surprise.

“……………..s.h.i.+dou will kiss a Spirit to seal her Reiryoku. Which means, a pa.s.s was tied between each individual by that action. So in order to widen the contracted pa.s.s, we need all of you to kiss s.h.i.+n again”

“I-I see………….”

Tohka nodded before touching her lips with her finger.

Now that she thinks about it, Tohka and s.h.i.+dou kissed when Tohka’s power was sealed. If that’s the reason why a pa.s.s was formed between them, it makes sense that the pa.s.s will open again if she does it again.

But. After thinking that far, Tohka [Mu?] twisted her neck.

“Wait just a second Reine…………..which means, perhaps, s.h.i.+dou kissed everyone?”

“………? Yes, that’s correct”

Tohka opened her eyes wide when she heard Reine’s words.

“Wha…………I-is that true!?”

“Eh, perhaps Tohka-san didn’t know?”

“Errrr……………….Then how did you think he perform the seal”

“Mu…………? Err like………….”

After Kaguya told her that, Tohka placed her hand on her chin to think and groaned. Leaving the first problem aside, Tohka could not tie sealing = Kissing inside her mind.

“I see……… that’s how it is”

Tohka told s.h.i.+dou that she wanted him to save the Spirits last time. But at the same time, she told him not to kiss anyone else other than her.


She finally understands why s.h.i.+dou looked so troubled at that time. That’s because, kissing is essential to seal the Spirit’s power. Without Tohka knowing, she apparently asked something unreasonable from s.h.i.+dou.

“Err, Tohka-san?”

Miku asked her while peeking into Tohka’s face. To respond to that, Tohka suddenly raised her face.

“Okay………I will do it! I will do it! s.h.i.+dou saved me. It’s my turn to save s.h.i.+dou!”

After Tohka said that, the Spirits around her followed on with their raised voices.

“I…………will work hard…….!”

“Fuun………….he’s a handful of a brother after all”

“Kaka! Kissing to wake the person up, it’s like a fairytale!”

“Consent. It’s the sleeping beauty featuring Princess s.h.i.+ori”

“Eh, what is that? Hey, can you give me more details on that talk?”

“………….So that’s the part you got hooked on”

“I don’t care what it is. I am able to save s.h.i.+dou and kiss him at the same time; this is the verb “One grain of rice with twice the deliciousness”. I have no objections”

Reine slowly nodded after hearing the Spirits answers.

“……….Thank you. Let’s begin immediately; I will lead you all to s.h.i.+n’s medical room. If we let this drag on, it will probably be painful for him”

“Umu, let’s go!”

While saying that, Tohka *Bam* hit her chest while standing up. The others nodded to show their determination and followed her.

But, right when Reine was about to leave the room to lead everyone, she suddenly stopped.

“…………..Oh, by the way. If any of you are afraid to kiss in front of everyone. It’s okay to enter the medical room by taking turns and…… about it?”

After hearing Reine’s words, the Spirit’s *fuumu* groaned after imagining their kissing scene-----and immediately blushed.

“Mu………….it will be helpful if we do that”

“T-that’s true……..”

“Fu……….the eyes of the person who sees my kiss will receive an irreversible curse”

“Translate. Kaguya is saying she’s embarra.s.sed”

“I-I did not say that!”

As expected, everyone is embarra.s.sed of letting their kiss being seen. One female [Ehhhh, I don’t really mind actually. Rather, I think I prefer kissing darling who is asleep and kissing everyone else as an extra] said this but, well she was a rare case.

“………….Fumu. Let’s do that. Please simply pick your turn”

“Yeah, let’s do that”

The Spirits agreed after Kotori’s words.


“I don’t mind being last. Also, I want to know if the medical room has a lock. It’s even better if the room is sound-proofed”

The moment Origami said that, everyone twitched their eyebrows.

“………….as expected, I think it’s better if everyone enters the room”

“True, that seems better”


Origami tilted her head but, everyone ignored her and followed Reine.

They walked down the long corridor and reached a certain door before Reine stopped.

“…………..over here. I think he is still sleeping so enter quietly”

“Umu, I understand”

After Tohka dropped her head forward, she slowly opened the door.

Inside the room, the interior was made exactly like a real medical room. Inside the 12 tatami sized white room, a big bed was placed there.

And on top it, s.h.i.+dou who was sleeping in pain-----

Was not there.


“Ah-re……….where’s s.h.i.+dou-san…………?”

Everyone opened their eyes wide after they entered the room.

But it was only natural. On the bed which was thought to be where s.h.i.+dou slept on, had a dent signifying someone was lying on it just now, casually taken out IV drip needles and the several electrodes which was attached to him, were all scattered about.

Part 3

In the small island-Neryl Island floating on the Pacific Ocean, a rare hustle and bustle visited today.

20 years ago, ever since this inhabited island was bought by the United Kingdom’s DEM industry, a grand scale laboratory facility was constructed underground.

Nonetheless, its existence was not brought out to the public and the position of this island is not placed on the map. Basically, it’s a facility created to conduct experiments which will definitely bring unavoidable criticism from the world if this island was to go public.

Because of that, the only people normally there were researchers reaching around the number of 50, approximately 30 staff members for the daily routines and few Wizards to act as bodyguards.-----well, if the experiments inside the facility are counted as human, the numbers would increase by a hundred fold.

Regardless, the Neryl Island seen from above would get supplies frequently once every week, and since the big shots from the Main branch will not visit even if it’s by whim, the Island is unusually quiet.

---right now in that Island, around 100 Wizards were gathered there. What’s more, all of them were in their wiring suits and equipped with CR-units, and were prepared for battle. Adding on, there are above 300 remote controlled deployed around the island. If this scene was seen by someone who has not seen the usual island, the person will probably think that a war is about to start.

“…………This is quite dangerous”

While looking at the runway filled with Wizards from the transporter c.o.c.kpit, Knox *Fuu* sighed. As if to respond to him, the copilot sitting beside him- Burton nodded.

“That’s just how important [Material A] is”

After saying that, he pointed his thumb backwards in the c.o.c.kpit.

Yes, they were given the mission to transport the most important goods---Nicknamed [Material A] which was kept deep inside Neryl island.

“Well that’s only natural. But even so, this is just a little too much. What’s with this number of Wizards? Are we going to attack the seventh fleet or something?”

Burton made a wry smile after hearing Knox’s jokes.

And at that moment, Knox blinked his eyes.

Right in front the transporter------a small human figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the roadway.


The Wizards thought it was a researcher from Neryl Island but----they were mistaken. A young girl was standing over there.

She was wearing a dress that looks like it’s covered with blood and shadow, had an irregular hairstyle and different eyes. Also------her left eye looked like a watch.

“What……the heck is that. Halloween ended a few months ago”

The same time Knox mumbled his suspicion, it seems the Wizards on the roadway noticed the girl’s existence a moment later. They pointed their guns at the girl and shouted.

“Who are you!? Where did you come from!?”

A Wizard’s voice could be heard over the communicator.

But in the next moment.

“----Kihihi, finally found you, miss 2nd Spirit-san”

Just when he thought the girl’s voice echoed through the communicator, the shadow under the girl extended towards the Wizards feet. Several white hands came out from it and pulled the Wizards down.

“Wha……….what is this……!?”

“The Sha-shadows……!?”

“You fool! Don’t get carelessly get close! She’s----!”

After 1 Wizard said that, the girl *Nii* made a smile.

Next, a group of girls that looks like crawled out the shadow which resembles a carpet.


“Calm down! We have to protect [Material A]!”

The Wizards readied their CR-unit while the group of took out olden type pistols and rifles from the shadows.

---the quiet Island completely changed and swiftly turned into severe battlefield.

The solid defense was getting taken down one after another. That’s because, no matter how many enemies the Wizards slaughters, inexhaustible supply of girls would gush out from the shadows. It’s only a matter of time for those devilish hands to reach the transporter.

“----Pilot Knox! We can’t keep this up any longer! Start the Transporter!”

“You’re joking!? There are still some bodyguard Wizards not on board! Also, are you telling me to run through this runway!?”

“There is no other way! Hurry up!”


After Knox frowned his face, he grabbed onto the control stick.

---the motor sound echoing from the transporter started turning louder.

Having sharp-ears, -Tokisaki Kurumi heard the sound and made a smile before raising her pistol and ordered the [Group of Kurumis].

“I won’t let you run. Am I right-----all of me?”

Listening to Kurumi’s voice, several of her clones flew to the transporter.

But in the next moment.


The moment a gasp could be heard, the heads of the 5 clones heading towards the transporter, flew up in the sky at the same time. After a moment, large quant.i.ty of blood gushed out from the body below while falling towards the ground and twitched a little.

“……..Oh my, oh my?”

While sharpening her gaze, Kurumi looked at the Wizard who appeared at the spot.


She’s different from the other Wizards------it was a blonde haired girl wearing the exact same wiring suits as Ellen Mathers. Her face still has the meekness of a child but it was being decorated with a dangerous expression.

Kurumi let out a soft snort. She could see that she’s a different thing compared to the other Wizards with one glance. The high-quality of the Territory. The wiles showed when she cut of the clones head in an instant. She’s definitely not a normal person.

“An annoying one appeared huh…………but, did you think I would give up because of something that trivial?”

She smiled provocatively.

But, the girl did not responded and readied the special Laser blade in her hands.


Instantly, the clones deployed around Kurumi, flew towards the girl all at once.

However, once the girl manipulated her Territory, the movement of the clones dulled for a moment, the girl took this chance to rush towards Kurumi before slas.h.i.+ng her body.


Large amount of blood gushed out from her chest and while looking at the cloudless blue sky, Kurumi fell on her back on the roadway.

After a few seconds, she could see the loud transporter flying away at the edge of her view.

“Oh my, oh my…………..I, really got………taken down, huh…………..”

Even though she was suffering from hemoptysis, Kurumi’s fearless smile did not break.

“But……………this is not……..the end you know? [I] will take…….Miss 2nd Spirit-san………”


The girl swung

Kurumi’s consciousness was cut off at that moment.

Part 4

Within his cloudy consciousness caused by his fever, s.h.i.+dou was slowly walking in the city.

He was getting vague feelings as if his body was melting like a doll somehow managing to maintain its shape. Actually, it’s even a miracle that he can walk with his legs while maintaining his sense of balance. But even so, his walking posture was getting better than before for some reason. People at the sidelines won’t think that s.h.i.+dou is suffering a serious sickness if they saw him.

“E……….rrrr, What was I doing……..?”

After thinking that far, s.h.i.+dou stopped on the road and tilted his head. He could not remember why he is here in the first place and where he is walking towards to.

Thinking back, he woke up in an unfamiliar room with drips and electrodes connected to his body like it was natural for a patient. The instant he noticed that, s.h.i.+dou felt that he should not be there and left the room to head outside.

And after a while of walking, he reached to a familiar lane of buildings. There was a wide road and several shops were lined beside it. It’s the Tenguu main street that s.h.i.+dou often comes for shopping.

He does not know the time but, he saw Students everyone in the city probably because they were heading home from school. Everyone was wearing warm looking coats and was walking while letting out white breaths.


He noticed one more abnormality.

s.h.i.+dou looked downwards to peek at his own appearance.------it was his familiar, often worn, Raizen high school uniform. Although he put on the blazer because it was hung beside the bed, he was not wearing any winter clothings like a coat.

But even so, s.h.i.+dou was not feeling any sense of cold like just now. He is so okay that he first noticed this after looking at the outfits of the pedestrians.

No way, is it because he has a fever………………no such thing. It feels as if an invisible film was surrounding him and was maintaining a suitable temperature for his body.


“Hmmmmm? Itsuka-kun? Didn’t you head back early for today?”

“Ah, it’s really him. What’s more, he’s acting like an energetic teenager because he does not have a coat under this freezing sky”

“So I guess this is playing hooky. Guilty!”

After s.h.i.+dou was idling, voices as such could be heard suddenly from behind.

When he looked over, s.h.i.+dou’s found his cla.s.smates-the 3 friendly girls Yamabuki Ai, Hazakura Mai, and Fujibakama Mii wearing different color coats standing there.

“Rather, Itsuka-kun. What was up with that during today’s physical measurement?”

“Righttt. What kind of trick is that? Planning to be number 1[12B 1]?”

“Yeah yeah. Well I guess we can forget that since Itsuka-kun can manifest a typhoon with a sneeze using his urges of wanting to see a girl’s panties”

While saying that, 3 of them walked over to s.h.i.+dou. s.h.i.+dou silently turned over to them.

He then looked at their faces by order and started thinking with his feverish head.

Just what do they want from s.h.i.+dou. They said many things to him but, they won’t get to the main point. Rather, s.h.i.+dou was feeling that he could only recognize half of their voices.

Just how should s.h.i.+dou reply back? Just what action should he take? After thinking through-----

“Aah……..oh yeah”

He reached one answer.

Girls are in front of him.

If that’s the case, there is only one thing s.h.i.+dou should do.

s.h.i.+dou silently talked towards the 3 of them who were still chattering.

“-----Yamabuki, Hazakura, Fujibakama………… girls, now that I take a good look at you all, you’re all cute”

He then looked at them with the eyes of a gentleman.

Yes. This is what s.h.i.+dou has to do in front of females.

The action he continuously repeated to save the world.

Once he meets a girl, s.h.i.+dou has to make her fall for him.

And at that moment, the chatting girls stopped their movements as if the stop b.u.t.ton on a remote control was pressed.

And after a few seconds, they brought their eyebrows closer in suspicion.


“What’s with this sudden joke………?”

“Forget losing your mind from the heat, losing your mind thanks to the cold is a rare case…………..”

Ai Mai Mii told him that. But s.h.i.+dou did not laugh even though they were fooling around and continued in a serious tone.

“I am not joking. All of you are super cute. Why didn’t I notice this until now.----Yamabuki. No, Ai”


After he grabbed her hands while calling her first name, Ai opened her eyes wide in surprise. And after a while, she twitched as if she recalled something and hid her own lips with her free hand.

However, s.h.i.+dou did not worry about it and continued his words whole wearing a gentle smile.

“I know how a gentle person you really are. Thank you for always taking care of Tohka. But, I noticed this along the way. I noticed i would end up looking towards Ai over Tohka’s shoulders………..”

“E-errr, Itsuka-kun, I err”

“Aah, I know. Ai loves Kis.h.i.+wada from next door cla.s.s. It really is true that a maiden in love looks beautiful.-----I am a little jealous”


Ai backed off with a blushed face when he told her with a serious gaze.

s.h.i.+dou smiled and took Mai’s hands because she was beside him.



She probably saw what happened with Ai. Mai raised a high pitched nervous voice.

“You usually say that you’re plain but, I don’t think so. You don’t have to dress up and make up your own character. Mai, you’re you. That’s all; after all, you are my special only one”


Those words most likely touched Mai’s heartstrings. Just like Ai, Mai’s cheeks blushed and her body curved up.

After seeing that, s.h.i.+dou touched Mii’s hands next.



Mii was making a complex expression showing a weird expectation yet shows a sense of cautiousness to s.h.i.+dou.

“Now that I think about it, you have the most secrets among you 3. It was pure curiosity at first. But, after talking to Mii, I was able to peek to the other side of that mysterious mask before I knew it.------I want you to show me everything”


To match up with his last sentence, he brought his face closer and smoke burst out from Mii’s ears.

After seeing that happen, s.h.i.+dou smiled and took a step back before making a snap with his fingers.

And for some reason, he understood in his head so naturally that [Something will occur] if he [Does this in this way].

When he did that, the already low temperature dropped even lower to respond to his actions and froze the water particles in the air and s.h.i.+dou made glittering crystals around them.

As if a miracle was performed, s.h.i.+dou then flipped his hand from bottom to up and created an ice flower. He repeated that 3 times and gave the transparent flowers to Ai Mai and Mii respectively.

“Here you go, my princesses”

“Wh-what is this!?”

“Amazing………..a magic trick?”

“Cold! It’s real!?”

Ai Mai Mii showed a shocked expression. After seeing that, s.h.i.+dou smiled while continuing his words.

“Those flowers represent me. Once the season change----no, it’s a fragile flower that will melt by the temperature of a humans palm but, if that appearance is able to enter your eyes even for an instant, and remain in your mind; I have no regrets”

After s.h.i.+dou made one finger stand, he *fuu* blew out. After performing that, ice flower petals fluttered about.

“-------I understand that you all feel nothing of me. I won’t tell you all to force yourself to be mine. But, will you all forgive me if I continue harboring feelings for Ai, Mai Mii in my heart?”

After s.h.i.+dou said that and brought out his hands; the faces of Ai Mai Mii turned even redder and shouted in confusion.


“R-remember this you d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”

“I don’t get what you said but, it’s so sn.o.bby!”

They then ran off while holding onto the ice flower.

s.h.i.+dou did not chase after them and gently relaxed his cheeks.

“Fufu………..your innocent faces are so cute”

And he twitched his shoulders at that moment.

“-----Wait, what did I just say……….?”

s.h.i.+dou pressed his forehead by reflex. The moment he saw Ai Mai Mii, he felt like he had to flirt with them for some reason.

What’s more, s.h.i.+dou was currently the Spirit’s power very naturally. The power to control the cold with one finger. This is the - Yos.h.i.+no’s power.

“Just what is happening here? What is going on with me………..”

But, the moment s.h.i.+dou distorted his expression.

“Oh my, Itsuka-kun? What are you doing here?”

Another female different from just now called out to him from the front, and made s.h.i.+dou direct his consciousness there again.

When he looked over there, he found a small girl with on there. It was s.h.i.+dou’s homeroom teacher Okamine Tamae AKA Tama-chan.

Whether it’s because he saw her or not; s.h.i.+dou made a painful expression while kneeling in front of Tama-chan.

“Sensei, please forgive me!”

“Heh!? W-what is happening here”

Tama-chan showed her surprise at the sudden event. s.h.i.+dou lifted his face without breaking his posture that looks like a knight serving the queen and started right at Tama-chan’s eyes while continuing on.

“I……….was afraid. Even though I said I wanted to marry Sensei before, I then doubted myself if I was able to support Sensei when the time comes for it”


“But, I finally made a firm decision. I will make Sensei wear a wedding dress within her 20’s”


After s.h.i.+dou said that in a pa.s.sionate tone, Tama-chan twisted her body while pressing her chest as if he shot through her heart.

“R-really, Itsuka-kun……………!? Within, my 20’s……………that’ means I have only 3 months left you know!?”

“Even if family registration is not possible, I should be able to give you a wedding ceremony! Let’s hold the ceremony at the chapel now that we have the chance, once we register there, let’s perform it before the altar!”

“What is that, that sounds so wonderful!?”

Tama-chan pressed her cheeks while shouting. s.h.i.+dou then picked up one hand sized rock from the shrubs nearby and handed it to Tama-chan.

“Sensei-----no, Tamae, accept my love”

“Eh? Is this is………..? This is just a rock right?”

Tama-chan looked doubtful and peeked at the rock in s.h.i.+dou’s hand.

After s.h.i.+dou raised the side of his lips, he covered it with both his hands and blew at it.

After s.h.i.+dou opened his hands, the object that was just a rock from the roadside a moment ago, turned into a beautiful ring case.

“Kya! This is………….”

Tama-chan opened her eyes wide. s.h.i.+dou slowly opened the ring case and showed her the silver engagement ring inside the case.

And at the same time, he shouted loudly to call the people pa.s.sing by.

“Come on everyone; give your blessings to Tamae. -----Okay, Everyone!”


After he did that, the strangers normally walking pa.s.s by until now, suddenly twitched their shoulders. They then looked towards s.h.i.+dou and Tama-chan before starting to clap.


“You two match!”

“Uuooooon! Be happyyyyyy!”

“Eh? Eh?”

Tama-chan looked confused at the sudden events and looked around her in panic.

After s.h.i.+dou looked at her while raising his free hand high up, he made a snap with his fingers. When he did that, a glowing mirror manifested above s.h.i.+dou’s head and emitted light to his surroundings.

Next, the bags and umbrellas the pedestrians have transformed to instruments like trumpets and violin-------before starting a magnificent melody.

A song composed by Felix Mendelssohn [The Wedding March]. It’s a piece everyone must have heard at least once; it’s the song every girl yearns for.

Even Tama-chan who was blank at first, probably understood that s.h.i.+dou most likely hired a flash mob. Her expression slowly turned into entranced.

“Tamae-----will you marry me?”


After Tama-chan nodded while blus.h.i.+ng, she started searching her bag after remembering something.

“Hah…………oh silly me, I forgot to bring marriage registration sheet………! W-wai-wait for me Itsuka-k-----No, MY HUSBAND!”

After Tama-chan said that, she forgot to take the ring and ran off.

Part 5

“Kuh………….What [j.a.pan’s winter is not a big deal]. It’s definitely cold enough”

DEM industry’s 2nd Executive chief-Ellen Mathers, was walking in the Tenguu city streets while her body was slightly trembling.

She’s a characteristic female with Nordic blonde hair and pale skin tone. Her body is now being covered with a comfy coat, and a warm looking Russian hat was worn on her head.

When she was in her motherland England, a subordinate told her [j.a.pan’s winter is not a big deal] so she lowered her guard but, now that she take the time to think about it, the subordinate she talked to was born from Alaska. It’s not like she was blaming this for her subordinate but, Ellen made the decision to make a special training course for her when she head back to her motherland.

Ellen is the strongest Wizard, both recognized by her and the world. Even without her wiring suits, it’s possible for her to use the Realizer; with that, she can easily adjust the temperature by deploying the Territory around her body.

Nonetheless, it’s not a praiseful thing to use the Realizer other than missions and more importantly, Ellen’s strongest pride won’t allow her to use the Realizer for such reasons.

Yes. She especially can’t do that in Tokyo. She’s still able to make excuses if it’s in j.a.pan’s Hokkaido or the Tohoku regions but, this city is located quite southern even in the Kanto region, and is given a warm and humid climate in the Köppen-Geiger Cla.s.sification. There’s no way Ellen M Mathers would lose to the cold in such a place.


Just when she thought her nose was itchy, she let out a loud sneeze.


Ellen pressed her mouth and looked around to check if anyone heard her odd bodily urges.

Luckily, apparently there was no one looking at Ellen’s direction. *Houu* she sighed before walking again.

“…………I knew I should have settled things in the company café”

She then murmured with a soft voice.

Yes. After finis.h.i.+ng her afternoon work early, at the same time with her rest, Ellen wanted to enjoy an afternoon tea so she went to a café in the city.

It’s not like she hates the café for company staff members but………….Ellen’s favorite- Strawberry short cake is not served in DEM’s café.

Ellen raised her face up and looked up at the sky. The sky covered with thick clouds looks like acc.u.mulated snows floating about.

“……………at this rate, it will really snow in the middle of the month”

While slightly bringing her eyebrows closer, she immersed herself in thought.

If snows start to pile up, the road leading to the café from the branch company will probably be turn harsher. Before that happens, it might be a good idea to request to add strawberry shortcake in the company menu.

And, after Ellen was walking while thinking such thoughts, a light impact attacked her body suddenly. Apparently, she b.u.mped into a pa.s.serby in front because she was not careful.

“Sorry. I wasn’t careful------“

After Ellen looked back in front, she stopped her sentence after reaching that much.

The reason was simple. The person was someone familiar.

“………….Itsuka s.h.i.+dou”

Ellen sharped her sights after calling the boy’s name.

The person there- the high school student Itsuka s.h.i.+dou is another strategical target just like the spirits.

For some reason, he looks dazed and was not wearing a single coat under this cold winter. His appearance looked so off that she felt a little colder just by looking at him.


s.h.i.+dou moved his sights to Ellen to respond to her voice. At the same time, she noticed a slight change in s.h.i.+dou’s expression. Should she describe this as “Light being illuminated in his eyes or be described as “a machine in hibernating mode activating”, regardless which, his blank condition from just now disappeared and was staring at Ellen.


After Ellen said that cautiously, she took a step back.

However, s.h.i.+dou grabbed Ellen’s hands as if he had no intentions to let her get away.

He then whispered with moisten eyes.

“Ellen-----I have yearned to meet you”


Ellen let out a dumb voice after hearing those unexpected words.

“You are a DEM wizard. We are incompatible existence. I know that. You even tried to kill me many times. -----But, there’s no rule saying that we can’t understand each other even though we are enemies”

“………….What the h.e.l.l are you saying?”

Even though Ellen replied back with a dubious gaze, s.h.i.+dou continued his pa.s.sionate words.

“Ever since the last time I met you, Ellen, you never left my mind. Please, Ellen. Come to with me”

He then said that while looking at Ellen’s eyes.

Ellen was blank because she could not grasp the situation for a moment but, she immediately found out. Most likely, he’s putting on a bad act to pull Ellen- the strongest Wizard to from DEM.

“This is not a funny joke; let me go”

After Ellen spat those words out, she tried to swing s.h.i.+dou’s hands off.

But, after s.h.i.+dou poured more strength into it, he pulled Ellen’s hands and moved his other free hand around Ellen’s hips. The pedestrians were interestingly looking at them.


Even she didn’t think he would go this far. Her face looked shocked by reflex.

“I am not joking. I-----to you………..”

“…………..Don’t you think this prank is going too far?”

After Ellen interrupted s.h.i.+dou’s words, she lightly brought her eyebrows closer and focused her consciousness.

After Ellen did that, the Realizer hid in her pocket received her orders and activated; a small territory ranging to a radius of 2 meters with Ellen as the center.

Just like the name Territory, it’s a s.p.a.ce that can freely change the s.p.a.ce’s properties by the user’s will. After Ellen *Fuun* sighed, she drew an image of s.h.i.+dou’s body being suppressed in her head.

Instantly, the inside of the Territory increased its gravity and caused s.h.i.+dou to sink into the ground.



Ellen opened her eyes wide in bewilderment.

The reason is simple. s.h.i.+dou who was supposed to completely be in Ellen’s range, was still hugging onto Ellen like just now, and staring at Ellen with appealing eyes.


For an instant Ellen was in doubting the Realizer for being broken. But-----she was wrong. She certainly felt the Territory being deployed and more importantly, the sleeves and hem of s.h.i.+dou’s clothes were slightly trembling as if it was being pulled down by a strong force. Even small cracks and cracking sounds could be heard from the spot s.h.i.+dou stepped on.

Yes. Even though s.h.i.+dou received Ellen’s Territory’s influence, he was still hugging Ellen’s body without changing his expression.

It’s clearly a weird situation.

Of course, she went easy on it. Ellen’s Territory density is no.1 in the world. If it’s something seriously used on a normal human, the target’s body will instantly compressed and become a blood bag.

But even so, the Territory deployed by Ellen now, is definitely not something a normal high school boy should be able to work under in. Actually, when Ellen snuck into the Itsuka family house, s.h.i.+dou could no longer move from this level of restraints.

Then why in the world-----

When Ellen wondered why, s.h.i.+dou took a few stomps forward while holding Ellen’s hips before *Kui* lifting Ellen’s chin to fully bring her to the corner.

“Ellen……..Please understand. I love you”


After Ellen frown her face, she increase the strength of the Territory, increase her physical capabilities and fend of s.h.i.+dou’s hands by spinning her body.

“Woah there”


She then launched a palm strike to s.h.i.+dou’s head with that momentum.

It’s an attack enhanced by the Territory. Forget dodging, it’s probably hard to even see the attack with a normal person’s reflex.

But, after s.h.i.+dou easily dodge that attack, he extends his hands to Ellen’s body again.

“Don’t look down on me……..!”

She hit away s.h.i.+dou’s hand by the heel of her palm and launched a kick targeting his stomach. But even that ended up missing with s.h.i.+dou turning his body at the very last second.

s.h.i.+dou dodge, blocked and handled Ellen’s attacks; while Ellen was rejecting s.h.i.+dou from getting closer. After a few seconds, lightning fast attacks were launched. The pedestrians stopped and were awestruck after seeing this one scene that would appear in an action movie.


Even though Ellen was not wearing her wiring suits, she would not even imagine that a there is a human that can have an equal fist fight with Ellen with the Territory deployed. After Ellen grinded her teeth in hatred, she grabbed the Russian hat worn on her head and threw it at s.h.i.+dou’s face with all her might.


Of course, s.h.i.+dou pulled back and easily dodged it.

But, that action was within her expectations. All she needs is something to cover s.h.i.+dou’s view even for an instant.


Ellen launched a sharp spin kick from s.h.i.+dou’s blind spot.

It was performed with perfect timing. In a moment later, she will be able to hear s.h.i.+dou’s groans.



Ellen opened her eyes wide unintentionally. The moment Ellen thought her kick reached s.h.i.+dou, s.h.i.+dou’s body disappeared like a light.

And after a moment, s.h.i.+dou appeared in a close position to Ellen who lost her balance after her kick was dodged.


“Don’t cause trouble for me, Ellen”

After s.h.i.+dou said that sweetly, he returned the Russian hat which he grabbed before she noticed, back to Ellen’s head before moving his hands around Ellen’s legs to lift her body up. Basically, she looks like she’s being given a princess carry.


Ellen raised a high-pitched voice at the sudden event. s.h.i.+dou gave an affectionate gentle smile even after seeing such a response.

“Wh……what are you doing”

After Ellen sharpens her sights to regain her composure, she manipulated the Territory to push s.h.i.+dou away. But just like what happened just now, only his uniform flapped and s.h.i.+dou’s body did not budged.

If she worn her Wiring suits, she would be able to deploy a strong Territory incomparable than the one now but, it’s not a good idea to use the emergency equip device with many people looking. However, in order to break this situation------

When Ellen hesitated, s.h.i.+dou brought out his lips.

“------A naughty child needs a punishment”

After saying that, he slowly brought his lips to Ellen’s lips.


Ellen gasped after guessing s.h.i.+dou’s aim.

“Eh, Errr, wait………d.a.m.n it!!”

Her eyes swam around due to the confusion and she flapped her arms and legs to try to run away from s.h.i.+dou. But, s.h.i.+dou’s strength was so strong making her unable to swing free. Even though she tried increasing the Territory’s power, her mind was so much in chaos that she could not focus properly.

“St-stop, I-----“


Ellen twitched her shoulders while shutting her eyes tightly when her name was called in a distance where his breath temperature could be felt.

Next, a soft feeling appeared on Ellen’s forehead.


The same time she opened her eyes in fear, Ellen was slowly lowered down to the ground. s.h.i.+dou was waving his hands to her.

“I’ll leaves things here for today. I don’t have any interest on forcing an unwilling girl.------Well, see you later. My cute Ellen”

After leaving that, s.h.i.+dou took a nonchalant exit.


Ellen was sitting on the ground blankly for a while but, her face immediately turned red afterwards.

She then whipped her forehead with her coat’s sleeves before clenching her fist and let out her voice in hatred.

“Itsuka……………s.h.i.+dou, I will never……..forget this humiliation………!”

After Ellen said that with teary eyes, she head back to the company building while escaping the public eye.

Part 6

“s.h.i.+dou! s.h.i.+dou! Where are you!”

Tohka and the other Spirits were running around the city shouting.

The residents walking near them looked at them with curiosity but, they did not care about it at all and continued shouting.

Around 1 hour pa.s.sed after the search started. At first everyone looked around the underground facility but, they discovered traces of s.h.i.+dou escaping outside; the girls then moved up to the land to look for him in the area.

“Muu………s.h.i.+dou, where did he go with such a body condition?”

“Perhaps…………there’s no way he collapsed somewhere right……………?”

After Tohka said that, Yos.h.i.+no replied back while making an uneasy 八 eyebrow shape. It’s true that, they can’t dismiss that because of s.h.i.+dou’s current condition. Tohka looked over to Kotori with a worried face.

When she did that, Kotori “I get it” nodded.

“With that possibility in mind just in case, we entered nearby hospitals to look for him. Reine will contact us when someone is brought in as an emergency case and it looks like it’s about s.h.i.+dou.”

And, the moment Kotori said that, a call came from the Incam with good timing.

“………everyone, can you all hear me?”

Reine’s sleepy voice shook their right ears. Everyone, placed their hands over the Incam to prevent missing any information.

“Reine, what’s wrong?”

“………..Yeah, I found s.h.i.+n”

“! Really!? Where is he? Did he collapse and was brought to a hospital as expected………!?”

After Kotori shouted, Reine shook her throat that sounds like a groan.

“……..No, apparently he did not collapse. Forget that

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