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Chapter 4: If You Give Up, Then It"s The DeadlinePart 1

Chapter 4: If You Give Up, Then It"s The DeadlinePart 1

On the rooftop of a mansion where Nia resides, the shadows began to spread out.

From the shadows, Kurumi slowly raised herself up before coming out with a jumping move. She stretched her body lightly and slowly looked up to the sky. After that, a familiar voice resounded from the shadow that was spreading on the ground.

“-----Well, well.”

“It looks like it has become a troublesome matter.”

“How was it?”

After uttering those words, several girls came out at the same time from the mansion rooftop’s shadows.

They’re all girls with an asymmetrically fluttering hairstyle and all of them have a clock’s dial as their left eye.

Of course they also have the same voice. The reason is because they’re all [Kurumi]’s voice.

Kurumi’s angel is . Using [The Eight’s Bullet] Kurumi can create her own clones. They are all talking to Kurumi through the shadows.

Kurumi lets out a sigh and replied to them.


It’s true that Kurumi had already meet with the Second Spirit she had been searching for this all time, and using Nia’s angel, Kurumi already obtained the information regarding [The First Spirit].

However, Kurumi has reached a serious conclusion as a result.

Kurumi gave out a sigh and shrugged her shoulders.

“Even if I collect enough Reiryoku to go back to 30 years ago using [The Twelfth Bullet-Yud Bet], I absolutely cannot win against [The First Spirit].”


After Kurumi said that, Kurumi’s clones suddenly became quiet.

They were all looking at Kurumi silently.


In response to them, Kurumi giggled and laughed.

“What’s with that face, us? ----Do you think I will accept it just like that? Do you think I will waste all the human lives I took this whole time just because of that?”

After saying that, Kurumi twirled around as if she was dancing, and she kicked the ground lightly to stand at an angle.

As she looks down to the vast town, she continued to speak with a singing tone.

“The First Spirit’s power might be too powerful-----but, what about it? My angel has the power to manipulate time. In front of time, any kind of power is meaningless.”

Kurumi looked back at those clones.

Among the information Kurumi got from Nia, the most important one wasn’t [The First Spirit]’s ability, -----Rather, it was the reason and cause for its appearance.

“It’s was a very simple talk. The First Spirit didn’t exist in this world until 30 years ago. In that case, I need to go to the time before the First Spirit appeared in this world, and just eliminate the cause for its appearance.”

As Kurumi said that, she created a gun shape using her right hand’s index finger and thumb. Then, *Bang!*, she shot it towards an empty s.p.a.ce.

All clones brightened their expressions upon hearing Kurumi’s words.

“----Well, it would be a lie if I said that I’m not regretting the fact that I cannot kill that hateful Spirit with my own hands. Tough, but let’s put that aside.”

Right. The most important thing is-----------to erase the reality of that [Spirit]’s existence being born into this world.

Restore the history to how it should be, just like what s.h.i.+dou did.

Kurumi lowered her eyes and gripped her fist as if she gained a new determination.

“But still………………”

After that, she gave out a sigh.

From Nia just now, Kurumi already knew the reason of [The First Spirit]’s arrival. She thought about that in her mind and spoke to herself with an appalled voice.

“Isaac Ray Pelham Westcott, Ellen Mira Mathers, and Elliot Woodman.”

She called out the names of the three biggest sinners.

“Although it’s no use to say it now………. but the next time I see you three, I will likely be unable to control my urge to kill you."

After saying that, Kurumi kicked the ground again as she began to disappear into the ground.

Part 2

And so, s.h.i.+dou and the other’s battlefield had just begun.

After the story line has been decided by everyone, s.h.i.+dou and the other Spirits began splitting their work between a drawing team and a special team.

Firstly, for the drawing team, Natsumi is in charge of working on the major parts of the drawing: sketching the rough outline and drafting the cover.

Although they wanted help out more to lighten Natsumi’s burden, in order to keep consistency between story and drawing-style, this task had to be entrusted to Natsumi.

While s.h.i.+dou and the others are free, they viewed a video that gave a simple explanation regarding the work process for a manga. They then practiced their sketches on the paper in order to have some preparation before being able to help out with the manga.

When everything is done, the time is already 2:00 a.m. of December 30th.

Although naturally everyone should go to sleep and continue working on the drawing early next morning, Natsumi kept insisting to continue the work. They decided to work overnight and take naps in turns in order to maximize their working efficiency.

When Natsumi drew the draft, she framed her ill.u.s.tration by using a ruler and a pen. Then, she drew the text box. Once that was done, the real work will begin. Everyone would re-draw the rough sketch of all the characters Natsumi had drawn using pencil.


“…………Uwaah! I drew over the frame!”

“Ku………..The jet-black tears have fallen upon the pure holy ground!?”

“Disturbance. The ink has already stuck under the ruler.”

“………….No problem. This can still be repaired.”

Although s.h.i.+dou and the others have all drawn an ill.u.s.tration before, they’re still amateurs. So, there’s no way they could draw the ma.n.u.script neatly during the beginning.

Though with enough concentration and adaptive power, they looked at the draft’s open s.p.a.ce and moved the pen more carefully. Somehow, they managed to draw the line properly on the draft……….Well midway, Kaguya and Yuzuru had switched their pen type from the Mili-pen to the Superfine Marker for inking the small parts.

And after inking was done, they erased the pencil traces diligently. Then, they changed the image into data by using a scanner and send it to a.s.sistant-team lead by Nakatsugawa.

Though it can be said that they are rus.h.i.+ng on the work, with only a small number of people, they won’t be able to finish the manga book within only 2 days.

However, that doesn’t mean that s.h.i.+dou and the others can suddenly increase their drawing ability. Inking Natsumi’s rough sketch using a pen is more stressful than everyone had thought it would be.




Inside the large room, there is the scratching sound of a pen moving. Even though they played some CDs as background music; while working, there’s almost no effect at all to the person whose heart is supposed to be heal by the music.

After some time has pa.s.sed since they started working. “Hi, everyone! How’s the work progress?”

Suddenly, the room’s door opened. It’s Kotori, who brought along some bags with both of her hands. “………….Aah, Kotori. Well, somehow.”

“…………Somehow, you look older even though it’s just been a few hours since we last seen each other.”

Kotori said that while sweating. She placed the bags on the table and raised her voice.

“Refreshments. I’ll put them here, please drink them while you’re taking a break.”

“Kaka…………An offering, huh? What good dedication, Kotori.”

“Grat.i.tude. Thank you very much Kotori.”


The Yamai sisters expressed their grat.i.tude, Origami kept silence while waving her hand. At that time, “Uuh………” such a voice can be heard. Perhaps, Natsumi was replying to Kotori’s words.

Then, since Kotori already got a response from everyone, she walked towards s.h.i.+dou’s desk.

“…………..s.h.i.+dou, can I have a moment?”

“Ng? What is it?”

“It’s about Nia, so-“

“……….! Did something happen!?”

When s.h.i.+dou asked, Kotori nodded. Then, once again, she raised her voice to everyone.

“Sorry, everyone. I’ll be borrowing s.h.i.+dou for a while. He’ll work twice as faster once he gets back.”


s.h.i.+dou voiced his protest, but Kotori didn’t take notice. She gripped s.h.i.+dou’s sleeve and pulled him forward.


s.h.i.+dou, while being dragged by Kotori, was walking out of the room like a dog being lead.

After they had left the mansion, s.h.i.+dou lowered his eyesight due to the dazzling suns.h.i.+ne.

“Ukh………..It’s already this bright? This is bad, how many hours are left?”

“Although ma.n.u.script is also important, but first just get into the car.”

After saying that, Kotori pointed to a car parked in front of the mansion.

s.h.i.+dou sat on the back seat as per Kotori’s instruction. The car left right away, moving along the road.


s.h.i.+dou looked to the stores and houses on the street outside the window as he asked Kotori.

“Did you find out something about Nia?”

“Yes--------Actually, we have contacted someone who is Nia"s mangaka acquaintance.”

“I-Is that true? Then, if we ask that person—“

“Yes. We might be able to find out something regarding Nia’s past.”

Kotori said that while looking at s.h.i.+dou. s.h.i.+dou gulped down his saliva.

After twenty minutes had pa.s.sed, the car carrying s.h.i.+dou and Kotori stopped right before a café.

“--------It’s here. Please get off. Reine is already talking to that person.”


s.h.i.+dou got out from the car. While a little nervous, he proceeded towards the café.

They looked around inside the café--------Then they heard someone who was calling out for s.h.i.+dou while raising her hand a little.

“Hi, Reine-san.”

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”

“………….Aah, so you’ve arrived, s.h.i.+n, Kotori.”

Reine talked to with a similar sleepy tone. She was similar to s.h.i.+dou who was currently also sleepy due to last night. Then, she introduced them to the person who sitting in front of them.

“………Let me introduce. She’s a manga artist. Her name is Takajou Hiroki.”

“Ah, nice to meet you—“

s.h.i.+dou bowed to her, --------but at that point, he stopped his body’s movement.

He thought that Takajou Hiroki was the name for a guy. However, in front of him, there was a woman wearing thick and her age looked seemingly over twenty.

Then, he remembered something regarding another week’s event. Nia herself said there’s another female manga artist who used a masculine name as a pen name like her.

“Please let me introduce myself. My name is Itsuka s.h.i.+dou.”

“The same, my name is Kotori. Thank you very much for coming here today.”

“Ooh, thank you for your politeness.”

In response to s.h.i.+dou and Kotori’s greeting, Takajou said that while placing her hands on the table as she bowed in return to them.

And then, she looked up to see both s.h.i.+dou and Kotori.

“…………Well then, today you wanted to ask something about Honjou-sensei, right?”

“Ah-----Yes. That’s right. Anything is fine; can you please tell us everything you know?”

When s.h.i.+dou asked that, Takajou corrected the position of her and her lens started s.h.i.+ning.

“Although I don’t mind about it………..What kind of relations.h.i.+p do you all have with Honjou-sensei?”


“No, please pardon me. But our careers are in the peak of our popularity. I won’t leak out any information to any unrelated person.”

“I see…………..”

Perhaps this conversation won’t last any longer. However, s.h.i.+dou could not think of any good explanation right away. He kept thinking about what to do for a moment.

And then from his side, Kotori raised up her voice.

“------------Actually Nia-Onee-chan is our distant relative, but we couldn’t contact her for several years now………..So we’re wandering around asking various people about her circ.u.mstances.”

And then, Kotori said those words very carefully. Perhaps she had already a.s.sumed this kind of circ.u.mstance beforehand? Or it’s was only an ad-lib she came up on the spot? No matter which one, Kotori said that plausibly without changing her expression. s.h.i.+dou had a feeling that Kotori had a nature talent as a swindler.

“Fumu, I see.”

Takajou groaned a little before nodding. Certainly, Takajou believed in Kotori because she just used her real name [Nia], which has never been present to public.

“I understand your circ.u.mstances. I’m also worried about Honjou-sensei. I will cooperate with you as long as it’s within my limits.”

“Is that true? Thank you very much………..!”

s.h.i.+dou placed his hands before him, and bended his body to once again bow to her.

However----------Takajou scratched her cheeks a little.

“However………..I don’t know how helpful I can be.”

“What do you mean…….?”

“No, actually, I haven’t met with Honjou-sensei during the recent years as well. Besides……….Somehow it’s looks like that Honjou-sensei also hates me.”

“Eh? What do you mean?”

As s.h.i.+dou asked, Takajou shook her head as she continued.

“No………..About 8 or 9 years ago, we had met during a publisher’s party and became friends……….But one day, she strangely became cold towards me and started keeping her distance……..I thought, we had a good friends.h.i.+p as fellow manga artists, but……….It looks like my carelessness did something rude to her without my realization.”


Upon hearing that explanation, s.h.i.+dou knitted his eyebrow. Next to him, Kotori also created the same expression as if realizing something.

Perhaps what’s come up in Kotori’s mind was also ------the angel ’s existence.

“What’s wrong?”

Feeling that s.h.i.+dou and Kotori’s reactions were strange, Takajou inclined her head.

“N-No, nothing wrong.”

“Fumu……..Is that so? -----Anyhow, that’s it. Although I can tell you what I know, I’m not sure if that will be useful or not.”

“Yes, please do.”

s.h.i.+dou said that while nodding, Takajou returned the reply back by shaking her head as well. Then, she continued.

Approximately 40 minutes later,

s.h.i.+dou and Kotori thanked Takajou and left the café. They went back to the same car that brought them here previously. As the car moved, they stared outside to look at the outside window’s scenery.

From their conversation with Takajou, Nia has a good personality which makes her always friendly and talkative towards anyone.

However, Nia doesn’t like to talk about herself before she became a manga artist. Especially, when questioned about her past relations.h.i.+ps with her friends. She always tries to smooth talk her way out of those conversations.

And even when someone like Takajou appeared, who seemed easy to get along well, she kept her distant with her in turn.

“………….What do you think Kotori?”


In response to s.h.i.+dou, Kotori moved her lips.

“There’s no doubt that it has something to do with ’s existence………..If you think about it carefully, it’s not strange. If you have an angel that could know everything in this world, everyone would want investigates the people around them, right?”


“Yes. Perhaps, that was the reason why Nia distrusted humans. ----But that’s it. There’s no human who could behave like a saint every day and night. Everyone will eventually at least talk bad behind someone’s back. With , it’s only natural to feel disgusted towards human beings.”

Kotori scratched her head.

“…………The root of the problem is surprisingly deep. When I heard that she can only love 2D characters, I thought it was only some kind of joke, but………In short, she won’t open her heart so n.o.body will be able to betray her, right? Isn’t this……….really sad?”


Upon hearing Kotori’s words, s.h.i.+dou kept silent for a while.

Perhaps what Kotori said is true. Perhaps it was because of this reason. The reason why she never talked about her past relations.h.i.+p with her friends….the reason why she absorbed herself into a 2D world.

However, there’s only one thing that felt odd. About Nia, who suddenly acted coldly and kept her distant with Takajou………..Those thoughts remained stuck inside s.h.i.+dou’s mind.

“………………, s.h.i.+dou?”

“Eh? Aah…………”

s.h.i.+dou replied her, as Kotori looked at him with a displeased face.

“I understand that you are sleepy because you worked overnight, but this is important matter. You can’t be s.p.a.ced-out.”


s.h.i.+dou responded back with a short reply. Upon seeing Nia’s rough life, he gripped his fist.

“Anyhow, for now, let’s complete the doujin. No matter what we do, we should make a place where we can talk to Nia once again and negotiate with her.”

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Kotori made a surprised expression as she nodded back to him.

Part 3

The work had reached its climax on December 31st at 1:00 a.m.

Inside the work room on the first floor of Spirit’s mansion, s.h.i.+dou and the others were still busy using pens to ink the empty s.p.a.ce of the ma.n.u.script.


Inside the silence, s.h.i.+dou moved his body towards the desk as if he was sticking to it. Then, he inked the rough character drawn by Natsumi very carefully.

He was wearing gloves with fingertip attachments in order to not get cut off and taint the ma.n.u.script. He also stuck a cooling sheet on his forehead to prevent him from falling asleep.

Empty coffee cans and nutritional drink bottles lined up on the edge of the table.

“…………….1:00 a.m.………Although we should send the data for the finis.h.i.+ng touches………We are almost at our time limit……..You know?”


“Ans………wer. Over here, only a little bit more………”


It’s been a day since they started working. s.h.i.+dou never left his seat except for food, bathroom breaks, and a momentary nap. He continued working on the drawing. It has exhausted his mind more than he expected. When he goes to the bathroom just now, looking at his face reflected on the mirror, his eyes are surrounded by splendid black circle around them, just like Reine’s.

However, s.h.i.+dou is not the only one who has fallen into that state. On s.h.i.+dou’s left side, both Kaguya and Yuzuru are in the same boat as s.h.i.+dou. Their head seemed to feel dizzy as well. The only one who was still calm is Origami, but sometimes she also stopped moving every few hours as if she’s run out of battery.

However, Natsumi was the one who was, without a doubt, in the most dangerous state right.

Natsumi sat on the desk in the back side of the room. She didn’t take a nap even once. Her eyes looked really red, and her fingertips were trembling. However, no matter how much s.h.i.+dou and the others asked her to rest, Natsumi never once stopped drawing. With that tenacity, the girl has been granted with a pro’s greatness.

Looking at that girl’s figure, s.h.i.+dou cannot let out any complaints at all. s.h.i.+dou collected all of his last willpower and placed them into his fingertips. Slowly, he started working on the last part.

“Alright……….This is……..The end, the finish…………”

s.h.i.+dou said that with a s.h.i.+vering voice; then, he collapsed onto the desk. ----Of course, after he putting aside the ma.n.u.script.

At almost the same time, the Yamai sisters and Origami also finished their work. Similar to s.h.i.+dou, both Kaguya and Yuzuru also collapsed onto their desks. However, Origami stretched her body and then stopped moving for a while.

Then, while waiting for the ink to dry, they erased the pencil traces and gave the ma.n.u.script to the a.s.sistant team.

“Well, it’ll be alright to entrust everything else to then.”

Not so long after that, the door of the work room opened. Kotori and the others from the other team came inside with a big cardboard box.

“…………Hi, s.h.i.+dou.”

“Aah, Kotori…………..Eh?”

As s.h.i.+dou replied back to Kotori and the others, he struggled to raise his tired eyes.

Anyhow, Kotori, Tohka, Yos.h.i.+no, and Miku appear to have the same sleepy face as s.h.i.+dou and the rest.

“You all……..That face, what happened?”

When s.h.i.+dou asked, the girls looked at each other before turning back to s.h.i.+dou.

“That’s a secret, s.h.i.+do.”

“Please………Look forward to it.”

“Ufufu………Actually, lack of sleep is beauty’s most powerful enemy, but we cannot just let darling and the others do all the work~.”

After saying that, Tohka, Yos.h.i.+no and Miku laughed despite having a worn out face. s.h.i.+dou inclined his head in wonder.

“More importantly, how was your work?”

“Aah………I just finish them just now. After we are done with the erasing part and scanning them, we’ll send them to the a.s.sistant team. I think Kaguya, Yuzuru, and Origami have also already finished.”

“Is that so? Thank you, Well then----“

After saying those words, Kotori looked around at the room’s scenery.

Right. There’s a girl who was still continuing to work inside the room, ----Natsumi.

s.h.i.+dou piled up the papers for a few seconds and slowly got up from the chair. He walked towards Natsumi along with Kotori and the others.

Upon seeing that, both the Yamai sisters and Origami followed them as they walked towards Natsumi.

“Natsumi………..Are you alright?”



“…………! A-Aah…………Un…………”

When s.h.i.+dou talked to her, Natsumi shrugged her shoulders. The color of fatigue can be seen clearly on her face. Under her red eyes, there were dark circles around them. Looking like that, Natsumi had already reached her limits.

“Since we already finished our work, we will take over for you. You’re exhausted, right? Please go get some rest.”

“……………Uun, that’s fine. It’s only a little bit more…………”

Natsumi shook her head in response to s.h.i.+dou’s words and continued working. She rubbed her eyes because they seemed to be growing dizzier. She accidently covered her face with the ink stuck on her hands. Somehow, her face looked like someone who defeated at a j.a.panese badminton match.

“Wait a minute……….Natsumi, didn’t you not take any breaks since yesterday? Moreover, you even do the double the amount of work on both the Name and the draft……..”

“That’s right. Our game will be at the sales event. Leave the rest to us, the dark dimension of sleep is already calling out to you.”

“Agreement. You are overworking yourself, Natsumi.”

“Resting is also important work.”

However, even though Yamai sisters and Origami were trying to talk to her together, Natsumi didn’t stop her work at all.

Staring at the blank s.p.a.ce of the ma.n.u.script, Natsumi inked them with the pen wholeheartedly.

“………………I said………It’s fine.”


While s.h.i.+dou said that, Natsumi keeps drawing a beautiful line with trembling fingers.

“………..Perhaps, I will be the only one who is useless during the event. This is the only thing I can do………..Is only this far…………That’s why, let me do this. For me to become someone this necessary is something unthinkable. Because I want to be helpful too for everyone…………”


“…………I was saved by s.h.i.+dou and everyone, I was truly happy………Because of that, this time, I wanted to save another Spirit by combining our power together. I’m, really……..really……happy. That’s why, there’s no pain at all. It’s really-really fun that I can’t help it. I want to tell her soon………..So that stubborn Nia will understand about it too.”

Natsumi smiled a little, before she slowly lifted up her hand that was gripping the pen.

“--------That friends.h.i.+p is a beautiful……..thing.”

And then, Natsumi collapsed and fell off from her chair just as she finished her drawing. Thankfully, s.h.i.+dou was able to catch her body with one arm.

“Hey, Natsumi, are you alright?”


s.h.i.+dou asked with a worried tone. Natsumi replied with a soft breathing that indicated that she fell asleep.

“………..You’ve work hard Natsumi.”

After saying that, s.h.i.+dou smiled at her and gently patted her head.

And then, Miku, who stood up behind him, raised her voice with a tears flowing down from her eyes.

“Uu………..I’m being deeply moveed! To show my concern, darling, let me bring Natsumi-san to her room and lay her down on the bed………….”

“s.h.i.+dou, bring Natsumi to her room. Don’t forget to lock the door, alright?”

As if interrupting Miku’s words, Kotori said that. Miku went, “Aan, Kotori-san is such a meanie!” and twisted her body.

Kotori ignored Miku and took the finished ma.n.u.script from Natsumi’s table. She stares at it before nodding a little.

“--------How splendid.”

After that, she showed it to everyone present.

“This is the result of Natsumi’s soul. With this, our weapon is already completed. -----Everyone, this match, we’ll absolutely gain victory!”

Upon hearing Kotori’s words,


s.h.i.+dou and the others tossed their fist into the air as their answer.

Part 4

Finally, morning has arrived. It’s already 7:30 a.m. The door to the battlefield has opened.

The circle of partic.i.p.ants have already line up at a large convention center------Tengu Square, where Comico Colosseum’s a.s.sembly was being held. As they enter the hall, they heard the sound of footsteps, as well as rolling carts from the inside the room.[1]

Comico Colosseum was held twice a year, once during the summer and once during the winter. They displayed and sold a large number of doujin. It was scheduled to be held for only three days. This was a large event where all fans of manga and anime from the whole country gathered. Just like every other year, within those three days, it can be said that more than 50 people come as vendors.

That is the biggest event ever being held. Of course there are general partic.i.p.ants too; however, the numbers of circle partic.i.p.ants who display their doujin have fairly increased in terms of number. Not so long after the hall opened, the rumble of people marching vibrated inside the building.

It’s been one hour since the opening. The group of circle partic.i.p.ants was usually placed in the same spot. s.h.i.+dou and the others, the circle , finally built their booth in front of the gate after the pedestrian traffic became fewer.

“Alright, let’s go, everyone!”

“Umu, preparation is completed!”

“L-Let’s do our best………..!”

The Spirits nodded at s.h.i.+dou’s words.

Even though it can be said that everyone’s physical condition isn’t perfect yet, they have recover enough of their physical strength because they pa.s.sed out asleep after finis.h.i.+ng the ma.n.u.script.

When s.h.i.+dou woke up, he found Origami clinging next to him. While Miku had seized both Yos.h.i.+no and Kotori in her left and right arms. As a result, she slept with a happy-looking face. Yos.h.i.+no and Kotori groaned as if they were having a nightmare. They suspected Origami and Miku for plotting together for this, but the two denied that and said that it was only their sleeping posture. However, knew that they lied and looked at them with suspicion.

Anyhow, today is the time for the decisive battle. s.h.i.+dou walked along with the Spirits to the wide lobby pa.s.sage. Then, they went to the east hall to their booth’s direction. Inside the hall, there was a large number of people from each circle partic.i.p.ating. Everyone seems to be busy. As they were constructing their booth, they set up the tablecloth and lined up all the books on the tables.

“Hee………Although this is my first time coming here, this is amazing.”

“Consent. Everything here is so creative.”

“You’re right~. This atmosphere somehow feels similar to a live TV show.”

The Spirits looked at their surroundings out of interest, they went *Kya-Kya!* and chatted around.

Then, as she looked at a certain spot in the hall, Kotori shouted something to everyone.

“-----She’s already here, Nia.”

After her words, everyone became nervous.

s.h.i.+dou gulped down his saliva and looked at the circle’s booth at the opposite direction.

Over there, was the person who Kotori just mentioned -----The figure of the Spirit, Nia.


s.h.i.+dou made up his mind and walked forward.

And then, as if noticing s.h.i.+dou and the others’ presence, Nia tucked her face.


After saying that, she lifted up the bridge of her and stood up from the chair.

“What an unexpected meeting boy. I’d never guess that we would meet again in a place like this. Oh, I see that everyone’s here too. Nice to meet you all, I guess?

Nia glanced towards the Spirits sitting in a row behind s.h.i.+dou. Tohka, Origami, Kaguya, and Natsumi put on their guards. Yos.h.i.+no and Yuzuru bowed a little, while Kotori folded her hands and glanced back to Nia as a finis.h.i.+ng blow.

Only Miku placed her hand on her chin and her eyes seemed to sparkle, “I see, I see…….A girl with and is slender but also considerably beautiful……….The type I’ve never seen up until now~.”

For some reason, after she had said that, Natsumi took some distance from Miku.

“………….Then? Why did you come? Well, it’s your liberty to come to Comico, but……..General partic.i.p.ants will start coming in on 10:00 a.m., you know?”

Nia shrugged her shoulders in response.

Kotori unfolded her hands while replying back to Nia.

“Thank you for the advice. -------However, we’re not general partic.i.p.ants.”

Then she slowly lifted up her right hand and pointed to the s.p.a.ce next to Nia’s. Nia followed Kotori’s fingertips and created a puzzled face.

“Fuun…………..? Aah, I see.”

Nia let out a small sigh, and then she took the hall’s guide map placed on the desk.

“I thought it was odd. According to the map, there’s no booth here, but then I see it’s here when I come. I thought that the management’s side perhaps made a mistake, but…………I see this is your doing.”

“Well……….That’s it.”

As s.h.i.+dou answered her, Nia made unpleasant expression towards s.h.i.+dou and the others. However, facial expression showed that she thought that this unexpected situation was amusing.

“……………..Anyhow, you brought a lot of people.”

“Ara, aren’t your people also quite many?”

“Aah, everyone is working part-time. Isn’t an employment relations.h.i.+p good? They’ll be working as much as the money you paid to them, so it’s easy to understand.”

Upon hearing Nia’s words, s.h.i.+dou and Kotori bite their lips a little. -------Form yesterday’s conversation, Takajou’s words were ringing inside their minds.

“Then? It’s alright if you partic.i.p.ate, but what are you selling? You looked like you’re empty-handed though.”


Then, Kotori snapped her fingers.

As if responding to it, three men came out from worker’s room. They rolled down a car that was fully loaded with cardboard boxes.

Looking at them carefully, they’re crew members Nakatsugawa, Kawagoe and Migimoto.

“-----We’re delivering circle ’s items!”

“Thank you. Please pile them up in that booth.”


After the answer, they piled up the cardboard boxes inside the circle’s booth. There’re ten boxes of them. That’s right; it’s the same number of boxes that Nia has piled up behind her booth.

“500 volumes inside each 10 boxes………It’s the same number as yours, right, Nia?”

“……………..Hee? You’re well prepared, huh? Then, you’ll sell them faster than me………..That is what you wanted to say, right? You sure thought well about it. Nevertheless, it can be said that you have a better sales perspective than me.”

“Thanks for the quick understanding.”

At Nia’s words, Kotori lifted up the tips of her lips.

Then, accordingly, all partic.i.p.ants who constructed their booth around them began to whisper something.

Nia, s.h.i.+dou, and the others all felt a dangerous atmosphere, but---------They’re wrong. Somehow their eyes were focused towards Nakatsugawa, who was still working.

“Hey, perhaps he………..”

“Aah, that man with and gloves, no doubt. The representative of legendary circle , MUNECHIKA…………..!”

“No way! Five years ago, because of difference of opinion on [Should My Lispy Young Little Sister Call Me Onii-tan or Onii-tama?] the circle being split-up. That man who erased his existence from Comico………….!?”

As gossip can be heard, s.h.i.+dou and Kotori looked at Nakatsugawa with half-opened eyes.



Then, Nakatsugawa let out a sigh while giving a nihilistic smile.

“Please stop it. That’s a story in the past.”


s.h.i.+dou and Kotori exchanged their glances………….They had a feeling that if they asking more than this, it’ll become a troublesome conversation. As they made eye contact, both mutually agreed to change the conversation topic.

“More importantly s.h.i.+dou.”


s.h.i.+dou walked to the back side of the circle’s booth. He opened one cardboard box and took out all books inside it. Perhaps, it was because they had just been printed, but the books were still slightly warm.


Come to think of it, this was the first time he has ever seen a finished product. The ill.u.s.tration drawn by Natsumi was colored beautifully with a t.i.tle logo printed on it. No matter how you looked at it, it doesn’t looks like a book that had been created in only two days.

s.h.i.+dou walked towards Nia’s direction. He gazed at her, while she’s stretching out her body to adjust the position of the book from her seat.

“--------h.e.l.lo, nice to meet you. I’m Itsuka s.h.i.+dou from circle .”


Nia shrugged her shoulder at s.h.i.+dou’s words.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Nia took a copy of one of the books lined up in her own booth and gave it to s.h.i.+dou.

“Honjou Souji from circle . Nice to meet you too.”

And then, the two of them bowed lightly as they exchange each other’s book. Right. It was a custom to exchange books with the booth next to your own.

Nia made an unpleasant face.

“………….Since I don’t think I’ll lose in this place, I’ll accept this for now, but whether I’ll read this or not is dependent on today’s result.”

"Sure. I don"t mind. — Let"s make today a good day for the both of us."


s.h.i.+dou stretched out his hand to Nia. She let out a sigh and as she reached out her own hand. They shook hands for a while before separating.

"Even though your plan looks interesting, I don"t think you have any chance to win. At the very least, I"m a pro, and even with these 5000 copies, I"m already being modest about the number since this is my first event in a while. It"s not easy for a new circle like you to win with a rushed work made by amateur."

“Well………..I wonder about that.”

Kotori smiled fearlessly, then---------She looked towards the Spirits behind her.

“--------Everyone, please prepare yourselves.”

In response to her, Tohka, Yos.h.i.+no and Miku replied with a simultaneous “Ooh~!”.

On the other hand, the Yamai-sisters, Origami and Natsumi, the 4 people from the drawing group did not understand what Kotori was talking about. They inclined their head in wonder as they sat in their chairs.

“Preparation……….? What is this all about?”

“Question. Yuzuru and the others didn’t hear anything about it.”

“…………….Somehow I have a bad feeling about this.”

“It’s alright, it’s alright. More importantly, everyone should come over here. -------s.h.i.+dou, since we’ll be right back, can you prepare the booth with Kawagoe and the others until then?”

Kotori said that while pus.h.i.+ng Natsumi’s back. s.h.i.+dou nodded at her even though he’s still has that question in mind.

“Alright…………..Then, let’s start the construction over here as well.”

s.h.i.+dou said that while seeing Kotori and the others off. The crew nodded towards him as they brought another big cardboard box from outside.

From the box, they took out some decoration goods for the booth: the poster of the books’ front cover and tablecloth.

“Uwah, it’s amazing. You even created these things too?”

“Fufufu, well obviously. Anyhow, we’re a nameless circle. At the very least, we have to stand out. It’s a good thing that this place is a popular wall booth. In that case, let’s create an effective wall with our hands.”

Nakatsugawa’s s.h.i.+ned brightly. s.h.i.+dou made a dry smile while sweating.

Next, s.h.i.+dou helped the others to stand up the poster which has the book’s front cover on it…………Although it’s feel extremely embarra.s.sing to have a poster that was painted with character whose appearance was similar to him, but now isn’t the time for that. He swung his head and continued the construction.

As such works continued for a little while, s.h.i.+dou noticed that some people began to gather around the wall booth. Soon those people began to line up in front of the circle booths. Especially Nia’s circle, they had quite a number of people lining up in front of their booth.

“Eh……….? The opening hasn’t started yet? Those people are………”

As s.h.i.+dou asked, Nakatsugawa, who was still lining up the books, answered to him.

“Aah, they are the same as us, they’re also circle partic.i.p.ants. As long as they hold the circle’s ticket, they can get into the hall before the general partic.i.p.ants and they can line up in front of their favorite circle earlier than usual.”

“Eh? Is it alright?”

“Uhm……….It’s difficult for me to say.”

Nakatsugawa gave a vague reply while folding his hands. From his expression, its looks like he’s saying “Though it’s not good for me to say this, but I also did the same thing in the past…………”

“Eh………..But, then that means—“

“Right. Finally you understand.”

Nia, who stood up in the next booth, answered s.h.i.+dou.

“The success factor of the doujin depends on your reputation beforehand. Of course, I’m also blank too, since right now I’m an urgent partic.i.p.ant. I didn’t get printed on the catalogue, but I post a notification on my blog a while ago. There are so many partic.i.p.ants who want to be the first one to get my book, you know?”

After saying that, she threw a glance towards s.h.i.+dou from above her frame.

“I feel sorry about it, but even if you have the same number of copies, the winner of who can sell faster has already been decided since the beginning.”

“Wha!? No way………..”

“-----------I’m not sure about that.”

At that moment, interrupting s.h.i.+dou’s words, Kotori raised up her voice.

“Kotori? E………Eeh!?”

Looking at the direction of the voice, s.h.i.+dou broaden his eyes in surprised.

However, that was only natural. That’s because over there, the Spirits appeared with a cute bunny-girl costume wrapping their bodies.

“Y-You all, that appearance………..”

“Umu! It seems we’ve become the salesgirls!”

“Yesterday…………Everyone, made these………! Although this feels a little bit embarra.s.sing……….But I’ll do my best…………!”

Both Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no answered s.h.i.+dou’s question. Indeed, Tohka and the others who weren’t part of drawing team had another job to do, and this is what they meant.

At the sudden appearance of a group beautiful girls cosplaying, all the partic.i.p.ants surrounding them got excited.

“What’s with that circle……..? Aren’t those girls extremely cute?”

“Eh? They weren’t in catalogue, right?”

“By the way, between those two, isn’t that Izayoi Miku?”

Moreover, when someone recognized that the idol Izayoi Miku was here, they suddenly got noisy. From here and there, the sound of *Kya~ Kya~!* and the voice of a cellphone’s shutter resounded.

Although naturally that action isn’t a good thing to do, Miku doesn’t mind that, instead she created a pose for a girl who was holding a camera.

Looking at that, Nia placed her hand on her head in wonder.

“………………Izayoi Miku?”

“Ufufu~, so you finally realize~”

Miku puffed her chest in a prideful manner. However, Nia raised her eyebrow in a questioning manner.

“…………….Sorry, I don’t know you at all. Are you famous?”


At Nia’s words, Miku staggered out of shock.

“C-Calm down, Miku. Nia has been captured by DEM until recently, so she of course she doesn’t know about you as an artist.”

“Y-You’re right~………….Thank you very much, darling.”

"Straighten up. It will begin soon."

Miku gave a little laugh and fixed her posture, Kotori patted her back very lightly, as if she was boosting her fighting spirit.

Meanwhile, the hands of time indicated that it was 10:00 a.m., the announcement rang throughout the inside of the hall.

“-----------Starting from now, Comico Colosseum has opened.”

At the same time, the sound of applause resounded heavily just like the sound of thunder.

s.h.i.+dou and the spirits raised their eyes in shock upon seeing the intense applause. They turn their attention towards their neighbor.

However, this was only the beginning. Before the sound of applause was about to stop, from the distance….“Gogogogogogogo……………a rumbling sound shook the ground a little.

“T-This sound is…………..”

s.h.i.+dou let out a trembling voice, ------------But then, he realized it right away.

That sound is coming from the large number of general partic.i.p.ants, whose footsteps were running inside.


“……………Amazing, what’s that?”

From the way they were coming in, the people rushed inside like a tidal wave. That scenery was just like soldiers who charged into the enemy’s camp after the castle’s gates were opened. The Spirits were dumbfounded for a while as they looked to each other in amazement.

However, they cannot just go and be astonished like that. When the general partic.i.p.ants came in, all the circle partic.i.p.ants lined up behind of Nia’s booth began to sell her books one by one.

“One copy of new book, please.”

“Yes, it’s 500 Yen.”

“Over here, two copies please!”

“It’s 1000 Yen.”

With an experienced manner, Nia and her staffs serviced each guest. Nia looked at s.h.i.+dou and twisted her lips as if saying, “Just try to see if you can win.”

“Ku---------We too, let’s begin!”

“That’s right. Well then everyone, let’s do as we planned!”


Following Kotori’s instructions, the Spirits made a row around the booth. As if attracted to their appearances, all the partic.i.p.ants who were going to buy other books stopped their feet in front of s.h.i.+dou’s booth.

“Ooh, welcome!”

Tohka called out to a boy who was looking at the front cover while pa.s.sing by. The boy shrugged his shoulders as if surprised by that.

“No, uhm………..”

“One copy is 500 Yen! How about it?”

“……………………..Ah…. then one copy please.”

Although the boy seems to be hesitating whether to buy the book or not, but he cannot beat Tohka’s s.h.i.+ning smile in front of him. After making an awkward smile, the boy stretched out the 1000 Yen bill.

“Ooh, thank you! The change is 500 Yen!”

After Tohka gives him the book, she waved her hand with smile on her face. The boy seemed to be embarra.s.sed, but he looks somewhat happy as he waved his hand back a little before going.

s.h.i.+dou made a dry smile upon looking at that scene.

“Haha……….This is good too………I guess?”

After s.h.i.+dou said that, Nakatsugawa, who was still arranging the booth, smiled.

“Of course. Anyhow, this is sales battle. No matter what kind of good thing you draw, it’s necessary to sell as many as possible. Expansion ability and propaganda ability are important factors. Honjou-sensei must understand that point as well. -------Rather, if we don’t do this, I think it’s impossible for a nameless circle like us to sell 5000 copies of books.”

“I-I see……..”

Sweat ran down s.h.i.+dou’s cheeks as he nodded. That’s right, although this is field for doujin; a marketplace is still a marketplace.

A crowd started forming around circle because of the beautiful salesgirls. The smiling faces of the Spirits have knocked-out the partic.i.p.ants. They began to rise in their sales amount smoothly by using this foul play-method.

Though, next to them had already sold several more books than did even without using that technique. As more time has pa.s.sed, line in front of Nia’s circle grew in size.

“Ukh…………..If this continues………..!”

The overwhelming pace was way too different. s.h.i.+dou made a sullen face upon seeing Nia selling her books one by one.

And then, Kotori, who was also wearing a bunny girl cosplay, held the stick of chupa-chups and raised them upward.

“What’s with that face, s.h.i.+dou? -------The match is just beginning here.”


s.h.i.+dou inclined his head upon hearing Kotori’s words.

And then--------s.h.i.+dou raised his eyes in surprise right away. Slowly people begun gathering in front of circle . Furthermore, they aren’t just pa.s.sing by like earlier. These people were lining up to buy books.

“T-This is…………..”

s.h.i.+dou raised his voice in surprise, while Kotori folded her arms in proud manner.

“Fufufu, I said it, didn’t I? Kaguya, Yuzuru! Go to arrange the line at the edge of the panel!”

“Kaka, acknowledge!”

“Consent. Please leave it to us.”

Following Kotori’s instructions, the Yamai sisters rushed to the front of the circle to arrange the line.

s.h.i.+dou shrugged his shoulders in response.

Inside that line, there existed so many familiar faces here and there. --------Right. They’re members of the organization .

“………….This is, isn’t this called “s.h.i.+lls”?”

s.h.i.+dou asked Kotori with a voice which seemingly cannot be heard by Nia. After that, Kotori snorted and looked at him with half eyes opened.

“How rude. They’re [friends] who are coming to our circle. Buying a doujin books created by an acquaintance is a general thing to do. I also asked everyone else to contact their friends as well.”

“W-Well, even if that’s true, though…………”

Then, s.h.i.+dou inclined his head. There’s a certain spot which makes him worried regarding Kotori’s words.

“…………………..Everyone else too?”

s.h.i.+dou mumbled as he got a bad feeling. A few moments later, a familiar voice can be heard.

“Yahoo~! Tohka-chan~, we’ve arrived~”

“What’s with this amazing number of people~”

“Reminding me of Congo’s swampy land’s battle~”

After saying those words, three girls came to the front of the booth after lining up.

Looking at those figures, s.h.i.+dou chocked. Anyhow, over there are s.h.i.+dou’s cla.s.smates; those girls are Ai, Mai, and Mii.

“Ooh, so you three came!”

Tohka raised up her voice in a cheerful manner. And then the three of them went *Fufu* and loosened their lips.

“Of course. There’s no way we can refuse Tohka-chan’s request.”

“Right, right. Comico also seems to be quiet interesting too.”

“………..Well, ah! Captain------The dangerous man has been discovered!”


Upon looking at s.h.i.+dou’s face, the three of them went into battle mode. s.h.i.+dou let out a sigh as if giving up, and then answered them.

“…………….Well, you three. It’s been a while…………”

“Everyone, be careful!”

“He’s going to try to seduce girls!”

“He’ll make you pregnant if you’re careless!”


s.h.i.+dou got nervous at the riot………….As expected, he should have explained the event when he lost control of his powers during the beginning of the month. He thought about solving the misunderstanding afterwards, but he never though that they’ll meet in this place.

However, it was currently the time for the sales match. As if thinking in the same way, Kotori approached the three of them in a very business-like manner.

“One copy is 500 Yen. Would you like to buy three copies?”

“Eh? Ah, yes. Please.”

“Uwah, doesn’t the front cover looks amazing? Who draw this?”

“Anyway this character, don’t you think it resembles Itsuka-kun?”

After saying this, the three of them bought the books and then waved their hands good-bye to Tohka. Even though those three like to create a riot, they seemed to still have some common sense at least. They decided not to create trouble by bothering the other people who were lined up behind them.

s.h.i.+dou sighed in relief and went back to selling.

A few moments later, a new group of three girls, with seemingly different ages, came up to the booth.

The first was a tall woman who seems to be in her twenties, the other one is a short girl and the last one looks like a half-j.a.panese girl with blonde hair.

The three people walked to the booth and called out for Origami when they saw her.

“Ah, it’s her. What is it? Calling us out all of sudden.”


Origami responded back to the tall woman. Then s.h.i.+dou went “Ah” and clapped his hands. Come to think of it, that woman is from the Anti-Spirit’s Team that Origami was in---------the captain of AST. Her name is Kusakabe Ryouko. Somehow just like Tohka, Origami also contacted her acquaintances. And the other two girls are seemingly members of AST as well.

“Origami-san! It’s been a while!”

“Ah~, did you cut your hair? You sure are decisive~”

“Mikie, Mildred.”

Origami called out their name lightly. And then the girl who was called Mikie went *Uu* and acted like she was wiping her tears.

“Uu……….Since Origami-san retired so suddenly, my loneliness continues every day. Please come back…………..”

“That’s right~. Why did you retire so sudden~?”

“It can’t be helped. I have my reasons; I won’t be coming back to AST.”

“Is that so………How disappointing----Ouch!”

Then, Ryouko hit Mikie’s head lightly.

“………………Geez, you all, why did you have to talk about AST in this kind of place?”

“Ah………….! I-I’m sorry, my mistake………..”

“It’s alright. In a place like this, such words will be buried away.”

Origami said that with a light tone. In turn, Mikie stared at Origami with a wondering expression.

“………….By the way Origami-san, your atmosphere has changed a little bit……….?”

And then Origami entangled her arm with s.h.i.+dou’s arm.

“Because of him.”


“Kyaa~! Eh, so that’s the reason~?”

Upon hearing Origami’s answer, Mikie had a shocked expression while Mildred’s cheeks started blus.h.i.+ng. However, Ryouko hit Mikie and Mildred’s heads with both of her hands to stop them.

“Hey, don’t be so noisy. -------Since we’ve already come all the way here, we’ll buy some. Anyway, can I have three copies?”


Origami took the money lightly and handed over the books. After that, Ryouko began noticing Tohka and the other Spirits with a dubious face.

“…………..Hey, Origami. Those girls, I think I’ve seen them before………”

“Your imagination.”

“You think so? But………”

“Your imagination.”

“No, but-“

“Thank you very much.”


Origami declined with a clear tone, Ryouko let out a sigh as if to show that she was giving up. Then, she takes Mike and Mildred to leave with her. While leaving, Mike went “I-I won’t lose!” and pointing towards s.h.i.+dou. Meanwhile, s.h.i.+dou didn’t know how to respond back to her.

However-------There’s still something that he doesn’t understand. Upon looking at the number of people who lining up in front of circle , it’s obviously not only because they using ‘s.h.i.+lls’.

As if guessing what s.h.i.+dou is thinking, Nakatsugawa, who was arranging the cardboard box, raised up his voice.

“That’s not a strange thing. It’s true that our booth wasn’t printed on the catalogue. However, in the other side, we are [Mysterious Circle] who suddenly appeared. Upon knowing our existence, wouldn’t lots of people be interested?”

“T-That’s true but isn’t the most important thing here to make our existence known?”

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Nakatsugawa lifted up his

“Did you forget, s.h.i.+dou-kun? Our place is next to the most popular circle .”


s.h.i.+dou raised his eyes. Probably that’s the case. It’s not strange that people who were coming to buy Nia’s books would get interested by the mysterious booth next to Nia’s circle.

And then------

“-------Is it here? The circle that wasn’t printed on the catalogue?”

“But, why did they suddenly become a wall booth?”

“Aah……..Anyway isn’t the appraiser, MUNECHIKA with them?”

“Really!? Any circle who he has his eyes on them will have their popularities rise rapidly. Any author who he recommends will also definitely get a huge successful in commerce and will be admired, that one!?”

“What did you said!? The champion of Moe Anime, the champion who won 7 times MUNECHIKA!?”

“The leader of the large group Super Galaxy, MUNECHIKA has come back!?”


Those kinds of conversations resounded throughout the hall.

s.h.i.+dou started at Nakatsugawa silently; his face appears to look a little bit troubled.

“Right now I’m only a humble ordinary staff member.”


He got a feeling th

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