Date A Live

Chapter 1: Second Transfer Student

Chapter 1: Second Transfer Student

Licking her lips, she tasted sweat.

The Personal Territory that surrounds her body is able to control gravity, humidity, temperature as well as anything imaginable.

Therefore, if one wants to know the reason for perspiration, one must consider external factors. For example, excessive exercise, serious illnesses—

Or, overwhelming panic.


Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami swallowed her saliva, as though trying to regulate her breathing, tightly held the handle of the high efficiency laser blade in her hand.

Currently wrapping Origami"s slender body, is not the school uniform that she is used to wearing, but a suit that has a splicing device and a Realizer unit made for combat equipped.

Modern magicians wear these in order to perform magic, mechanized armor.

Wearing this, the magicians that expands their Personal Territory, could very well be called superhumans.

However—Right now. Origami who is currently a superhuman, has been totally driven into a corner.



In response to the cry that came from the communicator, Origami softly let out a sigh.

A familiar sound. That was the anti-Spirit team that Origami belonged to, an AST member"s voice.

That makes—nine people already. All members besides Origami have already been defeated.


While Origami used surrounding obstacles to hide her figure, she gave an order inside her head.

At once, the light within Origami"s Personal Territory bent, the screen showing the scene that Origami"s normal vision could not.

Near Tenguu Base where the JGSDF was located, the special training grounds.

It was where Origami and the AST members used when they had the CR-Unit equipped, special areas that have been applied with magic.

And in the center of the desolate forest of rubble, a girl whose hair was tied in a bunch calmly stood.

—Takamiya Mana.

As Origami silently recalled the girl"s name, she observed Mana"s body posture once more.

Her age is about 14 to 15 years old. Under the left eye of that adorable face is a tear mole, with remnants of innocence still remaining.

However, encasing that pet.i.te figure is an unadorable mechanized armor that did not match that girl at all——CR-Unit.

It was slightly different from the models that Origami and the AST members normally use, the shoulders are outfitted with military equipment resembling s.h.i.+elds. It is said to be the newer prototype from the AST team"s equipment

"—Hey, the last person. Wherever you are hiding, please hurry up and come out now."

Mana simply stated, while totally ignoring the AST members that lay at her feet.

Although it cannot be seen from this angle, but the neutralized eight members of the AST should have collapsed in the shadows of the surrounding obstacles.

It was an absolute one sided power. It was just like having a Spirit as an opponent.

—It was the end of last month when she was posted to this Tenguu base.

It was said, that she was the JGSDF"s trump card.

It was said, her ability to control the Realizer unit is one of the top in the world.

It was said—that she k.i.l.l.e.d a Spirit by herself.

Just based on those rumors, she would indeed be an abnormal monster.

However, on her first meeting she said sentences on the lines of "Is there anyone who can beat me here? Even one is okay." Of course, for the AST who prided themselves as elites, there is no way they would take it lying down.

Thus, as an excuse to find out Mana"s combat ability, a special mock battle of one versus ten was held.

Although truthfully speaking, Origami had no interest in this......


Without saying anything, Origami remembered the conversation that she had with Mana the day before.

The day that Mana had been posted to Tenguu base, Origami and the AST members were looking at the battle images from the other day.

Mana looked at the image showed on the screen—Itsuka s.h.i.+dou, and said.


Origami has never heard of s.h.i.+dou having such a sister before. After Origami raised this issue to her, Mana spoke with a shocked expression.

(!! Master Sergeant Tob.i.+.c.hi knows Nii-sama!? Umu......Nn, okay, I can tell you the details.—But, this mock battle, you must partic.i.p.ate, this is the only condition.)

After that conversation, there were no other choices left.

In the end, Origami had to partic.i.p.ate in the exercise—

The result was the same as what she currently sees now.

Nine members have already been neutralized; Origami has also lost all other equipment aside from her laser blade for close combat.

On the contrary, Mana was still untouched.

"......Hey, at this rate time is going to run out you know?"

Mana let out a sigh, letting out such a statement that seems to lack keigo.

It was not a solution to keep hiding like this. Origami allowed her body to float, appearing in front of Mana.

"—Oh. Finally determined aren"t you?"


Origami gave a mental order in her head, activating the thrusters on her back.

Origami"s inventory is only left with one . There is no other available option aside from close combat.

Leaning her body forward, she flew into the sky at an intense speed.

"How straightforward. I don"t dislike that you now."

As the corner of Mana"s mouth rose, the s.h.i.+elds on her shoulder started to change, equipping itself onto her two arms.

"—Twin Blade Mode."

The next instant, huge blades of light emerged from the tip of the s.h.i.+elds.

However, Origami did not stop moving.

Bringing above her head, she accelerated even more.

But Origami knows that she will lose if she rushed in like this.

"—Now"s the time."

So, the instant that Mana"s and their Personal Territories touched, she rapidly shrank the size of her Personal Territory.

The Territory that is usually expanded to a radius of three and a half meters has been reduced to that of one-tenth.

Instantly, the parts of the thrusters that are outside of the Personal Territory regained their original weight.

At the same time Origami disconnected the thrusters from the wiring suit, grabbed the deactivated tightly and curled up, moving under Mana"s elbow.


Because of the sudden action, Mana widened her eyes.

The thrusters that lost its controller followed the law of inertia, bearing down towards Mana like a gigantic bullet.

"Tch! Too naive...!"

However Mana swiftly regained composure, using the laser blade to cut the thrusters in half.

Sparks scattered everywhere, the two halves of the thrusters fell to the ground with smoke billowing out.

But- this was the opportunity that Origami was waiting for.


The blade of reappeared once more, falling towards Mana"s back.

Aiming for the opening as Mana focused on intercepting the thrusters, an unblockable hit.

As Origami had targeted, the blade of left a light scratch on Mana"s CR-Unit.



Origami was left speechless.

The instant the sharp edge of the laser blade made contact with Mana"s equipment; her whole body had the feeling as though one was being constantly stroked by a palm—Origami"s movements stopped.

"—Fuu, that was dangerous"

Mana turned her head towards Origami to make eye contact.

Origami felt difficulty breathing. It"s unmistakable. Mana had stopped Origami"s movements, with just her Personal Territory alone.

......Truly, it wasn"t a result that had not been predicted.

It had been considered that with just Mana"s reaction time, maybe she could have already dealt with Origami immediately after she had intercepted the thrusters. Whatever the reason, she was right next to Mana, right inside her Personal territory.

But disregarding the above, if it was Origami"s Personal Territory that has been shrunk to thirty centimeters, such an action is not impossible, at least that was calculated to be. was not calculated to be that easy.

"Too bad, it"s checkmate."

Mana slowly turned her body, the blade of light touching Origami"s shoulder.

At the same time, the alarm above their heads sounded. Afterwards, voices came from the battle suits.

"Battle practice has ended. The winner is Second Lieutenant Takamiya Mana"

After the battle practice.

Origami who returned to the hangar inside the base, was rearranging her thoughts while staring at the ground.

As though wanting to recall that feeling she felt several minutes ago, tightly gripping her right hand.


Due to deactivation of the Personal Territory, the body feels extremely heavy. Just the act of raising the arm and clenching the fist brings about the abnormal feeling that one is swimming in an extremely viscous mud.

But it was also due to this phenomenon that hinted at her own uselessness, Origami unconsciously added strength to that tightly held fist.


As though she were showing off, that ability to make use of her Personal Territory and special suit to that extent. Truly, she was without doubt a legendary genius.

This should be something to celebrate. Mana is a human, an AST member. Meaning, she has the same goal to take down Spirits like Origami. If there are more magicians that are just like her, the success rate for combat should greatly increase.

But, even though this fact had been understood, an unexplainable sense of frustration grew stronger and stronger within Origami"s heart.

"......She"s strong"

Origami stared at her clenched fist and said. At the same time, a voice came from overhead.

"—You"re amazing too, Master Sergeant Tob.i.+.c.hi."

Hastily raising her head, not knowing when she came close, Mana who was wearing the combat wiring suit is standing there with sports drinks in both hands.

"Don"t mention it."

After saying it, she offered the sports drink in her left hand.


Even though she had just deactivated her personal territory, Mana"s movements did not seem to be sluggish at all.

Origami looked at Mana in confusion, at the same time raised her heavy arm and took the bottle.

Mana gave a satisfactory nod, continuing her conversation after taking a mouthful of the drink.

"To tell you the truth, that was really scary. Even though it was just a few millimeters of the tip of the blade, but I haven"t had anyone that can touch me in combat for a long time. "

No sense of sarcasm added, just a pure a.s.sessment of Origami"s ability.

"What must I do—to be as strong as you?"

Origami asked Mana, who looked as though she was troubled with her brows knitting together,

"I"ve heard you have killed a Spirit before. I"d like to hear the details."

Regarding Origami"s words, Mana lightly shrugged her shoulders.

"Killed.......a Spirit, you say? Well, what you"ve said isn"t wrong—"

Faced with that uncertain reply, Origami slightly slanted her head.

"What"s the matter?"

"Mm...... the thing is, [that], is a little different from the rest of the Spirits—even so do you still want to listen?"

"Whatever it is, no matter how little is the information. Please tell me."

"Hm, it doesn"t matter......Although this can"t be widely said in public, but I think in the near future you will have the chance to see it for yourself.—I was posted here for this reason after all."

Towards that declaration that did not reveal much, Origami tilted her head.

"......? I"ve heard that you had been posted here to boost our combat ability."

"What you said isn"t totally wrong. But to be accurate, I was posted here to confirm the signs of [a certain Spirit]."

"A certain Spirit?"

"Yes. All this time, I have been chasing after the most brutal Spirit. Its codename is—"

As Mana was about to continue.

Bang! Bang!

The heads of the two had been hit.


"It hurts."

Origami and Mana held their heads and turned their heads to the right at the same time.

Standing there was, the AST"s team leader wearing the JGSDF"s military uniform• Kusakabe Ryoko, in her hand was some rolled up book.

"You. Two......"

The blood vessels on her forehead bulged, and at the same time pointed to the sc.r.a.p iron retrieved from the training grounds with a *Shwa!*—

It was the thrusters that had been cleanly split into two.

"Didn"t I say it was a mock battle!? Why did you have to destroy such expensive equipment!?"

The two of them, while staring at Ryoko"s extended finger, replied.

"I used half-a.s.sed methods to try and ambush Second Lieutenant Takamiya but failed."

"Although we say it is a mock battle, but if we don"t fight for real—, then won"t we obtain inaccurate data? That"s what I deduced."

As such, the heads of the two were hit once more.

"What an insight. Tell me that after properly researching the cost of the parts to build those realizer units! Our budget isn"t unlimited you know!"


"Got it."

"Really now......"

After leaving behind a "Be more careful next time", Ryoko left shrugging her shoulders.

Once the figure of her back disappeared, Mana unhappily pouted her lips.

"I say, Captain-dono really is a headache. It is because of that that makes her as annoying like those Spirits."

"I agree."

Origami nodded, Mana happily grinned.

"I feel that we can get along with each other very well, Master Sergeant Tob.i.+.c.hi. We are people who treat Spirits and the like as enemies, if we were to be so materialistic, we won"t be able to win even if we could."

After saying that, she exaggeratedly shrugged her shoulders.

Origami wordlessly rea.s.sessed Mana"s face once more.

As expected......Not just the looks, or the atmosphere, they were both very similar to s.h.i.+dou"s.

But, s.h.i.+dou should only have one sister.

Even if no words were exchanged, but she did see her a few times before. Itsuka Kotori. Needless to say, she was a different individual from Mana.

However—according to Origami"s data, s.h.i.+dou was adopted. The possibility that Mana was s.h.i.+dou"s real sister cannot be totally denied.

"Second Lieutenant Takamiya."

Origami naturally asked.

"As promised. Tell me about the relations.h.i.+p between you and s.h.i.+dou."

"s.h.i.+dou......? Who"s that?"

Mana tilted her head. ...... That"s unusual. Origami continued while stunned.

"A few days before while we were watching the battle with the [Hermit]—that"s the name of the youth inside the video. You, who called that person nii-sama. You promised to tell me if I partic.i.p.ated in the practice."

"......Sss, Nii—sama......?"

Mana lightly frowned.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it"s just a light headache......"

Saying that, she pressed the side of her head with her hand.

Origami felt that at this moment Mana looked familiar.—Just last month, like s.h.i.+dou inside the video.

"......Sss, Sorry about that. It"s all right now. Ah, that issue about Nii-sama."

Mana shook her head lightly as though trying to shake off the pain, retrieved a very small pendant from the chest area of her battle uniform

And, opened it. Inside was a photograph of a small boy and girl.


Origami softly spoke. That was undoubtedly, Itsuka s.h.i.+dou when he was young. And at his side, was a girl with a tear mole as her feature—that was Mana no matter how you looked at it.

"This is?"

"A photo of the past.—My only clue, between me and Nii-sama."

"Please tell me the details."

Although Origami stated as such, Mana scratched her head as though she was troubled.

"Even so I must apologize......But I don"t remember anything at all."

"......? How come?"

"No......To tell you the truth, I don"t have memories of the past?"


"It can be simply understood like that.—But, once I saw that image, I recalled something. I have called that person Nii-sama before in the past."

"Then why, must you still give me that condition?"

Origami said in surprise, Mana apologetically bowed her head

"No—......I wanted to see Master Sergeant Tob.i.+.c.hi"s ability. In this platoon you must be considered the strongest. To be honest, you"ve exceeded my expectations."


Origami wordlessly looked at Mana"s face. Even though it was a one sided win she said that her expectations were exceeded, her heart felt a little complicated.

Mana looked up at Origami and continued.

"That......Master Sergeant Tob.i.+.c.hi. I"m sorry, but I have another request to ask of you."

"What is it?"

"Even though it may be selfish, that......Information on Nii-sama, you do have it right? As long as it is within your limits, can you please tell me?"


Not knowing since when the situation seems to have reversed......Origami thought for a while, slightly nodded her head and agreed.

"—Name, Itsuka s.h.i.+dou. Age—sixteen years old."


"His family consists of his father, mother and sister. Currently his parents have left the country for overseas work. He is adept at household"


"Blood type is AO RH+. Height is 170.0cm. Weight is 58.5 kilos. Seated height is 90.2 cm, upper arm 30.2 cm, forearm 30.2 cm. Bust 82.2 cm, waist 70.3 cm, hip 87.6cm."


"Eyesight for the right eye is 0.6, left eye 0.8, grip strength for right hand 43.5 kilo, left hand 41.2 kilo. Blood pressure 128/75. Blood sugar level 88mg/dl. Urea level 4.2mg/dl"

"S, Stop stop! I don"t want to know those things."

"Is that so?"

Origami nodded slightly in response to Mana"s frantic shouts.

"That saying, haa, those really were detailed information. Was that a joke?"

"Not a joke. Those were correct measurements."


Origami replied with a straight face, Mana knitted her brows with perspiration forming on her face.

"......Sorry, what exactly is the relations.h.i.+p, between Master Sergeant Tob.i.+.c.hi and Nii-sama?"

Regarding Mana"s question, Origami replied with no hesitation, confusion or stutter.


"Hold it. What are you doing s.h.i.+dou?"


In the living room at home, Itsuka s.h.i.+dou who was asked this question all of a sudden incoherently responded.

Turning his head, with black ribbons tying her hair into two bunches, a uniform wearing girl stood with hands on her hips.

s.h.i.+dou"s sister• Itsuka Kotori— Commander Mode.

Round, cute eyes seemed to slant unhappily, with the Chupa Chups lollipop stick in her mouth, pointing straight up as though it were the tail of an animal intimidating its enemies.

"What am I doing......Of course I"m preparing to go to school."

s.h.i.+dou gave his appearance a glance once over. Wearing a high school uniform (summer uniform), a bag in his right hand, a bento in his left, no matter how you look at it, it is of a person that was about to go to school.

But Kotori shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, as though it were an American sitcom.

"Okay, let me rephrase myself. s.h.i.+dou, what"s that in your left hand?"

"Just a bento."

"For yourself?"

"No......It"s for Tohka."

That"s right. s.h.i.+dou"s own bento has already been kept inside his bag. The bento in his left hand was for the girl living in the condominium nearby—Tohka.

"Then how do you wish to give it to Tohka?"

"I"m planning to put in inside her mailbox......"

As I can"t hand it to her personally at school, so by using the mailboxes spare key, it is placed inside every morning.

Saying this, s.h.i.+dou gave a short "Ah!"

"Aaa, you"re worried about that. It’s that season where the weather gets really warm; you"re concerned about hygiene aren"t you? Relax; I"ve put cold packs as well as anti-bacterial sheets. Well it"d be perfect if I"d put dried plums inside, but Tohka seems to hate dried plums—Ah!?"

Halfway through his sentence, his s.h.i.+n was kicked by Kotori. s.h.i.+dou fell towards the front while curling his body. The bag fell to the floor, but at least he had saved Tohka"s bento.

"Wha, What are you......!"

"Because I wanted you to die once. Why are you still putting it in her mailbox?"

"Th, That"s because if I don"t I can"t give it to her. After all we go to school at different times—"

"That"s the reason."

Kotori took out the lollipop in her mouth and faced s.h.i.+dou.

"It has been two weeks since Tohka moved next door. s.h.i.+dou—have you and Tohka ever went to school together before?"

"Eh? That is......"

Moving his line of sight to the front, he counted the number of times in his head.

"......Now that you"ve mentioned it, no. Not even once."

s.h.i.+dou said while using his now bag-free right hand to scratch his cheek.

s.h.i.+dou and Tohka had once been living together for a short period, but at that time, it seemed as though weird rumors were starting between cla.s.smates, in the end they had to go to school at different times.

That being said, they are currently neighbors and not living together, they have no need to be so paranoid anymore. The truth is that the two of them usually go home together.

But not knowing if it has become a habit, but even till now s.h.i.+dou still goes to school slightly earlier.

Well, it is also because Tohka was more of a late riser than s.h.i.+dou.

Kotori used her hand to support her forehead with an expression of disbelief.

"After much difficulty in getting her to stay next door, being cla.s.smates, there is no reason to waste the event of going to school right?—After all if other Spirits appear again in the future, they won"t pay any attention towards Tohka, so you must take this opportunity to be with her."

"Mu, Muuuu......"

s.h.i.+dou squeezed out a sound from his throat as though he was groaning.

—This world is sometimes to sudden disasters known as s.p.a.cequakes.

Just as it is coined, [Spatial Earthquakes], using the epicenter as the core of the spatial area in a designated perimeter, causes a horrifying explosion that causes everything inside to disappear.

Even though s.p.a.cequake predicting methods and ways to rapidly rebuild structures have been developed in this modern age, it is still a serious natural disaster.

Although it is not usually publicly revealed—but the real reason for these s.p.a.cequakes, is due to the existences of [Spirits].

Spirits that are usually non-existent in this world, whenever they materialize, the spatial boundaries would cause a violent quake. This has been believed to be the cause for the s.p.a.cequakes.

Of course, humans who know of this thought of multiple counter-plans to defend against such a threat.

Among those plans can be divided into two groups.

One, using military might to destroy the Spirits.

While the other plan is—

"You got that s.h.i.+dou? The next time a Spirit appears, you must make her fall in love with you."

"I, I got it."

Looking as though he gave up, s.h.i.+dou replied with a sigh.

That"s right, that is the other method.

To make contact with the Spirit, engage in conversation with them, after her emotions reach a peak—kiss.

Although not knowing why, s.h.i.+dou has the power to seal the power of the Spirits.

And targeting that power, is the organization that Kotori belongs to, .

"Very well. So, go to school with Tohka for today. Okay?"

"Mn. Understood."

There is no other meaning behind it. s.h.i.+dou picked up his bag and headed towards the door.

"Slow down s.h.i.+dou. You forgot something."

Midway, Kotori"s voice sounded, s.h.i.+dou looked at his hands.

"Ah? Is there anything else?"

"This one, this."

Kotori extended her hand, showing the equipment in her palm,

She then extending her right index finger and pointed towards her ear.

As though she wanted s.h.i.+dou to put on the equipment immediately.

"......That? Why must I......?"

"Because the time is just right, so let"s train you while you"re at it. Alright, now wear it already."

As such, Kotori half forced s.h.i.+dou to put it on his right ear while smiling.

"Tra, Training......What exactly is this for anyway."

"Is that so—Today"s topic is, to chase away Tohka"s jealousy."

"Ha.....haa? Let jealousy......disappear? What"s that all about?"

"Nn. Do you still remember last month"s incident when Yos.h.i.+no appeared?"


s.h.i.+dou softly muttered.

Yos.h.i.+no is a small female Spirit that appeared after Tohka......But, when she appeared, Tohka started to throw tantrums for no apparent reason.

"That"s the key point, if s.h.i.+dou becomes intimate with other girls, Tohka will become unhappy."

"Eh......? Wha, What?"

At the same time s.h.i.+dou started to protest, Kotori looked like she chanced upon an idiot, let out a sigh.

"A.n.y.w.a.y, If s.h.i.+dou"s relations.h.i.+p with other girls is good, Tohka"s mental state will slowly become unstable—In the end, that will cause a backflow of the Spirit"s power. If that is going to happen every time a new Spirit appears, it’s going to be troublesome."—"Therefore,

(Kotori pointed her finger towards s.h.i.+dou.)

today when you go to school, staff members from are going to do various stuff to fan Tohka"s flames of jealousy. s.h.i.+dou, your job is to deal with it when it happens."

"Deal with it, but......That, what exactly should I do......?"

"It"s going to be fine, come on now."

Although s.h.i.+dou had an expression of total confusion, Kotori seemed to not care at all, pus.h.i.+ng s.h.i.+dou by his back through the door.

"It"s almost time for Tohka to leave her house. For further details, just listen to the instructions through the transmitter."

"No, wa, wait a second......"

Despite s.h.i.+dou not totally understanding his situation, it was no use trying to oppose Kotori in this mode; this fact has been deeply understood over the past two months. Having no other option, he started to wear his shoes.

At this point, Kotori"s voice sounded from behind s.h.i.+dou once more.

"Aaa, right, right, there"s one more thing. We have a guest today as well. Well, it’s fine if it’s just a simple greeting, try talking to her for a while."

"A guest?"

Regarding s.h.i.+dou"s question, Kotori did not respond, but went upstairs. Since she said she would give instructions through the microphone, most likely she was going to via the balcony on the second floor.

Not understanding what was going on. But, it was not a solution to continue like this. s.h.i.+dou opened the door and stepped outside.

All of a sudden, the sunlight dazzled s.h.i.+dou"s corneas.


Today was 5th June. By now it should already be the rainy season, but for some reason the skies were clear recently.—As if the heavens have already used up the rain on last month.

Different from the previous years, there was no cloud cover, strong rays of sunlight directly shone onto the earth, causing the temperature to rise.

Unable to bear with the summer heat, s.h.i.+dou changed into his summer uniform.

At that moment.


Looking at the silhouette standing under the sunlight outside the Itsuka residence, s.h.i.+dou can"t help widening his eyes.

Standing right there is, a girl that looks the same as Kotori"s age.

Wearing a cool one piece dress, a white summer hat as though wanting to hide her eyes, under the sunhat revealed blue green hair just like the ocean, and those sapphire eyes are constantly glancing towards s.h.i.+dou"s direction.

Also—what was even more striking was that in her left hand, for some reason, had a funny looking rabbit on it.


There"s no way one would forget the name of a girl with such personality. s.h.i.+dou walked up to Yos.h.i.+no"s side.

"Yahooo—, s.h.i.+dou-kun. It"s been a while hasn"t it—"

At this moment, the rabbit puppet in Yos.h.i.+no"s left hand, started to talk by opening and closing its mouth.

"Oh, oh, It"s been a while—That, um, Yos.h.i.+non."

While slightly nodding his head, he replied to the puppet. This puppet was called [Yos.h.i.+non]. Yos.h.i.+no"s friend.

This puppet was originally just an ordinary puppet, its voice undoubtedly originating from ventriloquism—but when Yos.h.i.+no puts it on, it is said that the second personality known as [Yos.h.i.+non] would emerge from within her.

The key thing was, the puppet"s movements and speech, was totally not of Yos.h.i.+no"s will.

"Is anything the matter? Has today"s checks been completed?"

"Nn—, physical examinations has been perfectly finished—, but there is still a need for practice—"

[Yos.h.i.+non] said while waving its short limbs.


At the same time s.h.i.+dou said that, [Yos.h.i.+non] suddenly raised the edge of Yos.h.i.+no"s sunhat.


Yos.h.i.+no seemed to be very afraid, her shoulders jolted for a second.

But after swallowing hard, she opened her shaking lips and said.

"Good, good morning, s.h.i.+dou-san......!"

Yos.h.i.+no used a voice that was more audible than last month to greet him.


s.h.i.+dou widened his eyes, and took a step backwards.

Yos.h.i.+no who was shy in nature and fearful of humans, fully relies on [Yos.h.i.+non] to deal with outside issues, who doesn"t speak much at all. This was the first time that s.h.i.+dou heard Yos.h.i.+no speak at this volume.

At this point, some buzzing could be heard from his right ear.—It"s Kotori. She must have reached already.

"What? She can already talk to me and Reine you know?"

"Really? Isn"t that amazing Yos.h.i.+no?"

After s.h.i.+dou said that, Yos.h.i.+no seemingly embarra.s.sed pulled down the edge of her hat, but the edges of her mouth seem to show signs of a smile.

Then, accompanied by the sound of the Chupa Chups being moved around in the mouth, Kotori continued to speak.

"Even though it is still early, but I wish to let Yos.h.i.+no live outside of the wars.h.i.+p.—Having Yos.h.i.+no as a conversation partner, the mental stress acc.u.mulating in Tohka should be lesser, this shouldn"t be a problem......Since in , it’s better to let Spirits have a better understanding of society and live happy lives."

"Umu. Isn"t that great?"

"Nn. So that"s why today we let her introduce herself."

"Is that so?"

"Yos.h.i.+no"s home outside of the wars.h.i.+p, is the first choice that place?"

Following Kotori"s voice, s.h.i.+dou looked up to face the high cla.s.s condominium next to the Itsuka residence.

The building where Tohka is currently staying, it is said that specially designed it for Spirits to live in. Even if something unexpected happens, it seems that it won"t be easily destroyed.

"So......I see."

"But—whether a proper conversation can be held is still questionable."


That"s right. Even though the rooms are different, but no matter how you look at it they can be considered neighbors.

No, even before that Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no were originally Spirits. But it was not understandable why till now Yos.h.i.+no seemed to still have a bad impression of Tohka, it would be best if they can properly speak to one another.

Then, the condominium"s automatic door silently opened.

A girl walked from inside still yawning.

She had hair as black as night and seemed to be exceptionally conspicuous under the glaring sunlight, a beautiful appearance and crystal eyes that gave off a steady feel.

It was s.h.i.+dou"s cla.s.smate, Yatogami Tohka.


Looking at her appearance, s.h.i.+dou held his breath.

Tohka at present was not wearing the western jacket she had been wearing the past week, but the short sleeved summer uniform with a ribbon.

Well, s.h.i.+dou was also wearing his summer uniform, so that was nothing to be surprised about......But upon seeing the uniform that placed even more emphasis on her good figure, he couldn"t help but feel his heart skip a beat.

"Nn......? s.h.i.+dou!?"

Only now did Tohka seem to have noticed s.h.i.+dou"s presence, she widened her eyes and shouted.

"Wh, isn"t it extremely rare to meet each other so early in the morning!"

"Aa, aaaah......Go, going to school with Tohka sometimes doesn"t seem to be a bad idea......What"s wrong?"

s.h.i.+dou said with his eyes swimming all over the place. The cheeks of the questioned person took on a red tinge, her expression immediately brightened.

"Yeah! Umu, that—I think, is not a bad idea."

Tohka nodded happily. Not knowing why, but having displayed her joy so openly could have been embarra.s.sing.

As s.h.i.+dou was wondering what to say next, he pa.s.sed the lunchbox in his hands to her.

"Also, this. This is today"s share."


Tohka accepted the bento, displaying a wide smile.

"What is the menu for today!?"

"Nn, today is asparagus wrapped in bacon, meat and fried eggs, and macaroni salad with tomatoes. Ah, and rice is fried rice with chicken."


After s.h.i.+dou said that, Tohka revealed an expression of shock, furtively looked around her surroundings and held the lunchbox tightly.

"Is, that okay s.h.i.+dou!"

"Ha......Wh, what?"

s.h.i.+dou asked cluelessly while Tohka continued in a low voice.

"Asparagus wrapped in bacon, meat with fried eggs and whatever else is too grand and won’t we be in a lot of trouble if everyone knew about this......? Who knows, they might cause a riot over this bento—"

"No, they won"t."

"Re, really......That"s good. Bu, But, to make chicken fried rice from rice that sort of blasphemous act......Isn"t this breaking international laws?"

Tohka said in a serious tone. Really now, where on earth did you learn all this from.

"It won"t, it won"t. ......Ah, do you dislike chicken fried rice? If you want I can exchange lunchboxes with you?"

It was because both of them had the same bento, that made Origami very unhappy. As such, since two weeks ago, the menu had undergone slight changes.

Well, since most of them were leftovers from last night, there was little difficulty in preparing them.

But in the instant that s.h.i.+dou made that proposal, Tohka hugged the lunchbox and *fuun fuun fuun fuun fuun* shook her head at such a speed that one would worry that her head might fall off.

s.h.i.+dou looked at her and made a troubled smile. Well, as long as she"s happy, then it"s worth cooking everyday.

Tohka, with an expression still showing panic, gingerly held her lunchbox, took several deep breaths as though trying to regulate her emotions. At this moment,


Tohka suddenly widened her eyes, and faced the young girl beside s.h.i.+dou. It seemed that she only noticed her just now.

"Ooh, isn"t this Yos.h.i.+no? Long time no see!"

Revealing an innocent smile, Tohka started the conversation.

Although a lot had happened, but it seemed that Tohka didn"t care about that anymore.


However, Yos.h.i.+no started to retreat with trembling shoulders.

"Fight! Fight!"

"Ss, Uu, Mn."

Under the encouragement of [Yos.h.i.+non] in her left hand, Yos.h.i.+no firmly stood, *Suu~~* took a deep breath, and took a step forward.

As though her determination had been set, her eyebrows moved.

"Aa......, amenbo, akaina, a, i , u, e, o......!" (Translation note here)

Not knowing why, she started to speak sentences used for phonetical practice.


Tohka mumbled, furrowed her brows in worry and turned to look at s.h.i.+dou.

"This......What is this? Code words?"


s.h.i.+dou smiled forcefully and asked, [Yos.h.i.+non] waved its arms with a *pata pata* sound.

"Aah—, very good! Practice makes perfect! Retake! More AGAIN!"

After speaking a few words with Yos.h.i.+no. Yos.h.i.+no nodded slightly, and once again stood in front of Tohka.

"G, g, good......morn, ing......"

Using a voice that was smaller than the volume used to greet s.h.i.+dou, but still clear nonetheless, she greeted.

"Wooah, good morning!"


Yos.h.i.+no"s figure trembled for a moment......but held back the urge to escape.

A length of time pa.s.sed, Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no stood face to face, not exchanging words.

Hence, Kotori"s sharp voice sounded out once more into s.h.i.+dou"s right ear.

"—What"s with the silence s.h.i.+dou. Yos.h.i.+no is very uneasy. Try saying something encouraging."

"Eh......?Aa, aaaah......"

As s.h.i.+dou responded, he glanced towards Yos.h.i.+no.

Now that she mentioned it, she does look different from last time.

"Yos.h.i.+no, you wore a sunhat today."

That"s right, the previous time she was wearing a cap.

"......Ss,......Th, that"s right."

Yos.h.i.+no actually wanted to hide herself by using [Yos.h.i.+non], but resisted it in the end, inclining her head and replied.

"That"s was very warm, that, Reine-san she......that."

"Aaa, no wonder. It suits you a lot. You look cute."


At those words, Yos.h.i.+no"s face went red with a *Po!*

Looks like that shy personality of hers still hasn"t changed. s.h.i.+dou gave a bitter laugh.

"Hold on, how can you stop the conversation like this. You haven"t talked to Tohka yet."

"Aa......Is that so.—He, Hey, Tohka, don"t you think so as well?"


She probably didn"t know that the subject of the conversation would turn to her, responding to s.h.i.+dou with a tone of slight surprise. After which, her vision fell towards Yos.h.i.+no"s direction once more.

"Nn. Umu. It"s very cute, Yos.h.i.+no."

"......Ss! Th......Thank you, very much......"

Yos.h.i.+no replied while staring at the ground, forcefully raising her head towards Tohka.

"Th, that......Tohka-san, is also......very cute......"

"Nu? Wh, What the......That"s embarra.s.sing."

Saying that, Tohka puffed her cheeks. Tohka embarra.s.singly smiled. once again moving her sight towards s.h.i.+dou. G.o.d knows why, but her cheeks are slightly red.

"s.h.i.+, s.h.i.+dou do you......think the same as well?"


Not expecting the conversation would turn toward himself. s.h.i.+dou gave an incoherent reply

"Today I"m wearing a different uniform......How does it look?"

Stuff like that had already been noticed the moment they saw each other. Raizen High School"s cool summer uniform, totally fits Tohka. Cute to the point that whoever dares to deny it should be executed, one should start thanking j.a.pan"s weather for this.

"Oo,ooh......It suits you."

"......Mu, is that so."

After Tohka said that, the surroundings once again fell into silence.

Instantly, a beeping sound transmitted into his right ear.

"Hey, that"s no good at all!"

"Wh, What"s wrong......?"

"What"s wrong you say, of course that"s wrong. What are you doing s.h.i.+dou. The practice has already started you know?"

"Haa......? Wha, What do you mean?"

As s.h.i.+dou lowered his voice, Kotori loudly sighed.

"I already told you. Today"s lesson, is to not let Tohka get jealous.—s.h.i.+dou, since you already said "You look cute" to Yos.h.i.+no , why didn"t you say the same to Tohka?"


s.h.i.+dou let out a stupid voice as he recalled his previous actions. ......Now that she mentioned it, aside from "It fits you", nothing else was said about the person herself.

"Th, That"s a no go huh......?"

"Of course it was. Saying to other girls flattering words like "You"re cute", but not saying that to her.—Even if she didn"t notice, but her emotions have slightly dipped."

"N, no, but Tohka would mind those—"

"I"m telling you."

Kotori spoke with a tone of admonishment.

"While Tohka is indeed a Spirit, and is clearly different from humans in many ways. But, you cannot treat her as different in this particular area. In this field Tohka, after all is just a normal girl."


Hearing those words, s.h.i.+dou bit hard on his lip.

Even though he did say he would let Spirits lead normal lives, but it seems that at some levels, he still viewed her as a special existence.

s.h.i.+dou tightly clenched his fist and faced Tohka"s direction, and spoke.



Was it due to the sudden increase in volume, Tohka seemed to have been frightened by that as her shoulders were trembling slightly.

"Wh, What is it s.h.i.+dou?"

"Y, you"re cute too!"


Tohka blushed, her body leading back.

Not knowing why, his face started to blush as well. But s.h.i.+dou disregarded that as he continued to speak.

"Aaa, cute! Extremely cute! That summer uniform totally suits you! When you came out of the condominium you gave me a shock! I couldn"t take my eyes off you! All of a sudden I couldn"t speak! You"re that cute! To the extent that I can"t describe it anymore—"

At this point, Tohka used her hands to cover s.h.i.+dou"s mouth, sealing off the words he wanted to say.


"I, I understand already so time out."

Saying that, Tohka quickly turned her back towards him.

Up till now what he had just said were truly from his heart. ......But, it seemed a little too effective.

As s.h.i.+dou was thinking about this, sharp laughter came from the transmitter.

"Pu......, kuku, haha, ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

No need to guess that Kotori was the one laughing. s.h.i.+dou could faintly hear movements from a chair. It seems that she was adjusting her seating position.

"Very well done s.h.i.+dou. Just like an idiot would do."

"Sh.......Shut up......I know that myself."

s.h.i.+dou groaned, his forehead starting to perspire.

"But, it looks like I"ve made her mad again......Hey Kotori, what should I do now?"

"Haa? What are you talking about?"


"Tohka"s emotions are rising rapidly, and its stopping at the maximum. You"ve got her into complete excitement. Why don"t you walk to Tohka"s front to look at her expression? It"s going to be interesting more or less."

"Ah......? Wh, what?"

s.h.i.+dou started to question. But Kotori did not respond to them, and continued to speak.

"Well......I won"t punish you for the time being.—Tch, its almost time to call Yos.h.i.+no back now. You"ll be late if you don"t go to school now you know?"

Just as Kotori said that, Yos.h.i.+no gave a deep bow.

"To, Today, I"ll......have to go now. Please take care......s.h.i.+dou-san, Tohka-san"

"Ooh, come again okay?"


s.h.i.+dou and Tohka lightly waved. Yos.h.i.+no gave another deep bow, and ran off with a *pata pata* sound.

"......Well let"s go now, Tohka."

"Nn, yeah."

s.h.i.+dou and Tohka started to walk down the asphalt road together......But,

"......Tohka? Can you wait a while?"

Noticing that there was something wrong with Tohka"s back view, s.h.i.+dou stopped in his tracks.

That"s right—Tohka"s clothes is the cool summer uniform. Meaning to say, that normally underwear—espicially the straps of the bra should slightly show. But......

"Nu? Is there something wrong?"

"Tohka......You, did you properly......put that......thing on?"

"? Put what on?"

"......Br, bra."

s.h.i.+dou slowly muttered out that noun. But Tohka inclined her head to the side with an incredulous expression.

"Bra? What"s that?"


s.h.i.+dou held his breath, at the same time he pushed Tohka back into the apartment.

"Wh, what"s the matter s.h.i.+dou?"

"That"s not something that you can just say "what"s the matter"!! You, don"t tell me you, haven"t been wearing it all this while!?"

"Li, like I said, what is it!?"


s.h.i.+dou tapped the microphone in his ear. After that, Kotori"s voice could be heard.

"Aaa, well, even though I did mention that we had prepared them......But it looks like she doesn"t even know what are they used for in the first place."

"Now"s not the time for that! It can still be pa.s.sable if it is the winter uniform, but if the current situation continues......!"

"Yeah, It should be placed in the topmost compartment of Tohka"s closet, why don"t you teach her how to wear it?"

"M, me......!?"

"Is there anybody else around. Right, you"ll be late if you don"t hurry up."

"......Aaargh, dammit......"

s.h.i.+dou with his determination set, turned towards Tohka.

"Tohka, can you take me to your room......!"

"Nu......? Aaa, that"s okay I guess......"

Led by a seemingly troubled Tohka into her room. Maybe it was done as a precaution, but before entering her room, they pa.s.sed through three layers of walls that were extremely similar to those of bank vaults. Seemed like the living s.p.a.ce of the apartment was not as large as it appeared to be from the outside.


Saying this, Tohka opened the door. The layout of the inside was almost the same as that of a normal apartment.

s.h.i.+dou closed the door and looked further inside along the corridor.

"Ve, very good, next can you bring the item on the topmost compartment in your closet over?

"Nu......? I, I got it."

Tohka took off her shoes while tilting her head, following s.h.i.+dou"s instructions, and brought a pale pink bra over to him.

"Is it okay like this?"

"Erm, aa, aaaa......"

With experience in staring in a girl"s underwear of the same age at zero. s.h.i.+dou waved at Tohka with a red face.

"Al, alright Tohka, bring that to......"

Even though it is certain that no one would listen, but s.h.i.+dou still felt very embarra.s.sed as he lowered his voice.

The same time the method of wearing a bra was taught via whispering, Tohka"s face turned beet red.

"Wha......! Whawhawhat are you saying s.h.i.+dou——!"

As s.h.i.+dou continued, Tohka raised the bra up high with both hands and stared.

"Put this......b.r.e.a.s.t.s...directly......?"

"Aaa, that"s correct."

"Mu, muu.......Do I have to wear it?"

"......That"s right. It"d be......a problem if you don"t."

"In, in what way would it be a problem?"

"No......It"s still okay right now, but if it were to rain......that, would......"

A while later, after seemingly understanding what s.h.i.+dou meant by those words, Tohka"s already red face went into a deeper shade. If it were a manga, smoke would probably come out of the ears by now.

"Wha......What are you thinking!"

Tohka yelled as she covered her chest with both hands.

"That, that"s why I told you to put it on!"

After that, Tohka stared at the bra once more while groaning "Umu......"

"I, I know that already. I"ll wear it for you to see......"

Nodding with red ears, she ran out of the corridor with a *pata pata* sound

"Haaa......that was really dangerous."

Fuuu, s.h.i.+dou sighed in relief.

—However, after a few minutes, Tohka reappeared at the corridor once more blus.h.i.+ng.

"s.h.i.+, s.h.i.+dou......It is okay like this?"

Finis.h.i.+ng her sentence, Tohka walked up shakily.

Not knowing the reason why, but the s.h.i.+rt that was taken off was now worn in reverse.

"Tohka......Wh, what"s with that appearance?"

"Thi, how do you hook this......?"


In just a sentence, s.h.i.+dou immediately understood the reason for this situation.

This is her first time wearing a bra after all. Trying to hook it by herself must have been too difficult.

As s.h.i.+dou frantically thought of a way——

"Enough trying to think, just go and lend her a hand."

Kotori said that as though it was a ch.o.r.e, s.h.i.+dou"s cheeks twitched a few times.

Although he wanted to retort something back......But there was no other alternative method. s.h.i.+dou swallowed, opening his trembling mouth and spoke.

"I"ll......I"ll hook it for you, so turn around."


Tohka stared with widened eyes, failing to think of another way, she was the same as him in this area.

After some hesitation, Tohka slowly turned around, her back facing s.h.i.+dou.

From the gap between the unb.u.t.toned s.h.i.+rt, he could see that beautiful back. s.h.i.+dou couldn"t help but gulp.

"Do, don"t just stare at me......"

Tohka embarra.s.sedly turned her face around, using both hands to hold her shoulders, as though the s.h.i.+rt would immediately fall off.

s.h.i.+dou fiercely shook his head.

"I, I understand......"

The same time sweat started dripping from s.h.i.+dou"s cheeks, he was muttering "It can"t be helped, it can"t be helped", using trembling fingers to hook the bra. At the same time,

......Next time I"m going to buy a front hook, s.h.i.+dou firmly decided in his heart.

"Muuuu......I feel uncomfortable moving around in this."

"......Bear with it. That"s how it is."

"Mu, muuuu."

Tohka looked unaccustomed as she kept turning her body. s.h.i.+dou supported his forehead that still had not cooled down and sighed.

Just like that, around ten minutes pa.s.sed in silence.

s.h.i.+dou and Tohka who just walked into a crossroad, seemed to hear the footsteps of someone running over.


s.h.i.+dou"s eyebrow twitched as he turned to face the direction of the sound, but it was too late.

On the left, a girl who looked like a high schooler, was biting on a piece of bread and,

"I"m late I"m late~!"

Saying the lines that even modern shoujo manga would leave out, she came running over at a horrifying speed. On a side note, even though she was biting on toast, the p.r.o.nunciation of her lines were perfect.


The intention to dodge flashed, but it was too late. s.h.i.+dou was knocked down by the high school girl, falling on his b.u.t.t.

"Aa....Ow ow ow."

"Ar, are you okay, s.h.i.+dou——!"

Tohka swiftly crouched and asked in concern.

"Yeah, I"m fine but......"

s.h.i.+dou patted his behind as he stood up, facing the direction of the girl who knocked him down. If s.h.i.+dou, as a guy, felt the force of the collision that hard, it must be unbearable for the girl.


As expected, the girl at a distance close to them, let out such a shout. However——


s.h.i.+dou"s face turned red, his shoulders shook.

That"s totally understandable. That"s because the girl that fell by the road, splendidly flipped her skirt, revealing her b.u.t.t to s.h.i.+dou.

......I don"t know why, but it felt like when she fell down, she took the opportunity to roll up her skirt in the chaos.


But s.h.i.+dou"s suspicions, were instantly blown away by the girl"s shout.

The girl hastily covered her underwear, looking at s.h.i.+dou with flushed cheeks.

"Did, Did you see!?"

"No, no, that......"

While s.h.i.+dou was getting troubled over how to reply, the girl slowly stood up and walked up to s.h.i.+dou.

"I"ve been seen by a guy like that......Now I can"t get married anymore!"

"Haa......!? No, that."

At this point, the girl suddenly pressed her body onto s.h.i.+dou



Not just s.h.i.+dou, even Tohka was left speechless.

But, the girl didn"t mind at all, using her finger she drew circles on s.h.i.+dou"s chest and continued.

"Will you......take responsibility?"

"Eh, no, even if you say that......"

Perspiration flowed down from his face, s.h.i.+dou s.h.i.+fted his line of sight away. Aaa, the weather is so hot. So hot, so hot.

"St, still not letting go, you!"

The instant Tohka wanted to seize the girl"s shoulder, the girl lightly dodged, leaving s.h.i.+dou"s side.

"Please, won"t you take some time to consider!......What would......happen next."

After saying that, not knowing why, she ran off in the direction that she came from.

Tohka, after looked on, stunned for a moment, "Uu—", she pouted her lips and gazed in s.h.i.+dou"s direction.

"Wh, what"s the matter......Tohka."

"......Nothing, its nothing"

Tohka turned away, and walked towards the school"s direction.

"Wait, hey, Tohka—"

This moment, the transmitter in the right ear started to beep.

"s.h.i.+dou, out~~"


s.h.i.+dou knitted his eyebrows, following that was Kotori"s sigh of impatience.

"s.h.i.+dou, what were you doing. Saying that was a definite no no. You can"t let Tohka throw a tantrum."

At this point, s.h.i.+dou finally realized the situation.

"Don"t, don"t tell me that girl was......"s......!?"

"Correct. One of our staff. Why, don"t tell me you"re disappointed?"


s.h.i.+dou"s face twitched as he pulled his hair.

"Aa—aa, why don"t you make a more peaceful way of dealing with that.——Or, properly do something that would salvage the situation."

"Sal, salvage?"

"Yes, gently hold her shoulders, whisper softly into her ear: "Don"t throw a tantrum already, I"m not interested in other girls other than you......?" or stuff like that"

"Is that even possible......! In the first place, why would doing that make Tohka feel better?"

"Hehe, don"t say that, it just may work. You forgot about just now? To girls, they love to listen to good things about themselves."


"Alright alright. More importantly, are you okay with just standing here like an idiot? Tohka"s silhouette is almost gone now."

"! Ha......"

s.h.i.+dou"s shoulders gave a jolt, moving his line of vision to the front. But, Tohka"s figure had already disappeared.

"Oh no......"

He broke into a frantic run, but surprisingly, he quickly saw Tohka"s figure once more.

As though hiding around the corner, Tohka stood there with her cheeks slightly puffed.

"Toh, Tohka......"

"......Nn. Let"s go, s.h.i.+dou!"

Looks like she was waiting for s.h.i.+dou, but that unhappy tone still did not disappear.

"Oooh, okay......"

s.h.i.+dou gave a short reply, his brain furiously thinking.

Taking one deep gulp, his determination set, slowly bring the arms around Tohka"s shoulders......That was supposed to be the plan.

But, it seems that he didn"t have the courage to do so.

Softly patting Tohka on the shoulder, Tohka turned her face around. And then,

"D, don"t, don"t throw a tantrum already, I"m, I"m not interested in other girls other than you......?"

There"s nothing to lose if it was said, s.h.i.+dou followed the instructions and did so.


When s.h.i.+dou finished, Tohka immediately widened her eyes and stared.

"You, whawhawhawhat are you saying s.h.i.+dou............!"

"N,, sorry, forget about that."

At the same time he received Tohka"s reply, he felt so embarra.s.sed that he wanted to die. s.h.i.+dou waved his hand trying to hide it.


Not knowing why, Tohka softly groaned, and once again started walking

......but, it felt, as if her footsteps were lighter than just now.

From the Itsuka residence to Raizen High School, is a walking distance of thirty minutes.

If it were the usual, s.h.i.+dou would have reached school at around eight o" clock——But because of waiting for Tohka, and various incidents that happened, they were slightly late.

The hands of the clock located on the school exterior pointed the time to 8:20 am. There was still ten minutes till morning homeroom.

"......We"ll be late unless we hurry."

"Nn, you"re right."

Saying that, they walked in the entrance. At this moment.


Waiting at the entrance was a girl that seemed to be a freshman, called out to s.h.i.+dou.



The girl looked uneasy, shyly held out a letter like object to s.h.i.+dou.

"I"ve always liked Senpai! Please, won"t you read this?"


s.h.i.+dou stared at the girl handed over to him. That envelope with a heart for a seal.

Looks extremely like an old fas.h.i.+oned love letter.

"L......, love letter......!?"

His body shook. s.h.i.+dou took a step backwards.

......But, very soon he noticed something. There"s no reason for stuff like this to keep occurring, most likely she"s also one of "s staff. If I don"t firmly reject this, there"s no doubt that the alarm will ring like last time, and I"ll be forced to play that punishment game.

s.h.i.+dou swallowed his saliva, took over the envelope, intending to tear it to pieces.——However, looking at the girl"s teary eyes, couldn"t help but stop himself.

......Even though I know she"s one of the staff, it would go against my conscience to do that.

s.h.i.+dou handed the letter back to the girl and shook his head.

"So, sorry. I don"t have the ability to answer to your expectations......"

As soon as s.h.i.+dou finished, the girl"s expression looked as though she were about to burst into tears.

"That......that"s right. I"m sorry for being so direct......!"

The girl quickly turned, and ran off down the corridor.

"Araara. What a pity"

"Humph, who"d fall for such an obvious trick?"

"......Although we did plan for a love letter event, but our staff hasn"t made a single move yet you know?"


s.h.i.+dou"s face involuntarily twitched.

Thus, s.h.i.+dou looked around with an embarra.s.sed expression, and spotted another girl. Just like the one before, a love letter was in her hands.

"Th, that is......"

"One of our staff."

"Th, then the other kid was?"

"Accepting a love letter from a kouhai

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