Date A Live

Chapter 10: Avenger from Five Years Ago

Chapter 10: Avenger from Five Years Ago

Ryouko, who was wearing her work overalls, stepped into the Tenguu JSDF CR-Unit bunker, gave out a cry of surprise in reaction to the chaos that was forming in it.

"Hold on, what happened in here?"

Speaking to the nearby engineer. He frowned with an expression of utter panic.

"What is it, talk later! At this point of time——C-Captain!"

The engineer hastily made a salute; Ryouko gently shook her head as she continued.

"Dispense with the formalities; tell me what on earth happened."

"Umm......The as well as all of the ammunition has disappeared."

"What did you say!?"

Ryouko"s eyes widened, turning to the right.

As the engineer had reported, at the location where the large annihilation military suit was placed, only an empty hole was left, AST members as well as engineers were currently walking around in a panic.

"Did someone take it out......?"

"A-about that......Even I"m not sure of the exact details."

Ryouko surveyed the situation in the bunker. Despite the fact that they can"t get a proper understanding without an investigation, but there doesn"t seem to be anything amiss, there were no signs of breaking in or the use of transportation.

This was the key factor, the culprit had moved that ma.s.sive military equipment without the use of transportation.

Ryouko fell silent for a while, before questioning the engineer.

"——Just now, what was the condition of the emergency activation function?"

"The emergency activation function......huh? Please hold on for a moment."

Saying that, the engineer started to manipulate the miniature tablet in his hands.

The emergency activation function, refers to the device that is able to temporarily expand one"s personal territory as well as instantly don a wiring suit.

If AST members were to use this, they would not need to use a proper suit to obtain a magician"s power.

As such, the above mentioned would be managed according to their serial numbers, who withdrew the facility at what time, when did they activate the equipment, they would all be recorded down within the data bank automatically.

Although that was one of the many possibilities, but it was just a small suspicion that"s all.

However——to be able to move such a ma.s.sive piece of equipment such as the without the use of a truck, there"s no other possibility other than a magician who has expanded his personal territory.

Praying deep down that she had made a wrong guess, she waited for the engineer"s reply.

——However, as soon as the machine gave off a loud beeping sound—the engineer was dumbfounded.

"C-Captain, t-there"s one, an AST member had taken it away."

"......, Who?"

Ryouko asked, the engineer replied to her with a trembling voice.

"M-Master Sergeant……Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami"

"All———right! Kotori! What shall we ride next!?"

s.h.i.+dou who had enjoyed himself on the large vertical jumping machine, held Kotori"s hand as he walked forward.

"H-hold on for a moment!"

With her hair dishevelled, Kotori stopped walking as she spoke, preventing s.h.i.+dou from moving on.

"Hm, what"s the matter, Kotori?"

"What do you mean what"s the matter......! Give me a proper explanation, explain!"

Kotori shouted agitatedly.

Well, this did not happen without a reason, since s.h.i.+dou had just dragged Kotori off to the amus.e.m.e.nt park and into the nearest thrill ride that he could find without an explanation.

"Explain? I already told you, actually I, Onii-chan loves the amus.e.m.e.nt park the most."

"That"s not an explanation! You dragged me here for just this reason!?"

"You, said ‘just this reason" right. Once boys go to highschool, they hardly go to the amus.e.m.e.nt park you know? They"ll feel ashamed even though their family brings them there. It"s even more saddening if its just all guys, that"s why the only one that can be inside the amus.e.m.e.nt park, are only those that have girlfriends! Think about it, all those boys that are unable to come to the amus.e.m.e.nt park, how much do they amount until?"

s.h.i.+dou dramatically said, Kotori threw him a glare.

"I know already! First of all——" However, she seemed to have noticed something while in mid-speech, her volume suddenly dropped.


For some unknown reason she coughed softly, her face slowly turning red.

"Hm? What"s the matter Kotori?——Ah, don"t tell me…"

"I-it"s nothing! Don"t——"

"You"re afraid of the jumping machine? What"s that, you should have told me earlier."

s.h.i.+dou snickered, Kotori swung her arms with a reddened face.

"Ouch, it hurts, s-stop it."

"Shut up! Take this."

s.h.i.+dou barely escaped from her a.s.sault, pointing to the entrance of the roller coaster.

"Right then, Kotori, let"s go on this one next."

"That"s why I said listen to me already!"

"Ah, is that so, is Kotori still too short to go on this ride—"

s.h.i.+dou had just finished speaking with a smirk, Kotori relaunched her a.s.sault with a red face.

"Are you an idiot! The height restriction for the roller coaster is just 110 centimetres isn"t it! I"m not that short!"

"Ehhh—? But it"s really scary you know?"

"Don"t underestimate me! You should be more worried about wetting yourself!"

"What"s that? Then how about the first person to be scared to be the loser"

"Exactly what I was about to say!"

Kotori nodded whilst panting heavily, entering the ride together with s.h.i.+dou.

Until Kotori finally realizes that she had been tricked by s.h.i.+dou, the coaster had already started moving.

"U—"ll be okay right, s.h.i.+dou-kun?"

Within the bridge of that was floating about Ocean Park, Kannazuki folded his arms with an expression of unease, repeatedly tapping his heel against the floor.

"......No, this might be good for Kotori."

At this moment, Reine who was sitting on the lower deck of the bridge, spoke while calmly staring at the image.

"Is that so?"

"......Yeah. Isn"t s.h.i.+n working hard himself? We could have been worried for nothing."

Reine lightly groaned, Kannazuki still looked uneasy, raising an eyebrow while looking at the monitor.

At this moment, just when s.h.i.+dou and Kotori had entered the horror mansion, Kannazuki exclaimed aloud in surprise.

The screen showed the two figures who had just walked inside the darkness, only when light from the entrance could not be seen did s.h.i.+dou extend his hand to Kotori.

"Here, Kotori. Let"s hold hands."

"Ha......Haa? What are you saying again. Don"t treat me like a small kid alright? Or what? Don"t tell me you are scared, s.h.i.+dou?"

Saying that she shook her head hard, s.h.i.+dou would have given up if it was like usual.

However s.h.i.+dou exaggeratedly nodded his head, contracting his shoulders weakly.

"That"s right, I"m really scared to be honest, that"s why Kotori, please hold your Onii-chan"s hand."

"W-what"s wrong with you, how disgusting!"


"I-I got it already......! I got it so shut up!"

Kotori scratched her head, grabbing s.h.i.+dou"s hand after a moment"s hesitation. Lowering her head afterwards while showing an embarra.s.sed look, it was really a heartwarming scene. However the crew members still have not discerned the reason for Kannazuki"s outburst.

"W-what"s the matter, Vice-Commander?"

"s.h.i.+dou-kun, the horror mansion was such a great moment, why did you have to waste it......!"

"Eh......? They did properly hold hands, it looks like there"s no problem at all......"

Hearing the reply from the crew below the bridge, Kannazuki shook his head in disagreement.

"What are you saying! Why isn"t he hugging the Commandeeeeeer! He could have very well been fully enjoying the Commander"s soft body, and there was a chance that his face could be stepped on by that solid heel of her shoe......!!"


Sweat started to form on everyone of the crew.

At this moment, s.h.i.+dou and Kotori had just walked out of the horror mansion, walking in the direction of the b.u.mper cars. The original intention was to sit in separate cars, but after s.h.i.+dou"s motioned with his hand, Kotori blushed furiously, sitting in the large car meant for two people.

"Aa, aaah......! s.h.i.+dou-kun, what are you doing......!"

Looking at the scene, Kannazuki let out a tortured wail once more.

"Why did you have to sit together! Over here you should let the Commander sit alone in the car while you walk! Moving closer to the Commander"s car while having a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic smile! Slowly reducing the distance between you two! Falling down immediately once your Achilles tendon has been attacked and having your body be baptized by the violent b.u.mper......! Aaah, Commander! Please have mercy! Have mercy!"


As Kannazuki was twisting his body while in the middle of his delusions, he attracted the stares of the crew once more. Amongst their stares was the unanimous belief that "It was correct of s.h.i.+dou to throw away his earpiece".


Kotori sighed, letting her body lie on the bench of the central plaza. The time was already past five in the afternoon.

After that s.h.i.+dou and Kotori went on a rampage throughout the amus.e.m.e.nt park, in conclusion they went all out in enjoying themselves. It is not surprising for Kotori to feel exhausted.

"Ah—This is bad. I"ve underestimated the amus.e.m.e.nt park. That was really fun."

"Hmph, are you a kid? I hope you can stop using diapers before you graduate from highschool."

"I don"t wish to hear that from someone who enjoyed herself while on the roller coaster."


Kotori shouted in dissatisfaction, regaining herself after letting out a sigh.

"Hmph......whatever, I"m tired. Furthermore……well, it wasn"t boring."

"Nn, is that so?"

s.h.i.+dou closed his eyes, stretching his body once more, his backbone made a few popping sounds.

"But......Just how long has it been since we last been to the amus.e.m.e.nt park. Dad and Mom are usually not at home, it"s been around......"

"Five years ago."


Kotori immediately replied, s.h.i.+dou let out a voice of disbelief. Kotori seemed like she had realized something...... but quickly continued as though she had no other choice.

"Going to the amus.e.m.e.nt park as a family, the last time was five years ago. We never came here after that."

"You sure remember it clearly. Really now......Has it already been five years now."

s.h.i.+dou repeated that phrase as he scratched his cheek.

Five years ago. It was a phrase that he seemed to be hearing a lot these few days.

The year where the Itsuka family last went to the amus.e.m.e.nt park. The year that Kotori became a spirit. The year where s.h.i.+dou had sealed her powers. As well as——the year that Origami"s parents pa.s.sed away.

s.h.i.+dou wordlessly got up, walking in front of Kotori who was sitting next to him.

——The day before. s.h.i.+dou had remembered. Five years ago, the conflagration that razed Tenguu City"s Nankou-machi. The scene where Kotori was crying in while in her Astral Dress.

For that reason, the one single question continued to exist in s.h.i.+dou"s heart.

And that was——the one who killed Origami"s parents, was it really Kotori?

"......What"s the matter?"

Kotori tilted her head slightly. Several seconds later, her shoulders trembled as though remembering something.

It was a mystery as to what she was thinking, Kotori"s face flushed, her eyes started looking everywhere.

"Eh, that, that......don"t tell me……"


"Huua, hua hyii......!"

After s.h.i.+dou calmly called her name, Kotori made a stupid sounding sound.

"S- s.h.i.+dou......? That, um, although the time is almost right...... but, that, a-at least, we should go to somewhere without any people right?"

"......? Why"s that?"

"W-why you say......"

s.h.i.+dou glanced at his surroundings. It was true that one can spot people walking around the area, but they are too far to be within earshot. There"s no need to be mindful to that extent.

"There"s no need, let"s do it here."


s.h.i.+dou said flatly, Kotori"s face turned into a deeper shade of red, giving out an inaudible scream.

s.h.i.+dou who was looking at Kotori"s odd behaviour, spoke softly.

"About that, Kotori"

"......! W-what......?"

"I have ask you."

"! I-if you want to kiss, you don"t have to be so"


s.h.i.+dou and Kotori looked at each other.

"Eh, eh eh um? Sorry, Kotori, just now——"

"S-shut up! Forget about that! What, you have something to ask? Spill it!"

"Aa, aaah."

Overwhelmed by Kotori"s pressure, s.h.i.+dou took a step back. Although he was concerned about what Kotori had just said, but he"ll let it go since she was so adamant about it.

s.h.i.+dou cleared his throat, looking straight into Kotori"s eyes.

"About that, Kotori. Five years ago, you were——"

——At this point, the instant he spoke. s.h.i.+dou felt the surrounding noise dampening slightly.

He noticed it in an instant. Some membrane-like thing was currently expanding in his surroundings. That"s right. It was just like, the Personal Territory of the ASTs——


Following that, something seemed to have fallen in front of his eyes——the location where Kotori was.

In the next instant, a horrifying explosion sounded, the scenery within his vision was enveloped with flames.


Unable to comprehend what just happened in front of him all of a sudden, his body temporarily froze.

There were no injuries on s.h.i.+dou at all. The invisible wall expanded in the surroundings had completely blocked off the rapid increase in air pressure.

However, aside from that. The location where Kotori was at, has been entirely eradicated in an instant.

He walked around attempting to find a way to the other side of the wall. But the invisible wall would not give way with s.h.i.+dou"s strength alone.


s.h.i.+dou yelled——Suddenly noticing something.

Such an incident, is definitely unnatural.

Only someone, some person, with hostility, resentment and killing intent would launch such an a.s.sault.

s.h.i.+dou quickly raised his head——Upon sighting the culprit, he held his breath once more.


That"s right, as though surveying the area where s.h.i.+dou and Kotori were at, floating in the air is, Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami who was wearing a wiring suit and CR-UNIT.

"——s.h.i.+dou. It"s dangerous here. Leave here immediately."

Despite appearing with different equipment each time, the equipment that she was currently outfitted with, was significantly different compared to before.

It was an odd ma.s.sive piece of equipment that seemed to wrap her entire body. Her back was outfitted with parts consisting of a huge row of magazines, ma.s.sive swords of light extended out from both her arms, aside from that, there were also two large cannons that one would usually see on wars.h.i.+ps.

An odd shape as though she was carrying an entire weapon bunker by herself.

——There"s no mistake. The one that attacked Kotori, was this girl.


After a few seconds, the surrounding visitors seemed to have noticed the abnormality of the situation. Panicked wails started erupting from everywhere, the visitors escaped in a flurry.

That is to be understandable. If Origami had showed up normally, people may have thought that it was just a new attraction in the amus.e.m.e.nt park, but since she reduced the surroundings to ash with the use of missiles. Escaping is to be expected.

However, s.h.i.+dou did not move. He did not want to move.

Clenching his fist hard enough to draw blood, he stared angrily at Origami who was still floating in the sky.

"Origami——! You, do you know what you have just done?......!?"

s.h.i.+dou yelled distortedly, Origami silently nodded her head.

"——Killing Itsuka Kotori."

Such a simple, straightforward answer, made s.h.i.+dou s.h.i.+ver. However——

"......Killing, you say. That"s really underestimating me."

In front, at the same time a haughty voice came from where Kotori was at, the smoke surrounding the area instantly cleared up as though it was blown away by a twister.——In its centre, was Kotori"s figure that was being blocked by a wall of flames.

Kotori softly sighed, snapping her fingers. The wall of flames that surrounded Kotori evaporated in the air. After that, Kotori stared at Origami, raising her chin as though taunting her.

"Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami. I thought you were a smarter person."

"......You know about me?"

"I didn"t know that you were such a crazy woman, to be launching missiles when you didn"t even raise any alarm nor do any evacuations beforehand."


Origami glared wordlessly. She probably was giving instructions to the CR-UNIT. Part of the weapon bunker on her back opened, exposing multiple gun barrels.

After which a rain of steel bullets poured down on Kotori.

Due to her Personal Territory, the control of the bullet trajectories was perfect. Of course there were stray rounds that flew near s.h.i.+dou"s direction. However, the invisible wall that expanded around s.h.i.+dou blocked all of them——Probably, this wall was Origami"s doing as well.

"......! Kotori!"

Amongst the deafening roar of gunfire, s.h.i.+dou cupped his mouth and yelled.

Kotori raised her arm calmly, following her action crimson flames erupted from her feet, swallowing the rounds that Origami had fired.

"Elohim Gibor!"

Kotori spoke, the flames clad themselves around her, burning off whatever was left of her clothing.

And in the next instant, the flames seemed to be taking the place of Kotori"s clothing, moulding themselves into a kimono that one can only envision in their memory. Floating robes, burning sleeves as well as——ivory-white horns. The Astral Dress. The absolute armor that defends the Spirit wearing it.


Following that, along with Kotori"s words, the flames on her hand quickly took on the form of a ma.s.sive battleaxe.

Origami showed an expression of utter disbelief, s.h.i.+dou frowned. Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami. A perfect honor student. Always silent and calm, it was rare for her to have any emotional fluctuations.

The current Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami, was glaring at Kotori with an expression full of rage.

"I"ve found you......finally......!" As Origami said that. Immediately after, s.h.i.+dou"s body soundlessly floated up.


"It"s dangerous. s.h.i.+dou, you better leave."

Origami"s eyes twitched. s.h.i.+dou"s body was gently blown off to another area.


His body landing on soft gra.s.s, s.h.i.+dou groaned as he held his head.

He had noticed it. The invisible wall that surrounded s.h.i.+dou had been dispelled.

However, that was not the main point. s.h.i.+dou hurriedly got up, looking at where he got thrown from——in the direction of the kimono-wearing Kotori and Origami with her ma.s.sive military equipment.


His most beloved little sister and his friend. The two were people important to s.h.i.+dou, yet they were opposing each other with weapons that could take each other"s life away. s.h.i.+dou did not think of such a thing unfolding, till now.


The instant Origami let out a short breath, the weapon container that she was carrying, all opened at once. After that, missiles that were even larger in number than before, traced tracks of smoke as they bore closer to Kotori who was on the ground.

A horrifying sound of explosions and wind, the strong tremors and shockwave rumbled throughout the area.


Using his hand to cover his face, he squinted his eyes. However that alone was not enough. s.h.i.+dou had to press his body to the ground, barely able to prevent himself from being blown away.

The missiles have wrought destruction on the land, instantly eradicating a corner of the amus.e.m.e.nt park. The location where Kotori was at seemed to have been gouged out by a s.p.a.cequake itself, leaving nothing behind.

Destruction on a horrifying level. Although he had witnessed the AST members and Origami"s battles before——but this was the first time he had seen a military equipment that possessed such overwhelming power.


Yelling her name. Towards the location where Origami had hit, not a sign of Kotori could be found. Don"t tell me, she had been blown away by the attack just now?——

A small voice from above dispelled s.h.i.+dou"s worries.

"Hmph......That is an uncouth weapon you are using there."

s.h.i.+dou looked upwards. Right over there, Kotori was floating in the air in one piece.


Origami showed a troubled expression, turning to face her. Giving the same command once more, she shot the same amount of missiles at Kotori.

And, it did not stop there.

"——Directional Personal Territory•Expand. Coordinates locked (223• 439• 36)......!"

The same time Origami chanted those words, a sphere-like boundary enveloped Kotori and her surroundings


Kotori frowned. s.h.i.+dou immediately understood from his viewpoint. That was similar from the one expanded around s.h.i.+dou before, but it wasn"t to protect her. That"s right, it was——

Origami"s missiles, pa.s.sed through the boundary expanded around Kotori, all of them making contact with her.

This time, s.h.i.+dou did not s.h.i.+eld his face. The reason for that was simple, the numerous missiles that exploded within the sphere-like boundary, not a single hint of the explosion was leaked to the outside.

However, it was not hard to imagine what it would be like inside of that boundary. It wasn"t just the impact of the missiles, coupled with the numerous shockwaves and wind pressure, not even a Spirit would be unharmed from that.

"Haa...... Haa...... Haa......"

Probably using her brain too much, huge amounts of sweat formed on Origami"s face, she panted heavily with trembling shoulders. At the same time the barrier around Kotori dissolved into the atmosphere, the dense smoke inside soon dissipated.

However, with the dissipation of the smoke, Origami widened her eyes in disbelief.

There was a reason for that surprise. The cause of it, was the crimson coloured flames that were floating above the scene of destruction——


Following that soft breath, Kotori"s face emerged with her body still having traces of smoke.

"Not bad after all. That"s something I"ve never seen before. Is it a new model?"

Saying that, Kotori gently waved her hand. As they were before, the flames crawled over Kotori"s body, her body and Astral Dress, were all restored to their flawless state.

However——in that instant.

"......, ah——"

Kotori"s expression suddenly twisted, she made pained sounds as she pressed her temple with her left hand.

"Ku......I"ve, used too much, power......"

s.h.i.+dou"s shoulders jumped. He had seen this before. It was the same scene——as that time on the roof.

The figure of Kotori that was having her rationality consumed by destructive urges.

In a situation of life and death, it was a huge opening.

Origami did not let that chance escape.

"——Deactivate• Expand!"

As Origami loudly yelled, the blade of the swords of light formed into ribbons and wrapped themselves around Camael and Kotori.


"Directional Personal Territory——Expand!"

Origami sang those words once more, the sphere-like boundary reappeared around Kotori.

However, it wasn"t missiles that were going to be fired this time. Origami adjusted her body, pointing both cannons of the weapon bunker at Kotori.

"It"s over——!"

Following her cry, from close-range, the cannons emitted a blinding flow of magical light.


Reflected in his eyes was an azure light of destruction. Even s.h.i.+dou who was clueless about military weaponry also understood how much power that light of annihilation possessed. The boundary expanded around Kotori, even though it did not let the explosion of the missiles earlier escape, magical light could be seen leaking slightly this time.

The instant the light made contact with the ground, it triggered a violent explosion, creating a miniature crater.


Shouting at the top of his voice. However, due to the shockwaves generated by the surrounding destruction from the magical light, his voice was unable to reach her.

"......, ......"

Origami lowered her cannon with an expression of weariness. Her face paled, her breathing accelerated. Although it was Origami"s one-sided a.s.sault, but it looked like it was her that was suffering.

Suddenly——at that moment, Kotori appeared behind Origami while raising Camael.


Origami"s face contorted due to shock, she readied her swords in preparation for combat, but she was too late.


The blade of flames writhed, lunging itself at Origami.


Making a pained whine, Origami"s body slammed to the ground along with the gigantic equipment.

Kotori coldly looked at the scene, swinging down Camael gently with one hand. The blade of flames swayed, bearing closer to Origami.

"Ku......Defensive Personal Territory——Expand!"

Origami grit her teeth as she sang those words, following that the Personal Territory expanded in the surroundings reduced its surface area, becoming a form that sticks closely to Origami"s body and equipment.

The next instant, Camael"s blade slammed onto the surface.


Origami"s Personal Territory seemed to have barely defended against such an attack, but Origami"s head seemed to have suffered a large burden because of this. Origami"s eyebrows furrowed in pain, letting out a groan.

However, Kotori did not stop her a.s.sault. The blade of flames flared repeatedly, she continued to swing her battleaxe at Origami as though it was a whip.

"Ara, where did your arrogance go? Didn"t you want to beat me?? Didn"t you want me to repent? Didn"t you want to kill? If you do then hurry up and fly. Point your b.a.s.t.a.r.d swords and gun barrels at me. If not——Fufu, you will perish."

"......! Kotori!"

Kotori"s words, caused s.h.i.+dou to let out a wail.

That, was obviously not Kotori.

That was not Kotori——but Kotori who had her consciousness consumed with an impulse for destruction.

"Stop it Kotori! If you continue——"

But Kotori had no intention of stopping. The corner of her mouth rose to form a terrifying grin, repeatedly, using the blade of flames to smash Origami"s Personal Territory.

"......Kah, ha——"

After that, she finally broke through Origami"s Personal Territory after G.o.d knows how many hits. Camael"s blade left faint marks along the metal bunker.

"......What"s that. You"re done already? How boring."

Kotori coldly said, landing next to the heavily panting Origami. And then,


The humongous blade of the battleaxe vanished, the handle changed shape, equipping itself on Kotori"s right arm.

And then, Kotori positioned the barrel straight at Origami"s face.

"Alright——if you cannot fight, you, are no longer needed."

"Kotori! Stop it! Kotori——!"

s.h.i.+dou yelled while sprinting towards Kotori and Origami. However almost at the same time, Kotori raised the barrel high, she was already starting to absorb the surrounding flames.

The attack that easily penetrated Kurumi"s angel. If one were to get hit from such a close range, it is impossible for humans to withstand it——However, Origami, despite panting with ragged breaths, she was not afraid at all, staring hatefully at Kotori.


When Origami said that, Kotori"s expression twisted in displeasure.

"......You know such a hateful name. Where did you learn that from?"

However, Origami did not change the way she spoke, she continued.

"Is that killed them? Five years, to my father and mother——!"


Kotori made a sound that was totally different from before.

"Oooh, look there Yos.h.i.+no! It"s a waterfall!"

Tohka yelled while she was on the large boat, Yos.h.i.+no who was sitting beside her nodded excitedly as well.

"It"s, amazing......!"

[Not bad at all, I really want to try freezing it.]

[Yos.h.i.+non] who was on Yos.h.i.+no"s left hand said jokingly.

In truth the boat tour that they had went on had already ended, but due to Yos.h.i.+no"s insistence, they went on it a second time.

Tohka had originally wanted to find s.h.i.+dou afterwards, but Yos.h.i.+no did not let her go, under the naïve thinking of "Since we sat on the left side, let"s try the right this time.", they sat on the boat once more.

"Right then, everyone, can you look at here please."

Saying that, the staff member standing at the bow of the s.h.i.+p used her finger to point at the tall volcano.

"That is the largest volcano inside the Ocean Park. Usually it is dormant......but since it"s excited with all the visitors today. Look, it"s going to blow—?"

Almost immediately after the staff spoke. Sounds of an explosion echoed, vibrating the very air itself.


Tohka grabbed the edges of the boat tightly as she widened her eyes.

"A-amazing! We didn"t feel anything like this when we sat on the left side of the boat just now!"

Tohka said——Yos.h.i.+no for some reason, started turning pale.


"No——that"s not right. Just now that was......"

At this moment, an alarm sounded at the pool, an announcement urging people to seek shelter started to play.


Suddenly——Tohka held her breath.

Although she couldn"t explain why, but she had a premonition.


As she turned towards Yos.h.i.+no, she too had the same expression as Tohka.

There was——a subtle change in spiritual energy.

Furthermore, there were the sounds of explosions just now. As well as s.h.i.+dou who was currently missing.

Within Tohka"s heart, a sense of dread started to spread.


Tohka yelled loudly, jumping into the water from the boat.

Kotori made a sound while in a daze.

"What did, you say——"

Saying that, she used her left hand to hold her head as though suppressing her headaches.

That voice, that look, it was totally different from before. It was the Kotori that s.h.i.+dou knew.

Probably noticing it as well, Origami continued to speak.

"Five years ago. Around five years ago. My parents who had lived in Nankou-Machi, were killed by the Spirit of Flame——they were killed by you. You, burned the two to death, in front of my eyes......! Forget? I will, never forget. That"s why I am going to......kill you. I will kill you! !"

With Origami"s increasing fighting spirit, Kotori was blown away.

Rather than saying that Origami"s strength increased, it was Kotori who did not resist at all. Unlike a Spirit who wore her Astral Dress, her pet.i.te body soared through the air.


Not responding despite s.h.i.+dou"s calls. Kotori who landed back on the ground merely widened her eyes in a daze, her teeth chattering.

"How, could......I——"

Origami immediately expanded her Personal Territory once again, regaining her posture, swinging down her ma.s.sive swords on top of Kotori. The blades of light shot out, binding Kotori tightly.

"This time, I won"t let you escape. Directional Personal Territory•Expand!"

The instant Origami made that declaration, Kotori"s surroundings were enveloped by a boundary.

It wasn"t to protect the target, but to enclose it, a killing cage that was meant for unleas.h.i.+ng a lethal attack. Even though she was able to escape before, but it seems impossible for Kotori in her current condition. Sweat formed on Kotori"s forehead, she painfully twisted her body.


s.h.i.+dou ran up without thinking. He was unable to do anything. Nothing that he can do will change anything. Coupled with the one fact, s.h.i.+dou who had lost Kotori"s power, was unable to revive if he suffered a fatal wound. Even if he used his body to s.h.i.+eld Kotori, a hole would most probably be blown through him.

Despite all this, s.h.i.+dou did not stop. The reason was simple. His cute little sister was facing imminent danger. Just this, was enough for him as an older brother to rush in to save her.

"Personal Territory condense......, critical activation!"

Origami aimed her cannons at Kotori. However, s.h.i.+dou did not care as he jumped in between Origami and Kotori, spreading out his arms as though s.h.i.+elding Kotori.

"Origami! Stop! Stop it!"

"——, s.h.i.+dou. Don"t interfere."

"How could I!"

s.h.i.+dou yelled out loud, Origami clenched her teeth, her gaze turning sharp.

"I should have already told you about it. The reason that I had lived till now was to avenge my parents" deaths. After going through that conflagration five years ago, revenge has become my only reason to live. My life exists solely for this reason alone. To kill , this is my raison d"etre."


Origami said it as such. A certain girl"s words started playing itself inside s.h.i.+dou"s head.

(If I can"t defeat her then I"ll……)

Doing it as many times to Kurumi——the killing of a Spirit, the girl whose soul had already been worn down, unable to recover. Looking at Origami"s current situation, he recalled that worn-out expression as well as the darkness inside those pupils, s.h.i.+dou swallowed hard.

Why would he think of Mana now......there was a simple reason for that.

When he looked at the girl carrying large cannons before him, Mana"s image had overlapped with what he saw.

"No......You can"t."

s.h.i.+dou stuttered as he spoke, Origami"s eyebrows twitched.

"Don"t do it......You, doing something like murder......! Pressing the trigger or the like—you definitely, won"t be able to come back......!—"

In that one hit, Origami would become another Mana.

Her soul would be worn down, unable to recover.

It was precisely because s.h.i.+dou understood those human emotions, that"s why he knew. The trigger at Origami"s finger, would be the final key.

"I——don"t wish to see you, become like that......!"

However, Origami did not lower her weapon at all, she shot a razor-sharp glare at s.h.i.+dou, as well as Kotori who was behind him.

"......, even so, I do not care. As long as is annihilated by my own hands......!"


s.h.i.+dou clenched his fist hard. His fingernails digging into his flesh.

At this moment, s.h.i.+dou had a sudden epiphany.

The Spirit of Flame.. The codename that Origami had used.

"——, ah."

Nearing close to a mere play of words. It can"t be helped if one were to say that he was just playing a stupid word game. But, this was just a possibility. This was the final straw that s.h.i.+dou had left.

"Origami......Hear me out."

Origami did not reply. However, s.h.i.+dou took her silence as consent, he continued speaking.

"The one that you"re seeking revenge on is ......correct?"


"The one that controls flames that devours everything, reviving from the abyss of death...... the Spirit of Flame right!?"


"Not my sister——Itsuka Kotori, but the Spirit of Flame right!?"

"......What are you talking about?"

Origami"s eyebrows furrowed.

" and Itsuka Kotori are the one and the same. What are you exactly——"

"Just answer my question! Your enemy is the Spirit of Flame, not my sister who is human right!?"

s.h.i.+dou yelled, Origami paused in confusion before replying.

"——Your words are incomprehensible. It is true, that my enemy is the Spirit of Flame. . Not humans. However, Itsuka Kotori is a spirit. This condition naturally falls apart."

Origami silently said. s.h.i.+dou swallowed hard.

"Move away from there. s.h.i.+dou."

"No......I can"t. After hearing what you just said, all the more so......!"


Origami was unable to understand s.h.i.+dou"s words as she frowned.

"Please. Just for a moment. Give Kotori and I some time. That way——"

"No. Right now, is the best opportunity to exact my revenge on ......! If you won"t back down from there——"

Origami readjusted her cannon"s aim. In order to shoot through s.h.i.+dou, in order to exterminate Kotori.


It was not that he couldn"t understand Origami"s feelings. Since s.h.i.+dou did say something incomprehensible just now.

If someone important to him were to be murdered, hating the culprit was to be expected.

And it was precisely due to that——would one intend to kill the culprit, with their own hands.

If Origami were to kill Kotori in this place, s.h.i.+dou would most definitely have the same hatred that Origami is currently having towards Kotori right now.

Despite what one says, no matter how one tries to hide it with a blank expression. It has nothing to do with one"s own will, somewhere deep down inside, there will be nothing but remnants of cold resentment.

That"s what, all this is merely nothing but empty words.

However——even though he can be called a hypocrite, even though that he could be said to be acting on a whim, people might say that he is unreasonable, s.h.i.+dou did not have any excuse.

"What I"m going to say to you may sound like nonsense, to you whose parents have been killed. If my parents and Kotori were to be killed, I think that I too will bear unthinkable hatred towards their killer. I know that this sounds contradictory! I also know that this is merely a selfish opinion of mine! But I......! I just can"t bear to see my cute little sister be killed in front of my eyes, I also can"t bear to watch my friend wallow in self-despair......!"


Origami frowned while feeling troubled.

However, Origami shook her head, turning to look at Kotori once more.

"Even so......I too——!"

Following Origami"s words, an invisible wall enclosed s.h.i.+dou"s surroundings.

"! This, is——"

s.h.i.+dou yelled while frowning, this was the same kind that was erected around s.h.i.+dou prior before. Meaning to say that it was different from the one holding Kotori, it was a defensive barrier meant to protect its target from any shockwaves.

Understanding Origami"s intentions, s.h.i.+dou cried out loud.

"Stop it, Origami———————————!""Uwa, aa,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah——!"

Origami seemed to be replacing s.h.i.+dou"s voice with her own, fixing the iron sight of the cannon at Kotori.

But, at that moment.

"——Wishful thinking!"

The voice came from one of the two cannons Origami had raised, the right barrel had been beautifully sliced off.


Origami"s face took on the expression of utter shock. However, she seemed to have quickly discerned the ident.i.ty of the a.s.sailant, Origami twisted her mouth in hatred.

"Yatogami Tohka......!"

That"s right. The one who jumped into the sky, slicing Origami"s cannon barrel, was Tohka whose swimsuit was covered in a pale purple glow, her hands were holding a huge sword.


"Umu. Are you alright? s.h.i.+dou, Kotori."

Tohka landed between s.h.i.+dou and Origami, speaking while warily keeping an eye on Origami.

Origami"s gaze sharpened, expanding the weapon bunker that she was carrying. Even though after launching an attack of that scale, her ammunition did not seem to have run out at all. Numerous missile tips protruded out.

"Don"t even try——"

However, before Origami could launch those missiles, a beam of light shot at Origami.


Origami flew upwards, barely dodging that attack.

At the same time, probably due to the breaking of Origami"s concentration, the invisible wall surrounding s.h.i.+dou disappeared soon after.

At this point, she finally realized it. The laser that was shot at Origami was not what it seemed at all. It instantly froze all the way to the ground with a crackling sound.

"This is......"

Freezing everything upon a single touch, a dense ray of absolute zero. There was an impression of having witnessed such power somewhere before.

"Are you......alright, s.h.i.+dou-san, Kotori-san......"

From the direction of the attack"s origin, a familiar voice sounded out. Turning to look, he saw a rabbit puppet that was many times smaller than he had seen before.

With a smooth surface with intricate patterns. Jaws with icicle-like teeth. Yos.h.i.+no was currently riding on its back with her swimsuit glowing faintly.



s.h.i.+dou called out her name, Yos.h.i.+no nodded in acknowledgement.

"T-that well as Zadikel......!?"

"That"s......right. After Reine-san told us......that s.h.i.+dou-san and Kotori-san were in danger, we immediately rushed over......the moment that we thought of helping you two, we just can"t stay calm......"

As though taking over from Yos.h.i.+no——the ma.s.sive rabbit Angel——Zadikel roared.

[Phew, that was really close—]


Zadikel"s mouth movements as well as manner of speech, caused s.h.i.+dou to tilt his head in confusion. Following that, Zadikel made a grin that was completely opposite to what it used to look like.

[Well, let"s leave the thanking for later. But, right now——"

Instantly, numerous missiles aimed at Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no poured out.



The two girls gave off cries of pain. Tohka used her sword, Yos.h.i.+no on the other hand used an ice wall to defend against the cannon strike——but it seemed like the two were unable to completely defend themselves against the shockwaves.

Be it Tohka"s Sandalphon that can slice anything or Yos.h.i.+no"s Zadikel that is able to intercept anything, they are probably only at around 10% of their original power. No matter how powerful they were when they were Spirits, dealing with Origami at this state can only be considered foolish.

However, despite Tohka"s face being distorted by pain, she still raised her voice and called out to s.h.i.+dou.

"s.h.i.+dou! Leave this place to us, hurry up and escape this place!"


"Alright already, run!"

"We can"t hold...... her for, long......"

Origami angrily glared at Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no.

"......! Stop being a nuisance. I"ve got no time for you two."

"——Hmph, Kotori and s.h.i.+dou are the same, they"re our benefactors. We won"t let you kill her."


Tohka glared back at Origami, Yos.h.i.+no nodded her head as well.

Origami exhaled slightly, adding more strength into her swords.

"Well then——I"ll just destroy you two as well."

Saying that, she expanded her weapon bunker once more, countless missiles were shot out from within.

"......! Haa!"

Tohka, with a flash of her sword, cut down the missiles that were moving in a straight line—— instantly detonating them. However, that was not enough to completely knock down the numerous missiles.

They dodged Tohka"s sword strikes as well as the exploded missiles, inching closer to Tohka.

However, a downpour suddenly descended, freezing the missiles in place before Tohka was. .h.i.t.


"I"ve borrowed some water......from the pool......!"

Along with Yos.h.i.+no"s voice, Zadikel let out a blinding light.

At the same time, Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no once again glanced in s.h.i.+dou"s direction. Words were not needed. The two of them had already said it before——Take Kotori, and escape this place.


s.h.i.+dou clenched his teeth, running off while carrying the panting Kotori.

The only thing that s.h.i.+dou can do right now, is not to care about Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no, but to leave this place. It is to understand the reason that they"re placing their lives on this, in order to leave this place with Kotori——!

"s.h.i.+, dou......!"

Kotori called s.h.i.+dou"s name with a pale face.

"It"s alright——I"ll think of something......!"

s.h.i.+dou spoke as he ran, Kotori seemed at ease as she nodded.

Explosions rang out behind him. Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no may be used to battle——but despite it being two on one, the two of them are not at full power. Having Origami with a full a.r.s.enal of weaponry as an opponent was disadvantageous. It is precisely so, that a worst case scenario of being killed by her exists.

Furthermore, he could not hesitate on Kotori"s side no longer. If he continued to let Kotori"s consciousness be devoured by her destructive urges, a rampage like before could occur once again.

——That"s right, it"s not a solution if s.h.i.+dou merely runs away.

Kotori, Origami, Tohka, Yos.h.i.+no. There"s no meaning, if everyone does not get a happy ending.

And the only method to achieve that——There was only one left in s.h.i.+dou"s hand.


s.h.i.+dou carried Kotori and hid behind one of the deserted attractions before placing her on the ground. Just by doing that, was able to make Kotori writhe in pain.

"Are you okay, Kotori?"

"Yeah......Barely, I guess."

Kotori leaned against the wall weakly as she replied.

She"s running out of time. s.h.i.+dou glanced at the exploding plaza before speaking.


s.h.i.+dou placed his hand on Kotori"s shoulder, at a distance where they could feel each other"s breath, he stared at Kotori.


Kotori made a stiff, unusual reply.

s.h.i.+dou swallowed hard. Panic causing his sweat to flow, his throat feeling exceptionally dry.

There was only one method that s.h.i.+dou had left, the only way to save Kotori. Now is the time——he was finally going to use it.


At this moment, the same time Tohka"s whines cried out from behind, the sounds of Origami"s weapons grew louder.

"I found you......!"

With that, Origami came closer at a frightening speed.


s.h.i.+dou held his breath, intending to move closer to Kotori"s lips.

However, he noticed that there was a fundamental problem.


Because he had thrown away his ear piece midway, the current s.h.i.+dou had no idea of Kotori"s affection for him.

If he was unable to let Kotori"s feelings for s.h.i.+dou increase——then all that he had done till now would go to waste.

If he did not seal Kotori"s powers, her mind, would be consumed by the Spirit"s power.

s.h.i.+dou"s cute little sister, would be lost forever.

s.h.i.+dou shook his head as he clenched his teeth——He would not allow it, that sort of thing to happen.

Thus, s.h.i.+dou moved his face closer as he spoke.


Due to the sudden voice, Kotori jumped as she widened her eyes.

However, s.h.i.+dou continued as though he did not notice at all. He poured out his childish but honest words.

"Kotori. Kotori. You are my cute little sister. You are the cutest little sister that I can ever be proud of in this world! I can"t hold it in anymore......I like you the most! I love you!"


Kotori"s face flushed crimson, s.h.i.+dou too made the same expression as Kotori as he continued speaking.

"Kotori......! Do, you like me?"

"W-what are you talking about all of a sudden——"

And at that moment, in that particular instant, the miniature missile struck the attraction where s.h.i.+dou and Kotori were hiding, sparks violently sprayed everywhere.

"Aa, aaah......what a pain!"

Kotori ‘s eyes swam all around chaotically, yelling out her reply.

"I do! I like you the most too! I love Onii-chan the most! In this entire world!"


Upon hearing that——s.h.i.+dou made his decision, he overlapped his lips with Kotori"s own.

A dizzying sensation a.s.saulted his brain. The guilt of kissing his sister whom he had spent years together with filled his lungs, at the same time there was an indescribable feeling of being enraptured by the act.

Following that, s.h.i.+dou felt something warm enter his body.

It was the same as the other times with Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no, the same feeling when the power of the spirits had been sealed within his body.

But, at that moment——


A few days back, when Kotori"s power had moved between the two, the same phenomenon as before.

Hazy memories entered his head, causing s.h.i.+dou"s eyebrows to twitch slightly.

——That day. Kotori was playing alone in a nearby park.

Not was somewhat incorrect to use that word. Kotori"s mouth was bent in a ‘へ" shape of boredom, making creaking noises as she sat on the swing.

Today was Kotori"s ninth birthday, however her father and mother were not at home due to work. Her favourite Onii-chan had also disappeared to who knows where.

(Uu......, uh......)

Her tears started falling drop by drop, Kotori used her sleeve to wipe her eyes.

Kotori cried over the smallest things. Also known as the common crybaby. This had been pointed out to her by her Onii-chan earlier this morning as well, if this continues she could very well be hated by Onii-chan. No, or maybe Onii-chan does not already like Kotori anymore, that"s why he did not come home today......

Such thoughts kept surfacing in her mind, tears were about to overflow once more, Kotori wiped the corner of her eyes hurriedly.

Even though she knew that this cannot go on. If she did not become stronger, she would be disliked by her Onii-chan.

This however, caused the opposite to happen. The moment she thought of that, tears would not stop forming in her eyes.

(Uh......, ah......)

At that moment.

【——Hey, why are you crying】

Above Kotori"s head, such a voice sounded.


Kotori raised her head. An indescribable figure was standing there.

Although she knew that there was someone there, she could not discern what that person looked like.

Although she could tell that it was speaking, but she could not tell what sound did it make.

[Someone], was right there.

Kotori"s shoulders trembled. She was told not to talk to strangers, even if she was not told, it would be difficult not to be wary of such an unknown person.

(I-it"s alright. Onii-chan is coming home soon)

Kotori wiped her eyes as she said that, she jumped off the swing, walking back towards her house. However,

【Hmph. Your parents, as well as your Onii-chan are not here. You"re lonely, even though it was your birthday.】

Hearing that, Kotori couldn"t help but pause.

(W-why, do you know......)

That [person] did not reply to her question. Instead, it calmly continued to speak.

【——You can be recognized by your Onii-chan, if you just simply become stronger.】

(......That, is… )

【Hey, don"t you want to become stronger? Strength to not let your Onii-chan worry about you any more, do you want it?】

Kotori fell silent, she felt as though that [Someone] was smiling.

And then, it extended its hand to Kotori.

On top of its palm, a small ruby like object appeared. Giving off a dark glow, it was an incomprehensible object.

(It"s beautiful......)

That [Person] smiled once more in response, it continued.

【If you really want to become stronger, all you have to do is just touch this. With that, you will become stronger than anyone. Your Onii-chan too, will definitely like you who had become stronger.】

Kotori gulped.

(Can it......really let me?)

【Aaah, of course.】

[Someone] said. Its words were like an invitation. Just like temptation.

Kotori slowly reached out to touch it——That one touch, set everything in motion.

Instantly, the crimson jewel melded into Kotori"s palm, she felt as though her entire body was in an inferno. At the same time, Kotori"s clothes combusted——leaving behind something that looked like a kimono.

(......! Aa, aaah......)

The heat that a.s.sailed her entire body caused Kotori"s face to contort in pain. However——things did not stop just there.

Kotori"s surroundings erupted in crimson flames——


Those flames spread themselves onto the surroundings the same time Kotori let out a cry.

Towards the park. Towards that house. Towards that building. Spreading to the stores next to them

Just as it was intending to consume the entire street that Kotori was at, ruthlessly, violently.

At that moment, a ray of light came from above and struck the ground, that [Person] disappeared in front of Kotori"s eyes.

However, the current Kotori did not have strength left to spare to care about that.

The pain of being burned and tortured spread themselves out throughout her entire body. The flames that were swirling around Kotori, poured out as though being shot by a flamethrower.


After the sensation of pain that a.s.saulted her entire body finally calmed down, she looked at her surroundings——The scenery that used to be reflected in Kotori"s eyes had been completely razed.

(Aa, aa, ah......)

Kotori"s favourite home, her favourite park, her favourite street, were all burning.

It was evident that this was done by her hand. The flames that had shrouded around Kotori, had razed everything around her to the ground.

(S-stop......stop it......!)

Despite her pleas, the strength of the flames did not seem to have decreased. On the other hand it seemed to be ignoring Kotori"s intentions as it continued to grow in size. Kotori"s face was streaked in tears, huge drops fell from her eyes.

(O......nii-chan......! Onii-chan......!)


——At this moment.

A familiar voice entered Kotori"s ears.

The voice that Kotori wished to hear the most——The voice of her most beloved Onii-chan.

Turning around, in the location where the flames had turned into a barren land, was s.h.i.+dou"s figure.

(Uu, aa, ah, O-Onii-chan......, Onii-chan, Onii-chan......!)

Her two hands wiped the tears that stuck to her face, she called out s.h.i.+dou"s name.

However, the instant s.h.i.+dou intended to get closer to Kotori, the flames that wrapped around Kotori started to swell and bulge.

Kotori froze. At this rate——No. If this continues——

(Onii-chan! Don"t come closer————————!!)


s.h.i.+dou made a sound.

But it was already too late, s.h.i.+dou"s body was blown away by Kotori"s flames.


Kotori was barely able to move her pained legs, running towards s.h.i.+dou.

s.h.i.+dou who had landed face-up was in critical condition. An injury extending from his shoulder to his abdomen looked like it had been gouged out from his body, the other areas had been badly burnt. Even a medically inexperienced person such as Kotori knows, that he was in an incurable condition.

(Onii-chan......Onii-chan! Onii-chan......)

Not responding despite her calls. Soon after, s.h.i.+dou"s half open eyes slowly closed——

【——Hey, you wish to save him??】

At this point in time. The voice that she had heard before, once again appeared above Kotori.

Raising her head in reflex, indeed, it was the same [Person] as before.


Kotori trembled as she looked at that [Person].

(Wh-what did you do to my body!? I......don"t want, this kind of power......I don"t want it!)

Kotori finished, that [Person] silently replied.

【Really? Then, are you fine with watching him die like this??】

Her throat finding it difficult to breathe, Kotori s.h.i.+fted her eyes towards s.h.i.+dou.

(Can......I save Onii-chan??)


After that, that [Person] calmly described that "method". In that sort of circ.u.mstance, it was truly an unthinkable method bordering on idiocy. However Kotori did not have any other choice.

It was as clear as day that this [Person] was not to be trusted. However if this continues, s.h.i.+dou will die, that too is the truth.

After Kotori took a small breath, she started to proceed with the "method" that that [Person] had taught her.

Slowly approaching s.h.i.+dou"s face——and using her own lips, she pressed them against s.h.i.+dou"s. Following that,


The white kimono that Kotori had been wearing gave off a pale light, slowly vanis.h.i.+ng into the air.

At the same time, flames crept up s.h.i.+dou"s body.

But those flames did not burn s.h.i.+dou.

Wherever the flames crept, the horrible wounds disappeared.


Soon after that.

(Ah——, ......)

s.h.i.+dou slowly opened his eyes.

(O, nii-chan, nii-chan......Onii-chan, Onii-chan......!)

Kotori did not care about her half-naked state, hugging s.h.i.+dou tightly.


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