Date A Live

Chapter 2: A Spirit"s Invitation

Chapter 2: A Spirit"s Invitation

The moment Tama-chan-sensei left the cla.s.sroom after morning homeroom, s.h.i.+dou immediately fished out his handphone from his pocket and called Kotori.

Moments later, a sound indicating that the connection was successful rang out, Kotori"s voice came out from the handphone a while later.

"h.e.l.lo—h.e.l.lo, Onii-chan?"

An easygoing voice that was totally different from that sarcastic tone earlier. It was the normal Kotori, not in commander mode.

"Hey, Kotori."

"Really now—why are you calling at such a time? If the phone had rang ten seconds earlier, it would have been confiscated by the teacher you know—"

"You should have properly set it to silent mode first."

"I kinda forgot to do that today—"

Kotori unhappily said.

"Well, is anything the matter?"

"Ss, ah, that"s right. The truth is......"

As s.h.i.+dou continued to speak, he glanced towards Kurumi.

Even though she said something shocking like "I am a Spirit" during her introduction, Kurumi was currently subjected to a situation where she was being surrounded by a sea of people and questions. It was not just the students from Cla.s.s Four, in order to sneak a peek at the rumoured beautiful transfer girl, even students from other have gathered. It was just like the first day Tohka arrived.

At this point, he accidentally made eye contact with Kurumi. Kurumi faced his direction and slightly smiled, s.h.i.+dou instantly blushed and held his breath.


"Aa, aaah......Today my cla.s.s had, a transfer student......but that person, said."


"I am...... a Spirit."


When s.h.i.+dou finished speaking, Kotori did not answer.

In response to that was the sound of rustling clothes. It was just like, the sound of changing the ribbons of her hair.

"——Tell me the details."

Kotori continued speaking with a tone that was different from just now.

"Even if you want me to tell you in detail......It"s just like how I told you. When the transfer student made her introduction, she said "I am a Spirit"......Although there is no basis to it, but it felt as if she was saying it to me."

"Isn"t that just your imagination?"


"Well, forget it. A person that knows such terms like Spirits is already very abnormal. I"ll investigate more."

"Oh......Please do."

Just as s.h.i.+dou ended the phone call, the bell indicating the start of the first lesson rang.

At a corner of Tenguu Base. Inside the observation room that compiles data on Spirit wavelength throughout the cities of Southern Kanto region.


The AST team leader Kusakabe Ryoko, frowned as she let out a groan.

"Is there a mistake? This."

The man currently operating the central control tower—— Sergeant First Cla.s.s As.h.i.+mura turned to face her, shaking his sweating face at the same time.

"I"m extremely sorry. But the precision of the observation machines, even if within the country it is also considered to be the best."

"......Is that so."

Rechecking the numbers shown on the screen, after making sure that there was no mistake, forcefully let out a sigh as though she was trying to discard her frustrations.

Shown on the screen was the numerical results of a certain human.

No, using the word human would be lying.

After all, those numbers, insinuates at a calamity that kills off the world.

"......Spirit, transferring into high school? That joke is not even amusing."

That"s right. Today at 9 am in the morning, she received the message from Origami to the base.

Requesting to investigate, because there is a transfer student who self proclaimed that she was a Spirit in my cla.s.s——

Even though she was doubtful, she still ran the scanner on the girl, but——

Ryoko wiped her forehead. Sweat damped her sleeve. Despite the air conditioning being turned on, her skin had become slightly moist.

This of course had a reason. To transfer into high school, a family register and residential addresses is a must, but there are other doc.u.ments required for the process as well.

A dangerous creature able to eradicate an entire street with just a single finger; yet she was able to escape this field of observation, and possessing the knowledge of how human society works and knowing how to use it effectively. It was impossible not to shudder thinking about that.

"Leader? What are you doing?"

At this point, a weird greeting expressed behind her.

Only one member would use this kind of words. Turning her head, Mana was standing there as expected.


Mana showed a serious expression, furrowing her brows in displeasure.

"——This is......finally showed up huh, ."


Ryoko asked in surprise. Mana forcefully let out a sigh with her brows locked together.

"Codename . ——The one that I"m hunting, the most brutal Spirit."

"Most brutal......Spirit?"

Ryoko s.h.i.+vered as she repeated that solemn phrase, "Nn", Mana nodded her head.

"The Spirit that caused the deaths of at least ten thousand at present. If we take those victims who haven"t been identified into account, the numbers should be a few times larger."

"Ten, ten thousand......!? Un, unbelievable, why wasn"t there an evacuation call? And also, a s.p.a.cequake of that scale——"

"You"re wrong."

As though trying to interrupt Ryoko, Mana voiced out melancholically.

"The s.p.a.cequake that causes is merely that of the usual Spirits. Even though we can"t say that there were no victims, the numbers did not reach a hundred."

"Th, then why......"

"The reason is very simple. ——directly, killing with her own hands. Those ten thousand humans."


Ryoko held her breath.

The and that had appeared in Tenguu City in the past, even though they did cause severe s.p.a.cequakes, they did not actively attack humans.

However, if a monster capable of rending the earth, were to start killing people by its own will.

How horrifying would that be. As an AST member, such a scene was easily pictured.

"——Then, what preparations should we make?"


Mana asked as she lightly stretched, Ryoko dryly questioned.

"If a Spirit appears. There"s no other thing to consider other than killing it."

"That"s true......But, don"t we need to evacuate the citizens? After all this situation is——"

"There"s no need to worry. Please leave it to me.——Dealing with [that], is what I"m best at."

"Aa, wait, hold on!"

Ryoko grabbed Mana"s arm as she was trying to quickly leave.

"? Is there a problem. Isn"t it better to deal with it earlier?"

"......I"ll say this first, the team leader here is me. You are not to take action by yourself."


Mana pondered for a while as though she was considering something, then slightly raised her hand.

"Understood. I"ll follow your orders."

However, she then gave Ryoko a look as though she was judging something.

"But, please do not forget. I am posted here by the [a.s.sociation], having permission from the General to take independent action."

"............I understand."

Ryoko twisted her face in boredom, releasing Mana"s hand.

The hands of the clock hanging above the blackboard, has already gone round three times.

In s.h.i.+dou"s line of sight, the homeroom lesson before going home has started. Accompanying the bell and entering the cla.s.sroom was Tama-chan-sensei, who opened the attendance book and started to relay information.

A normal and unexciting scene. However, at present, s.h.i.+dou was being tortured by an uncanny panic.

To give a reason why......


Kurumi took the chance when the teacher was not focused to turn towards s.h.i.+dou, making eye contact and lightly waving her hand.

"That, um."

Feeling that it would be rude to not respond, s.h.i.+dou gave a bitter smile and waved back.


As such Tohka and Origami who sat beside s.h.i.+dou, not making any jokes, were using stares sharp enough to cause dermat.i.tis to stare at s.h.i.+dou.

"......Wh, what should I do?"

As s.h.i.+dou sighed in despair, Tama-chan-sensei closed the attendance booklet.

"That"s all for homeroom today. ——Ah, one more thing, recently in this district, there seems to be cases of disappearances happening. Everyone, please try to move in groups. Remember to go back home before dark, okay?"


In response to Tama-chan-sensei"s words that seemed to be aiming at children, s.h.i.+dou slightly raised his eyebrows.

Now that it was mentioned, the morning news seems to have also reported similar cases. As the name Tenguu City came up, his attention was caught.

It was okay if it was s.h.i.+dou, but it could be worrisome for Kotori"s case.

......Well, if it was that imouto-sama, the number of things to worry about would probably be larger.

Just as s.h.i.+dou was thinking about that, the call to stand at attention was enunciated. s.h.i.+dou got up from his seat and bowed. Apart from the clattering sounds made by the tables and chairs when they were standing up, chatting between students can also be heard.

It was after school. But ——s.h.i.+dou still had stuff to do.

s.h.i.+dou took out a miniature earphone from his pocket, equipping it onto his right ear.

Very soon, an enthusiastic voice vibrated his eardrums.

"——It"s time. Are you ready, s.h.i.+dou?"

A young voice, possessing a large amount of pressure. s.h.i.+dou"s sister, Itsuka Kotori"s commander mode.

Although it can"t be confirmed from here, but the elites on the bridge of , should be fully prepared to conquer the Spirit.

"I don"t believe it, it really is a Spirit. ——To tell you the truth, I thought it was just s.h.i.+dou"s delusions."


In response to Kotori"s joke, s.h.i.+dou slanted his eyes.

But that was not without reason. To tell the truth, s.h.i.+dou himself was doubtful. Spirits transferring to school as a transfer student and what not.

The result of Kotori"s observations of Kurumi, was sent to s.h.i.+dou"s handphone at lunchtime.

In conclusion——Kurumi is, a real Spirit.

"——Hey, it can be considered a good thing. The other party has already sent an invitation. If the alarm doesn"t sound off, the AST can"t be nosy as well; isn"t that an outcome that we"ve hoped for? Right now, please focus on raising the other party"s feelings towards you and let her fall in love."

"......Nn. I"re right."

s.h.i.+dou half-heartedly said.

It"s just as Kotori says. However, Kurumi"s motive is still not clear at present, s.h.i.+dou"s heart felt complicated.

"What"s with you, that kind of cowardly response. Going to KISS with another Spirit, you"re feeling conflicted?"

"............Th, that"s not it......But, no, its not like I"m not in conflict here......"

"Good then. Unfortunately, it looks like we don"t have enough time to chat anymore?"


As s.h.i.+dou let out a stupid response, his shoulder was poked a few times by someone.

"s.h.i.+dou-san, s.h.i.+dou-san."


Because it was too sudden, s.h.i.+dou got a fright.

"Sorry, did I scare you?"

The girl standing there——Kurumi said with an apologetic look.

"To, Tokisaki......"

"Ufufu, it"s all right to call me Kurumi."

"Aa, aaah......Then, Kurumi."

After s.h.i.+dou said that, Kurumi continued while smiling happily.

"Can you bring me around the school? I"ll be in your care."

"Oo, ooh."

s.h.i.+dou looked as though he was trying to hold down his accelerated heart beat, placing his hand on his chest as he nodded.

............A beautiful appearance just like it was man-made. An att.i.tude that exudes grace. Elegant movements. Through s.h.i.+dou"s five senses, strongly emphasized her existence.

It was almost as though the eyeb.a.l.l.s and the brain rejected all other impurities other than Kurumi, placing them outside his recognition.



s.h.i.+dou was brought to his senses by that fake cough. Turning to the sound, Tohka was glaring at his direction while folding her arms.

"Ab, about that......"

Looks like he was found out. s.h.i.+dou made a sound trying to explain.

"Well then! Let"s hurry and go. Fufu, I"m so happy."

However, before he had time to finish, Kurumi started to walk towards the corridor with light footsteps.

"Aa......he, hey!"

"Uufufu, s.h.i.+dou-san should hurry up as well."

"——s.h.i.+dou, now Kurumi is our top priority. Hurry up and go after her. Tohka"s mental state, still has not reached critical point. Buying a yellow bean bun for her when you return home should fix that."

At this point, Kotori"s voice sounded out from his right ear.

Looking to his right, a displeased Tohka entered his line of sight......But he had no other choice. s.h.i.+dou left behind a "Sorry!", chasing after Kurumi out to the corridor.

"Well then, where should we start looking?"

Kurumi, who was waiting not far away from the cla.s.sroom, inclined her head and asked.

"Aa, aaah......that"s right."

At the same time, s.h.i.+dou was at a loss, Kotori"s voice rang into his right ear.

15000 meters above Tenguu Base.

The secret organization "s airs.h.i.+p was currently floating.

Materializing randomly, dangerous lifeforms that causes destruction to this world, [Spirits].

Letting her fall in love and become powerless, staff members burdened with this difficult and extremely amusing task, are currently in the midst of battle.

At the bridge located in "s center, the thirty staff members inclusive of their commander Kotori were gathered. Everyone went to their workstations, controlling the command tower with experienced movements.

"Favorability is at 45.5. No change at all."

"Mental state, green on average. A stable state."

"Spirit wavelength 150.0. Difference from the previous scan at an acceptable range of minimum 3.4."

"——Umu, so everything is all right?"

Asked Kotori, who was reclining in "s commander seat located at the centre of the bridge.

The ribbons tied in her hair were black. The military uniform on her shoulders were maroon. No matter how you looked at it, she resembled a cosplaying girl who was being influenced by movies.

However, the cute looking girl who is totally out of place in the bridge of the s.h.i.+p, after surveying her subordinates, eased herself and looked at the screen.

On that giant screen, showed that Spirit, Tokisaki Kurumi"s image.

The various factors on the screen, through the windows of the subordinates" computers, after processing through the AI, were indicated in real time in wordform.

That"s right, it was just like the images of a galge.

At this moment, Kurumi in the screen tilted her head, her cute lips slightly raised.

"Well then, where should we start looking?"

"Aa, aaah......That"s right."

Following that, through the speaker, s.h.i.+dou"s voice rang out.

One can understand without asking. It was a voice that was troubled over the sudden question. Kotori sighed as she pressed the communicator, bringing the microphone to her mouth.

"s.h.i.+dou, hold on for a moment. Let our side take a look at the situation."

The instant Kotori spoke, a new window opened up at the main screen.

This was the minimap of Raizen High School where s.h.i.+dou was currently at. Various cla.s.srooms and facilities were indicated on top, the locations of s.h.i.+dou and Kurumi were indicated by red dots. Following that, various routes were shown after calculating the distance of their current location and movement routes.

The first place to go is ——

①The rooftop. ②The infirmary. ③The cafeteria, commissionary.

Which one to choose.

"——A great opportunity."

A voice, sounded out from behind the commander"s seat where Kotori was at.

Turning around, a tall youth stood there with his hand on his chin. He is the vice commander of , Kannazuki Kyouhei.

"It"s wonderful to leave the decision of sequence of movement to us. If the sequence is organized correctly, it could very well bring about an impactful outcome."

"Well, you"re right——Everyone, choose! Five seconds!"

After Kotori finished, the monitor in her hand swiftly displayed the result.

"Umu, the rooftop"s the most popular choice huh?"

"Of course, the rooftop can be said to be the school"s best hangout place for youths! A place full of freedom and an excellent scenery to boot! There"s no other choice than this!"

Just as Kotori muttered, below the bridge, Nakatsugawa loudly yelled.

"But......Normally speaking, the rooftop is usually locked right? Because it"s too dangerous."

However, next to him, Minowa, used his hand to support his chin as he spoke.

"Eh......Is, is that so?"

With that, Nakatsugawa slightly protested. However, Kotori let out a cough before speaking.

"There"s no problem. The school currently has numerous helpers infiltrated within, it"s possible to open it using the key before s.h.i.+dou and Kurumi arrives."

"Th, that"s right! So the rooftop is still the best——"

"Hold it right there!"

At this point, Kawagoe looked over from the right.

"How can you leave out the infirmary? Legally placed beds, and curtains to block people"s sight. Isn"t it one of the few places that makes one excited in a school!"

"Wh, what"s with you! Aren"t you being too perverted! The rooftop is an excellent place......!"

"Humph......why don"t you clean up your nosebleed before you start to protest, eh Nakatsugawa-kun?"


"Is that so?"

Listening to the verbal battle between the rooftop faction and the infirmary faction, Kotori looked at the image on by her hand once more.

"Speaking of which, who voted for ③?"

Once Kotori asked, a hand was raised immediately.

"......It"s me."

A woman looking as tired as h.e.l.l, opening her eyes that had thick dark circles, turned her vision over here. Murasame Reine. "s a.n.a.lysis Officer whom Kotori fully places her trust in.

"Reine huh? What a surprise. Can you please tell me the reason?"

"......Aaah. It"s not a reason that is alarming. Just simple elimination, that"s all."

"Elimination? Is the rooftop and the infirmary a no go?"

With that, Reine shook her head.

"............It"s not like that. Just that, the infirmary has a health teacher frequenting the area. If we want to bring out the destructiveness of the infirmary itself, we would still have to wait for another thirty minutes. ......The rooftop has a similar reason to it. If you ask why, the scenery of the setting sun...... wouldn"t that be wonderful?"

After hearing Reine"s words, Kotori slightly raised the edge of her lips.

"——As expected, you are quite the romanticist huh, Reine."

Following that, she brought the microphone to her mouth.

"s.h.i.+dou, you heard that? Bring her to the cafeteria and the comissionary."

"......Right, well then, shall we go to the cafeteria and comissionary to have a look first? It"d be necessary in the future."

"Nn, I don"t mind."

When s.h.i.+dou finished, a cute smile appeared on Kurumi as she lightly nodded.

Don, don, Kurumi"s hallway slippers gave off a sound similar to that of a clapper, walking to s.h.i.+dou"s side.

"Well then, let"s go."

"Oo, oh."

Overwhelmed by Kurumi"s enthusiasm, he started walking after some difficulty.

To reach the commissionary on the first floor, they have to reach the staircase on the west building first. The two of them walked down the corridor with leisurely footsteps.

At this point, the students who are returning home, shot glances over.

——Wah—who"s that girl, so cute—. A transfer student? Isn"t next to her Itsuka-kun from Cla.s.s 4, what"s going on? Aaa, looks like she wanted him to personally bring her around the school. Eh, isn"t Itsuka Yatogami"s husband? But I"ve heard that even Tob.i.+.c.hi was taken down by him, promised to be his mistress or something.

Hey hey, not satisfied with two-timing now he wants to defile the transfer student? Feels like Itsuka-kun is being a h.o.r.n.y playboy!

......Whatever you people say.

The same time his face twitched, he tried hard to ignore those hurtful words, accelerating his footsteps.

Then, a voice different from them, Kotori"s voice entered his ear.


"? Is something the matter, Kotori?"

"No......There are two people tailing your movements.......There"s a possibility that you have been marked by someone."

"Eh, eh eh.....?"

Faced with such a dangerous possibility, s.h.i.+dou couldn"t help but cry out.

"Quiet. ......Our side will proceed to confirm this. First put your concentration on Kurumi. ——And also, you are walking with a girl, why aren"t you saying anything, so dense."

"Eh? ah......"

Due to being overly conscious of the surrounding stares as well as the nervousness of walking with a girl, he had left Kurumi by herself.

"......Oh c.r.a.p."

While muttering, he peeked in Kurumi"s direction.

Suddenly——s.h.i.+dou felt his own heart violently skipped a beat.

But there was a reason behind it of course. Because Kurumi was using her right eye that was not covered by her hair, to gaze straight at s.h.i.+dou.

Naturally, their eyes met. In that instant, Kurumi gave a sweet smile as though she was truly overjoyed from the bottom of her heart. It was as if she was waiting for s.h.i.+dou to look at her direction this whole time.

"Ku, Kurumi. Is it okay if you walk while not looking at the front?"

s.h.i.+dou asked her with a squeak, Kurumi widened her eyes.

"You noticed that? And you"re even concerned for me, s.h.i.+dou-san is really gentle."

"N, no......that kind of thing!"

"Please don"t be modest. It was my fault for staring at your side view and getting mesmerized."

"St, staring......!?"

s.h.i.+dou felt his blus.h.i.+ng cheeks.——Wh,whwhwhat did this girl just say? Stare? No no, I don"t understand. This normal looking appearance is totally wasn"t worth looking at, this fact s.h.i.+dou was totally aware of.

"Why are you going all soft over her words, s.h.i.+dou."

Hearing Kotori"s sighing voice, s.h.i.+dou"s shoulders violently shook.

"So, sorry."

"......But, this is indeed a type that we have never encountered before. Not only integrating herself into society——she also mastered the ability to get into other"s good books."

Kotori made an "Umu" sound while she was pondering.

"It"s because she"s an interesting existence that"s why we need to know more information......Well, we"ll ask her while raising her favorability. ——Looks like choices have just arrived. Wait one moment."

The screen on the bridge of , once again showed a multiple choice window.

①"The thing about Spirits that you mentioned in the morning, what did you mean by that?"

②"Kurumi, which school did you used to attend?"

③"Kurumi, what kind of panties are you wearing today?"

"All members, choose!"

Accompanying Kotori"s shout, the members below the bridge pressed a key at the same time.

The result was quickly displayed on Kotori"s monitor.

"As expected, looks like its ①."

The result everyone chose was the same as herself, Kotori rested her chin on her hand.

"A proper choice. Kurumi shouldn"t know that s.h.i.+dou possesses knowledge on Spirits. It"d be good to try making her waver."

Behind, Kannazuki said it as such.

"That"s true.——On a side note Kannazuki, which one did you choose?"

"I chose ③."

"Let"s hear the reason first."

Kotori turned her body around and said.

"The thighs that are being isolated by black coloured stockings can be said to be the treasure of humans. Did you have to ask why?"

Kotori snapped her fingers. For an instant, two extremely muscled giants entered the bridge, grabbing Kannazuki"s two arms.

"Take him away."


The two men answered at the same time, dragging Kannazuki off with them.

"Com, commander! Have mercy! Have mercccccccyyyyyy!!!!"

*Pishuu* following this sound, the door closed.

In the midst of the silent bridge of the s.h.i.+p, Kotori sighed while she spoke.

""Kurumi, what kind of panties are you wearing today?"......Hey, what do you guys think of this choice?"

"We, well, you obviously can"t use such a dirty line to raise the atmosphere."

The staff members at the lower portion of the bridge replied with bitter smiles.

At this point, Kotori suddenly twitched her eyebrows.


At the same time Kotori changed her position, her elbow pressed the switch of her microphone. To put it simply, the conversation from just now was heard by s.h.i.+dou——

"He, hey......Kurumi, what kind of panties are you wearing today?"

In the image, s.h.i.+dou who took that as a command, really did follow it to the letter.



As Kurumi dazedly questioned back, s.h.i.+dou finally realized what a ridiculous line he had just said.

"Ah, no, just now that was——"

As he hurriedly waved his arms around, he jabbed the earphone as though protesting.

"Idiot, that was not an instruction just now! the correct choice was ①. ""The thing about Spirits that you mentioned in the morning, what did you mean by that?""


"Well first of all try to clear up the misunderstanding! Just now that was just a joke, then start asking the real question!"

"Oo, oh......" s.h.i.+dou softly groaned, turning towards Kurumi.

"A, about that, Kurumi."

However upon looking at Kurumi"s expressions and movements, he couldn"t help but stop.

As Kurumi raised her eyes to look at s.h.i.+dou, she suddenly lifted the edges of her pleated skirt.

"......Want, to see?"

"Eh!? N, no, just now that was——"

Even though it was not like he did not want to look, he couldn"t very well say it outright.

Just as s.h.i.+dou was in a mess, Kurumi looked at her surroundings, then hid into the shadows of the nearby cabinet used to store cleaning equipment.

"Ku, Kurumi......?"

s.h.i.+dou knitted his eyebrows in response towards Kurumi"s puzzling movements.

Kurumi shyly blushed, opening her small mouth.

"It"s know, if it"s s.h.i.+dou-san."

Saying that, the hands that were holding onto the skirt, slowly rose.

" eh!?

s.h.i.+dou, in reaction to this totally unexpected turn of events, widened his eyes.

However when s.h.i.+dou was at a loss as to what to do, Kurumi had already lifted up her skirt. The thighs wrapped by the black tights slowly showed——even that forbidden triangle zone was slightly showing. Through that black fabric that was being stretched on both sides, white panties could be seen in an instant.


s.h.i.+dou immediately closed his eyes, grabbing Kurumi"s skirt and pulling it back to its original position.


Kurumi said while showing an incredulous look.

"What"s wrong? If it is s.h.i.+dou-san......I don"t mind, you know?"

"No, that"s enough! Now! Let"s go already!"

"Ufufu, s.h.i.+dou-san is shy~ Aaa, but, if we want to continue, can you please let go of my skirt first?"


Being reminded of that fact, s.h.i.+dou"s eyes sprung open. ......If it were to be seen from the side, the present s.h.i.+dou, is undoubtedly a super pervert who brings girls to dark corners to lift their skirts.

"So, sosososososorry......!"

Hastily letting go of his hands. Kurumi let out a snicker with an expression as though she did not mind at all.

"s.h.i.+dou, don"t panic, first adjust your body posture."

At this moment, Kotori"s instruction arrived. s.h.i.+dou unnaturally coughed. As they continued with their route, following the previous instruction and asked.

"A, about that, Kurumi."

"Nn, what is it?"

"In the morning, didn"t you say "I am a Spirit"? What exactly, are Spirits?"

After s.h.i.+dou"s question, Kurumi was stunned for a moment——But very quickly, revealed a slight smile.

"—Ufufu, please don"t play dumb, s.h.i.+dou-san. Don"t you know it clearly? The issue, about Spirits."


Faced with Kurumi"s reply, s.h.i.+dou held his breath.

"What, this girl."

Kotori let out a surprised sound similar to s.h.i.+dou.

"Confident that s.h.i.+dou knows about the Spirits......What in the world is going on here?"

s.h.i.+dou did not require prompting to understand, and asked the question in Kotori"s stead.

"Ho, how do you know, the thing about me knowing.....?"

"Fufu, that is——a secret."


"The reason I came to this school was just to meet with s.h.i.+dou-san. Because I knew about s.h.i.+dou-san, that"s why I"ve been longing to see you. There was never a day that I wasn"t thinking about s.h.i.+dou-san. So—right now, I"m extremely happy."

Finis.h.i.+ng her words, Kurumi"s cheeks were dyed a light pink.


s.h.i.+dou felt his cheeks giving off heat. Even though he couldn"t see it, his ears would be emitting steam by now.

Why. Why is this. Whether it"s flirting or a girl in love, it"s totally in a different dimension. This existence known as Kurumi was already too cute to describe—this feeling a.s.sailed s.h.i.+dou.

It was just like in middle school, the feeling was just like getting drunk after licking the whiskey that his father placed in the gla.s.s cabinet, a drowsy drunkenness. As though he would crumple to the floor with the slightest touch.

"Hey, isn"t the situation reversed like this!"


Kotori"s voice brought s.h.i.+dou back to his senses.

"Well......let"s continue moving."

s.h.i.+dou deeply breathed in, moving forward while trying to hide from Kurumi"s gaze.

The reason was......ever since then as long as they made eye contact, he felt as though he was rooted to the spot.

"......Keh, not going to spill it that easily huh. We have no choice, continue to attack. ——I don"t care if it is cowardly anymore. We can"t let her take control of the situation."

"Sh, shut it......"

"Well......It is frustrating to be led around by the nose. Let"s try to make her waver."

After Kotori finished speaking, the main screen of the bridge displayed multiple choices.

①"Kurumi, your hair is really beautiful." Gently stroke her hair as if nothing has happened. ②"Ah, it"s dangerous!" Pretend to trip and fall on her. ③"Hey, it"s this way." Naturally hold her hand.

Umu, Kotori raised the Chupa Chups that was in her mouth.

The choices were all unintentional body contact. It was slightly risky... but it is precisely because her mental state was stable, that resulted in the AI making such decisions. It truly was an effective method to shorten the distance.

"——Everyone, choose!"

After she was done, she immediately glanced at the voting results on the monitor beside her hand, Kotori nodded.

"③ huh? Well that"s the easiest one."

"Well said, ① seems to be too close, while ② is too obvious."

At this moment, not knowing when he reappeared beside Kotori, Kannazuki spoke up.

Golden hair in a mess, his chest slightly showing, the western pants that he usually wore was nowhere to be found, replacing that was a pair of tights with characters printed on them.

"Ara, it seems that you escaped safely Kannazuki."

"What a dangerous place. Who exactly are they?"

"To prepare for the situation when they"re needed of course."

"Then why did they try to take off my underwear?"

"It"s just you."

"What now, was I being overly conscious?"

Kannazuki ended with a "Ha ha ha.", quickly turning serious once more.

"However......Attempting to make bodily contact, there"s another method to do so."

"Say it out."

"Ha. First of all, get s.h.i.+dou-kun to lie on the corridor."

"And then?"

"Then use various angles to observe the Spirit"s underwear that is under those tights."

"Are you doing it again?"

Kotori"s attempt to snap her fingers once more was stopped by a frantic Kannazuki.

"The, there"s more. The Spirit would feel embarra.s.sed from letting her panties be seen right?"


Then of course, she would forcefully step on s.h.i.+dou-kun who would be lying on the corridor! This way the relations.h.i.+p between master and servant would naturally deepen——"

Following the sound of Kotori"s finger snap, the two giants once again reappeared on the bridge, taking Kannazuki with them.

"Wh, why, Commander!"

Ignoring Kannazuki"s cries, Kotori took the microphone.

"s.h.i.+dou, it"s ③, go and hold her hand."


s.h.i.+dou nodded his head in response to Kotori"s instructions. ......But before the instruction, he felt that he heard the cry of someone who was about to die. He didn"t understand why, but it felt as though he could not ask too much about this.


s.h.i.+dou forcefully gulped, looking at the road ahead. Turning left at the T-junction would be the staircase of the west building.

What a great opportunity. At that point, the act of holding Kurumi"s hand while she intends to continue moving, "Aaah, this way this way" pointing out the correct direction to her replayed itself in his brain countless times.



s.h.i.+dou widened his eyes in shock. Just as they were about to reach the T-junction, Kurumi suddenly held s.h.i.+dou"s hand.

"How did this happen——"

Kotori let out a similar, surprised cry.

But the awkwardness that Kotori felt cannot be compared to what s.h.i.+dou is feeling right now . The palm of his right hand, was being wrapped in soft, slender and somewhat cool fingers, applying minute force in them. An imaginary yet strong pressure. It felt as though his nose would start bleeding if he were to be careless.

"Ku, Kurumi......?"

This however wasn"t CG but reality, s.h.i.+dou turned his head mechanically like a robot, speaking after much difficulty.

"Wh, whwhwhwhwhwhwhat should I do now......?"

Turning his head to look, Kurumi who was holding s.h.i.+dou"s right hand, shyly looked downwards, turning her face to one side.

"As expected......I"m troubling you, aren"t I?"

"......!! No, none of......the......sort."

With s.h.i.+dou"s words, Kurumi relaxed her shoulders looking relieved.

"Sure enough, s.h.i.+dou-san really is gentle."

Ending her sentence, Kurumi bashfully smiled.

"N, no......"

——It feels like, I don"t know where to look now. s.h.i.+dou"s eyes swam around. His consciousness started to become muddled. You can"t. Kurumi you can"t. Kurumi-chan is really an angel. Such thoughts were continuously a.s.saulting his brain.

"——Hey, s.h.i.+dou-san."

Kurumi"s small mouth parted slightly.

", it?"

"I have a request to ask of s.h.i.+dou-san. ......Would you please listen?"

A peculiar feeling. As though as long as Kurumi wished for it, he would unconsciously nod his head and agree to it.

"Aa, aah——"

However, in that instant.



Accompanying the shouts, a clattering noise sounded out from behind them.

Looks like the cleaning equipment cabinet placed in the corridor had fell. The brooms and dustpans were everywhere.

Afterwards, the two students who seemed to be the perpetrators, falling to the ground in a heap.

"To, Tohka......Origami!?"

s.h.i.+dou couldn"t help but shout. That"s right, they were undoubtedly Tohka and Origami.

"Ara ara? What are the two of you doing here?"

As Kurumi held s.h.i.+dou"s hand, tilting her head in wonder.

Seeing that scene, Tohka and Origami hastily got to their feet.

"It, it"s about that! Even though s.h.i.+dou wanted to bring Kurumi around school, that......there"s still some things that must be done, haven"t you heard about it!"

"——Tokisaki Kurumi, touring the school does not require the action of holding hands. Let go right now."

"! Right, that"s it!"

Tohka in a rare act of fully agreeing with Origami"s words, nodded her head forcefully.


Once someone had pointed it out, s.h.i.+dou then realised that his hand was still being held. Hastily trying to let go——However, Kurumi took the chance to add strength into her fingers, making it impossible to let go.

Kurumi took a peek at s.h.i.+dou before turning to the two, and started to act.

"The truth is I have, contracted a severe case of anemia. Then this gentle s.h.i.+dou-san held my hand. Please don"t blame s.h.i.+dou-san."

After hearing that, Tohka and Origami turned their sights on s.h.i.+dou. "Is that so?" was sent along with their gazes.

"Eh, eeeehh......That is, well, um......"

He didn"t know why, but he felt that in this situation it would be best for him to continue to hide it from them, s.h.i.+dou vaguely answered.

And in the next instant, Origami suddenly knelt onto the floor.

"! Origami! What"s the matter?"

s.h.i.+dou had a shock from the sudden turn of events.



s.h.i.+dou"s face twitched. Naturally, sweat dripped from his forehead.

"I can"t walk by myself."


"A gentle person."

"......Oo, oh."

s.h.i.+dou, under a mysterious pressure, held out his free left hand.

"What"s the matter with you two. That"s so laughable!"

Tohka stared at Kurumi and Origami, grabbing his two arms——


Taking a second look at s.h.i.+dou"s two arms, her expression suddenly changed.

"s.h.i.+, s.h.i.+dou! I also have anemia!"

"Is that so......?"

"U,umu, to tell you the truth, my b.u.t.t doesn"t have a lot of fles.h.!.+"

"No, that"s not what anemia is......"

As s.h.i.+dou bitterly smiled, Tohka held her arms out while looking troubled.

"An, anyway, I want it too!"

Saying that, she tried to hold hands.——But, they were already occupied by Kurumi and Origami.


Tohka showed an expression as though she were about to cry, standing right in front of s.h.i.+dou, lowering her waist as though she was about to pounce.

"Hey, hey——Don"t tell me——"

At this moment, a handphone ringtone sounded out from nowhere.


Origami took out her handphone from her pocket, starting a conversation.

Although she gave a carefree reply, he did not understand why she shot a sharp glance towards Kurumi.


With that, she silently ended the phone call.

"Something urgent came up."

After Origami increased her grip on s.h.i.+dou"s hand, she reluctantly let go.

Immediately, Tohka took the opening to grab s.h.i.+dou"s hand tightly.


Origami took a peek at Tohka, then using a hateful glare, looked at Kurumi and walked off.

Before leaving, she whispered a sentence into s.h.i.+dou"s ear "Beware of Tokisaki Kurumi.".

"Wh, what......?"

"s.h.i.+dou-san? Aren"t we going?"

"Eh? Aa, aaaah......"

Under Kurumi"s prompting, s.h.i.+dou continued walking with his two arms still being held.

......Needless to say, the stares from the surroundings had increased.

Six in the afternoon.

s.h.i.+dou who brought Kurumi around the school to view the facilities, as well as Tohka who half forcefully forced them to let her follow went out of the school gate, walking on the street that was dyed red by the setting sun. ——Of course, s.h.i.+dou"s arms were already freed.

"Well, that"s most of it. Did you get it?"

"Nn, thank you very much. ......Really now, it would have been better if it were only the two of us."


s.h.i.+dou gave a bitter smile to the joking Kurumi.

Truthfully speaking, s.h.i.+dou was grateful to Tohka.

With a burden, it made "s instructions much easier, even though they still went to the event spots such as the rooftop and the infirmary, no romantic atmosphere was created.

No, even if he did raise Kurumi"s affections for him, there was still reason to worry...... But how to say it, if he and Kurumi were to enter a location with such an atmosphere, it felt like he would be eaten.

Kurumi did indeed possess that special attractiveness.

Just like——that"s right, just like a carnivore, or a bug-eating plant.

"No no......"

s.h.i.+dou shook his head at those thoughts. Describing girls like they were predators or bug-eating plants, even if he didn"t say it aloud it was still rude.

——At this moment.

"Well then, s.h.i.+dou-san, Tohka-san. I"ll take my leave from here."

Nearing the crossroads, Kurumi gave a bow and said.

"Eh? Oo, oh......"

"Mu, is that so? Well see you again tomorrow."

As s.h.i.+dou and Tohka waved their hands, Kurumi disappeared into the setting sun.

"——Aaah, aaah."

After saying goodbye to s.h.i.+dou and Tohka, Kurumi said aloud while she walked on the street under the setting sun alone.

"I still can"t——slightly, I couldn"t bear it. It took so long for me to find it, I still want to enjoy school life for a while longer."

After muttering to herself, her body spun around in a rhythm.

"......Ufufu, this enjoyment, I"ll leave it to the last part to enjoy then."

Suddenly——Kurumi who was dancing along the street, b.u.mped into something.


Putting strength into her legs she managed to stay upright, looking in front. It looked like Kurumi had b.u.mped into a man"s back. Men who looked like delinquents, were all gathered at the side of the road.

"Ara ara, I"m really sorry."

Kurumi bowed her head and said, while trying to walk away. However,

"Hey. Wait a second, little lady. It was your fault for being careless, don"t think that things would end just like this."

The man who Kurumi b.u.mped into gave a sinister smile.

Just like a response, the man"s comrades, separated out and surrounded Kurumi.

"Ara, ara?"

Kurumi tilted her head in wonder, one of the men let out a whistle.

"Hey hey, her looks aren"t that bad. A great catch?"

"Hey—hey—, what"s your name? I want to be friends with you!" Just like that, the gangsters continued to look at Kurumi all over, speaking and gaggling.

Aaah——At this point, Kurumi understood.

"Onii-san——Don"t tell me, you want to go out with me?"

Kurumi said while faintly smiling. The men were stunned for a moment, then started laughing with their hands on their foreheads.

"Hey hey, go out she said. Meanie—. Ec——chi!"

"But isn"t this fine. What, you like this type too?" "Nn. To an extent. ——Leaving that aside, how about we change locations? There"s too many people here."

Kurumi"s words caused a commotion amongst the men, the men entered an alley while surrounding Kurumi.

After forcing Kurumi into a dead end, the man who Kurumi had b.u.mped into showed a lecherous smile and extended his hand.

"Well......then, I won"t stand on ceremony now."

But——That extended hand did not touch Kurumi, s.h.i.+fting slightly downwards.

"Ah? What are you doing. If you aren"t gonna do it then let me——"

The man"s comrade shrugged his shoulders and said. But the man who reached out for Kurumi, interrupted his words in panic.

"N, no! My body is......!"

"Your body?"

At this moment, his comrades have also noticed.

From Kurumi"s feet, her shadow rapidly expanded, and the countless white arms that grew from it——was in the middle of dragging the man"s body into the shadow.

"......!? Wh, what is this......!"

"U, uwaaaaaaa......!?" Everyone started to yell.

However, it was already too late.

"Ufufu, fufu."

Kurumi"s smile twisted, at the same time everyone"s legs were caught by the white arms, their bodies gradually being pulled into the shadows.

"Well, even though they are pieces of trash that"s usually not worth eating...... But since I have a main dish waiting in the near future, why not taste a little to get my tongue used to it first——I"m sorry now."

Kurumi put her hands together with a *Pa!*

Instantly, the moans of the men nearby vanished entirely.

Kurumi closed her eyelids as though she was enjoying a meal, feeling her stomach with a sigh.

——In that instant.


Faced with that sudden feeling a.s.sailing her, Kurumi"s eyebrows twitched.

That feeling of having one"s entire body being felt all over. To be swallowed by a giant creature without even chewing, that"s probably the feeling right now.

This feeling is not the first time she has felt it.

A barrier that modern magicians employs with the help of a machine called a Realizer• Personal Territory.

Even amongst them this one is special. That"s right, can"t be mistaken——It"s that girl.

"——Tch, one step too late, huh?"

As though to confirm Kurumi"s suspicions. A young girl appeared in front of Kurumi"s eyes.

Hair tied up in a bunch, a girl that looked like a middle schooler.

Even though she was wearing casual wear such as a colorful parka jacket and a culotte skirt. The surrounding air, was as dangerous as a ferocious beast who caught sight of its prey.

"Looks like you"ve been wildly eating again, ."

"Ara ara, you are......Takamiya Mana-san, correct?"

Kurumi slightly slanted her head and said, Mana unhappily let out a *Humph*.

"Even though it is commendable for you to remember my name, that att.i.tude makes me want to puke."

"Ara, I apologise for that then."

Kurumi bowed her head, honestly apologising.

"However, names are very important. I would be very unhappy if I were to be called and the like. May I ask that you call me Tokisaki Kurumi?"

As Kurumi finished, Mana slanted her eyebrows in irritation.

"Because it"s important, that"s why I don"t wish for my name to be called by you. Exactly because it is important, that"s why I do not wish to call you by that name."

"That feels difficult."

"Shut up, Spirit."

Mana"s gaze sharpened.

Kurumi"s skin, felt a chill.

After saying goodbye to Kurumi, s.h.i.+dou accompanied Tohka to the supermarket nearby to buy ingredients for dinner.

Right hand laden with heavy plastic bags, they walked on the street that was darker than before.

"Well—It sure was the right day to come today."

Naturally showing a smile. That"s right. Today they had entered the supermarket when it was the time to give discounts, buying large amounts of meat with 30% off the normal price.

"s.h.i.+dou! What"s for dinner today? Hamburger steak?"

These few weeks Tohka has gotten used to guessing the menu. She happily said in excitement.

"Ah, I vote for hamburger steak as well!"

This moment, Kotori"s voice came from the transmitter that was still in transmission.

s.h.i.+dou, lightly shrugged, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"Ah— What should I do. There"s still stewed carrots with fish floss and Sanshoku donburi!"

"Mu, muu, even though those aren"t bad at all, can"t we have hamburger steak?"

"Hold on, what are you saying. Since we got our hands on mixed meat, let"s not be stingy and use it all in one go!"

As Tohka said with her eyebrows knitted together, Kotori"s voice came from the transmitter at the same time.

In front, the sounds of sports shoes rubbing on asphalt could be heard. s.h.i.+dou turned his head towards that direction.


Over there is, with a ponytail and a tear mole as her features, a girl the same age as Kotori, stood there with eyes widened in shock.

Wearing a parka jacket and a culotte skirt. Her white sports shoes, has striking red spots on them for some reason. ......Just like, bloodstains.


An unfamiliar least that was how it was supposed to be, s.h.i.+dou tilted his head.

He doesn"t understand why, but there was a slight felt as though they have met somewhere before.

At that moment, s.h.i.+dou noticed that the girl was staring straight at his direction. s.h.i.+dou couldn"t help but turn his body around. She must have seen something shocking in her line of sight.

However, nothing was there. Aside from the streets the he was used to walking along, the equally s.p.a.ced telephone poles as well as the garbage disposal marked by nets, there was nothing else that can be seen.

That means, the one that the girl was looking at, could only be s.h.i.+dou—

s.h.i.+dou"s thoughts stopped at this point.


The girl opened her trembling lips.


s.h.i.+dou questioned back. However the girl did not reply, instead running up and jumping into s.h.i.+dou"s chest.


Just like that using her arms to wrap around his torso, as though she was deeply moved, forcefully hugging him. Even though the victim is s.h.i.+dou and the culprit was the girl, there was nothing wrong, if their positions were to change a little, they would immediately be noticed by the police. ......No, under this kind of circ.u.mstance, it is totally possible that s.h.i.+dou would be the one caught instead.

However, the thoughts made by s.h.i.+dou, were interrupted partway.

The girl buried her head into s.h.i.+dou"s chest, saying,



In that instant, the street as well as the bridge of , the voices of the Itsuka siblings beautifully coincided with each other.

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