Date A Live

Chapter 2: Male/FemalePart 1

Chapter 2: Male/FemalePart 1

An hour had pa.s.sed since s.h.i.+dou unwittingly lost sight of her.

As he had habitually done in the past, he wasn"t able to take the spirit down and capture her. In the end, he had let her escape and thus all the AST members returned back to their garrison.


However......for some reason Origami felt a subtle hint of uneasiness.

Normally when a spirit escaped it meant that the spirit departed for the other dimension. However, n.o.body witnessed the moment the physical body of the spirit dived into the void.

After unleas.h.i.+ng a terrifying scream, she took advantage of the time when everyone was shocked into a state of cowardice and escaped without a trace. Because there wasn"t an ensuing shock wave, people thought she had escaped into the other dimension......

However, Origami lightly shook her head and narrowed her eyes.

There was a far more pressing matter at hand.

After recovering from the fatigue that followed the removal of the territory, Origami slowly moved towards Jessica who was chatting with her subordinates.

"What were you trying to do?"

Jessica raised an eyebrow and turned around towards Origami.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don"t act dumb. Why did you want to attack s.h.i.+dou back then?"

"Ara, so you guys knew about that?"

"Answer me quickly."

After Origami pressed the issue, Jessica greatly shrugged her shoulders.

"I just wanted to protect him since there was a normal person involved in the battlefield, that"s all. Is there something wrong with that?"


Origami"s sharp stare towards Jessica possessed a body piercing effect. She clearly knew this was a lie. There was no way Origami could have falsely read her actions at that time.

In fact, Jessica didn"t count on Origami believing her words. However, she knew that Origami would be unable to pursue her interrogation if she said something along those lines. After all, there was absolutely no proof to confirm that Jessica had wanted to attack s.h.i.+dou.

"That"s all I have to say so get lost already. We are very busy."

Jessica replied in a pretentious tone. However, Origami continued on.

"Does it have something to do with the special mission you guys were a.s.signed?"


After Origami spoke, Jessica and her subordinates" expressions wavered a bit.

Following that, she unhappily smacked her lips and suddenly grabbed Origami"s bangs.


"——You b.i.t.c.h. Your days will be numbered if you try get smart with me."

Once she finished speaking, she tossed Origami aside. Due to her being partially fatigued still, Origami landing directly on her b.u.t.t as she tumbled to the ground. Jessica"s subordinates then proceeded to scoff at her.

"What are you guys doing!?"

Having noticed the disturbance, Ryouko hurriedly rushed over.

Jessica pretended to know nothing, redirected herself elsewhere, and left with her subordinates.

"Are you okay Origami?"

"......I"m fine."

After Origami grabbed Ryouko"s hand and propped herself up, she grimaced at Jessica"s gradually fading figure from behind.

Part 2

"Why do we have to get up this early in the morning......"

Caught between Tohka and Origami, like a criminal being escorted, s.h.i.+dou pressed forward while constantly yawning due to his drowsiness.

Currently it was September 9th, the second day after encountering the spirit .

After that, decided to hold a meeting over the spirit"s unexplainable drop in affection. Either way, s.h.i.+dou wouldn"t have to go to school tomorrow since he was also requested to partic.i.p.ate in a meeting that was supposed to go late into the night......

s.h.i.+dou rubbed his droughty eyes as he yawned once again.

That"s right, Ai called him in the morning. Today marks the beginning of the inter-school Tenou festival committee so please come! He was informed in this manner.

"Hey, you"re getting too close to s.h.i.+dou. Back off a bit!"

"You"re the one who should be backing off. Even s.h.i.+dou has said your body odor is intolerable."

"W-What did you say!?"

On his right was Tohka and on his left was Origami. Their voices played one after the other, which constantly irritated the sleep deprived s.h.i.+dou.

"Tohka......Origami, could you guys keep it"s giving me a headache."

"That"s right, quiet down Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami! s.h.i.+dou is saying you"re being too loud!"

"It"s the sound of your breathing and heartbeat that"s a pain on the ears. They should be stopped immediately."

"As I said......"

s.h.i.+dou let out a deep sigh.

Incidentally, those who were currently on their way to the conference meeting included s.h.i.+dou, Tohka, and Origami. On the other hand, Ai, Mai,and Mii, who were also committee members, weren"t coming. It was said that the three of them had scheduled a band performance on stage during the first day of the Tenou festival. Because of their practice, they were unable to attend the meeting.

No worries no worries, we already found a suitable agent. After being notified in this manner, they headed off towards the agreed upon a.s.sembly point. On their way, they noticed Tohka and Origami who both appeared to be like cats fighting over territory.

Fortuitously, as s.h.i.+dou pa.s.sed the towering stone wall while his head was still ringing, he saw the school which was designated as the gathering location for the conference.

The school had a stately red brick gate with an iron latticed fence extending from both sides of it. Verdant branches bore through the gaps of the lattice structure.

To add to that, there was a perfectly straight paved brick path and lying just beyond that was the majestic sight of the castle-like school. The presence of students during the weekend was most likely due to group activities and preparation for the Tenou festival.

The Rindouji Private Academy for Girls contained the daughters of many prestigious individuals. It was a famous and outstanding school within the Tenguu district.

Suddenly, the two girls ceased their constant bickering upon noticing the school. On his right, Tohka stared at the school in fascination.

"Ooo......s.h.i.+dou, this is quite impressive. Is it a school as well?"

"Yes, it appears to be. Well, let"s go in and check it out first."



Tohka"s reply was full of vigor while Origami on the other hand nodded silently.

After s.h.i.+dou and the girls displayed their student IDs to the security guard, they set out towards the interior of the campus. After that, they entered the school through the visitor"s entrance and picked up a visitor"s pa.s.s before heading off towards the designated location.

"The second conference room, is it here?"

He proceeded to open the door. Several students, each wearing a different school uniform, were already gathered inside the room. There was still some time before the start of the meeting. Inside was a long table with the nameplates of various schools already placed on top of it. There were also quite a few students conversing away from their seats.

With that said, s.h.i.+dou couldn"t have known anyone considering he just recently a.s.sumed his post as a committee member yesterday. He swiftly found his seat and sat down.

Soon after, a person knocked on the conference room door.


After s.h.i.+dou turned his neck, he noticed that the other students waiting in room also looked over.

"W-What is going on......"

Seeing everyone"s reaction, he couldn"t help but tense up. Most likely someone was about to come in.

However, a dispirited yet warm voice could be heard from the other side of the door.

"Well then, I"ll be coming in now."

Upon hearing that statement, the door slowly opened.

A group of girls wearing light blue sailor uniforms calmly entered.

Afterwards, the girls formed two rows and lowered their heads, resembling a ma.s.s welcoming for distinguished individuals who went through great lengths to arrive.

Just as s.h.i.+dou went into a daze, a student walked in between the two rows of girls with the leisureliness of an empress.

Her long hair was separated into multiple locks. Under the lighting, her fine hair emitted a radiant violet hue. She also possessed dazzling silver pupils. Although she wore the same sailor uniform as the girls around her, her presence was overwhelming, making her curved silhouette clearly stand out.



After seeing her appearance, s.h.i.+dou and Origami could not help but gasp.

She was indeed a beauty. If a gorgeous girl like her were to be encountered on the streets, there would definitely be some people who would turn around to take a second glance at her.

Nevertheless, that wasn"t the case here.

"——h.e.l.lo everyone, we are pleased to have you all here."

The girl spoke with a languid intonation. She lowered her head as she greeted the other students.

After hearing her voice, s.h.i.+dou was confident on a certain matter.

That girl......

"I"m the head of the Tenou festival committee for The Rindouji Private Academy for Girls, Izayoi Miku."

It was the spirit s.h.i.+dou came across yesterday——.

Part 3

"Well then, let"s head out. Everyone, please follow me."

After her long drawn voice was broadcasted over from the loudspeakers located on the bridge of the , a lively accompaniment and loud cheering could be heard.

At the moment, there was a girl dancing and singing while wearing a dress containing a myriad of laces being displayed on the main monitor at the front of the bridge. In front of her there seemed to be a dense carpet of purple glow sticks.

The image was quite shoddy. No matter how you looked at it, it did not appear to be an officially sold concert DVD. However, this was quite a common practice. After all, Nakatsugawa probably went through a lot of trouble to get ahold of this prohibited secret recording.


Standing by the captain"s seat, s.h.i.+dou stared at the video.

To be precise, at the very center of the screen was a girl merrily dancing about while singing in a soothing voice.

She was without a doubt the Rindouji student he had seen yesterday——the spirit known as .

"Izayoi Miku......Well, I never would have thought she"d be a spirit."

At s.h.i.+dou"s side——Kotori muttered as she sat in the captain"s seat while viewing the recording.

"You know Izayoi Miku?"

"I"ve heard of her before. Other than this, I"ve heard her sing a couple advertis.e.m.e.nt tunes, drama show theme songs, things of that nature."

"I-I see......"

s.h.i.+dou scratched his cheeks. It seems what Tonomachi said was true.

However, Kotori completely disregarded s.h.i.+dou"s movements as she gazed towards the individual reports next to her with a sour expression.

"......Her first public performance was over half a year ago. Her splendid voice was known as the Anesthetic Sound. With her overwhelming singing capabilities, a number of her super-popular tracks were published......yet this mysterious idol never appeared on television or magazines.....can a person even be considered an idol like this?"

After reading till this point, Kotori placed her hand on her forehead and sighed.

"A spirit becoming an idol......furthermore, she decided to integrate into society starting at least half a year ago? While also engaging in these activities? Ha, she pales in comparison to Kurumi!"

As soon as Kotori mentioned Kurumi"s name, s.h.i.+dou"s cheeks twitched. In the past, she was a spirit who enrolled in s.h.i.+dou"s cla.s.s under a human disguise.

However, right now there exists an option that wasn"t present back then.

"I wonder, is she a human who received spirit powers from like you Kotori?"


Upon hearing s.h.i.+dou"s statement, Kotori raised her brow.

"There"s no denying this possibility. If it really was the case, then that would explain why she would station herself in this world.——However, that wouldn"t explain yesterday"s s.p.a.cequake."


After it was pointed out to him, s.h.i.+dou"s eyes widened.

s.p.a.cequakes referred the repercussions caused when spirits appeared within this world. Although there were spirits like Kurumi who were capable of causing a s.p.a.cequake whenever they wanted......Miku on the other hand, who had been living on this side ever since, didn"t adhere this sort of reasoning.

s.h.i.+dou scratched the back of his head as he groaned.

s.h.i.+dou was unsure of his own presumptions from the start so after being denied like this he had to start from scratch again.

Furthermore.....there was a more pressing matter at hand.

"In the end, we still don"t know why her affection levels dropped so rapidly......"

Indeed, no conclusions were drawn from the meeting that lasted all night.

However, Kotori lightly shook her head upon seeing s.h.i.+dou"s anxiousness.

"Actually, regarding this problem, even though we can"t guarantee this we did come up with a hypothesis."

"Eh? What would that be?"

"Yes, we weren"t able to catch this as we examined the monitor yesterday, but as soon as we received reports about being Izayoi Miku today, we were pretty much able to confirm this."

"S-So what is the reason behind it?"

After s.h.i.+dou questioned her closely, Kotori made a signal with her fingers to tell s.h.i.+dou to calm down.

"I"ll explain in sequence.——Reine."

"......Ok, take a look at this."

After that, Reine began explaining after taking a seat towards Kotori"s left. The images displayed on the main monitor featured Miku as she was singing and a diagram. As the music played, Nakatsugawa moved to the beat and couldn"t resist uttering along, but he was immediately silenced after Kotori glared at him.

s.h.i.+dou wryly smiled at this and then directed his gaze towards the diagram.

"This is?"

"......This diagram shows Miku"s mental state from yesterday. Starting from the center was when you began conversing with her."

After taking a glance at the segment she mentioned......the line took a steep dive akin to a rollercoaster drop. Towards the end, the calibrated markings had completely disappeared.

"......This is worse than I imagined. Who knew I was this much of a nuisance."

"......Well, ignore that aspect for now. Take a look at what happened afterwards."

Following Reine"s instructions, he took a look at the latter stages of the diagram. Once the decline of her affection reached its end, the line suddenly started to rise.

"This is......"

"......This was when the AST made their appearance."

"Then what happened when at the peak of the diagram?"

"That was when she encountered Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami."

"T-Then......that means."

s.h.i.+dou was currently deep in thought. Kotori took the candy out from her mouth and pointed it towards the lower part of the bridge.


After being called upon, Nakatsugawa stood straight up with lightning fast speed.

"Yes! Regarding the revolutionary idol who sprung onto stage like a comet? Izayoi Miku-tan, she never reveals her true ident.i.ty in front of people. Even her idol events only consists of regularly published CDs and invitations to her secret performances are only sent to a small portion of her fan base.......Clearly all of j.a.pan thinks of her as one big celebrity. However, only a select few have ever seen her appearance. It"s at the point where——people have started to doubt whether or not she"s even real."

"Haaa......sounds very thoroughly done."

"It"s not just whether or not it was thoroughly done. In this day and age of information technology, not even one picture of her appearance exists? It"s already quite strange with this alone. Do you guys know how much effort I spent trying to get this recording of her performance?"

Nakatsugawa vigorously stated. s.h.i.+dou awkwardly ruffled his cheeks.

"Nevertheless, isn"t she an idol? Why would she want to avoid being seen by other people......"

"This information was found on the is said that Miku-tan detests males to point where even holding hands with them becomes unbearable. The secret performance that I previously mentioned was limited to only female fans."

"Only female fans......?"

After s.h.i.+dou voiced his suspicions, Nakatsugawa continued on enthusiastically even though he was running out of breath.

"Yes, and according to rumors, she would bring female fans that she fancied back with her to enjoy."

"C-Could she be......"

"Yes, she"s——"

Kotori placed the lollipop back in her mouth and positioned her finger upright.

"Izayoi Miku——might be into girls, otherwise known as yuri."


s.h.i.+dou voiced out in despair.

He did not intend to criticize the other person"s s.e.xual orientation. s.h.i.+dou was already a high school soph.o.m.ore and wouldn"t childishly reject others blindly just because they didn"t see eye to eye. He understood that love existed in various forms in this world.

However, it would be a disaster if a spirit was only interested into girls, an utter disaster indeed.

The reason for this is fairly simple. The actions of s.h.i.+dou and were meant to seal a spirit"s powers, rendering them into a safe state. Not only did this prevent s.p.a.cequakes but it also protected the spirits.

As a result, they needed s.h.i.+dou"s powers——the power of sealing spirit powers through kissing.

Furthermore, there was no significance behind just lip to lip contact. At the very least, the affection levels of the spirits had to be raised to a point where they would not reject a kiss in order for it to work.

"That means there"s nothing left we can do......!"

s.h.i.+dou pessimistically stated. Up till now, he had encountered many spirits who were hard to deal with. However, nothing could be done if the reason he was being rejected was from a physiology standpoint.

Nevertheless, Kotori was taken aback as her eyes lit up after noticing s.h.i.+dou"s reaction.

"What are you talking about? Aren"t you a member of the Tenou Festival committee? Then you should have the opportunity to engage Miku in conversation right?"

"Even so, doesn"t Miku hold zero interest in men?"

"It"s more accurate to say that she finds them extremely annoying rather than holding no interest."

"Isn"t that even more detrimental!?"

Seeing s.h.i.+dou shout like this, Kotori leisurely shrugged.

"You think I didn"t contemplate over this when I stated my thoughts? The countermeasures have already been devised."


Kotori nodded as well snapped her fingers. Next, Kannazuki came out of addition he looked completely soaked.

"Kannazuki-san......? Why are you drenched? Plus there"s a fish scent in here as well."

"Oh that, I was just going out for a quick swim."

Kannazuki laughed heartily while being unconcerned with this matter. s.h.i.+dou ruffled his cheeks as he spoke.

"Well then, the countermeasure is......"


The one who responded was Kannazuki. He extended his hand that was originally kept behind his back this whole time right in front of s.h.i.+dou"s line of sight.


Upon seeing what was held in his hand, s.h.i.+dou froze like an ice sculpture.

Within Kannazuki"s hand was the usual school uniform for Raizen High School where s.h.i.+dou goes to.

——However, it was the girl"s version.

At first s.h.i.+dou was still thinking "Hey, Kannazuki-san always seems eager to get started......", however he very quickly detected something was amiss. The school uniform was brand new——furthermore the dimensions were quite large.

Indeed, the size would be perfect for a girl around the same height as s.h.i.+dou.


s.h.i.+dou for some reason had an ominous premonition about this and took a step back unconsciously. However, he b.u.mped into something on the way back.

Immediately after, s.h.i.+dou"s hands were restrained. Turning around, he noticed that it was Kawagoe and Mikimoto.

"Hey......W-What are you guys doing.......? H-Hurry up and release me!"

s.h.i.+dou broke out in a cold sweat as he inquired. This time in front of him——right besides Kannazuki and heading towards to him was s.h.i.+zaki with various cosmetic tools held between each of her fingers like they were weapons meant for throwing as well as Minowa holding onto a myriad of wigs.

"W-What is that!?"

He could not help but yell out. However, Kannazuki gave no considerations to s.h.i.+dou"s frantic shouting and inched closer to him with the other two guys.

"No worries, there"s no need to be afraid. At first you"ll feel a slightly cool sensation down there but very soon that"ll change into a pleasant feeling. I learned from personal experience from my senior so there"s no need for wariness."

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth twisted up.


s.h.i.+dou look towards Kotori. His manner of speaking sounded like a battered battalion begging for mercy.

Afterwards, Kotori smiled in a profoundly cute fas.h.i.+on that resembled a resplendent suns.h.i.+ne.

"I wish you good luck——Onee-chan."

Without any hesitation, she made her death sentence proclamation as she gave him the thumbs up.

Three hours later.

"......W-Who is this!?"

s.h.i.+dou couldn"t refrain from shouting after looking into the mirror.

It couldn"t be helped in this situation. After all, he saw a girl he had never seen before reflected off the mirror.

His hair was dotted with lovely hair accessories and his hair was extended to the point where it could even cover his back. A light layer of foundation was added to his face, mascara and an eyelash curler were used to modify his eyes, and cherry lipstick was applied to his lips. There was no way anyone would be able to recognize that he was a guy.

The chest portion was propped up with breast pads and a bra was worn on top of that. His arm and leg hairs were removed completely, turning his skin silky smooth.

He was a bit tall for a girl but s.h.i.+dou"s original appearance did lean slightly on the feminine side. If no one were to point out he was a disguised as a girl, there was no way anyone could see through it. Actually, even if it was pointed out they would most likely just brush it off as a joke.

At the very least, no one should be able to figure out that she is indeed s.h.i.+dou at first glance.

"Ooo, how unexpectedly fitting."

Kotori"s eye opened wide in surprise as she spoke. s.h.i.+dou on the other hand grudgingly glared at Kotori.

"......You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I won"t forget this!"

"My my, your manner of speech is quite rude for a girl. Lastly, attach this on your body."


s.h.i.+dou raised his brow. Kotori handed him something similar to a Band-Aid.

"Put this in your throat."

"What......? Like this?"

He placed it in his throat as instructed. Then,

"Now what"s with......w-what happened to my voice!?"

s.h.i.+dou unwittingly pressed against his throat in confusion.

Immediately after sticking on the strip, s.h.i.+dou"s voice became that of a cute girl.

"What do you think? It"s a high performance voice modifier created from using the most sophisticated technology. By adjusting the numerical values, you could even have a master detective"s voice."

"What in the world would I use that for?!"

"Well, either way it turned out pretty satisfactory in the end. With that said, no one should be able to mistaken s.h.i.+dou for a boy."

As Kotori praised herself, the other members of the crew began to nod.

"Ara, this is really a job well done. Looking cute there s.h.i.+dou-kun."

"How detestable, he"s clearly a boy yet the makeup suits him so well. Is it because he"s young......?"

"Hahaha, I really want to take you in as my daughter-in-law."

"Hey hey, would you do it for fifty thousand yen?"

"This really was beyond my expectations s.h.i.+dou-kun. Next time I"ll have to introduce you to a couple of good stores. What, it"s nothing be to getting anxious over. The employees there are your colleagues and they"re very friendly."

Thump, Thump! After Kotori knocked on the heads of Mikimoto and Kannazuki, she glanced at the main monitor which had Izayoi Miku displayed on it.

"Well then, the rest is up to whether or not Miku takes a liking to s.h.i.+dou......s.h.i.+dou, when"s the next time you guys will meet?"

"Eh? Hmmm......"

s.h.i.+dou counted off the days with his fingers.

"It should be next Monday. After school they"ll begin preparing for a meeting, so I should be able to at the time......"

"I see, hmmm......there"s nothing we can do if she won"t be available till then."

Immediately after, Kotori quickly spun back around and pointed towards s.h.i.+dou and the s.h.i.+p"s crew.

"Starting tomorrow, spend the entire day training s.h.i.+dou so he can single-handedly take on the role of a girl! s.h.i.+zaki, Kawagoe, teach him how to put on makeup. Also, make sure he is imbued with the speech patterns of a girl! On Monday our plan will be officially put into motion."

She announced this loudly to the others.

After s.h.i.+dou took a deep sigh, he quietly muttered "Understood."

Part 4

The familiar chime signifying the end of cla.s.s shook s.h.i.+dou"s eardrums.

It usually symbolized the release from lessons, but right now for s.h.i.+dou it was a warning sound on the same rank as the s.p.a.cequake alarm.

That was because today was September 11th, Monday.

From now on the students from various schools would enter into preparations for the Tenou festival—and the executive committee had to go to the venue in Tenguu Square to do a check of the area.

"—Well, it"s time. Hurry up and get ready."

From the intercom equipped on his right ear, Kotori"s voice could be heard.

"...Got it."

s.h.i.+dou slowly stood up from his chair, and walked towards the lockers.

"Nu? s.h.i.+dou, where are you going? Aren"t we going to check on the Tenou festival venue?"

Finding s.h.i.+dou"s actions to be abnormal, Tohka called out.

"Ahh... gimme a moment. Go ahead and prepare."

"Mu? O-okay..."

Tohka seemed confused, but for the moment nodded, and watched s.h.i.+dou"s back disappear.

In the same way, Origami had been staring at him, but he acted as if he didn"t notice and left the cla.s.sroom, retrieving a large bag out of the lockers and walked towards the depth of the school.

"It"ll probably be fine here."

He then stepped into the mens restroom in the furthest depths of the school, locked himself into a stall, and opened the bag that had been slung over his shoulder.

Inside was a neatly folded girls" uniform. ..."If anyone saw me like this then my life will really be over", thinking something like that, he took it out, and quickly started changing. By the way, in order to hide his body"s shape slightly better it was a cardigan. It was a bit hot but his back and stomach couldn"t be changed.

He then took out a mirror, and utilizing the make-up skills that were drilled into him the whole day yesterday, he decorated his face.

Finally, he put on the wig and the voice changer, and the transformation was complete.

"Mm... something like this huh."

"s.h.i.+dou, your tone."

"...Something like this?"

Reminded by Kotori, he replied with a female tone. ...For some reason he felt like he wanted to die.

However, it was not good to be negative. Without self confidence, something that could be accomplished could even become impossible.

s.h.i.+dou stuffed the clothes that he had been wearing until then into the bag, and slinging the bag on his back, opened the door to the stall.

Then, he noticed that there was a person by the urinals. It was Tonomachi.

"Hey, Tonomachi."

He gave a light greeting like always while he pa.s.sed behind Tonomachi.

"Hey... huh?"

However, seeing Tonomachi"s reaction, s.h.i.+dou let out an "ah" in a small voice.

"W-who... are you? Wh-why are you in the guys restroom..."

Tonomachi stuttered, and immediately blushed and turned his back to s.h.i.+dou.

"Ah, w-well... Ohohohohoho"

Excusing himself with a laugh, s.h.i.+dou dashed out of there at full speed.

"Why did he have to go to such an out of place restroom today of all days...!"

Confirming that Tonomachi wasn"t chasing after him, s.h.i.+dou immediately slowed down. ...Running caused his skirt to flap, and somehow that felt weird.

"...How can girls stand walking around outside wearing such a skimpy thing... Wouldn"t just taking a slightly larger step cause their panties to be seen..."

By the way, right now s.h.i.+dou was wearing shorts underneath the skirt. ...Regarding what was inside them, well, no comment.

"It"s a good opportunity, so learn a bit about the hards.h.i.+ps that girls face. It"s also for the future."

"...Sure sure."

s.h.i.+dou gave an apathetic reply, and like that walked towards the entrance of the building.

The three-person group Ai-Mai-Mii were already there, having a conversation about various unimportant things.

s.h.i.+dou gulped, and holding back his nervousness, placed his hand over his chest. ...Squish, a weird feeling. Now that he thought about it, he was wearing the special made super realistic breast pads. At that overly realistic feeling, his face turned slightly red.

"Sigh... the road ahead will be difficult. For now, just go with what we practiced."


Pulling himself together, he shook his head around and proceeded towards the three.

After taking a deep breath, he called out to their backs.





Each responding in their own way, the three of them turned around and inspected s.h.i.+dou closely. —They"re probably going to see through it. If they do then maybe rumors like "Itsuka s.h.i.+dou likes crossdressing" will start spreading. Negative thoughts floated through his mind.

s.h.i.+dou nervously waited for their words, and the three of them tilted their heads perplexedly.

"What"s wrong? Do you need anything?"

"You"re so tall, you"re like a model."

"Isn"t that cardigan hot? Or are you sensitive to the cold?"

It seems that they had not realized it was s.h.i.+dou. For the moment he let out a sigh of relief.

"Uhm, you are Yamabuki-san, Hazakura-san, and Fujibakama-san right? Of the Tenou Festival executive committee?"

"What, you, where did you get that information!?"

"It can"t be, an enemy spy!?"

"What is your goal!"

Taking some kind of weird pose, they responded. But even then, it didn"t seem like they were really being cautious. He continued with a feeble smile.

"Uhm, I was told by Itsuka s.h.i.+dou that he wanted a rest from the executive committee today..."

"What did you say!"

"That Itsuka ran away!"

"Bring the fire! A witch has appeared!"

It seemed that tomorrow there will be a burning at the stake, but for now he acted as if he hadn"t heard that.

"Uhm, s.h.i.+dou says you"ll smack his b.a.l.l.s if he comes, so as a boy--I mean as a girl, I"ve come."


Ai"s eyes turned round in surprise.

"Mm, well we wouldn"t mind that... or rather that"d be a great help..."

"In the first place, who are you? What is your relations.h.i.+p with Itsuka-kun...?"

"Also you called him without honorifics. Ohh, maybe a rival for Tohka-chan has appeared?"

The three of them excitedly started to talk. s.h.i.+dou hurriedly interrupted.

"N-no, that"s not it... uhm, we"re cousins, COUSINS!"

"Cousins... huh. What cla.s.s? Your name?"


Being asked unexpectedly, s.h.i.+dou"s eyes swam.

"I"m in cla.s.s 1. My name is uhm, Itsuka... s.h.i.+domi... I mean, uhm... s.h.i.+ori."

Stuttering, he uttered a suitable fake name, and the three of them huddled and started a meeting.

A few seconds later, the circle broke apart and they started patting him on the shoulders.

"There"s quite a few things that seem off, but whatever."

"Glad to be working with you, s.h.i.+ori-chan."

"Work hard!"


It seems that somehow he had made it past the first barrier. He let out a sigh of relief.

Then, at that moment. He heard loud voices coming from behind.

"You definitely did something! Tell me, where did you hide s.h.i.+dou!"

"That is my question. If you don"t answer then you will regret it."

He didn"t need to turn around. It was Tohka and Origami. He did find it weird that they were not at the meeting place yet, but it seems they had been searching for s.h.i.+dou.

"Hey, Tohka-chan, Tob.i.+.c.hi-san. We"re over here."

Ai waved her hands, and Tohka and Origami turned their gazes towards this direction.


Seeing s.h.i.+dou, Tohka"s eyes turned round.

Then for some reason she looked downwards, and as if sniffing, her nose twitched.

A few seconds later, she looked s.h.i.+dou in the eyes with a convinced look.

"What are you doing, s.h.i.+—"


s.h.i.+dou hurriedly stuffed Tohka"s mouth, and in a small voice so that Ai-Mai-Mii wouldn"t hear, he whispered to Tohka.

"...Sorry, Tohka, there"s a reason for this. Can you act as if you didn"t know?"

"Nu...? I-is that so. Mm, I understand."

Tohka gave a small nod, and in an excessively loud voice announced.

"Mm! Nice to meet you, girl who is not s.h.i.+dou!"

"...N-nice to meet you."

A bead of sweat dripped down his face as he went to shake hands. The group of three had slightly puzzled expressions, but satisfied it with dismissing it as usual Tohka behavior, they didn"t inquire about it any further.



s.h.i.+dou involuntarily shut his eyes.

The reason was simple. Suddenly from below, a shutter sound along with a flash of light appeared.

"Eh, ehh?"

Not knowing what was going on s.h.i.+dou"s was fl.u.s.tered, and the sound repeated intermittently.

Finding it suspicious he looked there... and immediately found the suspect.

Holding a small digital camera that came from who knows where in a strangely cool pose, Origami was continuously pressing the shutter b.u.t.ton. Needless to say, the one being shot was s.h.i.+dou.

She had on her usual dry and flavorless expression, but for some reason, he thought that her breathing was slightly wild, as if aroused.


"Don"t move."

Saying this, Origami pressed the shutter b.u.t.ton once more. From the right, from the left. At times calmly, at times pa.s.sionately. With an intensity that would put a pro to shame, she intently captured s.h.i.+dou"s figure into pictures.

"Look this way."


"Good. Very good."


"Take off something."

"T-that would be troublesome."

s.h.i.+dou didn"t really want his current look to remain in records, but he didn"t think that Origami would listen even if he said that. He turned his face away in embarra.s.sment as he waited for Origami to become satisfied.

Seeing this scene, Ai-Mai-Mii started whispering to each other.

"Hey hey, wasn"t Tob.i.+.c.hi targeting Itsuka-kun?"

"Was she someone who was also into girls?"

"Is she okay with anyone with the Itsuka last name? Targeting their DNA?"

...etcetera, they were just saying whatever they wanted to, but Origami didn"t seem to mind in the least. Lying down with her face up, she slid her hand through the middle of s.h.i.+dou"s two feet.

"Wai, wha...!"

He held his skirt and drew back. However, Origami"s hand that was not holding the camera, had a tight hold on his leg.

"W-what are you doing!"

Unable to just watch, Tohka grabbed Origami"s feet, and started to pull her away from s.h.i.+dou. Looking from the side, it would definitely be a surreal scene.

However, Origami, with a strength that couldn"t be imagined from those thin arms, kept her hold on s.h.i.+dou"s foot, and from the camera, *snap* *snap* *snap*... the shutter sound rang continuously.

"Wa, n, g-gyaaaaaaaaaahhhh!?"

s.h.i.+dou"s face turned red, as he let out a scream that was more girly (at least more than Origami) than any girl"s.

Part 5

The Tenguu Square that will be the hall for the Tenou festival, is a large convention center located in the middle of the Tenguu city.

There is a central stage in the middle and big exhibition halls constructed in its surrounding. The main block prepared for the Tenou Festival is the east block from hall 1 to hall 4.

"……….so, Kotori. Where is Miku?"

He talked to the Incam with a soft voice just in case.

Right now, s.h.i.+dou was hiding behind the hall 2"s equipment and was examining the nearby situation.

Although it was okay when he was going for a little toilet break………… use as an excuse to get out from the place but, since Origami"s eyes sparkled for some reason and followed him, his stamina and time was taken away just to shake her off.

"Looks like you"re finally alone. Miku is in Hall 1. It"s the place with Rindouji"s booth set up."

"Hall 1………understood. I"ll head there immediately."

After saying that, he quickly leaped out from the shadow of the equipment and ran towards hall 1 while having the intention to let Origami and everyone find him.

Miku was easily found. There were a group of girls wearing navy blue sailor uniforms in the back of hall 1-------and Miku was standing right in the center.

"Together with other students………….well, that"s only normal."

"Well, we already expected this but, this is annoying. Even if you get close, they might prevent a straight conversation by encircling and guarding the Empress-sama."

"Can"t we do something to isolate Miku? Like having someone from your side disguise as a worker------"

"! Wait for a second, Miku is walking out."

Being told that, s.h.i.+dou looked back in front.

It"s true, according to what Kotori said, he found out Miku broke free from the group of Rindouji female students, and walked somewhere alone.

"What………..? Toilet break?"

"Anyway, this is a chance. Go and chase after her."

"Ou, I get it."


"………….I understand."

Now that he thinks about it, he noticed he completely turned back to guy-mode when he talks with Kotori. He cautioned himself to avoid getting his habit out at the last minute while walking out to follow Miku.

Around a few minutes of following, Miku pa.s.sed by the nearest toilet exiting hall 1, and headed towards the Central stage located in the middle of the square.

She then pa.s.sed the audience seat like that, pa.s.sed under the rope with the words [Unauthorized personal not allowed] written on it, and walked to the direction of the back stage.


"Chase her, s.h.i.+dou."


After s.h.i.+dou made up his mind and pa.s.s under the rope, he entered the back stage just like that.

The wall was separated by one sheet and the nearby scenery was completely changed so much that it was shocking.

Contrastive to a brilliant and dazzling stage, it was a s.p.a.ce with no miscellaneous. Various packages were piled up on both sides of the dim path, the width of the path which was originally not that wide turned even narrower.

He walked through the path while having the intentions of not tripping over, when he continued walking to the stage; he reached something that looks like a door.

And then, he took a peek from there.


s.h.i.+dou unintentionally let out a soft voice; Miku was standing right in the middle of the stage, and taking a look around the hall.

Déja vu. It was the same scene he saw yesterday in the empty arena.

Was this the intensity of a Spirit? Or something called the aura of an idol? He was overpowered by reflex and couldn"t take a step forward.

Looking at s.h.i.+dou like that, he could hear a given up sigh coming from the Incam.

"Don"t get nervous when you haven"t even met her yet."

"I-I understand.---------I just have to talk to her right?"

"Yes. If our hypothesis is right, then I think you won"t receive that careless treatment from last time."

"……….And on the off chance you are wrong?"

"I"ll pick up your bones."


"It"s a joke. [Izayoi Miku hates males] there is no mistake - judging from the data, it is 8 or 9 cases out of ten. But, it"s a different case if [s.h.i.+ori-chan] is not suitable by Miku"s judgment, and there might even be a chance that she notices s.h.i.+dou is a guy. Please be careful."

"O-ou--------not that, I"ll be careful."

s.h.i.+dou made a deep breath and pulled his cheeks before stepping out to the stage.

Probably noticing s.h.i.+dou"s existence by the footsteps, Miku turned around.

"Oh my----?"

Opening her eyes wide in surprise, Miku glared at s.h.i.+dou as if she was examining him.

Maybe, he was exposed to be a guy. Nervousness was tightening s.h.i.+dou"s heart.

"You are………..?"

"Eh!? I-I am………"

"Idiot, s.h.i.+dou!"

Suddenly questioned by Miku, he said [I][6B 1] unintentionally. Miku tilted her head in a surprised state.


"Ah, errr, that"s……….."

s.h.i.+dou turned fl.u.s.tered while trying to somehow trick her. If he were to be exposed as a guy here, then everything will go to nothing.

However, Miku showed a gentle smile in response to s.h.i.+dou"s fl.u.s.ter.

"You seem to use odd words---. ufufu………….but it has personality so it"s wonderful."

"…………! Affection level, mood, values are steady! It is not declining!"

The Crew"s voice shook his right ear"s eardrum.

"It looks like, she identified s.h.i.+dou"s male words as a personality…………….well aren"t we lucky. Okay, go on with your tone like that."


*Hou* He made a relieved sigh.

But, he can"t wait for the opponent to respond. For the time being s.h.i.+dou was about to open his mouth and exchange some greetings.

However as if to interrupt him, Kotori"s halt echoed from the Incam.

"------Wait. The choices are coming up."

On top of s.h.i.+dou and Miku"s image shown on the main monitor, a window was displayed.

① "You are Izayoi Miku-san right. Please sign this for me!"

② "What are you doing in a place like this?"

③ "I"m sorry but, will you buy the underwear I am wearing right now for 30000 Yen?"

"All members, your choices!"

When Kotori shouted, the total results were displayed out on the panel monitor close to her.

The winner was--------②, and also………………unexpectedly,③.

"②……………well it is proper for the beginning but…………why is ③ this popular?"

"No, a guy would be a pervert but, she just told him he has quite the personality so, I think an impact filled question from s.h.i.+ori-chan mode is good…………."

"Judging by the harsh words for the beginning, we could see the opponent"s response. Hora, wasn"t it a success or other during that time with Kurumi?"

Hearing the crew"s words, Kotori [Fumu……….] placed her hand on her chin.

"Well………….okay. It"s true; I wanted to determine Miku"s permission line."

After saying that, Kotori pulled the mic closer and made an instruction to s.h.i.+dou.

"W-wha…………are you serious!?"

"s.h.i.+dou right now is a girl. It"s just a form of a joke to the utmost. [A weird girl] is okay, so it"s important to get recognized."

"I-is it something like that…………"

Even when he heard the explanation, it still doesn"t make sense until now but, it is undesirable to keep Miku waiting any longer. s.h.i.+dou made up his mind and opened his mouth.



"Th-the underwear I am wearing right now………….will you buy it for 30000 yen?"


Miku"s eyes opened wide into a perfect circle and she tilted her head. She looked back at s.h.i.+dou with those clear eyes while asking him in wonder.

"Huh, why is that?"

"Why is that…………even if you tell me that, errr..."

As if he was in trouble, when s.h.i.+dou was hesitating to say it, *fufu* Miku made a shape of a smile with her lips.

Taking a glance, it was a smiling smile. However, s.h.i.+dou tensed his shoulders. The other day, after showing that exact expression, he witnessed the constant abuse spilling out from her.

However, what leaked out from Miku"s mouth was not abusive slangs or cursing and swearing words that could break s.h.i.+dou"s heart, but a very enjoyable vocal sound.

"Let"s see. I don"t like it if its money but, I"ll think about it if I can exchange with yours you know-----?"


Unexpectedly being told that, s.h.i.+dou"s face turned red by reflex and he pushed down the hem of his skirt. Looking at that, Miku made a strange laugh.

"Ahaha-----, it"s a joke. Rather, shouldn"t that be my reaction?"

"A,aah………so,sorry……….I was joking too."

For a while, both of them laughed together. But, silence immediately arrived.

Time was limited. s.h.i.+dou searched for topics in order to somehow expand the conversation.



"Isn"t this place………… limits?"

"Fufu, yes that"s true-----. I"m sorry, I did something bad~"

While saying that, she made a prankster smile. Towards that very charming gesture, s.h.i.+dou *doki* skipped a heartbeat by reflex.

"But, if that is the case then you are also a bad child too---"

"Eh? Ah………"

Now that he thinks about it, that"s true. s.h.i.+dou swing his hands as if to make an excuse.

"Ah, no. I was……….."

"Fufu, it"s okay---"

And. While saying that, Miku closed in on s.h.i.+dou with a carefree pace.

When she reached a spot where both of them can hear each others" breathing, [Shhhh] she made one finger stand up in front of s.h.i.+dou.

"Shall we make this our secret? It"s a promise between naughty girls."


When s.h.i.+dou took a step back before nodding, Miku made a joyful smile again.

Her face was the same. Her voice was also the same. The girl in front of him was unmistakably the Spirit s.h.i.+dou encountered the other day.

But, even though he understood that, the response the current Miku was giving out right now was totally different from the cold-hearted empress in s.h.i.+dou"s memories, so much that he thought there might be a chance there are 2 Spirits with the same face like the Yamai Sisters……………..will the interaction be so different just because the target"s gender was wrong.

When s.h.i.+dou was thinking about that, Kotori let out her voice as if to hit s.h.i.+dou"s b.u.t.t.

"Get a hold of yourself. Be on your guard."

"Ou…………I know."

"? Is something wrong---?"

"N-no, nothing ……….."

As expected, he was too close to Miku, to reply to Kotori. Coming from the Incam he could hear [……….seriously] Kotori"s giving up voice.

But, this time he could not reply to that. Rather than that, it would be correct to say he had no time to reply. Miku was tilting her head while asking a question.

"Your-------that uniform, is it from Raizen-san?"

"Eh, aah, that"s right so?"

"Hnn-----………..were you there in the meeting on the day before yesterday---?"

"No…………..during that time, I was a little sick."

"Aah, so that"s the reason."

After saying that, Miku brought her right hand out forward to s.h.i.+dou.

"Well then, going over this again----. I am Izayoi Miku from Rindouji female academy. Nice to meet you---. Let"s make the Tenou festival a success together."

"O-ou, nice to meet you."

He brought out his right hand and exchanged a handshake with Miku. Miku"s hand was small, and a little cold. While having the intentions of not exerting too much power, he lightly grabbed her hands.


And, Miku made a smile while tilting her head.

He could not understand her intentions clearly. When he replied back by making the same gesture, his right ears eardrum shook with a screech.

"Idiot, why won"t you name yourself even though the other side already introduced herself?"


Being told by Kotori, he continued his words in panic.

"s.h.i.+ori………….Itsuka s.h.i.+ori."

"s.h.i.+ori-san is it-----. It"s a nice name---"

"Tha, thank you"

He made a fuzzy smile while replying. When he did that this time, Miku dropped her sights on the hand she was grabbed on.

"Such a strong hand. Are you doing any sports?"

"…………! Ah. …………….err, a little bit of volleyball……….."

When he suddenly picked a game that can make the skin of the hands thick, Miku made a understanding nod.

"Aah, no wonder"


"I thought it was cool to be so tall"

"Aah…………haha, I apologize for not really looking like a girl"

"That is not true. I think you are really cute"

"……..i-is that so..."

He was thankful to be praised but……………as a guy, it was a complicated mental state.

Well, he could somehow agree with that compliment if it was directed to modern cosmetics which showed tremendous performance. The guys in this world don"t get deceived.

"……….Fumu, not a bad value. If that"s the case, it should be alright as long as you don"t make a big mistake. I want a little more of her response data. Go and asked her some questions"

"Ah, ah, errr…………"

Following Kotori"s instructions, he tried to squeeze out a question.

"Miku……….., what are you doing in here?"

When he asked, Miku let go of the handshake and turned her body around before looking to the audience seats.

"------I love the stage---"

"The Stage…..?"

"Yes---. Everyone will want my songs. That s.p.a.ce, I hold it very dear so much that I can"t stand it. That"s why, the moment I saw this place when I was in the middle of moving, I suddenly felt like standing on it."

"I see………….."

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Miku made a strange smile.

"s.h.i.+ori-san is the unusual one."

"Eh? W-why?"

"-----By any chance, have you not heard of my name before?"


That was clearly, not about the Izayoi Miku of Rindouji female academy she was talking about, but rather she was pointing out the unidentified idol Izayoi Miku.

When s.h.i.+dou was having troubling on determining his reply, Miku swung her head slightly.

"Ahaha, looks like I caused some inconvenience to you---. Please do not mind it."

While saying that, Miku pa.s.sed by s.h.i.+dou with dancing steps, and headed towards the stage wing.

"Well then, it"s about time we go back---?"

She then turned her head around and looked back at s.h.i.+dou.

"Originally, I was hoping for her to talk a bit more but……………….unreasonably restraining her is also not good. There"s no choice, before she joins up with the other students, lets head to the direction of making an excuse to meet with her next time."


After s.h.i.+dou made a soft voice to agree with Kotori, he turned back to Miku.

"Yeah…….lets go back. If someone finds us here we might get scolded"

"No---,I don"t really mind about that---"


When s.h.i.+dou tilted his head, Miku once again made one of her fingers stand and [Shhhh] made it stand in front of her nose.

"Wasn"t this our secret?"


*Doki* His heart skipped a beat from his negligence. His face must have turned red.

Whether she knew or not about s.h.i.+dou"s mental state, Miku made a smile and walked away lightly.

"Hora, stop making your breathing wild. You don"t have much time to be alone together with her."


s.h.i.+dou took a deep breath to calm his heart rate before entering the stage wing to chase after Miku, and walking on the backstage path.

But, perhaps because he increased his pace to chase after Miku in a panic, s.h.i.+dou did not pay enough attention to the stage, unlike when he approached it. Meaning something might happen-----


The hem of the skirt that he was not accustomed with caught on the edge of some materials and he rolled down the stage.


"A-are you okay?"

Miku walked closer to him worried. In a panic, s.h.i.+dou pushed down his skirt that was flipped up. Although he was wearing short pants just in case, something embarra.s.sing was still embarra.s.sing.

"Here, your hand."


When s.h.i.+dou took Miku"s hand and was about to stand up------s.h.i.+dou brought his eyebrows together.


It would seem that he grazed his hands. He pulled his hands by reflex from the pain.

"This is serious---"

After Miku distorted her eyebrows in pain, she took out a handkerchief with lace on it from her pocket and wrapped it around s.h.i.+dou"s hand. "No, you"ll dirty it. This small wound………"

"What are you saying. A volleyball player shouldn"t look at a hand injury lightly………I can only do this kind of treatment now, so immediately disinfect the wound when you get back okay---?"

"Ah……….Thank you."

"No. Your hand please---"

He grabbed Miku"s hand with his uninjured hand, and stood up. When he did that, Miku finally showed a relief state and walked in front as if to guide s.h.i.+dou.

And at the same time, *Fuu* he could hear such a sigh.

"Oh my my, you got escorted magnificently."


"It"s not like I said you can"t. Limited for this time, s.h.i.+dou is a girl. Judging from her response, it looks like Miku is surprisingly the type to hold the initiative."

*Fufu* Kotori breathed out, and continued.

"What"s more--------luckily, you seem to have made an excuse to meet her next time. If your rolling down was intentional, then I was about to praise you about it."


"I"ll explain later. It"s okay; so do not make Miku wait right now."

"Mu……….I understand."

It"s true, what Kotori said was correct. This time in order to avoid falling, s.h.i.+dou paid attention while pa.s.sing through the path, they then crossed the non-authorized personal rope and reached back at the Central stage.

"I"m sorry, you"re a lifesaver."

He bowed his head quickly to express his thanks. Miku made a gentle smile while swinging her hands.

"Nono, do not mind------"

But, Miku cut her sentence around there.

He thought it was strange for an instant but, he immediately found out the reason. Before he knew it, Origami forced her way between Miku and s.h.i.+dou.

"Get away, s.h.i.+ori."

She spread her arms as if to protect s.h.i.+dou and send a sharp sight towards Miku.

"Are--, you are…….aah, that time. Now that I think about it, you are also from Raizen high school—"

And, being glared by Origami, Miku raised her eyebrows as if she remembered something. [That time] she was referring to, was clearly not referred to the joint meeting from the day before yesterday. Most likely before that------- during the s.p.a.cequake.

"What are you planning?"

"You sure say bad things. I don"t plan on harming you, you know"

"Do you think I would believe that?"

When Origami said that, Miku made a troubled smile.

However, Origami didn"t loosen her guard down for even a bit and took a peek towards s.h.i.+dou"s direction.

"s.h.i.+ori, what happened to that hand?"

Because she saw s.h.i.+dou"s injured hand, Origami"s voice has a slight sharpness in it.

Maybe she thought Miku injured s.h.i.+dou, or maybe she thought it was Miku"s fault he was injured. s.h.i.+dou *Bun**Bun* swing his head to fix the misunderstanding.

"No, this is------"


And, when s.h.i.+dou was about to let out his voice, Miku stopped him.

Like just now, she made her index finger stand up to say [It"s a secret] and winked.


"………….what do you mean?"

When Origami said that a little unhappy, Miku *ufufu* laughed. She then flipped the hem of her skirt like that, and walked towards hall 1.


Origami was still not satisfied and was glaring at Miku"s back but she was not planning to pursue any further.

Instead, after Miku"s back could no longer be seen, she turned her face to s.h.i.+dou.

"I request an explanation."


Somehow, it"s going to be tiring from now on.

Part 6

After school the next day.

s.h.i.+dou was standing in front of the Rindouji female academy and was waiting for Miku to finish school.

"-----s.h.i.+dou, can you hear me? Cla.s.s already ended in Rindouji. She should be coming out now"


He replied back to Kotori"s voice that he heard from the inca

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