Date A Live

Chapter 2: The Radiant GoetiaPart 1

Chapter 2: The Radiant GoetiaPart 1

“----s.h.i.+dou’s missing?”

In a middle school cla.s.sroom, Kotori made a suspicious voice while pus.h.i.+ng her cellphone onto her ears.

The chime for lunch time rang and Kotori received a transmission from > on her cellphone.

She felt something strange about it and picked up the phone immediately after changing into her black ribbons-----she then heard a report from her subordinates.

“What do you mean? It’s school time now you know?”

“Yeah…………That should be the case but, judging by a.n.a.lyst Murasame’s report ……… he went back 1 hour before cla.s.s ”

“He went back early?”

“Yes. From what we heard from Tohka-chan, it seems Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami suddenly changed schools…….”

“What did you say…….?”

Kotori raised her eyebrows. It"s impossible to think that Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami would change schools without telling s.h.i.+dou anything about it.

But-----it’s not like she had no clue about the reason for the strange event. Yes, the last time Origami appeared in front of s.h.i.+dou and the group was when she was wearing the DEM CR-unit.

Origami opposed DEM before to protect s.h.i.+dou once but, she could not deny the chances that Origami might have make some kind of secret with DEM.

Or maybe-------it might be possible to think that she got brainwashed by DEM. That’s because, the enemy was that DEM industries. It’s not weird if they did something like that.

s.h.i.+dou probably thought of the same thing as Kotori. There was no way that he could stand still and went looking for Origami.

“That idiot…….he didn’t tell us anything……”

After Kotori clicked her tongue in irritation, she continued her words softly to avoid having the surroundings hear her.

“A disappearance at this timing……smells fishy to me. Worst come to worst, he might have gotten kidnapped by the DEM.------how are the girls?”

“Yes……..Tohka-chan, the Yamai sisters, and Miku-chan are having lunch in their respective schools. Natsumi-chan went out with Yos.h.i.+no-chan to play in the city.”

“I see. ----They might not be uneasy yet but, we can’t keep them fooled for too long. Anyways, use all personnel and look for s.h.i.+dou’s whereabouts. I will head back to > soon too. We have to find him before the girls go home no matter what.”


Her subordinate’s reply came from the phone’s receiver. After Kotori ended the call, she put her phone into her pocket and separated from the wall.

And while changing her ribbons, she walked towards her friends eating their bentos with their tables joined together.

“Ah, Kotori-chan, you finished your call?”

“Who was it? Your brother?”

Her friends asked her. Kotori made a fuzzy smile before squatting down on the spot while holding her stomach.


“Wh-what’s wrong Kotori-chan, are you okay?”

“I-I feel a little sick……sorry, I am going back early today………can you tell teacher for me?”

“I don’t mind but…are you okay? Want to go to the nurse room?”

“It’s okay. Okay then, I am counting on you”

Kotori took her bag while making a painful face before slowly walking out of the cla.s.sroom and----aimed towards the rooftop instead of the entrance.

Part 2


After releasing a soft moan, s.h.i.+dou gradually opened his eyes.

“Where… I…..”

His view was hazy. s.h.i.+dou tried raising his right hand to rub his eyes and-----he raised his eyebrows.

His right hand wouldn’t move. No……more specifically, he could not bring his arms forward as if both his wrists were connected behind him.

After 10 seconds. Right in the middle of his consciousness that was gradually getting clearer, s.h.i.+dou noticed his hands were handcuffed behind him and he was sitting on a chair. What’s more in a polite manner, he was fastened to the chair with a rope around the torso, and incidentally, the legs of the chair were fixed into the ground. It was a persistent handiwork that gave him the impression that they did not want to let s.h.i.+dou out no matter what happens.

“What the heck is this………”

Luckily, he was not blindfolded or gagged. After s.h.i.+dou grumbled, he slowly turned his head and looked around the place that he was in.

It was the corner of a dark, abandoned building. There were cracks on the wall and a part of the ceiling was damaged, exposing the steel frame. It was giving off an aura that this place was away from human hands for a very long time.

Just why was he captured in a place like this? s.h.i.+dou twisted his head at that basic question------and immediately, he recalled the events that occurred before he fainted.

“Oh yeah, I was chasing after Origami……..”

Just when s.h.i.+dou said that, the door in front of him opened with a *giii* sound.

When he looked over there as he got attracted by the sound, he noticed Origami carrying a huge Boston bag and was standing there.

“Origami! What are you doing-----“

s.h.i.+dou said that before gasping.

“Don’t tell me you really joined DEM…..!?”


After Origami approached s.h.i.+dou silently, she put the Boston bag on the floor and started looking inside of it.

“Wh-what are you…….!”

He had no clue what she was going to bring out but, if Origami has really involved herself with the DEM then, s.h.i.+dou will probably be in some kind of trouble. A gun, knife, or maybe truth serum………..various ideas flew into s.h.i.+dou’s mind instantly.




In response to s.h.i.+dou’s predictions, the object Origami brought out was a PET bottle filled with mineral water.

“Wha-what’s this”

“Water. You’re thirsty right?”

Within this extremely weird situation, Origami asked him in an extremely normal manner. s.h.i.+dou raised his eyebrows in reflex from that odd feeling.

It’s true that his lips were dry but, he was hesitant to simply drink something given to him by the person that kidnapped him. He sent a suspicious gaze to Origami who was handing him water.

Maybe Origami noticed s.h.i.+dou’s feelings, she opened the PET bottle and *Gulp*, took a sip and drank the water inside the bottle to show him……….it seems she was telling him that there was no poison or anything similar inside.



No. He was wrong. Origami drank the water without swallowing and brought her lips closer to s.h.i.+dou’s lips like that.

Yes. It was like…………she was going to transfer the water to his mouth.

“S-Stop! I get it! I’ll take it! I’ll take it so let me drink it normally!”

“I see”

After hearing s.h.i.+dou’s words, Origami swallowed the water and said that with a slightly disappointed expression. She then handed over the opened PET bottle to him.


“A-aahh, then slowly-----Muguuuf!?”

Without hearing the end of s.h.i.+dou’s words, Origami shoved the PET bottle into s.h.i.+dou’s mouth. It was a forceful indirect kiss. He could not fight back since it was pushed towards him suddenly and he drank the water poured into his mouth like that.


After confirming that he drank the water, Origami pulled her hands back in satisfaction. And for some reason, she licked the mouth of the PET bottle before putting the lid back on.

He was curious about that action but……………well, forget it. He coughed violently as if he was choking before, looking back at Origami again.

“………so for starters, can you let me go”

“I can’t do that”

Origami replied back bluntly even though s.h.i.+dou said that.

But, that reaction was within his expectations. s.h.i.+dou slightly rocked his body and continued talking.

“Ah---……I get it I get it. Then can you at least unravel the rope one time, and let me bring my handcuffed hands forward?”

“Sorry. Please stay that way a little longer”

“Please. I have the urge to go to the toilet from just now. Even you don’t want me to leak here right?”


When he said that, Origami silently crouched down and looked into the Boston bag before taking a PET bottle out from inside again.

For an instant, he thought she was going to make him drink water again even though he said he wanted to go toilet but----he was wrong. s.h.i.+dou felt something was off immediately. There was no content in the PET bottle Origami was holding.

Origami opened the lid of the PET bottle while approaching s.h.i.+dou.


Even though s.h.i.+dou said that with sweat flowing down his cheeks, Origami did not stop. She placed the PET bottle on the floor before placing her hands on s.h.i.+dou’s belt and *Kacha**Kacha* was opening it while making that sound.

“Gyaaaaaaaaaaa! Gyaaaaaaaaaaa!”

Having guessed what Origami was thinking about, he twisted his body while rocking the chair.

“Hey! Its okay like I thought! It’s okay!”

“………..I see”

When s.h.i.+dou shouted, Origami looked somewhat disappointed while re-tying his belt.


s.h.i.+dou took a deep breath after breathing heavily and------calmed his heartbeat before looking back at Origami.

There was a mountains worth of things he wanted to say but…… isn’t the time for that. s.h.i.+dou continued talking in a soft tone.



“………Are you in DEM now?”


Origami replied back in a calm manner. s.h.i.+dou got let-down at her acting as if all this was nothing.

“Yes………wait, you should know what that place is right?”

“A rough idea”


“-----To get power”


After s.h.i.+dou brought his eyebrows closer, Origami started talking blandly.

Due to her continuous pile up of disobeying orders, they finally decided to discipline Origami.

And----in order to continue being a Wizard, there was no other way but to join the DEM.

“But even so…’s too dangerous!”

“I had no choice.-----There is no other way to gain power to defeat the Spirits”

In a quiet…….a shockingly quiet tone, Origami moved her lips. s.h.i.+dou could not make up any words after seeing that.

Most likely, Origami has a clearer picture of the company called DEM industries than s.h.i.+dou. She probably knows about agony and suffering that s.h.i.+dou could only think of since a long time ago. On top of that-----she chose this current situation. It wasn’t rejection. It wasn’t retaliation. s.h.i.+dou just felt a type of s.h.i.+ver when he heard Origami’s bland voice.

But, he can’t go down like this. s.h.i.+dou coughed to regain his composure and moved his mouth again.

“…….Then, kidnapping me was-----that Westcott’s orders? Just what are you going to do with me?”


After s.h.i.+dou said that, Origami slowly swung her head side-ways.

“It was my decision to bring s.h.i.+dou here. This matter is totally unrelated to DEM Company”


s.h.i.+dou’s face was smeared with bewilderment.

“What do you mean? Then why are you doing this”

“Personally, it was not my intentions to take your freedom away. I feel apologetic for this”

Origami looked away before continuing her words.

“It was an unavoidable procedure. In order to avoid dragging you into this, this was the most a.s.suring method”

“Wa-wait a second. What are you saying? In order to avoid dragging me in………? What the h.e.l.l is that about!”

Origami clenched her fist as if she was renewing her determination when he asked before opening her lips.

“----It’s the fight between me and the Spirits”


s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide in astonishment.

“Sp-spirits……and, who are they”

“Spirits are Spirits. Of course----“

Origami stopped her words for a moment and took a light breath before continuing on.

“----Yatogami Tohka and the rest are no exemptions”


s.h.i.+dou gasped. Even though it was just a few moments since he drank water, his throat was oddly dry. *Dokun**dokun* his heartbeat started becoming harder and it made him feel as if his whole body was shaking.

Fighting with Spirits. And----Killing the Spirits.

Now that he thinks about, these were the words Origami was saying ever since he first met her. She was an AST member that has a goal in defeating the Spirits so, this was normal. Of course, s.h.i.+dou has heard those words countless times already.


He never would have imagined his heart would be this painful even though those were words he was used to hearing.

“Wai-wait Origami! Your target is the Spirit that killed your parents 5 years ago right!? Tohka and the girls are not related in this!”

“----They are still spirits. They are dangerous. In order to avoid making people like me ever again, their existence cannot be forgiven”

“Wha……….! Tohka and the rest shouldn’t have any spirit readings on them now! You can’t target them in that condition, you said-----“

“That’s the policy the higher ups in the JGSDF gave. That’s also not my problem anymore now that I am out of the AST”


s.h.i.+dou groaned while puckering his face. It’s just as he says. Origami said she was obeying orders from the higher ups reluctantly.

Now that he thinks about it, Origami’s actions were no different from the start. She hates Spirits, detests Spirit, and wants to kill the Spirits.

But-------it can’t be helped for s.h.i.+dou to think that those actions were very warped.

Of course, the factor of s.h.i.+dou not wanting Origami and the Spirits to fight was big. However, even if he takes that point away, he still feels an odd feeling coming from Origami’s words.

s.h.i.+dou somehow managed to restrain his feelings for shouting and talked in a very calm tone.

“…….Hey, Origami. It’s already more than half a year since Tohka transferred into our school right?”


Of course, Origami was looking back at s.h.i.+dou. s.h.i.+dou felt that her gaze was a little different from not understanding what he was saying.

“Time sure flies huh. The Spirits that you were fighting with have mixed into this world you know? Of course Tohka wasn’t the only one. Yos.h.i.+no, Kaguya, Yuzuru, Natsumi, and naturally Kotori and Miku too………..everyone is living as [Humans]”

s.h.i.+dou said it as if he was urging her.

“Origami……………are you going to say nothing changed after seeing them for this long? The Spirits are only Spirits…………..are you going to say they have to be killed because their existence are dangerous…!?”


Origami twitched her eyebrows for the first time, when s.h.i.+dou said that.

She then slowly walked to the corner of the room and raised her right hand before *gaa*! She punched the wall.

“…….I know that”


“Yatogami Tohka and the other Spirits are still spirits, and that didn’t change. They are my target for revenge.--------that was supposed to be the case”

After Origami said that in a slightly trembling voice, she continued her monologue.

“I could not forgive myself for slowly changing my recognition after spending time with them. 5 years ago on that day, I should have vowed to have my revenge on the Spirits and yet, I got scared…………for getting used to this situation”

After saying that, Origami punched the wall once more.

“The reason why I joined DEM was not only because of the AST’s disciplinary punishment. Before I could notice this situation-------I started forgiving the days with Yatogami Tohka in it”


s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide and cramped his voice.

“Why------why is that wrong! You should know that too! Tohka and the rest just want to live a normal life!”

“………no. I can’t forgive that. As long as they are Spirits”

Origami separated her fist from the wall before turning her back to s.h.i.+dou in a relaxed state.

“The Spirits aren’t the only thing I am going to kill. I am going to kill the me who formed a connection to them before I knew it. With Yatogami Tohka’s life-----I will regain myself”

After saying that, Origami left the room. *Batann* the door closed together with that sound, and fragments from a part of the wall fell off.

“Wait! Origami! Please wait!”

s.h.i.+dou twisted his body while shouting desperately. But the restraints that she put on carefully would not come off easily.

However, he could not give up because of that. If this goes on, the fight between Origami and the girls cannot be avoided.

“d.a.m.n…….! Origami! Origami!”

s.h.i.+dou used all his strength to shake his body and shouted until his throat was close to breaking.

Part 3

“--------Is it okay, Ike. To let her move by her own judgment”

In the highest suite room of a hotel located in east Tenguu, Ellen Mira Mathers spoke in a quiet tone.

She was a characteristic girl with light Nordic blonde hair, blue eyes, snow white skin and a slender body. However, the atmosphere of her outward features were not giving off the feeling of a fleeting sheltered lady, but rather it was the atmosphere of a veteran soldier.

“I don’t mind”

However, the man sitting opposite of Ellen did not get swallowed up by her atmosphere and replied back in a relaxed manner.

“It’s true that I plan to look at the situation for a while but, she finally decided to do something. There is no need to discourage our young Wizard right.-----well, that just happened recently anyways. The bribe needed for the JGSDF became larger than usual”

It was a young man around his mid-thirties. He has dark ash blonde hair and blade-sharp eyes. His eyes filled with darkness could make the people facing him feel an indescribable anxiety.

Sir Isaac Rey Peram Westcott. He was the managing director of the huge world famous company, DEM industries.

“You mean that…..huh”

Ellen turned slightly discouraged when she heard Westcott’s words.

Nonetheless, it was only natural. That’s because a few days ago, both Westcott and Ellen were close to having an artificial satellite fall onto their heads by the hands of DEM Company’s Board of directors.

The situation somehow got resolved and all the board members including the mastermind- Roger Murdoch were arrested but…………..Ellen was still feeling unsatisfied because she was not given any specific orders by Westcott on how to punish them.

Maybe he guessed what she was thinking, Westcott purposely shrugged his shoulders and continued talking.

“Of course, I have no plans to overturn the plan we’ve been going through until now.-----however, it’s also true that I want the data that occurs in various cases. We have that many Spirits gathered there. It’s possible to turn one or two of them into Sephira crystals”

After saying that, Westcott made his mouth turn into a smile.

“Also, It’s about time I want ’s battle data. Our target is still the Spirit. Shooting down a dropping bomb is not enough to measure its true strength.-----You want to see how amazing she is too right? Well, if she brings out a power more than our expectations then-------we might have to stop her before she kills off all the Spirits”

Westcott looked back at Ellen while continuing on. Ellen made a small sigh while nodding.

It was just as Westcott says. Ellen also wanted to grasp the ability of that girl----Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami.

Although there were records of her data and AST battle records, it was to the end something recorded with her using the official equipment’s provided by the AST. She wants to know how strong is Origami when she fights the Spirits using the DEM industries latest CR-unit ----the sister unit of Ellen’s . That’s because, she scouted her to support her for the missions that are going to come.

“Understood. I will work behind the scenes this time”

After Ellen said that, Westcott giggled.

“You look unsatisfied”

“No that is not true”

“Whenever you lie, your eyebrows will go closer so I understood immediately”


She immediately touched the s.p.a.ce between her eyebrows with her right hand. But…………..there wasn’t really any wrinkles formed there.

Westcott smiled happily when he saw Ellen do that.

“It’s a joke.


Ellen put her hand back to its usual spot and this time, she made an obvious unpleasant face while looking at Westcott.

“Haha, don’t get looks so angry, my cute little Ellen.-----I want you to handle a different target this time”

“….Different target?”

When Ellen asked dubiously, Westcott [Yes] nodded.

“If Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami targets and the rest, a hindrance will definitely disturb them”

Ellen twitched her cheeks when she heard Westcott’s words.



Westcott nodded.

Yes, the Spirits in this city did not gather by just some kind of coincidence. It was because they were under the protection of the organization that protects Spirits----.

And they know that has an airs.h.i.+p that protects and observes the Spirits, handles the s.p.a.ce quakes, and also it has the power to oppose DEM whose goal is to destroy/capture Spirits.

If Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami targets the spirits then, there was no mistake that they will interrupt her. What’s more, currently has Takamiya Mana the DEM Company’s previous number 2 with them. If she appears then, Origami might not have the chance to target the Spirits.

“So, you want me to handle Mana?”

Westcott slowly swung his head when Ellen asked.


“? Then who”

“I contacted HQ yesterday-----I told them to send here”


Ellen opened her eyes wide when she heard Westcott’s words.

She immediately understood Westcott’s words.

“-------Are you telling me to stop the s.h.i.+p?”

“It helps that you understand fast”

Westcott raised the edge of his lips and smiled.

“The fight on Arubi island, the fight at the j.a.pan branch company, and also the matter with the artificial satellite-----behind all those events, ’s airs.h.i.+p was involved in. There is no mistake for this time too, that s.h.i.+p will b.u.t.t in too. Well………….I might have to express my thanks to them regarding the last matter though”

Westcott said that while shrugging his shoulders in a joking manner. But Ellen replied back with her expression still not changed.

“--------Is it really okay? I can’t hold back if I use . It won’t end with me slowing them down”

“Aah. I leave this matter to you. Handle it as you see fit. If it falls because of something like that then, it means that it"s the end of their s.h.i.+p”

Ellen replied with a deep nod after hearing Westcott’s words.

Part 4

The school without s.h.i.+dou ended and it was after school. The clear sky during the morning was now cloudy as if it was going to rain any second now. Maybe it was an a.s.sist to the sunset, the surroundings was already dark.

Under that sky, Tohka and the Yamai sisters from the neighboring cla.s.s were walking towards the mansion beside the Itsuka house.

“Fuun, but s.h.i.+dou really is weak huh, for heading back early. Looks like I have to train him a bit”

“Consent. He is really weak. It is decided that he will be running starting tomorrow”

From behind, Kaguya and Yuzuru’s voice could be heard in order. While walking, Tohka looked behind her and saw two identical girls standing beside each other.

On the right, the girl was making a face filled with confidence-Yamai Kaguya while on the left; the girl was making a sleepy face-Yamai Yuzuru. They are twin Spirits that were hard to distinguish if someone took a quick look at them but… is possible to distinguish them by their obvious body structure if they slightly lower their sights.

“Please don’t say that. s.h.i.+dou must have some kind of reason”

After Tohka said that, Kaguya and Yuzuru shrugged their shoulders at the same time.

“Kaka, I know that. It’s just a joke. Well, it’s the truth that I am thinking of training him a little though”

“Question. Now that I think back, I heard master Origami transferred schools. Is s.h.i.+dou going back early related to that?”

Yuzuru asked while tilting her head. Tohka brought her eyebrows closer in a troubled manner.

“Muu…………..It’s true that s.h.i.+dou disappeared right after he heard that she transferred. It might be related”

Kaguya and Yuzuru both *Fufuun* snorted after hearing Tohka’s words.

“Kuku……..Just like I thought. This certainly is suspicious”

“Agree. It smells of a scheme”

“Suspicious? It doesn’t smell anything like flour [10b 1]?”

“No, I don’t mean that……..”

Kaguya scratched her cheeks while sweat was flowing down her forehead, when Tohka said that while tilting her head. For some reason, Kaguya’s voice tone would sometimes change.

After walking while having that conversation, the Spirit mansion they live in could be seen not long later.


Tohka stopped at that moment. Beside the Mansion----in front of s.h.i.+dou’s house, there was a girl standing there.

It was a tall girl in a sailor uniform with her bluish purple hair fluttering by the wind. She has meaty proportions like a model and a lovely face. However, that expression now was being clouded in boredom.


It seems that girl noticed the girls. The gloomy expression turned bright and she ran towards the girls with both her hands spread out.

“Tohka-saaaaan, Kaguya-saaaaan, Yuzuru-saaaan”


Tohka, Kaguya, Yuzuru felt danger at the same time and dodged from the spot. However, since the girl charged at them without letting off any momentum, she hugged the telephone pole just like that.

“Nguh! Moou, why did you dodge it”

After saying that, [Puu--] she pouted her lips and while maintaining the posture of a koala hanging onto a tree, the girl let out an unsatisfied voice.

She had a beautiful voice which sounded like a clear bell. But it isn’t any surprise at all; she"s currently j.a.pan’s most popular top idol while at the same time a student of Rindouji girl academy; she was called Izayoi Miku.

“No, before that, why did you charge at us!?”

“Eeh? It’s obviously a hug. It’s a display of my affection”

Tohka asked her with a shout and Miku replied back as if it was normal.

“I-is that so……..?”

“That’s right. Everyone does it. Come on, Tohka-chan too”

After saying that, Miku left the telephone pole and spread her arms to Tohka. Tohka somehow gradually felt Miku’s words were true after looking at that open state.


But, both sides of her shoulders got grabbed tightly from behind.

“D-don’t get fooled my kinsman!”

“Warning. It smells like a lie”

“……….! I-it’s just like I thought!”

Tohka immediately twitched her shoulders and stopped. Miku made her eyebrows look like a 八 in disappointment.

“Aaaahn, no waaay. You don’t have to worry; I will give Kaguya and Yuzuru a good strong hug too”

“I didn’t ask for that!”

“Shudder. My chast.i.ty is in danger”

Kaguya and Yuzuru hugged their own shoulders and backed off. Miku *Ahaha* laughed after looking at them like that.

“Mu………by the way Miku, what are you doing here?”

When Tohka asked her, Miku blinked her eyes in surprise before hitting her hand as if she recalled something.

“Yes oh yes! That’s right, I came here to darling’s place to play after school ended but, no one was here and that made me bored. I tried going to the mansion next door but, it seems everyone was out”

Miku said that in a bored manner. Tohka and the Yamai sisters looked at each other when she heard those words.

“? What’s wrong?”

“No……..s.h.i.+dou isn’t back yet?”

“Yes. There was no reply even though I pressed the chime many times. It seems Kotori-chan isn’t at home too”

“………….Fuun, it might be related with the Origami case”

“Consent. There might be something to it”

The Yamai sisters placed their hands on their chins while talking with each other. Miku pouted her lips again in dissatisfaction again.

“Mouu, explain to me too please! Just what is going on?”


Tohka gave a summarized explanation. And in a blink of an eye, several senses of urgency and a curiosity could be sensed coming from Miku.

“Fuumu, It really is suspicious………..A danger might be approaching darling”

“Da-danger? What do you mean?”

Tohka was sweating from those unrestful words and Miku made one finger stand before continuing on.

“Try thinking about it. First off, there is no mistake that darling went back early from school because he went to find Origami-san’s whereabouts right? And, he isn’t back home in this late hour would mean……….”

“………….? Doesn’t that mean he hasn’t find Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami yet?”

Miku swung her head at Tohka’s words.

“If that’s the case, then he would at least contact us. Which means…………it’s just that. If darling got captured by Origami instead then, there might be a possibility that he is getting licked all over now!”


All three of them opened their eyes wide. Impossible-----s.h.i.+dou is currently being!?

But, judging by Origami’s daily behavior, it can’t be pa.s.sed off as a simple joke. The three of them shuddered.

“We can’t stay here! Let’s hurry and find darling!”

After saying that, Miku raised her fist up energetically. Tohka and the Yamai sisters too, [Oooh!] raised their right fists as if to continue with her.

But-----at that moment.


A very loud siren echoed through the area.

“Mu, this is……..”

“s.p.a.ce quake alarm……..?”

Miku made a bitter face while mumbling.

However, she had no choice but to do so. The alarm ringing would mean that, the search for s.h.i.+dou has to be stopped.

A s.p.a.ce quake, just like its name says, is an earthquake occurring on s.p.a.ce. It’s a disaster that occurs unexpectedly------and the reason for it was the appearance of Spirits like the Tohka and girls, although the facts were not announced to the public.

“Fuu…… this is the appearance of a new Spirit huh”

“Interested. I wonder what kind of Spirit it is”

The Yamai sisters stroke their chins while saying it in deep interest. However, Miku swung her head as if to warn them.

“You can’t, both of you. If the s.p.a.ce quake alarm sounds then, you have to evacuate to the shelter”

“Mu…..i-I know that. I just wanted to say that”

“Disappointed. We have no choice. Let’s evacuate”

Kaguya and Yuzuru nodded bitterly and headed towards the nearest shelter in the area.

“M-muu……….but s.h.i.+dou is……….”

But, Tohka brought her eyebrows closer in a troubled manner.

They have to evacuate when the alarm rings. She knows that. But, s.h.i.+dou might be in some kind of crisis. Origami might have finished licking him if she waited for the s.p.a.ce quake to settle down. Tohka was troubled and did not move from the spot.

And at that moment.

“-----there is no need for that”

A quiet voice came from behind.


Tohka turned around dubiously----and opened her eyes wide.

That’s because, the person called Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami who she just found out transferred schools this morning was standing there.

“Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami……..? What are you doing here”

“Houu? To think you would appear by your own will. Did you realize that it’s useless to hide and run from my magic eye?”

“Wonder. Master Origami. Is it true that you transferred?”

“Ahh, Origami-san. Isn’t darling with you?”

“………………..” Even though everyone opened their mouth, Origami did not reply to any of them. She just silently------looked at them with a freezing-cold glare.

While bringing her eyebrows closer and looking at that glare, Tohka opened her mouth again.

“…………, what do you mean by not needing to evacuate?”

“The s.p.a.ce quake won’t occur”


Tohka wrung her neck after hearing Origami’s words.

“Isn’t this a s.p.a.ce quake alarm? Everyone is evacuating you know”

After saying that, Tohka spread her arms to show Origami the surrounding state. The residents quickly jumped out from their houses when they heard the s.p.a.ce quake alarm and headed towards the nearest shelter.

However, Origami silently-------(as if she was waiting for the nearby residents to get away from the place)-----continued staring at Tohka and the rest before finally opening her mouth.

“This alarm was ringed by my request. Actually, neither Spirits nor AST will appear”

“What did you say…………..? Why did you do such a-----“

After Tohka asked again, Origami looked at the girls in order once more and took a deep breath to calm her heart before taking out a dog tag from her pocket and lightly placing it on her forehead.

“----To defeat you all here”

In an instant, Origami’s body gave off a pale light and her body was wearing the Wizard armor----the CR-unit.

It had dark grey composition and a sharp form. It had deployed X shaped thrusters and the giant equipment’s loaded on her hips were characteristic.

It was not the AST official equipment that Origami usually wears. Although the weapon types were different, it closely resembles the unit the DEM industries Wizard-Ellen Mathers uses.


She let out a surprised voice at Origami’s sudden actions. However, Origami did not bother about that and swung her right hand forward. And as if to match that action, the weapons equipped on her hips transformed, deployed and was being held on Origami’s hand.

It was a huge Maryoku cannon as big as Origami. After Origami prepared that with one hand, she pulled the trigger without any hesitation at all. Just when an eye-glaring light appeared in the cannon, an enormous Maryoku torrent came out from it and headed towards the girls.


After Tohka gasped, she immediately carried Miku and jumped towards the left. And at the same timing, the Yamai sisters kicked the ground and jumped upwards.

In the next moment, the place the girls were standing just now got erased by Origami’s maryoku cannon. The asphalt ground and concrete wall were the victims. All of them got blown away by a straight line from Origami.

If they were to jump away a few seconds later then, the girls would probably be erased like the wall. Tohka took a glance at the tip of her hair that touched the attack and glared at Origami.

“Wha-what are you doing all of a sudden! Isn’t that dangerous!”

“I told you already. I will defeat you----Spirits”

After saying that in a cold voice, Origami pointed the cannon to Tohka and Miku. There was neither doubt nor hesitation in her eyes at all.

Different from the usual Origami, her sights were painted with pure hostility and killing intent. Tohka gulped looking at her weird state.


No-----it’s different. Tohka clenched her teeth as if to recall back. Tohka has seen this Origami before.

It was over half a year ago. Before Tohka met s.h.i.+dou, the AST Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami that would attack her each time Tohka appeared in this world would show the same kind of eyes like now. The girl that hates the Spirits, detest the Spirits and had her whole existence devoted into killing Spirits. The current Origami was just like her previous self.

Yes. She did not notice until now since she usually sees her in school but, Origami clearly has changed in the past half of the year. Of course, s.h.i.+dou’s existence played an important role for that but-------it was quiet but gradual that her hatred towards Tohka and the Yamai sisters was different from when she first met her.

But now.

“Why--------why did you turn back, Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami!”


Origami did not care even though Tohka shouted. She remained silent and pulled the trigger again.


It was too late even though she jumped away while carrying Miku again. Origami’s finger moved faster than Tohka’s movements by one tempo.

But at that moment, the cannon pointed to Tohka suddenly moved upwards.

The reason was immediately identified. The Yamai Sisters that jumped upwards from the cannon attack just now manifested their Limit Astral Dress and attacked Origami from the sky.

The dense light of Maryoku was shot towards the sky. However, the Yamai sisters twisted their bodies mid-air and dodged it by a paper thin difference.

“Kukuh, good job noticing!”

“Admiration. As expected from Master Origami”

Kaguya and Yuzuru performed a somersault before descending down in front of Origami as if to protect Tohka and Miku. They then took a cool pose while, pointing the Angel in their hand towards Origami.

“Well then, I’ll listen to your excuse just in case, Origami. This is too much for a joke, no?”

“Interrogate. Please answer us Master Origami. I don’t want to fight you”

“There is no need to answer”

Faster than her words, Origami converted the Maryoku cannon and manifested a huge blade formed from Maryoku on the tip of the cannon. She then prepared that laser blade and charged towards the Yamai sisters. She most likely bounced her body by using the Territory; it was an acceleration with no useless actions. If it was a normal opponent then, they would probably be cut down before even responding to her moves.

However, the opponent Origami was dealing with now was the Yamai sisters known for being the Spirits with the highest mobility. After dodging that attack both of them, started crossing weapons with Origami.

But, the battle situation couldn"t be said to be good. The Yamai sister’s movements were probably obstructed by Origami’s spread out Territory. Not long later, Origami started pus.h.i.+ng both of them back.

“Kuh----Miku, we are going to save those two!”


The Yamai sisters were in danger at this rate. The moment she thought that, light started covering Tohka’s body and it took the form of her Astral Dress.


She shouted and thrust her right hand forward. Light particles gathered from nowhere when she did that and Tohka’s Angel manifested. It was . The strongest sword that was able to cut through anything.

At the same time, several pipes appeared around Origami and sound started producing near them. ----it was Miku. Just like Tohka and the Yamai sisters, Miku manifested her limit Astral dress and Angel- and started making an elegant song by playing her light keyboard.



Origami slightly frowned her eyebrows. The [Sound] produced by Miku’s angel- was restraining Origami’s body.

She had no intention of killing Origami. But, it was also fact that they can’t have a normal conversation like this. After Tohka exchanged sights with the Yamai sisters up in the sky, they matched their timing and flew towards Origami from 3 directions at the same time.


She swung at Origami. At the same time, Kaguya’s lance approached her from the upper right while Yuruzu’s pendulum approached her from the upper left.

There was no place to run, it was in perfect timing. No matter if Origami was wearing the DEM equipment’s, there was no way she would run off un-scattered if she takes on the attack of three Angels at the same time.




The pipes surrounding Origami in a radius got blown away the moment Origami made a strong shout. At the same time, Tohka felt the hallucination as if she got grabbed by an invisible hand.


She remembers this feeling. Yes, this was a super dense Territory------it"s quite similar to the move Ellen Mathers used to capture her. As if she got thrown into very thick mud, she could not move her limbs as she liked and it became hard to breathe.

Nonetheless, this feeling won’t last that long. Turning it into time, it will last probably around 3 seconds.

However, the girls" position switched with Origami’s within that small 3 seconds.


Origami put Maryoku inside the laser blade and slashed.



“Regret. Uguh”

Although they managed to barely block her blade, they could not kill off the impact force. Tohka, Kaguya and Yuzuru let out painful groans before getting blown away in 3 different directions.


“Ev-everyone! Are you all okay!?”

Miku’s worried voice echoed from behind. But, Tohka could not reply back to her. The reason was simple. Origami who blew them all away was sending a sharp glare at her without lowering her guard down.

If she looks away for an instant, her head will probably fly up to the sky in that instant. Tohka could not feel that this was a joke.

---Origami was seriously trying to kill the girls.

The words Origami chanted just now has finally sunk into her body.

And now, Origami gained the power to do so.

---Lets settle things by knocking her out? Hold back my strength to the point that I can’t kill her and listen to her? She became aware of how naïve her thoughts were a few minutes ago.

Right now in front of her was the strongest enemy who has power worthy of her will of destruction. I have to kill her----or I will be killed.

That was her battlefield common sense she should have thrown away half a year ago. That cold feeling pierced Tohka’s heart.


But, Tohka gulped.

Even though she was aware of that, Tohka did not have the will to kill Origami.

---Origami wasn’t the only one that changed in this period of half a year. Tohka finally noticed this now. During the perioot that she had spent time with her, her hatred and hostility to Origami had turned into something else compared to the first time she met her.

“-----What are you doing, Tohka!”


She twitched her shoulders when she suddenly heard Kaguya’s voice.-----During the time Tohka was thinking, Origami took this chance to close in right in front of her.



A merciless attack struck Tohka. Her armor which was supposed to be absolute got cut apart and blood scattered around.

Part 5

“s.p.a.ce quake alarm….!? Is there a Reiha nearby?”

In the bridge of the air s.h.i.+p floating up 15,000 meters above Tenguu city, Kotori with a crimson jacket on her shoulders raised her voice.

Just when she was finding s.h.i.+dou’s whereabouts from , the Tenguu city s.p.a.ce quake alarm suddenly echoed.

“Th-There is no Reiha standing out in the area!”

Operating the detection device at the lower bridge Minowa raised her voice.

Kotori frowned from the expected reply. There was no way loaded with the world’s highest cla.s.s Reiha detection device would fall behind the JGSDF. Then just what was----

“So this is a……false alarm?”

“……….No, it might be dangerous to decide that”

The person that replied Kotori was a woman with a sleepy expression and splendid thick shades under her eyes.

It was a.n.a.lyst officer and Kotori’s best friend, Murasame Reine.

“What do you mean?”

“……….Try recalling back. A few months ago, a s.p.a.ce quake alarm like now was issued during the time s.h.i.+n infiltrated the DEM j.a.pan branch too”

Kotori twitched her eyebrows after hearing Reine’s words. It’s true that there is a possibility for DEM, or maybe the JGSDF higher ups to ring the alarm.

“Which means----this is to ward people off? Are they trying to do something so big that they require the residents to evacuate?”

“……….The possibility of that is enough. At the very least, it’s more dangerous to think that this was a false alarm”

It’s just as Reine says. After Kotori made the Chupa Chups she was eating stand, she sent her voice towards the lower bridge.

“This is urgent; please investigate the situation within the alarm’s radius. Take one part of the automated camera searching s.h.i.+dou to----“

In the middle of Kotori’s words, an extremely loud alarm echoed in the bridge.

“………! What is it!?”

“Yes! Thi-this is-----I confirmed a strong Maryoku reading coming from nearby commander’s house! Tohka-chan and the others are there too!”

“What did you say? Display it, Hurry!”


The same time the crew operated the consoles, the familiar image of her house was shown on the bridge"s main monitor.


But, Kotori gasped in fear after looking at that image.

That’s only normal. That’s because, Tohka, the Yamai sisters, and Miku were----confronting in front of the Itsuka house Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami in a DEM CR-unit.

“Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami………!? Why is she over there!”

She could easily see that Origami was not there for a peaceful conversation. Actually, Origami started attacking the girls immediately when Kotori raised her voice.


“I-it’s a crazy value of Maryoku! It cannot be compared to her previous ones at all! At this rate, the girls not in their complete Astral Dress will……….!”

Kawagoe’s shout echoed from the lower bridge. Kotori frowned her face in detest.

She didn"t know what happened between Origami and DEM. But, it was also a fact that the girls are now in danger. She raised her right hand forward and raised her voice.

Maximum speed ahead! We are going to retrieve the girls! If we are in trouble then deploy the and have it support us!”


The same time the crew members replied all at once, the motor sound slightly got louder and the bridge shook a little. The then changed its course towards Kotori’s house and-----


In an instant, their movements stopped because of a strong impact.

“What’s going on!?”

“I-it’s an attack from outside! Territory 30 percent down!”

“………..! Enemy sighted at 3 o’ clock! This is----an airs.h.i.+p!”

“What did you say………!?”

The same time Kotori shouted, a giant s.h.i.+p"s image was shown on the main monitor.

More specifically--------an empty s.p.a.ce distorted and an air s.h.i.+p appeared from it.

Nonetheless, of course there was no way a giant cl.u.s.ter of iron appeared out of nowhere. It must have deployed a stealth cover just like the .

“This is………”

Kotori lost her words after seeing the s.h.i.+p shown on the monitor.

It was a s.h.i.+p with the same size as and had a fluid exterior. It was a beautiful s.h.i.+p with gold decorations covering everywhere on its silver body.

As long as there are only 2 companies in the world that can manufacture Realizers, it’s most likely a DEM s.h.i.+p but, it had the impression that it was quite different from the last 2 s.h.i.+ps Kotori and the group saw until now. But the s.h.i.+p in front of right now looked like it was made for high-cla.s.s personal to ride on and had aspects as if it was prepared for some sort of etiquette.

But, Kotori swung her head to deny her own thoughts.

The airs.h.i.+p uses the permanent territory produced by the Realizer to make its huge body to float and it’s an existence that should not appear on the [Surface] of history. Even if the s.h.i.+p was decorated like a carriage, it would not be displayed anywhere and even before that problem, no matter how whimsical the DEM company was, there was no way they would use a show-off specialized s.h.i.+p to attack .

Even though it looks unsuitable in this spot------the s.h.i.+p floating in front of them right now, it was an emissary of destruction created with the intentions to destroy by DEM industries.

“*Tsk* at a time like this!”

No……… was probably because the time was now that they appeared. Kotori clenched her teeth. It was hard to think that a s.h.i.+p would appear around Origami when she appeared in front of the Spirits without any reason. Most likely, they came to a conclusion that Kotori and the group will try to save the girls and prepared the s.h.i.+p in the sky just so that it could obstruct them from doing so.

The stealth cover was used to blend into the surroundings by manipulating the Territory but, in order to fully display that function, the s.h.i.+p must stay still on the spot. If it were to sail while maintaining its camouflage, the surrounding scenery would seem distorted, although it was just by a little.

When Kotori was biting her teeth in frustration, an alarm echoed suddenly from the speaker. “uh, Just what is it”

When Kotori asked, s.h.i.+zaki on the lower bridge operated the console----and gasped in shock.

“This………is a transmission! We received a transmission line to from the concerned s.h.i.+p!”


Kotori brought her eyebrows closer in suspicion and replied back.

“Link it please”


At the same time with s.h.i.+zaki’s words, a window was displayed on the monitor and a girl was shown on it. She had light blonde hair and blue eyes to show that she was a westerner. Her absolute confidence in herself could be felt from that elegant expression.

“------This should be our first meeting I think. I thank you for replying to the transmission”

The girl said it with fluent j.a.panese. Kotori unintentionally gasped after seeing the girl.

“…………., Ellen Mathers…..!?”

Yes. The person shown on the screen was the DEM industries 2nd executive Wizard- Ellen Mathers.


Gasps could be heard coming from the crew’s at the lower bridge.

But it was only natural. That’s because the girl being shown now was someone with a body that can take on a Spirit, known as humanity’s strongest Wizard and was targeted to be someone they should watch out for the most.

Ellen twitched the side of her eyebrows.

“So you know of me. This is an honor.----Itsuka Kotori”

After saying that, she said Kotori’s name as her reply. It seems the other side has investigated them too. Unlike her elegant appearance, she was a girl that hated to lose. Kotori *Fuun* snorted and glared at Ellen.

“…………yes, you have a problem with it? Is a middle-School kid like me acting as commander bad or something?”

“No way. Personal abilities are not related to looks or age. To display my respect to you who has been obstructing our plans until now, I will honestly say I do not dislike that way of you”

Without saying it in a joking manner, Ellen replied back. Unable to grasp any of her plots, Kotori lightly narrowed her eyes.

“Thank you.-----So, what business does the world’s strongest Wizard have with us? Is it an invitation for tea time? We are busy now.

Even though she said it ironically, Ellen did not move her expression at all. She replied back to Kotori’s question in a bland tone.

“I have 2 requests-----one. I will give you all 3 minutes so, whoever wants to live please evacuate the s.h.i.+p”

“What did you say……..?”

Kotori’s gaze turned even sharper after Ellen’s words and she *Fuun* snorted.

“Don’t tell me, you"re saying you are going to shoot this down?”

“I won’t deny that possibility that it might happen. However, huh………….Is that the name of that s.h.i.+p. I see, it"s really smart to use the world tree’s name.---Was Elliot the one who named it?”

Kotori slightly opened her eyes wider when she heard the name Ellen brought up.

He was the founder of and the chairman of the decision-making organization-Rounds, Elliot Baldwin Woodman was his name.

But there was something bothering her even more compared to that right now. She made a hateful sigh and glared at the screen with sniping-like eyes.

“Aren’t you a looking down on a little too much?”

“These are my words but, aren’t you the ones that"s underestimating me? Underestimating the performance of this and----my power”


Jest could not be seen from her state as expected. She was seriously saying that. She was seriously saying that her s.h.i.+p would beat this ---The airs.h.i.+p made by the joint effort of all of Asgard electronics techniques.

“Fuun………….Then why go all the way and try to decrease my crew numbers? It sounds like you were trying to cut our battle potential by using words because you can’t win at this rate you know?”

“That is related to the other request”

Ellen said it in a calm tone. She was someone impossible to shake. Kotori clicked her tongue in frustration before continuing her words.

“…………Fuuun? So, what is the other request?”

Ellen made a thin sigh when Kotori said that and took a deep bow.

“Yes. The person who manages to escape this fight, I have a message for Elliot that I want you to send”



After Ellen made a quiet nod------it was the first time her flat voice had emotions in it.

“-----Elliot. Elliot. You betrayer. You who betrayed our vow. Please prepare yourself. No matter where you hide, I will definitely find you and I will cut off that head of yours”


Kotori gasped in reflex at the stern tone that was unthinkable judging by Ellen’s speech until now.

Ellen coughed before returning to that unconcerned face like just now and looked towards Kotori.

“That is all. ----Well then, I will now give you all 3 minutes from now. Please go ahead and evacuate”

“………..You all heard her”

Kotori looked down at the crew on the lower bridge while saying that after hearing Ellen’s words.

“Our enemy is humanity’s strongest. I don’t mind if you all want to run”

She said it seriously without any hint of joking in it.

The crew twitched their shoulders for an instant when she said that but however, everyone *Nii* raised the sides of their lips.

“……….No way. I wouldn’t have come to the Commander’s side in the first place if I was going to run ”

“Yes, is there a difference between death and leaving the commander here?”

“That’s right. Who the heck is humanity’s strongest, let’s show her our power”

“Your orders please, commander. I wrote my will a long time ago”

“M-me too, I already set my D-drive at home to delete all of its data when I die……..!”

Every member of the crew said that.

As if to continue from that, Kannazuki behind the commander seat made a big nod.

“Of course. But well, it’s also hard to throw away the chance to get punished by the commander for running away though”


She silently stomped on Kannazuki’s foot. [KyaaOO!] A strange voice filled with ecstasy came from behind.

Kotori snorted and made a small sigh before looking back at the screen.

“----And there you have it”

“Is that so. How disappointing”

Not showing a disappointed expression, Ellen said that. Kotori swung her hand and sent her orders to the lower bridge.

“Parallel activate AR-008, from number 3 to number 6! Initiate Maryoku charge, prepare ! Target at 3 o’ clock! DEM airs.h.i.+p----!!”


As if they got bounced by Kotori’s voice, the crew members started operating their consoles all at once.

After seeing that response, Ellen narrowed her eyes and sat straight in the chair. No------the shape was a little different from a chair. It looks like a slanted oxygen capsule machine. It either looks like a hibernation device that often appears in movies or maybe, a metallic coffin.

She then took out a headset. Although the shape was different, she deployed the same thing that the has too.


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