Date A Live

Chapter 2: Twelve PhotosPart 1

Chapter 2: Twelve PhotosPart 1

Monday, October, 16.

At school, Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami was sitting on her a.s.signed seat made a soft sigh.


She had hair that tickled the tip of her shoulders, a slender body, and an unperceivable doll-like face.

But if one was close to her, they might notice the slightly gloomy face Origami was making right now. The reason was simple.

Yesterday evening. A s.p.a.cequake omen was observed in the outskirts of Tenguu city and the evacuation announcement was proclaimed nearby.

Which means------------the appearance of a Spirit. The AST members moved out promptly and attacked the Spirit.

However, without being added into the AST member operation team, Origami obeyed the alarm and went to the shelter with everyone and could only wait for the Spirit’s threat to disperse.

Impatient. Irritated. In spite having the power to pull a trigger, she was not permitted to do so.

That was the reason of the slight discord on Origami’s usually flat expression.

Nonetheless, it was something inevitable.

Last month, she used the annihilation armor enshrined in the hangar without permission and attacked friendly troops. In the end, she pointed her fangs towards the DEM wizards that were wearing irregular equipment.

As a result, during the time before her punishment, Origami was put into a light house arrest state and was prohibited from using any AST related equipment.

Naturally, on top of the original unarguable punishment, she was in a state where she was sentenced with several criminal penalties. But, because it was an irrational action in relation to DEM this time from the other side, there were many voices protecting Origami inside the JGSDF so the discussion regarding the decision of her punishment were dragged on. Considering this, it could be said Origami was once again blessed with fortune.

However, if that was the only thing needed to dispel Origami’s disposition, then that might not be the case. Different from the previous reason, there was one more. There was an event occurrence that made Origami’s feelings discomposed.


Origami mumbled in a soft voice where no one could hear it, and looked right.

Yes. Origami’s right seat was still empty.

Origami’s most beloved person, Itsuka s.h.i.+dou’s seat.

There was still time for morning homeroom. It was not like s.h.i.+dou’s absence was fixed.

But……………….Origami has one pending matter.

She quietly left her seat, and stood in front of----------the seat further right of s.h.i.+dou’s seat


Like that, the girl that sat over there probably noticed Origami’s existence and while releasing a doubtful voice, she looked over with unpleasant eyes.

“……………What is with you, something you want?”

The girl--------Yatogami Tohka sent a glare toward Origami while saying that.

Origami’s pending matter was this girl’s existence. In a somewhat unpleasant way, since this girl’s house was nearby s.h.i.+dou’s, they happened to come to school together a lot.

“s.h.i.+dou hasn’t come yet?”

When Origami asked, Tohka [Muu] distorted her expression [Tsuun!] before turning the other way.

“Fuun! I won’t tell you that s.h.i.+dou had something to do right now and is going to be a little late!”


Looks like, s.h.i.+dou has something to do right now and is going to be late a little.

If that is the case, overstaying is useless. Origami silently returned to her seat. Originally, there was no reason to have a conversation with Yatogami Tohka unless it was needed to.

Probably getting angry from Origami’s att.i.tude, Tohka [Beeh] brought out her tongue. In every direction of the cla.s.sroom, everyone else looked at the sequence with tired familiarity.

Then the cla.s.sroom door opened and a young man entered.

And, at that moment.

With handsome facial features and kind eyes. Yes. It was Origami’s lover, Itsuka s.h.i.+dou.

“! Oooh s.h.i.+dou!”

Origami looked at Tohka with annoyance, while Tohka’s expression completely changed as she stood up from her seat after raising her bouncy voice.

When she did that, s.h.i.+dou twitched his eyebrows as if he noticed, and Tohka walked over to him.

“You were fast! Is your things to do done?"

“Aah, thanks to you. More importantly, may I have a moment?”

“Nu? What is it?”

Tohka tilted her head. When she did that, s.h.i.+dou made a gentle smile, threw the bag he was holding to the ground, and used his freed hands and *mukyuu* grabbed Tohka’s breast.

“Mu…………..? Hnn……..”

Tohka was blank for a while because she did not understand what happened and...

“Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha…………What are you doing!?”

Her face was flushed red in one beat and Tohka released her fist towards s.h.i.+dou’s face.


However, after s.h.i.+dou dodged Tohka’s attack with magnificent body handling, he alternately closed and opened his fist as if to think over the feeling the breast he was enjoying just now.

“Iyaa--, that was some splendid b.r.e.a.s.t.s! The feeling of fondling a natural airhead is different.”


“This time, for one round, is it okay if I fondle directly? I will be gentle too.”

“Wha-what are you saying! Are you joking!?”

Tohka said in bewilderment as she held down her chest with both her hands, her cheeks as red as a tomato.

Seemingly, as if they happened to hear the commotion, the team of three girls that were chatting in the nearby desk surrounded Tohka and glared at s.h.i.+dou.

Yamabuki Ai, Hazakura Mai, Fujibakama Mii. They were Tohka’s good friends and the famous female trio of 2nd year cla.s.s 4.

“Wait a second Itsuka-kun, what are you thinking suddenly!?”

“That’s a normal crime though!”

“Should I pluck your darn fruits off you ba.s.staarrdd!"

Coming from each mouth, they lined criticisms against him.

But, after s.h.i.+dou shrug his shoulders as if he wasn"t really bothered by them, he took Ai’s hands that was near him with elegant movements and pushed her back to the wall. Then, he used his other hand and lifted Ai’s chin up.

“I understand you want to be looked after. But, don’t shout so much. Should I seal those lips of yours?”


From s.h.i.+dou’s sudden counter-attack, Ai opened her eyes wide and her body stiffened. Mai and Mii were also shocked at the unexpected events and were dumbfounded, forgetting to stop s.h.i.+dou.

s.h.i.+dou *fufu* distorted his mouth into a fearless look and, while lifting Ai’s face up, brought his lips closer.

“Ya-yaaa………….! I have Kis.h.i.+wada-kun……….!”

Even though Ai attempted to stop him, s.h.i.+dou didn’t stop. He slowly filled in both of their gaps and---------Ai was stiffening her body while closing her eyes tightly.

s.h.i.+dou made a mischievous smile, brought his lips closer to Ai’s ears, and *fuu* blew softly.


Her knees were *Gaku**gaku* swinging and Ai collapsed on the spot.

And as if they finally coming back to their senses, Mai and Mii twitched their shoulders.

“Ah, Ai!”

“d.a.m.n you, how dare you do that to Ai!?”

They said that, and faced toward s.h.i.+dou with stern expressions.

However, at that moment, after s.h.i.+dou lowered his posture and grabbed both Mai and Mii skirts with his right and left hands respectively, he then flip it up just like that. The guys in the cla.s.s [Ooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh!] became lively and Mai and Mii pressed down their skirts in panic.


“Wha-What are you doing!”

“Hahaha, both of you sure are wearing some cute underwear! By all means, let me appreciate them next time in bed.”


Mai’s and Mii’s faces blushed red.

After s.h.i.+dou said [Adieu] with two fingers standing up in a sn.o.bby gesture, he pa.s.sed through the gap between Mai and the rest with light body movements and exited the cla.s.sroom.


Within the disconcerted cla.s.sroom, Origami slightly raised her eyebrows.

Part 2


While spilling out loud yawn, s.h.i.+dou walked in the Raizen high school’s corridor.

It seemed the chime signaling the end of 4th period had already rang; female students moving with their bentos and guys das.h.i.+ng towards the school canteen could be seen. s.h.i.+dou scratched his cheeks while grumbling to himself.

“It’s already lunch break ……………I came here quite late huh?”

Yes, an emergency countermeasure meeting was opened yesterday in and s.h.i.+dou was required to attend. Originally, it was not a type of meeting that would end deep into the night. But this time, since Natsumi’s ability and intentions could not be grasped at all and because of the remark she left behind could cause some kind of danger to s.h.i.+dou when he headed back, the time taken was longer than usual.

Although he did take a nap just in case, it didn’t take all the drowsiness away completely. He scratched his eye with the back of his hand while sighing once more.

But-----------the moment he climbed up the stairs and opened his cla.s.sroom door, s.h.i.+dou’s drowsiness completely disappeared.


That was because all the students directed their sights towards s.h.i.+dou all at once when he entered the cla.s.sroom.

s.h.i.+dou twitched his shoulders and looked around in discomfort.

“Eh…………? Wha-what? What happened, everyone…………?”

Having no idea what was going on, sweat flowed down s.h.i.+dou’s cheeks. Gathered in the corner of the cla.s.sroom, Ai, Mai, and Mii’s eyes glittered and approached s.h.i.+dou’s direction with quick movements.

“How dare you come back here shamelessly, Itsuka s.h.i.+dooooouuuu!?”

“You should know what you have done!”

“Through the sense of pain, we will make sure you regret you were born!”

Each one of them said that and surrounded s.h.i.+dou, and [Guruuuuuu…………] growled like wolves.

s.h.i.+dou’s body froze on reflex. It was not the first time he was yelled at by these three girls but there was nothing that came to mind today that could have set them off. Rather, judging from the way these girls spoke, it was like they were saying s.h.i.+dou came to cla.s.s a little while ago and had done a terrible deed.

“Wai-wai-wait a second! Why on earth are you all that angry!?”

While s.h.i.+dou spread out his hands to calm Ai, Mai, and Mii who suddenly stood up against him, wondering what they were unhappy about, the girls raised their voices and approached s.h.i.+dou.

“It’s useless even if you play innocent!”

“That’s right! We have many eyewitnesses!”

“This sakura blizzard, I won’t let you say you had forgotten about it!”

Ai used her right hand and made an unlady-like hand sign, Mai spreads her hands to show everyone in the cla.s.sroom, and Mii made a gesture to expose her shoulders, but in the end she stopped.

However, even though they said that, he had nothing that came to mind. He made his eyebrows into a 八 kanji shape[8B 1]. while looking around to seek help.

As if to respond to that, he heard a familiar voice coming behind Ai, Mai, and Mii.

“You three, may I have a moment?”

“! Tohka!”

s.h.i.+dou’s expression brightened and called out the owner of that voice.

Tohka made a へkanji[8B 2] with her mouth while pa.s.sing through the gap between Ai and Mai, and walked until she was in front of s.h.i.+dou. After s.h.i.+dou made a relieved sigh, he faced Tohka and asked:

“You saved me Tohka. What happened to these girls? Even though I just got to school-----------“

Tohka’s cheeks blushed *posu*, and she hit s.h.i.+dou’s stomach.

“…………………Why did you suddenly do something like that? Err, how should I put this…………that scared me!”

“Heh………? wha-what are you saying, Tohka……? I didn’t--------“


When s.h.i.+dou answered honestly, Tohka brought her eyebrows closer and made a stern expression before tears acc.u.mulated in her eyes while she continuously hit s.h.i.+dou’s chest.

“Wah, wha-what is with you Tohka? That hurts……………”

“Shut up! I misjudged you s.h.i.+dou! Even though I would forgive you, it was unwilling for me. Why are you not accepting the things you had done!?”

“No, what do you mean by that!?”

“……………! Tha-that is………………er, that, m-my………………”

When Tohka was hesitating to say, her red face turned even redder and she looked downwards.

Seeing Tohka like that, Ai, Mai, and Mii hugged her.

“It’s okay! It’s okay Tohka-chan!”

“Not only did he deny his crimes, to think he would make the victim experience a flashback!”

“There isn’t even a h.e.l.l for you to fall into!”

“No, that’s why! What are you all talking about!?”

Unable to stand it, s.h.i.+dou raised a shout.

And at that moment, s.h.i.+dou’s right wrist was grabbed.


Over there, appearing out of nowhere, Miss-Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami was standing there. With calm gaze but a light of intention could be felt deep inside, she stared at s.h.i.+dou.

“O-Origami? Don’t tell me I did something to you too…………?”

As s.h.i.+dou asked her fearfully, Origami cast her eyes down and shook her head.


“I-I see……………”

From Origami’s reply, s.h.i.+dou released the strength in his right hand made by the nervousness and made a sigh.

But, after Origami silently pulled her hands, she plunged s.h.i.+dou’s hands into her blouse she unb.u.t.toned beforehand, pus.h.i.+ng it to her breast.


From the sudden sensation, s.h.i.+dou made a sound that had never come out before exit from his throat.

Even though he hurried and tried to pull his hand, she held his wrist tightly, I can’t move! Rather, each time he tried to resist, the warm and soft feeling transmitted to his sensitive palms and fingers made s.h.i.+dou’s mind go crazy.

“Wha-what are you doing--!?”

At that moment, Tohka"s downcast face looked up and she removed Origami"s hold from s.h.i.+dou.

After s.h.i.+dou pulled his finally freed hands in panic, he made a big inhale to calm his heart down which was carved with violent beating………………………..but, during that occasion, a slightly good smell was coming from his right hands which has the feeling and Origami’s warmth left behind, and his face turned even redder.

“O-Origami…………? Didn’t you say I did nothing to you………?”

When s.h.i.+dou asked her in embarra.s.sment, Origami nodded.

“Yes. That’s why I’ll have you do it now.”

“Ha…………... Haaaa!?”

“Go ahead, do the things you did to everyone to me. Push me to the wall and lift my chin, blow a sweet breath to my ears and flip my skirt up.”


s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide from the extremely detailed instructions as Ai, Mai, and Mii blushed from embarra.s.sment.

Origami didn’t care and continued talking.

“And then after exchanging a deeply pa.s.sionate kiss, tear off my s.h.i.+rt, steal purity as a maiden then leave a s.h.i.+dou mark on my body that will never disappear in a life time"


“Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami! s.h.i.+dou will not do something like that!”

When s.h.i.+dou raised his voice, Tohka raised an unbearable shout.

However, Origami was not bothered about it and gradually came closer to s.h.i.+dou.

“Go ahead, s.h.i.+dou. Go ahead.”

“Wait………, errm………..”

“Go ahead.”


s.h.i.+dou apologized for some reason and ran away from the spot.

Naturally, Origami responded quickly to prevent s.h.i.+dou from running away, but she was blocked by Tohka and a quarrel ensued.

s.h.i.+dou took the chance to run to the corridor and escaped to a safe place where Origami couldn"t find him immediately.

While wiping off the sweat oozing down, he arranged his rough breathing.

“What is everyone saying? I just came to school……………”

After saying that, he raised his eyebrows. It was as if everyone was talking about how s.h.i.+dou did something bad just recently.


While s.h.i.+dou placed his hands on his chin to think about it, two girls he knew walked towards him.

“Ou, Kaguya, Yuzuru…………wait------“

When he called out to them, s.h.i.+dou noticed something weird. For some reason, both of them were not wearing their Raizen uniforms but were wearing the school"s designated swimsuit.


“Spotted. It’s s.h.i.+dou.”

Kaguya and Yuzuru noticed s.h.i.+dou and twitched their eyebrows simultaneously.

When they recognized him, both of them *Ba*! spread their hands at the same time as if to intimidate s.h.i.+dou.

“We finally found you s.h.i.+dou………! You haven"t ran away yet huh!? Fuun, I’ll praise that courage of yours!”

“Alert. We won’t lower our guard anymore. We’ll have this settled properly.”


From both of their responses, s.h.i.+dou stiffened his body and stepped back. Thinking it might be possible, this is…………….

“Do-don’t tell me you aren"t going to say…………… I did something to you two right?”

s.h.i.+dou asked with a shaking voice as Kaguya and Yuzuru raised their eyebrows in doubt.

“d.a.m.n you s.h.i.+dou, don’t play a fool! Anyways, just give back my underwear you stole from me just now!”

“Resent. Who was it that said [Actually, I have a bra fetish], and poured water all over Yuzuru I wonder?”


Being informed again about another crime that he did not remember, s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide.

“I don’t understand what you were thinking but we can’t lower our guard even for a little around you.”

“Consent. Yuzuru panicked since there wasn"t a change of gym uniform but luckily there was one placed inside the pool bag.”

“I-I didn’t do anything like-------“

“Are you trying to play dumb!? That’s useless! I’m sure that was s.h.i.+dou! There was no way I would mistake s.h.i.+dou’s face!”

“Consent. That is true. There is no way Kaguya the lover of s.h.i.+dou would make a mistake.”

“What are you saying Yuzuru!? You’re the same as me since you said that……….!”

“Ignore. No idea what Kaguya is talking about.”

The Yamai sisters argued with each for a while but they swung their heads immediately to think back and once again looked back at s.h.i.+dou.

“Anyway! I won’t let it end while I am still beaten! The crime of looking down on Yamai, we will have you compensate with that body! In other words... s.h.i.+dou! Take off your pants!”

“Agree. On top of that, Yuzuru will dampen s.h.i.+dou’s whole body with a spray.”

After saying that, the Yamai sisters gradually closed the gap between them and s.h.i.+dou.

“Do-don’t joke with me……………!”

He couldn"t stand receiving the revenge of the crimes that he did not remember. s.h.i.+dou turned his heels and was about to run away.

However, at that moment, he could hear a familiar voice again coming away from his escape route which was behind him.


She was a woman wearing and a pet.i.te body. Although she looked young, he knew she was not a student since she was not wearing a school uniform. s.h.i.+dou’s homeroom teacher Okamine Tamae, nicknamed Tama-chan.

“Ta-Tama-chan………… uhh, Okamine-sensei!”

s.h.i.+dou corrected the pet name he accidentally said out of habit and as he called her name, Tama-chan-Sensei walked heavily towards s.h.i.+dou and immediately grabbed s.h.i.+dou’s s.h.i.+rttail.

“Wha-what’s wrong, Sensei……?”

As s.h.i.+dou asked while having a bad feeling, Tama-chan-sensei made a face as if she was going to cry any second and released a voice as if she was complaining.

“Af-after doing something like that to me, what are you saying now…………? I-I can no longer get married………………… I will have you properly take responsibility okay!?”


He was prepared to a certain extent. But, as expected, it was one step too far. He twitched his shoulders and took one step back.

When he did that, a young man appeared from the corner of the corridor and when he saw s.h.i.+dou, he [Hii] made a frightened voice.

It was s.h.i.+dou’s friend, Tonomachi Hiroto. His hair hardened with wax, and he had a fearless look. His body physique was also blessed more than s.h.i.+dou. But even so, for some reason, he hugged his shoulders in a girlish gesture and *Kata**Kata* his teeth was chattered.


When s.h.i.+dou called out to him with a dubious voice, Tonomachi’s whole body trembled like a Chihuahua.

“Itsuka……….Kun, errr, errm, hey……………I often joke around and sometimes cause some misunderstandings but…………………I don’t have that interest so…………”

“What on earth happened to you!?”

After shouting out that he couldn’t bear it anymore, possibly surprised from the loud voice, Tonomachi pulled his head back like a turtle.


He had no idea what was going on, but it looked like they wouldn"t listen to any apologies. Overall, staying in the school was bad. s.h.i.+dou s.h.i.+fted his eyes left and right to find an escape route.



The instant he moved his eyes further up the corridor. s.h.i.+dou felt gooseb.u.mps flowing up his whole body.

In the T-junction with light s.h.i.+ning in from the window, a young man stood.

He had a slim body physique and somewhat neutral face. For an instant, s.h.i.+dou felt as if he may had seen him before, and a strange feeling came over s.h.i.+dou.

But, immediately.

He noticed the person he saw in the mirror every morning.

Yes. It was something very unbelievable but………………………Itsuka s.h.i.+dou, was standing over there.


The [Other s.h.i.+dou] glanced at s.h.i.+dou’s direction while swinging his hands lightly and distorting the side of his lips to form a smile, and walked through the corridor.

It was like he was mocking s.h.i.+dou.

“Wai-wait……………! What are you………!?”

After s.h.i.+dou raised a shout, he inserted strength into his legs to chase after the [Other s.h.i.+dou].

But he could not compare against the Yamai sisters" agility. His right hand was grabbed by Kaguya while his left was grabbed by Yuzuru and his legs came to a halt.

“Kuku, did you think we will let you run away? Give up s.h.i.+dou! You will regret your crimes!”

“Capture. Not letting you get away. Well, we will carefully dampen you.”

“Wai……………! Wait a second! Just now in the other side of the corridor I was……………!”

If he stays like this, he would lose sight of the [Other s.h.i.+dou]. s.h.i.+dou strengthened his resolve *Guu*, and inserted strength in both his arms.

“Ah-----! I get it! I’ll stay quiet!”

As he shouted in despair, the Yamai sisters who were restraining both of s.h.i.+dou’s arms made a satisfied nod.

“Kuku, yes, that is good. You gave an insult like this to us Yamai’s. We will have you receive an appropriate punishment.”

“Consent. s.h.i.+dou should have done that from the start.”

Kaguya and Yuzuru released s.h.i.+dou’s arms. They might honestly believe in s.h.i.+dou’s words; but by any chance if he tried to run away, they probably thought it would be easy to capture him again.

In reality, that was correct. Even though their powers were sealed, the Yamai sisters were originally the Spirits that could control wind. s.h.i.+dou’s speed could not compare to theirs. It would be extremely hard to run away from these girls.

Yes…………he had to make good of a chance.

“Aah, I give up. My pants right!? All I have to do is take it off right!?”

As s.h.i.+dou said that, he used his freed hands and *Kacha**Kacha* started fiddling with his belt.


Due to s.h.i.+dou’s sudden actions, Kaguya, Yuzuru and Tama-chan-sensei twitched their bodies and covered their eyes with their hands in reflex. Incidentally, Tonomachi’s face turned pale and ran away along the wall.

No matter, this was a good opportunity. When everyone were covering their faces, he ran after the [Other s.h.i.+dou].

He ran to the end of the corridor and made a turn towards the direction the [Other s.h.i.+dou] disappeared to. When he did that, he caught sight of the back of the [Other s.h.i.+dou] further up.

“That guy…………!”

s.h.i.+dou clenched his teeth and increased his speed to chase after that back.

And, after running for so long...

s.h.i.+dou ran around the school as if he was guided by the [Other s.h.i.+dou] and in the end, they reached the door leading to the roof.

“Haa... haa... There should be no……… more place……… for you to run……………”

He placed his hands on his chest to control his rough breathing.

Then, s.h.i.+dou placed his hands on the k.n.o.b and threw open the door. His dim view was eroded by the sense of freedom of the blue sky in an instant.

But now was not the time to be thinking about that. He took a step out to the roof and s.h.i.+fted his sights to every nook and cranny of the area surrounded by fences.

“Yo, that was fast.”


s.h.i.+dou stiffened up when he heard the voice coming from behind him.

He turned around in panic and looked towards the direction of the voice. A boy that looked exactly like s.h.i.+dou leisurely sat and gazed at him on the rooftop structure that s.h.i.+dou just came out from.

“You…… as expected, are me……!?”

s.h.i.+dou raised his eyebrows, and made a sullen face while glaring at the [Other s.h.i.+dou].

At close distance, it could not have been a mistake in appearance. As if pa.s.sing through the mirror world, a person that looked like s.h.i.+dou was right in front of him.


The [Other s.h.i.+dou] giggled, jumped down from the rooftop structure, and landed in front of s.h.i.+dou.

Yes. From the testimonies gathered from the mouths of Tohka, the three girls, Yamai sisters, Tama-chan-sensei, Tonomachi, and several other people, all the bad deeds that s.h.i.+dou could not recall.

Most likely, every one of those deeds were done by the [Other s.h.i.+dou] who stood in front of him right now.

“Just as you guessed. I had a lot of fun when you weren’t around.”

As if he guessed s.h.i.+dou’s thoughts from his expression, the [Other s.h.i.+dou] distorted his lips. He was exactly like s.h.i.+dou, from his voice to his gestures. Each time he made a remark, a nasty feeling came over s.h.i.+dou.

“Who…… are you? Why are you making the same face as me. And also, what kind of goal do you have to do something like that………!?”

s.h.i.+dou asked this without lowering his guard, the [Other s.h.i.+dou] *Kusu**kusu* laughed in his throat in a manner where it was so strange he could not bear it.

“Wha-what’s so strange!?”

“Fufu……… well that’s strange. That’s because, you haven’t noticed yet, Oh s.h.i.+dou-kun!”


s.h.i.+dou gasped and opened his eyes wide.

From the voice the [Other s.h.i.+dou] made, the last part turned into a girl’s voice completely different from s.h.i.+dou’s.

A voice he heard from somewhere before…………

“That voice just now……… Don’t tell me... Natsumi………?”

Yes. This voice unmistakably belonged to the Spirit s.h.i.+dou encountered yesterday.

The [Other s.h.i.+dou] made a suspicious smile before making a circle with his other hand.

“Pin Pon! Correct. Good job! Good boy, good boy!”

“Wha-what is with that form………?”

Even while asking, the scenery he saw yesterday clearly floated inside s.h.i.+dou’s mind.

The Angel Natsumi manifested caused everyone in the AST and every missile bathed in the light released to transform.

The ability to transform objects into something else. Thinking that it could be used on her own body, then her current form could be understood.

However, he still didn"t get it. s.h.i.+dou made a grim face while continuing his words.

“What is your goal!? Disguising like me and doing mischief to others………!?”

As s.h.i.+dou said that, Natsumi immediately lost her smug expression and glared back at s.h.i.+dou.

“…………You don’t know? Seriously?”

“Wha-what is…………?”

Pierced by Natsumi’s sharp glint in her eyes, s.h.i.+dou felt a hallucination as if his heart was being tightened.

At the same time, the words Natsumi left came back to him.

(Now that you had seen it, I cannot afford it to end it like this……………! Remember this. I will end your life………!)


s.h.i.+dou twitched his shoulders and gulped.

“Do-don’t tell me, when you meant ending my life………………”

“-----twenty points.”

As s.h.i.+dou said that in fear, Natsumi half-opened her eyes while replying.


“Didn’t I say it before? I will not let the person who knows my secret go that easily. Did you think I would forgive you in these bouts of hara.s.sment? Don’t screw with me... I will beat you into a broken pulp even more………………!”

“Wai-wait a second. From the beginning, I didn"t know Natsumi had a secret-----“

As s.h.i.+dou said that, Natsumi *Dan!* stopped him mid-sentence by slamming her heel on the roof.

“----------------Houra, nee. That’s why it’s dangerous. The person that knows my secret must not exist in this world!”


Overpowered by the intensity of Natusmi’s odd bloodcurdling expression, s.h.i.+dou took a step back in reflex.

However, Natsumi didn’t bother about it and made a violent smile while pointing at s.h.i.+dou.

“But rest a.s.sured. There are two s.h.i.+dou-kun"s now. Nee? Something like having two identical people is strange right? We have to make it one person, or else it’s a no-go right?”

“One person…………… wait, don’t tell me…………”

s.h.i.+dou’s face scrunched up in fear as Natsumi continued smiling and nodded calmly.

“From today onwards, I will become s.h.i.+dou-kun. I will be acting as s.h.i.+dou-kun from now on. Do not worry about a thing. My observing eye is perfect. I have made a thorough investigation of you and the people who are related to you. I won’t have fun like before anymore. Even if you are not here, no one will notice. Even if you are not here, the world will continue moving without change.”

While making motions as if performing in a opera, Natsumi continued.

“-----------Fufu, rest a.s.sured. It’s not like I will kill s.h.i.+dou-kun. But, I’ll only have you go to a place different from here so that you won’t be able to disturb me.”

“D-don’t screw with me! That kind of thing------------“

Right when s.h.i.+dou raised his voice from being unable to bear it any longer...

*Batan*! The roof door swung open and the two girls came out.

---It was Tohka and Origami.

“Why you, go somewhere else you b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I will find s.h.i.+dou!”

“That is my line. I can’t leave it to someone like you. You should quickly go back to the cla.s.sroom.”

It would seem both of them were looking for s.h.i.+dou. They glared at each other and pushed at each other while walking out to the roof.

But, both of them probably noticed the current occupants on the roof as they stopped their movements exactly simultaneously and widened their eyes in disbelief.

“Th-there are……… two s.h.i.+dou?”

“…………What does this mean?”

Tohka and Origami asked with their eyes raised in suspicion and looked alternately at s.h.i.+dou and Natsumi’s faces. It was only natural, for there were two people with identical appearances.

However, this was a chance. Now that both of them had definitely seen two s.h.i.+dous, they would probably understand the one doing bad deeds to everyone was not the real s.h.i.+dou.

“Tohka, Origami! Listen to me, this guy is------“

“This guy is the fake! He is disguised as me and playing mischief on everyone!”

But, Natsumi made a louder voice as if to interrupt s.h.i.+dou’s words.

Naturally, different from just now, it was perfectly back to s.h.i.+dou’s voice.

“Wha…………? D-don’t get tricked both of you! I am the real one!”

“What are you saying!? I am the real one!”

With s.h.i.+dou and Natsumi using the same voice and the same way of speaking, Tohka and Origami slightly raised their eyebrows. It would seem they were bewildered on which s.h.i.+dou is the real one.

But, the only thing s.h.i.+dou could do was desperately appeal to them. Towards both of them, he raised his voice even further.

“Tohka, Origami, believe me…………! I am the real Itsuka s.h.i.+dou!”

“Don’t get fooled! I beg of you two------believe me!”

Natsumi also made a desperate voice. Looking at that state, she seemed to be the real s.h.i.+dou as well.

“Muu……………this,means one of them is the real one. Then-------“

“An incomprehensible situation. However-------“

After Tohka and Origami compared the s.h.i.+dous for a while, they pointed their fingers at one person.

“You’re the fake.”

“You are the fake.”

They thrusted their fingers towards the direction of the fake s.h.i.+dou at the same time.


Natsumi’s face was filled with surprise. She didn’t think that they could confirm the genuineness without any doubt.

“Wha-what are you saying, both of you. I am-------“

Even though Natsumi did not give up and continued her words, it looked like Tohka and Origami weren"t planning to change their minds. They swung their hands and approached s.h.i.+dou.

At that moment, it seemed Natsumi finally gave up. She glared at s.h.i.+dou, Tohka and Origami in detest.

“…………How did you figure it out? My transformation was perfect. Even guessing would be a 50/50 chance. How can you two be so confident as to point your fingers at me?”

In response to Natsumi"s question, Tohka and Origami looked at each other for an instant and opened their mouths in turn.

“Even if you ask why…………… I just somehow knew. It’s true that you look exactly like s.h.i.+dou but, when you stood next to the real one, I felt your smell is different. Just that.”

“I might be fooled if you were alone. Actually, I thought you were s.h.i.+dou until just now. However, it was a different story if it was under the condition of the question in regarding which one is the real one if there were two s.h.i.+dous. Your blinking was 0.05 faster and your body center was slanted 0.2 degrees to the left compared to s.h.i.+dou. That was no mistake.”

While Tohka was being vague and Origami continued talking on and on, Natsumi looked at them and made a face in disbelief.

“Wha-what……… What is with these girls? They’re crazy……………!”

“………………No, that’s... well………………”

As Natsumi exclaimed while shuddering, s.h.i.+dou replied vaguely.

The fake was pointed out quickly. Normally, he would be thanking them properly but…………… it was not like he didn"t understand the feeling why Natsumi was shocked.

Natsumi ground her teeth in disgust and then raised her hands high.

A broom type angel appeared out of empty s.p.a.ce and she grabbed it as the tip of the broom opened radially and released a sparkling reflective light as bright as the sun.

In the next moment, Natsumi"s body glowed and she transformed back into the slender beautiful girl s.h.i.+dou saw yesterday.



Tohka and Origami opened their eyes wide in surprise and lowered their bodies defensively to protect s.h.i.+dou.

However, Natsumi was not bothered about their responses and ground her teeth while scratching her head.

“Impossible……………impossible………… impossibbleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”


“Not only was my secret exposed, are you saying that even my perfect transformation had been seen through? It’s a lie………………… something like this is a lie! I will definitely………… I will definitely not accept this……………!”

Natsumi angrily shouted and *Pi*! pointed her fingers towards s.h.i.+dou and the girls.

“I won’t let it end like this………! I will definitely scare the h.e.l.l out of you all…………!”

With a final look of hostility at s.h.i.+dou and the girls, she sat upon the handle and *Ton* kicked the ground which sent her into the sky.


Even though he hurried and raised his voice, it was too late. Natsumi did not look back at s.h.i.+dou and her silhouette grew smaller as she flew away.


Even though he had to raise Natsumi’s affection level to seal her Reiryoku[8B 3], no progress was made in the end.

Nonetheless, it was an unexpected event. Natsumi appeared in front of s.h.i.+dou and tried to replace him. It might be called strange. Taking this into account, he had to report to Kotori about this event.

However, before he did that, there was something that he had to do no matter what.



Tohka and Origami watched without lowering their guards until Natsumi’s figure completely disappeared, and then called out s.h.i.+dou’s name and turned to him.

“Wha-what is it?”

s.h.i.+dou replied nervously, guessing what they were going to say next.

“Who was that!?”

“Who was that girl and what relations do you have with her?”

Both of them asked the questions that he had roughly predicted.

s.h.i.+dou’s face stiffened, and he thought of a possible way to somehow explain the situation without revealing too much information about Natsumi.

Part 3

DEM industries, Great Britain company building.

Inside the conference room on the 20th floor right now, there were several men lined-up.

All of them were board members of this DEM Company. Everyone was sitting at a giant elliptical table and were flipping through the doc.u.ments on their hands while making the same difficult face.

Nonetheless, it was also something not impossible.

Everyone one of them should have already received reports from here and there. And even the doc.u.ments on their hands had the situation written in details.

---Not only did the DEM company managing director Isaac Westcott swung his authority unreasonably, he also drove the DEM j.a.pan branch and also the famous facilities established there into a partial destruction state.

What’s more, on top of causing several deaths and injuries to valuable Wizards, he also added a bonus of freely exposing the secret technology which is the Realizer to the public eye. If there was no one that would move their expression even by an inch from looking at these chains of report doc.u.ments, they should immediately quit the company and switch to being a gambler.

Nonetheless naturally, it’s not like everyone who was there was making that face.

On the chair placed furthest back of the room. Over there one man sitting calmly.

He had a jet-black suit covering his body. A young man around the age of his mid thirties. As if looking over the meeting, his unpleasant eyes that expressed darkness were peeking from the gap of his dark grey bangs.

Sir Isaac Ray Peram Westcott. He was the DEM company’s Managing DirectorMD which was exactly the topic of discussion right now.

“What………were you thinking! Mister Westcott!”

A member of the board with his hands trembling slammed the doc.u.ments on his hands to the table and raised his voice. It was a middle-aged man wearing Although he was young inside the board members but, even so he still looked older than Westcott.

People that were warned not to act rude towards the MD were not in the spot right now. Only when there was a difference in standard could it be effective, everyone was thinking the same thing.

However, while looking at the matter, the topic of conversation Westcott, sitting on the chair placed right at the back of the room wasn’t particularly fl.u.s.tered and only shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t understand the intentions of your question, Murdoch.”

“Please do not act innocent!”

After Westcott said that, Murdoch violently grabbed the doc.u.ments he threw on the table just now and carried it in front of him.

“Unreasonably meddling with the JSDF, personal utilization of equipment and Wizards, instructing a raid plan causing harm to the public, in addition of turning every corners of the office district into a war zone…………..!? Even if the damage was lightly estimated, it was more than 1 billion pounds……………….! We also have a big weakness grabbed by the j.a.panese government! How on Earth are you going to fix all of this!?”

“No problems. There was a harvest corresponding to that.”

“Harvest……………? What is that?”

When Murdich said that, Westcott lifted the side of his lips.

“----------Rejoice. We have successfully inversed .”


From Westcott’s satisfied words, Murdoch and everyone from the board opened their eyes wide in surprise.

“Don’t screw with me…………….!! Please understand the situation! If it was strike poorly, it might advance the situation concerning the continuation of DEM Company you know!? Spirit, what about it!? How are the Spirits going to save our company’s dilemma!? We don’t have time to accompany you for your fun and self-satisfaction!”


Murdoch’s face was filled with anger and he raised a shout. When he did that, Westcott who was making a robotic smile until now, twitched just a little bit.

But Murdoch did not notice that and looked towards the board members lined up in the conference room.

“I want to ask all of you! Is it okay to let him do as he pleases any more than this!? If he continues any more than this, DEM industries will collapse not far in the future! Before that happens, shouldn’t we take appropriate measures!?”

“Appropriate measures…………which is?”

From Murdoch words, the man in the opposite side of his seat raised his voice. Murdoch spread both his hands and said that in a drama-like manner, while announcing it loudly.

“I! Right here, demand the dismissal of Westcott MD!”


The moment Murdoch said that, everyone from the board twitched their eyebrows. There were some who made a shocked expression from the very obvious dismissal demand but----------------more than half of them were in a manner as if they knew about the outline of this case beforehand.

After Murdoch looked at that state while nodding in satisfaction, he looked towards the old man sitting beside Westcott.

“Well then, Chairman Russel. Your decision.”

He said that, and tilted his head in front to urge him.

Inside the Great Britain’s company, the board members of the management corporate affairs did not accept holding two posts concurrently for the chairman of board of directors. This meant under pretext, the board of directors required representative other than Westcott. And that was this chairman, old Russell.

“…………...Is it okay, Mister?”

Russell sent his sights towards Westcott with a difficult face.

However, Westcott did not mind and calmly nodded.

“Of course. That is the legitimate privilege given to the board members.”


After Russell cast his eyes downwards from Westcott’s words, he made a sigh as if he figured out something and raised his voice.

“Well then, I will make a decision--------Those who approves Westcott’s dismissal, raise your hand.”

When Russell said that, Murdoch raised his right hand high up.

And as if to continue, the board of directors lined-up raised their hands one after another.

With the young official as the center, it was over half.

This was clearly an odd situation.

It was true right now, Westcott’s action had called forth an unusually large ripple and there were quite a number of them keeping their dissatisfaction to his arrogant behavior from normal days. But, it was hard to think the number of people crossing the majority with quick decisions would agree with Murdoch.

Westcott looked over to Murdoch. When he did that, Murdoch *fuun* exhaled while making a scornful smile. Most probably--------right before Westcott came back to Great Britain, he had already made preparations.

While looking at that manner, Russell swept his sight around the conference room as if to count the number of officials raising their hands, and softly let out his voice.

“-----because the number of raised hands is zero, Westcott MD’s request for dismissal will be rejected.”

“What did you say?”

Murdoch raised his eyebrows from Russel’s words.

“Please don’t joke at a time like this, Mister Russel. You should have a pride as a chairman. Or what is it, did your eyes finally turned bad until you can’t see the number of hands raised?”

“No. I only answered the results as I have seen.”


Murdoch said that in doubt and sent his sights upwards then------[Hii] he gasped.

And as if to follow that, the officials raising their hands also distorted their face into pain similarly to Murdoch’s.

But that was probably only natural.

That’s because, the hand they raised high up was missing starting from their elbows.


Feeling pain the first time he saw it, Murdoch raised a shout and sink down on the spot. And as if to match up with that, a large amount of fresh blood spurted out from the clean sliced section.

---The conference room, turned into a painting of the h.e.l.l of Pandemonium in an instant.

However inside there, a cool voice echoed from behind Westcott.

“-----Fun? Self-satisfaction? For someone that rode on the DEM name after it was build up by Isaac, you sure know how to talk like you know it.”

The one who said that and took a step forward, was a girl with her Nordic blonde hair tied up that did not fit in this place. In one hand-------she was holding a laser blade the size of a pet.i.t knife.

Even though preserving the laser blade"s blade without a wiring suit was very weird by itself, she even made the blade long and string thin, if she cleaned off the officials arm in an instant then---------it would make her capability easily known.

Ellen Mira Mathers. The chief of the 2nd executives that got the work done from the shadow of DEM and the world’s strongest Wizard.

“Well, don’t say that Ellen. They used the circ.u.mstances placed on them very properly, and used the authority given to them.”


When Ellen denied stubbornly, Westcott stopped that and slowly stood up from the chair.

“There are Medical Realizers prepared in the medical office. If you join it back immediately then it would probably go back to normal after a few days.------ Go now. You all are splendid talents shouldering DEM’s future. Don’t you think it is ridiculous to lose one hand from something like this?”

“……………, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d…………..!”

No longer using honorifics, Murdoch glared at Westcott.

But, Westcott did not worry about his sight, and made a small shrug with his shoulders.

“Rest a.s.sured, after I finish my fun and self-satisfaction, I will give this company to all of you.-------oh, it’s going to be soon. Compared to the time we continuously waited until now.”

Saying it like that, Wescott silently smiled.

Part 4


s.h.i.+dou shook his throat as if to grumble, and threw his leg to the sofa’s armrest., October, 21st--------5 days pa.s.sed quickly from that time when Natsumi disguised as s.h.i.+dou and appeared in his school.

However, Natsumi had not even once appeared in front of s.h.i.+dou after that time. If a s.p.a.ce quake occured then it would be tracked by the observation device.

“………….Nothing happening like this makes it more unpleasant instead.”

While lying down on the sofa in his house living room, s.h.i.+dou placed his hands on his forehead and sighed.

And, when s.h.i.+dou was staring at the ceiling while thinking about that, unexpectedly around his stomach, *Kyumu*! He felt something was placed hanging on it.

“Uguh……………….wha-what is it………….?”

He frowned his face from the sudden load and lowered his sights to his stomach.

When he did that, he saw his sister Kotori sitting there with an unconcerned face.

“…………..Oi, Kotori”

When he said that, Kotori *Piko**Piko*moved the Chupa chups she was holding in her mouth while making a fearless smile, and sent her sights towards s.h.i.+dou’s direction.

“Oh my, there was really a lot of life in it, so I thought it was a rare human leather-bound sofa.”

“We don’t have furniture similar to Ed Gein’s[8B 4] preference”

After s.h.i.+dou said that with half his eyes opened, Kotori placed a recoil on s.h.i.+dou’s stomach by putting her whole body weight on it before standing up on the spot.


“Oh my, did I just hit a gold angel.”

Kotori smiled while shrugging her shoulders.

“Why you…………………..”

s.h.i.+dou rubbed around his stomach while slowly raising his body.

“Fuun, that’s because even though you are in a situation of being targeted by a Spirit, you are recklessly so relaxed. We have no idea what she is going to do. Please brace yourself a little more.”


If he was told like that, he had nothing he could reply back. He bit his lips and kept silent.

“We have no idea what that Spirit-----------Natsumi is thinking but, it is hard to think of a fade-out without her doing anything. She will probably get in contact with s.h.i.+dou in some kind of method.-----And, as long as we have no ways to contact her from our side, we have to precisely raise Natsumi’s affection level at that timing. You understand that properly right?”

“I-I get it.”

“I wonder about that.”

When s.h.i.+dou replied, Kotori shrugged her shoulders in a given up manner.

But, Kotori’s words were right on the point.

s.h.i.+dou, Kotori and everyone from ’s goal, was not to kill the spirit but rather to seal the Spirit’s powers peacefully and let her live a peaceful life.

That’s why; originally they absolutely wanted to avoid the Spirit to hold hostility for any sorts of reasons like right now.

What’s more in Natsumi’s case, they had no idea why for some reason she was thinking s.h.i.+dou as an enemy. The first thing he had to do was to take the underhand and get in contact with Natsumi, and then find out the reason for that enemity. Problems were piled up as tall as a mountain.

Maybe she saw s.h.i.+dou’s expression, Kotori *Fuun* exhaled and showed him the envelope she was holding.

“You finally have some tension coming out from your face.------here, take this. It was inside the morning post”


He twisted his head in wonder and received it. After he took it into his hands, he found out there was something inside from the outer thickness and weight.

It was a white side-opening envelope with only the word [Itsuka s.h.i.+dou] written on it. There was no address, postal code and even a stamp was not pasted on it. Most likely, it was posted into the Itsuka house post directly.

“This is………a letter?”

“Yes. A love letter.------------from Natsumi”


s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide from that name Kotori said out from her mouth, and quickly turned to the other side of the envelope.

It was sealed with wax in a polite way, and right below there, it was certain the name [Natsumi] was written on it.

After s.h.i.+dou gulped, he placed the envelope on the table and sat back down on the sofa.

“I-is it alright to open it………….?”

“Yes. The moment you open it *Don*! Such a possibility exist so, I had the investigate the outer part of it. There is nothing dangerous put into it.-------Of course, as long as the opponent is a Spirit, it’s not like I can give you a definite guarantee”


Kotori said that while shrugging her shoulders. s.h.i.+dou let sweat ooze down his cheeks while frowning his face.

But even so, just because of that reason, he cannot just leave the envelope un-opened and forget about it. He made his decision and pulled his cheeks, and after putting in some spirit, he pulled off the wax seal pushed with an imperial seal and took out its contents.

“This is………….”

“……….looks like, photographs”

Kotori peeking into s.h.i.+dou’s hands said that suspiciously.

Yes. Inside the envelope was several numbers of photos.

s.h.i.+dou felt a somewhat out of place feeling from a Spirit sending photos but, thinking back again, if Natsumi repeatedly came over to this world silently like she did few days ago, it was not weird for her to learn a lot of things about this world.

And, whatever the reason was, the problem right now was the subjects taken as photo.

“……………. This, is it perhaps me?”

Kotori frowned her eyebrows while picking up a single photo.

It was true that photo was taken with Kotori wearing her middle-school uniform and hair tied up with white ribbons.

But, the line of sight was not matched and the distance was far away. It was like……………rather, looking at Kotori’s reaction, it is no mistake a peeping photo.

No, Kotori was not the only one. There were a total of 12 photos contained inside the envelope but, and all of it, were people close to s.h.i.+dou and were photographed in full-body.

Tohka. Origami. Kotori. Yos.h.i.+no. Kaguya. Yuzuru. Miku. Ai. Mai. Mii. Tama-chan-sensei. And also-----Tonomachi.

All of it were peeping photos taken when the person did not notice (Only one person, Origami was the only one noticing the camera and was looking this way)

“Wha-what is with these photos……..”

It somehow felt unpleasant and s.h.i.+dou raised his eyebrows. Why on earth would she send these, what was Natsumi trying to tell s.h.i.+dou?

“Are the photos only inside? Any others?”


After searching the envelope, there was another paper inside, and he found out it was some sort of card inside it.

He took it out, and placed it on the table. On it, a short article was written.

[I am inside one of these.

Can you guess which one am I?

Before everyone disappears.


Translation Notes and ReferencesJump up↑ 八= eight. Basically, he frowned his eyebrowsJump up↑ へ. Basically she was unhappyJump up↑ Spirit ManaJump up↑ Edward Theodore Gein(1906-1984)- A killer that took corpses and used them as human decorations. Further details: 

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