Date A Live

Chapter 3: Sisters War

Chapter 3: Sisters War

"Ohh, so this is Nii-sama"s current home!"

Reaching the door of the Itsuka residence with much difficulty, the girl moved her hair that was slightly shorter than a ponytail, happily saying words that sounded polite and yet not conforming to keigo.

The self-declared sister of s.h.i.+dou, whose name seemed to be Takamiya Mana.

Although this girl could not be any more suspicious...... However when hugging s.h.i.+dou at the street, she sat down on the spot, tears forming in her eyes, pa.s.sionately describing how she was so hopeful of meeting with s.h.i.+dou, he had no choice but to bring her along.

Of course, Kotori"s approval had been given. To tell the truth——the one to suggest that they should bring Mana to the Itsuka residence, was Kotori herself.

"Mu, but that was really shocking. s.h.i.+dou actually has another sister......"

"No......I don"t remember having one at all."

"Really? I still think that she looks similar to s.h.i.+dou......"

"That"s goes without saying! Because I"m his sister!"

As Tohka finished, Mana confidently crossed her arms.

However Mana"s look suddenly changed, looking at s.h.i.+dou and Tohka while revealing a complicated expression.

"......But Nii-sama. Mana really has to hand it to you."

"Ha? About what?"

"Of course! Tob.i.+.c.hi——No, that"s not right, it"s, aside from sister-in-law, why are you still mixing around with other females......"

Mana cleared her throat, blus.h.i.+ng furiously while speaking.


s.h.i.+dou widened his eyes and yelled.

"? Is there anything wrong?"

"There are too many points to tsukkomi on! What was the first one again? You, are you actually acquainted with Origami?"

"Well, yeah. Is that strange?"

At the same time Mana spoke, she looked as if she was trying to find an excuse as her eyes looked around. Although he was very concerned about how the two of them knew each other, there was another issue that took priority.

"And then......What"s with calling her sister-in-law......?"

"No, it"s not like I don"t have any reservations with that way of calling her, but it"s to make preparations for the future......"

"There are no such plans for that!?"

"Is, is that so......?"

Mana knitted her brows looking troubled.

"But Nii-sama is a suspect for two-timing......"

"Two-timing. What"s that?"

Tohka tilted her head. Looks like she has learned another dangerous word again.

But just as s.h.i.+dou was about to explain it to her......meaning in the middle of his confusion, Mana had already started throwing questions at Tohka.

"I"ll be direct. You are Tohka-san right. Are you currently going out with Nii-sama?"


s.h.i.+dou cut in between the two with an extremely red face.

"Wh, what are you saying, how could that be possible!"

Mana gave Tohka a surprised look.

"......Tohka-san? Have you gone on a date with Nii-sama before?"

She removed her head from s.h.i.+dou"s side and asked Tohka this.

"Aaah, I have!"


Mana directed a piercing gaze *Ji—* at s.h.i.+dou.

"Th, that"s not it, about that......"

He was not lying, but it was difficult for him to deny it. s.h.i.+dou took a step back with cold sweat dripping down his back.

At this point, Mana blushed and using a tone of absolute seriousness, asked Tohka another question.

"Tohka-san. Don"t tell me, you have already *Chu—*?"


"I, I"m talking about kissing!"

"Nn, we did?"


At Tohka"s calm reply, Mana widened her eyes.

"Im, impure!"

"Hey, calm down......"

"Nii-sama actually did such a gigolo-like act......! That"s too heartbreaking! Reform! You must be corrected!"

"s.h.i.+dou, what is a gigolo?"

Tohka once again asked in curiosity. Instead s.h.i.+dou said "AH—what a pain!" furiously scratching his head, pus.h.i.+ng Tohka towards the condominum next door.

"Nu? Why are you pus.h.i.+ng me?"

"It"s a pain to explain, first of all you should return to your room."

"Muu, but..."

"I"ll make hamburger steak for tonight"s dinner will that suffice!"

"Oooh, really!?"

After s.h.i.+dou"s words, Tohka"s eyes sparkled, running towards the apartment while waving her hand.

"s.h.i.+dou! I want fried eggs on top of them!"

s.h.i.+dou replied with "Yes yes.", waving his hand and watched her leave.

"......Looks like you are very used to dealing with the opposite s.e.x."

Mana said with slanted eyes. On the other hand s.h.i.+dou acted like he didn"t hear anything, turning around and entering the gate of the Itsuka residence.

Grabbing the door handle, opening the entrance. And then——

"——Welcome back, O• Nii• Chan!"

Waiting at the entrance was Kotori wearing casual clothing (Of course, the ribbons were still black). What was different was the forceful way she said "Onii-chan".

In order to receive the guest, she returned home from and waited.

"Oh, Oo......I"m home."

s.h.i.+dou perspiring under an unexplainable pressure, raised his hand slightly in reply.

"Ara. Who"s this?"

It felt like an old-fas.h.i.+oned way of asking. But this couldn"t be helped. Kotori who had been at home all this time (Let"s just put it like that), yet knowing what happened at the street a while ago would seem extremely suspicious.

"Aa, aaah......We met each other on the street. Anyway—"

"Is there anyone else still inside the house!? Nii-sama has been in your care!"

Mana said with a huge smile, while forcefully holding Kotori"s hand and shaking it vigorously.

Kotori, in a rare moment, was troubled to the point of perspiring.

"Nii-sama? You mean s.h.i.+dou?"

"Yes! My name is Takamiya Mana! Nii-sama"s sister."

Kotori sighed through her nose, letting go of Mana"s hand and brought her into her house.

"Well, why won"t you come in first. We can talk about the details later."


Mana replied enthusiastically, following behind Kotori.


It felt like it would escalate into a messy situation, but fortunately that was not the case.

s.h.i.+dou lightly sighed, taking off his shoes and followed the two into the hallway.

Tea and tidbits had already been laid out onto the table, Kotori and Mana faced each other and sat on the sofa.

Kotori used her chin to point to the seat beside Mana. It felt like they were going to enter a three-way conference.

"——Well then. Can we hear it from you?"


In response to Kotori"s words, Mana gave a decisive reply.

"Mana, that"s your name right? yourself s.h.i.+dou"s sister?"

"That"s the case."

Mana said while nodding vigorously. Kotori tilted the lollipop stick that was in her mouth upwards, as though trying to ascertain Mana"s reaction as she continued to speak.

"My name is Itsuka Kotori.——I am also, s.h.i.+dou"s sister."


Mana inclined her head to Kotori"s words—

"Ha......! If you say that then don"t tell me you"re, nee-sama......!?"

"I"m not!"

"Aa, my apologies.——Sorry Kotori. As your elder sister I will—"

"Who the h.e.l.l is your little sister!"

Kotori in commander mode let out a rare yell. s.h.i.+dou couldn"t help but shoot a startled glance, Kotori falsely coughed.

"Yaahaha, but my memory doesn"t seem to recall one bit about—having a sister."

"Really now......"

Kotori looked troubled as she scratched her head while sighing. Looks like her rhythm had been severely interrupted.

"But......little sister, huh."

Kotori half-closed her eyes and stared at Mana.

Thinking normally, suddenly saying "I am your sister" and the like would be unbelievable. However in s.h.i.+dou"s case, such a possibility couldn"t be ruled out.

At the very least, s.h.i.+dou doesn"t remember having any sister aside from Kotori.

However——The truth is s.h.i.+dou was not born as part of the Itsuka house.

Abandoned by his mother at a young age, he has been raised as a part of this family.

Therefore Mana"s words, cannot be said to be a total lie, even though s.h.i.+dou does not remember, but the possibility that Mana is s.h.i.+dou"s blood-related sister—cannot be ruled out.

Well, but even s.h.i.+dou"s memories of the past were blurry. The fact that Mana, who was even younger at the time, was able to recall that was rather suspicious.

"About that......Mana, can I ask a question?"

"Yes! What is it, Nii-sama!"

At s.h.i.+dou"s words, Mana seemed to be truly happy from the depths of her heart, using an exuberant tone to reply. Kotori unhappily let out a "Humph!" for reasons unknown.

"About that......Sorry. But I don"t remember anything about you......"

"That"s to be expected."

Mana folded her arms and nodded.

s.h.i.+dou gulped, and asked the issue that was on his mind.

"Although I"ve been wanting to ask this from the start—Your mother......right now is."

If Mana really was s.h.i.+dou"s blood sister——she should know something about it.

The one that abandoned s.h.i.+dou, his birth mother.



Mana tilted her head, giving a vague reply.

s.h.i.+dou"s eyebrows wrinkled——Don"t tell me, Mana was also abandoned after s.h.i.+dou?

At this point, as though seeing through what s.h.i.+dou was thinking from his expressions, Mana shook her head.

"Ah, it"s not that, it"s not like that. That kind of thing didn"t happen—"

Mana bitterly smiled in embarra.s.sment, drinking the red tea beside her in one gulp and continued.

"I——Truthfully speaking do not have any memories from the past."

"......What is this?"

Regarding this, Kotori revealed an expression of utter displeasure. Adjusting her body posture to face Mana, speaking once more.

"If it is the past that you have mentioned, how much exactly did you lose?"

"Let me think... I can remember fine events that happened two, three years ago, but anything past that I have difficulty with."

"Two or three years...?" Kotori said in disbelief. "Then how can you be so sure to claim that s.h.i.+dou"s your brother?"

After Kotori"s words, Mana took out the silver locket in front of her chest, within it was an extremely discolored photograph. That photograph contained the figures of s.h.i.+dou and Mana when they were still children.


s.h.i.+dou let out a surprised sound, however——Kotori showed an expression of shock.

"Hold on a minute. In this photo s.h.i.+dou seems to be around ten years old, right? At that time, shouldn"t he have already arrived at our house?"

"Ah, now that you mentioned it, that"s true."

Scratching his face as he said so. However the boy in the photo looks like s.h.i.+dou no matter how you look at it, that was the truth.

"Is that so? That"s really unbelievable."

"Unbelievable you say......could it be some other person that looks like him? But it is true that they look similar."

"No, there"s no mistaking it. Nii-sama is Nii-sama."

"......How can you say that so certainly?"

After Kotori"s question, Mana confidently patted her chest.

"It"s called - the bonds between siblings!"


Kotori shrugged with a speechless expression, letting out a sigh. ......For some reason, it looked as if she was relieved.

However Mana closed her eyelids and continued to speak pa.s.sionately.

"No, I am surprised myself. I really got a shock. When I saw Nii-sama, my heart could not stop throbbing."

"What"s with that. Isn"t that love at first sight."

"Ha! Perhaps it really was love at first sight.——Kotori-san, let me have Nii-sama!"

"As if!"

Kotori reflexively shouted. After which she let out an unnatural cough.

"Anyway. It is troubling for you to say that you are his sister with such a weak reason. First of all, s.h.i.+dou is already part of this family, and now you say you want to take him away——"

"I don"t have any intention to do so, you know?"


In response to Mana"s indifferent reply, Kotori widened her eyes.

"To everyone in this family who have accepted Nii-sama as a part of them, I am truly grateful. As long as Nii-sama can live a happy life, Mana would be satisfied."

Saying that, Mana reached over the table, holding Kotori"s hand once more

Kotori unhappily bent her mouth into a *へ* shape.

"Humph......What"s this, you seem to know your stuff."

"Nn.——Even though it was only a blurred memory, I could still remember that Nii-sama went to some unknown place. At that time I was really worried, but even more than that, I was concerned whether Nii-sama would be okay.——Therefore, now I"m truly glad to know that Nii-sama is living well. And he has such a cute foster sister too."

Saying that, Mana showed a smile. Kotori"s face blushed, unhappily s.h.i.+fting her line of sight.

"Wh, what"s with you, suddenly saying that kind of thing——"

"Well, of course,

At this point, Mana interrupted Kotori and spoke.

there is no way you can beat a real sister."


Instantly, *Pi!*, a sound as though the air just split apart could be heard.

"Hey, hey, Kotori."

Kotori did not seem to hear a single bit of s.h.i.+dou"s words. The muscles on her face twitched, revealing a cramped smile.

"Heeeh......Is that so?"

"Well, yeah, that"s only natural. There"s nothing that can beat blood ties."

"But, isn"t there a saying that "a close relative is useless afar compared to a nearby neighbor"."[3B 1]

The instant Kotori finished her words, Mana"s temple, after smiling all this time, twitched for a second.

After a stunned moment, Mana let go of Kotori"s hand, resting it onto the table.

"Yahaha,......So what about it? At the very end, he still has to be with his real sister, am I wrong? There is the saying that "your destiny is set when you reach three years old"!"[3B 2]

"......Gu. Heh, heheh. However, even though you two are related, the on who spent the longest amount of time with him has the advantage!"

"No no, in the end you are still an outsider, a real sister means being blood-related. Blood ties are thicker than water! From the start the sister points that both of us have are fundamentally different!"

Mana loudly declared. Sister points. A phrase that was totally unheard of.

However, Kotori did not question that as she let out a reb.u.t.tal.

"Blood ties blood ties, what else can you still say? You can talk about a sibling relations.h.i.+p, but I have been living as a younger sister for over ten years! Isn"t it obvious whose sister points are higher!"

"How laughable! Siblings who have been forcefully separated from young, reuniting once more through s.p.a.ce and time! Doesn"t it touch your heart! In the face of real obstacles, time and whatnot does not matter at all!"

"Shut up! What about blood ties! A real younger sister can"t even marry him!"


s.h.i.+dou"s and Mana"s voices overlapped. Kotori"s cheeks dyed crimson, banging the tabletop as though she was trying to protest.

"An, anyway! Right now the little sister here is me!"

"What"s that! That position should belong to the real sister here!"

"We, Well why don"t we calm down first, the two of you are....."

s.h.i.+dou attempted to calm the two people down with his face damp with sweat, Kotori and Mana turned towards s.h.i.+dou with a *Pa!*

"s.h.i.+dou, what about you!"

"Real sister, foster sister, which faction do you choose!?"

"E, eh eh!?"

Suddenly thrown a question that was out of his expectations, s.h.i.+dou unleashed a pitiful cry.

"No, it"s not about......which faction......"


Kotori and Mana stared at s.h.i.+dou with a *Jii—*. It was obvious at first glance that no matter which side he chooses he would not be let off so easily. At the very least he should try to divert the topic, s.h.i.+dou thought.

"! That, that"s right, Mana."


Putting his hands together and saying this, Mana tilted her head in question.

"You, said before that you don"t have memories of your past right?"

"Nn, that"s the case."

"Then, where are you living now? You are not living with your family?"

"Aah......That is......"

At this moment, Mana who was fluent up till now was faltering with her words.

"We, well, there are a lot of reasons for that."

"A lot of reasons?"

" that. If I have to say it then its because I"m working in a place that is equipped with living quarters."

"Work......? Mana, at this age? Aren"t you the same age as Kotori? What about school?"

Well, even though Kotori is holding the commanding position of a secret organisation......but she still obediently attends school.

Mana"s eyes looked around in distress.

"Th, that is......eeh—um......Ex, excuse me!"

"Eh......? Wait, hold on a——"

Mana said. Before s.h.i.+dou managed to stop her, she ran off and escaped like a rabbit.

"Wh......what"s with her, what in the......"

Scratching his face he looked at the entrance where Mana had disappeared in a daze.

At this moment, beside s.h.i.+dou, Kotori who was seated opposite Mana stood up, keeping the teacup Mana had used for reasons unknown.

The next day. *Kiin Koon Kaan Kooon*, the usual sound of the bell vibrated his eardrums.

The hands of the clock showed that the time was 8:30 am, the time for morning homeroom to start. The cla.s.smates who were chatting everywhere hustled each other to return to their seats.


In the middle of the chaos. s.h.i.+dou, who had returned to his seat beforehand, tilted his head slightly.

Even though the bell had already rung, Kurumi still had yet to appear in the cla.s.sroom.

Tohka seemed to think the same thing, looking around her surroundings.

"Muu, that Kurumi, she"s late on the second day after her transfer."

The same time Tohka said that.

"——She won"t come."

From s.h.i.+dou"s left side came a calm voice.

Origami didn"t turn her head around, using only her eyes to look at Tohka as she spoke.

"Nu? What do you mean?

"It means this. Tokisaki Kurumi, is, no longer going to attend school."

"Eh? That means——"

As s.h.i.+dou opened his mouth to speak, the cla.s.sroom door opened with a *kacha*, Tama-chan-sensei entered the cla.s.sroom with her hands hugging the attendance booklet. Afterwards, the cla.s.s representative gave the call to greet.

"About that......"

Although he was very concerned about Origami"s words, he could not ignore the call. s.h.i.+dou and the cla.s.s sat down after the greeting.

"Okay, good morning everyone, now let"s start with the attendance."

Saying that Tama-chan-sensei opened the booklet and started to read out the names of the students.


Tama-chan read out Kurumi"s name. However, there was no response.

"Aare, Tokisaki-san isn"t here? Really now, if she was going to be absent, she should have called to inform us beforehand."

Tama-chan puffed her cheeks and turned the page of the attendance booklet.

At that instant.


At the back of the cla.s.sroom, a familiar voice sounded.


Looking back, s.h.i.+dou"s eyes widened. That"s right, the cla.s.sroom back door had silently opened, standing right there was Kurumi with a warm smile and her hand slightly raised.

"Really now, Tokisaki-san. You"re late."

"I"m really sorry. I wasn"t feeling well on my way to school."

"Eh? Ar, are you alright? Do you want to go to the infirmary......?"

"No, it"s alright now. I"ve made you worry."

Kurumi gave a bow, walking towards her seat with light footsteps.

"What"s with that......Isn"t she right here?"

Letting out a sigh, turning to look at Origami who had said those unlucky words.


s.h.i.+dou furrowed his brows in shock.

Origami lightly frowned as she stared at Kurumi.

Although there were no obvious changes in her expressions. But——s.h.i.+dou knew very clearly for some reason. Right now, Origami was, without a doubt, very shocked.


s.h.i.+dou softly called out her name.

Origami"s fingertips trembled slightly, quickly s.h.i.+fting her line of sight away from Kurumi.

"——Alright, then that"s all regarding communication issues."

Not long after, Tama-chan-sensei ended homeroom and left the cla.s.sroom.

At this point, just that instant, the handphone in his pocket let out a refres.h.i.+ng ringtone. Why is it at this time. It would have been confiscated if it were ten seconds earlier.

Looking at the screen. It showed the name of Itsuka Kotori.

"h.e.l.lo? Kotori?"

"——Nn. s.h.i.+dou."

"What is it, at this time, it would have been disastrous if you were ten seconds earlier."

"Aare? "You should have properly set it to silent mode in school", isn"t that what my excellent brother said before?"


"Well, forget it. ......Aside from that stuff, s.h.i.+dou. A terrible situation has happened. To say it conservatively it is the worst situation."

"Did something happen......?"

"Nn. ......It"s really giving me a headache. I totally didn"t imagine that such a thing could happen in real life."

Faced with such a negative way of speech, s.h.i.+dou"s panic welled up in him. s.h.i.+dou attempted to force his volume down as he used his hand to cover the handphone as he continued.

"What, exactly happened?

"Nn, the truth is——"

At this point, s.h.i.+dou"s shoulder was poked. Kurumi tilted her head with a puzzled expression.

"What are you doing? s.h.i.+dou-san?"

"......! Aa, aaah......I got a phone call, could you hold on for a moment?"

As s.h.i.+dou said that, Kurumi displayed her surprise with exaggerated movements, bowing deeply.

"My apologies. I"m very sorry for interrupting you."

"Aaah......It"s alright. Please don"t mind."

s.h.i.+dou said while smiling in distress, once again focusing on the phone conversation.

"——Well then, Kotori? What exactly happened——"

"Hold on for a moment s.h.i.+dou. Just now......who were you talking to?"

"Eh, who......?"

Faced with Kotori"s sudden serious tone of voice, s.h.i.+dou questioned back.

"Like I said, just now, you were talking to someone beside you right. So I"m asking who is that person. Tohka? Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami? Or is it Tonomachi Hiroto?"

It felt as though Kotori were interrogating a suspect, s.h.i.+dou unhappily protested.

"Wh, what"s with you. You don"t have to be so angry. Someone tried to talk to me, that"s all."

"It"s fine, just tell me."

"It"s Kurumi."

Following that, Kotori went speechless.

"Kotori? What"s wrong."

s.h.i.+dou asked in confusion.

Kotori spoke with someone at her side for a while before continuing.

"s.h.i.+dou. Come to the physics lab during lunch break. I have something I want you to see."

"The physics lab......? Why that——"

"Alright already, make sure to come."

"Wha, what the heck is going on......"

As s.h.i.+dou was left in confusion, he seemed to be complaining as he muttered.

1:20 in the afternoon. The bell declaring the end of the fourth period sounded.

After the students bowed, before the teacher left the cla.s.sroom, they were already in the midst of preparing for lunch.

Of course, Tohka was no exception. Without speaking, she arranged the tables together with sparkling eyes.

"s.h.i.+dou! It"s time for lunch!"

Saying that, she took out her lunchbox from the bento box. At this—s.h.i.+dou inclined his head.

Usually the table on the left would also be joined over, creating a situation of a union between three tables......However Origami did not move her table over today.

Looking in that direction while puzzled. Origami had a pensive expression, staring at her hand all the while.


Even though it is of some concern, but eating lunch or not is Origami"s freedom. s.h.i.+dou was in the midst of taking out his bento box from his bag——when his movements suddenly stopped.

"Ah......That"s right."

Speaking of which, he did mention that he would go to the physics lab during lunch break. Although she didn"t specify the time......we"re talking about that Kotori. It felt as though some punishment would be waiting if he was to be late.

"Sorry, Tohka. I need to go out for a moment."


Tohka who had already opened her bento box, looked at him with a lost expression.

"Where are you going? I want to go too!"


s.h.i.+dou scratched his face feeling troubled. If Kotori wants him to go to the physics lab, it must be something related to . It could be something that Tohka should not know about.

"Sorry, I can"t bring you today. You start eating first. Okay?"

s.h.i.+dou said that with his palms together, walking towards the corridor.


Tohka"s lonely voice sounded from s.h.i.+dou"s back. A strong feeling of guilt grew inside of him. s.h.i.+dou lightly shook his head, walking towards the corridor.

Just like that he moved within the campus, walking up the stairs, reaching the physics lab after much difficulty.

s.h.i.+dou knocked on the door, after which, as though it had been waiting for this moment, the door opened with a *kacha*.

"—You"re slow."

Kotori who was wearing her school uniform, showed her displeased face while pouting her lips.

"That can"t be. I came here without eating lunch."

"Forget it, hurry up and come in. Time is precious."

Kotori pointed with her chin as she said so, letting s.h.i.+dou enter the room.

At this point, s.h.i.+dou suddenly realized that in front of Kotori"s chest the usual visitor"s pa.s.s was missing. On a closer look, the slippers that she wore were not ones for visitors but the ones belonging to the middle school.

"Don"t tell me, you sneaked in here today?"

"That"s right. Let alone after cla.s.s, middle school students shouldn"t be inside a high school at this time of the day, right!"

"Aahh, that"s true."

s.h.i.+dou nodded his head and agreed, and looked into the physics lab.

In the deepest part of the lab on top of the swivel chair, an expected person had already been seated there——"s a.n.a.lysis Officer as well as Raizen High School"s physics teacher, Murasame Reine.

"——Nn, you"ve arrived, s.h.i.+n."

A nickname that has no relation to his name as usual (He got too lazy to correct her), Reine pointed at the seat beside her. She must want him to sit there.

After which Kotori sat down beside him as though trying to surround s.h.i.+dou. ......Having the same seating arrangement as two months ago when he cleared the galge training. It brought back some unwanted memories.

"......Well then, the thing you wanted me to see is?"

As s.h.i.+dou finished saying, Kotori showed the monitor placed on the table.

As Reine moved the mouse by her hand, the screen showed an image.

Beautiful girls of multi-colored hair appeared in sequence, on the top of the ill.u.s.tration, it showed the t.i.tle [Fall in Love•My•Little•s.h.i.+dou2~Love, is it scary~]"

"A sequel......!?"

"Aaah, wrong one. It"s this."

s.h.i.+dou"s body shook in shock, Reine once again manipulated the mouse. The image darkened.

"Ho, hold on a second! What was that just now!"

"You"ll grow bald if you harp on the small details, s.h.i.+dou."

Hafuuu, Kotori sighed as though it were an annoyance.

"Those were not minor details! Are we going to have another galge training!? It"s about time you——"

At this moment, s.h.i.+dou shut his mouth. The screen which had just darkened, showed another image.

——In a narrow alley, for some reason, Kurumi was facing a girl with a ponytail.

"Nn? This is......Mana?"

That"s right, the girls that were inside the image, were Kurumi and Mana.

"Yeah, this is yesterday"s image.——Look at the surroundings."


s.h.i.+dou frowned. In the corner of the plain-looking residential area, several humans wearing mechanical armor could be identified.


Squeezing out his voice while half stunned.

AST, Anti-Spirit Team. Superhumans who don mechanized armor, in order to destroy the dangerous creatures that view the world and humans as their enemies, Spirits. He could not be wrong after encountering them a couple of times prior.

In the image, s.h.i.+dou"s cla.s.smate Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami"s figure could be seen.

Also, each member was outfitted with heavily exaggerated weapons. Yes——just like when a Spirit materializes during a s.p.a.cequake.

"Nn. I don"t know why, but there was an AST response at the street yesterday. One of our crew members took a camera and proceeded to film the process——I got a shock after confirming it you know?"

"Wh, why would the AST......"

"There"s a high chance that it"s because of the presence of the Spirit."

Kotori said as though it didn"t concern her, s.h.i.+dou gulped hard.

"But now that you said it......a s.p.a.cequake didn"t occur right? The surrounding citizens did not evacuate, if the Spirit were to rampage——"

"......Well, they must have the confidence that they will kill it before it rampages then."


In regards to Reine"s words, s.h.i.+dou held his breath.

Right. But why standing over there, is the existence of the girl who claims to be the sister of s.h.i.+dou, Takamiya Mana.

"Wh, why is Mana?"

The next instant after s.h.i.+dou spoke. Mana"s figure glowed with a faint light, after which a white mechanical armor appeared all over her body.


It was slightly different in shape from the other AST members, but without a doubt it was using a wiring suit.

As though responding to the opponent, Kurumi spread out her arms, at the same time the shadows at her feet crept up Kurumi"s body, forming a dress.

Decorations in her hair, her torso was wearing a bustier, equipped with a dress that had frills and lace. All of that were highlighted with black which reminded people of the dark night, as well as a red sheen just like blood.

And lastly, her hair was tied at an uneven length.

It was just like——the minute and hour hands of a clock.

"Astral, dress......"

s.h.i.+dou spoke while in a daze.

Astral dress. The Personal Territory that a Spirit possesses. A membrane of divine might which protects the Spirits.

Kurumi raised her right hand above her head. Following that, shadows once again crept up her body, enveloping her right hand.

At this moment, Kurumi"s body flew up high into the sky.


Unable to comprehend what just happened in the image, s.h.i.+dou let out a stupid sound.

However in the next instant, s.h.i.+dou understood.

The equipment on Mana"s shoulders let out a bright light, hitting Kurumi"s stomach.

——Kurumi"s body trembled.

But, why. Instead of saying it was due to fear from terror, it was more like she was letting out a giggle.

After that, she recovered herself after a few seconds.

Kurumi let out a surprise attack as though trying to counterattack, however, before that, Mana"s attack pierced through Kurumi"s body.

This time, inside the narrow alley, fresh blood was splattered.

After which, Mana"s blade of light, cut off Kurumi"s head who was lying on the ground motionless facing up.

Not even a chance to attack Mana was given.

Just like that Kurumi"s life was taken.


He couldn"t help but turn his head while covering his mouth.

Because of the over realistic scene, the reality of it came after a while. After Mana had completed Kurumi"s dissection, s.h.i.+dou then realized that puking feeling at the back of his throat.

His teeth made *kachi kachi* sounds, even though it wasn"t cold, his body couldn"t help but tremble.

Having a human——strictly speaking they can"t be said to be human, but an existence with an appearance no different from that of a human, killed.

Although it was just an image, but having seen that spectacle. No one could blame s.h.i.+dou for reacting that way.

——Mana in the screen, turned around as though she had completed a mission. After dispelling the CR-Unit she was wearing, returning to her previous attire.

s.h.i.+dou frowned. He felt that there was something wrong.

There was no smell, nor feel, just looking at the scene made s.h.i.+dou feel that way, yet Mana who was the culprit of this incident, did not seem to feel anything from what she just did.

It is fine to feel guilt.

It is okay to be frustrated.

It is alright to despair.

Even so, she did not even feel a shred of accomplishment.

The brutal a.s.signment. To put it in a single sentence——That"s right, she has gotten used, to, it.

Repeating such an a.s.signment countless of times, just like that, Mana already did not care anymore.

"This, is......"

s.h.i.+dou voiced out, after forcing that disgusted feeling back down.

"......It"s just like how you saw it. Yesterday, Tokisaki Kurumi was killed by AST"s Takamiya Mana. It wasn"t from serious injuries nor drowning, just totally, perfectly, without any hesitation behind her actions, her existence was erased."

"But that, is——"

However, s.h.i.+dou did not manage to continue.

Because just now, he saw it with his own eyes. Kurumi was helplessly murdered——

At this moment, s.h.i.+dou"s shoulders trembled.

He had almost forgotten due to the shock from the videotape. There was clearly a contradiction in the video.

"But Kurumi, today she, went to school normally......"

As s.h.i.+dou spoke, Reine and Kotori crossed their arms at the same time.

"......That"s correct. We are clueless as well."

"After s.h.i.+dou mentioned Kurumi, I was still thinking that an illusion appeared."

Kotori shrugged her shoulders as though making a joke.

However s.h.i.+dou did not reply to her actions. Thinking furiously, he spoke.

"Under those kind of circ.u.mstances......she revived?"

s.h.i.+dou peeped at the image. At that moment, the AST members were starting to deal with Kurumi"s corpse and bloodstains.

Looking at Origami"s figure in the video, he finally understood what her reaction meant this morning.

Feeling shocked was natural. The girl who had been killed right in front of her eyes yesterday, has calmly reappeared today.

"What do we do huh.——At present there"s nothing we can do."


The previous images still surfacing constantly in his brain, but his breathing and pulse have recovered more or less. s.h.i.+dou relaxed his tightly gripped fists on his knees, speaking as such.

At the same time, Kotori adjusted her posture.

"——But we still, have to do something."

Saying that she let go of her arms, using her right index finger to point at s.h.i.+dou.

"Since Kurumi is still alive, we must continue the battle. If I remember correctly, tomorrow is the opening anniversary of s.h.i.+dou"s school, am I right? By today, you must ask Kurumi out for a date. If you work hard and are lucky enough, you maybe able to seal off her power with just one try."


s.h.i.+dou squeezed out words from his throat with his eyes turning to dots.

"N, no, such a thing has already happened——"

"Shut up."

s.h.i.+dou"s protesting voice, was interrupted midway by Kotori.

"It is precisely because such a thing happened, you know. It"s just like I"ve said, Kurumi"s power is still unknown. It could possibly, require certain conditions for it to awaken, or, it is only limited to that miraculous situation——It is highly possible that the next time she gets murdered, she could be out for good."


It was true. Kurumi is safe this time (even though it is weird to say it like this), but she might not be able to revive the next time.

"Like I said, we can"t do it if we don"t act soon. The fact that Kurumi is still here has been witnessed by Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami. Most likely the news has already been relayed to the AST.——Of course, Takamiya Mana as well."


Hearing that name, s.h.i.+dou showed a sorrowful expression.

Remembering the scene just now. Even though they had just met yesterday, but that girl who introduced her self as his own sister, just like that emotionlessly, using experienced methods to murder Kurumi—was unthinkable.

"......Understood. I"ll give it a try."

Before Kurumi gets killed again.

Before Mana murders again.

"——Let Kurumi, fall in love."

Although he was carrying a heavy determination, but he felt disgusted for some reason.

After confirming that s.h.i.+dou left the cla.s.sroom from the corner of her eyes, Origami slowly stood up.

Although the fact that s.h.i.+dou did not eat lunch, leaving Yatogami Tohka behind is indeed a cause for concern——However, that aside, there is something that she must do right now.

Pa.s.sing by Tohka who dejectedly let down her shoulders, walking towards the target"s seat.

"——I have something to say."

And then, throwing a cold stare, speaking to the owner of the seat

"It"s......Origami-san right. Do you want something from me?"

"Come here."

Origami curtly responded, and walked out of the cla.s.sroom just like that.

Kurumi used her finger to support her chin and hesitated for a few seconds, but when Origami walked to the corridor, she hurriedly stood up with a panicked face.

"Pl, please hold on. What is it?"


Origami peeked behind her.

Her eyes showed the figure of a girl trying her best to chase after Origami, moving those slender limbs that looked as if they would break if they were b.u.mped. Truly, she was a cute girl that everyone would try to protect.

However, now that Origami knows her true ident.i.ty, she only felt displeasure.

Just like that, Origami did not slow down, hurrying towards the rooftop door.

Before, she had also brought s.h.i.+dou to that location. Normally unfrequented by people, it was a convenient place where one could talk without any intervention.


Perhaps it was due to running up the stairs in one go, Kurumi"s shoulders heaved, her hand leaning on the handrail.

After tens of seconds later, when her breathing returned to normal, Kurumi voiced out.

"About that......Is anything the matter? I haven"t eaten lunch yet......"

Origami faced Kurumi, her expressions not changing as she replied.

"You, why are you still alive?"


"——You, should have been dead yesterday."

That"s right. Origami yesterday, definitely saw it.

Kurumi who had her four limbs cut off and head smashed by Mana, perfectly killed.

Although she understood Mana"s strength, but Ryoko still a.s.sembled Origami and the other AST members, to surround the Spirit in case Mana wasn"t able to capture it.


Kurumi"s eyebrow twitched.

A few seconds later, using her right eye that wasn"t covered, she observed Origami"s face.

"——Aah. aah, you. It"s you. You were definitely there with Mana-san yesterday."


The instant Kurumi ended her sentence, Origami swiftly retreated from her original spot.

There was no reason behind her actions. Just that her brain felt that something was off, warning Origami to escape.

"Well! Well! That reaction wasn"t bad at all. Splendid. Truly splendid. However."


Origami held her breath. Before she managed to retreat, something grabbed her ankle.

Upon a closer look, Kurumi"s shadow had expanded without her noticing——From there, two white arms extended out.

Furthermore, the shadow continued to slowly grow in surface area, climbing onto the walls.

And from there, countless arms grew, restraining Origami"s arms and head firmly from behind.


Although she struggled, but those slender fingers did not let go of Origami"s body. Instead, the strength increased, pressing Origami against the wall.

"Kihihi, hihi, it"s no use. Even if you struggle it is useless."

Kurumi laughed.

Kurumi wore a twisted smile on her face that could not be imagined a few minutes ago, letting out a laugh that would only cause a deep chill when heard.

"I was in your care yesterday. Did you properly dispose of it? My body, that is."

Kurumi approached Origami as she scratched her hair. Suddenly, the left eye hidden behind the fringe was shown. Pure golden in colour. The pupil did not seem to be the shape of an organ, twelve digits and two hands. That"s right——That was, just like a clock.

"Wanting to know about me, and wanting to make solo contact with me, don"t you think you are being too careless? And you even took the trouble, to choose a location where people would rarely go to."


It was just as Kurumi said. In the end, was she mistaken by how it ended so quickly yesterday——Or, was she mistaken after seeing Kurumi attend school today. Anyway, Origami had miscalculated. Threatening a Spirit with such words, she was too careless.

"You——, what is your......motive?"

Even though her throat was being held, she still managed to make a sound. After which, the corner of Kurumi"s mouth lifted.

"Ufufu, I wanted to attend school, I guess I"m not lying if I said that, right? But, even though I said that, the biggest reason has to be——"

After pausing for a moment, Kurumi brought her face closer to a distance where Origami could feel her breath.

"——s.h.i.+dou-san, right."


Hearing s.h.i.+dou"s name, Origami couldn"t help but keep silent.

Seeing that reaction, Kurumi looked extremely happy, her smile widening even further.

"He is excellent you know. He is the best. He really——looks. very. delicious. you. know. Aah, Aah, I"m impatient. I can"t wait any longer. I want him. I want his power. In order to obtain him, in order to become one with him, I have arrived at this school."

——A tremor. Origami felt her back was drenched in cold sweat. She totally, did not realize that a Spirit would be targeting a single person——and furthermore that person is s.h.i.+dou, it was completely out of her calculations.

However. A question surfaced within Origami in that time.

The phrase that Kurumi mentioned just now. What exactly was [his power]——


This train of thought, was interrupted by Kurumi.

Kurumi"s hand started to move across Origami"s body.

"Origami-san. Tob.i.+.c.hi, Origami-san. You are also——extremely, great you know. How wonderful, you look so delicious. Aah, I can"t stand it. I can"t take it. I want to eat you up right now."

Cheeks reddening, breathing heavily, her left hand moved to the chest, while the right hand played with the skirt.

Saying that, she extended her tongue, leaving a trail of saliva on Origami"s face.


"Aah, aah, but I can"t. I mustn"t. Even though this would be a waste, but I must save this enjoyment till the last part."

Kurumi exaggeratedly shook her head, leaving a kiss on Origami"s neck, stepping away from her body.

"You, I am going to leave until after s.h.i.+dou-san.——May you become, even more delicious."

With that said, Kurumi turned around, walking down the stairs.

After her figure disappeared, the arms binding Kurumi once again went back into the shadow.

"......Cough, guh."

Origami crouched onto the floor and started to cough.

The expanded shadow along the hallway, as though it was returning to its master, started to shrink in the direction of the corridor.

"s.h.i.+, dou——"

Although she doesn"t know why, but Kurumi she was, targeting s.h.i.+dou.

It"d be bad if she didn"t inform headquarters about it. No, no matter how you think about it, they would never believe that a Spirit would be targeting an individual.

——If Origami is unable to protect s.h.i.+dou this time.

Origami grit her teeth, tightly gripping her fist.


Tohka sat on the chair and looked up to see the clock on top of the blackboard.

Lunch break was almost over.

Stomach letting out a *Gururu* sound. Not eating anything since breakfast, Tohka who is a big eater was already on the verge of collapsing from hunger.

However, she did not open her bento. Although s.h.i.+dou had told her to start eating......But Tohka felt that it would taste better if s.h.i.+dou ate with her, so she chose not to eat her bento.


Students who were playing outside were already slowly making their way back into cla.s.s. Some impatient ones had already prepared for the next lesson.

However, there was still no sign of s.h.i.+dou to be seen.


Not knowing why, her eyes started to feel hot, and felt that it was getting difficult to breathe through her nose.

Slowly rubbing away her mucus, wiping her eyes. The sleeve of her uniform became damp. ——Just at this moment.

"——Aare? Did something happen Tohka-chan?"

"Why haven"t you eaten your lunch?"

"Cla.s.s is about to start already!"

The female trio entered the cla.s.sroom and spoke to Tohka, looks like they have eaten lunch outside.

They are girls who treat Tohka rather well. If she remembered correctly their names were Ai, Mai and Mii. Looks like they were so close because their names sounded similar.

"Uwaa! What"s the matter Tohka-chan! Don"t cry!"

"What what, who did this!?"

"I said the person who did this, step out!!"

The three people surrounded Tohka, speaking in harmony. The shoulders of the male cla.s.smates gave a violent tremor.

"No, it"s not like that! No one did anything!"

Tohka waved her hands hastily, explaining to the trio.

"Eh eh? Really?"

"Then, why?"

"Pollen allergy? Is it because of pollen allergy?"

Tohka shook her head, her eyes looking at the bento box by her hand.

"s.h.i.+dou, he"s, still not back yet. ......Also, thinking about how I haven"t been able to properly speak with s.h.i.+dou today, just like that, I don"t know why, I......"

Once she said it out, huge teardrops started falling from her eyes.

"Aaah! Tohka-chan! It"s alright to stop if you don"t feel happy!"

"But really now, I don"t get Itsuka-kun! How can he let such a cute girl cry!"

"Let"s chop off his head and feed it to the pigs!"

The trio shouted out in rage. Tohka once again stopped them in panic.

"No, it"s not s.h.i.+dou"s fault! It"s only, I......"

Tohka tried to rephrase her words with her limited vocabulary, first explaining that it wasn"t s.h.i.+dou"s fault, but the reason was that she had become too accustomed to having s.h.i.+dou by her side.

After hearing that, Ai, Mai and Mii all nodded their heads.

"So for Tohka-chan, as long as you can talk to Itsuka-kun, eat together with him and play together with him, you would be SUPER HAPPY right?"

Ai said. Tohka nodded her head.

"Guu, how innocent. This time it"d be useless even if Itsuka-kun kowtows a hundred times."

Saying that, Mai wiped imaginary tears away as though she were acting. Tohka"s eyes widened.

"Just as well, the bas.e.m.e.nt of my house has an iron maiden and a wooden horse[3B 3]."

Mii said with a serious expression, Tohka tilted her head.

The trio looked at Tohka, suddenly slapping their thighs with a "Yos.h.!.+"

"I"m giving it my all for Tohka-chan!"

Ai said that, taking out two pieces of paper from her pocket.

"Ah, Ai, that"s......!"

"Yes, tickets to the aquarium Tenguu Gojuusou......! Tomorrow"s the anniversary of our school"s opening right? Tohka-chan, take this, go there with Itsuka-kun tomorrow!"

"Ai! Then that means you and Kas.h.i.+wada-kun——"

Mai wanted to continue speaking, Ai extended her arm to stop her.

"Don"t say anymore! Tohka-chan will feel bad......"

As Ai said that, Mai and Mii grabbed Tohka"s shoulders with expressions of holding back their tears.

"Tohka-chan......! Please you must accept this......!"

"Ai! Please take it for Ai"s sake......"

"Nu, nuu......?"

Tohka felt that she couldn"t ruin the current atmosphere, after hesitating for a while, she innocently took the tickets from Ai. The very next instant, Ai collapsed.

"Tohka-chan......You and Itsuka-kun must reach......happiness......ah."

"Ah, Aiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

"Get a hold on yourself! The wound is still shallow!"


Tohka not knowing what is going on, held the ticket and looked left and right.

It felt as though if she accepted it, she would be doing something wrong. Tohka returned the tickets to Ai"s hand with teary eyes.


Ai instantly revived.


"It"s a miracle!"

"Wrong, wrong wrong."

Ai who suddenly calmed down, once again pa.s.sed the tickets to Tohka"s hands.

"You can"t return this Tohka-chan. Take this and go invite Itsuka-kun."

"In, invite?"

"Yes. Just say let"s go on a date tomorrow."


With those words, Tohka"s eyes grew wider. A date, that is, referring to an activity where a boy and a girl go out and play.

——Ah, that"s wonderful.

After thinking deeply, it felt like she hasn"t gone out with s.h.i.+dou on a date recently. Having a date after so long. If it"s like that, it would be great.

However, there is still one problem.

"I, I have to invite......him?"

Tohka said while sweating in panic.

"Yeah. Just once, just once. Having the girl ask a guy once in a while isn"t that bad."

"B, but......What if I were to be rejected......"

Tohka looked uneasy as she said so. The trio shrugged their shoulders, sighing with a "Fuu".

"Ok ok. You can"t think about being rejected now, although if it fails we would still punish Itsuka-kun by parading him in public, but we are going to impart to you a secret move."

"Secret, secret move......?"

"Right. In short that means playing with a man"s l.u.s.t. If Tohka-chan were to employ such a move, you"d be able to obtain the power to control a country!"

"N, no, I don"t need such a thing......"

"Alright alright, first of all......"

Tohka listened to Ai talk about the secret move while nodding her head all the time.

When the last homeroom ended, s.h.i.+dou immediately rose from his seat, walking towards Kurumi"s direction.

At this moment, he could feel the coy gaze of Tohka at his right as well as Origami"s demonic, absolute zero stare on his left, he decided to ignore them as he continued moving forward.

"Kurumi, do you have a minute?"

Saying that, he pointed to the direction of the corridor, after which he walked out of the cla.s.sroom, Kurumi followed closely behind.

After walking to a location without people, he turned to face Kurumi.

"s.h.i.+dou-san, is something bothering you?"

"Aa, aaah. Sorry for being so sudden......Kurumi you, are you free tomorrow?"

"? Yes, I am."

"About that, if it"s possible, can I take you around the area for a walk......?"

"Eh? That"s......"

"We, well......To put it simply......that would be a date, I suppose."

Instantly, Kurumi"s expressions brightened.


"Ah, aah......Is that okay with you?"

"Of course. It would be my honor."

"Really, then......tomorrow at 10:30, I"ll meet you in front of the ticket station of Tenguu station."

"Yes, I"ll be waiting!"

Kurumi said with all smiles. s.h.i.+dou returned to the cla.s.sroom after raising his hand and said "Well then, see you tomorrow.".

At this moment, opening the cla.s.sroom door, he found Origami standing there.


"——What did you say to her?"

Staring at s.h.i.+dou with a sharp gaze, her calm voice sounded out with no intonations.

"No, no, it"s nothing."

"Answer me. This is very——"

If I continue to be interrogated like this, I may leak it out by accident. After s.h.i.+dou made that self-judgment, he went past Origami, walking up to his desk and took his bag.

"I, I have to go first because of something! Tohka! Let"s go home!"

"Nu? Uu, umu!"

Saying that, he escaped before the interrogation. Tohka barely managed to react as she chased after s.h.i.+dou.


Running a short while, after confirming that Origami could not catch up did he dare to slow down his footsteps.

"What"s with that all of a sudden, s.h.i.+dou!"

"N, no......In short that was, well......something like that, let"s go home first."

"Nn, umu......"

Tohka nodded her head still feeling confused.

Although he did feel surprised......Well, there"s no need to ask further. s.h.i.+dou entered the corridor, changed his shoes at the entrance and walked out of school.

On the way back.

"Ab, abababababababout that s.h.i.+dou......!"

Tohka who was always very fluent, voiced out looking slightly panicky.

"Nn? What"s the matter, Tohka?"

"Aa, aaah. About that......ah!"

At this point Tohka was flipping through her bag in search of something——For reasons unknown she furtively looked around , looking down while blus.h.i.+ng.

"Wh, what"s the matter? Did something happen?"

"It"s, its nothing......! Let"s hurry up and go home!"

Tohka looked around as she forcefully said, seemingly wanting s.h.i.+dou to lead the way as she slowly followed behind.

"What"s with her, that fellow......"

Despite feeling curious about Tohka"s peculiar actions, but they continued to keep it this way as they walked home.

Although he wasn"t sure why, but on the way back, Tohka still did not show her face.

Not long after, they finally reached the Itsuka residence and the apartment made for Spirits to live in.

"Ooh, then goodbye then. Are you eating dinner at my house tonight?"

At this point, s.h.i.+dou"s greeting with his hand raised as usual——was cut short midway.

The reason was simple, Tohka did not walk towards the apartment, but towards the Itsuka residence.

"Tohka? Aren"t you going to change your clothes first?"

"! It"s, it"s fine, hurry up and open the door already!"

"Haa......Well, whatever you say then."

She still had to go to the Itsuka house for dinner anyway. So there wasn"t any problem about coming early. s.h.i.+dou took out the key from his pocket, opening the door.

"I"m home."

Since the door was locked, it meant that Kotori still had yet to return home, but he said it out of reflex anyway. Taking off his shoes at the entrance and entering the house, just like that he walked to the living room, lightly stretching at the sofa after placing his bag down.


At this point, a *kacha* sound could be heard.

Looks like Tohka who had followed behind s.h.i.+dou had just locked the entrance. Tohka entered the living room with her head still lowered.

"Nn? It"s okay if its unlocked? After all Kotori is returning home soon too."


However Tohka did not make a reply, instead she put down her bag, reached her hand inside, taking out two ticket-like objects.

"s.h.i.+, s.h.i.+dou, if it"s okay with you......that."

After that, she suddenly raised her head as though she just remembered something.

"Th, that"s right, I must do it properly huh......"

"Properly......? Do what?"

Just as s.h.i.+dou was left in confusion, Tohka hastily ran towards the windows of the living room, pulling the thick curtains.

"Hey, hey, Tohka......?"

"Just a moment! Okay, start preparations!"

"Preparations......? Wh, what is......?"

However, Tohka still did not reply.

This time she took out a memo from her bag, placing it on the table.

Then, she placed her hands on her hips with a troubled expression, slowly rolling up her skirt. A technique girls often use to temporarily shorten their skirt. Tohka"s healthy thighs gradually showed themselves.

"Hey, hey, Tohka......?"

Unable to understand the reason for Tohka"s actions, s.h.i.+dou frowned while his face was dripping in sweat.

Next Tohka loosened the b.u.t.terfly knot on her uniform, unb.u.t.toning her s.h.i.+rt from the top. The second......the third......she actually undid four of them. From the gap between the s.h.i.+rt, Tohka"s white chest could be glimpsed, s.h.i.+dou couldn"t help but turn his eyes away.

"Wh, what are you doing Tohka!? If you wanted to change then you should do it in your own house——"

"s.h.i.+, s.h.i.+dou!"

Tohka interrupted s.h.i.+dou"s words, using her mouth to hold the tickets, going on all fours, making the pose of a female leopard. On a side note, her face was as red as a cooked tomato.

"Like, like this......!"

"Wh, whawhawhat are you doing......!? What in the world is this!?"

s.h.i.+dou spoke in confusion, Tohka looked regretful as she said "It, it doesn"t work......!", taking out the ticket from her mouth. ......Doesn"t work or not, he totally did not get a single clue of what she"s thinking.

However Tohka looked at the memo on the table once more,


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