Date A Live

Chapter 7

Epilogue - Life With a SpiritPart 1

"—That is all."

The location was the special communications room within the that only the commander Kotori was allowed to enter.

Facing the round table set up in the center of the dim room, Kotori concluded her report.

The report concerning the capture and retrieval of the Spirit.

Around the round table, including Kotori, the breathing of a total of five people could be felt.

But—in reality, the only one in was Kotori. The other members were attending the meeting through speakers set up on the round table.

"...So that means that his power is the real thing, huh."

Speaking in a slightly m.u.f.fled voice was the ugly cat-shaped stuffed animal sitting on Kotori"s right.

Well, the voice actually came from the speaker right in front of the stuffed animal, but from Kotori"s viewpoint it was as if the ugly cat was the one speaking.

As the others did not have a video feed of her, it was something Kotori set up arbitrarily.

Due to that, this inner-most room of the had become a strangely fantasy-like s.p.a.ce. It was almost like the mad tea-party of Alice in Wonderland.

"That"s why I said, if it"s s.h.i.+dou then it"ll work out."

Kotori proudly crossed her arms, and this time the mouse with a crying face to the left of her quietly spoke.

"—Going by just your claims, there was not enough credibility. After all, you can"t expect us to so readily believe in the power of self-resurrection... or the ability to absorb the Spirits" power."

Kotori shrugged.

Oh well, there was nothing she could do about that.

Setting up the various observation and a.n.a.lysis devices to confirm s.h.i.+dou"s abilities took—around five years.

Well even then, during that time the was built and a crew was gathered. In terms of timing it worked out just perfectly.

"What about the status of the Spirit?"

This time the voice came from beside the ugly cat, from an extremely stupid-looking blue dog with drool hanging off its face.

"We have been monitoring her status since being retrieved by —and her status is extremely stable. Not even a creak in s.p.a.ce-time was detected. Exactly how much of her power remains will need to be a.n.a.lyzed in detail, but at the very least, it"s not at a level where "just existing will destroy the world"."

Kotori said, and of the four stuffed animals, three of them held their breaths at once.

"Then, at least at this current stage, the Spirits can exist in this world without problems?"

In a clearly excited voice, the ugly cat spoke. Kotori stared at it with disgust as she calmly answered "yes".

"In addition, it would be difficult for her to lostdisappear into the other dimension with her own powers."

"—Then, what about his status? He had absorbed that much of the Spirit"s power. Has anything abnormal happened?"

This time, the crying mouse asked.

"At this moment no abnormalities have been detected, in either s.h.i.+dou or the world."

"How? They"re calamities that will destroy the world! To seal that power inside a human, and have nothing abnormal happen..."

The stupid dog stated.

"Didn"t we get permission to use him because it was concluded that no problems will arise?"

"...What exactly is he? With such an ability... it"s as if he"s a Spirit."

It wasn"t just the stuffed animal"s face, it really was an idiot. Kotori sighed inside her heart and dutifully opened her mouth.

"—His ability to revive is as I explained previously. Regarding the absorption ability, we are currently investigating it."

Kotori said, and for a moment the stuffed animals were silent.

Then a few seconds later, the stuffed animal that had yet to speak until now, a squirrel hugging a walnut, quietly spoke.

"—Anyways, good work, Commander Itsuka. You have obtained brilliant results. I expect great things from you in the future."


For the very first time, Kotori straightened her pose, and placed her hand across her chest.

Part 2


Since that incident a weekend had pa.s.sed, it was now Monday.

In the school building completely rebuilt by the Restoration Forces, a sizable number of students had already gathered.

In the midst of them all, s.h.i.+dou absentmindedly sighed, and stared off towards the roof of the cla.s.sroom.

—That day.

s.h.i.+dou had immediately collapsed after what happened, and after he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in "s infirmary.

Then, he went through an extensive medical check in that facility—but ever since he had fallen unconscious, he hadn"t been able to catch a glimpse of Tohka. Even when he demanded to talk to Tohka, the only response he got was that she was undergoing examinations, so even until the very end he was not able to even take a look at her.


As if the ten hectic days that pa.s.sed since meeting Tohka were a dream, the plain normal days was—to be honest, felt so empty and powerless, so much that he felt like dying.

However... there was but one thing, one other thing that was caught in s.h.i.+dou"s thoughts even more.

That day. s.h.i.+dou had definitely exchanged a kiss with Tohka.

At that moment, the raiment that Tohka wore had melted and disappeared—and at the same time, he felt as if something warm had flowed into his own body.

—What exactly was that feeling?


Silently, he touched his lips.

Three days had already pa.s.sed, but he felt as if that sensation still remained. s.h.i.+dou blushed slightly.

"...That"s seriously disgusting. What are you doing Itsuka?"

"! T-Tonomachi. If you"re there then give off some presence."

Suddenly being talked to, s.h.i.+dou returned his head to its original posture.

"...I did, a normal amount. In fact I even called out to you. If you let me get lonely then I"ll die you know."

Saying this, he straddled the empty seat in front and thrust his elbows on s.h.i.+dou"s desk.

"No, I didn"t know that. Anyways, go back to your own seat. It"s going to be homeroom soon."

"It"s fine. Tama-chan"s going to be a bit late anyways."

"Jeez... she"s still our teacher. You should stop with that nickname that sounds like a cat or maybe a seal."

"Haha, it"s cute, so isn"t it fine? Though our ages are apart, but she"s still completely in my strike zone."

"Ahh... then propose to her. She"ll probably accept."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Then, at that time the door of the cla.s.sroom slid open with a rattling sound, and s.h.i.+dou"s shoulders shook slightly.

—Instantly, the cla.s.sroom was abuzz.

But that was to be expected. After all, that Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami had come to school wrapped all over with bandages.


He couldn"t help but lose his breath.

Using a Realizer, most injuries could be immediately cured. But after three whole days and still having that many bandages remaining, it had been quite the injury.


With all the gazes in the cla.s.sroom gathered on Origami, she walked towards s.h.i.+dou with uncertain steps until she was right in front of him.

"H-hey, Tob.i.+.c.hi, I"m glad you"re doing we—"

He started to say awkwardly, but suddenly Origami disappeared from s.h.i.+dou"s field of view.

A moment later, s.h.i.+dou realized that Origami was giving a deep bow.


The cla.s.sroom became noisy, and all eyes gathered on s.h.i.+dou and Origami.

But, as if not caring about any of that, Origami continued.

"—Sorry. Although it is not something that can be resolved with a single apology."

From what he had heard later—the attack that targeted Tohka had been fired by Origami. She was probably apologizing for that.

"Wha... Itsuka, did you do something to Tob.i.+.c.hi...?"

"I did not! If I did then wouldn"t I be the one apologizing!"

s.h.i.+dou replied to Tonomachi who had been sending a suspicious glare.

Either way, there was no way to explain the situation in detail. s.h.i.+dou faced Origami again.

"I-I"ll forgive you, so for now raise your head..."

s.h.i.+dou said, and unexpectedly Origami obediently straightened up.


Then, in the next moment, she grabbed onto the base of s.h.i.+dou"s necktie.


Her cold expression not changing the least, Origami pulled her face close.

"No cheating."


Starting with s.h.i.+dou"s, the eyes of everyone watching Origami"s actions turned to dots.

As if matching the timing, the chime that signalled the start of homeroom rang.

While glancing at Origami and s.h.i.+dou with interest, the students returned to their own seats.

However, Origami alone remained staring intently at s.h.i.+dou"s face.

Then, the G.o.ddess of salvation appeared.

"Gooood morning, evvvveryone. Homeroom is starting."

Opening the door, teacher Tama-chan walked into the cla.s.sroom.

"...? T-Tob.i.+.c.hi-san, what are you doing?"


Origami silently glanced at Tamae, and then released s.h.i.+dou"s necktie and returned to her seat.

Still, that was right beside s.h.i.+dou. He couldn"t give a sigh of relief.

"O-okay, has everyone settled in?"

Feeling the unrest in the cla.s.sroom, Tamae said in an excessively cheerful voice.

Then, she hit her hand as if remembering something, and nodded to herself.

"Oh right, before we take attendance today, I have a surprise! —Come in!"

Saying this, she called towards the door that she had just herself come in through.


Then—as if responding to that, such a voice was heard.



At the same time s.h.i.+dou and Origami"s jaws dropped.

"—I am transferring into this cla.s.s from today, my name is Yatogami[1G 1] Tohka. Pleased to be in your care."

Wearing a highschool uniform, Tohka entered with a gigantic smile on her face.

Faced with this beauty that could cause one"s eyes to hurt just by looking at it, the cla.s.s grew rowdy again.

Ignoring the gazes, Tohka took a piece of chalk, and in poor writing wrote just the words "Tohka" on the blackboard. She then nodded to herself as if satisfied.

"Wh... you, why are you..."


Tohka turned to face the source of the voice. She gave off a strange s.h.i.+ne, an illusionary glow.

"Ohh, s.h.i.+dou! I missed you!"

She then called out s.h.i.+dou"s name with a loud voice, and hopped over to right beside s.h.i.+dou"s seat—right where Origami had been standing just moments ago.

Once again, s.h.i.+dou became the center of focus of the cla.s.s.

Murmur, murmur. From all around, theories of the relations.h.i.+p between the two of them as well as the connection with what happened with Origami before could be heard.

Sweat formed on s.h.i.+dou"s forehead as he said with a small voice that the other students couldn"t hear.

"T-Tohka...? Why are you here?"

"Nn, the examinations and such had finished. —It turns out that over 99% of my power had disappeared."

Following s.h.i.+dou"s lead, Tohka said in a small voice.

"Well—it ended up good for me. I no longer cause the world to cry just by existing. Then, well, your sister did a bunch of stuff."

"A-and your family name...?"

"What was her name, that sleepy woman gave it to me."


s.h.i.+dou scratched his head and laid onto his desk.

He was glad that Tohka was allowed to be free, but there were probably other ways of doing things.

But, with an innocent look,

"What"s wrong, s.h.i.+dou. You look down. —Ahh, could it be, were you lonely when I was gone?"

She said such a thing while being completely serious.

At a volume big enough for the surrounding people to hear, no less.

The commotion in the cla.s.sroom reached a climax.

Never feeling so uncomfortable in his life, s.h.i.+dou somehow managed to get his voice out.

"What... don"t say something weird like that."

"Hmpf, how cold. Even though you were chasing me so wildly back then."

Saying this, she placed her hands on her two cheeks, and made a embarra.s.sed look.


He knew that the atmosphere had changed. There were even people sending messages from the shadows of their desk. Like this, it won"t be long until the whole school knew s.h.i.+dou"s name.

s.h.i.+dou tried again with a louder voice.

"N-no, Tohka! S-saying it like that will cause everyone to misunderstand!"

"Nu? Are you saying that it was a misunderstanding? Even though it was my first time..."


—Critical hit. Probably, Kotori and Reine had taught her some unnecessary knowledge.

Ignoring the teacher"s commands, the cla.s.s went berserk.

Then, immediately—Tohka moved her face to the right.


In front of the stunned s.h.i.+dou"s eyes, something that seemed like a pen sliced horizontally through the air at an amazing speed.


Surprised, he looked for its source. There, still in the posture as if she had just thrown a pen, was Origami with a cold stare.



Tohka and Origami. Their eyes crossed.

"Nu, why the h.e.l.l are you here?"

"That is my line."

It immediately became a critical situation.

—However, the two of them did not seem like they wanted to fight here.

But of course. One side had lost almost all her power, and the other side was without her equipment and injured.

"O-okay! Stop it! Let"s end this now! Okay! Don"t fight!"

Teacher Okamine hurriedly cut between the two of them, and somehow managed to diffuse the situation.


"Now, Yatogami-san"s seat will be—"

The teacher started to search for Tohka"s seat, but

"No need. —Move."

Tohka let out a sharp look at the student beside s.h.i.+dou—on the opposite side of Origami.


Faced with that pressure, the female student fell down from her chair.

"Nn, thank you."

Saying that, Tohka calmly sat down, and looked towards s.h.i.+dou.

But doing so, she met not s.h.i.+dou"s gaze but rather Origami"s.



The two of them silently glared at each other.

s.h.i.+dou was extremely happy that Tohka could continue living in this world. He also feels grateful towards Kotori and her crew who had done a lot.

Also, he honestly felt relieved that Origami had managed to stay alive.

This was undoubtedly what could be called the best possible outcome.

But, this was...


Showered with strange looks from both sides, s.h.i.+dou held his head.

ReferencesJump up↑ 夜刀神 => 夜 (Night) 刀 (Sword) 神 (G.o.d), so something like "Night Sword of G.o.d".

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