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Chapter 9: InstinctPart 1

Chapter 9: InstinctPart 1


Kotori’s suspicious voice could be heard over the other side of the phone.

Nevertheless, it was something natural. s.h.i.+dou would probably give the same reaction if she suddenly calls him during break time to report about [That information].

Yes. s.h.i.+dou slipped out of the cla.s.sroom after the homeroom ended and called Kotori after he reached an empty spot.

Kotori was giving agreeable responses when she first picked up the phone but, the rustling sound of her changing her ribbon could be heard half-way through and she said those words.

Kotori followed her words with perplexed words.

“Wait for a moment there. What is going on? Please explain in details”

“……..Just like what I said. , transferred into my cla.s.s”

s.h.i.+dou bitterly said that words he told Kotori just now, once more.

“Like I say, I don’t get your meaning. Why would transfer into your school………no, in the first place, is an unidentified Spirit. We have not confirmed her neither her name nor face before. Just how did you know that the person that transferred in is ?”


That was a good question. s.h.i.+dou hesitated.

“I have no time now so I’ll explain the details when we get back home. But……..i am serious. Believe me”


After s.h.i.+dou said that, Kotori kept silent for a while before *Haa* making a sigh.

“………I get it. I’ll send an observation unit over just in case. Anything more, will depend on the results we get”

“……….! You believe me!?”

It was something he said but, it was a little unexpected. When s.h.i.+dou let out a surprised voice, Kotori replied back with a tired manner.

“Honestly, it’s a 50 50. -----but, there’s no way I won’t do anything if I was told that ’s ident.i.ty is known when we are clueless about her”

She then continued on.

"I don’t think s.h.i.+dou would say something without any proof anyway. No………..even if it’s a gut feeling, you have done enough for me to believe those words”


“However, if you are thinking of making investigate and get information’s about a girl you like; you won’t get away easily”

“I-I won’t do that!”

After s.h.i.+dou shouted, Kotori [Unn] groaned.

“Then, we will start investigating now. Err, what is that female student’s name?”

“Origami. It’s Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami”

“Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami. Tob.i.+.c.hi------“

Kotori stopped her words at that moment. Her throat sounded softly as if she recalled something.

“Isn’t that…….perhaps it’s, AST’s Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami?”


s.h.i.+dou widen his eyes when he heard Kotori’s words. AST. It is the abbreviation of the Anti-Spirit team, even within the JGDSF.

It’s true that Origami was affiliated with that organization. But, this should be something in the previous world. There’s no way for Kotori to know that-----

s.h.i.+dou twitched his shoulders when he thought that far.

“Kotori, don’t tell me you have memories of the previous world……?”

“Haah? What are you saying? You’re still dragging yesterday’s dream again?”

However, Kotori replied back with a calm tone.

“If I am correct, there is a member with that name in the AST. She fought with the girls many times before. But, she resigned just a while ago”


s.h.i.+dou’s word’s got stuck. It’s not like Kotori regained her memories of the previous world. But even so, Origami was still affiliated with the AST.

The reality those 2 facts shown. It was something really simple.

---Origami is in the AST in this world too.

“Just why……….”

“What do you mean by why……….you mean the reason why she quit the AST? How would I know that”

Kotori probably misunderstood s.h.i.+dou’s mumble as a question; Kotori *fuun* snorted while saying that.

“But now that you mentioned it, the time when Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami resigned AST and the time started appearing, matches. Fumu, If the reason why she turned into a Spirit was because she resigned then……..”

Kotori groaned while started mumbling something.

But, half of those words pa.s.sed through s.h.i.+dou’s ears.----inside s.h.i.+dou’s head, the fact that Origami entered the AST was swirling inside his head.

The reason why Origami entered the AST in the previous world in the first place, was to kill the Spirit that killed her parents. In this world where her parents were saved, just what kind of event pushed Origami to do such a thing.

“----Hey s.h.i.+dou, are you listening?”

“……..! Y-yeah……….sorry”

s.h.i.+dou got surprised when Kotori called him.

“Mouu, get a grip. Anyway, we will be investigating if whether or not Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami is a Spirit. s.h.i.+dou, you report to us too if you find anything.----but, if Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami really is that then she is a really dangerous Inverse-type. Please don’t be reckless”

“Y-yeah……sorry about that”

After s.h.i.+dou said that, he offed his phone.


He leaned against the wall after stuffing his phone into his pocket. The much information got too complicated inside his mind, and he couldn’t arrange all of them.

But, nothing will happen like this. After s.h.i.+dou took a deep breath, he then returned back to the 2nd year cla.s.s 4.

When he entered the cla.s.sroom, he found a crowd of people at the window side. It seems everyone was interested at the cute transfer student. Origami was making a troubled face in the center of his cla.s.smates.

And at right at that moment, the chime signifying the start of cla.s.s time rang and everyone went back to their seats while waving back. He saw Origami *Haa* exhaled, after she waved back to them.


s.h.i.+dou’s cheeks turned softer by reflex when he saw that unfamiliar scene. If it was the Origami he knew then, she won’t change her expression at all.

But……..this was something he doesn’t get.

Why would Origami enter the AST in this world? Why did she become a Spirit? Why-----did she inversed. And also, how is she able to return to her human form and maintain her consciousness even though she inversed. It’s just plain mysterious no matter how much he thinks.

And, the teacher entered the cla.s.sroom when s.h.i.+dou was thinking.

“Cla.s.s is about to start. Sit down”


After s.h.i.+dou quickly returned to his seat, he took out his textbook and notes onto the table.

But, naturally, he can’t focus in cla.s.s. s.h.i.+do’s sights were directed towards Origami’s direction.

---Like I thought, I have to talk to her at least once. s.h.i.+dou does not know anything about the Origami of this world.

But, people would probably crowd around her like just now, if it becomes break time. Judging by this rate, it is going to be hard for s.h.i.+dou to talk to her.


After s.h.i.+dou immersed himself in thoughts for a while, he wrote words at the edge of his note.

He then tore it out and folded it before placing it onto Origami’s table without the teacher noticing.


Origami, who noticed that, tilted her head.

After looking at the words written inside the piece of paper, Origami widen her eyes in surprise.

At that day’s break time. After s.h.i.+dou sneaked out of the cla.s.sroom, he headed towards the stairs leading to the roof.

Since it was far away from the cla.s.sroom block, there aren’t many students that would come here. Actually, the stairs was so quiet that it made the hustle and bustle echoing in the school a lie.

However, that does not signify the fact that no one was here.

There was already one girl standing there.------it was the transfer student, who is the topic of the day; Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami.

Even within the students that pa.s.sed their 3 years here in the school; only a very small number of them knows of the existence of this isolated area. It’s weird to think that a transfer student would be at such a place.

However, s.h.i.+dou was not surprised. That’s because,

“Err, this”

Origami took out a torn piece of paper from her pocket and showed s.h.i.+dou. It’s true that it was s.h.i.+dou’s handwriting and the words were mainly to tell her to come here at break time.

Yes. s.h.i.+dou called Origami out here.

“Aah, Sorry. Calling you out all of a sudden”

“Uun. That is okay……, what do want?”

Origami asked with a slightly stern expression.

But, it was probably normal. She was called out to this remote place by a male student she first met. It’s not weird for her to feel danger. Rather, s.h.i.+dou should be grateful to her for listening to his request and come here alone.

However for some reason………………….it’s quite a new experience that instead of s.h.i.+dou being cautious of Origami, Origami was the one that was cautious of s.h.i.+dou.


s.h.i.+dou scratched his cheeks while wondering what he should talk about. There were mountain worth of things he wanted to ask but, suddenly pressuring her with them will bring out the possibility of strengthening her cautiousness.

“Hey, Origami”


Origami made a surprised face. s.h.i.+dou didn’t get the meaning at first but, he immediately realized the reason.

“So-sorry. Tob.i.+.c.hi……….san. Sorry for calling your name”

“U-un, I was just a little surprised. Err……….Itsuka-kun”

Origami said s.h.i.+dou’s name. s.h.i.+dou made a wry smile when he heard that unfamiliar call.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing. More importantly, Tob.i.+.c.hi-san. You said something when you saw my face during the morning right? What was that all about?”


When s.h.i.+dou said that, Origami made an expression as if she recalled back something.

“Sorry to rub you in the wrong way. Itsuka-kun looked exactly like a person I met a long time ago so, I got surprised”


s.h.i.+dou raised his eyebrows in reflex.


“Uun, there is no way. That’s because, I met that person 5 years ago. Itsuka-kun is still in elementary school. Also----“

Origami looked downwards.

“-----That person already pa.s.sed away. 5 years ago, in front of me”


s.h.i.+dou realized something when he heard those words. The ident.i.ty of the person Origami was talking about.

That person is definitely s.h.i.+dou. It’s true that when s.h.i.+dou saved the parents of the Origami from 5 years ago; his eyes met with Origami even though it was just for an instant.

“Is that all you wanted to talk? I want to go back to cla.s.s………”

“……………! Ah, wait a sec”

s.h.i.+dou quickly stopped Origami, who was going down the stairs. s.h.i.+dou has not gained any of the information he wanted.

Nonetheless, he could not see any advancement if he acts as a student that knows nothing. He made up his mind and opened his mouth.

“Perhaps, the person you met 5 years ago-----was during the fire disaster in the Nankou town?”


Origami widens her eyes when she heard s.h.i.+dou’s words.

“How, do you know……..”

Just when she was about to finish, Origami made a surprised face.

“Perhaps---that person was Itsuka-kun’s older brother………..?”


s.h.i.+dou let out an idiotic voice when he heard Origami’s unexpected words. It seems, she thinks that s.h.i.+dou is the brother of the person she met 5 years ago. But it was probably normal for her to do that. She won’t believe him if s.h.i.+dou told her that it was him.

He does not want to have her misunderstand this but…………….if he is able to advance the conversation smoothly then it had to be done. s.h.i.+dou judged that and tilted his head forward.

“Well……….around there I guess”

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Origami suddenly changed her expression. Her eyebrows distorted and her face looked as if she was going to cry soon.



Origami walked to s.h.i.+dou and after taking his hands, she took a deep bow.

“Your brother saved my father and mother. If not for that person, they would have died on the spot. It might not be enough no matter how much words of thanks I give you but, let me say this. Thank you----Thank you very much…….!”


s.h.i.+dou got taken back at Origami’s reaction and replied back vaguely.

But, her words were able to give s.h.i.+dou one important information. As expected, s.h.i.+dou successfully saved Origami’s parents 5 years ago. s.h.i.+dou exhaled in relief.


Origami noticed something and immediately let go of s.h.i.+dou’s hands before she lowered her head one more time with her cheeks blus.h.i.+ng.

“I-I am really sorry; that was all of a sudden”

“No……’s okay”

He made a wry smile when he felt a weird strong emotion from the reaction that does not look like it belongs to Origami.

However, the same time he confirmed one reality, the other problems turned even more mysterious.

“Err……………..Tob.i.+.c.hi-san. Tob.i.+.c.hi-san’s parents were saved right?”


Origami nodded. s.h.i.+dou exhaled before continuing.

“Then, are you living together with them now?”

“………….No. My parents died in a car accident 4 years ago”

“------!? Eh……….!?”

s.h.i.+dou raised a high-pitched voice in reflex when he heard those words Origami said while she was looking downwards.

“N-no way…………”

The correcting force of history; such a word grazed his mind. Kurumi did not deny nor agree this but-----in the end, the powerless feeling of unable to change the death end of Origami’s parents no matter what he does, attacked s.h.i.+dou.


Origami frowned her eyebrows in suspicion in response to s.h.i.+dou’s shock. That’s normal. It was only natural for her to feel something was off if a boy she first met today showed such a reaction.

However, she swung her head to calm herself down before lowering her head.

“I am sorry……………….even though, Itsuka-kun’s brother saved them”

“No, there is no such thing”


Origami lifted her face and continued on with a dignified manner.

“In the 1 year after Itsuka-kun’s brother saved my father and mother, I received many things from them. That was something that I won’t get if not for Itsuka-kun’s brother; it is something precious to me. I am----really thankful”

He could not see any falsehood coming from Origami’s face when she said that.

“I- I see…………….”

s.h.i.+dou said that while slightly looking away. It was really sad that Origami’s parents died and he felt sorry for her but……………..the words he heard from Origami just now helped him quite a bit from the thought that what he did was all useless.

However, Origami said that her parents died from a car accident. If that is real then-------

After making his resolve, s.h.i.+dou lifted his face, stared at Origami’s eyes and opened his mouth after he gulped.

“Then-----why did Tob.i.+.c.hi-san entered the AST?”


Origami gasped when she heard s.h.i.+dou’s words.

Yes. That was s.h.i.+dou’s question. Origami’s parents escaped the Angel’s attack on that day on the fire disaster. If that happened then, Origami shouldn’t be harboring any hatred towards the Spirit…………?

“Why do you know of the AST------“

When Origami was about to finish, she recalled back something and raised her eyebrows.

“Perhaps, Itsuka-kun has gone outside when the s.p.a.ce quake alarm was initiated?”

“Eh…………? Ah-----“

s.h.i.+dou let out a short reply when he heard and saw Origami’s words and suspicious expression.

That’s right. Origami affiliated with the AST in this world too means that there was the possibility that s.h.i.+dou was seen running to the spot to talk to the Spirits.


“………..Like I thought. I wasn’t mistaken after all”


“This topic was raised several times in the team. That, there was a citizen still around the danger zone. -------I felt that the person looked similar to [That Person at that time] but, I thought that it would be Itsuka-kun”

After saying that, Origami’s sights turned stern.

“It is really dangerous. Please avoid that from now on”


s.h.i.+dou replied back vaguely when he was pressed for an answer. Even though he was told that; as long as there is a mission from , he has to continue standing in front of the Spirits from now on too.

Just how did she take that reaction? Origami exhaled.

He was prepared if she wanted to pursuit for more but, Origami did not pry further into his situation.

Instead, she made a strong-willed expression and looked back at s.h.i.+dou.

“You asked………why I joined the AST”

“Yeah, can you tell me if it’s okay with you?”

Origami tilted her head forward when s.h.i.+dou said that.

“Itsuka-kun, if you know the AST then, you should also know the cause for the s.p.a.ce quake right?”


“That’s right. A special biological disaster, Spirit. -----And, you might have already investigated this but, the one that killed your brother at that fire 5 years ago, was a Spirit”


s.h.i.+dou’s throat rang as if he was speaking ambiguously. s.h.i.+dou was alive and well like this but, he probably looks someone that got erased to Origami at that time.

Origami clenched her fist harder and continued.

“That person sacrificed himself to save my father and mother. The reason for my current self, is thanks to him.-----that’s why, I thought this. I don’t want any more people to end up like him. That………..I will become someone that would protect the people from the Spirits”


A meaningless voice leaked out from his throat.

It felt like the scattered puzzle pieces were concentrating into one frame.

In the previous world, Origami made up her mind to defeat the Spirits because of the anger caused by the Spirit killing her parents.

s.h.i.+dou went back to the world of 5 years ago to avoid that and successfully saved Origami’s parents.

But, the secondary [s.h.i.+dou’s death] that happened when [Her parents death] was avoided, became the new live coals to Origami’s new determination.

How----ironic. s.h.i.+dou felt his heart turning noisy at the wicked prank of fate.


Origami tilted her head maybe because she felt suspicious since s.h.i.+dou was silent. s.h.i.+dou’s fingers twitched.

“Aah, no, nothing……………”

Of course he was not okay. But, he could only answer that now.

s.h.i.+dou succeeded in changing the world. But in the end, Origami has witness something. She witnessed a Spirit----killed a person.

However, the meaning of that does not only show despair.

The events that happened in the previous world and this world were different. The results were the same at first glance but, instead of her parents that she was with for several years getting killed in the previous world; in this world, the only person Origami saw die was a young man who she has no clue what his name was.

More importantly, that young man was now living normally like this. If he could explain that fact properly to her then, she might-----

But, s.h.i.+dou bit his lips at that moment. There was one big problem he forgotten.

Yes. Not only did the Origami of this world turn into a Spirit, she also inversed too.

s.h.i.+dou was not very clear on how to make the [Inverse] appear. But, he was very certain that the Spirits have to fall into deep despair for it to occur.


s.h.i.+dou looked at Origami once more. It’s true that her atmosphere and talking pattern was different from the Origami he was familiar with. However, the girl right in front of him right now does not look like she feels despair to this world at the very least.

Kotori warned him not to be reckless. However------he had to ask her this.

“Can I ask…… more question?”

“What is it?”

Origami tilted her small head. s.h.i.+dou made up his mind and asked her.

“----why did Tob.i.+.c.hi-san…….turn into a Spirit”



Origami widens her eyes in wonder at s.h.i.+dou’s words.

“Err, turn into a Spirit……? What are you talking about?”


It was s.h.i.+dou who widen his eyes this time from that unexpected reaction.

He thought she was playing a fool but…….he was wrong. Origami really does not know what s.h.i.+dou was talking about.

“What do you mean……? If I am correct, that’s……….”

And, when s.h.i.+dou mumbled softly while thinking about something, the bell signifying cla.s.s was about to start soon, echoed in the school. It seems lunch break was over.

“It looks like lunch break is over. I will be going back first.------Thank you very much, Itsuka-kun. I am very happy to have talked to you”

She then went down the stairs after she said that.


s.h.i.+dou let out his voice as if he was relying on that back. There was still mountain worth of things he doesn’t know. He felt that he must not let Origami go back now.

“Can we talk----a little longer?”

“But, it’s already time for cla.s.s you know?”

“It doesn’t have to be today! If you have a free day----can I meet you again then?”

“Eh? Isn’t that--------“

Origami made a surprised look and her cheeks blushed next.

After seeing that reaction, s.h.i.+dou noticed it one beat later and [Ah] his face turned red.

---That way of talking sounds just sounds as if I was inviting her to a date…….!


When s.h.i.+dou was being fl.u.s.tered on how he should take fix those words, Origami looked away while opening her lips.

“……….er, can you give me some time to think about it?”

“Heh? O-of course……..!”

After s.h.i.+dou replied by reflex, Origami bowed down at the spot.

“Then, I’ll be going now”

She then jogged down the stairs.


……..Honestly, it was an unexpected scene. She’s girlish………….he feels bad to the Origami of the previous world for saying this but, her reaction does not look like it belongs to Origami.


s.h.i.+dou slowly swung his head. Origami must be a girl like this in the first place. Her personality turned to a calm and rational stance because of her parent’s death.

But……………what is this weird feeling. He feels that the current Origami is cute but, his heart feels somewhat lonely or it feels like it is lacking something.

“………….I might have gotten too used to the old Origami”

After s.h.i.+dou mocked himself, he followed Origami and went down the stairs.

While tiredly mumbling to himself and walking through the corridor, he reached the 2nd year cla.s.s 4. The English teacher entered the cla.s.sroom immediately and the 5th period started.

And-----after who knows how long pa.s.sed since cla.s.s started.

Suddenly, Origami, who was sitting on his left side, started making odd movements.


Feeling something was off, s.h.i.+dou looked over there to see Origami tearing a piece of paper from the edge of her note and writing something on it.

She then folded it into half and placed it at the edge of s.h.i.+dou’s table while avoiding the teacher’s eyes. It’s like what s.h.i.+dou did during cla.s.s at 1st period.

“This is………….”


After s.h.i.+dou received it, Origami’s cheeks blushed and after a moment of looking around in a chaotic manner, she made her textbook stand and hid her face inside.

Part 2


After school on that day. s.h.i.+dou went up the school roof alone and while he was leaning on the floor, he was staring at the clouds drifting in the sky.

He took out the folded piece of paper from his pocket and held it up to the sky.

---“I am free this”

That paper was given by Origami just now. It looks like the reply to s.h.i.+dou’s invitation. There was a small mail address written under it.


After saying that, he put the paper back into his pocket and took a light stretch.

He managed to make a promise. Without ’s help, and judging by the fact that it’s a girl he first met tentatively; it wouldn’t be exaggerated to say that he gained a big gold star of excellence.

Nonetheless, there was still a mountain worth of problems.

In the first place, was it really possible for Origami, who turned into a Spirit and inversed to not know what happened to herself.

Several thinkable possible conclusions popped up in s.h.i.+dou’s mind.

The dumbest and yet the most possible one, was that it was all s.h.i.+dou’s misunderstanding.

It’s true that he saw Origami in the video Kotori showed him. But, he can’t deny the fact that another Spirit might have an Astral Dress that look exactly like Origami’s.

What’s next was simply the possibility that Origami was lying. It didn’t look like it to s.h.i.+dou but, it’s not like s.h.i.+dou studied criminal psychology nor was he a famous gambler. It’s more than enough to think that he was tricked by Origami’s acting.

Or maybe------

“Don’t tell me, that there are 2 Origamis……………there is no way right……?”

s.h.i.+dou mumbled that and laughed tiredly.

Anyway, he has to consult including with that matter.

But………….s.h.i.+dou *Fuaaaa* leaked a big yawn when he was about to raise his body. At the same time, he felt his body gradually relaxing.

It was only normal for that to happen to him. He has been searching through the database the whole night yesterday so; he didn’t had a good sleep.


s.h.i.+dou mumbled that name before closing his eyes.

After who knows how long pa.s.sed.


s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes after leaking a soft moan.

After a few seconds, his mind awakened and he noticed that he fell asleep. It seems he was tired beyond his expectations.

“Ah………this is bad. What time is it?”

s.h.i.+dou frowned his eyebrows from the odd feeling when he took his phone out from his pocket to check the time.


Something feels different from before he fell asleep.

After a few moments of thinking, s.h.i.+dou realized the ident.i.ty of the problem.----it was a pillow. Even though s.h.i.+dou did not place anything under his head, he could feel something oddly soft under there right now.

When s.h.i.+dou was about to extend his hand to under his head to confirm the ident.i.ty of that feeling, a girl immediately fell into s.h.i.+dou’s view.

“--------Oh my, pranks are a no no”


He suddenly widens his eyes from the surprise.

Late after a beat, he realized the ident.i.ty of the feeling under his head----and also the girl.


He called the girls name with a screechy voice.

Yes. The girl that entered s.h.i.+dou’s view was the Spirit-Tokisaki Kurumi, who sent s.h.i.+dou back 5 years ago.

It seems that Kurumi was giving a lap pillow before s.h.i.+dou noticed.

“Ufufu, nice to meet you, s.h.i.+dou-san. Your sleeping face was cute”


It was really embarra.s.sing so, s.h.i.+dou jumped off Kurumi’s lap.

“Oh my, oh my”

Kurumi giggled because s.h.i.+dou’s reaction was funny to her, before standing up with elegant movements.

Kurumi’s outfit was not the usual red-black Astral Dress that he was used to seeing. It was the Raizen high school uniform that s.h.i.+dou saw when he first met Kurumi. Her long bangs were covering her left eye which was carved with the number of the clock.

“Kurumi, you…………”

s.h.i.+dou’s body got nervous at that moment.

Now that s.h.i.+dou thinks about, there might be a chance that the Kurumi existing in this world might not have the same memories as the Kurumi s.h.i.+dou knew. s.h.i.+dou was forced to know that today. It was a normal procedure to be cautious around the worst Spirit-Kurumi.

But, after Kurumi widen her eyes, she placed her hand on her mouth and laughed.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to be that cautious, s.h.i.+do-san. If I wanted to [Eat] s.h.i.+dou-san then, I would have done so when you were sleeping defenselessly”


It’s just as Kurumi says. Sweat flow down s.h.i.+dou’s cheeks.

But, she’s not someone to be relaxed around with. Even though s.h.i.+dou agreed with Kurumi’s words, he kept a watchful eye at her behavior without lowering his guard.

“Oh my. How distrustful.-------we are comrades that changed the world after all”

After saying that, Kurumi shrug her shoulders jokingly.

s.h.i.+dou widen his eyes when he heard those words.

“………….! Kurumi, you-----“

“Yes, I remember. I know of the previous world.----and Origami-san too”


s.h.i.+dou felt gooseb.u.mps when Kurumi said that name.

That’s obvious. Other than himself, she was the first person in this world he met that knows of Origami. It’s like a traveler who was thrown in the desert finding a guide. s.h.i.+dou halted his clingy emotions to Kurumi and opened his mouth.

“Kurumi, listen to this. There is something wrong with this world. Origami-----“

“-----She became a Spirit, right”

Kurumi said it as if to cover s.h.i.+dou’s words. s.h.i.+dou widen his eyes in shock.

“…………, You knew?”

“Yes. I found out just now though”

“I see…………”

s.h.i.+dou slightly looked downwards before he continued.

“Just……….what is going on? Did something happen to Origami?”

“Even I am not sure what it is. Hooweveeer-----“

After saying that, Kurumi made a spin.

“If it’s the Origami-san now then……it’s not like there is no way to find out”



After Kurumi smiled, she used her heel and stepped onto the roof. When she did that; the shadow lurking under Kurumi’s foot covered her body and formed the red-black dress.

Astral Dress. The castle and armor protecting the Spirits. s.h.i.+dou glared at her cautiously when Kurumi suddenly manifested that.

“Ufufu, please don’t look so scary”

Kurumi said that while holding up her right hand. A long pistol jumped out from the shadow when she did that before settling down in her hands.

Kurumi licked her lips and continued.

“If I use this [Yud] and shoot Origami-san then I can find out just what life she has been going through in this world. Well of course, I can’t take everything in but, if I focus on the point on how she become a Spirit then, I think I can gain the information you wish for”

“[Yud]………..i get it!”

s.h.i.+dou widen his eyes. [Yud]. If he was correct, that bullet will give Kurumi the target’s past memories. If she uses that, she will probably be able to gain the knowledge on what happened to Origami.

“But………if that’s the case then, you could have just used [Yud] on the Inverse Origami of the previous world to find the cause right?”

When s.h.i.+dou asked her without any particular reason, Kurumi shrugged her shoulders exaggeratedly.

“Well-----That will happen according to theory. This only happens if I managed to get close to that Origami-san and shoot her with [Yud]”


s.h.i.+dou’s cheeks twitched. It’s true that, she don’t have such a time for such a leisure activity, if she was dealing with the Inversed Origami.

“A-anyway, we will be able to find the cause for Origami inversing in this world if we have that right? I am counting on you, Kurumi. Lend me your power”

“Ufufu, what should I do”

Kurumi placed her gun mouth at her lips as if she was enjoying this.

After school. Origami, who was on her way back alone, came back to Raizen high school.

There was one reason. When she was going back home, she noticed the hair ornament she usually wear, was missing.

It’s didn’t really hurt for losing one small pin but-----it’s a different story if it’s the one bought by her late mother.

Nonetheless, it’s not like she knew clearly where she dropped it. In the end, Origami followed back the path she walked and after looking through the, entrance, corridor and cla.s.sroom, she reached the stairs leading to the roof where she spoke with Itsuka s.h.i.+dou during the afternoon.

“Ah----found it”

After Origami lean down, she then picked up the pin dropped on the floor.

It looks like she dropped it when she was talking to s.h.i.+dou. It probably happened when she grabbed his hands excitedly when she found out that he was brothers with the boy of that time.

“I have to be careful………..”

While mumbling that, Origami simply cleaned the pin with her fingers before wearing it on her hair.

And at that moment.


Origami saw 2 people on the roof through the gla.s.s.

One was her cla.s.smate, Itsuka s.h.i.+dou.

And the other person------was the Spirit- wearing her red-black Astral Dress.


The moment she recognized that,

Origami’s consciousness got shut down as if there was a power outage.


s.h.i.+dou felt that he heard a creaking door opened at the direction of the roof entrance.

When he looked over there, he saw a girl standing there looking downwards.


Yes. He couldn’t see who it was for a moment there since she was looking downwards but------it was definitely Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami. Even though cla.s.s was over just what business does she have here?

When s.h.i.+dou was questioning that, he quickly stopped his words.

The reason was simple. s.h.i.+dou recalled back the Spirit- Kurumi standing beside him right now.

In this world, Origami was also affiliated with the AST until a while back. Which means, the possibility that she saw Kurumi was not zero. At the very least, she probably saw her in doc.u.mented videos.

“O-origami, this is err”

Even though he managed to make a promise with her, it won’t be good if she make a weird misunderstanding. s.h.i.+dou raised his voice to somehow fool her.

However, Origami continued looking down as if she could not hear s.h.i.+dou’s voice and while both her hands were limp, she slowly walked forward.


“Oh my oh my?”

When s.h.i.+dou called her name suspiciously, Kurumi distorted her eyebrows to match with him. Afterwards, after the shadow wrapped Kurumi and covered her in black, she immediately returned to original appearance.

“This is the first time meeting you in this world……….i think right, Origami-san? Well, there might be a chance that you met me before but-----“



Half-way through Kurumi’s words, Origami mumbled that before jet black darkness spread out from her body like a spider’s web.

The scene was like, only the surroundings around Origami turned into night time. s.h.i.+dou widen his eyes in reflex when he saw that weird scene.


Next, the darkness swirling around Origami entangled to her body and formed into a mourning dress.

That was definitely----

“Astral Dress…….!?”

s.h.i.+dou let out a voice filled with surprise.

Yes. It was the Spirit’s armor- the Astral Dress that Origami, who appeared on the roof, was wearing.

What’s more, it wasn’t the pure wedding dress like the one s.h.i.+dou saw but instead it was the black dress after she inversed.

Suddenly, the area was filled with strong gravity and a nervousness which was strong to make breathing hard. His legs were slightly trembling, and he was close to collapsing if he ever relaxed.

However, it was the most natural thing ever. The [Demon King] that is the avatar of destruction and holds tremendous power. That was what manifested in front of his eyes right now.

“Like I thought------You’re ……….!?”

Origami did not answer even when s.h.i.+dou asked.

However, that was the only thinkable answer now that he saw her like this. At the very least, it wasn’t s.h.i.+dou’s misunderstanding. If that is the case then, it would mean that Origami was lying as expected. It didn’t felt like it at that time but-----

“s.h.i.+dou-san, standing there might be dangerous you know”

Kurumi suddenly said that to him when he was thinking in shock.

Next, several cl.u.s.ters of darkness popped out around the silent Origami; it then expanded and formed a giant [Wing].

He saw that before. It was the appearance of the angel that destroyed the city of the previous world with raining beams-----her inversed form.


After Origami mumbled that, the countless [Wing] pointed its tip towards their direction.


His body froze from the sudden event. In the next moment, s.h.i.+dou *Don* was pushed aside.

One beat later, he noticed that it was Kurumi that pushed s.h.i.+dou aside.


It was already too late when he noticed that; Kurumi already jumped up to the sky. The beams shot by the [Wing] shot towards the spot where Kurumi used to be at just now, pierced through the school fence and flew into the sky.

“That was----quite a violent greeting!”

After Kurumi shouted, she then pulled the trigger of her pistol. When she did that, harden shadow bullets were shot towards Origami.

But, the [Wing] floating around Origami extended out into a s.h.i.+eld and easily blocked the attack.

The remaining [Wing] pointed its tip towards Kurumi up at the sky and-----


The black beam was shot towards the defenseless Kurumi.

The beam pierced through Kurumi’s chest and stomach; her head and limbs were also severed. The silhouette of a delicate girl was reduced to a pitiful corpse within an instant.


As if to match with s.h.i.+dou’s shout, the parts which used to be Kurumi fell down from the sky. The same time they touched the ground, they started disintegrating like ash.

“O-Origami, you-----“

s.h.i.+dou lifted his face and stopped his words.


He then let out a dumbfounded voice.

It’s obvious on why he did so. Origami, who killed Kurumi, fell to her knees powerlessly and the countless [Wing] floating around her turned into light particles before disappearing into the atmosphere.

And right after that, the black Astral Dress decorating Origami’s body opened and she returned back to the uniform appearance, similar to what she was in just now.

It’s as if------she achieved her goal by killing Kurumi.

“What……is this……….”

s.h.i.+dou was unable to understand the event happening in front of him and after a while later, Origami slowly lifted her face.


“…….Ah-re, Itsuka-kun? What are you doing in a place like this”

After she recognized s.h.i.+dou, she said that in a surprised manner.


s.h.i.+dou’s eyes turned black and white at that unexpected response.

That un-malicious expression and tone doesn’t make him feel that she shot Kurumi just now. If that was acting then, she would be a famous actress that will leave her name in history, or a genius criminal.

“What the heck… this………..”

When s.h.i.+dou mumbled in a dumbfounded manner, Origami tilted her head in wonder. However, rather than directing that response to s.h.i.+dou, it looks like she was trying to recall back why she was on the roof.

“Perhaps, it happened again…….”

After Origami said that softly, *Pan**pan* she dust her lap while standing up on the spot.

“Again? Wha-what again…….?”

“Eh? Ah…… heard me?”

Origami awkwardly scratched her head when she heard s.h.i.+do’s words.

“Actually, my consciousness has been shutting down recently. I think its anemia or something though……..”

“Your consciousness………?”

s.h.i.+dou brought his eyebrows closer while he gulped.

Origami looked at s.h.i.+dou oddly before [Ah] she raised a voice as if she recalled something.

“Err, now that I think about it; did you read the paper I gave you in cla.s.s?”

“Heh……..?Y-yeah……..i read it”

After s.h.i.+dou answered, Origami turned around and faced her back at him.

“Err, so that’s it……you see”

After saying that, she ran away from the roof.


It was too late even though he tried to stop her. Origami entered the school and *Ton**ton* went down the stairs.

Having left alone on the roof, s.h.i.+dou stood still blankly for a while.

Origami appeared, turn into her Inverse spirit form, killed Kurumi and left without knowing anything. The whole event probably only took 5 minutes. However, s.h.i.+dou’s surrounding made a weird turn in that small time.


s.h.i.+dou called her name and,

“-----Yes yes, did you call?”

When s.h.i.+dou felt a shadow appearing beside him, Kurumi, who was killed by Origami just now, popped her head out from it.


“Oh my, you don’t look that shocked?”

“…………Something similar happened once before”

s.h.i.+dou scratched his head while answering her. Most likely, she probably switched with her clone at the point when Origami appeared.

“………….I don’t like the way you use and throw away your clones. Even though they might be clones, they are still alive right?”

“Ufufu, s.h.i.+dou-san you are so kind. But you need not worry. It is possible to recreate the [Me] that got killed just now with the [8th bullet(Het)]”


He silently exhaled. His and Kurumi’s value to life is too far apart.

It seems that Kurumi will not talk about that matter anymore. She looked towards the direction where Origami disappeared to, to change the topic.

“What do you think about that Origami-san?”

“What……even if you ask me that”

Honestly, he doesn’t know. He made a troubled expression and placed his hand on his chin.

“Well, one thing is for certain; Using [10th bullet (Yud)] to gain information looks tough……..and that’s fact”


He had no clue on what kind of situation Origami was in right now but, there was no mistake that she turned into her Spirit form when saw Kurumi. It will be tough getting close to her like that.

“Why………..did this happen. I-----is what I did, a mistake…….?”

After s.h.i.+dou said that painfully, Kurumi *Fuu* sighed.

“I don’t think so. If you didn’t save Origami-san’s parents at that time then, the Tenguu city of this world should be trampled mercilessly by the inversed Origami. This situation is not the [Worst]…don’t you think so?”

“Th-that might be true but……..”

s.h.i.+dou hesitated when he was told that.

It’s not like he didn’t understand what Kurumi meant. Thinking of what happened in the previous world; this world right now could be called peaceful.

But…………s.h.i.+dou couldn’t agree with this. Just what happened to Origami after that? He got curious about that.

Kurumi *Giggled* maybe she saw s.h.i.+dou’s expression.

“Well, I know s.h.i.+dou-san would feel that way.------it’s true that even I am interested on how the world was rewritten by just changing one event”

“! Then-----“

s.h.i.+dou stopped his words when he reached that point. Kurumi erected one finger and blocked s.h.i.+dou’s lips.

“Howww everrr……….i am not that kind you know. Anything further up here, will require another fee okay?”

After saying that, *Nii* she distorted her lips. s.h.i.+dou gulped when he saw that gruesome smile.


Kurumi shrugged her shoulders when she saw s.h.i.+dou’s appearance and spin around one more time.

“Okay then, I will be leaving now.----let’s meet again, s.h.i.+dou-san”

After leaving only that, Kurumi disappeared into the shadows.

Part 3


After s.h.i.+dou got back home, Kotori, who was waiting for him with her black-ribbon commander mode, said that while making the rod of the chupa chups in her mouth stand.

“Can you explain what is going on, s.h.i.+dou”

After she said that, she glared at s.h.i.+dou.

s.h.i.+dou clearly knows the reason for this.------it was about Origami.

There were 3 people right now in the Itsuka family living room. One was s.h.i.+dou, the other was Kotori and the last one was a sleepy woman, who has prepared a small tab with her already. It’s ’s a.n.a.lyst officer-Murasame Reine.

“E-even Reine-san”

“……….Hnn, well, think of me as a secretary subst.i.tute. I will leave if it’s inconvenient for you”

“N-no that isn’t true…….”

s.h.i.+dou scratched his cheeks while saying that.

There wasn’t a single Spirit around and they were probably told to stay in the mansion. Looks like they really want to hear s.h.i.+dou’s circ.u.mstances.

“Okay, go on s.h.i.+dou”

Kotori jerk her chin to urge him.


However. Even though he was overpowered by the atmosphere, s.h.i.+dou stilled hesitated.

It’s true that, he would tell them his situation when he gets back home, in order to gain help from . But, the moment when the time comes, he felt lost on how to explain the event that happened to him.

Kotori snorted unhappily maybe because she guessed s.h.i.+dou’s thoughts.

“…………..Fuun. What, can’t talk after reaching to this point? Or maybe, are you feeling uneasy that I can’t understand s.h.i.+dou’s talk? Don’t look down on me. I wonder if s.h.i.+dou looks at me as a unreliable commander?”

“No, I didn’t plan to do that”

After s.h.i.+dou swung his head, Kotori pouted her lips as if she was sulking and leaked out a soft voice.

“……………Why can’t you count on me a little more……Onii-chan”


s.h.i.+dou widen his eyes after Kotori told him that.

He then scratched his head before making a sigh.

“………….that’s right. Sorry about that, Kotori”

After a self-admonition, s.h.i.+dou slightly lowered his head.

---Just, why must he be that scared? Kotori, the girl in front of s.h.i.+dou is much smarter than him and is a very strong girl.

“This might sound weird but, what I am going to tell you is undeniable truth.------Will you listen?”

After s.h.i.+dou said that, Kotori’s expression brightens up in an instant. But, she quickly twitched her eyebrows and returned to her commander mode face before nodding.

“Yes, of course”

After s.h.i.+dou made a wry smile at Kotori, he started talking.

About, the fact that he was acquainted with the girl called Origami.

About, the fact Origami turned into a Spirit, inversed and destroyed the city.

About, the fact s.h.i.+dou traveled back in time 5 years using Kurumi’s power to prevent that; and by saving Origami’s parents, he managed to change the route for the world to move to.

About, the fact that Origami exists in this world as the Spirit called .

---It took around 5 minutes.

s.h.i.+dou calmly revealed his experience to Kotori and Reine.

“…..and, that’s about it”


After he finished his story, Kotor *Guuu* groaned before making a small nod.

“-----Rewriting the world……..i see. I finally understand why s.h.i.+dou acted weird yesterday”

She said that and placed her hands on her chin.

“Well, I will believe you for now. There is nothing that comes to mind for s.h.i.+dou to lie to me. Also----“

Kotori signaled to Reine. Reine [……….hn] made a short reply and after she manipulated the tab in her hand, she faced the screen towards their direction.


s.h.i.+dou peeked into the screen before gasping.

The image shown was the appearance of Inversed Origami standing on the high school roof. At the edge of the picture, s.h.i.+dou and Kurumi were there. It was exactly the scene s.h.i.+dou just experienced.

“This is-------“

“Yes. This is the image taken by the automated camera on today’s evening………we sent several camera to look for information regarding Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami but, I never would have thought to see this decisive moment”

Kotori made a painful face while *Fuumu* groaning.

“Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami is definitely . But, she does not know about it………actually, I had Reine a.n.a.lyze her parameters but, she wasn’t lying at all”

“Then, as expected………”

“Yes. There is a possibility that Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami has not realized that she turned into a Spirit”

s.h.i.+dou gulped when he heard Kotori’s words.

“Is that….even possible?”

“This is a pattern we never seen before but……as long as there is a real example here, we can’t deny that fact. I have no clue on why this happened though”

When Kotori said that, Reine, who was manipulating the tab made a small sigh while stroking her chin.

“……….can I say something?”

“Hn, what’s wrong Reine”

“……….Hn. This is just my speculations or just my reasoning but, there is a point I question in s.h.i.+n’s story”

“Question…..? What is it?”

Reine nodded before continuing after hearing s.h.i.+dou’s words.

“…………aah, s.h.i.+dou succeeded in changing the world. And, everyone does not remember the previous world……… said that right?”

“Yes. The only ones that know about the previous world is me and Kurumi”

“………That’s it”


After s.h.i.+dou tilted his head, Reine erected one finger.

“………..I just wondered why you and Kurumi are the only ones that have the memories of the previous world. Kurumi might be okay because of her ability but, I don’t get the reason regarding s.h.i.+n’s case”


Now that he was told that; she’s right. s.h.i.+dou was the one that changed the world so………..he was satisfied with that thought but, it’s true that his current self is the s.h.i.+dou, who has lived in the new world he created. He doesn’t know of the clear answer on why he has memories of the previous world when instead, he shouldn’t be having any of those memories.

“………….most likely, there must be some kind of condition to save your memories of the previous world”

“Condition……what kind?”

“………….i don’t know the details. If we leave Kurumi out as an exception then the sample cases we have is too little. But for example, let’s say that the condition is [Getting shot by Kurumi’s [Yud Bet] and [Have Reiryoku]……….how about that?”

“? And that’s……..”

When s.h.i.+dou made a troubled face, Kotori sitting opposite him [Ahh] widen her eyes.

“I see, if several conditions are needed then………..the moment Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami received Reiryoku by , there is a possibility that she will recall back the memories of the previous world. Regardless the fact that she has memories of this world……………!”


s.h.i.+dou finally understood after he heard Kotori’s explanation.

“Wai-wait just a second there Reine-san. Which means……..are you saying that the Inversed Origami [Is the Origami that regained back the memories of the previous world]……..?

Reine quietly closed her eyes at s.h.i.+dou’s words.

“…….I said this already. This is just my speculations. It’s just a possibility. But…………its fact that thing makes sense if it is thought that way”

“B-but………..Origami was normal when she came to school------forget that, she should be the Origami that has memories of the previous world right?”

“……………I won’t know the details unless we ask Kurumi but, unlike s.h.i.+n, who has his memories of the previous world in the first place; Origami has memories of this world. Just what would happen if memories regarding the previous world were forcefully poured into her mind…………. I don’t think it would give a good effect to the owner of those memories, at the very least. In order to protect herself, it is possible to think that the Origami who has memories of this world and the Origami who has the memories of the previous world, is separated”

Reine continued on.

“…………..the thinkable switch that will call out the Origami who has memories of the previous world would be-----“

“-----The existence of Spirit’s…… to speak”

Kotori made the rod of the Chupa Chups stand and said that. Reine […….Most likely] agreed with her.

“…………judging by her reaction when Tohka was in cla.s.s, she might only react to Reiryoku. If that is the case then……… is extremely dangerous to manifest the limit Astral Dress in front of her”

It’s true that Origami turned into a Spirit when she saw Kurumi. And, she returned back to the normal Origami after she killed Kurumi.

“B-but……….if that really is true then, what should we-----“

“What are you saying”

After s.h.i.+dou said that with a trembling voice, Kotori quickly interrupted him.

“It might be true that our opponent is the deadliest and worst inverse Spirit . But, turning it to the other side, she will only turn into a Spirit in special conditions even though she has tremendous Reiryoku”


s.h.i.+dou said that much before clenching his fist.-----it was just as Kotori says. Nothing will start if he keeps running.

“-----This might be an irregular case but, as long as we know that Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami is ; there is only one thing will do”

Kotori looked towards s.h.i.+dou.

It needs not to be said. s.h.i.+dou pulled his lips and nodded.

’s philosophy; to pacify the Spirits which is the cause of the s.p.a.ce Quake with peaceful means.

And in order to achieve that, one method is needed.

And that’s-----to [Date them and make them fall for him].

Kotori made a satisfied nod when she saw s.h.i.+dou’s response before putting the rod of the Chupa chups between her fingers and pointing it at s.h.i.+dou.

“…….so with that decided, let’s start moving immediately tomorrow. s.h.i.+dou, somehow take contact with Origami and invite her to a date. The latest is within this week”

“Aah……that’s right”

At that moment, s.h.i.+dou recalled something and [Ah] let out his voice.

“? What’s wrong?”

“I already did that…….a date promise. She told me that her was empty……..”


Kotori shouted loudly maybe because s.h.i.+dou’s answer was very unexpected.

“W-what’s with that? Did you have a love chat before our observation results? s.h.i.+dou you did that?”

“N-no…….i didn’t really love chat with her……..”

“…………...then why did the topic change to dating”

“Well that’s because………….”

When s.h.i.+dou was having problems answering, Kotori *Jiii* stared at him.

“Fuuun……………….looks like I need to hear what kind of relations.h.i.+p you had with Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami in the previous world”

“Wh-what are you……&he

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