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Chapter 9: I"d Like To BelieveIt"s Definitely A LiePart 1

Chapter 9: I"d Like To BelieveIt"s Definitely A LiePart 1

“------ docking success”

“System all green. There is no problem with the orbit calibration”

“It will reach the target alt.i.tude point 5 hours from now”

“DSS-009 airs.h.i.+p has reached its prescribed point”

Coming from the speaker installed in the council room in the DEM industry Britain HQ, reports could be heard coming one after another. Murdoch looked at the several data displayed on the crystal screen in front of him while, making an exaggerated nod.

“------Where is Westcott MD now?”

“He has not moved from his lodging place. It is predicted that If a s.p.a.cequake alarm is issued then, he would probably evacuate to the shelter in the hotel or maybe, to the nearest facility which has connections with DEM”

“What’s the endurance?”

“There is no problem, even if it is within the 10 kilometers error from the impact point then”

“How is the condition of the [Second Egg]?”

“Preparations done. It can go any time if there is an order”


“………………[Second Egg]?”

Hearing Murdoch words, Simpson looked at him suspiciously. Murdoch raised the side of his lips while sending his sights back.

“Well, it’s just a back-up plan. It is not something to be worried about”


Simpson looked at Murdoch silently for a while but not long later, he looked back at the crystal screen near his hands.

He looked unsatisfied and--------looked as if he got the creeps from Murdoch.

---This is a good omen. After Murdoch distorted his lips in satisfaction, he then crawled his sights at the board directors lined up in the council room.

“The plan is going very smoothly. Westcott MD’s death report would probably reach us by tonight. It seems the company funeral is going to be a grand one. I recommend you all to think of your condolences while you have time now”

After hearing those words, the board directors looked at each other in an instant before, making awkward smiles.

Even though it was operation day, they were still scared of opposing Westcott MD. Most likely, by any chance this plan ends with a failure then, there would probably be people working to push all the responsibility onto Murdoch.

Murdoch made a snort big enough to let the others hear him. He didn’t really mind that. If he is able to get these cowards to show approval to this plan with, just with that one back-up then it is a profit. If Murdoch were to fail this plan anyway, then he as the mastermind would lose his life. It’s the same no matter which he picks.

Originally, he didn’t have to make the board directors to join in the anti-Westcott faction until he had to risk information leakage. But, when he thought about the concealment of all the information of the plan, the workforce needed to execute the plan and securing the airs.h.i.+p then in reality; Murdoch’s authorities can practically do nothing. No--------more specifically, the only person in the DEM Company that could execute plans of this scale alone, would probably be Westcott.

Even if this has no benefits to this large thick-headed group.

The reason was simple.------Everyone here, knows of the reason and cause of Westcott’s disappearance.

If the news of Westcott reached us then, a special board meeting will be commenced and it would be about deciding a new person with the strongest influence and power.

Once that is established--------who on earth would everyone here right now be conscious about first.

It would obviously be the worst scandal which caused the of the previous MD. If that person holds information one-sidedly then, the next person that would disappear would be him. But, all of the board directors lined up here are accomplices. On top of that, they are all cowards. n.o.body would complain even if Murdoch is named up as the next MD.

“………………no, it is a little different”

Murdoch opened and closed his right hand which has its bandages off while muttering that softly.

He has planned to act as the criminal. In a way, this is one of the methods to grab the hearts of people.

But---------after the moment his arm was cut off by Ellen Mathers, slowly but gradually.

He has really felt himself turning crazy.

After Murdoch *nii* smiled, he looked at being shown out on the crystal screen while humming a Mother goosenursery rhyme inside his mouth.

“………..Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall………..♪”

Part 2

In addition to having the bed cover covering over her head, and squatting down by sitting on the bed grasping her knees, Natsumi was mumbling something in a soft voice.

“……………What was that………..what was that…………what was that………..!”

Incomprehensible torrents of emotions filled her head, and the feelings made her leak those emotions as words from her mouth. Like spinning thoughts. In that chaos, Natsumi made a low groan while making the same posture from just now.

“Just what is wrong………with those people…………..”

Why are those people caring for Natsumi this much. Why are they this kind to Natsumi.

She could understand if it was the transformed beautiful onee-san Natsumi when she used ’s power. The transformed Natsumi was a beauty that could stop anyone on their tracks. Males would harbor love and l.u.s.t, while females would hide envy and jealousy in the other side of their stomachs, while lining up various flattery words to Natsumi.

But------they are different.

To Natsumi. They told her that her original form without transforming with ’s power is cute.

Those words were supposed to be something Natsumi wishes the most. However……………since it was the first time she was told that, she just could not accept it honestly.

“That….is obviously a lie. Ha-ha…………..Ye-yes. Those people are deceiving me. That’s because I-------“

Natsumi muttered that while lifting up the bed cover she has put on. When she did that, she saw her own appearance being reflected back in the mirror installed on the wall.

---At the cute appearance produced by them.


She gasped and put the bed cover back on. Her thoughts got more chaotic.

---That’s because, Natsumi was supposed to be ugly. She was suppose to be hopelessly ugly, unattractive and not cute. It has to be like that. It has been determined that way.


At that moment, a question floated in Natsumi’s mind.

---It has been determined that way…………..?

Why---------was it determined that way.

“…………..A-anyway……… is impossible to think they would do that to the enemy without any reason. There is definitely………….some kind of goal………”

After Natsumi said that, she raised her hands to her chest and muttered softly.


When she did that, her hands glowed and a mirror manifested on top of the palm of her hand.


Her injuries hurts but……………….it was at a manageable level. Natsumi pointed the mirror downwards------at the beds direction and transform it to a [Bed with a hole which can hide one person].

Next off, she dragged a doll into the bed sheet and transformed it to a shape identical to a Natsumi sleeping.

Natsumi squirmed around in the bed cover and left the dummy Natsumi on the bed before, putting herself into the hole in the bed. And for the third time, she made glow, and closed the surface of the bed before, in a digging down fas.h.i.+on; used to transform the bed, floor, and the inside of the wall to pa.s.s through them.


And after a few minutes. When she reached a corridor with no one in it, Natsumi reconstructed the wall and looked around.

There were several observer cameras in the room Natsumi was quarantined at but, she should be able to trick them for a while. For example, there is a fear they might enter to check up on her if she did not touch the food even though it was given to her. There was no time for leisure.

In order for Natsumi to finish her goal quickly, she recalled back the faces of the people she met here in her head. Most likely, the most favorable would-----

“………….It should be her”

After Natsumi made a small nod, she held ’s mirror over her head.

At the same time with the mirror glowing, Natsumi’s body released a pale light. Her body then gradually distorts and-------after a few seconds, Natsumi turned into someone else.

It was a girl with a pet.i.te body wearing a red military uniform. She had her hair tied into two with black ribbons and her proud expression was impressive.

Yes-----It was Itsuka s.h.i.+dou’s sister, Itsuka Kotori.

She picked her because she was the most appropriate, since she would walk around this facility while observing everyone’s condition.

However about that. This girl comes with twin-tails hairstyle. The ace of cute hairstyles, the twin-tails. It is a hairstyle that is only used if the person has quite a confidence in herself. Natsumi hates this hairstyle very much. She hated it so much that she thought of transforming into the country"s influential person and establis.h.i.+ng a ban of twin-tails as a law……………but she has no choice now. She was really reluctant to disguise as a pushy twin-tail girl but, efficiency is her priority now.

“Oopps, almost forgot”

After Natsumi muttered that, she tore off a b.u.t.ton from a conspicuous spot, and hold over there.

When she did that, the edge of the cloth made a pale glow and it transformed into a small candy with a rod attached. It should be one that Kotori usually licks.

“Well, it should be like this”

Natsumi then said that in a voice completely changed from a few seconds ago and clicked her fingers. In an instant, which was floating on the palm of her hands, turned into light particles and disappeared into the air.

“Alright then…………..”

disappeared, and Natsumi who has completely turned into Itsuka Kotori, took a deep breath before starting to walk along the path slowly.

In order to not make anyone she might pa.s.s by feel suspicious half-way through, she moved her eyes around to check the surroundings. In the wide and long corridor, she found a door with an electronic lock installed in it. She still does not know the whole layout of this building but, it easy to figure out that this facility was quite big.

“………………..Seriously, what is this place”

Natsumi muttered that in a voice soft enough that no one could hear. It is true that this facility is somewhat connected to s.h.i.+dou, Kotori, Tohka and the girls but, she knows nothing else other than that. There is no way they would allow those young girls and boy use this building freely in the first place anyway. They must be affiliated with some kind of organization-------or maybe they have a big supporter behind them. When she thought about that, Natsumi naturally felt a chill running down her back.

By any means, were they planning to use the captured Spirit who is Natsumi as an experimental animal. While looking at the scenery of the corridor which makes her think of a research inst.i.tute or hospital, Natsumi thought of that.

Natsumi then walked while thinking of that before, a voice called out to her from behind.

“Ah-re, Commander?”


After making a slight twitch with her shoulders and turning around, she found a girl with long hair bangs wearing the a different color military uniform just like Kotori’s standing over there. It was the hamburger shop’s staff that s.h.i.+dou and the group brought her to yesterday.

“What happened for you to be here? Didn’t you just say that you are going back to the ?”

“……………, Aah, I thought of checking out Natsumi’s condition”

She let out her voice, to avoid squeezing out any discomposure. The girl then nodded without holding any suspicion.

“Ah, is that so……………….well, she is a difficult one after all. If this keeps up, it might be difficult to seal her………..”

“Seal? What are you talking about”

When Natsumi tilted her head, the girl opened her eyes wide in wonder.

“Well, it’s about the reiryoku sealing. We make her kiss s.h.i.+dou-kun and it would seal her spirit powers. Aren’t we an organization for that”


Natsumi twitched her eyebrows but, she pretended to be calm in order to avoid her discomposure to be picked up.

“Aah……………..That’s right. Sorry, I am a little tired so”

“Ahaha………….It’s only normal. Okay, I will head back once I finish my work so, later”

After saying that, she took a light bow. Natsumi felt relieved in her heart while replying back to her.

“Errr.----------oh yeah, can I ask something?”

“Yes? What is it?”

Natsumi asked the girl and naturally let out her voice.

“Did you see where…………Tohka and the rest are? I have something to do with them”

“Tohka-chan…………huh. Errrr, if I am correct, I think she is at the resting area at the other side”

“I see, thank you. See you later”

“Ah----------Yes. See you later.

Natsumi saw her off and tip-toed to the direction the girl pointed to, before walking again. -----she walked in a fast pace in a manner that does not look unnatural.

She has losses and gains from the girl at the same time. The gains------was the information, about where Tohka and the rest were at and Kotori not being in the facility now. With this, no matter how long Natsumi walks around, there is a guarantee she won’t into the real person. And more importantly, the fact she found out s.h.i.+dou and the girls goals was very big. I see, just when she thought what kind of goals they had, to think they would try to seal Natsumi’s powers.

“I thought it was strange. Those d.a.m.n hypocrites………..!”

And at the same time, someone has found out that a person with Kotori’s appearance was in this facility. Once she finishes her work and heads back to that so-called , there is a possibility the real Kotori would question that. Natsumi doesn"t have time to play around.

And, after walking for a while, she saw a s.p.a.ce which was a little opened up ahead. There were several long chairs and vending machines lined up there-------she then found out Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no were sitting over there.

Natsumi narrowed her eyes before walking over there.

“-----Hi, Tohka, Yos.h.i.+no”



“Oooh? Well if it isn’t Kotori-chan”

Tohka, Yos.h.i.+no and Yos.h.i.+no’s left hand [Yos.h.i.+non] looked over to her in sequence and called out to her. Natsumi swung her hand with a smile before walking over to the bench both of them were sitting at and standing in front of them.

“Ooo, Kotori! This place is amazing! You can drink for free!”

“Kotori-san wants………to get a drink too?”

“What do you want? Yos.h.i.+non will push it with my phantom left okay?”

After saying that, [Yos.h.i.+non] *sha*! *sha*! Started shadow boxing.

Natsumi made a wry smile while swinging her head before, folding her arm while opening her mouth.

She then-----asked. The thing Natsumi wants to know the most right now.

“I’m okay now. More importantly, what do you all think-----about that Natsumi”

Yes. There is no mistake that they were making fun of Natsumi deep in their heart. They might have to get in a good mood with Natsumi to seal her powers but, if it is a place where Natsumi is not at right now, they will definitely spill out their wicked true thoughts.

“By what……you mean?”

Tohka tilted her head.------what a vexing girl. Or maybe, she does not want to be the first one to insult. If that is the case then------

Natsumi snorted before casting her eyes downwards and continued her words as if she was spitting out.

“That Natsumi is disgusting right? She got full of herself when we flattered her. In spite of being ugly, she sure is shameful right”

She shrugs her shoulders while saying that.

---The origin is set. Okay, spit out your true feelings. Natsumi opened her eyes as if to urge Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no. Now that these girls gained a justification of [Not being the one who started the ill talking], there is no mistake they are making filthy expressions.





Over there were 2 people and 1 object looking at each other.


Natsumi opened her eyes wide at the unexpected reactions. When she did that, Tohka brought her eyebrows closer while talking.

“Kotori……………..what happened? It’s not like you to say that”

“A-ahhno…….Natsumi-san is not disgusting………….is what I think”

“That’s right. What happened Kotori-chan. Are you in tired mode from commanding affairs?”


Natsumi took a step back in reflex.

“Wha-what is wrong with you all. Its okay, you all don’t have to act all goody-goody. Everyone thought of this before in the end right? That it is annoying to be in a good mood with that shabby girl”

“What are you saying? That is not true you know? It was very fun choosing clothes!”

When Tohka said it with a bright face, Yos.h.i.+no and [Yos.h.i.+non] tilted their head forwards in agreement to that.

“Yes………….Natsumi-san was pretty…………”

“Iyaaah, s.h.i.+dou-kun’s make up was amazing. Yos.h.i.+non should ask him to do it for me next time”

With that said, [Yos.h.i.+non]*ufuun* bend it’s hips. Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no laughed happily at that funny appearance.

“Be-because…………there…… no way……….”

After Natsumi made her eyes swim around in discomposure, she shook her pet.i.te body.

---These girls are really saying from their true feelings.

This fact caused an impact strong enough to make a crack in Natsumi’s ident.i.ty.

Many possibilities were presented in Natsumi’s mind in an instant. Maybe they saw through the fact that Natsumi was disguising as Kotori, and was telling the same story which was set beforehand. Or, they might be enforced to praise Natsumi because someone precious to them were taken hostage. No no or maybe--------

Preposterous thoughts appeared and disappeared. But none of it holds any persuasiveness in front of Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no’s smiles.

“I-it’s a lie. Why would…………..”

Natsumi has forgotten about acting like Kotori and her fingers were trembling before, she saw 3 girls walking from the front. It was the Yamai sisters and Miku.

“Kuku, why are you all gathered?”

“Pet.i.tion. Let us join in too”

“Fufu, everyone is having a tea party”

“Ka-Kaguya, Yuzuru, Miku………….!”

Natsumi shook her throat at the new visitors as if she was depending on them. 3 of them opened their eyes wide and stopped because they were shocked of Natsumi’s sudden shout.

“Fuun, what’s wrong Kotori. You look strange. Did you open the door to h.e.l.l sealed in the darkness?”

Kaguya took a cool pose while saying something strange. Natsumi ignored that for now and continued talking while mending back her composure.

“Lis-listen to this everyone. Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no are acting weird”

“Question. By weird you mean?”

Yuzuru asked in wonder. Natsumi made a dry smile while continuing.

“I am talking about, isn’t it annoying to care for her or that Natsumi is beautiful you know? Ahaha, it’s funny right. The tension would drop just by looking at that ugly”

When Natsumi shrug her shoulders while saying that, the 3 of them brought their eyebrows together in suspicion.

“Fuun, Kotori you sure say some weird words, it’s not like you. What on earth happened. It’s a little bit too early to get crazy from the moon’s poison”

“Suspicion. Those are words that seem impossible from Kotori”

“Don’t talk of Natsumi-chan that way. If you go too far, even I would get angry!”

Miku put her hands on her hips and *punsuka*! Puffed up her cheeks.

Natsumi felt her heart beating faster at the girl’s reactions.

“Wai-wait a second…………she is a bad spirit that tried to trap us inside that mirror, and replace us! Think normally! Why would you side with such a person! Aren’t you all crazy or something!?”

She has completely forgotten she was transformed as Kotori already, and raised a shout following emotions.

Even though everyone was bewildered at Natsumi’s state but, they looked at each other and [uu-nn…….] groaned.

“Well……………It’s true that Natsumi made us go through some scary things but………….”

“Right!? Then------“

As if to agree with Miku who said that while placing her fingers on her chin, she raised her voice. However------

“But………if I say that then, I did cause quite a ruckus before so……..i have no intentions like saying something like let it wash away but, at the very least I am thinking of getting closer with Natsumi-chan you know?”

When Miku said that, the other girls started to nod too.

“Ooo! Me too!”

“M-me too………….desu. I think…….we could become friendlier”

“Judging from the conversation, she chose Yos.h.i.+non before transforming right? Iyaaa, she is one girl that knows how to differentiate”

“Fuun, well, she is a brave warrior that is able to corner me like that. Looks like there is a worth placing in a camp gate”

“Consent. She has things point worthy”


After Natsumi lose her words, she backed off in stagger.

It seems the inside of her head is messed up already. Natsumi grit her teeth before, exiting the resting room without looking at everyone’s face.

“Errr……….the lodging area was at the B sector right”

s.h.i.+dou was slowly walking in the corridor of the underground facility that Natsumi was being quarantined at.

It was quite a distance to come from the Itsuka house to here------and what’s more, in order to avoid being followed by Ellen and people form DEM Company; he has to venture on detours, giving him a hard time just to get here.

Nonetheless, as long as Natsumi is here, s.h.i.+dou has no choice but to show up. Because of that, he has to borrow the underground lodging facility for a while, and went home to take his tooth brush and change of clothes here.

The moment he approached the corridor’s corner, s.h.i.+dou *don* felt a light impact on his chest.


When he lowered his sights, he saw a familiar hairstyle tied into two there.

“Ou, Kotori”


Although he raised his hands and said that, for some reason, Kotori remained silent and only took a glance at s.h.i.+dou’s face.

“You somehow look tired. Something happened?”

“………….nothing. Nothing at all”

Kotori said it in a clearly gloomy voice. s.h.i.+dou scratched his head.

Kotori *pui* turn her face away while saying that as if she does not want to bother about s.h.i.+dou any more than this and was about to walk away.

“Ah, wait a second”

“……..what. Even I am not free”

“Aah, sorry sorry. I’ll end it soon.------it’s about Natsumi”


The moment s.h.i.+dou brought up Natsumi’s name, he saw Kotori’s ear twitch.

“What about Natsumi?”

After saying that, she suddenly opened her eyes wide and approached closer to him. He knows her nerves are sensitive now when it comes to Natsumi but, he felt this is just too extreme.

“A-aah………….it’s about Natsumi’s food”

Being overpowered, when s.h.i.+dou said that, he found out Kotori […………haa] mouth was getting relaxed.

“…………….fufu, ah, your real self finally came out”


“Nothing. So, what are you proposing to do? Should we stop giving her food for a while from today onwards? Or should we mix poison in it?”

“No…………..what are you saying. Even for a joke, that isn’t funny”

He made a sullen face while having sweat flow down his forehead. When he did that, Kotori brought her eyebrows closer in doubt.

“Then, what is it? What are you saying are you going to do”

“Can’t we let Natsumi out of that room for tonight’s dinner”

“……………? What do you mean?”

“Everyone is here so, I thought we could have it together”


After *pokan* Kotori went black for an instant, […………..aah] she distorted her lips.

“I see, it’s to seal her. You have one nasty personality too. Something like taking away Natsumi’s reiryoku after using such a method to ensnare her”

s.h.i.+dou frowned his eyebrows at those movements unlike the normal Kotori.

“What are you saying. It’s ’s goal to seal her reiryoku, and allow the spirits to live a safe and happy life right”


“Also-------It’s not only for increasing the affection level, well you know, even though she is in quarantine, eating alone is just lonely right. Everyone wants to talk with Natsumi too”


“Maybe, Natsumi’s feelings might soften down a bit if she eats something delicious…………..wait, Kotori?”

s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide.

The reason was simple. Kotori was starting to leak big drops of tears from her eyes.

Her cheeks and eyes were red and her shoulders were trembling bit by bit, she would also jerk up sometimes. s.h.i.+dou was horrified at his stout-hearted sister"s weird condition.

“O-oi, what on earth happened! Did I do something!?”


“No, it’s not nothing right! Relax, I will make your portion too so-----“

“Shut up! Die! Idiooooot!”

After Kotori shouted, she wipes off her tears with her sleeves while running in the corridor.

“Oi, Kotori!?”

Even though he was told that, there was no way he could leave it alone. s.h.i.+dou hurried and followed Kotori.

However, he stopped his legs right after he turned the corner.


Kotori who just turned this way just now, disappeared just like the mist.

“Where did Kotori go……………”

He could not find Kotori even when he looked left and right. Instead, there was one unopened chupa chups dropped at the corridor as if it was showings Kotori’s whereabouts.

“………………..for her to drop her candy, seriously what happened to her…………..”

He then picked up the chupa chups to give her back later and headed back his original road without a choice.

And after walking for some time, his cell-phone in his pocket started to vibrate.------The name [Itsuka Kotori] was shown on the calling screen. s.h.i.+dou pressed the receive b.u.t.ton in panic.

“h.e.l.lo? Kotori, are you alright?”

“…………..huh, what do you mean alright?”

When s.h.i.+dou asked, Kotori replied back as if she was asking him what the heck he was saying.

“No, that’s because just now--------“

“More importantly, it’s an emergency. I got contacted by the control room over there just now”

Kotori interrupted s.h.i.+dou’s words by saying that.

“--------Natsumi escaped from her room”


s.h.i.+dou gasped at the sudden announcement.

“Escaped………!? How! She still can’t use her Angel yet right!?”

“It might be because our estimations were naïve…………or maybe there was a method of using her transformation ability in an incomplete state………..something along those lines I guess. She left a dummy transformed from something which is thought to be a doll in the bed cover and disappeared. Most likely, she might have attempted an escape by transforming as someone. Got anyone in your mind of who that might be?"

“Even if you ask me……someone that comes to mind…….”

s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide and [Ah] let out his voice.

Part 3

---Almost 2 hours after that. s.h.i.+dou returned to the surface.

Although every member of the organization searched the whole underground facility, Natsumi could not be seen anywhere. Judging from the testimony coming from s.h.i.+dou, the girls and s.h.i.+zaki, they found out Natsumi was disguised as Kotori but, as long as Natsumi is not limited to stay in that appearance, there were no special clues.


He walked heavily on the street of his resident city, while mumbling to himself softly. Now that Natsumi is missing, he has lost the meaning to stay underground and was heading back to his house while carrying his bag with his change of clothes inside.

In the end, starting from the time they sheltered Natsumi, s.h.i.+dou has not seen her smile not even once. She hates what s.h.i.+dou and the girls do and will not open her heart to them.

But-------s.h.i.+dou could not ever bring himself to think that, those were Natsumi’s true feelings.

It felt like a dog that has been repeatedly abused by humans for a long time, getting scared of humans by reflex even though it wants to be pampered and play with them.

That’s why, there is no one here that would say bad things about Natsumi. There is no one here that would bully Natsumi. He believed that if they kept telling her that with perseverance, their feelings would reach her some day.


s.h.i.+dou stopped his legs and made a small swing with his head in denial.

Thinking back on it, s.h.i.+dou’s a.s.sumption might be too much. A small regret pierced his heart.

Even if she is able to use her transforming abilities, it does not mean that her wounds have completely healed. She won’t be let off easily if she was found by the AST or DEM wizards in that wounded condition.

If the reason for Natsumi"s hurried escape was because of s.h.i.+dou and the rest then………………thinking like that, his thoughts would always head to a dark direction.

“…………This is not good, if this keeps up…………”

s.h.i.+dou pulled his cheeks a little before regaining his composure and resumed walking.

He could see his house immediately after he did that. s.h.i.+dou opened the gate while searching his pocket, and took out the key before inserting the key into the door keyhole.


However, s.h.i.+dou wrung his neck. There was no feedback even though he twisted the key. Feeling suspicious, he pulled the k.n.o.b and the door opened without any resistance.

Without any mistake, he has locked the house before going out. But even so, he could not think of anyone that could come back home faster than s.h.i.+dou.

“That’s weird. Everyone should be underground now-------“

s.h.i.+dou said it until there before opening his eyes wide.


Yes. Natsumi should know where the Itsuka house is. After s.h.i.+dou opened the front door, he quickly took of his shoes and ran to the living room.

He then entered the living room and-----stopped his legs immediately.

Just like s.h.i.+dou’s predictions, there was one girl there.



s.h.i.+dou’s face was smeared with shock and lost his words.

“-----I beg my pardon, sorry for the intrusion”

The girl sitting on the sofa placed in the living room was completely different from the one s.h.i.+dou a.s.sumed.

She has blue eyes and Nordic blonde hair as if it was constantly bathed in light.------Yes. DEM industry’s Wizard, the person called Ellen Mathers was there.

“Ellen!? Why are you here……..!”

“I have come to have a good talk. Please”

After saying that, she showed the opposite sofa. She is probably telling to sit.

“What are……….”

s.h.i.+dou pretended to be hesitant with Ellen’s words while operating his cell-phone in his pocket. It was an emergency situation. He has to tell Kotori as soon as possible-------



But at that moment, just when he thought Ellen raised her right hand, s.h.i.+dou’s cell-phone floated out and glided mid-air towards Ellen’s hand.

“It’s not really inconvenient for me if you call for help but, it is annoying since it would disturb our talk. I am sorry but, I will be borrowing this for a bit”

Ellen placed the cell-phone she stole from s.h.i.+dou on the table and sends her sights over.

“I’ll tell you this just in case but, everything within this house is in my ReachTerritory. I don’t recommend resisting”


s.h.i.+dou clenched his teeth in detest before, making a small sigh and calmed his hips on the sofa opposite Ellen.

“…………so, what does the supreme DEM-san have to do with me until they break into a house of a weak citizen”

At the very least of resistance, he said that with sarcasm. However Ellen did not really show any care about that and was staring straight at s.h.i.+dou’s eyes.

“There is nothing much. I just want to ask one simple question”


“Yes. I’ll be straight forward and ask.-------- right now, where is the Spirit you all ran off with a few days ago”

Ellen asked in a quiet voice. s.h.i.+dou grasped his fist tightly.

“………, Don’t screw with me! There’s no way I would tell you that!”

Actually, s.h.i.+dou wanted to tell her that but----he decided not to tell. He wanted to avoid letting this woman know that s.h.i.+dou and the group let Natsumi ran away. Natsumi is able to distance herself away from danger, just by making her think that Natsumi was still under ’s protection.

However no matter how s.h.i.+dou’s voice raged, Ellen did not break her composed expression. She then continued her words in a calm fas.h.i.+on.

“Well, that’s true. Even we thought you will not tell us that easily”

“…………I see. Then please leave. I have to prepare dinner”

“You are the one making?”

“Got a problem with that?”

“No. I think it is wonderful”

“…………..Well thanks”

When s.h.i.+dou said that without even trying to hide his hostility, Ellen made a thin sigh before standing up from the sofa.

She then slowly walked around the living room and crawl her sights as if she was observing the condition of the room or kitchen before opening her mouth.

“------it’s a little narrow but, it is a house that has been cleaned throughout. It makes me see people sitting around happily every night”


s.h.i.+dou frowned his eyebrows while having no idea what Ellen’s words really meant. There is no way; the words she spat out literary meant what it meant.

However, Ellen act as if she does not care about s.h.i.+dou’s no reply and echoed her beautiful voice.

“I wonder who are inside that happy circle. You-----Itsuka Kotori, Yatogami Tohka, Yos.h.i.+no, or maybe, the Yamai sisters and Miku might be in it too. How wonderful. Please take care of it properly”

“………..What do you want to say”

Becoming impatient, when s.h.i.+dou asked her, Ellen turned her whole body to s.h.i.+dou’s direction. Maybe it’s because her back is facing to the window, he could not see her expression for an instant because of the back lighting.

“--------Who do you think it is thanks to, for the existence of that happy circle?”


s.h.i.+dou brought his eyebrows closer at the sudden question.

“…………..Well, it’s thanks to Kotori and ------“

“You’re wrong”

Without hearing the end of s.h.i.+dou’s answer, Ellen shows her denial.

“-------The reason why it is able to exist right now, is because of Ike and me. We are letting you all off, and letting you all live, that is why you all are able to enjoy this momentary peace”


s.h.i.+dou felt his back getting damp with sweat.

In Ellen words, there was totally no sign of jesting or joking.

She was saying that seriously. There was no sight of doubt held in that preposterous and violent logic.


Ellen is a wizard. Which means even though, there is a machine buried into her brain, she should be a human. But even so, why. Why does he feel a stronger odd feeling------no it should be called foreign sensation, compared to the times he has a conversation with spirits.

“Let me give you a summary”

Ellen slowly lifted one of her hand and directed it s.h.i.+dou. Even though it was such a simple action, s.h.i.+dou felt that it was hard to breathe suddenly. Maybe she lowered the density of the oxygen nearby by manipulating her Territory, or she used it to press s.h.i.+dou’s nose and mouth, or maybe-----with just plain pressure, she overpowered s.h.i.+dou.

“Itsuka s.h.i.+dou, lined up with , , , and . For the compensation of the fore said, please tell me where is

“Do-don’t screw-------“

“Please don’t misunderstand. There is no compromise higher than this. You have no authority to choose”


“-----Its simple mathematics. I will a.s.sure you the safety of the Spirits for now with only the . I don’t think this is such a bad deal”

Ellen said that as if that choice was the natural one to pick.

But. s.h.i.+dou snorted after he took a deep breath.

“…………….Sorry but, I"ve sucked at mathematics since I was young”

“I see. How regretful”

It seems s.h.i.+dou’s words were within her expected category. Without showing any slight signs of discouragement, Ellen carried her hand inside her jacket before, taking out a knife handle without the blade from there.

s.h.i.+dou did not know what it was for a moment but-------at the same time with Ellen narrowing her eyes, he saw a faint glowing light appearing out from the tip of the handle before he gulped.

“Well then, I will have you slowly play along with me until you could do a proper calculation in profit and loss.------I wonder how many numbers you can handle, I am looking forward to it”

Ellen pointed her light blade towards s.h.i.+dou while distorting her lips for the first time.

Part 4

“Point A has no response!”

“Same with Point B!”

“We have lost sensing the last small quant.i.ty of Reiha from the quarantine area half-way…………..!”

15000 meters from Tenguu city, the airs.h.i.+p was now floating in the sky. Right now in the bridge, the voices of the crews were flying around.

Yes. Right now, Kotori and the crew was using the observation installed in the at full strength, to chase after Natsumi’s disappeared reading.

But------The result is just as it looks.

“Tsk……………I predicted this already but, the Reiha response can’t be pursued like I thought”

Kotori clicked her tongue while placing her hand on her chin and sitting on the commander seat.

As long as they are unable to sense the reiha readings, the automated cameras thrown into the city would normally be the main search method but-------it did not have much meaning against Natsumi since she holds the power to transform. While being aware of the fact she was being an escapee, there is no way she would be in an easily detected appearance for Kotori and the crew. If she disguises herself as one of the pa.s.serby then, it is close to impossible to find her.

“This is bad……………it would be good if she would hara.s.s s.h.i.+dou again but, if she were cautious of us and will not show herself then------it would be impossible to seal Natsumi’s Reiryoku”

After Kotori said that difficultly, she then gave a command to the crew working at the lower bridge.

“-------Looking for her without any clue is inefficient. Focus on the places Natsumi has appeared before and search there. The ruined amus.e.m.e.nt park s.h.i.+dou first met Natsumi, my house, s.h.i.+dou’s school and also, the mountain we safeguarded Natsumi”


At the same time with the crews reply, the images of the city shown on the monitor started to move all at once.

And at that moment.


Facing towards her personal display, Minowa let out a doubtful voice.

“What’s wrong? Don"t tell me, it’s Natsumi’s response!?”

“N-no, it’s not that but………….”

“What your enunciation is bad. Just what is it?”

“Haah…………..Could you look at this?”

After Minowa operated the console, the screen Minowa was looking at, was displayed on the s.h.i.+ps main monitor.

On the top part of the observation range which was expanded to its maximum scale to search for Natsumi------at the end of the sky, there was one strange reading confirmed there.

“……….What is this?”

“Judging from the high speed and orbit, it is thought to be an artificial satellite or something………..”

Kawagoe looked at the screen while saying that. Kotori *fumu* groaned while bringing her sights to Nakatsugawa.

“Could you bring out the image”

“Hah, please wait a second………….!”

Nakatsugawa operated the console and a speck like dot was shown on the screen.

After that was expanded a few stages up, the rough resolute image was shown out.

“It’s true that…………it looks like an artificial satellite. But, why is it alone………..”

But at that moment, Mikimoto raised his eyebrows and started staring at the screen.

“It is just slight but, there is Maryoku readings there! What’s more this is……………..explosion arts……….?”

“What did you say?”

Kotori brought her eyebrows closer. Explosion arts. Speaking in easy terms, it is a magical bomb prepared with the Realizer.

“What is going on. Why is such a thing at-----“

After saying that, Kotori placed her hands on her mouth.

“Don’t tell me………….no, there is no way they would use such a stupid-------“

“Co-commander………….is something wrong?”

Nakatsugawa fixed his position while asking. Kotori gulped before continuing her words.

“If……………..only if. What do you all think would happen if the artificial satellite falls to Tenguu city?”


At Kotori words.

All of the crew members lost their words at once.

Part 5


The taste of salt expanded inside his mouth. The sweat dropping down his cheeks reached until his tongue through his lips.

While s.h.i.+dou was being pointed with a laser edge by Ellen, he searched his thoughts to find a way to break through this situation somehow.

But, Ellen did not show any chances at all. s.h.i.+dou’s legs would probably be skewered in an instant if he showed any signs of running away then.

As if she guessed s.h.i.+dou’s thoughts, Ellen made a soft snort.

“It’s useless. There is only one way for you to be able to leave this place alive. It is to spit out ’s whereabouts”

“…………sorry I have been forgetting a lot recently”

“I will make you remember back then”

After saying that, Ellen slowly walked closer until she reached right in front of s.h.i.+dou.


He tried to withdraw his legs back to gain distance at the very least but-----his body won’t move. It seems, Ellen used her Territory to bind s.h.i.+dou’s body.

“Well then-----Going with the fingers isn’t artistic. So let’s see…………”

Ellen licked her lips before, bringing the laser edge she was holding closer to the side of s.h.i.+dou’s head. It’s as if--------yes, she was going to chip off his ears.

“-----Tentatively, I’ll ask for the last time. You are not planning to tell me ’s whereabouts right?”

Ellen sends a cold glint in the eye while saying that. s.h.i.+dou felt his heartbeat getting faster until it hurts.

This woman would do it. Without any inch of hesitation, she would drop s.h.i.+dou’s ears. He recalled back the memories of being in pain pierced through by her and his legs trembled bit by bit.

But. After s.h.i.+dou made the side of his lips to the shape of a smile, he then said it in a void as if he was holding down his trembling somewhere. “……….My ears are just about itchy”

“I see”

After Ellen said that shortly, she immediately narrowed her eyes and inserted strength into the hand holding the laser edge.

But-------at that instant.


Placed on the table, s.h.i.+dou’s cell-phone’s rhythmical ringtone echoed and Ellen probably got distracted by that too. In an instant, his body movement which was taken away from her territory could move. He heard from Kotori before that, no matter how skilled a person is, maintaining the Territory without a wiring suit requires a scary amount of concentration.


If he let this go, there won’t be any more chance. s.h.i.+dou put strength into both his hands and pushed Ellen’s chest.


Ellen made an anguish expression and fell backwards. s.h.i.+dou sent a thought of thanks to the person that called him with excellent timing while quickly running away from the spot.

However, just about the time he was about to leave the living room, his body once again could not move.


“………….You’ve done it”

While mixing in a silent anger in her voice, Ellen slowly raised her body.

Following by time, 3 seconds has not pa.s.sed. In that small interval, Ellen redeployed her Territory. What scary concentration.

“-----okay, although it is a coincidence, how are you going to pay the fine for making me fall on the floor?”


“Also, you touched my breast just now. Please die”

“That was inevitable!?”

Although s.h.i.+dou raised a shriek, Ellen did not pay attention to that. She once again, brought the laser edge closer to his face.

But at that moment, this time, Ellen’s cellphone started making low vibrating sound.

Ellen twitched her eyebrows before, taking out her phone while maintaining her Territory.

“-----Yes, it’s me. Is there something”

Ellen received the call while not releasing her sights from s.h.i.+dou but------

“………..what did you say?”

Just what kind of information did she hear; her expression suddenly turned stern.

“………….yes, yes. I understand. We will deal with it”

After saying that and turning off her phone, she showed a few seconds of hesitation before releasing the Territory binding s.h.i.+dou’s body.


It was as if his support was suddenly released. s.h.i.+dou broke his balance and pitched forward on the spot.

“What a lucky person”


When s.h.i.+dou went blank, Ellen did not even take a glance at s.h.i.+dou and ran outside the house just like that.

“Wha-what………on earth”

Left alone in the living room, s.h.i.+dou was dumbfounded for a while----at that moment, he noticed his cellphone was still echoing the ringtone. After he walked over to it and saw the screen, he found out Kotori’s name was displayed.

“h.e.l.lo? Kotori? Listen to this, just now-------“

“You pick up late! What were you doing at this crisis!”

When s.h.i.+dou picked up the phone, Kotori’s loud voice echoed.

“Wha-what is it. Even I was having a big problem here”

“Forget it, please calm down and listen”

Kotori said it in a serious voice. s.h.i.+dou wanted to mumble his dissatisfaction but, he brought his eyebrows closer at that unusual manner.

“What, did something happen?”

“………….yes. It’s so sudden so it’s unbelievable but------“

At that point, Kotori corrected her breathing before continuing the rest.

“------10 minutes after now, an artificial satellite will fall onto Tenguu city”

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