Date A Live Encore

Chapter 3: Yos.h.i.+no Fireworks

Chapter 3: Yos.h.i.+no Fireworks

Timid and slightly introverted.

"s.h.i.+dou-san......I, I, have that I"d go."

The two who set out to view fireworks, however......

A night in summer.

Itsuka s.h.i.+dou was in the kitchen preparing dinner as usual.

"s.h.i.+dou, what"s for dinner tonight?"

A girl"s voice sounded out from the living room.

Turning to look in that direction, he found the girl whose long hair was as dark as night as well as crystal-like eyes——Tohka was currently lying on top of a yoga ball and looking towards the kitchen. Although she lives in the apartment next door, she would occasionally enter the Itsuka residence to join them for lunch .

"Nn, it"s slightly hot today. I"ll make cold soba then."


When s.h.i.+dou just finished his sentence, Tohka"s eyes started to sparkle. After putting all of her weight onto the yoga ball, she made use of its rebound to stand up.

"Is, is there any pink colored noodles in there?"

"There are. And there are green ones too."

"Wh, what did you say......"

Tohka showed an expression as though she was a clergy who had received a message from the heavens, her two hands trembled.

What an emotional person. s.h.i.+dou gave a bitter smile as he continued.

"So, can you go and tidy up the table for me first?"

"Nn, nn! Leave it to me!"

Tohka enthusiastically replied, after that she hastily clear the newspapers and magazines that covered the table.

It looks like she had discovered something in the midst of cleaning up, "Nn?", making such a curious sound, her hand stopped as well.

"Nn? What"s the matter?"

"Umm, s.h.i.+dou, what is this?"

Saying that, she opened up a flyer. Printed on it was a picture of ma.s.sive fireworks and related information of a fireworks festival being held nearby.

"It"s a fireworks festival. So the time has come for this huh."


Tohka widened her eyes and tilted her head to one side.

The same time as Tohka made that posture, the door to the living room opened suddenly, following that a pet.i.te figure walked in.

Since the only one that would enter without pressing the doorbell, other than Tohka and his parents who are overseas working, was his little sister Kotori. s.h.i.+dou spoke while rhythmically chopping the onions.

"So you are finally back. Dinner is about to be ready so you should hurry up and change——"

s.h.i.+dou stopped speaking after he turned around.

The girl who had walked into the room, was different from whom s.h.i.+dou had expected.

She seemed to be just over ten years old. A light colored one piece dress clothed her snow white skin, she hid her blue hair using the wide brim of a sun hat. An oddly designed rabbit puppet was worn on her hand.


After s.h.i.+dou called out her name, Yos.h.i.+no revealed her sapphire-like eyes from below her hat, as though trying to affirm s.h.i.+dou"s presense.

Those were a pair of beautiful eyes that a human couldn"t possible have.

That"s right. She——along with Tohka, strictly speaking, are not humans. They are lifeforms known as [Spirits] that are specially designated calamities.

Even so, their powers are currently being sealed via methods, as a result they are not that dangerous anymore. In truth, Yos.h.i.+no who is under "s protection, is currently living on board the living quarters of the airs.h.i.+p, learning the necessary information for her to successfully integrate into human society.

"Go, good evening......s.h.i.+dou-san, Tohka-san."

"Aha— long time no see s.h.i.+dou-kun. How have you been doing? Have you constantly spend sleepless nights by yourself thinking about Yos.h.i.+no?"

After Yos.h.i.+no respectfully lowered her head, the puppet that was worn on her left hand——[Yos.h.i.+non] opened its mouth and gave out a cheerful voice.

Due to the difference in their tone and personalities, s.h.i.+dou couldn"t help but smile bitterly.

Although it looks like ventriloquism......but strictly speaking that was not the case. [Yos.h.i.+non] is a second personality that resides within Yos.h.i.+no, what it says however is not controlled by Yos.h.i.+no"s will.

Truth is, at present, Yos.h.i.+no too was covering [Yos.h.i.+non]"s mouth who had just uttered those words with a reddened face.

"I"m......I"m sor, ry......"

[Mm——! Mm——!]

Yos.h.i.+no felt apologetic as she lowered her head once more, [Yos.h.i.+non] on the other hand was struggling to break free. It was adorable to see them like that, s.h.i.+dou couldn"t help but laugh.

"It"s alright......Do you need something, Yos.h.i.+no?"

s.h.i.+dou questioned, Yos.h.i.+no on the other hand jumped slightly.

"A, about.......that is......"

Yos.h.i.+no seemed to be hesitant in speaking out, letting her eyes wander around, however she seemed to have come to a conclusion as she parted her lips.

"Y, you are still a......coward I see, s.h.i.+dou....... You should be, feeling honored instead......Look at you, such a penniless, cla.s.sless, useless nerd......I will grant you......your reason for existing. Tomorrow night......take the fireworks festival. Su, such a task......even a flea like you who has evolved to a level nearing that of humanity......should be able to accomplish it right......?"

Yos.h.i.+no stuttered, saying words that she"d normally would never say.

"Wh......wh, what"s the matter, Yos.h.i.+no?"

Tohka frowned in confusion as well, drops of sweat trickled down her cheek.

However s.h.i.+dou made a different reaction. After the side of his face twitched, he slowly raised his head.

"............Hey, you rascal."

"......! So, sorry, sorry, sorry......! B, but......"

Yos.h.i.+no bowed her head to indicate her apology from the bottom of her heart.

But s.h.i.+dou was not blaming Yos.h.i.+no at all. He only threw a sharp glance behind her——glaring at the door that Yos.h.i.+no had opened before. As expected, Kotori who was shaking from trying to control her laughter was standing there observing the turn of events.

"Kotori! What are you trying to add into the oasis in my heart!"

"......So you are trying to say, that you want to go see the fireworks festival?"

After getting Kotori out from peeping behind the door, s.h.i.+dou spoke while sighing.

He was told that Yos.h.i.+no wanted to see the [Fireworks] that she read in books with her own eyes very much. ——She wanted to take the chance and use her [Dating Right] with s.h.i.+dou, consulting Kotori about the matter.

"That"s right. I remember that there"s a fireworks festival at Tenbagawa tomorrow? You should bring her there."

The girl whose long hair was tied up using black ribbons——Kotori spoke while sitting on the sofa with a haughty att.i.tude.

Explaining the so called [Dating Right], it is referring to the right of possessing s.h.i.+dou for an entire day, Yos.h.i.+no obtained it from a certain compet.i.tion. Of course s.h.i.+dou"s protests were left unheeded......But more importantly it was because the situation could potentially escalate if the right was handed to anyone other than Yos.h.i.+no from his protests, so there was no other choice other than to silently agree.

"If that was the case then can"t you just let her say it out normally. What were you trying to make Yos.h.i.+no do?"

"Well, if we didn"t put it like that, it would be useless against s.h.i.+dou who is as dense as a block of wood......So what is your reply?"

"I"m not really against it or anything......"

s.h.i.+dou glanced at Tohka who was sitting by the side. Since she was the person that was most interested in this activity.

After hearing Kotori talk about the fireworks festival, her cheeks faintly blushed, the two balled up fists were trembling as well.

......In other words, she was controlling herself.


At that moment, it seems like she noticed s.h.i.+dou"s stare, Tohka"s shoulders gave a jolt.

"Is, isn"t that gr, great? Such a rare chance......The two of you should enjoy yourselves to the fullest."

Although Tohka said that. Tears could clearly be seen from the corner of her eyes, it was obvious that she was forcing herself.

Sweat formed on s.h.i.+dou"s face, turning to look at Yos.h.i.+no. Yos.h.i.+no too was making a similar expression as well.

"Umm......Tohka-san, if you are you want to come with us?"

"! Re, really!?"

After Yos.h.i.+no said that, Tohka couldn"t help but stand up——but she quickly shook her head forcefully as though trying to persuade herself.

"No......I can"t. This date belongs to the winner Yos.h.i.+no. If I were to join you, then it wouldn"t be right."

Tohka twirled her fingers as she spoke.

Looking at her miserable state, Kotori couldn"t help but shrug.

"Alright alright, we"ll let Reine bring Tohka there. There"s no problem as long as you two move separately right?"

As Kotori finished speaking, Tohka"s expression brightened in an instant.

"! Uu......Well, if you all want me to go that badly, then I guess there"s no helping it!"

Looking at Tohka, s.h.i.+dou and Yos.h.i.+no looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

The next day, s.h.i.+dou waited for Yos.h.i.+no near the statue whose form is still up to one"s imagination to find out at the nearest station from the fireworks festival.

The time as of now was not 6pm yet. There"s still about an hour till the fireworks festival starts, however the figures of tourists have already filled the exterior of the station. Among them were tourists with the intention of touring the game stations, there were a number of people carrying packages of takoyaki or yo-yo b.a.l.l.s who entered the station.

"Although I"ve already expected this......but there sure are a lot of people here."

"What are you still hanging around for. We"ve just sent Yos.h.i.+no over, she should be heading there soon, the two of you better meet up successfully okay?"

As though replying to s.h.i.+dou"s monologue, Kotori"s voice sounded into his right ear.

Althought Yos.h.i.+no"s mental state have stablized, he still put on the earphone on "s request just in case.

"——According to the rules, we will not be giving you any instructions today, but there are "s crew members on site as well. So feel free to ask if anything comes up."

"I understand."

"Well then, we"ll leave Yos.h.i.+no to you."

Saying that, the conversation with Kotori ended.

After affirming this fact, s.h.i.+dou started to look around in order to search for Yos.h.i.+no.

And then.

"I"ve, I"ve made you......wait."

[Ooh—, we"ve made you wait s.h.i.+dou-kun.]

A familiar voice sounded out from somewhere near him, s.h.i.+dou turned his gaze downwards.


s.h.i.+dou involuntarily widened his eyes due to seeing a scene that had totally exceeded his expectations.

Yos.h.i.+no was not wearing the usual one piece dress, but a pale blue kimono. She did not wear her sunhat as well,in its place she used hair clasps to hold her beautiful hair in place.

All of that complemented Yos.h.i.+no"s doll like features, exuding an incomparable beauty. s.h.i.+dou was instantly rendered speechless, staring at her figure.


"! Ah, sorry about that."

Brought back to reality after hearing Yos.h.i.+no"s hesitant voice, he looked around as an excuse for his behavior just now. However [Yos.h.i.+non] who has the same hair clasps as Yos.h.i.+no started to snicker.

"Ayaya——? Don"t tell me you were in a trance over Yos.h.i.+no"s kimono? Ah——, isn"t that great Yos.h.i.+no. It wasn"t a waste in getting Reine to help out."


"Yo, Yos.h.i.+non......! You, you shouldn"t say such things. s.h.i.+dou-san, wo, wouldn"t......"

Yos.h.i.+no hastily held [Yos.h.i.+non]"s mouth, turning to look at s.h.i.+dou.

"Well......I do think that you are beautiful."

However s.h.i.+dou said the truth, Yos.h.i.+no"s face instantly flushed red.

"Th, that, that is......"

Probably not expecting to really be praised by s.h.i.+dou, Yos.h.i.+no waved her right hand about in a panic, making attempts of hiding her own expression with the brim of her hat.

However what Yos.h.i.+no has on her head at present was not the sunhat but hairclips shaped like flowers. Yos.h.i.+no used her hand to cover her face before removing them and repeated the process a few times, before lowering her head in confusion as to what expression should she make.

The two of them silently faced each other with reddened faces, and although it was the perfect moment to interrupt, [Yos.h.i.+non] chose to just stay there with a sly grin.

"We, wewewell then......let"s not just stand here, shall we go?"

"!Y, yes......! Then I"ll be in......your care."

After s.h.i.+dou spoke, Yos.h.i.+no respectfully bowed her head showing an extremely panicked expression.

"Nn, let"s walk this way."

Saying that, he started to walk in the direction of the river, however [Yos.h.i.+non]"s voice called out to him.

[Oi oi s.h.i.+dou-kun. There"s so many people here and you"re just going to walk along ahead?]


After turning around to look, he finally realized what was going on. Not only was the current Yos.h.i.+no wearing a kimono, she was also wearing clogs that she was not used to wearing.

"You"re right, I"m sorry. Since we still have time, let"s walk over slowly."

[Tsk tsk tsk. That"s not the problem s.h.i.+dou-kun.]


[Hurry up, Yos.h.i.+no.]

Saying that, [Yos.h.i.+non] lightly hugged Yos.h.i.+no"s reddened cheeks.

Yos.h.i.+no grit her teeth as she still had a look of panic on her face, making a sound after her determination was set.

"U, um, s.h.i.+dou-san."

"What is it?"

"I......Today, I used the right to date......with s.h.i.+dou-san."

"Nn, that"s right."

"So......Today is, the, the date that I have with, s.h.i.+dou-san......"

"Well, that is the case."

"That, so, about"s okay if you refuse......if you don"t want to."

Yos.h.i.+no timidly extended her right hand.

"Ca, please hold my hand?"

Saying that, she looked at s.h.i.+dou"s face. It seems that Yos.h.i.+no had made an extremely large resolution when she said that, the corner of her eyes were slightly wet, her lips were trembling as well.

"Oh. Of course we can."

s.h.i.+dou who was moved for a moment, after putting on a calm, nonchalant expression, he took Yos.h.i.+no"s small hand.

Possibly frightened by the sudden touch, Yos.h.i.+no"s shoulders gave a jolt.

"! I"m sorry, did I scare you?"

"N, no......I"m alright."

"I, is that so. Well then——let"s go."


Yos.h.i.+no hid her stunned expression as she deeply nodded her head. On the other hand, [Yos.h.i.+no] was saying, [You did great. That"s a good girl.] as it stroked her head.

Although it wasn"t the first time he has held a girl"s hand......But he was feeling exceptionally nervous for some reason.

At that moment——


Suddenly feeling that they were being watched from somewhere, s.h.i.+dou turned his head and looked at his surroundings.

"s.h.i.+dou-san......? Is......something wrong?"

"Nothing......I think I was just being paranoid."

It could be due to the fact that he was holding hands with such a beautiful girl, he had drawn the jealous gaze of a pa.s.ser-by.

After taking a deep breath, s.h.i.+dou gently held the fingers that felt as though they would break under the slightest pressure, slowly moving forward.

After following the flow of the crowd for fifteen minutes, they could see the various lights of the stalls on both sides of the path.

Yakisoba, takoyaki, cotton candy and various food stuff that one would usually find at the stalls aside, there were stalls displaying water balloons, goldfish scooping, shooting galleries, mini-sized sculptures and prizes from lotteries. Although there wasn"t much difference between the stalls, business was booming.


Yos.h.i.+no widened her eyes, exclaiming in wonder.

"It"s really......amazing."

[It sure is rowdy here——.Then again, what is this place for? Can we buy fireworks here? And can we light one and let it go?]

[Yos.h.i.+non] tilted its head in confusion, s.h.i.+dou on the other hand could only smile wryly in response. If everyone here lit a large firework on their own, that would definitely be an amazing scene.

"That"s not correct, they"re going to light the fireworks on the other side of the river. They only sell food and toys here."

[Eh? What"s that got to do with a fireworks festival?]

“Uuh……I, I don’t know myself……”

[Hn——. Looks like there seems to be some difficult philosophical question of life hidden within all this—]

[Yos.h.i.+non] seemed to have understood something as it kept nodding with folded arms.

s.h.i.+dou’s face showed a cramped smile, turning to look at Yos.h.i.+no.

“Is this Yos.h.i.+no’s first time seeing these stalls as well?”

After s.h.i.+dou inquired, Yos.h.i.+no nodded her head rather excitedly.

“I’ve, seen them in, books before……but this is, the first time that I saw the real thing.”

“Is that so.”

She had such a happy expression on her face, it was worth bringing her to watch the festival after all. s.h.i.+dou smiled as he checked the time on his handphone.

“There’s still some time till they let off the fireworks, let’s walk around.”

“! Can……I?”

“Of course, this is also part of the fireworks festival. Do you have anything you’d like to eat or have? Let me treat you.”

“Th, then I’ll……”

Yos.h.i.+no looked around, frantically glancing at the stalls around her.

“Ahaha……I’m sorry. Let’s just look and see first. ”

“Ah, al, alright. I’m really sorry……”

Yos.h.i.+no nodded her head, tightly holding onto s.h.i.+dou’s hand.

Weaving through the crowd, Yos.h.i.+no suddenly stopped.

“Nn? What’s the matter Yos.h.i.+no?”

“s.h.i.+dou-san……What is, that?”

Saying that, he turned to the left.


And then, s.h.i.+dou froze wordlessly in place.

In that direction a shooting gallery was located. There were ten guns that fired corks displayed, inside the gallery there were several targets placed there.

There would not be a problem if that was the only thing they saw. It’s a shooting gallery that is not much different from the others.

However that would only be the case if the shooting target was not a half naked man wearing a mask that looked eerily familiar.

“Aaah……Hurry! Someone hurry up and shoot me!”

“Keep your mouth shut Kannazuki. It’s your disgusting fault that everyone is keeping away from here. If you really want someone to blast you to pieces that much then shut your mouth and wait there. Or don’t tell me you are unable to accomplish that? It seems that replacing you with a doll as a target would be the better choice huh?”

The owner of the stall sternly chided. Isn’t the owner a little too young to be manning a stall……Upon a closer look, isn’t that just Kotori in a disguise?

“Ku, Kuuuuu, but this is really making me impatient……!”

The man let out a frustrated sound while still tied onto the rack. ……No matter how you look at it, he was ’s vice-commander as well as the vice-captain of the aircraft vessel ——Kannazuki Kyohei.

The surrounding people kept their distance, every stall were doing well except for this one.

s.h.i.+dou grabbed his head. Although he had already heard that someone from the organisation had already infiltrated, however……

“Why is it like this!?”


Frightened by s.h.i.+dou’s sudden cry, Yos.h.i.+no jumped for an instant.

“Ah, so, sorry about that.”

“It’s, nothing……, but, that……s.h.i.+dou-san, what is that?”

“Yos.h.i.+no, let’s go to another stall.”

“Eh, but……”

s.h.i.+dou forced Yos.h.i.+no to leave with him without saying another word. It wasn’t just because he did not want to let Yos.h.i.+no continue watching that scene……but it would be disastrous if Yos.h.i.+no were to be tainted from their bad influence.

At that moment, Yos.h.i.+no seemed to have discovered another object that has caught her curiosity. She stopped walking and asked s.h.i.+dou.

“Um, then, s.h.i.+dou-san, what is……that?”


What Yos.h.i.+no had seen, was the stall that sold crushed ice. Countless glittering ice fragments flew out of the ma.s.sive machine.

“It’s beautiful……”

“Yeah, that’s crushed ice. A block of ice is shaved into small pieces before eating with syrup added to it.”

“Is it, food?”

Yos.h.i.+no widened her eyes with surprise. Ahh, if one were to look at it without prior knowledge, it would be simply too beautiful to call crushed ice food.

“That’s right, it’s good. Would you like to try?”


After s.h.i.+dou asked, Yos.h.i.+no nodded her head in agreement.

“Then……what flavour would you like?”

s.h.i.+dou held Yos.h.i.+no’s hand and walked to the store, asking her that question after looking at the board which had strawberry, melon and more flavours stated on it.

“I’ll leave it to you.”

“Eh? Then, I’ll get a……”

The same time s.h.i.+dou looked at the menu, he looked at the person manning the stall.

……Speaking of which, he seemed to have seen this man onboard , in the end s.h.i.+dou chose to ignore such issues. For all he knew, most of the stalls in the festival could be manned by the staff members of .

An overprotective and extravagant support mission as usual.

"Excuse me, one Blue Hawaii please."

"Coming right up!"

The man used practiced movements to make a big mountain of ice in a cup, handing it over after colouring it with a layer of blue syrup.

s.h.i.+dou did not order Blue Hawaii because it was recommended (it was more like, even s.h.i.+dou himself had no clue what exactly was this flavour), he only thought that the sparkling blue colour suited Yos.h.i.+no extremely well.

s.h.i.+dou took the cup after paying, pa.s.sing it over to Yos.h.i.+no.

"This is for you"

"Th, thank you very much......"

Yos.h.i.+no asked [Yos.h.i.+non] to help hold the cup, using a plastic spoon to scoop the blue ice, after scrutinizing it for a while, she placed it into her mouth.


Her eyes widened in surprise, after looking left and right she looked up into s.h.i.+dou"s face, patting his body with an excited expression.

However her shoulders quickly gave a jolt, showing an expression that was full of apology.

"I"m, sorry, I"ve been a little......"

"Haha, did you like it?"

As s.h.i.+dou asked, Yos.h.i.+no vigorously nodded her head.

"It was cold, and sweet at the same time......But it was different from ice cream......amazing. This is a revolutionary, taste......"

Saying that, Yos.h.i.+no proceeded to eat the crushed ice with big scoops.

"Ah, hold on. If you eat it too quickly......"


Too late. Yos.h.i.+no had a bitter expression on her face as she rubbed her forehead.

"There"s a, sharp pain in my head......"

"Eating chilled food too quickly will cause that. It"s called brain freeze."

"This headache, has such, a delicious name......"

Yos.h.i.+no squeezed out her words while tightly closing her eyes.

At the same time a sharp voice sounded out from within the crowd.

"——Oooh! Reine, I want to eat that next! What is that!?"

"......Regrettably, goldfish can"t be eaten."

“Hm, is that so? I thought they were to be eaten raw too……”

Voices that they have heard before. s.h.i.+dou, Yos.h.i.+no as well as [Yos.h.i.+non] turned their heads at the same time.

“Eh, that was……”


[Seems like it——]

That’s right. Standing right there was Tohka in a kimono along with Reine who was taking her out to play while in a kimono as well.

On a side note, Tohka’s right hand was holding a ma.s.sive stick of cotton candy, in between the fingers on her left hand were toffee apple, chocolate banana, dried squid and more foodstuff. Furthermore both her wrists were wearing glowing bracelets and the side of her head had a hero’s mask. One could say that it was a look that fully showed that she was enjoying this festival.

Tohka’s kimono was on par with Yos.h.i.+no…… However due to her playful appearance, s.h.i.+dou couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hey——, Tohka——”

s.h.i.+dou called out Tohka’s name, Tohka on the other hand raised her eyebrows in surprise as she looked at s.h.i.+dou and company.

“Hm? Ohh…… If it isn’t s.h.i.+dou and Yos.h.i.+no……huh——”

Tohka who was about to wave to them, suddenly jolted, swiftly hiding herself behind Reine’s back.

“……? Wh, what’s wrong with her……”

[Hm—, I think Tohka-chan does not want to let s.h.i.+dou-kun see her in her current appearance?]

“Gh……Who knows.”

It doesn’t seem like Tohka would be the kind of person who would care about such details. s.h.i.+dou tilted his head in confusion, leading Yos.h.i.+no over to Reine.

“Good evening, Reine-san. What’s the matter with Tohka?”

“……About her huh,”

Reine s.h.i.+fted her body slightly, exposing Tohka who was hiding behind her.

Tohka’s shoulders jolted as she panicked, eating the cotton candy in her hand in a single bite, she used her free right hand to put the mask on.

“What are you doing, Tohka……”

“Ha, hahahaha! Tohka? Who’s that? My name is Daizu Anpanman! I’m a super hero that gives all starving children in the world delicious soy bread to eat!”

What a confusing hero character indeed.

Reine stroked Tohka’s head as she spoke.

“……Well, I think she probably wants to avoid interrupting your date in her own way.”

“Ahh……So that’s how it is.”

s.h.i.+dou and Yos.h.i.+no looked at each other for a while, lightly nodding their heads.

Although s.h.i.+dou and Yos.h.i.+no did not mind, but they couldn’t very well let Tohka’s good intentions go to waste.

“I see, then we’ll make a move first. ——We’ll leave the peace of the earth to you then.”

“Ah, s.h.i.+dou……”

Just as s.h.i.+dou was about to leave, Tohka made a sound as though she did not want him to leave.


“! I, it’s nothing! Leave it to me!”

“Haa……I was almost seen through. Luckily I bought a mask just now.”

Tohka placed her hero’s mask to one side, letting out a relieved breath.

It was really dangerous just now. If Tohka didn’t have a sudden stroke of inspiration, she would have interrupted s.h.i.+dou’s and Yos.h.i.+no’s date.

Although Tohka wanted a date with s.h.i.+dou very much, watching fireworks together. However, she felt that she would like to wish Yos.h.i.+no who had splendidly beat Tohka and Origami .

In addition, Tohka knew full well of the pain brought about when someone barges into someone’s date. That’s why she had made her decision; she would definitely not interrupt the date between s.h.i.+dou and Yos.h.i.+no today.


Just at this moment, Tohka suddenly frowned.

The reason for that was simple. That’s because a girl that she was acquainted with had appeared in the crowd.

Using a pale purple sash to fix her white kimono, she was a girl with a slender figure. With hair that barely touched her shoulders, she had a face that was devoid of emotion. Isn’t that——

“Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami……? Wh, why is she here?”

That’s right. Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami was Tohka’s and s.h.i.+dou’s cla.s.smate as well as Tohka’s natural enemy.

Tohka narrowed her eyes in suspicion, noting that Origami was looking at the backs of s.h.i.+dou and Yos.h.i.+no, increasing her pace as she intended to follow after them.

“! You, stop right there!”

Tohka cried out, using her right hand to grab Origami’s shoulder. If Tohka were to let Origami do as she likes, the date would definitely be ruined.

“……, Yatogami Tohka. Why are you here.”

Origami turned around, glaring at Tohka unhappily.

“That’s my line! What are you trying to do!”

“That’s none of your business. Let go of me.”

“I’m not letting go of you! I’ll not let you ruin their date!”

Tohka yelled out, Origami’s eyebrow twitched.

“A date. So it was a date?”

“Yeah. So you shouldn’t interrupt them. Since you know that now then you should——don’t ignore me!”

Tohka noticed that her arm was pushed aside, she quickly ran in front of Origami.

“Move aside. I can’t bear to see s.h.i.+dou fall into the evil clutches of a Spirit.”

“Clutches? Yos.h.i.+no is a nice girl. How can you——”

“You know nothing. A girl like her is the most terrifying of them all. Behind that obedient face of hers hides an extremely lewd nature. By acting innocent and weak, she triggers the male’s urge to protect her; she would then devour him once she manages to trick him to her side. She’s a woman that is as terrifying as those deep sea fish or rafflesia.”

“Wh, what nonsense are you saying. Yos.h.i.+no would never do such things!”

“It’s useless trying to explain it to you. Move aside. If I were to let them escape into the darkness, s.h.i.+dou’s chasity would be in danger.”

Each time Origami tried to slip past Tohka’s side, she would be blocked by Tohka. The two of them were locked in a stalemate just like that, glaring at each other just like that.

“……Ladies. What would you two say if I propose that you two settle this with a match?”

Reine’s voice sounded out from behind.



Origami frowned in suspicion.

However Reine paid no heed, she slowly pointed towards the stalls on the side.

It looks like a shooting gallery. There was no sign of the owner anywhere, only a notice with the words [I’ll be right back. Do use it as you like. Owner] was present.

“……You two will use 30 bullets each, the one who has the higher point wins. The loser obeys the winner……How’s the rules? Is it clear enough?”

“Hm……Alright, I’ll take her on!”

It was easy to understand indeed, Tohka nodded her head in agreement.

“I don’t see the point at all. I don’t have time for this.”

However Origami did not seem to agree, she turned around and tried to leave. However Tohka stood in her path once more.

“……You wish to get rid of this stalemate as soon as possible right? Tohka will obey you as long as you win the match. ——Or are you saying that, you don’t have the confidence to win against Tohka?”

Reine provoked Origami. After hearing that, Origami narrowed her eyes.

“What’s this, and I was wondering why didn’t you accept the match, so that’s how it was.”

Tohka nodded her head with an understanding expression, Origami on the other hand walked past Tohka, taking up the air rifle from the shooting gallery.

“Where’s the target?”

“Hm, why are you so full of energy now?”

Seeing Origami enter a battle state, Tohka ate the candy apple, chocolate banana and the squid that was in her left hand in a single mouthful. ……The smell of squid mixed with the sweet taste, was not delicious at all.

However she did not have the time to care about that. Leaving the trash to Reine, Tohka stood beside Origami and raised her weapon.

“It’s alright as long as I use this huh? Well then, let’s star——”

However after looking at the target inside the stall, Tohka froze.

For some reason there was a half-nude male wearing a mask that was tied to the rack, several circles indicating targets were drawn on his body. On a side note, the place that had the highest points was the 100 point on his loincloth.

“Th, this is……”

Cold sweat started to form on Tohka’s face, following that she noticed a pet.i.te figure within the stall.


Peering further inwards due to curiosity. In the end she discovered Kotori who was in a kimono and hiding under a futon.

“Kotori……? What are you doing here?”

“! Aahh……Tohka. Um, I don’t really wish to see her right now……”

Saying that Kotori peeked at Origami who was currently aiming at the targets.


Just as Tohka tilted her head in suspicion, Origami readied her rifle, calmly pressing down on the trigger with practiced hands.


The cork flew out of the barrel and hit the loincloth directly. The target let out a pained but excited cry.

“……A 100 on the first try huh. ——Hm, take something from the prizes worth 100 points then.”

“Can I really take it like that?”

“……Yeah, the owner of the stall and I go way back. I was asked to look after this stall just now.”

“Is that so.”

Saying that, Origami let out a sigh with a relaxed expression.


Tohka frowned, returning to the stall after parting from Kotori.

Imitating Origami, she readied her rifle and pressed the trigger. After letting out a [Pon!] sound, the bullet hit the target’s chest.


“……Hm, the right nipple is——20 points huh. The prize is a fireworks set for children.”

Saying that, Reine entered the stall and took out a flat squared box that looked totally different from the [fireworks] that she had heard so much about.

However, that was meaningless to Tohka right now. At present, she was feeling extremely frustrated at herself for getting a lower score than Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami.


Just as Tohka was grinding her teeth in frustration, the target let out another strange cry. It seems that Origami has scored 100 points once more.

“How……How can I lose!”

Tohka readied her rifle once more, pressing the trigger after aiming

The time was 1850 hours.

There was still light when they were at the station just now, but now it was completely dark.

The cool air, faint sounds of insects as well as the starry night sky that one would never be able to see in the city, it could be said to be a wonderful place to be to watch fireworks.

There is still 10 more minutes till they start firing the fireworks. s.h.i.+dou and Yos.h.i.+no walked around the stalls in order to find a good viewing spot, walking towards the river.

“Are, you alright, Yos.h.i.+no?”

s.h.i.+dou voiced out as he held Yos.h.i.+no’s hand tightly. That’s right, that’s because the fireworks were about to be set off, the human density present in the location significantly increased. This situation is just like the huge sale in the new year or the morning rush hour.

“I’m, fi……ne”

[Aha, we-su-re-ar-e-be-ing-squ-ee-zed-here.]

Listening to Yos.h.i.+no and [Yos.h.i.+non]’s voice, he followed the flow of the crowd to the wide riverbank.

“Aha……it sure is crowded here.”

“Th, that’s right……”

[Oh my——. It’s the first time since Kotori-chan placed me in the was.h.i.+ng machine that I’m feeling so messed up——]

s.h.i.+dou lightly stretched as though he was looking up at the sky. Due to the clouds blocking the moon, the sky was pitch black. It was an excellent day to set off the fireworks.

He patted Yos.h.i.+no on the shoulder, pointing towards the riverbank.

“Look, they are going to set off the fireworks from there.”

“Fr, from over…..there?”

[Eh—, where—?]

Saying that, [Yos.h.i.+non] looked out.

“It’s right there. See, that——”

Saying that, s.h.i.+dou suddenly felt a sense of dread.

——At the sleeve of her kimono, Yos.h.i.+no’s left hand can be seen.


s.h.i.+dou rubbed his eyes, looking at Yos.h.i.+no once more. But that wasn’t his imagination.

“……? Is, something the matter?”

[What’s wrong——.Ah, don’t tell me you want to go to the washroom? How could you s.h.i.+dou-kun, you should have went before that——]

Yos.h.i.+no raised her head, following her movements, her left hand went up too.

That’s right, the place where [Yos.h.i.+non] was supposed to be, yet there was no sign of the puppet at all.

s.h.i.+dou widened his eyes. It probably got squeezed off just now with the crowd.

That being said, [Yos.h.i.+non] is not really the puppet that was doing the talking but the second personality within Yos.h.i.+no. If Yos.h.i.+no were to believe that she was still wearing the puppet, would she realize that the puppet had fallen off?

However Yos.h.i.+no followed s.h.i.+dou’s gaze towards her own left hand——


Yos.h.i.+no started panicking, as though her throat had something stuck in it.


Letting out a silent cry, she frantically looked around. However there was no sign of [Yos.h.i.+non] anywhere.

Yos.h.i.+no’s face turned pale, tears started to form as she let out an expression of despair.

That’s correct, Yos.h.i.+no was timid in nature as well as slightly anthrophobic, if she didn’t have her best friend [Yos.h.i.+non] by her side, she would mentally break down from being overly stressed out.

If a Spirit’s mental state were to be unstable——

Suddenly, a warning sound went off inside s.h.i.+dou’s ear. Kotori’s voice followed soon after.

“s.h.i.+dou? Yos.h.i.+no’s mental state is becoming chaotic. What on earth is happening!?”

“Ah, aaah——Actually Yos.h.i.+non got——”

However there was no time for him to explain, Yos.h.i.+no’s sobs entered his other ear.

“Uu, ah, ah……”

“Ho, hold on! Calm down, Yos.h.i.+no!”

“Uwaaaa, aa, aaaaaah……!”

s.h.i.+dou’s cries did nothing to solve the problem, huge tears flowed out of Yos.h.i.+no’s eyes.

And at the same time.

——The place where the fireworks festival was to be held, a ma.s.sive downpour started to fall.

“I’m, very……sorry, s.h.i.+dou-san……”

Inside the shrine near the river, Yos.h.i.+no faintly voiced out dejectedly.

Her neatly tied hair was now drenched in rain, her soaked kimono tightly clung onto Yos.h.i.+no’s skin. Her snow white skin that could be vaguely seen through the kimono, made her seem extremely lascivious.

“You don’t have to mind it!”

[That’s right——, Yos.h.i.+no didn’t do anything wrong. It’s Yos.h.i.+non’s fault for being too playful. I’ve made you worry—, I’m really sorry.]

Saying that, the puppet on Yos.h.i.+no’s left hand stroked Yos.h.i.+no’s head.

They were fortunate, under the a.s.sistance of the staff members of , they swiftly located [Yos.h.i.+non]. It fell to the ground just now due to the movement of the crowd, there were still footprints on its face but it’s a good thing in itself that no further damage was found.

However due to the rain just now, the fireworks festival had no choice to be suspended.

Yos.h.i.+no was originally a Spirit that controlled water and chill. When her powers are present, as long as she appeared, there would be rainfall.

Although, with her powers sealed, she is now able to live a normal life——but so long as her mental state became unstable, the sealed powers would start to go back to her.

The result……would be like this.

Due to the fact that [Yos.h.i.+non] was successfully found, the rain stopped, however it remains uncertain whether the fireworks would be set off. Yos.h.i.+no felt extremely guilty due to the trouble she had caused everyone, her shoulders sank.

“I’m really……sorry……”

“I’ve already said, you don’t have to mind.”

Despite saying that, Yos.h.i.+no still lowered her head in guilt.

At that moment, [Yos.h.i.+no] clapped its hands as though it just thought of something.

[Really now—. It’s all ruined thanks to Yos.h.i.+no—. You saw everyone’s disappointed faces right—.]

“Ah, auuuu……”

“Hey, you don’t have to——”

However [Yos.h.i.+non] ignored s.h.i.+dou and continued.

[Yos.h.i.+no——, Kotori-chan taught you before right. What should bad kids do?]


[Kids who do bad things must——?]

“That……be, be spanked……”

[That’s right. Spanking will cause you to reflect, so that you won’t do the same mistake in future—]


After Yos.h.i.+no replied, [Yos.h.i.+non] quickly turned its head.

[So that’s how it is. s.h.i.+dou-kun, you will spank Yos.h.i.+no!]


s.h.i.+dou couldn’t help but shout, frantically waving his hands in protest.

“No no no. Even though people often say that, but no one would do it in reality right?”

[Eh—. But Kotori-chan would often spank Kannazuki when he makes mistakes right? She uses a whip too.]

That was easily imaginable. s.h.i.+dou’s face twitched, he supported his forehead with his hands.

[That’s why. Yos.h.i.+no is the same. If we were to let her off so easily, she would make the same mistake over and over——. Is that okay with you——?]

“……, well……”

Yos.h.i.+no bit her lip, standing up and used her hands to support herself on a nearby pillar.

“I, I beg you. I……don’t want, to let Yos.h.i.+non, and s.h.i.+dou-san feel troubled……anymore.”

Yos.h.i.+no said with a panicked face, raising her behind.

“E, even if you two are right……”

[We’re going to stay like this if s.h.i.+dou doesn’t make a move——]

As s.h.i.+dou was hesitating, [Yos.h.i.+non] smirked and spoke. Yos.h.i.+no nodded her head as well as though she had made her decision.


It has already led to this, s.h.i.+dou now has no way to reject them. s.h.i.+dou walked to Yos.h.i.+no’s back, raising his hand high.

[Ah—, wait a second.]

Just as s.h.i.+dou was about to lightly……swing his hand down, [Yos.h.i.+non] stopped him.

s.h.i.+dou on the other hand let out a sigh of relief. Looks like [Yos.h.i.+non] did not really wish for him to spank her bottom, but it just wanted Yos.h.i.+no to take the opportunity to be a bit more courageous.

——However. s.h.i.+dou quickly realized how naïve his thinking had been.

[You——can’t——. You have to spank her directly on her b.u.t.t.]

Saying that, [Yos.h.i.+non] rolled up the corner of Yos.h.i.+no’s kimono, showing her behind to him.

And for some reason Yos.h.i.+no was not wearing any underwear underneath her kimono.



s.h.i.+dou glared in outrage, Yos.h.i.+no on the other hand was trembling as though she had a seizure.

“Wh, why aren’t you wearing any underwear!”

“That’s because……Re, Reine-san said……that kimonos were supposed to be worn like this……Tohka-san too…..”

“Tohka as well!?”

Despite s.h.i.+dou’s yells, [Yos.h.i.+no] did not pay attention at all, it started to make a rhythm by clapping.

[Come on, let the first one fly!]

“s.h.i.+dou……san. This position, is embarra.s.sing……so please hurry……”

“! Aaah……I don’t care anymore!”

s.h.i.+dou apologized to the G.o.ds enshrined inside the shrine as he swung his hand down.

‘Pata!’ A clear cound echoed within the silent shrine.


[Another one!]



[The last one!]



After a total of three hits, Yos.h.i.+no’s body trembled, she let out short rapid breaths. Although he did not use much strength, but due to her skin being pale, there was an obvious change in colour.

“Ar, are you alright, Yos.h.i.+no……”

“Y, yes……”

Yos.h.i.+no weakly replied s.h.i.+dou, hastily rearranging her kimono.

“About that……I’m really……thankful. I, I will pay attention in the future,”

“Oh, um……”

A mysterious sense of guilt a.s.saulted him, s.h.i.+dou awkwardly replied while scratching his face.

Looks like Yos.h.i.+no had reflected fully on this. ……Well, even if she didn’t get spanked, I guess she would reflect on her mistake anyway.

However——if her feelings of disappointment have not yet disappeared……looks like it hasn’t. Her face still showed signs of regret.

Just as s.h.i.+dou was deep in thought, he suddenly let out a shout.

“Yos.h.i.+no, Yos.h.i.+non. I’ll be back soon, can you wait for me here?”

“……? Al, alright, I understand……”

[Hm—— Where are you going s.h.i.+dou-kun? Ah, don’t tell me you are really going to the toilet this time?]

“Well, I’ll leave it like that.”

Regarding [Yos.h.i.+non]’s question, s.h.i.+dou waved his hand and replied, lightly jogging to the location where all the stalls were at.

Although there were still quite a number of people, but a portion of the visitors left early due to the sudden downpour, the path became easier to walk. s.h.i.+dou looked left and right, looking for that specific item.

“Gah……so it isn’t here huh. Looks like I have to go to the nearby convenience store……”

Just as s.h.i.+dou was scratching the back of his head.

“Hey you! That was definitely cheating! You got to play by the rules!”

“I did not cheat. The rules did not state that we can only use a single rifle. Furthermore my current score is 10 times of yours, there’s no need for me to cheat.”

“You, what did you say!?”

A familiar squabble came from the direction of the shooting gallery.

Turning his head in that direction, he discovered Tohka and Origami were shooting at each other with air rifles. On their stomachs had targets on them. ……Somehow, it was slightly different from what s.h.i.+dou knew about a shooting gallery.

“Tohka……and Origami. What are you two doing?”



After s.h.i.+dou spoke, Tohka and Origami turned to face him at the same time.

Tohka hastily attempted to use her mask to hide her face, but she quickly found out that Yos.h.i.+no was not beside s.h.i.+dou, she tilted her head in wonder.

“s.h.i.+dou? Where’s Yos.h.i.+no?”

“Aaah……She had something to do.”

s.h.i.+dou gave her a half-hearted response, moving his gaze elsewhere. He soon discovered the small mountain of candies and toys piled up at Tohka and Origami’s feet.

“……What’s all this?”

“Hm? Aah, this. These are all prizes from the gallery. Wonderful isn’t it! There are no more prizes, so we had to settle this with a frontal battle.”

“You only had a small part of the prize. Eighty percent of this belongs to me.”

“Wh, what are you saying!?”

Saying that, the two of them entered battle once more (that being said, but they had to refill their ammunition each time they fired, so it was still considered peaceful).

s.h.i.+dou showed a bitter smile as he witnessed the scene——but he noticed something amongst the prizes that Tohka had won, he called out to her.

“Um, Tohka.”

“Nn? What is it?”

“I have a favour to ask of you……”

“What is the matter with him……s.h.i.+dou-san.”

[Hm——, that’s true——. It should be because of that right? Because he saw Yos.h.i.+no who was drenched and couldn’t control his desires anymore? He didn’t have to go and settle it himself, cause Yos.h.i.+no here is already ready——.]

“Yo, Yos.h.i.+non……”

Hearing [Yos.h.i.+non]’s voice, she raised her head to the sky.

At this point, the pitch black night sky entered her vision. ——If there were fireworks exploding across the sky right now, what a beautiful sight that would be.

“I wanted to……watch fireworks together, with s.h.i.+dou-san……”

She looked to the stars and mumbled to herself. Footsteps came from in front of her as though responding to her words.

“Hey, Yos.h.i.+no.”

“! s.h.i.+dou-san……”

Yos.h.i.+no’s shoulders gave a small jolt, looking to her front. “The words I said just now, did he hear them?” she threw a questioning gaze to [Yos.h.i.+non], it shrugged its shoulders as though saying [Who knows?].

“Sorry, I’ve kept you waiting.”

“It’s alright……but……where did you go?”

Yos.h.i.+no asked in wonder, s.h.i.+dou smiled as he raised the object in his hand.

“Look, at this.”

“Fireworks set……for children. ——Fireworks?”

Yos.h.i.+no widened her eyes. That’s right. The square box in s.h.i.+dou’s hands did have those words written.

“Wait a while.“

Saying that, s.h.i.+dou opened the plastic box, taking out something similar to paper sticks, pa.s.sing one of them to Yos.h.i.+no.

“This is……”

“Well, you’ll know soon enough. ……Gah, I remember that I did place it somewhere around……”

s.h.i.+dou took out a lighter from his pocket, lighting up Yos.h.i.+no’s paper stick.


Yos.h.i.+no who did not have a clue as to what was s.h.i.+dou doing——quickly widened her eyes in surprise.

The end where s.h.i.+dou lit the fire, started to shoot out golden fireworks with crackling sounds.

It was different from what Yos.h.i.+no read in books, it was a small light. However they were still fireworks nonetheless.

“It’s so pretty……”

[Oh——, it sure is——]

“I know right? This is known as incense-stick fireworks. Well……they are incomparable to the ones in the sky though.”

Haha, s.h.i.+dou said while laughing. Yos.h.i.+no on the other hand vigorously shook her head.

“That’s……not true. This one is……beautiful.”

And then, from the front——in the direction from where s.h.i.+dou had came from, footsteps could be heard once more.

“s.h.i.+dou! Yos.h.i.+no!”

The owner of the footsteps belonged to Tohka. She even forgot to disguise herself as she hastily ran over.

“Oh, Tohka. Thank you for your fireworks. Yos.h.i.+no liked it very much.”

“That’s great. ——But, I got good news. It seems that they’re about to restart the firework performance!”


Just as Yos.h.i.+no voiced out.

A whistling sound echoed out from nowhere……as though it came from a whistle——

Following that came an explosive sound, a ma.s.sive flower bloomed in the sky.

“Oooh! It’s started! I’ve got to go. I’ve pa.s.sed the message to you!”

Saying that, Tohka left in a panic. Looks like she really came to just pa.s.s the message.

“Haha……She really is busy.”

s.h.i.+dou lightly smile, turning to look at Yos.h.i.+no.

“Isn’t that great, Yos.h.i.+no. Well then, let’s walk to the river then. We’ll be able to view it much clearer from there.”

Saying that, s.h.i.+dou attempted to stand up.

However, Yos.h.i.+no shook her head.

“Here, is better.”


s.h.i.+dou made a surprised expression. Yos.h.i.+no continued to stare at the crackling incense-stick firework as she opened her mouth and spoke.

“I……prefer the fireworks over here.”

Saying that, Yos.h.i.+no’s cheeks turned red. [Yos.h.i.+non]’s face——slowly turned red too, but it was uncertain if it was due to the glow of the fireworks.


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