Qian Meigui had to take deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart.

She quickly began to clean up the room as she heard a noise in the hall. She blew out the candle, leaning against the wall. The door creaked open, the hinges making a wailing sound. Beads of sweat trekked down her forehead. What was her aunt not telling her? She couldn"t understand.

It was dark in the room as Lin Anni peaked in, observing. But Qian Meigui leaned behind the door, trying to keep her breath still. She could see her aunt through the gap of the door. Lin Anni did not walk in; instead, she turned her heal and walked away, her nightgown flowing as she walked pa.s.sed. Qian Meigui exhaled deeply; she fell to her knees. But quickly, she composed herself, slipping out of the room with the photograph in her pocket.

She stalked down the dark hall, back into the bedroom she stayed in. She felt nervous. She needed answers; she will demand answers.

Song Sheng had concluded a meeting, short. He couldn"t concentrate much these days, but he received a few more emails since she left—nothing but a few words. He wondered if this was his punishment for leaving her for two years?

He had more meetings that day, and the next one he had was with Yu Qingge. He heard a knock on the door when he rubbed his temples. "Come in," he said neutrally. He listened to her heels, hitting the marble of his floor, grinding his ears painfully.

She wore a spider smile, meant to be kind and approachable. But Song Sheng hated her. He hated how she tried to be someone that she wasn"t.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Song?" she asked with her back straightened.

He gave her a nonchalant expression, unbothered and uncaring. "I want to renew the terms of our contract," he said.

Yu Qingge"s eye-widened in surprised, happily. "Really?" she asked him, wanting rea.s.surance. She worked hard, and she felt like she did indeed deserve a raise.

"Yes," he began coldly. "I want to give you a raise," he said with a silverware smile. Yu Qingge flushed from his beautiful grin, but she had no idea that it was a sarcastic smile.

"What are the terms?" she asked excitingly.

"I am going to triple your current earnings," he began. "All you have to do is work on the projects and roles; I a.s.sign you."

Yu Qingge thought for a moment. Her current manager has been working with Song Sheng since he arrived; and because of their close work relations.h.i.+p, her manager has been a.s.signing her the right roles for her career. In some ways, Song Sheng was her manager since she was one of his best. It made no difference now if she agreed.

"All right," she said. Song Sheng only wants what"s best for the company, and she was indeed the best.

Song Sheng held out the contract while mentioning one more condition. "If you disagree with any roles, you will have to compensate ten times your earnings," he said. Yu Qingge hesitated, but he appeared to be confident. So she trusted him. Naively, she signed the contract without much of another thought. She knew her manager and agent would have approved as well.

Yu Qingge rose to give him a curt nod before leaving the office.

After Yu Qingge left, Song Sheng exhaled. Her perfume almost made him retch. Instead, he went to open a window when his alarm rang. Quickly, he returned to his desk, grabbing his keys, heading towards his company garage. He hopped into his car, fastening his seatbelt, speeding off.

He drove nervously towards the end of the city where the outlooks became more rural. He looked out at the streets before he pulled up on the sidelines to park. Where he parked was not designated, but he didn"t care to receive a ticket. He jogged through the crowd of people on the sidewalks, trying to get past, apologizing as he pushed them aside. Some people protested annoyed that a young man was running through them, hastily. But Song Sheng was desperate.

He was already sweating since he wore a full-pressed dark blue suit on a hot day. His black hair was damp on his face, but he didn"t care. He looked at the faces when he made out someone who looked like Qian Meigui. He paused. But he then received an email on his phone from minutes before. It was her, just leaving the computer centre.

Song Sheng recorded the time and place each time she sent him a message. It was every three days, and he had to ensure that he came on the right day to catch her, find her. She was wearing casual clothing, her long brown hair over her shoulders. She looked well, more than well. And he was happy but sad. What if she wasn"t glad to see him?

Regardless he had to try. Next to Qian Meigui was her aunt.

"Mei!" he called out desperately. She kept walking. But he approached closer, trying to squeeze through the people. It was rush hour. "Xiao Mei," He called out again. She paused, stilled. Then slowly, she turned around. He then caught up to her, his breath sharpened. She was in front of him. It had been weeks, and she was here in front of him. But she didn"t look pleased.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him.

Song Sheng had to cool the burn before it scorched through his heart. His heart sunk, but he composed himself. She even looked at him as if nothing happened between them.

He glanced at Lin Anni whose face darkened as if she resented him. It looked like they were on their way shopping, so he said, "I came by to shop as well when I saw you."

"I see," Qian Meigui responded. Lin Anni stepped forward, "You should leave her alone. Can"t you see this girl is trying to spend time with her real family?" she asked him.

Qian Meigui was silent until she said to her. "It"s okay. Song Sheng must have been worried about me. Even though I told him not to look for me."

Lin Anni clicked her tongue. "Typical of the Song family. They never listen," she remarked.

Qian Meigui nodded, agreeing. She then said, "Go ahead. I will be there in a moment." Lin Anni nodded. But she only went a few steps away. Qian Meigui then glanced back at Song Sheng. She took a deep breath. "As I"ve said before. You need to leave me alone," she began. Song Sheng was puzzled, confused. But there was a glint of mischief in her eyes, telling him to go along with it.

She continued. "Song Rui ruined my life. I shouldn"t have believed him. He"s a liar."

Song Sheng was still confused. He was sure that she was pretending to believe what they were feeding her. "So from now on, don"t look for me again." Behind her, Lin Anni tried not to look, but there was something smug about her face. Lin Anni began to walk away when Qian Meigui chucked something from her pocket, slipping it into his hand quickly before parting away. It was only for a moment, but he felt her grip his hand. "I don"t want to see you again," she said as her last words. But her expression was grave. She didn"t mean it.

At that, Qian Meigui turned her heel, catching up to Lin Anni as they walked away. What she gave him was a note on a slightly yellow page, ripped from a book.

He went back to his car, hopping in where he opened it.

It read:

"I"m not in danger," the note began. "I knew you would come. I did it on purpose. Held the letter in my pocket for days, waiting. I am all right, but something else is not right. I am searching for answers. I need them, Sheng. My aunt hates the Song family, and they can"t know I am in contact with any of you. They are watching me, I can tell. They think I haven"t noticed, but down the halls, servants, butlers, even members of the family would show me their smile, but they would watch. I am not sure they know what my intentions are; perhaps they have nothing to do with my past, but Lin Anni must have instructed them to watch me. It shouldn"t be long now until I find out what"s happened. I need to know. I don"t think she"ll harm me, not yet, I suppose." Song Sheng turned the letter where the words drifted off.

"Meet me tonight at the hotel." Qian Meigui provided him with an address. "I will tell you more, there," she finished.

Song Sheng held onto the letter as some hope. He then drove back to his apartment, changing and he waited until it was time to go again.

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