The night fell, and Song Ren carried a tiny flashlight to guide her the way.

She almost ran into trees, tripping over piles of gra.s.s-wheat or cattle food. But she kept searching until she found an abandoned old house that looked like it was in near-ruin. She surrounded the house, looking for entrances when she found a pair of wooden double-doors that led to a cellar just right outside the home. It looked like a man-hole used to shelter people in case of emergencies.

Her heart lept. She was afraid, but she also felt her blood had gone cold as to how Qian Meigui was trapped beneath. Song Ren took deep breaths to calm her nerves. She had been dauntless all her life, and she wondered how she had grown to be so fearless. Was it because Song Rui raised her or was it because she met a broken girl who had seen too much but befriended her despite having a cold heart?

Song Ren approached the doors when she yelled. "My name is Song Ren; I"m here alone."

The doors opened, leading to darkness. Song Ren"s body had gone cold, but she let them take her like phantom ghosts.

There were masked men in the laboratory, bas.e.m.e.nt, or wherever she was. The men then unmasked themselves, and Qian Meigui chuckled coldly. They were the same people from the photo that surrounded Lin Anni and her parents from years ago. But what puzzled her more was that some of the others were also people she recognized from the company, that still worked for Song Ren. She couldn"t believe it; they were employees she smiled to down the halls when she pa.s.sed the labs to head towards the public relations department. They betrayed Song Ren, both of them.

Qian Meigui felt disoriented. She had not eaten or drunk anything for—she wasn"t sure how long. Soon after they left when the door unlatched again, and they brought someone down. It was dark; Qian Meigui couldn"t see. But the light suddenly turned on, and she could make out the figure, the long dark hair tied up, her porcelain, unblemished skin. She nearly began to cry as she saw Song Ren.

Song Ren did not appear to resist as they threw her next to her.

Song Ren did not say a word to her. Soon after Lin Anni"s men left, when her aunt descended with her ex-husband.

"Song Zemin," Song Ren called out bitterly as if she recognized him.

Qian Meigui turned to face her, eye-wide, "What?" she asked. Song Ren heard Qian Meigui"s question, but she did not tear her eyes away from the man. "He is one of my father"s brothers. While one of them plotted to take Song Entertainment, the other brother plotted to take Song Pharmaceuticals behind his back years ago," she began. "I hadn"t seen Zemin since I was a child. No one has; he disappeared for a reason not many knew."

Qian Meigui stared at her. "He killed my parent"s," she said.

Song Ren"s eyes opened, then it closed into sadness and regret. "Then my father lied about not knowing who killed them, or he didn"t know," she admitted. "Regardless, I"m sorry."

Qian Meigui closed her eyes, conflicted. Did Song Rui lie to her? He kept her in the dark most of the time. He pretended to be oblivious, but it made sense. The Song family and Qian/Lin family were heavily involved with each other. She began to paint the picture herself:

Lin Anni was Qian Aiguo"s twin. They began to work for Song Pharmaceuticals together, meeting the brothers Song Rui and Song Zemin. Lin Anni and Song Zemin fell in love and got married, while Qian Aiguo met Song Rui"s lawyer Qian Shanyuan, they fell in love and married.

Years later, Qian Aiguo began to develop a project, but she began to keep her ambitious brother-in-law in the dark along with her twin sister. She loved her sister, but she knew that Lin Anni loved her husband even more. Therefore, Qian Aiguo spoke to Song Rui about the potential betrayal. He listened, but the fact conflicted him as his family was involved. Moreover, Song Zemin was dangerous. If Song Zemin was going after Aiguo and her family, he could come after his. But Song Rui already had young children, Song Sheng and Song Ren and his twins were still toddlers.

And due to Song Rui"s personal conflict, he let it happen. But Qian Aiguo never blamed him. He looked out for his family as they plotted against her. But she knew that Song Rui would have to repay the debt of his sins.

So, Qian Aiguo and Qian Shanyuan died—his best friends died. To repent for what he did to them, by not doing anything but let it happen, he would have to take in their daughter, let her become a Song and blend her in the most obvious place. So Song Rui took her in. Qian Meigui recalled him telling her once that he felt guilty for what happened to her parent"s, she never understood why, but now she knew.

Qian Meigui knew that the Song family divided in half. But she didn"t know the whole family was twisted, except of course for their beautiful children. And perhaps that is why Song Rui wanted to raise all of them away from his toxic family because he knew their dark secrets, their ambition, he had it too.

Song Zemin sketched a bow. "It"s lovely to see you, my dear niece," he said. Song Ren made a face of disgust. "Unfortunately, I can"t return the sentiment, b.a.s.t.a.r.d." Song Ren emphasized the word b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Song Zemin chuckled.

He stepped closer to her, dropping low. "Now, will you do me a favour, Ren. Can you give me the USB drive?" he asked in a surprisingly gentle tone.

Song Ren stared at him. Now that Qian Meigui paid attention, she saw the resemblance. But his eyes did not glow like the others. She leaned in close to him, smiling, "f.u.c.k. Off."

Song Zemin smiled. "I think you would have been my favourite if Rui had let me around you and the others."

"You"re a creep," Song Ren retorted.

Soon after, he unlatched the knife, aiming it for Qian Meigui"s neck. He looked towards Song Ren, then he spoke quietly. "Give it to me, or I will slash her throat like a smile, and she will bleed out at your feet. Would you like that?" he asked her.

Song Ren"s throat bobbed, but her eyes did not waver. She will have to demand her father to explain things to her later.

Song Ren began to unzip her suit as the USB drive wrapped around her neck. She began to remove it when Qian Meigui said, "Don"t. Please. That"s my mother"s work, and if they take it, then they will win." She began to cry.

Song Ren felt disheartened, but she unstrapped it from her neck; she gave it to her uncle, nonetheless. "Can you let us go?" she then asked him.

Song Zemin took the drive from her in smug satisfaction. He then approached a wide computer screen, flicking it on. "I have to check it"s authenticity first. Then I will consider it."

Both Song Zemin and Lin Anni hovered over the screen, waiting for the data to load in antic.i.p.ation. As they waited, Song Ren moved closer towards Qian Meigui who appeared to be defeated. "Do you have a weapon?" she asked in a whisper.

"What?" Qian Meigui asked her to repeat.

"Do you have a weapon?" Song Ren asked again.

Qian Meigui shook her head, but then she said, "I have a round-bottom flask."

Song Ren felt like chuckling, but she contained herself. "Perfect."

"I need you to break it on my mark. You take that b.i.t.c.h, and I will take my uncle."

Qian Meigui nodded.

After the data loaded, both Song Zemin and Lin Anni gasped in satisfaction. The work was authentic.

They turned to face them. Song Zemin clapped. "Song Ren, your reputation remains; you do not disappoint."

Song Ren gritted her teeth. "Now can you let us go?" She asked him.

Song Zemin thought momentarily. "You see I can"t let that happen," he began. "If you tell the police everything, then we"ll be arrested and all this," he pointed at the empty s.p.a.ce as if it was his dominion, "will be for nothing."

Song Ren seethed out, "If you kill Song Rui"s daughters, then you"re in for a load of s.h.i.+t."

"Ah, but all I have to do is take down Rui. That, too, was long overdue."

"You"re disgusting," Song Ren responded.

Song Zemin then turned to Lin Anni, "You may go. I will take care of these two," he said.

Lin Anni gave him a look of disgust before nodding and turning away. Qian Meigui thought they might have divorced when Lin Anni discovered that her husband was a psychopath, but even she wasn"t entirely a saint. But despite their marital downfall, they were partners in crime.

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