After holding each other for what felt like a lifetime, Qian Meigui began to feel better. With the rhythm of the mellow music, she didn"t realize that she was slow dancing with Song Sheng. They took small steps, holding onto each other desperately.

For an odd reason, despite her mood, the dancing helped. It felt as if her nerves were shaken off, and she was distracted by something else entirely. Her focus was more on how they moved than her of anxieties.

As they danced, fingers locked, other hands around each other"s waist, Song Sheng, gazed at her intensely, gently wiping away the moisture from her cheeks using his thumb. Qian Meigui clutched at his embrace tightly, afraid to let him go. He was her safeguard, regardless of their distance, irrespective of what they"ve put each other through. She could not deny the fact that she felt better most when he comforted her. Song Sheng kept whispering calming words in her ear like, "You have me," and "I am yours."

It sounded like a confession. Qian Meigui glanced up at him, his expression heavy with emotion, all reservation disappeared replaced with tenderness. She felt as if she couldn"t breathe. Qian Meigui pouted and flushed, burying her head in his chest. Song Sheng chuckled, holding her head against him.

He then lifted her chin so that their eyes could meet. Even in the dark, his golden-brown eyes shone. "Are you all right?" he asked softly. Qian Meigui nodded, dazed. He gave her a sad dimpled grin, one that she had not seen in a while. It made her mesmerized.

Qian Meigui slowly let go of him, realizing that the couples around them were dancing so intimately, and since they all wore masks, she could not tell who they were. Song Sheng removed his mask, revealing his full handsome face. His eyes were depthless, and his dark hair spilled over his eyebrows.

Realizing how close he was, she realized that his clothing outlined every hard muscle of his body. And ever since she became aware of how beautiful he was, she always felt like tracing the lines of his face, wondering if they were as sharp as they appeared. Or would it be soft because of the smooth edges of his face?

Qian Meigui shut the thoughts down her mind. She let go of him, but he still gripped her torso, slightly above her waist. "Do you feel better?" he asked her. Qian

Meigui nodded again. After she confirmed how she felt, Song Sheng slowly let go of her. He accepted it; Song Sheng realized that he would have to show her that he would be there for her. He couldn"t regain her trust again in a single night.

They stood in front of each other, stealing glances, and not knowing what to do. Qian Meigui felt better; she felt like more herself than she had in days, weeks. But she would not admit that to him.

On several occasions, she made it clear that she wanted him, and yet he kept pus.h.i.+ng her away. Then when they spent time together in the apartment, they rotated roles of a typical married couple, and yet they have never gone beyond a drunken pa.s.sionate kiss. It was clear to her.

Qian Meigui stood her ground; she would not be swayed by him so quickly again. Song Sheng strapped his mask over his face. He then reached out to lend a hand. Qian Meigui glanced at him, hesitating. She then reached out to grab him, allowing him to guide her out of the venue. She had to leave; he knew it.

On their way, Song Sheng removed his jacket, placing it over her bare shoulders. The gesture made her flush, but she avoided looking at him. Song Sheng called for a taxi, taking Qian Meigui home.

He called Song Ren and the others, telling them that she was sick, so he had to take her home. Song Ren informed him about taking care of her well and that it wouldn"t be an issue.

When they arrived at Song Mansion, it was pitch black, and they weren"t sure what time everyone else would get home. Qian Meigui shot him a grim smile, before giving him back his jacket. She then turned on one of the lights, dimming it to the lowest setting.

Without saying goodbye, she went to her room. She changed into a pair of satin ivory pants and s.h.i.+rt, revealing her collarbones. She then placed a matching long robe over it. She washed her face, removing her makeup, placing undereye cream to refresh her skin.

Just as she was about the go under the covers, she heard some noise coming from down the lower level. Puzzled, she left her room, descending the stairs slowly. The lights were on, and she peeked at the figure in the kitchen. He b.u.t.toned his sleeves to elbows. He was brewing tea and coffee, preparing snacks. It stunned her. Why was Song Sheng still here?

When she entered the kitchen, her arms crossed, and her eyebrows rose from curiosity. Song Sheng glanced at her, maintaining a reserved expression. He looked at her as if she should not feel puzzled. He proceeded to prepare food despite the late hour.

Qian Meigui took a seat by the kitchen island, watching him. He poured a cup of tea and gave it to her black, just the way she liked it. He poured himself some coffee, and he glanced at her as he drank. Their eyes met.

Song Sheng"s gaze did not waver, but Qian Meigui did not want to look away either, so she stared back firmly, determined to win. Surprisingly, he looked away flushed. Qian Meigui"s lips curled into a smile.

Song Sheng approached her. He towered her as she remained seated. He then ruffled her hair and nudged her to follow him.

They both headed to the living s.p.a.ce. Song Sheng brought a tray of snacks. Without saying much of a word, he flipped on the television and urged her to sit on the couch. Song Sheng then placed some bread and cookies on a plate and pa.s.sed it to her.

He then went to the cabinets and pulled out a blanket. He wrapped it around her body, and Qian Meigui looked at him in a daze. She clutched at the blanket, unbelieving, her lips parted.

He took a seat himself, a place farther than her on the same sofa. He then flipped on some of her favourite channels, and they watched it together.

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