Qian Meigui heard the dawn chorus of birds from outside Song Sheng"s apartment as she began to wake. She turned to face Song Sheng who was sleeping peacefully next to her. He revealed his broad abdomen and pectoral muscles that glowed with the sunrise. It felt surreal. Although they couldn"t finish last night, Qian Meigui did not doubt their pa.s.sion for each other. It was gratifying, earth-shattering. She nudged into his embrace. And though he was fast asleep, he unconsciously enveloped her in his arms.

After a few hours, Qian Meigui woke up when she felt Song Sheng pull her cheeks. She furrowed her brows, opening her eyes. Song Sheng was gazing at her intensely, before he smiled with gleaming white teeth, his cheek revealing a dimple. Qian Meigui stared at him dazed, reaching out to touch his face, meeting the sharpness of his jaw. She had never seen him so happy as she did now. It almost brought her to tears. Song Sheng approached her until they budded foreheads gently, closing their eyes, breathing in each other"s scent.

"You"re father knows?" Qian Meigui opened her eyes, asking him, wanting rea.s.surance. Last night was a haze of pa.s.sion and exhaustion. She felt like she dreamt most of it.

Song Sheng opened his eye to meet hers. "Mhm," he responded, though she still wasn"t sure how he felt. Why did Song Sheng appear so grim?

"Why does your father approve of us?" she asked him.

"He doesn"t entirely," Song Sheng began. "He says that there could have been a chance between us if the circ.u.mstances were different." Qian Meigui filled in the blanks for him. Song Rui and her father were best friends, no doubt they would have wanted their children to end up together. But the difference now was that Song Rui adopted her and Qian Shanyuan was dead.

"What do we do now?" she asked him. Could they tell people? Could they be together in public? Song Sheng could tell her endless questions by her expressions. He then leaned in to give her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "We take one step at a time," he told her. Indeed. It was even painful for her to tell the others. What if Song Ren and the others reject them? Song Rui hasn"t given them his blessing, and they must keep the secret between them for now. It was still too early to tell.

"All right," she said at last.

Qian Meigui and Song Sheng both rose to do some work from home. What Qian Meigui enjoyed about working from her computer, similar to telecommunications, was to work on your own time. But she was only working for Su Feng temporarily. She didn"t feel like going home, because she liked to be where Song Sheng was.

Qian Meigui glanced at Song Sheng who was typing away on his laptop speedily when she asked, "What are you doing this weekend?"

"I"m going to my movie premiere"s advance screening," he responded casually.

Qian Meigui nearly forgot. "Oh," she said.

Song Sheng noticed her tone. He closed his laptop, peering at her. "I wish you could come," Song Sheng began. "With me," he finished. "But when the movie releases in the cinemas, we"ll go together."

Qian Meigui smiled. She appeared to beam with happiness as if she had something to look forward to. She blissfully smiled to herself, "okay," she said as she returned to her work. Song Sheng nearly lost it. He realized how difficult it was to resist her. And now that they"ve taken the next steps, there was no turning back now. He no longer had doubts between them, and he knew that she loved him mutually.

Song Ren went to a charity event with Long Huojin. She felt like this was wrong; but, she had to face the challenges for now. Even Long Huojin felt uncomfortable as his face appeared to be tense the entire time. She sat next to him.

Many rich elites and socialites attended the charity event, no less to flaunt their wealth. Long Huojin sat with his hands in his pockets and his long legs crossed underneath the table. His face was even more reserved than she"s ever expressed herself.

The presenter of the charity began to auction off expensive items that were slightly cheaper than the ones they were going to present last. Nonetheless, Long Huojin kept buying everything. She stared at him, puzzled. Why would he need women"s jewelry and paintings that were not complex for her taste?

After purchasing what seemed like dozen items without batting an eye, Song Ren observed and figured out a pattern. He was battling a man she did not know of. Every time that man offered a price. Long Huojin would try to beat him.

What the h.e.l.l? Song Ren thought.

Later they began to eat silently when the man approached them with a woman beside him.

"h.e.l.lo," the man said to the two of them. Long Houjin did not say a word. He appeared to be staring at the woman next to him. His gaze was deep and focused, almost sincere. But the woman barely paid any attention to him. Feeling awkward, Song Ren stood up to shake the man"s hand. "h.e.l.lo, I"m Song Ren." The man"s lips parted. "The president of Song Pharmaceuticals?" he questioned curiously. Song Ren nodded. "I"m w.a.n.g Weimin," he said in response.

Song Ren tried to recall the w.a.n.g"s, but she wasn"t sure. It was a popular surname, she knew. The girl next to him smiled at her. She gently bowed to her, "h.e.l.lo president Ren, I"m Xue Guangli."

Xue Guangli appeared to be soft-spoken, delicate, and pretty. But underneath, she seemed like the type would had the heart of fire.

Song Ren glanced at Long Huojin, who was still staring at Xue Guangli. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance," Song Ren responded to her.

Afterwards, the couple left and walked further into the charity party, figuring how Long Huojin didn"t want to speak to them.

"You have a crush on her," Song Ren blurted out. Long Huojin turned to her, flas.h.i.+ng a dark look. Song Ren rolled her eyes, "Oh please; I know it once I see it," she began casually.

Long Huojin reddened. "I do not," he denied it. Song Ren sighed. "Perhaps that"s why you want to pretend. Jealousy is it?" she asked him.

Long Huojin kissed his teeth in annoyance. "I heard you are quite honest, president Ren."

"Mhm," Song Ren responded. "But you certainly aren"t." She picked up a gla.s.s of wine and begun drinking it. Long Huojin then clicked his tongue and joined her by downing the gla.s.s. He appeared to be irritated, and it amused her. Knowing Long Huojin"s true motive made it a lot easier to pretend.

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