Qian Meigui had been feeling restless for days since Yu Qingge gave her the envelope, but she proceeded to attend her cla.s.ses and study for her exams per usual.

What she wondered most was what did Yu Qingge want? Why was she threatening her? She kept her thoughts to herself and tried to find other things to distract her mind.

After cla.s.ses, Song Sheng picked her up from school. He had been suspecting that something was up with her, but she kept denying it. She loved that he knew her so well, but she wanted to fight this battle on her own.

As Song Sheng drove, she thought he was taking her to his apartment, but instead, he drove them to Song Entertainment.

As soon as they pulled up, there was a big billboard of him in front of the building. Qian Meigui chuckled. Song Sheng had turned off the ignition when he turned to her. "Don"t laugh. My executives made that choice, but I"m urging them to take it down soon." Qian Meigui placed a hand over her mouth to prevent herself from chuckling. "I"m sorry. No. Let them keep it. You look so good."

Song Sheng peaked a brow before he pounced on her, stealing a kiss. But subconsciously, she pushed him away. Song Sheng hovered above her slightly, his eyes focused on her. "I"m sorry," she began. "I didn"t mean to push you."

Song Sheng smiled grimly. "It"s okay," he said as he ruffled her hair. "Let"s go inside."

Qian Meigui slowly nodded, but she felt frozen in her spot. How could she push him away like that? She felt like she was going crazy. Slowly, Qian Meigui got out of her car. Her heartbeat kept racing unsteadily, nervously.

She tried to smile, but it faltered as soon as Song Sheng turned his back to her. She then followed him into the building. He took her to his office. "Wait here," he said. "I have to do something quickly before we go home." Qian Meigui nodded, granting him a crooked smile.

Song Sheng left the office. She decided to go on her Weibo to kill time as she waited for him.

After some time, she heard someone slip into the room, shutting the door behind them. She glanced up thinking it was Song Sheng. It was Yu Qingge. Qian Meigui took a deep breath, bracing herself.

"h.e.l.lo, Miss Song Mei," Yu Qingge greeted.

Qian Meigui imagined Song Ren was here with her. She needed strength. "Why are you here, Miss Yu?" she asked her, unkindly.

"I came to see how well you are," she stated with a spider smile.

"Cut the s.h.i.+t," Qian Meigui began. "What do you want?"

"I didn"t know you were a shrew," Yu Qingge responded, maintaining her composed smile.

Qian Meigui snickered. "I"m a lawyer. It"s my job dealing with b.i.t.c.hes like you," she responded.

Yu Qingge laughed. "Is that how you behave when you"re f.u.c.king your brother?"

Qian Meigui chuckled. She and Song Sheng haven"t gone all the way yet. She then approached her purse, to take out the printed images from the envelope. She placed it in front of Yu Qingge"s face.

"There"s no way you can identify the person in the photo. It only has the back of the head of the male in this photo and side profile of the female. This couple could be anyone," she stated. "You have no proof."

Yu Qingge snickered. "Well, I know that you"re not a Song. Who are you?"

"I am Song Mei," Qian Meigui responded, straightening her posture, keeping her face stern.

"I will expose you," Yu Qingge seethed through her teeth. "Once I find out the truth."

Qian Meigui rolled her eyes in response.

"Break up with him. Otherwise, this will go everywhere," Yu Qingge threatened while s.n.a.t.c.hing the photo from Qian Meigui and lifting it.

"Why?" Qian Meigui responded, her voice softening. "He"s your boss. If you try to do anything against him or me, you will end up losing millions of yuan, and you"ll be blacklisted. Just think for a moment. Are you stupid for jeopardizing your career?" She asked Yu Qingge.

Yu Qingge thought momentarily. Her twisted face turned into a contemplative expression. Yu Qingge appeared to be defeated. She then turned her heel and headed out of the office, vanis.h.i.+ng.

Qian Meigui noticed the recorder in between Yu Qingge"s tucked blouse and skirt. That is why she didn"t mention any names during their entire conversation. The evidence Yu Qingge was trying to uphold; she didn"t get it. Before her father died, Qian Shanyuan told her always to antic.i.p.ate someone"s next move and their motives, and she would never lose.

Qian Meigui went on her phone, pretending to be on Weibo. Soon after, Song Sheng returned. "I"m finished. Are you ready to go?" he asked. Qian Meigui glanced up at him, pretending she didn"t notice his arrival. She feigned, feeling startled, "Ah, yes. I am ready." She then grabbed her purse and followed him out of the office. She met Yu Qingge"s gaze on the way out before locking Song Sheng"s forearm with hers.

Song Sheng was shocked. But the contact between them seemed innocent. Although, Qian Meigui was looking behind them at Yu Qingge. She won"t give him up quickly due to empty threats.

Song Sheng and Qian Meigui walked towards the elevator with their arms locked. Inside, he glanced at her with a soft smile. Qian Meigui smiled back genuinely with the softness of her face. She did not want to worry him over something as trivial as this. If she were to get Yu Qingge fired, she might try to dig further into her past, which is something that could be even worse.

Qian Meigui and Song Sheng went home. She tried to empty her mind off things when they received a surprise visit from Song Ren.

She walked into the apartment floor announced. "There you are," Song Ren said, raising her hands for emphasis. "Finding you is nearly impossible. But why are you always hanging out with Sheng?" Song Ren gave her an inquisitive stare. Qian Meigui felt like she was a good investigator, but Song Ren was someone that could get someone spilling their deepest, darkest secrets in moments.

"Things haven"t been the same at home since you left. And Song Rui is always throwing a fit," she lied. But Song Ren appeared to have bought it.

"All right." She began. "Well I am no longer the president of Song Corporation," she said.

Qian Meigui"s heart sunk. "I"m sorry," she responded. But Song Ren didn"t look upset. "Don"t worry. All I need is you and the law firm to win." Song Ren lifted Qian Meigui"s hand, "Win me back my company. Both of them," Song Ren pleaded. Qian Meigui met her sister"s stare. "I"ll do my best," she said.

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