Dawn Traveler

Chapter 12

Wind Sprint (Part 2)

There were various reactions after hearing that Jess was able to handle mana and had formed the first circle.

“Mana… Now, you can hammer a little bit better.”

Nedim gave him praise.

[Human growth rate is too… That young one who laughed with a smile in a dungeon is already this big and has learned how to handle mana, to be that great. I wish dwarven children would also grow quickly. They only learn to drink beer early. They don’t listen.]

“That is really necessary to learn magic. You have pa.s.sed an important gateway.”

Herz also had an expression of a relief.

[It is good that he was able to feel mana. He is cut out to be a wizard. In my case, in just 30 minutes I realized mana. The start was slow, but if I teach him well in the future, later he should be able to research high rank magic.]

“Good job.”

The dark elf Grona congratulated him.

[That’s good.]

Her inner thoughts also did not differ.

“That’s my boy.”

Laeli smiled brightly.

[I bore one great son. I also need to become a good mom.]

“I heard talk that you have realized mana.”

“Yes. Father.”

Rendal had Jess pick up a sword.

“Now that you’re familiar with mana you can learn magic, but that can said to be the basic quality needed for a swordsman. From now on I will have to teach you the more advanced swordsmanship.”

The use of mana was also required for swordsmen.

If you don’t know how to handle mana, the growth would be limited to only be strong enough to be a mercenary and it would be difficult to freely walk around the Marca Continent.

Of course, there was an increased risk in grave robbing.

[From now on I must really train him properly.]

Well, there was nothing strange or bad about feeling mana as a swordsman.

By acc.u.mulating more mana through training his body, it will soon be possible for him to handle it.

This meant that the h.e.l.lish training will begin shortly!

“Morning and evening, partner with me in sparring.”

Jess also joined in when Rendall did physical training.

Swordsmen fight by utilizing the mana in their bodies to strengthen their flesh or by emitting it outside.

Magicians use their own mana as a medium to resonate with the mana of the world.

Complex calculations, mana management, and incantations are required, however, when the spell was complete its power and range could not be compared to that of a swordsman.

Jess had grasped mana at a young age, so he could choose a field among more than a couple of special abilities.

In order for swordsmen to build up mana in their bodies they basically need to do rigorous training based on physical fitness.

Regarding magicians in order for them to raise their mana circle they must research in depth the school of magic way.

They should have a broader understanding of the properties of mana and do relevant research.

It was necessary to decide while growing up because in the worst-case scenario one would not accomplish anything decent on either side.

For ordinary people they have no opportunity to learn structured swordsmanship, it was even more unreal to enroll in magic.

Jess had the precious opportunity to learn both sword and magic.

“Can you really say this was good luck? This was like saying to get a doctorate from a prestigious university while being a national-level football player…….” (EN: As in soccer)

That meant he had to do physical training and studying at the same time!

High Elf Lisianthus considered it a matter of course that Jess had grasped mana.

“I see.”

He had listened to that in the same att.i.tude as what kind of bread was eaten in the morning.

[This fellow originally knew how to breathe the breath of the forest, so of course he would soon know of Mother Nature’s mana.]

Elves can deal with mana freely because they were born with the blessing of mana.

That’s why it was surprising that an average human, such as Jess, could drink in the breath of the forest.

If in late age with the body becoming stiff or when questioning one’s worldly time, the breath of the forest cannot be drunk.

If Jess could not interact with the nature of the elven forest he also wouldn’t have the breath of life blowing endless vitality through his body.

“If you know mana there is so much more archery I could teach. What do you want to learn?”

Lisianthus was thinking of teaching him some special archery.

With the flow of mana an arrow shot from a bow can arrive at its target unbelievably fast.

When the regulation of the flow of wind and mana reaches a state of maturity, an arrow can fly an unbelievably long distance or bend like magic.

Jess replied honestly.

“I just want to play. With Alrium.”

But Lisianthus was a formidable opponent

“Well. First, let’s try to learn more of the basics of archery. To learn elven archery you will need about two hours a day.”

“Two hours?”

“Do you think it is too little. It’s okay. Even if it’s a short period of time, I will teach you faithfully. Your health will get a lot better running around the forest recovering arrows. A proper amount of exercise is necessary for a growing human like you.”

“Sir Lisianthus’ archery looks difficult and I don’t think I can learn it.”

“Archery has plenty of use if you learn it. If you manage to study smoothly for about the next 70 years, you will attain the right to walk around carrying a bow.”


Yeon Woo’s tenth year plainly went by.

He became a 3rd grader in elementary school and his school grades were not so bad.

I don’t know why I have to learn such things like how to live honestly. To live correctly as written by the book, later on I will likely hear the sound of ‘fool’ without reserve.

His younger siblings also grew bigger.

Those screaming little kids that ate and p.o.o.ped whenever they could, seemed to have grown faster than potatoes or sweet potatoes. (EN: about 3-5 months)

“Hyung. Just 200 won!” (EN: I’ll only use Korean terms when he is in Korea)

“Oppa. Buy me just one hairpin.”

Yeon Woo whispered to them as he tenderly stroked their heads.

“When will you guys be able to function as human beings. I wonder if that day will even come.”

They were worrisome but it would be sadder not having any siblings.

He went on a picnic with his friends and they got along moderately well.

[Yeon Woo is so cool when he stares into the distance.]

[I wonder what he is thinking of. Will he tell me interesting stories later?]

The popularity with girls was sensational!

However, Yeon Woo was nothing but disappointed with elementary school girls, since his standards were increasing without end due to living in the elven forest for a while.

A big change in Yeon Woo’s life was attending an English academy after school.

Ah. While living in this world I wanted to avoid as much of school as I could…….

If people lived two lives, it would be thought that they would have double the opportunities.

If a mistake was made in one life, it may not be made in another life, this may be a blessing everyone desires.

If the place was very different from the world one was currently living in, one would imagine they would feel boundless freedom.

In fact, Yeon Woo also gained a lot of experience and grew mentally while living as Jess.

But the suffering of his double life was big.

There were too many things that had to be learned for each world.

At a young age, it was difficult to also acquire a language, it was tragic to have to even do a foreign language.

One day, after he came back from the English academy, his mom asked him a question.

“Which do you prefer, playing the piano or k.u.mdo?” (EN: Korean version of kendo)


It was really difficult for Yeon Woo to decide.

This was also the most difficult moment in his life.

심장을 향해 날아오는 독화살을 마주한 대도 이리 떨리진 않으리라.

Facing a poisoned arrow flying towards his heart does not compare and would likely cause less trembling.

[It’s time to increase his schooling. But we ought to have this child attend the school he wants to learn more from.]

Even without reading the thoughts of his mom, the intent of that question was too obvious.

The piano will be better. Since I’m studying k.u.mdo to the point of nausea in the other world.

“I’ll take the piano. I generally wanted to learn that.”

“Oh my. I see. I should have register you there a lot earlier.”

“I’ll try hard on it from now on.”

“I’m very proud of you. My son.”

Yeonwoo gave a wide smile.

Because he knew how hard it was for dual-income parents to raise four children. (EN: I’m not sure if I translated that wrong or not, because I’m sure they only had 3 kids)

“By the way, mom has only one more thing to ask. Do you like mathematics or science better?”


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