Dawn Traveler

Chapter 2

Two Births (Part 2)

Yeon Woo was observing people and learned about life.

[We can not stop blindly trust the people in their group. They might just betray us.]

[If you want to get ahead in the world you need to study well or develop a skill.]

He also became voraciously curious about life in the future.

“The goals in life, huh …”

“I want to buy things  in the future.”

He wished he had money and power.

Otherwise, he couldn’t even buy his own toys.

His dad, mom, 8-year-old brother, 6-year-old Yeon Woo, 4-year-old brother, and 3-year-old sister, was a large and harmonious family.

Dad and mom had four kids, but raised Yeon Woo to not worry about the cost of living every day.

Yeon Woo raised his face looked in the mirror seriously.

“Ahem, it seems I’m good looking. ”

How adults can not read well knew their thoughts on key sensitive skin.

He was still a child, but because he had a sleek chin and nose he could likely do well for himself due to his appearance.

“Frankly, I’m better looking than average, but I can’t rely only on my face.”

Yeon Woo who was reading the thoughts of adult women vowed to pay attention to early skin care.

Yeon Woo thinks of all the things to do as a child at an adults standard!

He looked in the mirror as he contemplated establishing a long-term plan to establish a plan for the future.

“I unconditionally need to eat and grow well, because my mind will grow better in a healthy body. ”

Studying in the future should be done properly.

“Let’s just aim to enter Seoul National University, because it’s very hard without a good school to graduate from. ”

In his apartment complex there was a smart girl studying that had her SAT scores in the national top 10.

[Hmm, just a little more studying before I go to bed. In particular, only math problems are difficult, and hard to understand.]

She was happy! He read her thoughts and was certain that studying would be fun and easy.

The goal of his school days, was at least the Seoul National University.

“I want to start-up a business at a later time, and be the boss.”

He should be a company president!

“… Having about a 500 billion won annual income should be enough so that I won’t have any inconveniences in my life . ”

While playing with toys in the childcare center he was intently thinking about the future.

Others people differed in many ways. When he read the thoughts of many types of people, he felt that they do not know about each other so well.

When he was a baby, even if he couldn’t understand the situation he could read other peoples thoughts and take suitable actions.

[You’re right again. How did you know I was just trying to get the milk?]

He deliberately pretended ignorance because his parents showed a strange reaction to his behavior.

If it was found out that he had a special power he wouldn’t be able to have a normal life.

“Yahoo!” Yeon Woo was currently very happy with his life.

But nothing happened that caused much of a ha.s.sle.

[I’m hungry. I want to eat a snack.]

[We should all play and make sandcastles.]

[I want to see my mom.]

[Robots, robot, I’ve got to have them. Robot, Robot, Robot, Robot.]

His fellow kindergarten kids continued to think noisy, bustling thoughts.

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