
Chapter 7

I think someone’s heart is melting… huehue ❤ Tian Xiao is such a child. It’s almost funny to think about an adult seeing the world for the first time, and Tian Xiao really doesn’t disappoint because of his initial innocence and the different hardships he’s also been exposed to from an extremely young age. Please enjoy! ;3

Chapters 5 and 6

That very night, after they escaped Miyagi Prefecture, the four of them sat around a bonfire with different expressions. Qing Jue had an expressionless face as he continued to feed the fire with firewood. Tian Xiao  stared at the flame that leapt up, continuing to produce gasps of admiration. Yu Yao tolerated him, with veins popping out of her forehead, while Su Wen wore a face of displeasure as she glared at Tian Xiao. "So? What are you going to do with him?"

Qing Jue cut in, "Throw him out." He looked up and seemed to order Yu Yao with his eyes. "Bringing him out was already making an exception. We cannot allow him to come back with us."

"Yes, I know." Yu Yao hung her head. "But tomorrow I won"t go back with you guys. I want to first go to the south."

After the previous dynasty had been extinguished, the former crown prince kept the emperors of that time in check. Some of the remaining members of the former royal family established a tiny court in the south, where they survived illegally in the Fu Nation.

After the two of them heard Yu Yao"s words, they were all slightly shocked. Qing Jue looked at her disapprovingly. Su Wen said, "You want to send him to the southern little court? What if he knocks you out with some poison? Do you want to be this good to him?"

Yu Yao shook his head. "I"m not going there specifically just to take him. In that area, I did not complete one of my missions. I have to first pursue a person there and kill him before I can return to the Sect Leader and report my mission."

The Windy Snowy sect always sent off its members with a mission. An incomplete mission meant that they were not allowed to return. This time, Yu Yao had left with a mission to kill someone. But her one attempt at that person had not been successful. That person had escaped to the south, and Yu Yao had just happened to meet Qing Jue and Su Wen. Seeing that they needed help, she had entered the palace to act as bait. Who knew that after she came out she would bring such a burden along with her…

Hearing Yu Yao"s words, the two of them did not ask further.

Su Wen turned and saw that Tian Xiao was still staring at the flames of the bonfire and softly asked, "Are you really going to go with him to the south?"

Of course… not!

Yu Yao impatiently patted Tian Xiao"s hand and sternly said, "Later when we get to a fork in the road, you"ll walk on the left side and I"ll walk on the right side. Go find the people in the south who want to revive the dynasty, and I"ll do my mission. Don"t bother me!"

On the morning of the second day, after she had parted with Qing Jue and Su Wen, Yu Yao and Tian Xiao stepped foot on the southern path.  They had only been walking for half the day, but Yu Yao kept getting mad at Tian Xiao because he kept testing her patience. Every time he saw something, he would exclaim in admiration. The flowers are so pretty, the trees are so pretty, the meandering path is so pretty. The blue sky and white clouds together seemed like a unique landscape to him. Even a little brook was able to make him look at it for a long time. The worst thing was, he had to keep holding Yu Yao"s hand. No matter what she said, he wouldn"t let go, but Yu Yao didn"t have any time to waste.

When they stood at the fork of the road Yu Yao didn"t spare a glance at Tian Xiao, and began to leave. But after she walked just two steps, she heard footsteps behind her.

Tian Xiao hadn"t exercised in a long time, so when he walked, he was a bit sluggish. However, he had not complained in the least. He hurriedly chased after Yu Yao. He had just been scolded, so his heart was full of grievances. He didn"t dare speak, but he didn"t dare go up to bother her either. He could only stay behind her pitifully, as his pitch-black eyes stayed on her.

She halted her steps, and Yu Yao took a deep breath. Right when she wanted to explain her reasoning to Tian Xiao and make him stop following her, Tian Xiao immediately said, "I was wrong. Don"t get mad."

As an, no one ever considered her mood. She didn"t understand what was being considerate either, but in this moment, she could almost understand Tian Xiao"s fear. He had been separated from the world for ten years, and now that he was face to face with it again, he couldn"t help but feel everything so vividly. However, he was more afraid that she was unhappy. He was more afraid that she would… abandon him.

Tian Xiao"s fingers began to fidget, "Don"t abandon me, and don"t ignore me."

Yu Yao"s heart which had always been cold, was starting to soften, making her unable to say anything to make him leave.

Whatever, Yu Yao thought, In any case, they were both headed to the south. She would just travel with him for awhile longer.

In the final stages of spring, the weather became warmer as they got closer to the south. It was also raining more often, which made the weather become more humid.

At a tea stand by the post road, Tian Xiao hugged his teacup and drank a huge mouthful of tea in one gulp. He smacked his lips, pursing his lips a tiny bit. While he drank his tea happily, Yu Yao frowned with a grave expression. Her ears listened carefully and managed to pick out a nearby table of people saying, "Ten days ago, it was said that a major criminal escaped from the Capital."

"Exactly! On the second day, the imperial guards swarmed the entire city looking for him. Sigh, I"ve heard the emperor even ordered an imperial edict, ordering all the counties to arrest criminal if they found him. Who do you guys think escaped?"

"Who knows. In any case, the northern dynasty can"t control the southern area. If they come here, how will the emperor be able to make a move as he wishes?"

Yu Yao lightly smoothed her lips and took a sip of her tea. Her mind continued to race as she thought about what they had just said. The court naturally wouldn"t make any major moves in the south, but if they really did find the criminals who had escaped, it would be enough for some major and hidden imperial guards to make a move. She had only recovered 70-80% of her strength. This was enough to sustain her for now, but if she really did meet a skilled expert with extremely high internal energy, she probably wouldn"t be able to hold out. Therefore, it would  seem that they would have to change their route to the smaller paths…

"Yu Yao." Tian Xiao called her. Yu Yao had just lifted her head when Tian Xiao"s finger touched her eyebrows and began to rub it. "You"re frowning."

After being together all the time, Yu Yao had already gotten used to Tian Xiao"s touching. She allowed his fingers to smooth her brows, and then she said, "Have you rested enough? We should get going now."

After looking at her for awhile, he said, "Have we already reached the south?" Seeing Yu Yao nod her head, he continued, "Then are you about to go complete your mission?" Without waiting for a response, he immediately grabbed Yu Yao"s hand and said, "I"ll go with you! Don"t keep thinking about sending me to another place, alright? I don"t like other people. I only like you."

The abrupt confession shot into Yu Yao"s heart like an arrow. She could almost hear the sound of her heart beating. Blood shot into her face, making her cheeks red. She coughed and then opened her eyes, seeing an ambiguous look from a waiter coming to take the teacups away.

"Aiya, this young gentleman sure loves his little wife dearly. Why does the little wife have to send her husband away?"

The people around them said things like this, making Tian Xiao"s heart full of grievances burst. "Yes! Don"t send me away! I don"t want to leave you, and I don"t want to go to any Fu or any Nation…" He spoke quickly, and Yu Yao didn"t have time to stop him. After the waiter heard these words, a murderous glint flashed through his eyes. Yu Yao immediately looked at him, swiftly unsheathing her sword. Lightening seemed to burst between the swords, and with a "ding", Yu Yao"s sword chafed against the waiter"s dagger, and sparks flew up.

Tian Xiao was overwhelmed with shock. Yu Yao flipped the table over with her foot, and dragged Tian Xiao"s hand as she began to run. "Are you standing there foolishly waiting for death?"

The waiter shouted loudly, "It"s them!"

The rest of the people who had been hiding, immediately leapt up. The remaining customers dispersed immediately. Yu Yao brought Tian Xiao along, but Tian Xiao couldn"t run quickly, so she scolded him. "You"re a guy, and you"re so useless!"

Tian Xiao didn"t try to defend himself. He knew he was a nuisance. Ten years ago, the soldiers had forced their way into the palace, and now, he was being pursued by people who were trying to kill him… But now, he didn"t want to be useless and he wanted to protect Yu Yao. Thus, Tian Xiao suddenly said, "Yu Yao. I- I"ll go with them." He had run until he was out of breath. "This way, they won"t chase you any longer."

That was right. Abandoning Tian Xiao was the best option she had. Tian Xiao was unrelated to her in any way, and the entire way here, he had already inconvenienced her enough. If it had been the past, she would have already abandoned him a long time ago. But Tian Xiao couldn"t go. She didn"t know why, but something in her heart told her that Tian Xiao couldn"t go and she had to save him.

Because… she had unconsciously began to hate seeing him look so defeated.

Translated by tranzgeek

Edited by amazing Ely!

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