h.e.l.l, maybe I"d grown too dependent on him. I reminded me that in real life you can"t count on anybody but you, yourself, and you.

"All right, Garrett." Ivy"s voice was half-strength. Was he fading?

It could be worse. The Dead Man says it can always get worse. Don"t ask me how.

I slid out the back way.


"What"s dis s.h.i.t?" Sarge bellowed. "I got ta put up wit" you tree times a day now?"

"Bask in the reflection, my man. Morley is my number one boy now. He up there showing some married lady the ins and out of cross st.i.tch? I could maybe tell him something he wants to hear."

"Yeah? Like what?" I wasn"t selling Sarge no swamp.

"Like where to find some buried treasure."

Sarge moved out.

We"ve all endured one another so long we all know when the yak means something and when it"s just macho yammer. Sarge figured I had something, so he got intimate with the speaking tube. I didn"t hear what he said, but hardly three minutes pa.s.sed before Morley descended the stairs. A woman of astonishing beauty peeked down for a moment, as though she just had had to see what improbability could distract Morley Dotes from her. From what I saw of her, I had to consider that an excellent question. to see what improbability could distract Morley Dotes from her. From what I saw of her, I had to consider that an excellent question.

"I"m sorry." The woman retreated, but my imagination went with her. I hated Morley for having found her first. How did he do it? "Who was that?"

He sneered. "Wipe the drool off your chin. Someone might mistake you for a mad dog werewolf."

"Who is she?"

"No, you don"t. I was a gentleman about Chaz. I suffered in silence while you wasted Tinnie Tate. I didn"t birddog when that went bad because it might get good again. So forget my little Julie, eh?"

"I"ll give you half a minute."

"Generous, Garrett. Generous. How come you"re down here making my life miserable again?" Oddly, he seemed anxious. He covered by glancing upstairs like he was thinking about maybe spanking somebody for revealing herself to the rabble. Then he eyed me like he really did expect to hear about buried treasure.

"While back I got the impression you wanted to get face-to-face with the Rainmaker."

He glanced at the stairway. Glorious, lovely Julie was very much with us even though she remained unseen. He said, "Tell me about it."

I wondered. I knew Morley"s priorities. Seldom did he find a Julie less interesting than revenge. "I think I know where to find him."

Morley cast one more longing glance upstairs. "How did you manage that? You turn psychic? Or psycho? Or did the Dead Man wake up?"

"Through the exercise of reason, my man. Pure reason."

Morley offered me one of his special looks, just to let me know I couldn"t fool a stone with a learning disability. "I"ll bite, Garrett. Where?"

"On the Hill. Maggie Jenn"s place."

He made a show of thinking about it before he smiled nastily. "d.a.m.n if I don"t think you stumbled into it and came up smelling sweet. I should have thought of that. Let"s go."

"What? Me? No way. I did my part. Take your help. Sarge and Puddle need the exercise. I"ll stay here and hold the fort."

"Ha. That"s ha, like in half a ha-ha, Garrett."

"Some guys got no sense of humor."

"You talking about me? I gave you a parrot, didn"t I?"

"My point exactly."

"What can you do? People just won"t show any grat.i.tude anymore. All right. Let"s go see the man."

I smirked. Behind Morley"s back. No sense having him figure out who was manipulating whom. Not just yet.


I began to wonder if there wasn"t an alert out with my name on it. Three times we tried to go up the Hill and three times patrols got in our way. Unbelievably bad luck.

Morley snapped, "Don"t be so cheerful!"

I started to open my mouth.

"And don"t give me that dog barf about never being disappointed if you only look for the worst."

"You are in a fine mood, aren"t you?" I reflected a moment. "We"ve known each other too long, you realize?"

"You can say that again."

"All right. We"ve known each other..."

"And you turn into a bigger wisea.s.s every day I know you. The Garrett I used to know..." Off he hared on an expedition into reality revision. We live in different worlds. He remembers nothing the way I do. Maybe that"s cultural.

The old work ethic paid off. Fourth try we got through. As we gained the high ground, I muttered, "I was beginning to think my magic gizmo was working backwards."

"Your what?"

"Uh...I have this amulet thing. Somebody uses a tracing spell on me, I can steer them off."

"Oh?" Morley eyed me suspiciously.

I don"t tell him everything. And he keeps things from me. You just don"t share everything, friends or not.

As we neared that grim gray canyon of a Hilltop street we grew cautious. I found myself feeling nervous in a premonitory way. And Morley said, "I have a strange feeling about this."

"It is is quiet. But it"s always quiet up here. These people want it that way." quiet. But it"s always quiet up here. These people want it that way."

"You feel it, too."

"I feel something."

But we saw no one, sniffed out no slightest scent of a patrol ambush.

We approached the Jenn place through the alley. And strolled right on past, pretending we were scouts for the ratmen who would come for the trash.

Someone had employed the balcony route to get inside. Someone not very circ.u.mspect. We judged the break-in to be recent because there was no evidence of the patrol having taken corrective action.

I told Morley, "I need to go in there."

Dotes didn"t argue, but he wasn"t enthralled by the notion. He observed, "The roof hatch is unlatched-if n.o.body cared how we got out before."

We"d left it unlatched because the catch couldn"t be worked from outside. "Just what I wanted to do today. Clamber around rooftops."

"You"re the one can"t leave well enough alone."

"The firelord is paying me very well not to."

"All right. Let"s don"t bicker." Morley looked around. I looked around. We could"ve been surrounded by a ghost city. Other than the buildings, there was no evidence of human presence.

"Spooky," I muttered, while Morley scampered up a downspout like some pointy-eared ape. I dragged my bulk after, groaned as he helped me roll onto a flat roof. "I thought I was getting back in shape." Puff puff.

"Tipping a beer stein doesn"t stress your leg muscles nearly enough. Come on."

Beer stein? I I was getting to be a wisea.s.s? Uh-oh. was getting to be a wisea.s.s? Uh-oh.

Starting after Morley, I glanced back into the alley and spotted a housemaid on a balcony down the way, gaping at us. She had come out while we were climbing. "Trouble," I told Morley. "A witness."

"Keep low, then. If she doesn"t see where we go, we"ll have enough time."

But time for what? I had real strong doubts about the wisdom of my approach, now.

As we neared the roof hatch, I noted that Morley seemed to lack confidence, too. But he was a dark elf, partly. He wouldn"t back down without more reason than a growing premonition.


We listened intently, heard nothing on the other side of the hatch. Grimly, I prized it open an inch. Morley listened with his better ears, peered into the inner darkness with his better eyes. He sniffed, frowned slightly.

"What?" I whispered.

"I don"t know."

"Someone there?"

"Not that. Open it up. We need to hurry."

I lifted. There was no racket in the street yet, but I doubted that that would last. Light poured into the stairwell. Neither villain nor monster rose to greet us.

Morley descended quickly. I followed less swiftly, it having gotten inky dark in there once I shut the hatch again. We entered the top story without incident. Morley kept sniffing the air. So did I. I sucked in enough dust to have to fight sneezing. But there was something...

A sound echoed up from below, a moaning wail like the last cry of a lost soul. "Spooks," I said again.


No. He was right. Somebody was being hurt badly. I"d just have preferred spooks.

We grew more cautious.

Confident that that floor was untenanted, we stole down a level. I murmured, "We"re going too slow."

Morley agreed. "But what can we do?" Twice more we heard that cry of agonized despair.

What we could do was get out before the goon squad showed.

The next floor down showed evidence of human habitation. Morley and I held silent debate over the numbers, which had to have been more than a half dozen and possibly the whole crowd from that ugly warehouse.

Another cry. From the top of the stair that led down to the second floor we could hear remote voices engaged in argument. Morley held up three fingers, then four. I nodded agreement. Four. Plus whoever was getting hurt.

The Rainmaker had his reputation for torture, I recalled.

That smell in the air was stronger but not yet strong enough to identify.

Morley kept hesitating about going on down. I no longer wanted to risk even a whisper so had to trust his instincts. As he did start down, something made a clunking racket on the floor below. We froze. Surprise, surprise.

Three very large male individuals dripping sharp steel galumphed across our field of view and headed down the stair to the ground floor. Patrol thugs. Come on the scene via the balcony door, I guessed. Moving fast because somebody tripped over his bootlace and gave them all away.

Morley whispered urgently, "Hide!" He jerked a thumb heavenward. I nodded. It did seem likely that younger and more agile guards would take the path we"d used.

Our timing was superb. No sooner had we ducked under the dustcovers shielding adjacent antiques than we heard lots of boots hustling down from above. I worried about sneezes betraying me. Then I worried about footprints in the dust. I couldn"t recall if there had been enough prior traffic to disguise our movements.

An uproar broke out downstairs. Sounded like a major battle: lots of metal banging metal, people yelling and screaming, furniture crashing. I guessed patrol types had entered at ground level, too.

A pseudopod of combat scaled the stairs. The expected gang from the roof arrived and jumped in. The hollering and cussing grew ferocious, but I kept squeezing my nose anyway. With my luck, those guys would notice even a little sputter of a sneeze.

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