Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3802 - 3802 Chapter 3805, can I see your face? 1

Chapter 3802 - 3802 Chapter 3805, can I see your face? 1

3802 Chapter 3805, can I see your face? 1

After Huo Junlin said that, he took a step forward and gently lifted the hem of his s.h.i.+rt. Slowly and elegantly, he half-squatted on one knee in front of Yun Qiao.

For some reason, Yun Qiao’s eyes seemed to flash with a light. She was shocked by this man’s bearing and grace.

After coming to the empire for so many days, she was used to the fast-paced and straightforward greeting of modern people. It was really rare to see a man as slow and elegant as Huo Junlin who was slightly ancient!

Moreover, the way he lifted the hem of his clothes and half-squatted was very similar to the etiquette of the n.o.bles in the Yun nation.


If he was not wearing and a modern top hat, Yun Qiao would really think that he had also come from ancient times.

So much so that she almost blurted out, “Your Highness, you are too polite, i…”

Fortunately, she reacted in time and reached out her hand generously, “Then let’s begin. Come, give me your hand, I’ll first look at your palm lines.”

“Don’t you want your eight characters?”The man’s elegant voice carried a hint of a smile, which made Yun Qiao suddenly feel a little embarra.s.sed.

“Ahem, ahem, ahem, that… if it’s convenient for you, you can tell me!”Yun Qiao stammered.

The reason why she didn’t take the initiative to ask for the eight characters was that in the Yun nation, she would only mention the eight characters during a marriage. After all, she was a lady, not a real fortune-teller. In this life, other than her future husband, the national advisor, she had never asked for the eight characters from another man.

Huo Junlin curled his lips and wrote his eight characters on Yun Qiao’s Little Notebook.

The man’s notebook was vigorous and powerful, flying freely, just like his lean and elegant appearance.

Yun Qiao looked at the eight characters and did some calculations in her mind.

“Not bad, not bad, a rich and n.o.ble man. Congratulations!”She was full of smiles. “You are a G.o.d of wealth. You have never lacked money since you were young, and you are in power at such a young age…”

a.s.sistant Han, who was standing behind Huo Junlin, shook her head in disapproval. “Our Huo is so elegant. Even a blind person would be able to tell that he is the G.o.d of wealth, right?”? “Besides, how many times has Huo helped you with your business?”? “Of course, he is rich!”!

“As for being in power, anyone who knows how to flatter can say that, right?”?

Miss Xiao Qiao, you’re a lousy fortune teller. Is it really appropriate for you to trick Huo Shao and take his money?

Huo Junlin smiled but didn’t say anything.

He nodded slightly, indicating for Yun Qiao to continue.

Seeing that the client was satisfied, Yun Qiao’s confidence increased. She continued to pull on the man’s wide palm. “This palm print of yours is a broken palm, and it also proves your character. You’re rich and powerful, and you’re a tyrant… Wait a minute!”

She carefully observed the man’s palm print, and her expression began to change. “You… you are in a business where blood is shed. This business is too rough and dangerous…”

a.s.sistant Han could not help but say, “Nonsense! Our teacher is a scholar! A doctor who graduated from Cambridge…”


Then wasn’t that Nangong Wan’s senior brother?

I’m sorry, but they are all top students.

Yun Qiao pursed her lips, she said to a.s.sistant han, “Can’t a scholar Lick his blood with a knife? Great wealth comes from great risks. I didn’t say that this would definitely not be good. What are you so anxious for? Wait until I look at his face again. I want to see the situation at the mountain root… Hey, hey, sir, can you take off your hat and so that I can see him better?”

When Yun Qiao mentioned this request, a.s.sistant Han’s expression changed. “How dare you? How dare you look at my young master?”

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