"Yes, I suppose you"re right, but I feel so helpless for Virginie. She is totally distraught. I can"t reason with her, and I thought if I could tell her the police were checking, she might be . . . rea.s.sured."

I heard another tissue pull and feared a second round of tears.

"Let me make a call. I"m not sure it will do any good, but I"ll give it a try."

She thanked me and we hung up. For a moment I sat there, running through my options. I thought of Ryan, but McGill is located on the island of Montreal. Communaute Urbaine de Montreal Police. c.u.m. I took a deep breath and dialed. When the receptionist answered, I made my request.

"Monsieur Charbonneau, s"il vous plait s"il vous plait."

"Un instant, s"il vous plait."

She came back shortly and said Charbonneau was out for the afternoon.

"Do you want Monsieur Claudel?"

"Yes." Like I wanted anthrax. d.a.m.n.

"Claudel," said the next voice.

"Monsieur Claudel. It"s Tempe Brennan."

As I listened to empty air, I pictured Claudel"s beak nose and parrot face, usually set with disapproval of me. I enjoyed talking to this detective as much as I enjoyed boils. But since I didn"t deal with juvenile runaways, I wasn"t sure whom else to ask. Claudel and I had worked c.u.m cases before, and he had come to tolerate me, so I hoped he would at least tell me where to turn.


"Monsieur Claudel, I have a rather odd request. I realize this isn"t exactly you-"

"What is it, Dr. Brennan?" Abrupt. Claudel was one of the few who could make the French language sound cold. Just the facts, ma"am.

"I"ve just had a call from a woman who is concerned about her niece. The girl is a student at McGill and she didn"t return home last night. I was wond-"

"They should fill out a missing person report."

"The mother was told that nothing could be done for forty-eight to seventy-two hours."




"Anna Goyette."

"Does she live on campus?"

"I don"t know. It didn"t sound like it. I think she lives with the mother."

"Did she attend her cla.s.ses yesterday?"

"I don"t know."

"Where was she last seen?"

"I don"t know."

Another pause. Then, "There is a great deal you do not know, it appears. This may not be a c.u.m case, and, at this point, it is definitely not a homicide matter." I could picture him tapping something against something, his face pinched with impatience.

"Yes. I would simply like to know who I could contact," I spat. He was making me feel unprepared, which was making me irritable. And s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g up my grammar. As usual, Claudel did not bring out the best in me, particularly when his criticism of my methodology was in part legitimate.

"Try missing persons."

I listened to a dial tone.

I was still fuming when the phone rang again.

"Dr. Brennan," I barked.

"Is this a bad time?" The soft, Southern English was a sharp contrast to Claudel"s clipped, nasal French.

"Dr. Jeannotte?"

"Yes. Please call me Daisy."

"Please excuse me, Daisy. I-it"s been a rough couple of days. What can I do for you?"

"Well, I have found some interesting Nicolet materials for you. I hate to send them by courier, since some items are quite old and probably valuable. Would you like to drop by and pick them up?"

I looked at my watch. It was after eleven. h.e.l.l, why not. Maybe while on campus I might ask about Anna. At least I"d have something to tell Sister Julienne.

"I could come by about noon. Would that be convenient?"

"That would be just fine."

Again, I arrived early. Again, the door was open and the office empty except for a young woman shelving journals. I wondered if it was the same stack Jeannotte"s a.s.sistant had been clearing on Wednesday.

"Hi. I"m looking for Dr. Jeannotte."

The woman turned and her large loop earrings swung and caught the light. She was tall, perhaps six feet, with dark hair shaved close to her head.

"She"s gone downstairs for a minute. Do you have an appointment?"

"I"m a bit early. No problem."

The office was just as warm and just as cluttered as on my first visit. I took off my jacket and stuffed my mittens into the pocket. The woman indicated a wooden hall tree, and I hung the jacket there. She watched me wordlessly.

"She does have a lot of journals," I said, indicating the stack on the desk.

"I think I spend my life sorting these things." She reached up and slid a journal onto a shelf above her head.

"Helps to be tall, I guess."

"Helps with some things."

"I met Dr. Jeannotte"s TA on Wednesday. She was reshelving, too."

"Um-hum." The young woman picked up another journal and examined its spine.

"I"m Dr. Brennan," I offered.

She slipped the journal into a row at eye level.

"And you are . . . ?" I coaxed.

"Sandy O"Reilly," she said without turning. I wondered if my height remark had offended her.

"Nice to meet you, Sandy. After I left on Wednesday I realized I"d never asked the other a.s.sistant her name."

She shrugged. "I"m sure Anna didn"t care."

The name hit me like a spitball. I couldn"t be that lucky.

"Anna?" I asked. "Anna Goyette?"

"Yeah." Finally she turned to face me. "Know her?"

"No, not really. A student by that name is related to an acquaintance of mine, and I wondered if it might be the same person. Is she here today?"

"No. I think she"s sick. That"s why I"m working. I"m not scheduled on Fridays, but Anna couldn"t, so Dr. Jeannotte asked me to fill in today."

"She"s sick?"

"Yeah, I guess. Actually, I don"t know. All I know is she"s out again. It"s O.K. I can use the money."


"Well, yeah. She misses quite a bit. I usually fill in. The extra money"s nice, but it isn"t helping my thesis get written." She gave a short laugh, but I could detect annoyance in her voice.

"Does Anna have health problems?"

Sandy tilted her head and looked at me. "Why are you so interested in Anna?"

"I"m not really. I"m here to pick up some research that Dr. Jeannotte has for me. But I am a friend of Anna"s aunt, and I know that her family is worried because they haven"t seen her since yesterday morning."

She shook her head and reached for another journal. "They ought to worry about Anna. She is one weird cookie."


She shelved the journal then turned to face me. Her eyes rested on mine for a long time, a.s.sessing.

"You"re a friend of the family?"

"Yes." Sort of.

"You"re not an investigator or reporter or something?"

"I"m an anthropologist." True, though not fully accurate. But an image of Margaret Mead or Jane Goodall might be more rea.s.suring. "I"m only asking because Anna"s aunt called me this morning. Then when it developed that we were talking about the same person . . ."

Sandy crossed the office and checked the corridor, then leaned against the wall just inside the door. It was obvious that her height did not embarra.s.s her. She held her head high and moved with long, languid strides.

"I don"t want to say anything that will cost Anna her job. Or me mine. Please don"t tell anyone where this came from, particularly Dr. Jeannotte. She would not like me talking about one of her students."

"You have my word."

She took a deep breath. "I think Anna"s really messed up and needs help. And it"s not just because I have to cover for her. Anna and I were friends, or at least we hung out a lot last year. Then she changed. Zoned out. I"ve been thinking of calling her mother for a while now. Someone should know."

She swallowed and shifted weight.

"Anna spends half her time over at the counseling center because she"s so unhappy. She goes missing for days on end, and when she is around she doesn"t seem to have any life, just hangs here all the time. And she always looks edgy, like she"s ready to jump off a bridge."

She stopped, her eyes riveted on mine, deciding. Then, "A friend told me Anna is involved in something."


"I have absolutely no idea if this is true, or if I should even say it. It"s not my style to pa.s.s on gossip, but if Anna is in trouble, I"d never forgive myself for keeping quiet."

I waited.

"And if it is true she could be at risk."

"What is it you think Anna is involved in?"

"This sounds so bizarre." She shook her head and the earrings tapped her jaw. "I mean, you hear about these things, but it"s never someone you know."

She swallowed again and glanced over her shoulder out the door.

"My friend told me that Anna joined a cult. A group of Satan worshipers. I don"t know if . . ."

On hearing the creak of floorboards, Sandy crossed to the far end of the office and picked up several journals. She was busy shelving when Daisy Jeannotte appeared in the doorway.


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