Death Sutra

Chapter 497: 497

Chapter 497: 497

Maid Lotus and Ha Chilie were under sudden attacks .

Back then, they had been leading more than 20 trustworthy veterans to catch spies, most of which tried to plead innocence . Three tried to escape but were caught by ambush outside the encampment .

The plan did not go well . Maid Lotus thought that more spies would flee in panic and deliberately caught them in public but it brought little effect . Besides, she had not enough evidence to convict the others .

They were heading for another camp when three veterans ambushed them from behind . One targeted Ha Chilie while the other two surrounded Maid Lotus .

Ha Chilie was the person mainly responsible for this outcome . He was the one who affirmed the credibility of the veterans .

Ha Chilie fell to the ground with a hum but Maid Lotus was not one to be so easily tricked . Even if she had the New Moon Hall disciples following her, she would not let down her guard .

n.o.body knew how she pulled out her sword . It seemed to be impossible that she could take her sword at a close distance in such a short time .

Yet, she managed to do so and stabbed one of the ambushers .

Maid Lotus immediately realized that he was neither a common swordsman nor even Golden Roc killer . He acted quickly beyond expectation and used a different set of martial arts .

Maid Lotus failed to stab his heart and instead hit his left arm . The man screamed and then jumped into the distance .

But another ambusher took advantage of the opportunity to use the rare acupoint technique of the Western Regions and succeed .

n.o.body was good at using acupoint techniques in the Western Regions . Although the manual of each sect required learning some common sense of acupuncture point, few people specialized in this skill .

Stunned, Maid Lotus soon felt numbness rapidly spreading through her body . She applied several instructions of Internal Strength, but failed to unlock her acupoint .

Maid Lotus was surprised, but the person who hurt her was even more shocked . This martial arts made him famous in Jianghu for decades and succeed easily, but he had never met such a strong opponent who seemed to be fine . Moreover, he was warned in advance to use all his strength without hiding anything .

Maid Lotus did not think for long before stabbing the man again . Outsiders still thought the sword was sharp, but her movement had actually slowed down considerably .

Three ambushers surrounded her but were in a dilemma as they carefully tried to avoid her sword .

Maid Lotus used more than ten skills and did not fall despite being hit in her acupuncture points again . The ambushers looked like they had seen a ghost yet were unafraid because they noticed that her movements were getting slower .

When using 16th or 17th skill, Maid Lotus was hurt again . She could no longer resolve her blocked Internal Breath . She staggered and sat on the ground, holding her sword in hand .

"I have never met such a tough woman . "

"The reputation of the three Xia brothers was almost destroyed . "

The three ambushers felt relieved at that time . The man who was. .h.i.t in his left arm scolded Maid Lotus and tried to kick her, but his companions quickly stopped him . "We should respect her a little because she"s . . . "

The other person used his acupoint technique in the back of the Maid Lotus"s head .

Maid Lotus began to fall unconscious, but she still had many things to think about . She had never heard of the three Xia brothers . Even more surprising to her was that the other soldiers were just watching without trying to save her .

"How many spies are there in the barracks?"

Her last thought was that she would certainly not be tricked if she was Slave Huan .

The martial arts of the New Moon Hall was special . Instead of gradually waking up after fainting, Maid Lotus became instantly clear-headed . She did not move or even open her eyes because she noticed that there were people around her .

She applied her Internal Breath silently, but failed . After she was unconscious, they sealed her acupoints just in case . Therefore, she could barely move, but could not take her sword .

The three Xia brothers were chatting .

"There should be kung fu masters in the Western Region . "

"There are indeed many masters in the Western Region, including Supreme King, Dragon King and Old Man Mu whose life or death isn"t certain . "

"I meant the women . "

"I meant the women . "

"Well, you"re right . In fact, few women in the world can be called masters . "

"Women are naturally not good at kung fu . "

They laughed obscenely and their words gradually became vulgar . In the end, the one who seemed to be their leader felt that the conversation had gone out of hand . "Don"t even think about doing anything to her . He specifically ordered us to keep her alive, and I think that maybe he"s interested in her . "

"Well, she has good kung fu and beautiful looks . That"s very rare . Cloud King has good taste, but it"s not easy to subdue this woman . "

"It isn"t difficult to do that . She has fainted without any resistance . Anyone can take advantage of her . Should I give you a demonstration?"

"Haha! You"re just holding a grudge because she stabbed you . "

Maid Lotus learned several things from their conversation . The three Xia brothers were not from the Western Regions, but rather the Central Plains . Besides, she had been unconsciousness for about fifteen minutes and they would not expect her to awaken so quickly . Given enough time, she would be able to unlock all acupoints herself .

As for the "Cloud King" they mentioned, Maid Lotus immediately thought of Shangguan Yun . Didn"t he get the t.i.tle of the King of Xiaowan through marriage?

What she guessed was right . Shangguan Yun entered the room and said in a familiar voice, "You three idiots, I bet you won"t dare to look down on the women of the Western Region anymore . "

Maid Lotus followed Shangguan Yun to the Land of Fragrance from the Hui Kingdom and returned in the same route . She knew it was him the moment she heard his voice .

Though Shangguan Yun was scolding the brothers, his tone was relaxed and casual as if they were close friends . The three men were not afraid of him, but laughed and warmly greeted "Cloud King" .

Maid Lotus could not help admiring Shangguan Yun . He had been locked up in a dungeon for many years and had little contact with outsiders . After coming out, he still looked like the slickest person in the Jianghu and presented different att.i.tudes in front of different people .

Shangguan Yun"s early experience was a little helpful .

"Well, your kung fu has regressed . She has already woke up . "

"Nonsense!" the three men refuted together .

Thinking that she did not have to keep lying down, Maid Lotus opened her eyes and turned over to sit up . She looked coldly at the four people in the tent .

Thinking that she did not have to keep lying down, Maid Lotus opened her eyes and turned over to sit up . She looked coldly at the four people in the tent .

Before dawn, the oil lamp was ignited in the tent .

The three Xia brothers were all surprised and pounced on Maid Lotus at the same time . Each of them used acupoint technique toward her before returning to Shangguan Yun"s side with cold sweat on their faces .

"You"re so sharp-eyed . You saved us again . "

"You know too little about the kung fu of the Western Region . You should familiarize yourselves with it in the future . "

Shangguan Yun looked at Maid Lotus with a smile . "Please allow me to introduce them . They"re the famous masters of Qingcheng Sect in the Central Plains: Xia Yingxiong, Xia Wenxiong, and Xia Gouxiong . No, this one is Xia Shouxiong . In short, they"re the three stupid bears called the three Xia brothers . "

Shangguan Yun made fun of their names, but they seemed very happy and looked at Cloud King with more respect and intimacy .

Maid Lotus must admit that Dragon King was no match for Shangguan Yun in winning the hearts of people .

She fell into the enemy"s trap and thus had nothing to say .

"This is Maid Lotus, the Managing Master of the New Moon Hall and Dragon King"s bodyguard . Moreover, she"s also the first-cla.s.s female kung fu master in the world . "

Shangguan Yun had mentioned this to them in the past but they doubted him then . Now they all nodded in agreement .

"Well, that"s enough . " Shangguan Yun clapped his hands as if a thoughtful host had just introduced two groups of strangers to each other . "Go and get a drink, you three stupid bears . You"ve completed your tasks successfully . Let me deal with this from now on . "

The brothers happily walked out of the tent . While at the door, Xia Shouxiong laughed and said, "Cloud King, you"d better pay attention to your body . It"s not easy to deal with a beautiful female master . "

Shangguan Yun pretended to kick him, so they immediately left .

When Shangguan Yun turned to look at the Maid Lotus again, his expression changed . He showed her a mysterious and pitying smile as if he knew everything about her . He seemed to feel nothing but respect and sympathy for her .

"I"m committing a taboo of the Golden Roc Fort by not killing you . "

"Well, you"ll regret your decision today . "
"I"m committing a taboo of the Golden Roc Fort by not killing you . "

"Well, you"ll regret your decision today . "

"Haha! It doesn"t matter . I"ve done many regrettable things all my life, more than the number of people in the Golden Roc Fort . "

Maid Lotus stopped talking . She knew that Shangguan Yun wanted to persuade her to surrender, but that was impossible . She was just curious what reason Shangguan Yun would use .

"Maid Lotus, Dragon King . Dragon King, Maid Lotus . " Shangguan Yun raised his hands as if he was holding the two people in his palms . "I"ve always been confused about your relationship . I almost inquired everyone who knew you in Jade City but learned nothing but nonsense . It wasn"t until I met Younger Sister Ru in the Land of Fragrance that I discovered some credible clues . "

Shangguan Yun suddenly paused for a while, but Maid Lotus" interest was piqued . She wanted to know what Shangguan Ru thought about she and Dragon King .

"She said that both of you were sacrifices of "Dajue Sword Book of Swordcraft" . You helped each other as two drowning persons, so you didn"t sink in the river immediately . "

Maid Lotus and Gu Shenwei had been calling the sword technique "Death Scripture" . Even after knowing its real name, they still kept their habit . She felt surprised that Shangguan Ru should make such a conclusion . At first, she was dismissive, because the relationship between her and Dragon King was more complicated . In the end, she agreed with Shangguan Ru because "Death Scripture" did promote their communication most of the time .

Shangguan continued to smile . "You"re in charge of Dragon King"s life at this moment, and he needs your help . "

Maid Lotus restrained her feelings at once . "I can only do what I can do, which doesn"t include Dragon King"s life . "

Shangguan Yun"s smile faltered . Maid Lotus was a formidable enemy with tight defense, so he could not force her to do something . Rather, he would wait for her to make mistakes .

"Don"t you want to listen to my plan? That"s a set of complicated plans, costing me quite a bit of energy . "

When Maid Lotus did not speak, Shangguan Yun continued, "First of all, more than half of the soldiers in this barracks are my men . Haha, there are quite a lot of soldiers loyal to me . Secondly, the 3,000 soldiers Wu Zongheng took still belonged to Dragon King . Unfortunately, Wu Zongheng wouldn"t take them to the selected place . After all, he comes from the An Kingdom and is more willing to be loyal to the King of the An nation . Finally, Dragon King will enter the mountain in person very soon, probably alone, because he doesn"t trust any of his subordinates . "

Shangguan Yun paused for a moment, giving her more time to think about the truth . "I possess 15 masters like the three Xia brothers who come from different places, none of whom are Golden Roc killers . Very few of them come from the Western Region . Dragon King is too familiar with the kung fu of the Golden Roc Fort, so I"m changing strategies . Maid Lotus, to tell the truth, should I kill or only catch him in this situation?"

If Shangguan Yun was sincere, Dragon King was indeed in trouble . "You"re making great efforts to induce me . Just what are you planning to do?" she asked .

"I don"t know," Shangguan Yun said simply . "You should think about what you can do for me . "Maid Lotus and Ha Chilie were under sudden attacks . Back then, they had been leading more than 20 trustworthy veterans to catch spies, most of which tried to plead innocence . Three tried to escape but were caught by ambush outside the encampment . The plan did not go well . Maid Lotus thought that more spies would flee in panic and deliberately caught them in public but it brought little effect . Besides, she had not enough evidence to convict the others . They were heading for another camp when three veterans ambushed them from behind . One targeted Ha Chilie while the other two surrounded Maid Lotus . Ha Chilie was the person mainly responsible for this outcome . He was the one who affirmed the credibility of the veterans . Ha Chilie fell to the ground with a hum but Maid Lotus was not one to be so easily tricked . Even if she had the New Moon Hall disciples following her, she would not let down her guard . n.o.body knew how she pulled out her sword . It seemed to be impossible that she could take her sword at a close distance in such a short time . Yet, she managed to do so and stabbed one of the ambushers . Maid Lotus immediately realized that he was neither a common swordsman nor even Golden Roc killer . He acted quickly beyond expectation and used a different set of martial arts . Maid Lotus failed to stab his heart and instead hit his left arm . The man screamed and then jumped into the distance . But another ambusher took advantage of the opportunity to use the rare acupoint technique of the Western Regions and succeed . n.o.body was good at using acupoint techniques in the Western Regions . Although the manual of each sect required learning some common sense of acupuncture point, few people specialized in this skill . Stunned, Maid Lotus soon felt numbness rapidly spreading through her body . She applied several instructions of Internal Strength, but failed to unlock her acupoint . Maid Lotus was surprised, but the person who hurt her was even more shocked . This martial arts made him famous in Jianghu for decades and succeed easily, but he had never met such a strong opponent who seemed to be fine . Moreover, he was warned in advance to use all his strength without hiding anything . Maid Lotus did not think for long before stabbing the man again . Outsiders still thought the sword was sharp, but her movement had actually slowed down considerably . Three ambushers surrounded her but were in a dilemma as they carefully tried to avoid her sword . Maid Lotus used more than ten skills and did not fall despite being hit in her acupuncture points again . The ambushers looked like they had seen a ghost yet were unafraid because they noticed that her movements were getting slower . When using 16th or 17th skill, Maid Lotus was hurt again . She could no longer resolve her blocked Internal Breath . She staggered and sat on the ground, holding her sword in hand . I have never met such a tough woman . The reputation of the three Xia brothers was almost destroyed . The three ambushers felt relieved at that time . The man who was. .h.i.t in his left arm scolded Maid Lotus and tried to kick her, but his companions quickly stopped him . We should respect her a little because shes . The other person used his acupoint technique in the back of the Maid Lotuss head . Maid Lotus began to fall unconscious, but she still had many things to think about . She had never heard of the three Xia brothers . Even more surprising to her was that the other soldiers were just watching without trying to save her . How many spies are there in the barracks? Her last thought was that she would certainly not be tricked if she was Slave Huan . The martial arts of the New Moon Hall was special . Instead of gradually waking up after fainting, Maid Lotus became instantly clear-headed . She did not move or even open her eyes because she noticed that there were people around her . She applied her Internal Breath silently, but failed . After she was unconscious, they sealed her acupoints just in case . Therefore, she could barely move, but could not take her sword . The three Xia brothers were chatting . There should be kung fu masters in the Western Region . There are indeed many masters in the Western Region, including Supreme King, Dragon King and Old Man Mu whose life or death isnt certain . I meant the women . Well, youre right . In fact, few women in the world can be called masters . Women are naturally not good at kung fu . They laughed obscenely and their words gradually became vulgar . In the end, the one who seemed to be their leader felt that the conversation had gone out of hand . Dont even think about doing anything to her . He specifically ordered us to keep her alive, and I think that maybe hes interested in her . Well, she has good kung fu and beautiful looks . Thats very rare . Cloud King has good taste, but its not easy to subdue this woman . It isnt difficult to do that . She has fainted without any resistance . Anyone can take advantage of her . Should I give you a demonstration? Haha! Youre just holding a grudge because she stabbed you . Maid Lotus learned several things from their conversation . The three Xia brothers were not from the Western Regions, but rather the Central Plains . Besides, she had been unconsciousness for about fifteen minutes and they would not expect her to awaken so quickly . Given enough time, she would be able to unlock all acupoints herself . As for the Cloud King they mentioned, Maid Lotus immediately thought of Shangguan Yun . Didnt he get the t.i.tle of the King of Xiaowan through marriage? What she guessed was right . Shangguan Yun entered the room and said in a familiar voice, You three idiots, I bet you wont dare to look down on the women of the Western Region anymore . Maid Lotus followed Shangguan Yun to the Land of Fragrance from the Hui Kingdom and returned in the same route . She knew it was him the moment she heard his voice . Though Shangguan Yun was scolding the brothers, his tone was relaxed and casual as if they were close friends . The three men were not afraid of him, but laughed and warmly greeted Cloud King . Maid Lotus could not help admiring Shangguan Yun . He had been locked up in a dungeon for many years and had little contact with outsiders . After coming out, he still looked like the slickest person in the Jianghu and presented different att.i.tudes in front of different people . Shangguan Yuns early experience was a little helpful . Well, your kung fu has regressed . She has already woke up . Nonsense! the three men refuted together . Thinking that she did not have to keep lying down, Maid Lotus opened her eyes and turned over to sit up . She looked coldly at the four people in the tent . Before dawn, the oil lamp was ignited in the tent . The three Xia brothers were all surprised and pounced on Maid Lotus at the same time . Each of them used acupoint technique toward her before returning to Shangguan Yuns side with cold sweat on their faces . Youre so sharp-eyed . You saved us again . You know too little about the kung fu of the Western Region . You should familiarize yourselves with it in the future . Shangguan Yun looked at Maid Lotus with a smile . Please allow me to introduce them . Theyre the famous masters of Qingcheng Sect in the Central Plains: Xia Yingxiong, Xia Wenxiong, and Xia Gouxiong . No, this one is Xia Shouxiong . In short, theyre the three stupid bears called the three Xia brothers . Shangguan Yun made fun of their names, but they seemed very happy and looked at Cloud King with more respect and intimacy . Maid Lotus must admit that Dragon King was no match for Shangguan Yun in winning the hearts of people . She fell into the enemys trap and thus had nothing to say . This is Maid Lotus, the Managing Master of the New Moon Hall and Dragon Kings bodyguard . Moreover, shes also the first-cla.s.s female kung fu master in the world . Shangguan Yun had mentioned this to them in the past but they doubted him then . Now they all nodded in agreement . Well, thats enough . Shangguan Yun clapped his hands as if a thoughtful host had just introduced two groups of strangers to each other . Go and get a drink, you three stupid bears . Youve completed your tasks successfully . Let me deal with this from now on . The brothers happily walked out of the tent . While at the door, Xia Shouxiong laughed and said, Cloud King, youd better pay attention to your body . Its not easy to deal with a beautiful female master . Shangguan Yun pretended to kick him, so they immediately left . When Shangguan Yun turned to look at the Maid Lotus again, his expression changed . He showed her a mysterious and pitying smile as if he knew everything about her . He seemed to feel nothing but respect and sympathy for her . Im committing a taboo of the Golden Roc Fort by not killing you . Well, youll regret your decision today . Haha! It doesnt matter . Ive done many regrettable things all my life, more than the number of people in the Golden Roc Fort . Maid Lotus stopped talking . She knew that Shangguan Yun wanted to persuade her to surrender, but that was impossible . She was just curious what reason Shangguan Yun would use . Maid Lotus, Dragon King . Dragon King, Maid Lotus . Shangguan Yun raised his hands as if he was holding the two people in his palms . Ive always been confused about your relationship . I almost inquired everyone who knew you in Jade City but learned nothing but nonsense . It wasnt until I met Younger Sister Ru in the Land of Fragrance that I discovered some credible clues . Shangguan Yun suddenly paused for a while, but Maid Lotus interest was piqued . She wanted to know what Shangguan Ru thought about she and Dragon King . She said that both of you were sacrifices of Dajue Sword Book of Swordcraft . You helped each other as two drowning persons, so you didnt sink in the river immediately . Maid Lotus and Gu Shenwei had been calling the sword technique Death Scripture . Even after knowing its real name, they still kept their habit . She felt surprised that Shangguan Ru should make such a conclusion . At first, she was dismissive, because the relationship between her and Dragon King was more complicated . In the end, she agreed with Shangguan Ru because Death Scripture did promote their communication most of the time . Shangguan continued to smile . Youre in charge of Dragon Kings life at this moment, and he needs your help . Maid Lotus restrained her feelings at once . I can only do what I can do, which doesnt include Dragon Kings life . Shangguan Yuns smile faltered . Maid Lotus was a formidable enemy with tight defense, so he could not force her to do something . Rather, he would wait for her to make mistakes . Dont you want to listen to my plan? Thats a set of complicated plans, costing me quite a bit of energy . When Maid Lotus did not speak, Shangguan Yun continued, First of all, more than half of the soldiers in this barracks are my men . Haha, there are quite a lot of soldiers loyal to me . Secondly, the 3,000 soldiers Wu Zongheng took still belonged to Dragon King . Unfortunately, Wu Zongheng wouldnt take them to the selected place . After all, he comes from the An Kingdom and is more willing to be loyal to the King of the An nation . Finally, Dragon King will enter the mountain in person very soon, probably alone, because he doesnt trust any of his subordinates . Shangguan Yun paused for a moment, giving her more time to think about the truth . I possess 15 masters like the three Xia brothers who come from different places, none of whom are Golden Roc killers . Very few of them come from the Western Region . Dragon King is too familiar with the kung fu of the Golden Roc Fort, so Im changing strategies . Maid Lotus, to tell the truth, should I kill or only catch him in this situation? If Shangguan Yun was sincere, Dragon King was indeed in trouble . Youre making great efforts to induce me . Just what are you planning to do? she asked . I dont know, Shangguan Yun said simply . You should think about what you can do for me .

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