Demon King App

Chapter 10

On the far end of the hallway, the nurse"s subordinate is hurriedly pushing the wheelchair to get out of the hospital as soon as possible. Applying acceleration magic to himself and the wheelchair would make it easier and faster for him to do his job, unfortunately, the man is not skilled enough to apply acceleration magic to anyone or anything other than himself without causing any possible harm. The deed is possible to pull off for an experienced and strong combat-magi, but for a third rate combat-magi such as him, doing that would be dangerous for the target, furthermore, the order given to them is to take the target without causing it any harm, this is one of the reason why their organization chose to kidnap the target once she is put to a magia stasis and avoid any possible resistance from her, so, if he disobey this order, a punishment will come for him.

After running for about four minutes, the exit leading to the parking lot enters the man"s sight, he felt a slight relieve knowing that he is near the exit and because there are five backups waiting from him outside. This relief only last for a second though, because he feels a surge of magia from his back and it is rushing into him at a frightening speed.

The man hastily activates fortification magic into his body and turn to look back, the moment he turns his head slightly to the right, he saw a someone"s leg flying straight into his face, he hurriedly raises his two arms up trying to protect his head. When the kick land into his arms, the man"s body flew backward slamming into the hallway"s wall, and then a hand enchanted by taser magic lunge into his stomach aiming to incapacitate him, in panic, the man activate acceleration magic and flee to the right letting go of the wheelchair and evading the attack.

After he dodge the attack, the man takes his stance and look at the man who launched an ambush against him, in front of him is the attacker who is just a kid, this sight shock him, for the kid is only in his late teens and yet, he attack him without any hesitation.

"What"s a kid doing here? How did he manage to get pa.s.s those two monsters?" While he is thinking such things, the kid stands in front of the girl in the wheelchair as if trying to protect her and takes a fighting stance.


Bryson"s ambush failed and he is now standing in front of the confused kidnapper, in his back is the sleeping Alisha sitting on a wheelchair.

"I did not even saw him take out his magi-phone and yet he manages to activate magic, like miss Ava and that nurse, he must have a specialize combat magi-phone. This is bad." Bryson"s sweat trickle down his face, but he still takes his stance in front of Alisha trying to protect her while holding his magi-phone in his right-hand activating strengthening magic and fortification magic.

[Your surprise attack failed human, that is your only chance to take him out fast, but you failed and now you are forced to face him upfront, to make matters worse, your magia won"t last in a prolonged battle, what now?!] The Demon king interjects with impatience and irritation in his voice.

"Shut up and let me concentrate!"

[Tsk! he"s coming human!]

After recovering from his confusion, the kidnapper lunge at Bryson, he holds two small daggers in both of his hands in a back grip position, once he is in range he slash the dagger in his right hand, Bryson dodge it by tilting his body slightly to the left, but another dagger is coming for his neck.

Bryson stops the attack by blocking the kidnapper"s left arm with his right arm, he then tries to incapacitate the kidnapper by grabbing him with his hand enchanted by taser magic, but the kidnapper jumps backward avoiding him.

[This guy"s weak! Worse than a third rate! You"re in luck human!]

"I know, and it seems like he"s trying not to hurt Alisha."

Finding an edge against his opponent, Bryson dash into him while firing u003cmagia bulletsu003e, the kidnapper crosses his arms in front of him enduring the barrage of magia bullets, but since magia bullet is a non-lethal magic, the kidnapper manages to endure the barrage using only his fortification magic.

Before Bryson manage to get close to him, the kidnapper cast u003clightning-boltu003e at Bryson"s feet, Bryson jump upwards successfully evading the attack, but while he"s still in the air, the kidnapper shoot u003cmagic lanceu003e at him, Bryson manage to dodge by twisting his body, this results in the magic lance hitting the fluorescent lamp which cause the hallway to lose its light.

While falling, Bryson cast u003cbright-lightu003e, this cause a momentary flash of light that makes the kidnapper close his eyes for a split second, this split second is enough for Bryson to thrust his hand into the kidnapper"s chest sending him into slumber using taser magic.


[Looks like you pull it off human, although you"re already running out of magia.]

"Shut up! Just an FYI, up until this point, I only ever use simple magic that does not consume much magia in practice combat, but in order to make bright-light emit a blinding light, I need to pour much more magia into it than when using it under normal condition." Bryson said while panting from exhaustion.

[Nah, the amount of your magia is just too little, coupled by your magia control that is all over the place, it"s no brainer that you"re exhausted already.]

"Yeah I know, you don"t have to rub it off my face."

While having such conversations with the Demon king, Bryson turn around and walks to where he left the wheelchair that Alisha is sitting in. When Bryson finally reach Alisha, he checks her condition.

"Looks like she"s really in a magia stasis state, she"s sleeping like a log."

[And looks like the effect is wearing off, there"s little amount of magia leaking out of her body Afterall. So, what will you do, human?]

"Why are you acting like it"s not your problem huh?!"

[Cause it"s not.] The Demon king said with a cold and uncaring voice.

"Tsk! What to do now? Looks like those two are still fighting.... wait? they move places and are now in the courtyard?"

[What, you"re just gonna stand there human?]

"Shut up already will you!" Bryson scowl at the Demon king feeling irritated.

"Those two are now fighting in the courtyard, but It would still be dangerous go back and bring her to the intensive care unit, in case miss Ava lose, that nurse is sure to comeback, I can"t possibly beat a monster like that... I guess I"ll have to bring her to the other building. the only choice is to take a detour to the parking lot and bring her through the back of the north building."

After Bryson decides his course of action, he push the wheelchair into the exit leading to the parking lot. When he is outside, he saw five men wearing combat suit waiting for them outside.

"Wha!!" Bryson becomes so shock at the scene that for a moment he stood frozen in his place.

[Yeah, I thought that"s a really bad idea.]

Hearing the Demon king"s comment, Bryson realize, the man he just defeated is running towards this exit, so of course, his accomplices" should be waiting outside, Bryson got so absorbed in thinking how to get Alisha to safety that he forgot a.n.a.lyze his opponent"s action, in fact, now that Bryson realize and he looks around, there are two guards lying on the ground near the men"s feet.

"s.h.i.t!" Bryson hurriedly turn the wheelchair around trying to flee in panic. Unfortunately, one of the men in his right side shoot magic lance at him, Bryson just barely manage to put up an anti-magic shield, but the impact sends him flying back inside the building.

Bryson"s body crash into the sliding door shattering its gla.s.s, Bryson then continues to roll inside until his body slam into the wall.

"Aackk!" Bryson after slamming into the wall, grab his fallen magi-phone and tries to stand, but lightning-bolt came flying at him, he manages to put up another anti-magic barrier, but his magia is running low that the barrier is small and weak.

"AAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!" Bryson scream from the pain of electricity jolting through his body.

"Oi take this girl and let"s get out of here already! The madam"s effort would be in vain if the magic officers came here and capture us." One of the men shout.

"ARRGGHH, d.a.m.n IT!" Bryson tries to get up but his body isn"t heeding his command, although Bryson manage to avoid death because of the anti-magic barrier, he"s body still got severely damage from the electricity that leaks in. Meanwhile one of the men push the wheelchair trying to get it close to their car.

"Also finish that guy off!" The man adds.

Obeying the order, one of the men walks into Bryson"s position while holding a dagger without even hiding his killing intent.

"s.h.i.t s.h.i.t s.h.i.t!!" Bryson scream from agitation.

[Hey human, I have a proposal.] When the Demon king said that, time seems to stop.

"Wh-what happen?!" Bryson tries to look around but he can"t seem to move his head, so Bryson instead move his eyes and he noticed the men, they didn"t stop moving, instead, they seem to move very slowly.

[Don"t worry human, this is my own magic, u003cAccelerated Thoughtu003e.] The Demon king said proudly.

When Bryson move his eyes into the screen of his magi-phone, he saw a notification.

[Personal Magic Shared: Accelerated Thought (Activated)]


[Get it now?] With a prideful voice, the Demon king ask.

"I-I see, so, what"s this proposal?" After regaining his calm, Bryson ask the Demon king.

[Good, looks like we can still communicate using telepathy. Anyway, my proposal is, give your body"s control to me and I will save your life and that girl from these men.]

"!!" Hearing that Bryson becomes enrage. "OI b.a.s.t.a.r.d! YOU KNOW THIS WOULD HAPPEN DO YOU? THAT"S WHY YOU DIDN"T WARN ME WHEN I TRY TO BRING HER OUTSIDE!"

[Huh? How is that my fault? That"s your fault for not realizing it yourself, I did say it"s not my problem, didn"t I?]

Bryson is silenced with that, he knows that the Demon king is saying the truth, he has no one to blame for this mistake but himself.

[So, how it"s gonna be?] The Demon king ask with a devilish voice.

"...Tell me, can you also remove Alisha"s disease?"

[Hmmmm.... I can"t heal it completely, but I suppose I can pacify her raging magia for a while.]

Of course Bryson knows that what he asked is an impossible task, even for hundreds years, doctors and researchers haven"t find a way to cure magia burn, that"s why when heard the Demon king"s answer, he is a little skeptical, but the little tinge of hope that the Demon king dangle Infront of Bryson"s eyes is so tempting that his eyes lit up from hope without Bryson knowing it himself.

"F-for how long?" Bryson can"t stop himself from asking that question.

Unbeknownst to Bryson, when his eyes lit up, the Demon king flash an evil smile.

[If I have to guess, about a year.]

"!!!!" Bryson becomes speechless hearing that, for the Demon king is implying that he can give Alisha enough time to cure herself by learning how to control and pacify her magia, a feat that even modern doctors can"t achieve. Of course, for the Demon king, Bryson"s reaction is a good sign.

[So, how about it? And just to remind you, time is still flowing, albeit, slowly. Also, it seems like your brain can only remain in this state for about 5 seconds, 3 seconds have already pa.s.s, so make a decision now.]

"How can I be sure that you"re gonna keep your promise and that you"re telling the truth?" Bryson ask with a sharp tone skeptical tone.

[Don"t worry despite my nature, I keep my promises. Besides, you"re gonna die either way, so why not gamble?] With antic.i.p.ation in his voice, the Demon king rea.s.sure Bryson with a sweet and devilish tone.

"Fine, but on the condition that you won"t hurt my sister and you will not only save Alisha but also help her in her disease." Bryson said with a resolute voice.

[It"s a deal then! Okay, so, when the accelerated thought fades, a notification will appear on the magi-phone"s screen, you just have to press YES.]

After saying that, time turns back in its natural flow and when Bryson looks at his magi-phone a notification appears.


Bryson hesitated for a moment, of course, even with all of his resolve, he can"t help but feel anxious whether the Demon king is telling the truth or if he even fulfil the deal, but he also knows that he can"t do anything with his condition, any moment now the man would reach him and end his life without him accomplishing anything, that"s why even though he is full of doubt and worry, Bryson steeled his resolve and press YES.

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