Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu

Chapter 1: Have a Dream

Chapter 1: Have a Dream

Running on the road that was leading away from the forest.

It was a road that was uneven and filled with potholes.

Although the carriage was travelling at a speed where it could nearly topple over, it continued to travel.

Behind them were the angered shouts of armoured soldiers.


“I’ll kill you!!”


“I’m going to chop you into pieces!”

The soldiers yelled as they chased after the carriage…

It was a touching scene.

The carriage bounded forth, as it was chased by men who had a strong killing intent.

At the head of the carriage—Ryner Lute sat at the position of the driver.

He swung the horse whip, as he mumbled:

“…Urgh, d.a.m.n…”

He had a stern expression today, which was rare for him.

His usually messy black hair was under attack by the strong gusts of wind, it couldn’t even be seen if he had combed it before.

His slim figure that made him seem lazy, was now trying its best to maintain stability and avoid falling from the carriage, as he controlled the horse…

His clothes were sloppily put on… Those clothes could only be worn by the famously strong Roland Empire Mage Knights, a special battle uniform made up of white armor and robes.

This fashion style made him look weird…

What was more important were his black eyes.

His eyes which usually were sleepy and half-lidded, were wide open today, and were wet with tears…

Then those eyes narrowed slightly. The troubled expression that he had a moment ago returned, in a moment, a teardrop escaped from those eyes…

He said:

“……Ah…I, I can’t make it… I want to sleep… No, I"m already asleep. Can I sleep? Of course I can’t… We have to change horses repeatedly, and we"ve been at this for twenty four hours… May I ask, if the horse can be changed, then couldn"t you at least change the driver? I’m serious. Even if I’m not escaping, in the twenty four hours I was doing this, I could have slept for twenty four hours? But… Ah, I really can’t take it. The wind pressure is causing my eyes to… eyes… sleep… ah… uh… Good night.”

As Ryner closed his eyes with a blissful expression, almost journeying to the land of sleep…

In a moment!

“When you’re driving, you can’t sleep!”

As that voice spoke, a sword was aimed at him from the inside of the carriage, striking Ryner’s back.

Then the sword shoved sharply…

“Ah?! Hey, hey hey hey hey hey you’re joking, right?! Ferris!! You really used your sword to poke at me just now!!”

Ryner jumped up frantically, dodging the oncoming sword, as he shouted.

So, the window connecting the carriage and the driver’s seat opened and a woman looked out…

This woman was an astonishingly beautiful woman.

She had l.u.s.trous golden hair, and a pair of clear blue eyes. She had a strangely attractive face. She was a beauty that would make you think of G.o.ddesses. This woman had an overpowering attractiveness that women, much less men, would be in awe of…

But, this beautiful woman stared at Ryner with an emotionless expression.

“Oh. You weren"t stabbed? Then what about this?”

Saying that, she thrust the sword quickly…


Ryner dodged. But—

“This! This!”

The woman stabbed the sword again and again…

“Ah! Wait, what are you doing?! Wa… Ah ah ah!”

Ryner wobbled, twisting around on the carriage that was moving at high speed, desperately dodging the sword attacks. It seemed like he was going to fall off the carriage…

But, for some reason, the woman had a delighted expression as she stabbed repeatedly…

“Heh heh. Dance, dance, you sinful person! Enjoy the mad dance of death…”

Then, at this moment—

“Ah~ What kind of development is this?!”

Ryner backed to a place where the sword could not reach, but where he also could not dodge and shouted. But she still swung her sword, wanting to stab Ryner…

Perhaps she knew that she couldn’t play at this any longer, she kept her sword in that position, then sighed…

“Hu~ It’s like that, dozing off when you’re driving is very dan…”

“Your sword is dangerous!!”

Ryner interrupted her and shouted. Then grasped his head with his hands, looking at the beautiful woman in front of him with half-lidded eyes.

He stared at this person—although her beauty was otherworldly, in reality Ferris Eris was a beauty with a strange personality.

Ferris said:

“Then… did you sleep well?”

“In these twenty four hours, I didn’t even manage to sleep for five seconds!”

But, she nodded in satisfaction when she heard that.

“That"s more than enough. You should probably be able to continue on for the next twenty hours.”

Ryner, hearing that.

“I, I will die… If I continue to stay here, I will definitely! Die…”

He trembled as he muttered.

And as they conversed—

“Hey, stop that carriage!”

“I’ll kill you!!”

“I will slice you up!!”

The soldiers roared as they chased them, keeping up with the carriage—

“Stop right now!!”

“You will be dealt divine punishment if you dare to rebel against us!!”

The pursuers shouted from behind.

Ryner hearing that—

“Ah, really, they"ve been making so much noise since just now. What divine punishment?… You can"t talk about the divine…”

He looked at the soldiers with a lazy expression.

And he found, there were four horses keeping up with the carriage. And, the men atop the horses were waving their swords threateningly. They wore armour that was made of high quality leather.

There was an insignia different from Roland’s on their chest, that was made to represent their faith to their G.o.ds, the one that Runa Empire specially had, a pictorial of a woman praying with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

That picture seemed to give a saintly feeling, but…

The soldiers wearing the armour were men who had mustaches and whose muscles seemed to be their only good point…

In addition—

“Hey!! Hey, I’m going to kill you! I really going to kill you!”

They threatened Ryner, Ryner said impatiently:

“Are these fellows really soldiers of Runa? Do they really talk that way? They seem no different from mountain bandits! I feel that before they talk about this and that, Runa should first start by educating their soldiers on how to talk…”

Ferris spoke from behind him.

“Yeah. Their appearance is no different from you.”

“When did I ever talk in that manner?”

“Eh? Every night you go and steal women from the streets, ‘ho ho ho, even if you cry, no one will come to save you. This is a sound-proof room.

No! Don’t come over! Someone save me!!

Heh heh heh. Didn’t I say, it’s useless if you cry? Ojou-san. Give up, follow my instructions obediently.


You did that repeatedly…”

“I did not!”

Ryner retorted instantly. He said tiredly:

“Speaking of which, I’m travelling with you every day, where can I get a sound-proof room…”

Suddenly, Ferris stiffened, looking around quickly.

“Un, unless, this carriage is the legendary sound-proof room?! What mature thinking you have, Ryner! You brought me to such a place, you, what are you thinking of doing to me?!!”

She screamed, glaring at Ryner.

But Ryner revealed an extremely fatigued expression…

“…” He was speechless.

So Ferris—

“……Un, unless this carriage is the legendary sound-proof…”

“Why are you repeating it!!”

“Then don’t talk nonsense.”

“You’re the one who started it!!”

“Don’t push the responsibility to other people.”

“You, you, I will kill you later…”

Suddenly Ryner stopped, then spoke with a trembling voice:

“Ah, I was speaking nonsense, I was speaking nonsense. I was joking. I, I didn’t mean it. So, can you not point your sword at my back…”

The duo continued this conversation…

The Runa soldiers observing the situation—

“…You, how dare you underestimate us?!”

Maybe they finally realized that they weren’t being taken seriously, the soldiers shouted loudly.

Ryner hearing that, replied with a serious expression:

“Eh? Ah, we weren’t looking down on you. We only had a small discussion about your tone when talking to others…”

Of course the soldiers couldn’t accept Ryner’s explanation.

“I don’t want to hear your nonsense, hand over the son of the devil that you s.n.a.t.c.hed away!”

The soldiers said.

The son of the devil.

Ryner narrowed his eyes when he heard that, turning back.

“Ferris… How is Arua?”

She replied:

“He’s still unconscious.”

Saying that, she pointed to her knee. Ryner seeing that, looked into the carriage. He saw a boy lying on Ferris’s lap, fast asleep…

He looked at Arua.

He was probably six years old? He was a boy that had black hair like Ryner.

And he was called a devil by the Runa soldiers…

Arua’s face and body had many bruises and wounds… Ryner’s eyes darkened.

Arua was seen as the devil’s son. After he had been captured by the Runa soldiers, up until yesterday, he had suffered from unimaginable torture.

His whole body was injured, his mother was killed, and he witnessed his father’s beheading…

But the Runa n.o.bles had laughed when they saw that.

“Ne, lose control quickly, you demon!”

They laughed, hitting the boy repeatedly. Destroying everything precious to him.

There was a mark in the boy’s eyes. It was the same as in Ryner’s eyes, the same red five-pointed star.

As long as they looked upon it, no matter what kind of magic, or how complicated it was, they could understand it in a split second, eyes that could replicate.

Eyes that were called Alpha Stigma.

Just because they had these eyes, they were outcast and hated by everyone… they were cursed as monsters, seen as demons…

And when they felt that everything was useless, they would completely lose control…

They would create ma.s.s slaughter.

The person himself would not want to do it, but he would unconsciously kill everyone around him, killing everyone important.

Perhaps being called a demon… had another meaning.

Perhaps being seen as a monster was inevitable.

But, then…

People who beat a child, killing their relatives in front of him happily, weren"t they the demons?

As long as he closed his eyes, those images would leap forth.

Those people’s smiling faces.

The smiles of those who teased people and gained entertainment from doing so…

The smiles of those people who killed those who loved and treasured him, and gained pleasure from the act.

Weren’t those people demons?

Even those people had called us demons…

Ryner’s expression darkened momentarily.

The Runa soldiers still continued to shout from around them.

“Know your place, stop the carriage!! Or else, G.o.d will punish you!”

Ryner hearing that, revealed a self-mocking smile…

“Oh? G.o.d’s punishment is effective towards demons?”

The Run soldiers were probably happy that the other party was taking note of this, puffing out their chests:

“That’s right! It’s too late even if you know that now! The demon will definitely be exterminated by G.o.d!”

“Huh. Then try it! Let’s see if G.o.d’s power can exterminate us demons…”

Saying that, Ryner’s right hand moved quickly in the air, glowing words started to unfurl in the s.p.a.ce…

That was magic that he had replicated from the Estabul Mage Knight he encountered a long time ago.

The Runa soldiers seeing the situation, were momentarily shocked.

“He’s, he’s using magic?! And it is another country’s magic?! Prepare for incoming…”

But, Ryner shrugged.


As soon as he finished chanting, a huge beast made from light that looked like a dog, and had an unstable outline appeared above his head… Following that, he released this light beast towards the area below where the Runa soldiers were sitting.

In a moment.

The earth exploded, the light shone brilliantly…

The horses neighed, after a period of crying, it stopped. Of course, the Runa soldiers were thrown off the horses when they stopped suddenly.

“Uh, Uah?!”

“That, that was done sloppily… Ah?!”

Some people shouted as they fell off their horses, some left the road, the horses carrying their riders as they entered the forest.

Anyway, things turned out like that…

“The demon won so easily?”

They put more distance between themselves and the Runa soldiers.

At this moment, a voice spoke from behind him.

“Eh. Has it ended? Good work.”

Ferris said. Ryner hearing that, seemed impatient.

“I say… Why didn’t you help out? Since I’m going to be driving the carriage for the next ten hours, you should have at least helped to defeat those people.”

But, Ferris replied:

“I can’t, I’m busy now.”

“Busy with what?”

“Eh, busy protecting this child.”

“Ah, ah, that’s right. If we leave this child on the vigorously bouncing carriage, he might hit his head or something, it’s too dangerous…”

But, Ferris shook her head.

“It’s not that. Look at this child, black eyes, black hair, and a wielder of Alpha Stigma, it’s almost like his extremely perverted father… I have a duty to protect him, so that he won"t become like his scary and fierce pervert of a father who likes to abduct women.”

Ryner, hearing that…

“I said that he’s not my kid! Anyway, who’s the one who abducts women… That, how did it go? Anyway, I’m not that kind of pervert…”

When Ryner wanted to look back again, Ferris suddenly backed away.

“Stand still! Don’t come nearer! This Ryner-chan will be corrupted!”

She shouted at Ryner.

Ryner hearing that, had a weak expression.

“…You… Actually saying something like that, you find it interesting?”

Ferris nodded her head immediately.

“Anyway we have a lot of time.”

“Ah?! Since we have so much time, then change shifts with me!”

“I’m very busy now…”

“If you say anymore I’ll kill you!! Ah… Forget it… As long as I’m with you, it seems like nothing else is missing, how peaceful…”

After Ryner sighed, he loosened the reins, beginning to slow the horses down. He leaned his body out from the driver’s seat, looking behind them, confirming that the Runa soldiers had not chased up.

“Ah, after teaching them a lesson, and pulling the distance between us, they won"t catch up for a while…”

Saying that, he slowed the speed of the carriage to a slow pace. Then told Ferris who was behind him:

“Ne, what should we do next? It’s worth celebrating that we managed to escape the Runa soldiers, but…”

So she replied simply:

“Didn’t I say it yesterday? We go to the little lady in Rajit Village who asked us to save this Ryner-chan and ask for our reward. Then we take our reward and go to tour the dango stores in Runa Empire…”

At this moment, Ryner interrupted her:

“Ah, don’t mention the dango matters first. But, I remember that she was called Kuku, right? The childhood friend of Arua or something… It seems she doesn’t have enough money for a reward… But putting this aside, if we don’t find Kuku, things would be bad. We have to tell her, we saved Arua… And…”

Ferris heard that, her eyes narrowing slightly.

“Uh. The Runa army might go after her.”

Ryner nodded when he heard that.

“That’s right. They must want to s.n.a.t.c.h Arua back from us… But, Arua’s father and mother were killed, that means… They would probably take his childhood friend as hostage, right? Even if they didn’t do that, Kuku would be tortured by the villagers because she was friends with Arua…”

Ryner momentarily remembered the villagers cursing “It’s all your fault”, and Kuku’s figure when she was suffering from torture, frowning unconsciously.

That was something that he saw frequently.

It was something that could be commonly seen in the Roland of the past.

The n.o.bles were unreasonable. The sacrificed were always the weak…

And the Runa Empire that had been the ally of the Roland of the past, currently was this kind of country.

A completely insane country.

Proud n.o.bles, and the uncontrollable army that supported that power.

The people always lived under the shadow of these two forces, the crazy country that was breathing its last.

“…Really, we accidentally got caught up in something troublesome…”

Ryner sighed as he said, a voice spoke from behind him:

“Really. Anyhow having a child with a woman pa.s.sing by, abandoning them without any thought, and now needing someone else to help rescue your child… How troublesome.”

“…Hey, are you going to continue that topic?”

“Eh. Anyway before we reach Rajit Village, I’m going to be very bored.”

“……Ah, th-then before we reach, can we switch positions…”

But at this moment—

“Uhn. Sorry, I’m suddenly busy again.”


Ryner hearing that.

“…Y-yes, I understand, Hime-sama…”

Ryner said with a defeated tone. Ferris immediately answered:

“Eh. Let’s go, slave.”

“I should have killed you!”

Like that, the people on the carriage, carried on as usual, with their nonsensical conversation as they proceeded.

Heading towards Rajit village…


On the other hand.

In the most southern tip of the Menoris Continent.

This country was even further south than the Runa Empire where Ryner and the others were.

Roland Empire.

Lately, it had been called a strong Empire.

This country had swallowed up Estabul that had opposed it for so long; it had formed good relations with Imperial Nelpha, which was in an unstable situation. And it had formed an alliance with the Runa Empire, expanding its influence.

Everything had started after the new king ascended.

The king of Roland Empire, Sion Astal.

Although he was the son of the concubine of the previous king, he had gained great achievements during the war with Estabul Kingdom, rising to the highest ranks in the Roland Empire army in an incredibly short period of time.

After that he started a revolution, getting rid of the previous tyrannical king and becoming the Hero King that had saved the country.

Sion who was only nineteen years old, possessed all the talents a king needed.

Charisma, ability, looks.

He skillfully used these talents, gaining much of the people’s support…

He was the ideal king everyone wanted.

…No, this was the image that everyone had of him.

Everyone had expectations, dreams, wishes of him.

In the past the corruption of the country had reached such a level that the people cried, always praying that a king like him would appear.

So, he was a perfect king.

So, he had to be a perfect king.


The location was the castle where the king of Roland Empire lived. Sion sat on the throne, smiling happily.

“Don’t bow, I clearly understand your loyalty towards me.”

He told the kneeling n.o.bles.

The n.o.bles revealed a fearful expression. The n.o.bles who had always been arrogant towards Sion, had a pale complexion today.

“Th-then, you’ve already forgiven our rude behavior, Your Majesty?”

Rude behavior…

They said that.

But, Sion had doubts in his mind—what rude behavior? If they were referring to their rude words, then there would be an infinite number. Of course they had numerous plans too, plans to harm Sion.

The most extreme one was to kill Sion’s secretary, Fiole Folkal…

So that they could threaten Sion, they killed him.

Sion immediately thought of Fiole’s smile.

“Because if I’m not by his side, Sion-sama will always force himself to do things.”

He remembered that face, after saying that, he had a troubled smile.

Then remembering the smile that his sister, Eslina was proud of…

Remembering that smile that said, Sion was a king that was able to make Roland the country his sister would live in, it was really a blessed smile.

Then, he remembered the scene of the stabs on Fiole’s body, that caused him to die…

At that time… he wanted to kill all of the n.o.bles, everyone.

He wanted to kill the n.o.bles who had caused this country to decay.

But… he knew this wasn’t what Fiole had wished for. What Fiole had asked of him, was to be a good king.

A perfect king that would steer the country in the right direction.

So, hearing the words of the n.o.bles today, Sion pretended not to know what they were referring to, shrugging.

“Rude? What does that mean? Have you ever been rude to me?”

“Eh? Ah, no, that…”

The n.o.bles stumbled.

“Don’t worry. You weren’t out of line. You don’t have to think about it too much. Please rest a.s.sured and continue leading the people to a better life.”

Sion told the n.o.bles, smiling. The n.o.bles hearing that, had an expression as if they were about to cry.

“O-Of course. I will work hard for Your Majesty, and cooperate with the governing of the land…”

But, Sion interrupted him at this moment.

“For the people… Please work hard for the sake of making the people happy. Because this is the fastest method to make Roland a better country…”

Yes. No longer having the abusive government that only satisfies itself.

Roland had changed.

Roland changed Fiole… No, it changed everyone’s vision of a country that they had in their dreams.

The n.o.bles nodded frantically when they heard that.

“O-of course. Because there are the citizens, there are us…”

Hearing that, Sion nearly smiled bitterly. How could they still dare to say something like that…

Sion nodded, indicating for the n.o.bles to excuse themselves. The n.o.bles were about to leave the hall fearfully…

A man brushed past the n.o.bles, walking into the hall.

Beautiful and neat long black hair, added on to his slim and tall figure, and an attractive face, but…

How many people would notice these features?

Whenever a person looked at him, the first thing they would notice would be that pair of cold deep blue eyes…

People were always captured by that extremely cold, almost ice like, slim pair of eyes…

Lieutenant Colonel Miran Froaude.

He had come to work under Sion of his own accord, promising not only to let Sion rule all of Roland Empire, but even to expans the empire to extend to the whole of the Menoris Continent.

He had moved on his own, willing to help take care of the dark, dirty things that Sion could not avoid on this path of ruling.

And like he promised, he had accomplished his task well.

He had depended on his own power, cleansing the power of the n.o.bles who had opposed Sion…

He had killed all those people.

Even his father, Baron Froaude could not escape.

In the end, the surviving n.o.bles were just like these, trembling in fear, bowing in front of Sion.

At this moment, Froaude lowered his head, pa.s.sing by the n.o.bles who were retreating quickly, he said:

“h.e.l.lo, everyone, have you come to gain His Majesty’s favour?”

The n.o.bles hearing that, turned around.

“…How dare you… Who are you…”

But, they immediately stopped. The n.o.bles suddenly smiled when they saw Froaude.

“Ah… Isn’t this Lieutenant Colonel Froaude-sama? Your father Baron Froaude was killed earlier in the purging, he was killed by His Majesty…”

The n.o.bles beside him added.

“Your own father has been dealt with harshly, but you come to curry favour with His Majesty in order to live, and you still dare to say something like that to us, aren’t you too outrageous?”

Froaude hearing that, seemed to lower his eyes as if in thought.

“…Too outrageous? Ah, perhaps that is so. If I don’t treat His Majesty nicely, perhaps I will make him angry…”

Saying that, he glanced at Sion.

Sion seeing that, shrugged helplessly.

It was unimaginable that Froaude would curry favour with Sion.

But, the n.o.bles laughed. This was the first time that they laughed with a mocking expression.

“You mean, you want to continue to curry favour with His Majesty… What an unbelievable person. Someone like you will cause Roland to decay!”

They said, and raised their voices, deliberately allowing Sion to hear it clearly.

But, Sion looked at these n.o.bles with a pitiful expression—you’re really saying something so foolish to Froaude… Sion thought.

At this moment Froaude nodded.

“Eh. You’re right. Someone like me will probably cause Roland to rot.”

The n.o.bles were even more arrogant at this.

“Haha. Are you finally aware?”

So Froaude said:

“Eh. I have done some reflection on my unfair behaviour recently. Although His Majesty tried to stop me, but I acted on my own accord, personally taking care of the n.o.bles who dared to go against His Majesty…”

In a moment.


The n.o.bles made a foolish sound.

The expressions on their faces showed that they completely could not understand what Froaude was saying.

Froaude continued mildly:

“In the end, I even took care of my father who has taken care of me for so long…”

The n.o.bles hearing that—

“You… What are you saying… Th-then, that purging act was done by you…”

So Froaude smiled.

A dark, cold, demon-like smile. Just seeing it made one tremble, it was a smile that hid a frenzy.

The n.o.bles seeing that, were momentarily speechless.

Froaude’s smile became even darker, deeper.

“But, the kind king forgave me, and even praised me… the outrageous me could once again gain His Majesty’s praise… and I am searching for my next prey…”

Saying that, he stared at the n.o.bles. The n.o.bles moved back unconsciously…

The situation was completely under Froaude’s control. He only depended on words to control the n.o.bles…

“But, since you have all come to please His Majesty… I guess no one here is planning any conspiracies?”

The n.o.bles hearing that, nodded frantically.

“O-of course not. W-w-we will remain loyal to His Majesty forever…”

“Then I can rest a.s.sured.”

Froaude hearing that, lightly bowed his head.

Perhaps they felt that they were finally released? The n.o.bles quickly said:

“Th-then we’ll take our leave…”

Saying that, the n.o.bles left the hall with a tired expression, and whispered as they trembled:

“Wh-what is that person… He is c-completely mad…”

Their voices faded away from the hall, and were gone…

Froaude seeing that, turned to Sion, and said with that cold expression:

“Your Majesty, what do you think?”

Sion hearing that, frowned.

“The way you speak, is that what you were talking earlier about currying favour?”

Froaude said as he approached Sion:

“Did I not do well?”

But Sion shook his head.

“No, you did well. I have a crazy murderer under my command called Froaude… So that he can get my praise, he can even kill his father without a change in his expression… I guess this rumour will spread very quickly?

“Towards the fear that was generated because of the purging act, the bulk of the hate will transfer to you… Thanks to that, my interaction with the other n.o.bles will become easier. But…”

At this moment, Sion’s expression sharpened.

Froaude’s actions would gain much opposition. Even the close people who stayed by Sion’s side hated his actions. He always used plans that, if Fiole were alive…he would have been the first to protest against.

No matter the sacrifice, he would choose the most effective path. That was the path that Froaude walked on.

It was really the most effective route…

This purging act was the same.

The purging that Froaude had carried out, had given the n.o.bles a strong warning. No, not only that, the action had radically changed the whole country.

Ever since the purging, a majority of the n.o.bles, even if only for appearances, had not fought against Sion’s wishes, and even came to visit.

Other than that, because the n.o.bles who had misused their authority of power for their own benefit had been purged, the people’s support for Sion had increased.

Or it could be said, Froaude’s purging act had caused the administration of Roland to progress greatly?

But, in contrast, many n.o.bles had died. Among them were probably people who didn’t mean to go against the king.


He had killed everyone.


Sion’s brow drew together even more.

That purging act, was actually a murder without any special treatment. And Froaude had carried out that ma.s.sacre.

But, the people were happy at this.

When they heard this news, the people said long live the Hero King.

They said, the Hero King has indeed helped us to get rid of the parasites.

They said, the Hero King has helped us to get revenge…

The people were ecstatic.

Of course, there were some traces of Froaude’s controlling of information in there. Perhaps he covered up the dirty portions, covering up the parts that people dared not to see, only emphasising on the Hero King’s grandness.

But, the truth was the truth.

Many people were killed… And the people could only celebrate that.

If this isn"t odd, then what is?

How different was this from the past Roland?

It was only that the role of the sacrifice had switched.

If it wasn’t the n.o.bles, it was the citizens…

At this moment, Froaude aimed his cold eyes at Sion.

“…Or perhaps, Your Majesty wanted to create and ideal world without killing anyone?”

He asked.

But, Sion shook his head.

“No, I trust that the path you took was the one with the least sacrifices? If I allowed the n.o.bles to continue living, Roland’s progress to be better would have been delayed… And we, no, this country has no more time left.”

Sion said, it was almost the same as acknowledging the actions that Froaude had took up.

Froaude could have killed innocent people. But, he accepted it.

This way of doing things…

How different was it from the n.o.bles who had killed the innocent Fiole?

As he thought that, Sion couldn’t help but feel disgusted.

The purging act was necessary. That was undeniable.

But, he still felt disgusted.

He felt disgusted that the one who created that situation was him.

He felt disgusted that he was helpless.

No, not only that, perhaps it was even too late to speak about it.

According to the news from the spies from various places, there was almost no time left.

The world was starting to move.

Chaos… and it will be unprecedented, the large ruckus that will change the whole of the Menoris Continent was about to begin.

So that Roland would not be affected by this chaotic movement, he couldn’t stop here.

So, he accepted.

To reach that goal, no matter how dirty he was…

So that he could protect more people.

Sion crossed his arms and said:

“The problem is, your purging act didn’t kill all the anti-royalist n.o.bles. At the moment all the active anti-royalist n.o.bles are dead, but…”

Froaude nodded when he heard that.

“But, the one who was in charge of the anti-royalist n.o.ble was Duke Stearead… and he was killed by someone outside of us.”

“Eh. And the person who killed Stearead and a.s.saulted you, was someone from another country—this is the point that is most troubling.”

Sion said. On the day that the purging occurred… Froaude had fought with someone from another country. And, that person had come to attack Sion.

This problem…

At this moment Froaude said:

“Yes. This isn’t an ideal situation. I realised that Duke Stearead had a more powerful n.o.ble behind him, and… if this n.o.ble joined hands with people from other countries… even killing Duke Stearead… and commanding that foreigner to Your Majesty, then it’ll be harder to find out his ident.i.ty.”

Sion nodded in agreement when he heard that.

Froaude was right.

There were n.o.bles who were more powerful that Duke Stearead. To find out the person’s real ident.i.ty wasn’t something difficult. And powerful people could be found easily. Even if they served Sion on the surface, one day, they would be found out.


If this person had such deep ties with people from other countries, then this was different.

Even if it were an insignificant n.o.ble, if they depended on another country’s support, they could have a great power because of that.

“Things are… difficult? I wanted to deal with the n.o.bles problem in one fell swoop, so I proceeded with the high risk measure of the purging…”

Sion frowned as he said, Froaude narrowed his eyes too.

“But, things have improved. This country is changing. Aren’t the people grateful to Your Majesty? If one more corrupted n.o.ble dies… This country will have a major transition…”

He said. Then—

“Ah, if I say this then I’ll be unable to reduce Your Majesty’s burden…”

Sion hearing that, frowned even harder.

“That’s true. That wasn’t rea.s.suring, it even…”

At this moment, he stared at Froaude. He glared at him sharply…

“According to what you said, it seems like you’re saying that you want to kill the remaining n.o.bles?”

Froaude smiled when he heard that. He had a dark smile that most people would not notice, but would startle them. He finally said:

“If that is what Your Majesty wishes…”

But, Sion interrupted him.

“Stop, Froaude. Don’t misunderstand. I don’t want unnecessary blood spilled.”

Then he glared at Froaude harder.

“You are indeed a capable person. I feel that you are a talent that I need. But, even so, if you continue to move independently, I won"t forgive you. I have my ideal world. The one to decide that world isn’t you, but me, the king.”

He said.

He was serious.

Froaude’s plans were reasonable. It could even be said, that he always made the best decisions. But, now Sion had to say the ugly things first.

So that they would be able to cooperate and move ahead.

So that they could construct a better country in the future.

If he dirtied things…

But Froaude said:

“You don’t wish for unnecessary blood to spill, but… if needed, will you kill me?”

But Sion shook his head.

“I wouldn’t kill you, but, if you hinder me, I will probably put you in prison.”

Froaude hearing that, smiled faintly. Although it was a dark, demon-like smile like earlier, it had a strange tint of happiness.

“…I will keep that in mind. But, I will not betray you. Because to me, being able to follow you is a pleasure. So, I will not betray you.”

Saying something so sincere, Sion couldn’t help frown.

“Hey, what is this? You’re still paying lip service?”

But Froaude shook his head, happily saying:

“This is the truth. You mean, if need be, you would even deal with your subordinates… you have not disappointed me. Your priority is the people’s stable lives… But, you are a king that would make sacrifices to save more people.

“You look to be weak, it seems like you’re so fragile that you would shatter upon touch, a person who is easily damaged, but… you are a king who tries to sacrifice himself. And a king who will never stop progressing. This is the reason why I chose you as the king. And after today… as long as you satisfy my expectations…”

Froaude pressed a hand to his chest, preparing to kneel, at this moment someone spoke…

“Hey, hey, that seems uncomfortable. What are you doing? I thought that only the n.o.bles would come to curry favour from Sion all day, it’s really annoying, but I didn’t think that Froaude would learn to curry favour as well?”

A hoa.r.s.e man’s voice spoke.

Sion raised his head when he heard this.

He saw a red-haired man with attractive features and a tall build walk through the entrance to the hall.

It was a man who had a body like steel.

This man in his twenties was a subordinate who had followed Sion before he was the king and before he held the Field Marshal position of Roland Empire. And this was the only man in Roland who still called Sion by his name.

Field Marshal Claugh Klom.

No, should it be said that it was better that he finally held the position of Field Marshal?

Almost all the high positions in Roland’s army were taken by the n.o.bles… Even if Sion had become king, if Claugh’s abilities shone in the army, Sion would be unable to promote him to Field Marshal.

The n.o.bles had such power.

This was that kind of country.

But, now Claugh could sit comfortably on the top position of the army.

In the strange change in manpower earlier, Claugh had jumped up from a Major-General to become a Field Marshal.

At the present, the people who held the Field Marshal rank were… two n.o.bles, Claugh was the third Field Marshal, but…

All the power was nearly in Claugh’s hands.

That was to be expected.

Being able to sit on the Field Marshal’s seat because they were n.o.ble-born, the proud n.o.bles were unable to compare to Claugh’s popularity and ability.

Of course Claugh who had become the Field Marshal would have protested, this was to be expected. If all else failed, the n.o.bles could have rebelled.

And… after that change in personnel.

The n.o.bles who would have rebelled were almost all killed by Froaude…

So, the n.o.bles kept quiet.

No, not only that…

Claugh had an irritated expression and said:

“I just pa.s.sed a group of cowardly n.o.bles, they were all here to suck up, right? Really, they used to look down on others, but they’ve suddenly become obedient, looking at them, makes me want to go mad.”

Sion smiled bitterly.

“That’s right. People who used to be arrogant suddenly come to get my favour, it makes one feel unpleasant.”

Saying that, he looked at Froaude.

Claugh nodded, looking at Froaude…

Froaude seeing the situation, said:

“…Are you talking about me?”

Claugh heard that, and said:

“Does it need to be said? Just seeing you almost kneeling, I was worried that it would snow today.”

So Frouade stood as he said:

“Field Marshal Claugh, your implications are heavy… Do I look like I look down on others usually?”

But Claugh nodded his head simply.

“Eh. Sometimes I even suspect, maybe you are the king of this country. Because you are always so filled with confidence that it makes it unpleasant to look at you…”

But Sion interrupted at this point:

“Hey, if you say that, then you mean that I don’t look like a king?”

Claugh smiled widely when he heard that:

“Of course. To me, you will always be like when I first met you, when we rebelled, my talented superior, Field Marshal Sion. But, really, look, you’re actually the king of this country now, and I’m the Field Marshal? It’s too troublesome, don’t be like this, I wouldn’t blame you, just revert to your Field Marshal status, then I can wave away the duty of being Field Marshal…”

But, Sion sighed before he finished speaking.

“Raising this again… Ever since Major General Miller refused to replace you as the Field Marshal, you have been complaining from day till night.”

Claugh’s eyes flashed with antic.i.p.ation when he heard that.

“That"s right! I wanted to talk to you today about that matter! Miller-senpai told me with an unhappy expression, “You’re better suited to be a Field Marshal than me”, and was completely unwilling to hear what I had to say! So today I used my free time during work to send a letter, and I wrote “Then let that fellow Luke be Field Marshal”, I didn’t think…”

At this moment, he took a piece of paper clumsily from his pocket, handing it to Sion…

“Look at that.”

Sion hearing that, looked at the paper. He saw the paper had meticulous and angular words on it:

“To Field Marshal Claugh Klom.

At the moment Sergeant Luke Stokkard is on a mission outside the country, and thus unable to follow your order.”

Sion raised his head and asked:

“This is?”

This time, Claugh had a serious expression.

“What"s that ‘this is’? Luke that guy is a sergeant? What is going on? I heard this long ago, you know, that guy was used by you during the revolution, and he was the one who went around with me? But now he is only a sergeant? And I’ve become a Field Marshal, and every day I’m dizzy with the paper work that I don’t want to do, but that guy is only a sergeant?”

Sion had a bitter smile at this.

“What can I do? Because that person said, he didn’t wish for his rank to be higher than Miller’s.”

“Then can’t you promote Miller-senpai? No, to be more accurate, I think that it is impossible for me to be Field Marshal! There are more people who are suited for this…”

But, this time Froaude interrupted:

“No, I think Field Marshal Claugh is most suitable.”

Claugh hearing that, seemed to frown really unhappily this time, staring straight at Froaude.

“Y-you even want to pay lip service to me… What are you planning?”

“I’m only saying what I think…”

“Liar! You’re being polite to me, you must have some sort of plan! I won"t be tricked by you! Because I don’t believe you.”

Froaude’s expression remained unchanged when he heard this.

“Is that so? Even if I am not trusted by you, I don’t care.”

“Ah, that’s enough, it’s this part of you that is so annoying. I can’t understand what you’re thinking…’

“And I think that your special trait is the ability to lead this country’s army.”

Froaude suddenly spoke, Claugh widened his eyes when he heard that.

“Ah? Trait?...”

“I mean, your unbelievably simple thought process, this point is part of your charisma, it makes the soldiers even willing to chase after you. I can’t do that. You can make this country’s army…”

Claugh interrupted him.

“Are you making fun of me?!”

“No, I’m praising you…”

“How does that sound like praise?!”

Claugh shouted.

Froaude tilted his head, as if troubled, when he heard that, after seeming to think deeply about what phrase to use…

“…Uhn, no matter how you interpret it, I think it’s fine.”

“I’ll beat you up, you…”

Sion stopped the angry Claugh at this point.

“Alright, alright, that’s enough. Really, why do you always quarrel when you meet, how unfitting.”

He smiled wryly. Claugh said with an unhappy expression:

“Is someone at odds with this guy?”

Sion hearing that, thought about it for a moment, then…

“…Uhn, I’ll not talk about this now… Oh yes, Claugh. Did you come to find me just to complain? I should ask, you complained so much, have you seriously done any work?”

At this moment, Claugh frowned, then smiled suddenly:

“……O-of course I worked hard. A-about the doc.u.ments, I’ve already asked my subordinates to help…”

But Sion interrupted him in surprise.

“In reality you must have pushed it to him, am I right? Really, I saw that you came to disturb me every day, and I thought that you were very familiar with the work…”

“How can I be familiar with it! After I entered the army, it’s been like this! I’ve always pa.s.sed the paper work to others!”

He said with an expression that said that he had forgotten about what happened earlier.

Sion seeing that.

“And you’re proud of this?”

But, Claugh suddenly changed to a serious expression.

“But, my responsibility is the dangerous mission that others don’t like to do. You should know that, right? I don’t like it that people other than me lose their lives. I hate hiding in safe places, watching people die. I am suited to be on the frontline… About this matter, I wanted to ask you… what is Luke doing now? What is the fellow who worked with you during the revolution, going around outside the country with the rank of a sergeant… What did you command Luke that person to do?”

Sion only shrugged when he heard that.

“Nothing. I gave Luke to Miller.”

He said. Actually he didn’t lie. But, he had given Miller some orders…

So Claugh asked:

“What? Is it some secret mission that even I cannot know?”

Saying that, those sharp eyes narrowed even more. It was like an eagle focusing on its prey.

“Under the current situation, allowing someone like Luke go outside the country… This means, it’s Gastark? You sent Luke to that country to spy… right?”

What a sharp observation.

Sion nearly made a sound of surprise.

Froaude had taken Claugh as a joke earlier, but… in the current situation, he wasn’t so simple. No, actually he was more clever, aware than anyone else.

After experiencing so much situations, wars, emergency situations, he had survived, becoming better after the war.

He wasn’t so simple.

Claugh mentioned Gastark. To the current Roland, that was one of the big problems.

Gastark Empire, it was in the northern part of the Menoris Continent, and it was very far away from Roland in the south.

This country was only formed recently, it was a small country that most people did not know about.

But, this small country was currently stirring up the Menoris Continent.

It had already conquered several small countries… and the large southern military country, Stohl, which had five times the power, land, army of Roland’s had been attacked by Gastark, and had been defeated.

According to the latest information, the southern countries were quickly strengthening their armies.

Of course, that was something that was happening far away from their counry…

The fires of war may not even spread to Roland…

But, the world was indeed undergoing changes.

And it was changing quickly, with the small country Gastark Empire at its centre…

At this moment, Froaude stared at Sion and said:

“I see. This cannot be taken lightly. Your Majesty has already sent spies to Gastark?”

But, Sion shook his head.

“No, Luke has not headed to Gastark. He has another mission.”

“So, that is a mission?”

But Sion shook his head.

“No. But, his actions have not gained any results. And, we do not know when we will get any results. So currently there’s no need to reveal the situation.”

Claugh hearing that, frowned…

Sion seeing that, asked:

“What? You feel hurt that I’m hiding something from you?”

“How would I feel hurt because of this?”

Claugh seemed to say angrily. Then asked:

“Didn’t I say it earlier? I hate seeing others die, but being unable to do anything. So I like the front line… But, now I’m forced to do some desk job. And Luke can carry out some top secret mission outside the country? You’re too cunning… What about me? Isn’t there some kind of top secret mission that you can give me?”

He said that… Sion laughed.

“You… are you serious? How can someone like you do something like a top secret mission?”

“Ah?! What does that mean? If you say stealth missions, I’ve done a few during the revolution…”

But Sion said with a surprised expression:

“No, I’m not referring to that… I meant, your reputation is too big, so you can’t do something like that. Crimson Finger Claugh Klom… In numerous battles, because your hands were stained red with your enemies’ blood, you’ve been given this t.i.tle… Your reputation in other countries, is so scary that people can compare it with Roland’s Mage Knights? You think someone as infamous as you can proceed with a top-secret mission?”

Claugh frowned so hard when he heard this.


He moaned. But Sion continued:

“Even if Luke had many accomplishments during the revolution, but at the moment he is only a sergeant. Compared to Luke who other countries have almost no knowledge of, who is most suited to do the top-secret mission is obvious? You only need to obediently sit on the Field Marshal throne. Your shining reputation will stir the other countries, there will be more meaning when you lead the army. Ah, I’ll let you know, that was a compliment!”

Claugh hearing that, had a contorted expression…

“…Then what about my trip to Gastark?”

“How can that be?”

Sion replied with a surprised expression.

To this Froaude said:

“But, even if the Field Marshal is not suited to going, there is a need to send someone, and someone trustworthy has to enter Gastark Empire. And it must be as soon as possible…”

Sion nodded:

“Eh, that’s right. But, what’s more important is to choose talented people. Many of the n.o.bles have died, the talented people who have been banished have started to move. If we don’t quickly get these people, this country will not have any future. Now no matter what kind of person we choose, the n.o.bles will not react… that is the effect that the purging act has.”

As Sion finished speaking, Claugh had an unhappy expression…

But, Froaude who had carried out the purging act said:

“Although that’s the case, it also has adverse effects. Firstly, due to that purging act, other country’s opinions of Your Majesty had worsened. Oppressing Estabul, killing n.o.bles, forcefully maintaining the country’s stability… The impression that Your Majesty leaves on other people is Roland’s new king’s strong attacks, it may probably even s.n.a.t.c.h other countries quickly. Furthermore, Your Majesty made use of Field Marshal Claugh’s good feelings to politely receive the Estabul princess, Noa Ehn. And successfully suppressed the Estabul n.o.bles… They may be fearful towards the strong actions that Your Majesty is taking, and there may be another uprising.”

Claugh hearing that.

“What do you mean? Talking about which, aren’t there more drawbacks? It was you who decided to kill…”

But Froaude said:

“But, even if it is risky, there is a need to cut off all sources of the power of the anti-royal n.o.bles. To let this country stand firmly again, this is unavoidable. And…”

At this moment, Sion continued:

“So as to deal with the rapidly changing world… right? Currently Roland’s power, don’t even talk about Nelpha or Runa, we don’t have the power to go against other countries. That purging act has made people felt disgusted, but, it was a necessary act, Claugh. At the moment, the n.o.bles are powerless before us. After today, the country will be changed greatly. Firstly it will be the laws that change. We will abolish the laws that favour the n.o.bles, then gather all the talented people in the country. Among those the most antic.i.p.ated are… probably the Estabul people? They are worth antic.i.p.ating than the Roland n.o.bles who suddenly began to come to gain my favour.”

Claugh nodded when he heard that.

“Eh, probably. Last time when we suppressed Estabul, I knew it when we fought… They are quite well trained. As long as we search carefully, there should be some talented people.”

“It’s like that, Claugh, after this you’ll have more work, and that is to be in charge of selecting those Estabul talents. You will immediately head to Estabul’s lands, choose the people who you think have talent.”

But Claugh said:

“No, at the moment it’s a bit hard? Currently they have been scattered by the army and settled down… If the army starts to regroup, who knows if they’ll rebel again… Their love for their country is so strong. And they are extremely loyal, the more talented the person, the more so. I don’t think by raising these people to Roland’s high ranks, can allow them to be suitable for the role. If there is a mistake, it may even cause Roland to collapse from the inside…”

But Sion stared at Claugh.

“So I wanted to ask you. I want to ask you who gained the support of the previous princess of Estabul who was supported by the Estabul people, who has strong ties with Noa Ehn.”

In a moment, all expressions disappeared from Claugh’s face.

“……You want me to make use of Noa?”

“You don’t want to?”

“That doesn’t have to be said!”

Claugh glared at Sion as he shouted:

“…You should know it too?! Even if you don’t use her, she is already suffering. Because she didn’t know the plans of that companion, she caused her comrades to be killed, but to save the people, she was willing to be sacrificed… She came to Roland, knowing that she would be labelled as a traitor? And, she is not even seventeen years old. She’s always smiling, as if she doesn’t care, but in truth… She’s still a young lady. Coming to the enemy’s fortress alone… How could she be happy?

And, the Estabul people and n.o.bles piled their hopes of reviving the country on her. So the two countries can enjoy the current peace. The reason why Estabul is not acting is because Noa is in this castle. But now you’re planning to…”

Claugh’s eyes were flaming with anger.

Anger and disappointment.

Even so, Sion still looked at him steadily in the eye, nodding:

“That’s right. What I’m planning to do, is to make her shoulder more unsavoury things of being a traitor. I want to use Ehn-sama’s recommendation to select talented people from the Estabul army. The Estabul army that has already been disbanded, so that they don’t exist to revive Estabul, will be integrated into the Roland army. And under Ehn-sama’s directing… This means, in truth, reviving Estabul will be impossible. Ehn-sama may be accused of selling her country to Roland. But, so what? Unless you’re saying we release the Estabul soldiers, reviving their country, just to improve Ehn-sama’s reputation?”

“No, that…”

But, Sion interrupted him.

“Claugh, this isn’t a game. As long as I am king, Estabul cannot be revived. I can predict that. As long as I am king of this country, I will definitely not allow Estabul to revive. But, in order to rope in Estabul, I have to get her cooperation no matter what…”

At this moment, he moved his eyes away from Claugh, looking behind Claugh.

Looking at the person who had appeared behind Claugh…

Then Sion raised his voice slightly.

“No, if I say cooperate, it’s too light… Let me change that! I want to quickly use Estabul’s power. But, the reason why I’m doing that is to reduce the people who are sacrificed, even if it’s only by one. To reduce the sacrificed Roland citizens, even if it is only by one…”

At that point, a clear and gentle woman’s voice spoke from the hall’s entrance:

“Does the Roland citizens that Your Majesty speak of, include us Estabul people?”

Claugh hearing that, turned back in surprised. And he saw…

A beautiful girl who had deep blue hair that was rarely seen in Roland.

She had a pair of steady blue eyes, and gentle features. Her eyes emanated elegance and intelligence, showing a strength that a seventeen year old should not have.

She was the character that Sion and the others were talking about—the previous Estabul princess, Noa Ehn.

In the last rebellion of Estabul, she had been pained by the n.o.bles lack of control to take people as hostages…

She was seen as the hero who had saved the people, by defeating the n.o.bles by herself, going through the negotiations for surrender and successfully minimising the losses.

She was a talented woman who had become a n.o.ble of Roland was welcomed to Roland…

On the surface, that was what happened…

Of course, reality was different.

She had protected the hostages from further harm from Froaude’s plans for Estabul, knowing that she would be accused by many people, but to protect the citizens, she became a n.o.ble of Roland.

And because of that, her current expression was extremely serious.

She stared at Sion firmly.

“Please answer me, Your Majesty. Does the Roland citizens that Your Majesty wish to protect, also extend to the people of Estabul?”

Sion nodded forcefully, answering:

“Of course, Ehn-sama. Since I said Estabul would not revive, that means that Estabul would not be my enemy. You are my extremely valuable people.”

But, Noa’s eyes continued to remain fixated on Sion. As she walked nearer to him, she said:

“You want me to believe that? You have not only used Estabul people, but even Roland’s citizens as your hostages…”

At this moment, Froaude interrupted:

“No, that was my own…”

But, Sion cut him off.

“Enough, Froaude. She is right. Even if it was something you decided on, the things that Roland has done to Estabul, are things that I as the king of Roland should be responsible for.

“But, if possible, I wish for you to believe in my sincerity. Believe in my feelings that I wish to protect the Estabul people… Trust me that I will not allow for any more fighting between our two countries. Even if you do not believe it, there has been too many sacrifices. The long war has made us lose all resemblance of normalcy.”

Saying that, Sion closed his eyes as if remembering the past. Then said:

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