Chapter 1084

But here, she found everything she wanted, her life-long happiness. She thought it was a lifetime, a gift from heaven.

But, mirror flower water moon, broken so fast.

Happiness, upside down or an empty, an empty dream soul.

Clenching his fist tightly, Ryukyu stifles the crystal in his eyes. It"s just the blood on the corner of his mouth that makes people sad.

She will only cry in front of xuanyuanche, only.

Looking at Ryukyu"s stubbornness and patience, empress Xiao"s eyes were red.

Gently stroking Ryukyu"s cheek, empress Xiao didn"t persuade or comfort her. She didn"t let Ryukyu cry.

Because she knows that feeling, that feeling of losing the one she loves the most, she knows, she knows.

She"s been through it.

"Keep your chest straight. What do you want to do? I"m absolutely behind you." Fingertip touched Ryukyu"s cheek, empress Xiao said one by one: "h.e.l.l Island, this life does not destroy him, we swear not to be human."

Definitely, with how much hate, with how many injuries.

Ouyang Yufei, who is also in armor, leans against the window and looks at the blue cloud. His silent sigh slowly winds.

The dust is flying and the heart is broken.

Sky blue as curtain, but sad blue.

In this sad blue, the banners were waved, and the four hundred thousand soldiers and horses of the northern herdsmen were ready. Led by the Regent Ryukyu, the strange soldiers raided the boundless lake.

The Regent led the army and empress Xiao returned to sit in the king"s court.

Unconditionally support everything of the Regent Ryukyu.

The clouds rolling in the sky, accompanied by the wind transform out countless figures, covering the earth.

After the beginning of the four wars in the Central Plains.

The gra.s.sland has also opened up all-round attack and defense.

The fire of war is all over the world.

The world is in chaos.

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