Chapter 1110

Welcome to hear that it is Du Yi"s flying pigeon that delivers the book. The moon at Ryukyu vibrates for a moment. Then quickly recovered into a calm wave, silently extended his hand, from Han Fei"s hand took Du Yi"s pigeon to deliver the book.

Ouyang Yu Fei on the ground frowned slightly and sat up.

There is only one content in Du Yi"s letter, which is about xuanyuanche.

Take a closer look.

The content is what she cares about most, and what she dares not to think about most.

The handwriting is simple and the meaning is clear.

Emperor Tianchen agreed to Ryukyu"s request. He was very straightforward and direct. He didn"t even hesitate at all. It was crisp and neat.

It"s as if this requirement is not common.

It is not a precedent that has never been set in any dynasty in history.

Eyebrows slightly lowered a little, Ryukyu put up Du Yi"s pigeon to deliver a book.

This is supposed to be a very small thing.

Turning around, Ryukyu did not look at Ouyang Yufei and Hanfei. He walked far away.

Ouyang Yu Fei sits on the ground and looks at the far away moon. He doesn"t know what else to say or do.

Only sighs, except sighs, are sighs.

Han Fei on the side saw this, and the second monk Zhang could not touch his head.

What happened to these two people?

The night wind is slightly blowing. It"s rare to bring a little cool air.

Month, more and more round.

At the end of the letter, Du Yi has finished the work and started to return.

As for xuanyuanyi"s words, Du Yi thought that there was no point, so he didn"t mention them.

"Co burial, OK, no problem.

But, Du Yi, you know, the king"s mausoleum is not an ordinary one, which requires a lot of time and manpower to build.

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