Chapter 1249

Kuzamu is calm and firm, but his eyes are wavering.

It"s a great opportunity. They don"t need to pretend to be defeated now. They don"t need to work out how to calculate. They just need to wave the army and take it.

And this inexplicable retreat is

"The general has forgotten to kill ten thousand enemies and lose eight thousand of himself. What"s more, the two hundred thousand who have gone crazy are in front of him."

Just when Li Kuo and Ku Zamu were struggling with each other and never retreating, the herald nearby suddenly made a faint remark.

When kuzamu and Li Kuo heard this, their eyebrows suddenly turned.

They thought about it, but there can be no casualties in the battlefield.

"And you forgot the manager."

If it is colder, it is like a rush to the top, which instantly awakens the hustle and bustle of thinking in the battlefield.

Yes, they forgot Ryukyu.

I forget that I haven"t received any news these days. I don"t know where I went to Ryukyu.

Their regent, this time with ten thousand wolves.

"But there is no news these two days. The wolves may Maybe it"s gone or it"s gone. " Li Kuo muttered.

For the Regent Ryukyu, who had no idea where to run, he felt more secure.

"The absence of information does not mean that she does not exist."

Cold voice, mixed with no doubt about the trust.

At one glance, kuzamu and Li Kuo raised their eyebrows at the same time. Yes, no news, it doesn"t mean that the Regent is not here.

She certainly has a good move after that. At present, both of them wave together: "back."

In the breeze, kuzamu"s left wing retreated far away at an absolutely rapid speed.

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