Chapter 1287

Smelling the pungent oil at the tip of nose, Ryukyu"s eyes rotate rapidly.

I thought it was an oil field, but I didn"t think so much.

Now that it"s settled, she can carry out her idea.

Oil fields are not just for burning.

There was a sharp smile in the dark eyes, which was very exciting.

At last, she found a killing weapon against the island of Hades.

It"s just that she"s not excited and happy.

Unfortunately, the night is full of color and nothing can be seen. The excited expression of Ryukyu doesn"t fall into any eyes.

"Ouyang Yufei, send troops to guard here, no one is allowed to enter. As for its function, you will know later.

Now, follow me back to Shengjing. "

A pun, both reply to Ouyang Yufei also reply to xuanyuanche.

When the voice falls, Ryukyu turns around and walks away. He quickly moves towards the outside of the oil field without stopping for a moment.

Ouyang Yufei and xuanyuanche listen, two words do not follow the Ryukyu go out.

Ryukyu really knows more than them in some aspects. It"s no harm to listen to her, though they are full of doubts.

The night is hazy, and the fingers of darkness can"t be seen. It belongs to the last darkness before dawn.

Come and go in a hurry.

At dawn, Ryukyu and his party returned to Shengjing.

Without taking part in the collection and occupation of kuzamu, Ryukyu went directly to the best blacksmith in Shengjing.

Ouyang Yufei and Xuanyuan see this closely.

When the Xiongnu changed dynasties, what business did the blacksmith shop have? They closed their doors and closed their houses, but it was exactly what ryukyue wanted.

"Master Huamu, I need to make something."

Directly from the closed wall yard jump in, Ryukyu face a strong, at this time looking at her stunned blacksmith way.

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