Chapter 1342

By this time, it had already disappeared.

Pale as a ghost, his feet almost hit the sieve.

No way, no way. Why did Murong Ryukyu beat his city?

How can it be so fast?

He promised that the nine saints of Hades would keep it for ten days.

This This I didn"t hold on to this day

What kind of firepower is this?

What power is this? G.o.d How can he account for it.

Chen Fei"s face is totally distorted and can"t be seen.

"Lord, wait for me..."

"Lord, help me, Lord..."

Yongcheng high-ranking official who followed Chen to run out after flying, where there was the foot distance of Xichang people, was immediately left behind.

Trampled down by the crazy crowd.

This time of escape.

No one will care whether you are a senior official or not, and whether you should be allowed to pa.s.s first.

This is a time of true equality.

His face was pale. Chen Feili ignored those senior officials and rushed out with the owner of the West factory.

Half of the sky was rocked by gunfire.

The chaotic crowd didn"t look carefully. The fierce explosion didn"t explode with the crowd. It only exploded towards the stone platform of the commanding height.

Deterrence does not hurt.

Standing on the horse"s back, which had been blocked for a long time, Ryukyu looked at everything in front of him.

What she wanted was siege, not slaughter.

Move your two fingers forward.

The siege ladder and siege vehicle behind us are ready.

Under the gesture of Ryukyu, he dodged the silver flying and rushed towards the tightly closed gate.

The huge wood that almost three people can hold together.

With a bang, the siege vehicle hit the solid gate.

The gate trembled and almost broke.

It can be seen that there were no soldiers who should have sworn to defend behind the gate.

There was no resistance to the high siege ladder.

One by one, the walls of the city.

The iron and black soldiers rushed up the stairs immediately.

It"s black.

It"s like the countless ants, building bridges and attacking cities and lands from all sides.

Seeing that the scene has been completely controlled by his side, Ouyang Yufei makes a gesture.

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