Chapter 1369

It"s not big. It looks like a random wave.

But in such a sun.

Dugu ye and Ryukyu could see clearly.

The soldier waved at them, revealing his palm and holding a black object inside.

And that thing, Ryukyu and xuanyuanche are familiar with can not be familiar with.

One of the most vicious weapons on the weapon spectrum.

Cattle hair tarsal needle.

The range is not far. One thousand sticks can be used to harden extremely poisonous.

The silver gleamed like the silver that had fallen from the sky.

Mottled little, flying from the silk, covering the whole world in an instant.

"Not good."

"No, you"re leaving."

At the same time, Dugu ye and Ryu Yue moved.

Dugu Ye"s body was in a flash. Instead of retreating, he jumped forward.

Silver white figure of the whole towards the front of the Ryukyu rushed over to block in front of the Ryukyu body.

The whole action is extremely fast.

No hesitation, no hesitation.

Even he didn"t think about it at all.

Just, just do it, and naturally the body itself gives orders.

Even, it"s too late to inform the terminal nervous system.


"No, your royal highness..."

A few of the nearest guards saw the silver one at a glance, but the pointy one had countless black needles.

In an instant, his heart and his face changed dramatically.

Howling wildly, he rushed to Dugu Ye.

But they are too far away, too far away.

Although they are not far apart in fact, but for the tarsal Niumao needle, the distance of two steps, even Dugu ye and other experts, can"t hide.

Silver, silver.

Across the eyes, across the line of sight, almost shaking her eyes.

There is a dull pain in the heart, spreading from the bottom of the heart.

This man, this man

Why treat her so? Why not?

Dugu ye, you are

Put out the figure in the air slightly a coagulation, Ryukyu several can not hear a sigh.

Suddenly, he grabbed Dugu Ye"s arm, which pa.s.sed her, and yanked it hard.

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