Chapter 1382

Without saying any more, at the command of Tu Sheng, he turned around and ran to the East.

And behind him, a small number of people stood up and stumbled up.

Behind them, there are countless moans of despair.

When marching and fighting, we can take care of the wounded when we win.

Failure, escape, wounded, it"s just a burden.

What"s more, they need speed, speed now.

It"s not that I don"t want to take them away, but that I can"t.

Before the change of the Chinese army, the water Saint arrived and quickly moved towards the East.

However, for a while and a half, Dugu Ye"s soldiers and horses were approaching.

Later, they were stopped by Dugu ye and cut off one tail of Houjin and the United Army of Ming island.

The sound of fighting came from afar in the night, and the sound was over the plain.

However, in the sound of fighting, the speed of the Chinese Army running forward is faster and faster.

The front and rear armies are cavalry, only the Chinese are infantry.

There is no horse, only two legs, spread their legs on the plain.

That"s a lot slower than a horse, but it"s more than two or three times faster than the usual March.

Night, more and more dark, deep.

The bright stars shine on the earth.

What kind of l.u.s.ter and charm is that.

Fast running, heaven and earth as if there is only one piece of black pressure on the ground.

The speed is very fast. It"s going in the direction of the snow Kingdom border.

Although we have just changed our orientation, we have not changed our overall orientation.

Moreover, the luck is quite good.

In the dark, there are some villages and towns in front of us.

Plug in from Aoyun"s domestic route.

If you enter the town, you will have a chance to take a breath at once. You will have a chance to slightly restrain Dugu ye and the Allied forces of Ryukyu.

The leader of the water saint, cold face also slightly flashed a smile.

However, the smile had not spread to all sides of his face, and Shuisheng"s smile solidified.


In the silent night, the faint direction of the wall.

All of a sudden, a flash of fire, this dark plain, shining on the delicate finish.

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