Chapter 1498

That"s a worm.

Xuanyuanche ponders, Ouyang Yufei and Yunzhao are so stiff.

But yeruhong was in a hurry. He went down with a chopstick, and it was like eating peas.

"Delicious, delicious." For a moment, yeluhong almost bent his eyes with a smile.

When Ryukyu saw it, he couldn"t help laughing and said slowly, "eat more if you like it."

One side said, while lifting his eyes swept the brilliant smile on the table, but it was xuanyuanche who just didn"t do anything and raised his eyebrows.

On the other side, yeruhong, who was chewing on the chrysalis, looked at several people with contempt.

The eyes showed clearly, coward.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Ouyang Yu Fei waved his fan and smiled at the moon.

He reached into the chopsticks with dignity, picked up the insect pupa and put it into his mouth. He could not taste it, and swallowed it.

"What kind of material is this?" he said with a smile? It"s delicious. "

"Chrysalis." When Ryukyu saw it, he did not hide it. He said directly.

"Chrysalis, never heard of it."

With a generous gesture, Yunzhao throws a so-called silkworm chrysalis into his mouth.

He chewed all over the place and swallowed it with his eyes open.

Meanwhile, the protesters glared back at yeruhong.

"Chrysalis? Is it the weaver? "

Compared with Ouyang Yufei and Yunzhao"s righteousness and generosity, we have to say that xuanyuanche"s way is profound, his face does not change color, and his heart does not jump.

Pick up the silkworm chrysalis, and ask one, two, three.

"It"s not weaving, it"s spinning." Ryukyu corrected xuanyuanche"s theory.

This chrysalis is the young form of silkworm. It has been on the dining table for a long time in modern times. It tastes good. She ate it in that year.

Today, she just mentioned.

Murong Wudi and others don"t know what it is.

However, the servants of Murong Wudi"s mansion naturally have farmers, mulberry gatherers and weavers.

These people immediately found this thing.

Listen to this thing and spin silk.

Ouyang Yufei and Yunzhao suddenly have a feeling.

My heart began to be entangled in that silk.

GA bang, GA bang, xuanyuanche in Ouyang Yufei and Yunzhao eyes, eat as if dead.

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