Chapter 1566

It"s human nature to run for life.

Ming island warship"s Hou Juntian, the Chinese Army listened, but the nearest vanguard by the fire heard it, heard it there.

Or desperate back desperately crazy retreat.

So, on the orange sea.

I saw the battleship of the Ming island forward, one by one, colliding with the Chinese army who retreated in a proper way.

Shipwreck and death.

Completely kill each other.

Fire flies, sea dragon comes out.

Such a scene different from anyone"s imagination shocked the terracotta warriors and horses of Tianchen.

It seems that it also shocked the sword from the water.

That"s when the h.e.l.l Island ships attacked.

The surging waves under the sea toward the main battle ship of Tianchen.

It seems to have been shocked by the spectacle.

Unexpectedly, there was no movement at all.

It"s like total silence.

Calm, the whole sea up and down, at this time are filled with a calm.

An absolute calm in a panic.

Sunset, Orange world streamer flying, the United States like a dream.

The bright clouds are flying in the sky.

The dusk through the red cloud reflected the Red Sea.

This is a spectacle between heaven and earth.

Standing in the bow, xuanyuanche and Liuyue stand quietly.

The sea breeze blows their black hair, their skirts, and their indifference to the world.

Crude oil can burn on the sea.

But it will burn out.

When the black crude oil quickly turns into thick smoke in the red fire, flying above nine days.

It"s disappearing fast.

The fire dragon soars, the world is full of Yang.

Such wonders and deterrence can be achieved by people.

But we can"t go against the sky.

Fire light in the waves of the sea, slowly dim down.

Crude oil, burning out.

The dragon, with its teeth and claws, began to slow down.

Looking at the fire dragon is not more and more vigorous, more and more aggressive.

On the contrary, it"s fading and disappearing.

The fl.u.s.tered battle ship of h.e.l.l island has no worries.

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