Chapter 1698

Ouyang is determined to fly back.

Lian Fei listens to the murderous air on his face and starts to storm. He looks at Ouyang Yufei again and says.

"But so many children, where did they come from?"

Ouyang Yufei shrugs at his words, trying to say that he knows.

A warm voice suddenly sounded nearby: "even the patriarch, there are many children who have been admitted and confirmed dead in the temple these years."

When the people in the hall heard it, they immediately looked at the voice.

Only to see the corner of the hall, a person slowly stood up, it was Ouyang.

However, people are not surprised that Ouyang came out of the world here, and even his family has been greatly involved with him.

Lian Fei listens to, eyebrow fast wrinkly two wrinkly, look at Ouyang to come out of the dust way: "you mean?"

Ouyang came slowly out of the dust, frowning and murmuring: "this little brother doesn"t mention it. He doesn"t think so.

I come to think of one thing, gentlemen, who has a new baby born in these years, and the people of the temple are not there? "

As soon as the words came out, people in the hall shook their heads.

His face became more and more ugly, and his vest was cold.

Everyone felt that the next words would make their hair stand on end.

Seeing this, Ouyang nodded, his face heavy: "no, as long as there is a child to be born, the temple is absolutely nearby.

So, your children, the first sight is the temple people see, or you? "

As soon as I ask, I can hear the sound of breathing more quietly in the hall.

"It"s the temple."

In this silence, even the flying body began to be unsteady.

Ouyang raised his head and looked up at lianfei. Then he said, "yes, the temple.

When a child is born, the first one to take over is the temple, not the parents.

The people of the temple decide whether they are qualified to enter the temple.

Or mediocre qualifications, can only enter ordinary schools.

Even Stillborn. "

There is no wind without waves.

Originally, the lake was deep, and the wind and waves could not lift its bottom.

So, everyone thinks it"s pure and clean.

However, when a stone fell, the surging waves found a trace of turbidity.

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