Chapter 1702

At present, the corners of the mouth are high, but the bitter smile is unknown.

Ouyang came out of the world and saw Ouyang Yufei. He said, "what about children?"

Yunzhao, who hasn"t heard from the opera all the time, was surprised to hear Ouyang"s question. He was a careful man.

"Follow me."

On the other hand, Ouyang Yufei is not surprised that Ouyang is out of the world and guesses right. He laughs and walks out of the hall first.

Yunzhao and Ouyang immediately follow.

On the other side, Ouyang Yufei is fighting against the people in the temple.

On the hillside outside the dark city gate, five people in the temple who were poisoned were kicked by the fence.

Chao Ryukyu said, "it"s solved. They are not poisoned."

It"s like saying that the cabbage is not delicious. It"s called weightlifting.

Ryukyu holds the baby s.n.a.t.c.hed from the hands of five Temple people. Hearing this, he cannot help laughing and shaking his head.

She"s arrogant enough. She doesn"t want the real arrogant guy here.

At one stroke, the five Temple people didn"t even fight back, and they fell down directly. As a result, they were criticized by the fence.

"Little doll."

Ignoring the fence, Lingyu stood beside Ryukyu curiously, looking at the crumpled baby.

Ryukyu embraces the baby and says to xuanyuanche, "what do these people want to do in the h.e.l.l island?"

When they came in the evening, they happened to meet the five people in the temple who were going to strangle the baby. Ouyang Yu Fei saw this, and he put in a foot.

After grabbing the child, swaddling clothes stained with some temple blood were taken away.

They came to pick up the five.

But she didn"t understand why the temple wanted to kill these babies.

Xuanyuanche saw Liuyue and shook his head. He knew there.

"He has a problem."

When xuanyuanche shakes his head, the fence that comes by suddenly speaks.

Ryukyu is stunned and looks at the crying baby. Is that ok?

I saw that this point pointed to the baby"s calf, and Ryukyu and xuanyuanche looked along his fingers.

In the moonlight, Ryukyu can see the baby"s calves carefully, but his face changes slightly. This

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