Chapter 1708

Then don"t protect him too much. Xuanyuanche is never a very kind person.

A child"s heart is the most sensitive.

Although he is actually not young, he is 15 or 16 years old. In fact, his mind is not open at all.

At this time, the sensitive heart instantly understood xuanyuanche"s idea.

Can"t help staring at xuanyuanche full of danger.

Then he pulled Ryukyu"s skirt and said, "sister Yueyue, I don"t like him. Follow me and I will protect your safety.

Hum, if I don"t know how to use lightness skill, I don"t believe that it"s hard to live here. "

Xuanyuanche didn"t wait for Ryukyu to speak when he heard the words. His eyes would speak in a moment.

"That"s a good idea, so do it." I didn"t think he was fast. Ouyang Yu Fei was faster beside me, so I s.n.a.t.c.hed a word directly.

"I think it"s good too, so it"s settled. Brother, you follow the fence slowly, and we"ll give you a way ahead."

Yunzhao said, and immediately grasped xuanyuanche"s arm.

This is the best strategy here.

Ryukyu follows the fence, not to mention the snake king.

And Xuan Yuan Che Teng hands, speed immediately up.

Ryukyu is also an expert in a.n.a.lyzing the situation. When hearing the words of Ouyang Yufei and Yunzhao, he also received the eyes they gave her.

Now he laughs and grabs before xuanyuanche speaks.

Raise eyebrow to look at Xuan Yuan Che way: "still need me to repeat?"

"Month." Xuanyuanche understood the meaning of Ryukyu, when he frowned directly.

"Go ahead and don"t waste time."

Without waiting for xuanyuanche to go on, Ryukyu pushed xuanyuanche directly.

Today is the seventh day. They don"t have much time.

Ouyang Yufei and Yunzhao listen to Ryukyu.

Suddenly, he grabbed xuanyuanche directly on one side, but could not let xuanyuanche resist the leap, and then shot towards the front like a flash.

No trace in the snow.

"Stupid, stupid."

Watching Ouyang Yufei and other three people go far, Lingyu shakes his head while eating sugar gourd and looks at the moon and the fence, then flies away.

All of a sudden, there was only a black moon and fence on the snow.

"Hum, dare say I"m stupid. Next time I see you, I will poison you."

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