Chapter 1734

At the other end of the island, Shua turned his head. Ouyang Yu Fei stopped and looked back.

"What?" When Ryukyu saw this, he stopped and watched Ouyang Yufei.

Ouyang Yu Fei"s side of the head disturbed his ears: "nothing, the ears are ringing."

Why did he just hear the screams of sadness and anger from countless people.

Looking at Ryukyu and so on, it seems that he has heard it wrong.

"It"s about two Li ahead. That"s the third level. Be careful."

Ningdun for a while, Ouyang Yufei turns around and continues to walk quickly.

Xuanyuanche and so on nodded, didn"t say much, followed directly.

Along the way, Ouyang Yufei and Lingyu fence have talked about the situation of the third pa.s.s.

The third level is different from the previous two levels. It is set around the whole Ming island, like two circles.

There is only one point in the third level.

All the roads on the island of Hades will only converge into one point.

This is the third level, where thousands of families come together.

Only after that can he enter the Bijing palace.

In these 20 Li fields, Ouyang Yu Fei has copied the path.

Here, already belongs to the center of the island of Hades.

According to the division of n.o.bles and civilians on the island of Hades.

These 20 Li lands are the residence of Naran, the king of Ming island, three families, Ouyang, Yinjia and Lianjia, the four top families.

Everywhere is full of n.o.ble spirit, but not as lively as the second level.

The flowers are like brocade. The closer to the third pa.s.s, the more beautiful the flowers along the road.

All kinds of masterpieces are displayed here.

Take out one at will and flow into the Central Plains Tianchen, which can be bought at a high price.

Here, it is calculated by groups.

"Bang." A handful of yellow sand sprinkled down the fence, the flowers blooming on both sides of the road immediately withered, and the fragrance in the air immediately faded.

"Flower array in front of me, cut."

Another one, the flowers followed the withering, all the way to the end of the road.

"It"s really beyond your control to show the devil flower in front of poison Zun, but you"d better leave some for me. I"m hard-working."

In the scorn of the fence, a flat voice sounded from the end of the road ahead.

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