Chapter 1748

Two small smile all over here, that box sound Zun"s face is already iron green.

Move your arms, and press the jade flute with your fingers.

He didn"t want to talk to them anymore. He wanted to see the real chapter.

Look at the sound Zun has been angry, Capricorn eyes of the smile side arrived at the bottom of the eye.

With a wave of his hand, Chao Ryukyu and others made a gesture of retreat.

One side gently shook the zhenhunshen cup in his hand.

Chao yinzun said: "who I am is not important to you, the only important thing is that I am the master of this zhenhunshen cup."

As soon as this word falls, the tone respects eyebrow to frown.

"Even though I bet I lost the little thing to them, it"s a bit unwillingness.

However, those four are also my apprentices.

I"m in a bad mood to be a master when my apprentice is beaten. "

Capricorn said this, fingers suddenly in zhenhunshen cup gently hit a few times.

An invisible blade of wind suddenly flew out and shot towards the voice.

It"s like lightning.

Compared with Ryukyu"s attack, it"s not a paragraph high.

When Yin Zun saw the wind, he immediately leaned away from him.

In an instant, I only heard the sound of a small

A cloud of dust was flying. The white jade steps that yinzun had just stood on were cut into several traces by Shengsheng and went deep into the stone heart.

Yinzun"s face suddenly changed.

Put away any color of indifference and anger, and turn it into complete seriousness.

On the other side, watching the sign of Capricorn start to retreat, Ryukyu and others.

Hearing that Capricorn is actually boasting that it"s their master, Qi Qi"s eyes turn white.

It"s just that they have been taught the fingering of zhenhunshen cup for two days, and they dare to be their master before they have been taught well.

But at the same time of disdain.

Looking at Capricorn only a few fingertips move, the power has no idea how much greater than them.

Ouyang Yufei and other smart people didn"t give any refutation.

Back off, let their temporary master Capricorn to deal with.

"Master of zhenhunshen cup, well, then I will teach you where to get better than your apprentice."

A cold voice sounded.

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