Chapter 1761

At the same time, Ouyang Yufei"s voice came to his ear: "I"ll come."

Ryukyu is not happy but worried.

The body is pulled directly behind him by Ouyang Yufei.

With Ouyang Yufei"s partic.i.p.ation, the power of the silver sword screen increased rapidly.

Xuanyuanche, Ouyang Yufei, Yunzhao, Capricorn, four people together, that"s almost twice as powerful as before.

There is no gap in the sword curtain, almost stubborn as an iron bucket.

Seeing this, I knew that it was useless to be careful of Ouyang Yufei at this time. My eyes swept the surrounding situation quickly.

His eyes narrowed abruptly. He put away the dagger in his hand, and the silkworms shot towards the white circle.

"Bang." There was a light noise in the air.

The sky silkworm silk shuashes to wrap the rocket which shoots, the Ryukyu hand falls, the sky silkworm silk turns around in the air, the rocket which is wrapped by it, pours out.

He shot back at the silver guards.

The silver guards saw that xuanyuanche and others had only defensive power, but they did not think that the situation suddenly changed, and Ryukyu turned from defense to attack.

One of them did not notice. He was. .h.i.t by the rocket falling from Ryukyu.

Only to hear a scream, a silver guard banged down.

I didn"t get up.

"Good." When Lingyu saw this, he put out the fire, picked up the rocket that fell at the feet of xuanyuanche and others, and handed it to Ryukyu.

Ryukyu never refuses to come. The silk in his hand is like a dragon.

Roaring out, flying freely in the sky.

The sharp poison arrow reflects towards the silver guards.

After being suppressed for such a long time, all of them were cla.s.sified as attacks. Ryukyu was as powerful as a tiger going down the mountain.

In an instant, the situation immediately reversed.

Xuanyuanche and other four are responsible for defense, while Ryukyu is responsible for attack.

While Lingyu is responsible for transporting materials, the fence should pay attention to poison injury.

A line of seven people, with seamless, invincible.

On the contrary, the silver guards were completely disorganized by the poisonous arrows of the moon G.o.d.

In a moment, he was shot several times by Ryukyu.

In the war, the balance was immediately tilted.

Tonight, King Zun of Ming island is afraid that he can"t wipe out Ouyang Yufei and other people.

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