Chapter 1794

It"s the face of their own child like love and helplessness, as well as joy.

The long silver family who has been standing on the high platform.

At this time, I also slowly walked down the platform and squatted beside Ouyang Yufei.

Reach out for a few fingers and light the acupoints of Ouyang Yufei"s tendons to stop the real Qi of chaos.

At the same time, he raised Ouyang Yufei and let him lean on the arm of emperor Zun of Ming island.

Ten fingers in Ouyang Yu Fei"s fracture fracture, make a strong one.

Suddenly, just listen to the sound of clicking, Ouyang Yufei"s motionless joint immediately closed up.

When the emperor of h.e.l.l Island started, he had discretion.

It seems that it"s just dislocated, which is far less serious than bone fracture.

Ouyang Yufei leaned on the arm of the emperor of Ming island, and felt that the internal power of the emperor of Ming island swam into his whole body, and the pain in his body went into the bone marrow, which immediately improved a lot.

Can"t help but look up to the bitter face of the king of Ming island, reach out and grasp the hand of the king of Ming island, shake his head and say: "can"t be not clever.

Otherwise, I will see my master die in front of me. "

Ouyang falls with a sound of flying, and the left and right Dharma protectors can no longer be stable.

"What do you mean?" the right Dharma protector said in a low voice? w.a.n.g Zun, you...... "

The following words are not exported, but it means that everyone can hear them clearly.

The king of Hades didn"t answer the shock of the right Dharma protector.

Just a deep look at Ouyang Yufei.

There was a glimmer of joy in his eyes.

But more of it is the grief and shame that has been borne for too long.

"Tell me, Ouyang Yufei, why? What is this for? Why do you say that? You tell me. "

See w.a.n.g Zun don"t say no, left Dharma protector leap down.

Squatting beside Ouyang Yufei one step, he shouted loudly.

Looking at the pain in the eyes of the Ming island King Zun, Ouyang Yufei didn"t look back at the left Dharma protector. He said sadly: "you have been with the master for so many years.

Don"t you understand?

Thousands of years of inheritance, the continuity of blood, the future of Ming island, the life and death of so many people, and the disaster of the temple

Everything was too heavy for the man to breathe.

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