Chapter 1799

As a result, such a decision was made.

The two couldn"t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And the silver family standing a little behind them is long, the look on their face is not loose, just a silent sigh.

His back to his left and right Dharma guards did not see.

But the Ryukyu moon, which is facing him, is in the eye.

Not from the eyebrow color slightly fluctuation.

It seems that Ouyang Yufei has something to hide.

"If not, I will say that our king can"t do such a thing." Left Dharma protector moves over, let go of Qi.

The right Dharma protector on the other side nodded at the same time: "although he is responsible, he will never die. w.a.n.g Zun will not blame himself too much."

Say, also slowly back, back to the place where he should stand.

The king of Ming island listened to the two people"s words and opened his mouth slightly.

But before saying anything, Ouyang Yufei s.n.a.t.c.hed at him and said, "master, don"t make any refutation.

I know that the decision made by the master will not be changed easily.

Then, I will tell you my decision here.

As long as the master is determined to walk alone, the disciple will not hesitate to follow the master to bury in the h.e.l.l island. "

"You dare."

Before Ouyang Yufei had finished speaking, the king of Ming island raised his eyebrows, and the whole man became angry.

h.e.l.l island is his life, his root.

He has been guarding it for so many years and devoted his whole life to it.

It is the inheritance of their three families, Nalan and Ouyang, for thousands of years.

He Ouyang Yufei actually dares to destroy it. Don"t say whether it"s really destroyed or not. It"s just that he can"t even talk about it.

Looking at the Ming island King Zun, he became angry.

Ouyang Yufei held his head high and continued: "I dare not. You can try.

Now the situation on the island of Hades is there.

is not your has the final say, even if we say no war, no war, win win situation.

It"s all up to me. We"ll take care of it.

I"m going to give the island a life, so it has.

If I don"t, he has nothing.

I have feelings for Hades, but they don"t. "

Speaking of this, Ouyang Yufei points to Ryukyu and others.

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