Chapter 1857

She understood. She suddenly understood.

Why did her parents and their clan leaders fly so fast that the king of Hades would order her to come back and marry.

Even if it"s that unscrupulous.

Because the descendants of the island have become fewer and fewer, fewer and fewer healthy children.

The family"s hope can only be extended to these healthy people.

They are not burdened with their own love, hate, joy and anger.

But a family, a continuation of the island.

So, so cruel, so inhuman.

Just return not to return to her, and produce so big anger.

Even light slowly covered his face with his hand.

All hatred for the island of Hades vanished at this moment.

I don"t know why I can"t hate it anymore.

There"s only sobs left. There"s only sobs left.

"What is the genetic problem? Please make it clear, apprentice. "

Compared with the light mood fluctuation, Capricorn is more concerned about what Ryukyu said just now.

Heredity, what is that?

Ryukyu looks at the chaos and collapse of the island of Hades and shakes his head gently.

"If you can"t get married with close relatives, you will have problems with the children you give birth to."

Ryukyu, who has always been cold-hearted, can"t help but be sad by the scene in front of her, so she can"t care about Capricorn"s Apprentice.

"h.e.l.l Island pursues purity and level of blood.

However, such purity will bring problems.

In order to be pure in blood, it is necessary for people to marry each other.

If the level is strict, then it is also destined that the so-called three families will only choose the right person to marry.

It has been basically this way for thousands of years.

At the beginning, the ethnic group that may be chosen is relatively large, and there will be no such problem after marriage.

But later on, the main island is basically all close relatives. Whoever you choose may be one of your three close relatives.

So the superposition of consanguinity is repeated.

In the end, we can"t clean up the situation today, alas. "

After saying so many things in one breath, Ryukyu only sighed deeply at the end.

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