Chapter 1887

"Uncle Ouyang said that if you want to defeat the father and the emperor who can win every time after robbing our mother, you must know yourself and your enemy and fight each other fundamentally."

The little guy on the right clenched his fist and aimed at xuanyuanche with sincerity.

Say, two small do not look at each other, at the same time heavy a nod.

"We now know why the father and the emperor can win the mother every time. It turns out that"s the way it is."

Clear and crisp children"s voice falls.

Two small points extend their heads at the same time, two opposite.


A loud kiss, two small quite not avoid suspicion in front of Ryukyu and xuanyuanche, carried out a hot kiss.

The bustling palace fell into silence at once.

There is a stillness that can be heard when the needle falls, even when the air begins to condense.

Then there was a click in the silence.

Grinding teeth sound, xuanyuanche eyebrows began to brew storm.

Mo Quan and clapping, Ryukyu rose slowly and expressionless.

Two small do not see, that black as grape"s big eyes purr a turn.

With two hands holding hands, they began to move towards the hall door at a considerable speed.

On one side, he said politely, "since we already know the reason, we will not disturb the mother and the father to carry out the sacred task of reproduction..."

The little guy on the left didn"t finish his words. He closed his mouth cleverly at the sight of the moon.

The one on the right immediately raised a lovely smile: "we also like having a younger brother or sister, don"t disturb the father and the mother, don"t bother."

Say, two small look at each other, the eye only rises a signal.

Murderous, run.

At that moment, take two little fat legs and rush towards the Palace door.

"Stop for me." Xuanyuanche"s face was livid. He just shouted at them.

Two small but also do not return to the crazy rush out, one way: "Uncle Ouyang said, can not be angry, especially angry our two children.

This is very unfriendly and unwise.

It will reduce the charm of the father and the mother. "

"What?" Ryukyu"s low voice slowly sounded in two small ears, very heavy, very cold.

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